abalone gúnx̱aa gúnx̱aa nóoxʼu | abalone shell

abandon √tlʼeet | abandon; leave; throw away; dispose of; divorce O-S-l-√tlʼeet | for S to abandon, desert, leave O; for S to throw away, dispose of, get rid of O; for S to divorce O; for S to fire O (from a job)

abdomen –yuwá | abdomen; surface of belly; front of body || –x̱ʼóolʼ | belly, paunch –x̱ʼulʼdaa | tailbone

about –daa ² | around; about; concerning –daat || –x̱ʼadaa | about, concerning his/her words, speech

above dikée | up; above; up in the sky, in heaven || –kináak | above – || kínde; dakínde; dikínde | upward || –shakée | (on) top of the head of −; top of – (something with a rounded top, as a mountain); above –; (elevated) over –

abstain at + S-l-√g̱aas ˟ | for S to abstain, refrain from, keep from doing (usually for ceremonial or religious reasons, esp. of lent)

acceptable g̱aa | sufficient; enough; acceptable; pleasant N + tóo-g̱aa + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for N to be acceptable to O; for N to be satisfactory to O; for N to be well-liked by O

accident ¹ (verb) ḵáakw-t⁓ + O-∅-√nei ² ʰ | for O to have an accident, get hurt

accident ² (noun) ḵaaḵwx̱daagané; ḵaaḵx̱daagané; ḵaaḵwx̱dagán | wrongly by accident; unfortunate mistake

accompany √x̱án N-xʼ + sh + S-d+l-√x̱án ˟ | for S to accompany N; for S to take (a liking) to N; for S to follow N around || N + een-x̱ + sh + S-d+l-√yeix̱ ¹ | for S to use accompany N; for S to be with N all the time

accomplish O-ya-S-∅-√dlaaḵ

accomplishment at wujaaḵw

according to –yáx̱ | like; according to; as much as; equal to; similar to –jiyáx̱ | according to the way – does it || –x̱ʼayáx̱ | according to  words, instructions

accordion át sh kawdudziyéedi

accumulate yan⁓ + O-ka-S-l-√gaa ²

accuse N + géi⁓ + yoo + x̱ʼa-S-l-√.aat ⁵ | for S to accuse, speak against N || N + géi⁓ + O-ka-S-s-√haa ⁴ | for S to accuse, blame N || √heech | watch covertly; accuse

accustomed to √daa ² | accustomed to; figure out N + ee⁓ + ∅-√daa ² | for N to become accustomed to, get used to it || N + x̱ʼéix̱ + ∅-√daa ² | for N to become used to, accustomed to it (of manner of speech or flavor of food) || N-x̱ + O-tu-∅-√daa ² | for O to become used to, accustomed to N (esp. in attitudes)

achilles tendon –saayeetéetʼi

acknowledge (yéi) + ya-S-∅-√ḵaa ¹ | for S to say (a certain thing); for S to confess, acknowledge, declare (a certain thing) || (n + éede) + O-ya-S-s-√ḵaa ¹ | for S to charge (N) for O; for S to set the price of O; for S to confess, acknowledge, or delcare O

acquainted O-S-s-√koo ʰ  ¹

acquire O-ya-S-∅-√dlaaḵ

across diyáa | across (especially of body of water); the other side (especially of body of water) || diyáanax̱.á | area across (especially of body of water); on the other side (especially of body of water) || –kagé | across from it || –keeká | across from it; on the other side facing it

act √geet ² || (yéi) + ḵu-S-∅-√nook ³ | for S to behave, do, act (in a certain way)

act against at + géit⁓ + S-d+s-√geet ²

act like N-t + S-∅-√nook ³ | for S to act like N

actions –daa.itnagóowu || –ḵunóogu

active tlél yax̱⁓ + S-d+∅-√tsʼéin | they are always active; they are mischievous

actual ḵúnáx̱– | very; actual; real || yankáxʼ– | genuinely; truly

actually ḵachoo || ḵúnáx̱ | really; actually; very

add –kíknáx̱ | in addition to it; along with it; to the side of it; besides that

add to N-t⁓ + ka-S-d+∅-√g̱éexʼ | for S to donate, contribute, add to N || O-sha-ya-l-√haa ² ʰ | for S to have many, plenty, lots of O; for O to add to the amount of O

addict –tsʼéix̱i | is addicted to –; has a taste for –; craves –

address √yoo | address as (using a kinship term) (yéi) + N + yát⁓ + x̱ʼa-S-d+l-√yoo | for S to address, call N by certain relationship term and thus adopt that relationship

adequate tlʼag̱áa || –jeeg̱áa | (big) enough for them to have or use; adequate for them

adhere √sʼeexʼw N-t⁓ + O-ka-S-l-√sʼéexʼw | for S to stick O (esp. paper) to N

admire N + yáa + O-li-√ḵʼéi ˟

adolescent –kʼátskʼu; –kʼwátskʼu || shaatk’ásk’u | adolescent girl || shaax’wsáani | adolescent girls || yadakʼwátskʼu

adopt (yéi) + N + yát⁓ + x̱ʼa-S-d+l-√yoo | for S to address, call N by certain relationship term and thus adopt that relationship || a + tóot + O-ji-S-∅-√taan ³ | for S to take O into a clan; for S to adopt O into a clan

adult yanwáat || yées ḵu.oo | young adults; young people

adversary –yaanaayí | adversary

advise √jaa | instruct; advice; counsel O-shu-ka-S-∅-√jaa ʰ | for S to instruct, show O (by word); for S to advise, give advice to, counsel O || √sʼeesʼ | squirt; advise pointedly; whistle quietly

advocate at yátxʼi daa yoo at kooneik ḵáa | court appointed special advocate

adze (verb) √x̱ootʼ ² O-S-∅-√x̱óotʼ ² | for S to chip O out (with adze); for S to chop O (wood) || (noun) x̱útʼaa || sʼoow x̱útʼaa | stone adze

affair sh + kalyéi + O-ya-S-∅-√xeex ⁴ | for S to fool around sexually with O; for S to have an affair with O

affect N + ee⁓ + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to affect N

affected by N + tóon + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for N to care about O; for N to be concerned about O; for N to be affected by O

afraid √x̱eitlʼ; √x̱eetlʼ ¹ | afraid; fearful N-xʼ + a-ka-u-S-d+l-√x̱éitlʼ ˟ | for S to be afraid of, fear N

after (particle) aadáx̱; aax̱ | after it (that time); from it; off of it || (particle) aag̱áa | after that; at that time; following that || a ít aa; e ítde aa (C) | the following one; the next one || –ít | after –; following – || –eetí | (what is left) after it is gone; the place where it used to be; its imprint, ruins, legacy, remains || gaaw ítxʼ | after the appointed time; late || -g̱aa | going after; waiting for; in the area of; about the time of || –eeg̱áa | waiting for; going after; going for (to get)

afterbirth –keegí; –tʼaag̱í ² | placenta, afterbirth || –x̱ʼáati | embrionic sac, caul (of ruminant)

afterlife dag̱anḵú; dax̱anḵú

afternoon sitgawsáan ítdáx̱ | sitgaamsáan ítdáx̱ (T) || yakyee; yagiyee; yagee (T) | day; afternoon

against –x̱ʼanaa | (protecting) from, against a bite; keeping from eating something || –gé | against; opposing

agape √tʼaax̱ | open mouth; agape x̱ʼa-S-∅-√tʼaax̱ | for S to open oneʼs mouth wide, keep oneʼs mouth open

age –katáagu || √shaan O-d+∅-√shaan | for O to show signs of old age (esp. grey hair), for O to become old, age

aged √sʼeex | aged food; ferment; spoil; rot ¹ (adjective) –kasʼeex

ago chʼáakw | long ago; back then; back in those days; in the old days; in ancient times || chʼa kʼikát; chʼa kʼát; chʼa kʼeekát; chʼe kʼeekét | just barely; barely managing (to do a little); just now; a little while ago

agree (yéi) + O-sa-S-∅-√haa ⁴

aground kux

ahead –shuká | in front of –; ahead of – || yaadachóon | straight (ahead); directly (ahead)

Ahtna iḵkaa | Ahtna; Copper River Dene

aid √soo | supernatural aid N + eeg̱áa + ∅-√soo | for N to receive supernatural aid; for N to be blessed by spiritual aid

air yées daséikw | fresh air

airplane át wudiḵeeni yaakw || woosh kát kawdliyeejí aa || yaa ndaḵín yaakw

airport woosh kát kawdliyeejí aa daakahídi

alarm x̱ʼaan daa.éexʼi | fire alarm

Alaska Anáaski; Anásgi

alcohol náaw || l yaa ḵoojigeyi héen | liquor; booze; alcoholic beverage

alcoholic náaw éesh || náaw sʼaatí

alcoholic beverage kasiyaayi héen || kóoshdaa lóoxʼu || náaw

alder keishísh | alnus alder; beach alder; mountain alder || shéix̱ʼw | red alder

alert √keits ¹ || √koos | for a dog to dream; for a dog to become alert

Aleut Ana.óot || Giyaḵw || Gutéix̱ʼ

algae (noun) káasʼ | ocean algae || (verb) √kaasʼ | scummy; covered in algae || (noun) x̱aatlʼ | algae found on rocks; freshwater fine grass

alien g̱una.át; g̱uneit | something strange; a different type of being (supernatural or animal)

alight N-t⁓ + a-ka-∅-√gaan ¹

alive √tseen ²

alkali wéinaa | alkali deposit; lime

all ldakát

all gone! hóochʼ; hóochkʼ

all the time tlákw || chʼa tlákw

allegation yaḵá | speech, words; angry words; allegation, charge(s)

alligator li.oox̱u tseenx̱ʼé tlein

almost tlél unalé; tlél nalé || tlelé; tlelí || tleinlé; tleinlí

along –kíknáx̱ | in addition to it; along with it; to the side of it; besides that || –keek | along with them; at his/her side || -náx̱ ¹ | through; along; via; including the time of anax̱ | through it; along it || –x̱ʼayaax̱ | along the edge of (road or body of water)

alongside –kík | alongside it; catching up with it || –tʼaḵká | side (of body); alongside of

aloof –wanáa | separate, apart from it; keeping away, aloof from it; more than it (a number)

alpine shaa láax̱ | bare-peaked, alpine mountain

already de; dei | already; by now || desgwách | already

although chʼa aan ¹ | although; even though; however; nonetheless; yet || ḵu.aa; ḵwa | although; however

aluminum géxtlʼ || lʼeix

Alutiiq Giyaḵw || Gutéix̱ʼ

always tlákw || chʼa tlákw || nooch; nuch; neech; nich

amaze √jeich ¹ | surprise; astonish; amaze O-ya-S-l-√jeich ¹ | for S to suprise, astonish, amaze O || N + yáa + ḵut + O-∅-√nei ² | for O to amaze N

amazing √koodzí ˟ | amazing; wonderful O-l-√koodzí | for O to be amazing, wonderful

ambition –satoowú

ambitious O-l-√sʼaaḵ | for O to be ambitious, industrious, hard working lisʼaag̱í ḵáa | ambitious person

American Waashdan Ḵwáan

American Indian Tʼaawyáatʼ

amniotic fluid tlahéeni | amniotic fluid in the womb (of human) || –x̱ʼáati tuhéeni | amniotic fluid in its womb (of animal, esp a ruminant)

among –x̱oo | (in) the midst of; among

amount chʼa wáa kugei sá | any amount; however many || –kugeiyí | size of an ordinary object; amount of a supply, resource, burden, etc.

amuse self √ookʼ ḵu-S-d+s-√.ookʼ ˟

ANB sash koogéinaa

ancestor –daakanóoxʼu | ancestor(s) of – (term of respect, usually referring to oneʼs motherʼs motherʼs father) || –shagóon | ancestor(s) of the clan or nation of; background, heredity of Haa Shagóon | Our Ancestors; Our History; Where We Come From; Our Origins and History || –shaadí | acestor; forebear || –shuká | genealogy of; ancestors of; history of Haa Shuká | Our Ancestors; Our History; Our descendants; Our Clan Crest

anchor daak + O-sha-S-s-√tee ² | for S to anchor O temporarily || (verb) O-sha-S-s-√yaa ³ | for S to anchor O (a boat) || sha-S-d+S-√yaa ³ | for S to anchor, lower anchor || (noun) shayéinaa

Anchorage Áankich

ancient chʼáagu– || tlagu–; tlaguwu– || chʼáakw | long ago; back then; back in those days; in the old days; in ancient times

and ḵa

anemic tlél + O-l-√tseen ˟ ¹ | for O to be anemic; for O to be weak

anemone tayashágu | small red sea anemone || tayataayí | sea anemone

angel kooḵénaa; kooḵánaa (T)

anger (noun) ḵukahín | petulance; irritation; crankiness || (noun) xʼáan || (verb) √xʼaan ² | anger; angry

Angoon Aangóon | “Village Isthmus” || Xudzidaa Ḵwáan | People of the Angoon Area; "People Around the Charred Wood" || Xutsnoowú Ḵwáan | People of the Angoon Area; "People of the Brown Bear Fort"

angrily xʼáandéin

angry xʼáan-t⁓ + S-∅-√nook ³ | for S to be angry, mad, mean || xʼáan + a-S-∅-√.oo ¹ ˟ | for S to be angry, mean || √xʼaan ² | anger; angry O-∅-√xʼaan ² | for O to be angry, in a bad mood (all the time)

animal at gutu.ádi; daḵka.ádi | animal in the woods; animal that walks on land || hintak.ádi | sea creature; animal that lives in the sea

ankle –shutóox̱ʼ || –x̱ʼustʼáḵlʼi | knob on outer side of ankle

annoy O-S-sh-√keen

annoyed √gaaxʼ ² | tired of a sound; annoyed by a sound

annoyed with √ḵeet ¹ | suspect; annoyed with tóo + O-S-sh-√ḵeet ˟ ¹ | for S to be annoyed with, tired of, fed up with O

ANS sash koogéinaa

answer √ei ¹ | answer; reply ¹ a-S-d+∅-√.ei ¹ | for S to answer, reply to a greeting or to oneʼs name

ant wanatóox; wanatíx || tóox | ant; bedbug; sand flea

antenna –gúgu | antenna (of radio)

anticipate O-shu-S-s-√tee ʰ ¹ | for S to anticipate, foresee O; for S to expect, consider O likely to happen or arrive

anticipation –yayís | getting ready for it; in anticipation of it

antler –sheidí | antler; horn

anus –tuḵx̱ʼé; –toox̱ʼé; –tuḵʼé; –tuḵ.woolí

anxiety tuxʼandaxeech | anxiety; wracked nerves; preoccupation; something weighing on oneʼs mind

anxious O-ka-S-∅-√jeek ˟ | for S to wonder, be curious, anxious about O

any chʼa daaḵw.aa sá; chʼa daag̱u.aa sá; chʼa daatḵu.aa sá | any (certain one); whichever (one) || chʼa gwátgeen sá; chʼa gútgeen sá (Y) | any time (in the future); whenever (in the future) || chʼa gwátk sá | any time (in the past); whenever (in the past) || chʼa koogéiyi | any old way; randomly; carelessly || chʼa wáa kugei sá | any amount; however many

anybody chʼa aadóo sá, chʼa aa sá || chʼa aadóo sá

anyone chʼa aadóo sá, chʼa aa sá || chʼa aadóo sá

anyplace chʼa gootʼá sá, chʼa gootʼé sá (C) || chʼa gooxʼ sá

anything chʼa daa sá

anywhere chʼa gootʼá sá, chʼa gootʼé sá (C) || chʼa gooxʼ sá

apart –wanáa | separate, apart from it; keeping away, aloof from it; more than it (a number)

apostrophe tsʼéekʼw kashxeedí | apostrophe

appear before N + waḵsheeyee-xʼ + yéi + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to appear before N; for O to be apparent to N

appendix –yée

applaud ka-S-l-√tʼaach | for S to applaud; for S to clap

apple xʼáaxʼ || áabíns; áagúns

apple juice xʼáaxʼ kahéeni

appoint a + tóo + daak + O-S-s-√.aat ¹ | classification: plural subject || a + tóo + daak + O-S-s-√goot ¹ | classification: singular subject

April Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi

apron keit | apron worn by íx̱tʼ while making medicine, or worn while fighting || yoowa.át | apron || kʼideit; kʼúlʼdaa.át | smaller apron, worn around the hips

aquarium x̱áatxʼi sáani daakahídi

area tliyaanax̱.á | area farther over; (toward) the other side || diyáanax̱.á | area across (especially of body of water); on the other side (especially of body of water) || –niyaanáx̱; –yinaanáx̱ | through a side of lineage (usually mother or father); through the area near it; along the area near it

argue N + een + woosh + x̱ʼa-S-d+∅-√xéet ˟ | for S to argue, quarrel with N

arm –jig̱ei | crook of arm; in embrace of || –sʼúdi | forearm (of person); lower forelimb (of animal) || –x̱eek | upper arm

armor adawóotl yuwaa.át | body armor; breastplate || sankeit | armor used as protection in climbing || kasan.át | wooden slat armor || yinaaháat; niyaháat | body armor; breastplate

armpit –éenee; –éenyee; –éeni (C) –éenee x̱aawú; –éenyee x̱aawú; –éeni x̱aawú (C) | armpit hair

armspan waat

army x̱áa | group of canoes on the water; war party; attacking force of warriors or soldiers; army

around át ³ | moving around || –daa ² | around; about; concerning gandaa | around the fire || –shuwadaa | around (bypassing, avoiding); around the end of || –x̱ʼadaa || –daaká | (around) the outside surface of it || -g̱aa | about the time of || -t | arriving at; at a point; moving about at; around a point

arrest O-S-∅-√sháat | for S to catch O; for S to grab, take hold of, snatch O; for S to arrest O; for S to trap O

arrive N-t⁓ + ḵu-∅-√haa ³ || √haa ³

arriving (preverb) át ² | arriving there

arrow at x̱ʼéidi; –x̱ʼéidi | point of arrow or harpoon || chooneit || g̱útl | blunt arrow for stunning || sheexw | close quarter bow and arrow || tláaḵ | sharp arrow for killing || tʼúgwaa | bow and arrow || –x̱aaní | barbs (of spear or arrow); prongs (of spear or arrow)

art at nané || at yahaayí xʼúxʼ kshaxeet | an artifact from drawing, painting, and making non-sculptural art || ḵaa yahaayí kshaxeet | the act of draiwng, painting, and making non-sculptural art

arthritis daa.ittunéekw

artifact –ji.eetí

artist ḵaa jín kajág̱u

as –yáx̱ | like; according to; as much as; equal to; similar to –eeteeyáx̱; –eetíyáx̱; –eeteeyiyáx̱; –eeteeyiyéx̱ | as much as before

as if óosh

as soon as een, tin, tín, teen, téen, -n; -n; tin, tín, teen, téen, een, -n ; teen, téen, een, tin, tín, -n

ash (noun) kélʼtʼ || (verb) √keilʼ ³ || (noun) sʼeeḵ a káa yax̱ ataan | ash tray

ashamed √deixʼ O-ka-∅-√déixʼ ˟

ashes kélʼtʼ

ask O-S-∅-√.éexʼ ˟ ¹ | for S to invite O, ask O to a party || (yóo) + O-ya-S-s-√ḵaa ¹ | for S to tell, say (that) to O; for S to ask O to do (that) || √tsaay | want; ask || √woosʼ ¹; √waasʼ | ask; inquire O-x̱ʼa-S-∅-√wóosʼ ˟ ¹ | for S to ask, question O

ask for √ei ² | ask for; wish for O-S-d+s-√.ei ² | for S to ask for more O (often as a payment, often by a medicine person); for S to wish for more O || O-S-d+s-√g̱áax̱ ˟ | for S to cry for, ask for O || √x̱oox̱ | summon; call on; ask for N + éex̱ + O-S-∅-√x̱oox̱ ˟ | for S to ask for O (from N) || (N + éedáx̱) + O-ka-S-l-√x̱óox̱ ˟ | for S to ask for O (from N)

askance N + yaax̱ + kei + a-ka-S-d+l-√tʼáasʼ | for S to snap eyes at, look askance at, or glance at N (indicating anger, dislike, or suspicion)

askew kax̱ʼakdéin; kex̱ʼakdéin | crooked; askew; diagonally

assault ji-S-d+∅-√.aat ¹ | for (plural) S to attack, assault, fall upon || √jaaḵw ¹ | beat up; assault O-S-∅-√jáaḵw ¹ | for S to beat up, assault, violently attack O

assemble woosh + kaanáx̱ + S-d+∅-√.aat ¹ || woosh + x̱oo-t⁓ + S-d+∅-√.aat ¹

assess N + daa + ya-S-d+s-√.aa ² | for S to examine, inspect, look into N; for S to judge, assess N || N + daadé + ḵu-S-∅-√téesʼ ˟ | for S to inspect the performance or circumstance of N; for S to assess N

assist N + ée-t⁓ + S-d+∅-√shee ³ | for S (person, medicine, etc.) to help, give help to, assist N

assistant íx̱tʼ x̱án ḵáawu | medicine personʼs assistant

astonish √jeich ¹ | surprise; astonish; amaze O-ya-S-l-√jeich ¹ | for S to suprise, astonish, amaze O || N + yáa + ḵut + O-∅-√nei ² | for O to amaze N

astonished O-ḵʼa-d+∅-√gwáatl || O-ya-∅-√jeich || √jeich

astray ḵut | going astray; getting lost

at –x̱án | near; at the house of; by || -t | arriving at; at a point; moving about at || -xʼ ⁓ -∅ | at rest or residing; at the scene of; at the time of áxʼ | residing at it; located at it || -x̱ ¹ | in prolonged contact at; moving around at; repeatedly arriving at áx̱ | moving around at it; repeatedly arriving at || -u ⁓ -wu | is/are at áwu | located at it

at some point wáa nanée sáwé

Athabaskan G̱unanaa | Inland People (Dene)

atlatl júx̱ʼaa | sling (for thowing objects) || shee aan | throwing board for a spear or dart

Atlin Áa Tlein

atmosphere –xáasʼi

attach (N-dé) + O-ka-S-s-√xaat ¹ | for S to connect, attach, tie O (to N) || N-(dé) + ka-s-√xaat ¹ | for something to be connected, attached, tied (to) N

attack ji-S-d+∅-√.aat ¹ | for (plural) S to attack, assault, fall upon || O-S-∅-√jáaḵw ¹ | for S to beat up, assault, violently attack O || √x̱aa ³ | attack in fleet; attack in pod; war

attempt √aaḵw ¹ | attempt; try ka-S-∅-√aaḵw ˟ ¹ | for S to try, attempt

attendant –daa yoo jikwli.átgi || –x̱ʼadaa yoo jikool.átgi | waiter, attendant

attic hít shantú

attracting attention O-ka-l-√g̱éi | for O to be fancy, prominent (esp. in appearance), conspicuous, attracting attention

attractive O-ya-ka-s-√.aan ˟ ² | to have an attractive face || O-ka-s-√.aan ˟ ² | for something to be attractive

August Shaa Xeiyí Dísi

Auke Lake Áakʼw | "Little Lake"

auklet kéel || chʼeet || –kéel

aunt –aat | paternal aunt (opposite clan) || –tláakʼw | maternal aunt (same clan)

aurora borealis gisʼóoḵ | aurora borealis; northern lights

autism keewáa ḵáawu yahaayí | person with mental disabilities

automobile át wududziḵúx̱u át

available –jiká | getting in their way; coming their way (so that it is attainable) || –jix̱án | at hand (for him to work with), available || –x̱ʼax̱án | at hand (for him to eat or drink), available

avalanche dleit ḵaadí | snowslide; snow avalanche

avens aan kanáagu | largeleaf avens; large-leaved avens

avoid –shuwadaa | around (bypassing, avoiding); around the end of || –waḵshú | trying to avoid being seen, observed by; hiding what one is doing from

awake √x̱eiḵ; √x̱eek O-S-s-√x̱eiḵ | for S to keep O awake

away –dakán | facing away from – || –náḵ | away from it, leaving it behind || –wanáa | separate, apart from it; keeping away, aloof from it; more than it (a number) || woosh dakán | facing away from each other || –yatʼéináx̱ | in secret (where nobody can see); away from peopleʼs view

awful looking √jee ² O-ka-(u)-l-√jée ˟ ²

awl sʼúwaa

axe shanax̱wáayi; shunax̱wáayi; shunx̱wáa (C) || tayees; yees | stone chisel; stone axe; wedge

babiche dzaas

baby √neiy | baby; twiddle tʼukanéiyi

babysitter atyátxʼi latíni

back ¹ –díx̱ʼ –dix̱ʼtusʼaag̱í; –díx̱ʼtú sʼaaḵx’í | backbone || –lidíx̱ʼ | back of their neck; their (upper) neck || –gáaxw | back (of a knife or other blade); back edge, spine of it || –leet | back (of fish) –litká | (on) the back of it (fish); on the crest, ridge, backbone of it (hill, ridge, point)

back ² daaḵ | up in the woods (from the shore); inland; back (from the open); off of fire dag̱inaa; dig̱inaa | back part (toward inland, toward the interior, away from the open); back room || daḵká | up in the woods; inland; back (away from the open, away from the waterʼs edge, inside) || –dzúk | at the back of; right behind || –kʼiyee | near the base of –; at the foot of –; the back of – (a house); rear of – (a house); behind – (a house); under the shelter of – (a standing object or structure) || ḵaa yatʼéináx̱ | in secret (where nobody can see); away from peopleʼs view || –yatʼéik | behind  back; where – canʼt see

back ³ chʼáakw | long ago; back then; back in those days; in the old days; in ancient times

backbone x̱áat kʼáax̱ʼi | bloodline inside fish, along the backbone

backed up √yeeḵ ⁴

background –shagóon | ancestor(s) of the clan or nation of; background, heredity of

backpack yáanaa | backpack; pack sack || x̱éey; x̱éiy; x̱íyaa | pack; backpack; packsack

backside –kʼóolʼ | tailbone, bottom of his/her spine

backwards ḵux̱ dakʼóolʼeen; ḵux̱ dakʼóolʼin

bacon gishoo taayí

bad (verb) tlél + O-sh-√kʼéi | for O to be bad, evil, no good (verbal adjective) l ushikʼéiyi | bad; evil; wicked

badly l ushkʼedéin | with evil intention; badly (behavior)

bad-mouth O-S-∅-√xwéi ˟ | for S to tease, joke about O (esp. particular tribal relations, such as paternal uncle); for S to bad-mouth O

badness l ushkʼé

bag gwéil || náaḵw tlʼeig̱i gwéil; tl’éiḵ gwéili | octopus bag

baggage at la.át | baggage; luggage; suitcase; things, stuff packed up for carrying || át wududzix̱óotʼi | luggage or briefcase on wheels

baggy √leil | flabby; limp; baggy

bail out √koox O-ka-S-s-√koox | for S to bail out O (water, by hand or pump)

bailer kakúxaa || sheen; shéen | wooden bailer

bait (verb) √naaḵw ¹ ya-S-d+∅-√náaḵw ¹ | for S to bait hooks, put bait on fish hooks || (adjective) yalináaḵwchʼán | good for bait || (noun) –deenáag̱u || –yanáag̱u; –yeenáag̱u | bait for || at yanáag̱u | bait

bald √x̱ʼwaasʼ ¹ | remove hair; lose hair; become bald l-√x̱ʼwáasʼ ¹ | for something to lose its hair, become bald || O-sha-l-√x̱ʼwáasʼ ¹ | for O (human) to become bald || (noun) shax̱’wáasʼ | bald head; bald spot

baleen xén yáay x̱ʼaxéni

balk √dzeey

ball aasdaakʼwátʼi | decorative fur balls on mitten strings || dleit kachúxwti (C); dleit kachíxwti (A); dleit kachúxdi; dleit dzoonáa (T) | snowball || koochʼéitʼaa | ball; basketball

balloon kadu.uxx̱u át

balsam lkʼóox̱ʼeit | balsam fir

bamboo kaneilx̱ʼú

banana aandaat kanahík atx̱aayí || chʼáakʼ x̱aagú

bandage O-ka-S-∅-√sʼeet | for S to bind up, wrap around, bandage O

baneberry sʼeek tléig̱u

banister a daax̱ yaa dulsheech át | banister; railing; handrail

bank lʼawshaa; lʼewshaa (C)

bank teller dáanaa la.aadí

bankward √daaḵ ³

bannister daax̱ yaajikakdulilʼji át | bannister, railing

bannock sakwnéin || eix̱ kát sakwnein; eex̱ kát sakwnéin (Y,A,T) || sakwnéin éewu | (loaf of) bread

baptizer héenx̱ ḵuyala.aadí

barb –x̱aaní | barbs (of spear or arrow); prongs (of spear or arrow) || √x̱aan

barbecue ¹ (verb) √tseek O-S-l-√tseek | for S to barbecue O

barbecue ² tséek || (noun) x̱ʼwéinaa; x̱ʼwénaa tséek; dleey kax̱ʼwénaa; dleey kex̱ʼwénaa (C) | roasting stick (split so that the meat can be inserted; the end is then bound)

bare kalsʼáaxwḵ | bare-headed; hatless || kaltsáaxʼḵ | bare-handed; without mittens || shaltláax̱ | reef or rock with bare lichen-covered top above water level

barefoot kaltéelḵ

barely chʼa kʼikát; chʼa kʼát; chʼa kʼeekát; chʼe kʼeekét | just barely; barely managing (to do a little); just now; a little while ago

bark ¹ –daayí || déix̱ x̱ʼasiteeyi tséek | forked stick with two prongs used for debarking roots || loon | dry woody outer bark || –láx̱ʼi | sapwood; sappy inner bark (of a tree) || sáxʼ | cambium, sap scraped from inner bark || sʼagwáat | flaky surface of the outer bark of conifers, especially hemlock || teey woodí; teey hoodí; tiyweidí | yellow cedar bark (for weaving) || x̱óow | slab of bark || –yayeidí | inside surface of bark || √x̱oow | peeling bark; pulling slabs of bark

bark ² √shaa ¹ a-S-∅-√shaa ¹ | for S (dog) to start barking || O-ya-S-l-√shaa ¹ | for S (dog) to bark at O

barnacle sʼook

barrel káast

base –gú | base of || –kʼí | the base or foot of it (a standing object); trunk of a tree or large plant || –kʼiyee | near the base of –; at the foot of –; the back of – (a house); rear of – (a house); behind – (a house); under the shelter of – (a standing object or structure) || –kʼeeyí | base (of tree or other plant); the lower part of its trunk or stem

baseball ash koolḵʼíshaa | playing baseball || át kanduḵʼíshji | batter in baseball; hockey player || kadashátx̱i | catcher (in baseball) || kooḵʼíshaa | hockey stick; baseball bat; pole, stick used for bracing || koochʼéitʼaa át kanduḵʼíshji | baseball || ḵʼeish tóowu | umpire (in baseball) || ḵʼíshaa | hockey stick; baseball bat || yoo kdag̱íxʼgi | pitcher (in baseball)

bashful √seek ³ | bashful; shy || at + ka-u-S-l-√ḵéi ² | for S to be shy of O

basin a kát yadu.usʼgu át; a kát yat.usʼkw át; a kát yadu.usʼgu sʼíxʼ | wash basin (for face) || jin.úsʼaa yeit; jin.óosʼaa yeit | wash basin (for hands)

basket áagadi | unfinished basket || kadádzaa yeit; kadaadzáa yeit; katádzaa yeit | basket or pan used to collect berries by knocking them all off the bush || ḵákw at daayí ḵákw | birch bark basket || kaltálk | berrying basket || kaat | long, flat loosely woven basket for pressing out herring oil || léitʼ ²; léetʼ | roots or vines used in basket decoration || néilʼ | basket of woven red cedar bark || seig̱atáanaa; ḵákw seig̱atáanaa | berrying basket or can hung around neck, resting on the chest || táal | flat open basket woven from wide strips of bark (for carrying fish, etc.); large platter || tsʼanéi | round basket made of split red cedar branches || tudaxákw; tuḵdaadaxákw | basket with rattle in the lid || wóow daakeit | lunch basket, lunch container || x̱ʼakaskéin | unfinished basket

basketball koochʼéitʼaa | ball; basketball || ash koolchʼéitʼaa | playing basketball || √chʼéitʼaa ˟ | play basketball ash + ka-u-S-d+l-√chʼéitʼaa ˟ | for S to play basketball

bass lit.isdúk

bastard neechkayádi

bat ¹ sʼigeiditaanú; sʼigeiditaan

bat ² kooḵʼíshaa | hockey stick; baseball bat || ḵʼíshaa | hockey stick; baseball bat

bathe √shooch O-S-∅-√shooch | for S to bathe O || S-d+∅-√shooch | for S to soak in cold waters for strength; for S to bathe, take a bath || daa + S-d+∅-√.óosʼ | for S to take a bath

bathroom ¹ (verb) gánde + S-∅-√goot | for (singular) S to go to the bathroom || gánde + S-∅-√.aat ¹ | for (plural) S to go to the bathroom

bathroom ² gánde nagoot eedí; gánde nagoot eetí | bathroom || kwás | chamberpot; honeybucket; bedpan; toilet

bathtub aan sh daadu.úsʼgu át

baton shí sʼaatí wootsaag̱ayí | song leaderʼs staff, baton

bay ¹ (noun) g̱eiy; g̱eey (T,Y,K) || ḵú | small bay || náx̱ | sheltered bay; fjord || –tá; g̱eey tá; ḵug̱entáak | head of bay

bay ² √g̱aaḵ ¹

be √tee ¹ (yéi) + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to be (that way) || N-xʼ + yéi + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to be or stay at N; for O to dwell, live at N; for O to remain at N || (yéi) + ḵu-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for the weather to be (that way) || N-x̱ + O-s-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to be N (a member of a group); for O to become N

be near N + x̱án-xʼ + yéi + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹

be sure not to tsá ²; tsé

be sure to xʼwán ²

be with N + een-x̱ + O-s-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to be with N

beach (landform) aan eeg̱ayáak | the beach, shore below the town || (preverb) dáag̱i | out of the water onto the beach, shore || –eeg̱ayáak | the beach, shore below || (preverb) éeg̱i | from the woods onto the beach, shore || (landform) éiḵ; éeḵ | down on the shore, beach || neech ¹ | beach; shore || –seiyí | the shelter of; the lee of; beach area below (a mountain, hill, etc.) || shaa seiyí | shelter of a mountain; area on the beach below a mountain

beach asparagus suḵkáadzi

beachcomb √tʼeet | beachcomb; scavenge

bead ¹ √ḵaa ²

bead ² kawóot | bead(s) kawóot ka.íshx̱i | strung up beads || sʼeiḵ kawóot | light bluish-gray trade bead(s)

beading kawóotʼ daḵéisʼi

beak –lú | nose; beak luyaxʼaan | tip of nose; tip of beak

beam ¹ hít kaságu

beam ² dís x̱ʼus.eetí | moonbeam || g̱agaan x̱ʼoos | sunbeam; ray of sunlight g̱agaan x̱ʼusyee | sunbeam hitting a surface; ray of sunlight hitting a surface || g̱agaan x̱ʼus.eetí | in a sunbeam; in a ray of sunlight

beans gwéens

bear ¹ sʼeek | black bear || sʼiknóon; sítʼ tuxóodzi | glacier bear || sʼuḵkasdúk | brown bear with solid ribs || xóots | brown bear; grizzly bear hintaak xóodzi; dleit xóots (T) | polar bear || yatseeneit | brown bear; grizzly bear

bear in mind N + tóo-xʼ + yéi + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for N to remember O; for N to bear O in mind

bear root tsáats

bearberry tínx | alpine bearberry, kinnikinnik

beard (verb) √dzaay (noun) –yadaadzaayí | beard; whiskers || –ḵʼanoox̱ú | whiskers, beard (of fish)

beat ¹ √gwaal O-S-∅-√gwaal | for S to beat O (esp. drum) || O-ka-S-l-√xaakw | for S to grind up O; for S to beat, whip O up (esp. soapberries) || √x̱eech ² | beat with stick-like object

beat ² O-ya-S-∅-√dlaaḵ | for S to defeat, beat O

beat up (verb) √jaaḵw ¹ | beat up; assault O-S-∅-√jáaḵw ¹ | for S to beat up, assault, violently attack O i a jáḵwti | beat up old thing

beautiful (adjective) −kadáan || –kalé || (verb) O-sha-ka-l-√g̱éi | for O to be pretty, cute, beautiful

beaver sʼigeidí; sʼikyeidí || adeendaa | half-grown beaver

beaver den sʼigeidí x̱aayí

because ách ¹ | because of that; therefore; so || -ch ¹ || –tuwáadáx̱; tuwáatx̱ | because of –; due to –; by virtue of –; on the strength of –; encouraged by –

become N-x̱ + O-s-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to be N (a member of a group); for O to become N

bed ¹ dei yík | bed of the trail/path/road/street; on the trail/path/road/street

bed ² káa x̱exʼwx̱ yeit || tayee; tayei | in bed || yee.át yee.át kag̱áaji | (heavy) bedspread; quilt, comforter (for a bed) || yee.át kasʼísayi | sheet; (light) bedspread

bed ³ O-S-S-√taa ʰ ¹ | for S to put (singular) O to bed || O-S-s-√x̱éixʼw | for S to put (plural) O to bed

bedbug aandaatóox || tóox | ant; bedbug; sand flea

bedclothes tanaa.ádi

bedroom áa ax̱éixʼw yé

bee gandaasʼaají

beehive gandaasʼaají kúdi

beer géewaa

beetle kʼulʼkaskéxkw || shax̱dáḵw

before –eeteeyáx̱; –eetíyáx̱; –eeteeyiyáx̱; –eeteeyiyéx̱ | as much as before || –shukát; –shukwát; –shukwét | before that; before then || –waḵshiyee | before ones eyes; where one can see (it)

begin shóogunáx̱ | (at) first; originally; in the beginning

beginning g̱unéi | beginning to; starting to

behave √nook ³; √neekw ³ (yéi) + ḵu-S-∅-√nook ³ | for S to behave, do, act (in a certain way)

behind –dzúk | at the back of; right behind || –kʼiyee | near the base of –; at the foot of –; the back of – (a house); rear of – (a house); behind – (a house); under the shelter of – (a standing object or structure) || –tʼáak | back inland from –; behind – (when looking from the sea); on the landward side of –(something on the water) || (verb root) √tʼei ² (relational base) –tʼéik; –tʼéi || (relational noun) –yatʼéik | behind  back; where – canʼt see

behold O-S-s-√teen ² | for S to see, behold O (usually specific)

belabor –jiyeet | under the burden, weight of it; belabored or suffering from it (a burden, hardship)

belch √tsaa | burp; belch a-S-d+l-√tsaa ˟ | for S to burp, belch

belief átkʼ aheen | faith; belief; trust; religion

believe √heen ¹ n + éekʼ + a-S-∅-√heen ¹ ˟

believe in n + éekʼ + a-S-∅-√heen ¹ ˟

believer átkʼ aheení

bell gaaw || g̱ayéisʼ gaaw

belly –ḵaatl | side of belly || –x̱ʼóolʼ | belly; paunch || –yoowú | stomach; gizzard (of a bird)

bellybutton –kool

below –shuyee; –shuwee | the foot of it; below it (raised place); flat area at the end of it (lake) || –yee ³ | below || yínde; dayínde; diyínde | downward

belt séek

belted √seek ²

bench a káa yei aḵeech át

bend ¹ O-ka-S-l-√gwaatl | for S to bend O (leg or arm); for S to fold up O (paper, etc.) in a loose roll || √taan ⁷ O-ka-S-∅-√taan ⁷ | for S to bend O (usually long, simple object) over || √tʼaa ³ | bend or warp by steam || √x̱aatʼ | whip; spring; bend under pressure

bend ² –jig̱ei | nestled in it; inside the bend, curve of it

bend over yínde + sh + ka-S-l-√.aat ⁴ | for (plural) S to bend over, lean down || yínde + sh + ka-S-d+∅-√taan ⁷ | for (singular) S to bend over, lean down

beneath –tayee

bent √taan ⁷ yóo + ka-∅-√tán ˟ | for something to be bent

bequeath √yaaḵw ²

berries kag̱útlx̱i | mashed berries || kaḵáshx̱i | steamed berries put up in soft grease || kanálx̱i | steamed berries || kanéegwálʼ | pudding dish made with berries and salmon eggs || katʼákx̱i | half-dried and/or compressed food, esp. berries or seaweed || kax̱ʼátʼ | green, unripe berry || seig̱atáanaa; ḵákw seig̱atáanaa | berrying basket or can hung around neck, resting on the chest || tléiḵw | berry; berries tléiḵw kahéeni | berry juice || √tleiḵw | pick berries; be gluttonous

berry tléiḵw tléiḵw wásʼi | berry bush || chʼeix̱ʼ; chʼeex̱ʼ | thimbleberry || dáxw | Lingonberry || dleit tléig̱u | snowberry || gaawáḵ | serviceberry; saskatoonberry || kadádzaa yeit; kadaadzáa yeit; katádzaa yeit | basket or pan used to collect berries by knocking them all off the bush || kaduheix̱.aa | northern redcurrant || kakatlaax̱ | blueberry, the lighter blue variety, frosted || kanaltsʼákw; kaneiltsʼákw (C); kaneiltsʼíkw (At); kaneiltsʼook (T); kaltlax̱eit | trailing blackcurrant || kanatʼá | Alaska blueberry || kaxwéix̱ | high bush cranberry || ḵʼeikaxétlʼk | Jacobs berries; bunchberry || ḵʼeishkaháagu; ḵʼeishkeháagu (C) | bog cranberry; low bush cranberry || láx̱ʼ loowú | swamp blueberry || néx̱ʼw; nax̱ʼw; náx̱kʼw | cloudberry || neigóon | nagoonberry || ôondách tléig̱u | small orange berries found in clusters || sʼig̱eeḵáawu tléig̱u; tléiḵw kahínti | twistedstalk; watermelon berry || sháchk katléig̱u; sháchgi tléig̱u | swamp cranberry; bog cranberry || shaax̱ | gray currant; stink currant || 21 tleikatánk | red huckleberry || 22 tsʼéekáx̱kʼw; tsʼéikáx̱kʼw | alpine blueberry || 23 xákwlʼi | soapberry || 24 xéelʼi | mossberry; crowberry || 25 x̱aaheiwú | prickly currant

beside –tuwán | (right) next to it; (right) beside it; (up) close to it || –tʼaaḵ | beside; at the side of || –tʼaḵká | beside, alongside, next to; on the side of

betray kei + O-ka-S-∅-√neek | for S to tell on, inform on, betray O

between –g̱ei | enclosed within (the folds of) it, between the folds, covers, walls of it || –yayuwaa | area between (natural features) || –x̱ʼáak aan yax̱ʼáak | between towns || –tlʼeḵx̱ʼáak | between fingers

bewitch √heexw | bewitch; witchcraft O-S-∅-√heexw | for O to bewitch S; for O to perform witchcraft on O || √xʼaash

beyond –yáanáx̱ | beyond it, more than it; too (much); excessively

bib sakeit | dance bib

bicycle (verb) {na preverb} + sh + ka-S-d+l-√tseix̱ | for S to bicycle; for S to pedal || (noun) a kát sh kadultsex̱t át | bicycle

big (verb) √gei ¹ (yéi) + ka-u-∅-√gei ¹ ʰ | for a thing to be (so) big || (yéi) + ka-u-d+∅-√gei ¹ ʰ | for (plural) things to be (so) big || ka-∅-√gei ¹ | for a singular, usually spherical object to be big || √tlaa ² | big around in girth (yéi) + ka-u-d+∅-√tlaa ² ʰ | for something to be (so) big around, in girth || (adjective) –tlein | large; big || (adjective) –tlénxʼ | large (plural); big (plural)

Big Dipper Yax̱té

bigger N + yáanáx̱ + ka-u-d+∅-√gei ¹ ʰ | for an object (inanimate) to be bigger than N

bight ḵú || ḵunag̱eiy

bile –teiyí | gall bladder; bile || –teiyí kahéeni | bile

billiards koochʼéitʼaa át kadultáḵji || ash kooltág̱aa | playing pool, billiards

bind √aax̱w || √sʼeet O-ka-S-∅-√sʼeet | for S to bind up, wrap around, bandage O

bingo alḵáa; at ilḵáa | stick game; gambling; bingo; game of chance

binoculars sʼíksh || tunax̱ḵudutísʼ

birch at daayí ḵákw

bird aatayádi | mythical bird or little person that lives in a lake || tsʼatsʼée | bird; songbird || tlʼáatlʼ | small yellow songbird (yellow warbler?) || tsʼítskw | small songbird

birds át kawdliyeeji át

birth atkʼátskʼu⁓yát(kʼ) + O-S-∅-√.oo ¹ ˟ | for S to wear, put on, dress in O; for S to use O

bison xaas

bite N-dé + ya-d+∅-√g̱eech ¹ | for a sharp object to pierce, enter, prick N; for an animal to bite N || N-t⁓ + ya-d+∅-√g̱eech ¹ | for a sharp object to pierce, enter, prick N; for an animal to bite N || √taaxʼ | bite; chew O-S-s-√táaxʼ | for S (esp. an insect) to bite O || √yeeḵ ³ | bite; carry in mouth O-S-∅-√yeeḵ ³ | for S to bite O; for S to carry O in mouth (of animal)

bite ² –x̱ʼanaa | (protecting) from, against a bite; keeping from eating something

bitter √aaxʼw ² O-s-√.áaxʼw ² ˟

black tʼoochʼ | black color || √tʼoochʼ | to char or blacken || tsʼáḵl | black paint || yéisʼ | black and blue (like a bruise)

blackboard kadushxit tʼaa yá

blacksmith g̱ayéisʼ layeix̱í; g̱iyéisʼ layeix̱í; g̱iyéisʼ leyeix̱í (C) || g̱ayéisʼ tʼéix̱ʼi

bladder –kalóoxʼshani; –kulóoxʼsháni; –kelóoxʼsheni

blade –gáaxw | back (of a knife or other blade); back edge, spine of it

blame N + géi⁓ + O-ka-S-s-√haa ⁴ | for S to accuse, blame N

blanket –guntú | under the covers, under the blanket with them; (sleeping) nestled against them || g̱ax̱laan | blanket woven from twisted rabbit furs || lʼée | wool; wool blanket || xʼóow | blanket at xáshdi xʼóow | blanket sewn from scraps of hide || Ginjichwáan xʼóowu; Kinguchwáan xʼóowu | Hudson Bay blanket || kastʼáatʼ xʼóow; kastʼáatʼ | cotton blanket; quilt || sʼax̱xʼóow | marmot blanket, robe || √xʼoo ² | wear a blanket || yéik tayee.ádi | blanket, cushion for shaman to sit on

bleach a kaax̱ at sahéix̱ át || átdáx̱ ḵusahéix̱ át | spot remover; bleach

bleed shí + N + lóot⁓ + ∅-√daa ¹ | for Nʼs nose to bleed

blessed √x̱eitl; √x̱eetl ² | blessed; lucky O-l-√x̱éitl ˟ | for O to be blessed, be lucky

blessing √soo | supernatural aid N + eeg̱áa + ∅-√soo | for N to receive supernatural aid; for N to be blessed by spiritual aid

blind tlél + ḵu-S-sh-√téen ² ˟ | for S to be blind

blindfold waḵkadóoxʼ

blindly ux̱ kei

blindness l ḵooshtéeni

blizzard dleit g̱éedi

block –niyaa; –yinaa | in the way of; keeping away; protecting, shielding, screening from; blocking || –x̱ʼanaa | in the way of; keeping away; protecting, shielding, screening from; blocking || –waḵká | blocking their view; in their way (so that she/he canʼt see)

blocks kóoḵxʼu saaní | toy blocks

blond lʼáax̱ʼ | grayish; blond (hair)

blood –tlag̱eiyí yadaatéetʼi | blood vessels on the surface of their brain || shé | blood

bloodline x̱áat kʼáax̱ʼi | bloodline inside fish, along the backbone

bloodshot dáat ¹ | bloodshot part; bloodshot flesh dleey dáat | bloodshot meat; bloodshot flesh

bloodsucker yéesh

blossom (verb) √xwein ³ O-ḵʼe-ka-d+l-√xwein ˟ ³ | for O to flower, blossom || (noun) ḵʼeikaxwéin

blouse xʼúxʼ sʼísaa kʼoodásʼ | silk shirt; dress shirt || yan sh wusné kʼoodásʼ | blouse

blow du-∅-√nook ² | for the wind to blow, be felt (esp. a breeze, light wind) || √oox O-S-l-√.óox | for S to blow on O || O-ka-S-∅-√.oox | for S to blow up, inflate O || O-ya-ka-S-l-√.óox | for S to blow O (light, candle, match, etc.) out || √xeex ³ | classification: wind ∅-√xeex ³ | for the wind to blow || N-t⁓ + ∅-√xeex ³ | for a strong wind to blow at N

blow nose √naal S-d+∅-√naal | for S to blow oneʼs nose

blowfish tlʼéitlʼ

blowhole anax̱ daséigu yé

blown √sʼees ¹ | blown by wind; blown around N-t + O-l-√sʼees ¹ | for O to be blown around at N (by wind); for O to sail in a boat around at N || N-t + ka-d+l-√sʼees ¹ | for an object to be blown around in the wind at N

blubber taay

blue sʼeiḵ kawóot | light bluish gray || sʼoow | blue (for inland speakers) || xáatsʼ | sky blue || x̱ʼéishxʼw | dark blue || yéisʼ | black and blue (like a bruise)

blueberry kakatlaax̱ | blueberry, the lighter blue variety, frosted || kanatʼá | Alaska blueberry kanatʼá kahéeni | blueberry juice || naanyaa kanatʼaayí || láx̱ʼ loowú | swamp blueberry || tsʼéekáx̱kʼw; tsʼéikáx̱kʼw | alpine blueberry

blunder √keikʼw

blunt ya-d+∅-√g̱éel

board (noun) tʼáa a káa yei kaduxáshch tʼáa | cutting board || (verb) √tʼaa ⁴ | board; skirting

boardwalk dzeit | ladder; stairs; dock; pier; boardwalk

boat yaakw

boat ¹ (noun) asg̱eiwú | seine fisher; seine boat || chʼaḵúx̱; chaḵúx̱; jaḵúx̱ || dax̱áchxʼi | tugboat || diyeegooleit | skin kayak || hoodí | planks put on the side of boat, canoe to stabilize it; outrigger || ḵaayaakw | kayak || lʼáaḵw | canoe, big flat bowed canoe or old worn out canoe || xáatl kaltság̱aa | canoe with twin prongs to push aside ice || yaakw leineit shál yaakw | gill net boat || sʼeenáa yaakw | gas-powered boat || yakwyádi | skiff; small boat; flat-bottom canoe || yaakw x̱uká | deck of a boat || yaakw x̱ukahídi | 7.471 || yaakw yík | in the the canoe, boat

boat ² (verb) [∅ preverb] + S-∅-√ḵoox̱ ¹ | for S to travel, go (by boat, car) || daak + S-∅-√ḵoox̱ ¹ | for S to go out to sea (in a boat); for S to move into the open (in a boat, car) || g̱unéi + S-∅-√ḵoox̱ ¹ | for S to begin traveling, going by boat or car || [na preverb] + S-∅-√ḵoox̱ ¹ | for S to travel, go (in a boat, car) || [∅ preverb] + O-ya-S-s-√ḵoox̱ ¹ | for S to transport O by boat; for S to bring, take or fetch O by boat || ash koosḵúx̱aa | playing boats (esp. toy boats)

bob √tsees | float; bob

body –daa ¹; –daa.it | body; around the body || –daashagóon | body parts || jáḵwti | corpse of one slain || –kasán | body; torso; waist || –naa | upper body || naawú | dead body

bog sháchk; shéchk | swamp, bog, muskeg; small meadow or clearing

boil ¹ √ook ¹ | to boil in water O-S-l-.ook ¹ | for S to boil O (esp. water) || d+l-√.óok ¹ | for something to boil || √ootl | boil fish O-S-sh-√.óotl | for S to boil O (fish) || (noun) útlx̱i | boiled fish || √taa ⁴ | especially meat or berries O-S-s-√taa ʰ ⁴ | for S to boil, steam O (food, esp. meat) || √x̱aasʼ | strengthen by boiling

boil ² (verb) √xʼees | for skin to swell; have a boil (on skin) d+∅-√xʼees | for something to swell, be swollen locally; for something to have a boil on it (of skin) || (noun) xʼees | infection on the skin

boiled katéix̱ | boiled food || téix̱

bone ḵʼíshaa | fleshing tool made of bone || –shakeegoodlí | intercornual protruberance; ridge between its horns (of moose, caribou) || –shantunóoxʼu | otolith || –shantuteiyí | interior head bone (of salmon) || sʼaaḵ –dix̱ʼtusʼaag̱í; –díx̱ʼtú sʼaaḵx’í | backbone || –g̱atstusʼaag̱í || –kʼisʼaag̱í | side pelvic bones; innominate bones || −layatʼakwsʼaag̱í; –wóow sʼaag̱í | collarbone || –sʼayoowú sʼaag̱í; –sʼayootlein sʼaag̱í | calf bone || –tux̱ʼasʼaag̱í | bone at the bottom of pelvis || –x̱iktusʼaag̱í; –x̱ikshatusʼaag̱í; –x̱ekshetusʼaag̱í | humerus, upper arm bone || –sʼúdi | bones in forearm (radius and ulna) || –wóow | brisket –woowkasʼaag̱í | sternum, breastbone || –xeitká | flat upper surface of their chest

boney (verb) √sʼaaḵ (adjective) lisʼaag̱í

book datóow xʼúxʼ; xʼúxʼ

bookstore xʼúxʼ daakahídi

boot (noun) xʼwán ¹ | boot(s) || (verb) √xʼwán ˟ || (noun) x̱ʼatux̱.ayéeg̱i | knee-high waterproof skin boot(s); mukluk(s)

booze kasiyaayi héen || kóoshdaa lóoxʼu || náaw

bore O-S-∅-√tool ¹ | for S to drill, bore hole in O

bored √teesh

boredom teesh; tuteesh; toowú teesh

born O-ḵu-d+s-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to be in existence; for O to be born; for O to live || ḵu-S-d+s-√tee ʰ ¹ | for S to exist; for S to be born; for S to live; for S to subsist

borrow √heesʼ O-S-∅-√héesʼ || O-ka-S-∅-√héesʼ | classification: round or sperical object

boss –sʼaatí | boss, master ḵaa sʼaatí | boss of people

both chʼu déix̱ || deix̱kajíntin | with both hands || deix̱kax̱ʼoostín | on both feet; with both feet

bother √keen O-S-sh-√keen || N + éex̱ + a-S-∅-√néekw ¹ ˟ | for S to bother N (esp. by touching) || √neekw ⁴

bottle ín xʼeesháa || ítʼjaa | baby bottle || –lʼaa | milk; baby bottle || tʼoochʼineit || xén lʼaa tux̱áni daakeit | baby bottle

bottom –taká | inside surface of the bottom (of container, vessel) || –táak | the bottom of it (a cavity) ; in it (a cavity, occupying the bottom part of it) || –tuḵdaa | around the butt; around the bottom; bottom (whole side) of container, e.g. dish, cup, bowl, bottle

bough cháash | bough or branch with needles on it (especially of spruce) || haaw ¹ | bough, branch with needles on it (especially of hemlock)

boulder eech | large rock or boulder lying on the ocean floor hintu.eejí | underwater reef; large rock or boulder lying under the water

bounce √daat || √kʼoot

bow ¹ sáḵs || sheexw | close quarter bow and arrow || tʼúgwaa | bow and arrow

bow ² chʼéen || lag̱wán | bow (of hair) || shachʼéen | hair ribbon

bow ³ –luká | along the ridge of it (hill); (on the) bow of (a boat) || –shaká | bow, prow (of boat) || –xéesʼ | the curved part of a bow or stern (of boat)

bowl x̱ʼayeit | food container; pot or pan; large bowl or dish || sʼíxʼ | dish; plate; bowl leineit sʼíx | horn bowl

bowstay –lukatíxʼi || | yaakw sheketíxʼi

box daneit | grease, oil put away in a box; large box for storing grease, oil || ḵóok | box || láḵt | bentwood box laḵdíxʼ | bentwood box full of food || naasa.áa | womanʼs tool box || wóoshx̱ dagaa | food box divided into compartments by a divider || wóow daakeit | lunch basket, lunch container || x̱ʼalʼdaakeit | small covered box

boy yadakʼwátskʼu | adolescent boy || kʼisáani | boys, young men

boyfriend –ḵáawu || –yadákʼu

bra lʼaa kaháadi; lʼaa ka.át; lʼaa daakagwéil; lʼaakeidí

bracelet kées

braid √geil | braid seal intestines || √seet (verb) O-ka-S-l-√seet | for S to braid O (hair) || (noun) shaséet; séet ³ | braid

braided tuwalagéil

brailer bag kaxwénaa

brain –tlag̱eiyí –tlag̱eiyí yadaadoogú | membrane around their brain || –tlag̱eiyí yadaatéetʼi | blood vessels on the surface of their brain

branch aas katláx̱di | dry tree branches (still on the tree) || aasdaasheeyí; sheey | limb, primary branch || cháash | bough or branch with needles on it (especially of spruce) || haaw ¹ | bough, branch with needles on it (especially of hemlock) || sʼú | long, thin root or branch || –tʼáni | secondary branch || tlʼáxchʼ | old, dead branch || –xʼaan | tip (of pointed object); top, tips of its branches (of tree, bush)

brant ḵín

brass iḵnáachʼ

brat ánkʼw; énkw (C)

bread sakwnéin kei dulḵáchx̱i sakwnéin | yeast bread; raising bread; rising dough || linúkdzi sakwnéin | sweet bread; cake || sakwnéin éewu | (loaf of) bread || sakwnéin kax̱ʼeiltí | bread crumbs

break √kʼoots | classification: rope-like objects O-S-l-√kʼoots || √kʼwaach | break apart || √lʼeexʼ | classification: stick-like objects O-S-∅-√lʼéexʼ | for S to break O (esp. of solid objects, wood, metals, etc.) || ∅-√lʼéexʼ | for a general, solid object to break || O-S-l-√lʼéexʼ | for S to break O (often by bending) (usually long objects) || l-√lʼéexʼ | for a long object to break || O-ka-S-∅-√tʼéex̱ʼ | for S to smash O up by pounding; for S to mash O by pounding with something heavy; for S to pound, hammer on O; for S to break O || √waalʼ | classification: general objects, abstract objects O-ka-S-∅-√wáalʼ | for S to break O (usually fairly fragile objects) || ka-∅-√wáalʼ | for something to break (usually fairly fragile objects) || N + toowú + O-ka-S-l-√wáalʼ | for S to break Nʼs heart, hurt Nʼs feelings

break law at + géit⁓ + S-d+s-√geet ²

breaking bread sakwnéin wuduwawáalʼ

breaks easily liwáalʼshán

breast adawóotl yuwaa.át | body armor; breastplate || –xeitká | flat upper surface of their chest || –lʼaa | breast

breastplate yinaaháat; niyaháat | body armor; breastplate

breath daséikw; x̱ʼaséikw | breath; life || óox | breath of air (exaled); spray of air (exaled by a sea mammal)

breathe √saa ² | breathe; live; name ¹; call out S-d+∅-√saa ² | for S to breathe; for S to be alive

breed √x̱eet ¹; √x̱eit | breed; mate ¹; spawn; multiply O-S-s-√x̱eet ¹; O-S-s-√x̱eit | for S to breed O || d+s-√x̱eet ¹ | for something to multiply, increase in numbers; for animals to produce young, breed

brick sʼé kachoox; sʼé kacheexw || éechʼ | heavy stone, boulder; something compact and very heavy

bridge héen kanax̱ kayáash || dzeit shuyee | bottom end of bridge, wharf

bring tóo-t⁓ + O-ka-S-l-√dootl || haandé | bring it here!; hand it here! || kei + O-S-s-√taan ³ | for S to bring out, unearth O (usually long, complex object)(esp. from a box or other container or place which o is kept); for S to pick up, lift up O || kei + O-S-∅-√tee ² ʰ | for S to bring out, unearth O (general, often compact object) (esp. from a box or other container or place which O is kept); for S to pick up, lift up O || {∅ preverb} + O-ya-S-∅-√x̱aa ²; {na preverb} + O-ya-S-∅-√x̱aa ² | for S to transport O by boat or car; for S to bring, take or fetch O by boat or car || √tee ʰ ²

brink –x̱ʼaxʼaa | the brink of it; the very edge of it (a cliff, drop-off)

brisket –wóow | brisket

British Ginjichwáan; Ginjoochwáan; Kinguchwáan

broad √woox̱ʼ

broccoli aasxʼí sáani chookán

broil √tseek O-S-l-√tseek | for S to broil O

broke kaldáanaaḵ | without money

broom xítʼaa | broom; brush

broth tax̱héeni | soup; soup broth

brother –éekʼ | femaleʼs brother || –húnx̱w | maleʼs older brother || –kéekʼ | maleʼs younger brother || –woosh kíkʼi yán | maleʼs brothers || –xwáayi | maleʼs clan brother

brow –sʼee x̱ʼáak; –sʼee wát | space between their eyebrows

brown sʼagwáat

browse O-ka-S-l-√teen ² | for S to observe, watch O; for S to look at, browse O (esp. a catalog or book with pictures) || O-ka-S-l-√teen  ²

bruise (verb) O-S-l-√choon ¹ | for S to injure, hurt, wound, bruise O || √dát ˟ || yéisʼ | black and blue (flesh), bruised (flesh) (noun) kayéisʼ

bruised O-d+∅-√choon ¹ | for O to be wounded, injured, bruised; for O to be hurt (emotionally) || √yeisʼ | bruised; discolored O-ka-d+∅-√yéisʼ | for O to be colored, discolored, bruised

brush ¹ (noun) at gutú; aas gutú | woods; bush; brush; underbrush; wilderness || g̱éej.adi; g̱éech.adi | windfallen tree; dead tree(s) that has fallen; dead brush that has fallen || cháash | bough or branch with needles on it (especially of spruce)

brush ² (noun) aan kadusxitgu át; aan shakdusyeix̱ át | hairbrush || aan kadusxítʼkw át | clothes brush || | hairb || kooxéedaa | pencil; pen; marker; paint brush ²; target || xítʼaa | broom; brush naa.át kaxítʼaa | clothes brush

brush ³ (verb) √xeetʼ | brush ³; scrape; sweep || sha-ka-d+s-√yaa ⁴ | for S to comb or brush their hair

bubble (noun) kúḵdlaa | large bubbles (esp. from whale) || (noun) kúḵjaa | fast drip with bubbles || (verb) √soon | small bubbles (noun) x̱ʼasúnjaa | small bubbles from a sea creature (as from a fish, clam)

bucket xʼeesháa láḵdi xʼeesháa | bentwood bucket

buckshot at tux̱ʼwánsʼi

budge √tsʼoox̱ | move slightly; budge O-S-l-√tsoox̱ | for S to cause O to budge, move slightly

buffalo xaas

bufflehead hintakxʼwásʼg̱i | bufflehead duck

bug hintayéeshi

buggy tʼukanéiyi koojúxaayi; tʼukanéiyi kajúxayi | baby stroller

build O-S-l-√yeix̱ ¹ | for S to build O; for S to make, construct O

building gáan aa yee | in the spare room or outbuilding || hít –daakahídi | building around

bullet at katé || óonaa x̱ʼadáadzi | empty shell (after being fired)

bullhead tlóox̱ | mud bullhead éet katlóox̱u | deepsea bullhead (edible) || té tayee tlóox̱u | little bullhead (found under beach rocks) || wéix̱ʼ

bum O-u-S-∅-√choox̱ ˟

bump gootl; g̱ootl || kʼúxjaa

bunch shakatlʼéen

bunch up √leelʼ

bunchberry ḵʼeikaxétlʼk | Jacobs berries; bunchberry

bundle √aax̱w | tie; bind; bundle; wrap (verb) O-daa-S-s-√.aax̱w | for S to tie O together in a bundle; for S to wrap O up || (noun) daa.aax̱w | bundle || –sha.aax̱w | bundle of something tied together at one end || g̱alnáatʼadi; g̱alnáatʼani | things bundled up for carrying

buoy katsees | float (of net, fishing line); buoy || –kwéiyi | buoy to mark the end of it (net) eech kwéiyi | floating buoy || eech kakwéiyi | fixed buoy

burden –jiyeet | under the burden, weight of it; belabored or suffering from it (a burden, hardship)

burl aasdaag̱oodlí; aasdaag̱údli | burl, tumor in a tree || aasdaaxʼéesʼi | tumor in a tree, with branches growing from it || gúnlʼ | burl || √gúnlʼ | have a burl; try hard

burn ¹ √gaan ¹ | burn ¹; light; shine N-t⁓ + a-ka-∅-√gaan ¹ | for N (fire) to burn, catch alight; for N (light) to be on || l-√tʼooch | for medicine to sting, burn || xoodzí ² | burnt or charred wood || √x̱ʼeix̱ʼ; √x̱ʼeex̱ʼ | classification: skin or flesh O-d+∅-√x̱ʼéex̱ʼ | for O to be burned (of flesh, skin), become shriveled and brittle through burning || O-S-l-√x̱ʼéix̱ʼ | for S to burn O (flesh, skin); for S to scald O

burn ² gan.eetí | fireplace; place where there has been a fire and there is burnt residue || xóoshtʼ | singed, burnt, or charred matter

burn up kei + O-S-s-√gaan ¹

burp √tsaa | belch; burp a-S-d+l-√tsaa ˟ | for S to burp, belch

bury √naa ³ | inherit; die; bury O-S-s-√naa ³ | for S to bury O with appropriate ceremonial; for S to give O burial and disperse property

bus át ḵoowsix̱óotʼi át | bus || át ḵoowsix̱óotʼi ḵáa | bus driver

bush ¹ at gutú || wásʼ tléiḵw wásʼi | berry bush

bush ² kalḵaaḵú; galg̱aaḵú; g̱alg̱aaḵu || yanshuká; yanshkwá | campsite; (out in) camp; (out in) the bush

business daat át | concern; responsibility; business

busy N + daat + át + ḵu-d+s-√tee ʰ ¹ | for N to be busy with things; for N to be occupied with things

butt –gú | base, bottom, butt end || –kʼí | rump; the flesh around his/her hips || –tóoḵ | buttocks –tuḵdaa | around the butt; around the bottom; bottom (whole side) of container, e.g. dish, cup, bowl, bottle || –tuḵx̱ʼé; –toox̱ʼé; –tuḵʼé; –tuḵ.woolí | anus; butthole || –tux̱ʼaxʼaayí | butt crack || –xʼaash | butt cheeks

butter chʼáakʼ eex̱í; chʼáakʼ kichtu.eex̱í

butterfly ḵaa daakeidí tlaax̱í || ḵaa daa lʼeix̱í | monarch butterfly || tleilú; leilú

button ¹ ḵaayaka.óotʼi; ḵaayuka.óotʼi; yooka.óotʼ; yaka.óotʼ

button ² –tsʼíkʼwti; –tsʼéekʼu | muscle that opens and closes the shell

button up aanáx̱ + O-ka-S-l-√.aat ³

buy √oo ² | buy it O-S-∅-√.oo ʰ ² | for S to buy O || O-ka-S-∅-√.oo ² ˟ | for S to buy O (usually round, spherical object)

by –x̱án | near; at the house of; by | classification: animate

cabin aas hít || yaakw x̱ukahídi | boatʼs cabin || wooshnáx̱ téeyi hít | log house

cable g̱ayéisʼ tíxʼ

cache éinaa | drying rack (for fish or meat) || chál | platform cache; house cache; shed

cadge √choox̱ O-u-S-∅-√choox̱ ˟

cairn xóow | memorial pile of rocks té xóow | rock pile (for memorial)

cake ¹ ka-∅-√tʼéexʼ ˟ ¹ | for something to harden, cake up

cake ² linúkdzi sakwnéin | sweet bread; cake

calendar dís woox̱éiyi || dís xʼúxʼu

calf –saayee | underside of knee; (inside of) lower leg || –sʼayoowú | calf of leg –sʼayoowú sʼaag̱í; –sʼayootlein sʼaag̱í | calf bone

calico kashxeet | cloth with print design

call tóo-t⁓ + O-ka-S-l-√dootl | for s to coax, entice, call, or bring O to oneself (esp. child or wild animal) || √geis | call for (esp. a dog) || N + jeedé + x̱ʼa-S-d+∅-√taan ⁵ | for (singular) S to call N on telephone || N + jee-t⁓ + x̱ʼa-S-d+∅-√taan ⁵ | for S to call N on telephone || √x̱oox̱ | summon; call; ask for O-S-∅-√x̱oox̱ ˟ | for S to call, summon O

call out √eexʼ | call out; yess out; shout; holler O-S-∅-√.éexʼ ˟ | for S to call out to, shout to, holler at O || √saa ² O-S-∅-√sáakw | for S to call O by a certain name || √.éexʼ ˟

calloused √keil ²

calm (verb) √gaa ¹ | delay; hesitate; tide; calm N + toowú + du-∅-√gaa ¹ ʰ | for N to be calm, at peace || N + toowú + tleiyéi + yéi + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for N to be calm; for N to meditate || (verb) √yeilʼ | calm; peaceful ka-du-∅-√yéilʼ | for something (esp. bodies of water) to be calm, peaceful || ḵu-ka-du-∅-√yéilʼ | for the weather to be calm, peaceful, without storm || (verbal noun) kayéilʼ | peace; calm || tliyéi; tleiyéi | still; calm || tliyéixʼ; tleiyéixʼ | be still!; be calm! || N + toowú + du-∅-√gaa ¹ ʰ | for N to be calm, at peace

calyx –shakasʼídi

cambium sáxʼ | cambium, sap scraped from inner bark

camera aankadushxit át; aan ḵukdushxit át

camp ¹ √x̱ei; √x̱ee O-∅-√x̱ei ʰ | for O to stay overnight, spend the night, camp out overnight

camp ² sʼeenáa gáasʼi | old campsite || yanshuká; yanshkwá | campsite; (out in) camp; (out in) the bush

camprobber kooyéix̱

can gúxʼaa || cháashgaa || g̱ayéisʼ gúxʼaa | tin can || seig̱atáanaa; ḵákw seig̱atáanaa | berrying basket or can hung around neck, resting on the chest

Canadian Ginjichwáan; Ginjoochwáan; Kinguchwáan

canary sʼáasʼ | canary; goldfinch; siskin

cancer tlʼooḵ | rotting sore; gangrene; cancer

candle toow sʼeenáa

candlefish saak

cane wootsaag̱áa; wutsaag̱áa

cannery x̱áat daakahídi

cannibals ḵusax̱aḵwáan

canoe chʼaḵúx̱; chaḵúx̱; jaḵúx̱ || chʼiyáash | sea otter hunting canoe with an angular prow for breaking the waves; flat bottomed canoe || dakwyeit | wooden container or canoe used for rendering || dáax̱ | canoe under construction || dúḵ | canoe made from cottonwood || hoodí | planks put on the side of boat, canoe to stabilize it; outrigger || lʼáaḵw | canoe, big flat bowed canoe or old worn out canoe || seet | dugout canoe designed to go through shallow waters || takeit | floorboards in canoe || xáatl kaltság̱aa | canoe with twin prongs to push aside ice || x̱áa | group of canoes on the water; war party; attacking force of warriors or soldiers; army || yaakw | boat; canoe yakwyádi | skiff; small boat; flat-bottom canoe || yáxwchʼi yaakw | small canoe with high carved prow

canvas xwaasdáa

canvasback tseindeiyaa | canvasback duck

canyon x̱ʼaak || séet ¹ | channel; draw; gully; canyon

cap ḵʼalux̱útʼaa sʼáaxw | visor hat worn by Sugpiaq & Unangan people of Southcentral & Southwestern Alaska; cap (with a brim), baseball cap

cape teiḵ

capsize áa + yax̱ + ∅-√gwáatl

captain kakʼdakwéiy sʼaatí; kakʼkakwéiy sʼaatí (At); kakʼkwéiy sʼaatí (TC) | person in charge || yaakw yasatáni | captain (of a boat)

captive g̱alsháatadi; g̱alsháatedi (C)

capture O-S-l-√sháat | for S to hold, retain O in oneʼs grasp; for S to capture, hold O captive

car át wududziḵux̱u át

carapace nóoxʼ | shell (of clam, crustacean, or egg); carapace (of turtle); shell-like chip or flake; china (diningware)

Carcross Nadashaa Héeni | "Water Flowing from Mountain"; "Whitefish River"

cards √ḵaa ³ | gamble with cards, dice, in general, or with gambling sticks that are concealed a-S-d+l-√ḵáa ˟ ³ | for S to gamble (by means of gambling sticks, dice, etc.); for S to play cards; for S to play bingo || alḵáa xʼúxʼ

care √taaḵ ² | care for N + daa O-ya-s-√taaḵ ² | for O to care for, take care of N; for O to look after N; for O to serve N; for O to minister to N; for O to take note of N

care about N + tóon + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for N to care about O; for N to be concerned about O; for N to be affected by O || N + daa + O-tu-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to care about N; for O to think about, consider N; for O to have an opinion about N

care for √taaḵ ² || O-S-l-√teen ² | for S to look at, gaze at, watch O; for S to watch, take care of, mind, look after O

careful √eitsʼ | careful; delicate

carefully kʼidéin || dlinkwát; dleewkát

careless chʼa koogéiyi

caretaker at.óow latíni | clan caretaker of at.óow

caribou watsíx

caribou leaf watsixtlaanáagu

carpenter at layeix̱ sʼaatí

carrot sʼín

carry √aat ² | classification: baggage and personal items {∅ preverb} + O-S-l-√.aat ² | for S to carry, take plural O (esp. baggage) || {na preverb} + O-S-l-√.aat ² | for S to carry, take plural O (esp. baggage) || √aat ³ | classification: small round or hooplike objects {∅ motion preverb} + O-ka-S-l-√.aat ³ | for S to carry O (small, round or hoop-like objects) || {na motion preverb} + O-ka-S-l-√.aat ³ | for S to carry O (small, round or hoop-like objects) || √aax̱ ² | classification: textile-like object {∅ preverb} + O-S-∅-.aax̱ ² | for S to carry O (textile-like object) || {na preverb} + O-S-∅-√.aax̱ ² | for S to carry O (textile-like object) || √een ¹ | classification: container with contents {∅ preverb} + O-S-s-√.een | for S to pick O (esp. berries) into a container || {na preverb} + O-S-s-√.een | for S to pick O (esp. berries) into a container || √gooch | carry something to give to someone, esp. food || √haat ¹ | classification: heavy object | usually with arms straight and sharing load with another || √jeekʼ | carry on shoulders || √hoot | carry in apron || √jeil ² | classification: in loads; all of one type of thing {∅ preverb} + O-ka-S-∅-√jeil ² | for S to carry, take O (esp. to one place, making several trips, or all of one particular type of thing) || {na preverb} + O-ka-S-∅-√jeil ² | for S to carry, take O (esp. to one place, making several trips, or all of one particular type of thing) || √kwaach | classification: in cupped hand(s) {na preverb} + O-S-∅-√kwaach | for S to carry, take O (in cupped hands) || √lʼaatʼ | carry with tongs || √naa ⁵ | classification: in bundles || √nei ¹; √nee ¹ | classification: plural & varying objects N-dáx̱ + yéi + O-S-s-√nei ¹ ʰ | for S to pick up, lift up, take (plural) O (objects) up off of N || √neilʼ | carry bulky object(s) by holding close to the body || √nook ⁵ | classification: live creature {na preverb} + O-S-s-√nook ⁵ | for S to carry, take O (live creature) || √taa ² | classification: dead creature or sleeping baby || √taan ¹ | classification: empty container or hollow object O-S-∅-√taan ¹ | for S to carry, take O (usually a container or hollow object) || N-t⁓ + O-S-∅-√taan ¹ | for S to carry, take O (usually a hollow object) to N || √taan ³ | classification: stick-like object {∅ motion preverb} + O-S-s-√taan ³ | for S to carry O (usually long, complex object) || {∅ motion preverb} + O-ka-S-s-√taan ³ | for S to carry O (small, stick-like object) || √tee ² | classification: general, compact object; abstract √tee ² | classification: round or spherical object || √tee ² | classification: complex object with internal parts || {na preverb} + O-S-∅-√tee ² ʰ | for S to carry, take O | classification: general, compact object; abstract || √tleixʼw | carry too much; be overloaded; clutch in order to carry too much || 21 √yaa ² | carry on back; pack on back O-S-∅-√yaa ² | for S to carry O on back; for S to pack O on back || at + S-∅-√yaa ² | for S to carry things on back; for S to pack things on back || 22 √yeeḵ ³ | bite; carrry in mouth O-S-∅-√yeeḵ ³ | for S to bite O; for S to carry O in mouth (of animal)

cart tsʼíktsʼík | cart; wheelbarrow || hoon daakeit | shopping cart

cartilage –túḵlʼi –sʼaḵshutúḵlʼi | cartilage at the end of its bones; gristle at the end of its bones || –sʼaḵx̱ʼáak túḵlʼi | cartilage between its bones; gristle between its bones

carve √chʼaakʼw O-ka-S-∅-√chʼáakʼw | for S to carve O (usually smaller, detailed work) using a knife or scoop chisel || ka-S-d+∅-√chʼáakʼw | for S to carve (usually smaller, detailed work) using a knife or scoop chisel || O-ka-S-∅-√xaash | for S to cut O in several pieces; for S to carve O (on surface); for S to slice O (e.g., bread) || √teey ³ | carve; chisel O-ka-S-∅-√teey ³ | for S to carve O (using a flat chisel); for S to chisel O

carve design √chʼaakʼw

carver at kachʼáakʼu

carving kadachʼáakʼw

cascade √xʼaas | classification: liquid

cashier dáanaa daaxʼ yéi jineiyí

casket ḵaa daakeidí

cast ¹ √joox̱ʼ | sling, fling; cast (fishing line)

cast ² at dultʼéexʼ | cast (to help set a broken bone)

cast eyes √g̱ein; √g̱een

casually chʼa keetáanáx̱! | deliberately, carefully; taking oneʼs time

cat dóosh | cat haadaadóoshi | man-eating cat; mountain lion; tiger; leopard

catalog káx̱ aduwésʼ xʼúxʼ

cataract gáalʼ || √gaalʼ

catch O-S-d+s-√g̱áat ² || √shaat O-S-∅-√sháat | for S to catch O; for S to grab, take hold of, snatch O; for S to arrest O; for S to trap O || √xeis | catch with container

catch up –kík | alongside it; catching up with it

catcher kadashátx̱i | catcher (in baseball)

caterpillar tlʼúkʼx̱; tlʼúkʼ | worm; larva; grub; caterpillar || daadzix̱aawu tlʼúkʼx̱; daadzix̱aawu tlʼúkʼ | caterpillar; centipede

catkin ketlyátxʼi | willow catkins

catʼs cradle tleilkʼú

cauliflower dleit aasxʼí sáani chookán

caulk √teet ²

cause (yéi) + O-S-s-√nei ² ʰ | for S to do (that) to O; for S to fix, cause (that) to happen to O

cave katóok || tatóok

cedar laax̱ | western red cedar || x̱áay | yellow cedar; Alaska cedar

ceiling –kax̱yee

celebrate O-ḵei-S-s-√.aa ³ | for S to celebrate O, set apart O (a particular day) || O-ya-S-s-√xeex ⁴ | for S to hold a social event for O; for S to celebrate O

celery taykayaana.eit

cell phone g̱altú a tóonáx̱ yoo x̱ʼadul.átgi át || g̱altú kaxéesʼ

cellar kóoḵ | pit; hole dug in the ground; cellar; housepit

cello g̱íx̱ʼjaa gaaw

center daginaa; diginaa | outer part (toward the open, center of house, clearing, out to sea); front room || dákde | out toward the open; out to sea; out into the center (of house, clearing)

centipede daadzix̱aawu tlʼúkʼx̱; daadzix̱aawu tlʼúkʼ | caterpillar; centipede

cereal tsʼootaat kaxóok atx̱á

ceremony –daateeyí | feast, potlatch in honor of; dedication ceremony and feast for || hit wóoshdei yadukícht | house dedication ceremony || kei gax̱dunáaḵ | opening ceremonies of a ḵu.éexʼ || Gaaw Wutaan | opening ceremonies of a ḵu.éexʼ || G̱áax̱; G̱áax̱ Kát Anáḵ | cry ceremonies of a ḵu.éexʼ

chain wóoshnáx̱ x̱ʼakakéix̱ʼi || x̱ʼakakéix̱ʼi

chainsaw gán aan duxash xáshaa || sh daxash washéen

chair káayag̱ijeit

chalkboard kadushxit tʼaa yá

challenge √deiḵ O-S-∅-√deiḵ ˟ | for S to challenge O

chance –ya.áak | room, space, place, time, chance, opportunity for it || √goon | get a chance

change √eet | change proportion a-S-d+∅-√éet | for S to change its proportion; for S to change itself into something else

change mind N + daatx̱ + ḵux̱ + tu-S-d+l-√.aat ⁵ | for (plural) S to change mind about N; for (plural) S to think over and reconsider N | classification: plural || ḵux̱ + tu-S-d+∅-√sháat | for S to change oneʼs mind || N + daatx̱ + ḵux̱ + tu-S-d+∅-√taan ⁵ | for (singular) S to change mind about N; for (singular) S to think over and reconsider N | classification: singular || N + daax̱ + tu-ya-S-d+∅-√taanán ⁵ ˟ | for (singular) S to reconsider N, think over and change oneʼs mind about N

channel séet ¹ | channel; draw; gully; canyon

chaos (noun) xʼóolʼ || (verb) xʼóolʼ + yáx̱ + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹

char (verb) √tʼoochʼ | to char or blacken || (noun) xóoshtʼ | singed, burnt, or charred matter || (verb) √xoots ¹

character a kinaa kashxeedí | high tone marker in writing || a tayee dusyeig̱í kashxeedí | underline of a character in writing || tsʼéekʼw kashxeedí | apostrophe

charcoal tʼoochʼ

charge ¹ (n + éede) + O-ya-S-s-√ḵaa ¹ | for S to charge (N) for O; for S to set the price of O; for S to confess, acknowledge, or delcare O

charge ² yaḵá | speech, words; angry words; allegation, charge(s)

charm (noun) héix̱waa | magic, charm, or ceremonial rights performed to bring about desirable results (verb) √héix̱waa | magic; charm; perform rites i O-S-∅-√héix̱waa ˟ | for S to make magic, perform rites on O to bring desirable results in nature or give youngsters power and confidence

charred xoodzí ² | burnt or charred wood

chase √keilʼ ² | classification: plural {∅ preverb} + O-l-√kéilʼ ²

chastising yadujeeyí

cheat √yeil | raven ²; pretend; lie ²; cheat; deceive ḵut + O-S-l-√yeil | for S to cheat, deceive, fool O

check a káa kadushxeedí dáanaa | check (from a bank account)

check it out! é!

checkers aldaawáa

cheek –xʼaash | butt cheeks || –wásh | cheek –washká | (outside of)  cheek || –washtú | inside of cheek; also inside of lip

cheese kashísʼi | fermented salmon eggs that harden to a cheese || kutsʼeen atx̱aayí | cheese

cheesecloth kag̱ádaa | cheesecloth, loose-woven cloth; netting, screen || xaadáa | veil; (mosquito) netting; cheesecloth

chef at gas.ee sʼaatí

cherish O-x̱ʼa-S-l-√tseen ˟ ¹ | for S to cherish, value O

cherries chéiwís

chest –wóow | chest –woowká | (on) the chest || –xeit | solar plexus

chest pain wuwtunéekw

chew √taaxʼ | bite; chew

chickadee ḵaatoowú

chicken káaxʼ | spruce grouse, spruce hen; chicken

child atkʼátskʼu | adolescent || –sée | daughter of – || –shuxʼaayádi; –shuxʼaayédi (C) | first born child of – || –yéet | son of – || √yát | child –yádi | child of – || –yátxʼi | children of i adátxʼi; atyátxʼi; atyétxʼi (T); adétxʼi (T); edétxʼi (C) | children || ii –kayádi; –keyédi (C) | fetus, unborn child of

childish √kʼeetlʼ | act silly, childish

childlike –yádi

childrenʼs tale tlaagú

Chilkat blanket naaxein

Chilkat: People of the Chilkat Area Jilḵáat Ḵwáan

Chilkoot: People of the Chilkoot Area Lḵoot Ḵwáan

chill O-S-s-√.áatʼ

chilled O-d+s-√.áatʼ

chin –téey

china nóoxʼ | shell (of clam, crustacean, or egg); carapace (of turtle); shell-like chip or flake; china (diningware)

Chinese Cháanwaan

chinook tʼá | king salmon; chinook salmon || kʼeiljáa; kʼeeljáa | chinook wind; south wind; chinook wind; south wind; storm (especially while at sea)

chip √x̱ootʼ ² | adze; chip; chop O-S-∅-√x̱óotʼ ² | for S to chip O out (with adze); for S to chop O (wood) || nóoxʼ | shell (of clam, crustacean, or egg); carapace (of turtle); shell-like chip or flake; china (diningware)

chipmunk gunáayei; kunáayei; kóonayei

chisel (noun) kachʼákʼwaa | rounded carving chisel || (noun) tayees; yees | stone chisel; stone axe; wedge || (verb) √teey ³ | carve; chisel O-ka-S-∅-√teey ³ | for S to carve O (using a flat chisel); for S to chisel O || (noun) tíyaa | flat chisel

chiton koow | lady slipper; giant chiton || shaaw | gumboot; chiton

choir at shéexʼi, et shéexʼi (C) || at sheexʼí

choke √kei ² | stuck in throat N + séi-t⁓ + ∅-√kei ² | for N to choke on something || N + leitóox̱-t⁓ + ∅-√xeex ¹ | for something to be stuck in Nʼs throat; for N to choke on something

choose a + tóo + daak + O-S-s-√.aat ¹ | classification: plural subject || a + tóo + daak + O-S-s-√goot ¹ | classification: singular subject || √tʼook | shoot bow and arrow; select gambling sticks O-S-∅-√tʼóok | for S to shoot O (with bow and arrow); for S to choose O (in gambling with sticks)

chop √sʼoow | chop O-S-∅-√sʼóow | for S to chop O (esp. chopping down trees, chopping off branches) || √x̱ootʼ ² | adze; chip; chop O-S-∅-√x̱óotʼ ² | for S to chip O out (with adze); for S to chop O (wood) || O-ka-S-l-√x̱óotʼ ² | for S to chop up O; for S to split O (wood)

chopper kasʼúwaa

chopping block sʼúwaa

Chugach Giyaḵw || Gutéix̱ʼ

chum téelʼ | dog salmon; chum salmon

church x̱ʼagáaxʼ daakahídi

cigar x̱ʼaxékʼwaa

circle kʼwátʼ yáx̱ kaxát | shaped like a circle || wooshduwag̱ígín; wooshdayíg̱in; wooshdawag̱ígin | in a circle; in circles

circle around N + daax̱ + ya-u-S-∅-√ḵoox̱ ¹

claim √geiyáḵw ˟ | claim as payment; sue for payment || (verb) √hein O-S-∅-√héin ˟ || (noun) ḵaa at oohéini | something claimed by someone || at uhéini | claimed property; that which is claimed or willed || –naawuweidí | price paid for death; crest claimed after the loss of life; life insurance || (verb) √sʼaa | claim as payment; save from destruction

clam dzéexʼw | baby clams || dzóoxʼ | butter clam || gáalʼ | clam || –g̱eiyí | edible part (of a clam or other mollusc) || ḵʼalkátsk | razor clam || tlʼildaaskeit | littleneck clams || x̱éetʼ | giant clam

clamps lʼátʼaa | tongs; tweezers; clamps

Clan | Naanyaa.aayí Group Naanya.aayí | "People of the Upper River" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety Primary Crests: White Bear, Killer Whale || Sʼiknax̱.ádi | "People of Black Bear Bay" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety Primary Crests: Wolf, Killer Whale || Kayáashkiditaan | "People of the House above the Platform" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety Primary Crest: Killer Whale || X̱ʼookʼeidí | "People of Leader Bay" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety || X̱eil Ḵwáan | "People of the Foam" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety || | Daḵlʼaweidí Group Daḵlʼaweidí | "People of the Inland Sandbar" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety Primary Crests: Killerwhale, Eagle || Tsaagweidí | "People of the Harbor Seal Ice Floes" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety Primary Crest: Split Killer Whale || Nees.ádi | "People of Nees" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety Primary Crest: Killer Whale || Naasteidí | "People of the Nass River Rock" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety Primary Crest: Flicker || Sʼeetʼḵweidí | "People of Humpback Cove" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety Primary Crest: Wolf || | Teiḵweidí Group Teiḵweidí | "People of Payne Island" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety Primary Crest: Brown Bear || Aanshookahíttaan | "People of the House on the End of Town" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety || Gaawhíttaan | "People of the Drum House" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety || Wasʼineidí | "People of Sea Lice Creek" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety Primary Crest: Rhinoceros Auklet || Lʼux̱ʼeidí | "People of Herring Spawn in Water" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety || Laax̱aayík Teiḵweidí | "People of Payne Island at Laax̱aayík (In the Glacier)" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety || | Dag̱istinaa Group Dag̱istinaa | "Inland Channel Clan" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety Primary Crest: Thunderbird || Shangukeidí | "People of Shankw" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety Primary Crest: Thunderbird || Shankweidí | "People of Saint Philip Island" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety Primary Crest: Thunderbird || Ḵaax̱ʼoos.híttaan | "People of Personʼs Foot House" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety Primary Crest: Owl || Lḵuweidi | "People of the Flood" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety || | Kaagwaantaan Group Kaagwaantaan | "People of the Burnt House" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety Primary Crest: Wolf or Brown Bear || Ḵóokhíttaan | "People of the Box House" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety Primary Crest: Brown Bear || G̱ayesʼhíttaan | "People of the Iron House" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety Primary Crest: Brown Bear || G̱alyáx̱ Kaagwaantaan | "People of the Burnt House at Kaliakh River" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety Primary Crests: Wolf, Beaver || Jeeshḵweidí | "People of the Red Paint" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety Primary Crests: Wolf, Beaver || | Chookaneidí Group Chookaneidí | "People of Grass River" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety Primary Crest: Brown Bear, Porpoise, Spirit Bear || Xinhíttaan | "People of Downriver Side House" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety || X̱ʼaxʼaahíttaan | "People of the Edge House" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety || Katakw.ádi | "People of Wilson Cove" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety || | Xakwnoowkeidí Group Xakwnoowkeidí | Teiḵweidí Migration, Xakwnoowkeidí Branch Xakwnoowkeidí Group || Wooshkeetaan | "People of the Houses On the Other Side of Each Other" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety Primary Crest: Shark || Tʼikanaa | Wolf/Eagle Moiety Teiḵweidí Migration || | Yanyeidí Group Yanyeidí | "People in the Hemlock House" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety Primary Crest: Wolf || Ḵaax̱ʼúseedeetaan | "People of the Footprints House" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety Primary Crest: Wolf || Tsaatʼineidí | "People of the Stream Behind a Seal" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety Primary Crest: Wolf || | G̱aanax̱.ádi Group | Primary Crests: Beaver, Split Beaver (Teslin) G̱aanax̱.ádi | "People of Sheltered Harbor" | Raven/Starfish (Raven/Crow Moiety) Primary Crests: Raven, Starfish || Deikée G̱aanax̱.ádi | "Out to Sea People of Sheltered Harbor" | Raven/Crow Moiety Primary Crests: Raven || G̱aanax̱teidí | "People of Sheltered Harbor Rock" | Raven/Crow Moiety Primary Crests: Raven, Frog, Woodworm || Taakw.aaneidí | "People of the Winter Village" | Raven/Crow Moiety Primary Crests: Strong Man and the Sea Lion, Woodworm || Kʼooxineidí | "People of the Mink/Marten Creek" | Raven/Crow Primary Crest: Mink/Marten || Ishkeetaan | "People of Deep Pool in the River House" | Raven/Crow Moiety Primary Crest: Frog || Kooḵhittaan; Ko̱oḵhittaan | "People of Cellar House" | Raven/Crow Moiety Primary Crest: Raven (with children) || Tooḵa.ádi | "People of Tooḵa" | Raven/Crow Moiety || Ḵakʼweidí | "People of the Little Basket (Basket Bay)" | Raven/Crow Moiety Primary Crest: Beaver || | Deisheetaan Group Deisheetaan | "People of the End of the Trail House" | Raven/Crow Moiety || Tuḵyeidí | "People of of the Outlet" | Raven/Crow Moiety Primary Crests: Raven, Beaver || Naachʼuneidí | "People of Naachʼu Héen" | Raven/Crow Moiety || | Taalḵweidí Group Taalḵweidí | "People of Little Flat Basket Bay" | Raven/Crow Moiety Primary Crest: Taalḵunax̱kʼu Shaa (Devilʼs Thumb Mountain) || Kaasx̱ʼagweidí | "People of Ḵaasx̱ʼéikw" | Raven/Crow Moiety || Lukaax̱.ádi | "People off the Point of It" | Raven/Crow Moiety Primary Crest: Sockeye || Noowshaka.aayí | "People on the Head of the Fort" | Raven/Crow Moiety Primary Crest: Sockeye || Ḵaach.ádi | "People of Pybus Bay" | Raven/Crow Moiety Primary Crests: Raven, Fresh Water Sockeye || Skanax̱.ádi | "People of the Noisy Beach" | Raven/Crow Moiety Primary Crest: Raven, Fresh Water Sockeye || Taneidí | "People of Jumping Fish Creek" i | Raven/Crow Moiety || Ḵʼalchaneidí | "People of the Pungent Mouth" | Raven/Crow Moiety || Ḵuyeiḵʼádi | "People of Excursion Inlet" | Raven/Crow Moiety || | Lʼeeneidí Group Lʼeeneidí | "People of Dog Salmon Creek" | Raven/Crow Moiety Primary Crest: Dog Salmon || Yax̱tetaan | "People of the Big Dipper House" | Raven/Crow Moiety Primary Crest: Dog Salmon || Aanx̱ʼaakhíttaan | "People of the House in the Middle of the Village" | Raven/Crow Moiety Primary Crest: Dog Salmon || Teelʼhittaan | "People of the Dog Salmon House" | Raven/Crow Moiety Primary Crest: Dog Salmon || Suḵteeneidí | "People of the Wide Steam in the Grass" | Raven/Crow Moiety Primary Crest: Dog Salmon || | Kiks.ádi Group Kiks.ádi | "People of Helm Bay" | Raven/Crow Moiety Primary Crest: Frog || Teeyhíttaan | "People of the Yellow Cedar Bark House" | Raven/Crow Moiety Primary Crest: Frog || Teeyeeneidí | "People of the Yellow Cedar Bark Stream" | Raven/Crow Moiety Primary Crest: Dog Salmon || | Lʼuknax̱.ádi Group Lʼuknax̱.ádi | "People of Coho Bay" | Raven/Crow Moiety Primary Crest: Coho || Xʼatʼka.aayí | "People on the Island" | Raven/Crow Moiety Primary Crest: Coho || Tʼaḵdeintaan | "People of the House toward the Side" | Raven/Crow Moiety Primary Crest: Black Legged Kittiwake || Tax̱ʼhíttaan | "People of the Snail House" | Raven/Crow Moiety Primary Crest: Black Legged Kittiwake || Ḵooskʼeidí | "People of Ḵooskʼ" | Raven/Crow Moiety Primary Crest: Raven || Shg̱aadaayihin.aayí | "People of Shg̱aadaayi Héen" | Raven/Crow Moiety Primary Crest: Raven || | Dene-Descended Group Kwáashkʼiḵwáan; Kʼinéix̱ Ḵwáan | "Humpy Creek People" | Raven/Crow Moiety Primary Crests: Mt. St. Elias, Moon, North Star, Humpy || Stax̱.ádi | "People of Stax̱" | Raven/Crow Moiety || Watineidí | "People of the Rock Sitting at the Mouth (of the creek)" | Raven/Crow Moiety || Kooyu.eidí | "People of Kooyú" | Raven/Crow Moiety || Neix̱.ádi | "People of the Naha Bay" | Neix̱.ádi Moiety Primary Crests: Eagle, Beaver, Halibut, King Crab, Giant Clam

clan at.óow | sacred clan-owned item at.óow latíni | clan caretaker of at.óow || –g̱uneitkanaayí | members of opposite clan || hít sʼaatí | head of a clan house; leader of a clan house || ḵaa shukaadé ḵáa | oldest member of a clan (male or female) || naa naa káani | member of opposite clan commissioned to conduct a ḵu.éexʼ; master of ceremonies for a ḵu.éexʼ || naa sháade háni | clan leader || naa tláa | clan mother || –shagóon | ancestor(s) of the clan or nation of; background, heredity of || –tʼaaḵxʼí yán; –tʼaaḵxʼí | siblings; clan relatives; comrades

clap túxjaa; tíxwjaa | sound of stamping, pounding fists, clapping; sound of running quickly || ka-S-l-√tʼaach | for S to applaud; for S to clap || N + jintáak + S-d+∅-√tʼaach | for S to clap oneʼs hands || jintaak + S-d+∅-√tʼácht ˟ | for S to clap hands

classroom sgóon eetxʼí

claw –x̱aakw –x̱aagú || √x̱aakw || at x̱aagú shakee.át | claw headdress

clay a kachoox; a kacheexw | dough shaped with hands; clay shaped with hands; something shaped by hands and clay-like or dough-like || sʼé ² | clay; alluvial silt sʼé kachoox; sʼé kacheexw | molded clay

clean ¹ tlél + O-u-l-√took ² | for O to be clean; for O to be pure, holy

clean ² √chech ² | clean the surface of

cleanly l ultukdéin

clear √dlaax̱ʼw ² | water to clear || –gukáaxʼ | (speaking) clearly, distinctly for them, so she/he can understand || O-S-l-√g̱eech ² | for S to fell O (multiple trees or bushes, rocks); for S to clear O (bushes or trees) from an area || √xaatsʼ | clear sky a-ka-∅-√xáatsʼ | for the sky to be clear, cloudless

clear day ḵuxaak

clear up √daaḵ ¹ | clear up a-∅-√daaḵ ¹ | for rain to stop; for the sky to clear up

clearing yeiltáayi | flat open place (where there are no trees); meadow, clearing

cleaver dleey kasʼúwaa (At,T) || dleey kasʼúwaa (At,T), dleey kesʼúwaa (C)

clerk dahooní

clever √too O-s-√too | for O to be clever, ingenious

cliff g̱ílʼ

climb √tlʼeitʼ N + daax̱ + kei + S-d+l-√tlʼéitʼ | for S to climb up along N (tree, rope, etc.) by holding on tightly (often to branches or projecting rocks/plants) || N + yáx̱ + S-d+l-√tlʼéitʼ | for S to climb up along the face of N (mountain, cliff, fence, etc.)

cling √x̱aakw

cling to √tlʼeitʼ

clock gaaw

clock-watcher gaaw altínx̱

close ¹ √aat ⁶ | classification: plural, hinged objects || √g̱eech ² | classification: book || √g̱waatʼ ² | close up completely || √loon | close eyes || √lʼoox | close eyes ka-S-d+∅-√lʼoox | for S to close eyes || (N waaḵ) + ka-d+∅-√lʼoox | for Nʼs eyes to be closed || x̱ʼéi-t⁓ + O-shu-S-∅-√taan ² | (a hinged door or lid) || √tlʼoon | eyes closed || √tsʼoot | press closed; pucker || yan⁓ + shu-d+sh-√x̱een | for a season, show, etc. to come to an end, close, finish || P-x̱ + O-S-∅-√yeesh | for S to pull O down along N; for S to close O (window) by pulling down along N

close ² a déinde aa | the one(s) in the vicinity of it; the rest of it/them all || –déindáx̱ aa | the one(s) in the vicinity of it; the rest of it, them || –dook ² | right close to; right next to; right alongside wooch dook | right close together; right next to each other, to one another || √sei | close ²; near ka-u-∅-√sei | for something to be (so) close, near (in time or space)

closet naa.át áa shayax̱duteex̱ yé

cloth aan yadu.usʼgu jig̱wéinaa | washcloth, washrag for washing the face || kag̱ádaa | cheesecloth, loose-woven cloth; netting, screen || kashxeet | cloth with print design || sʼísaa kawdudlidálʼi sʼísaa | machine-printed cloth

clothes –doonyaa | underclothing; undergarments || naa.át | clothes; clothing; garment || xʼáan yinaa.át | war clothes (of moosehide)

clothespin óosʼi katág̱aa; óosʼi katáxʼaa || sʼísaa katáxʼaa; sʼísaa ketáxʼaa

clothing naa.át || –doonyaa; –doonaa; –doonyaax̱; –doonaax̱ | under or inside his/her clothes; next to his/her skin

cloud góosʼ || ḵugóosʼ

cloud cover góosʼ

cloudberry néx̱ʼw; nax̱ʼw; náx̱kʼw

cloudy √goosʼ

club ¹ √x̱eech ² || O-sha-S-∅-√x̱eech ² | for S to club, hit O on the head

club ² (noun) xʼúsʼ

clumsy √hélʼk

clutch √g̱ook | clutch; squeeze O-ka-S-∅-√g̱ook | for S to clutch, hold tightly onto O || √tleixʼw | carry too much; be overloaded; clutch in order to carry too much

clutter tlʼeex | filth, mess; trash, rubbish, garbage

coal tʼoochʼ té

coat kinaak.át; kinaa.át | coat; jacket

coax tóo-t⁓ + O-ka-S-l-√dootl

coax to self √dootl ² tóo-t⁓ + O-ka-S-l-√dootl

cobbler téel layeix̱í

cockle yalooleit

cod chudéi | Pacific tomcod || ishḵeen | black cod; sablefish || sʼáax̱ʼ | Pacific cod; gray cod || x̱ʼáaxʼw | ling cod

coffee káaxwei | coffee káaxwei a káa dustʼeix̱ át | coffee maker || yatʼaayi héen | hot water; tea; coffee

coffin ḵaa daakeidí

coho lʼook | coho salmon; silver salmon

coil √dlaaxʼw || √x̱eil ²

coin dáanaa

cold ¹ √aatʼ O-S-s-√.áatʼ | for S to make O cold, cool || s-√.áatʼ | for an inanimate object to be cold || O-sa-∅-.áatʼ | for O (person) to feel cold || O-ya-d+s-√.áatʼ | for Oʼs face to be cold || O-d+s-√.áatʼ | for O (body part or inanimate object) to be chilled, cold || ḵu-s-√.áatʼ | for the weather to be cold i (noun) ḵusa.áatʼ | cold weather

cold ² ḵusa.áatʼ néekw | chest cold

cold sore x̱ʼatlʼooḵ

cold water si.áatʼi héen

collar –shanyaa | collar (of fish) || ladax̱áa | neck collar for war helmet || –layatʼákw | depression along the sides of their esophagus extending down behind the collarbone −layatʼakwsʼaag̱í; –wóow sʼaag̱í | collarbone

college sgóon tlein | post-secondary education

color ¹ (verb) √seiḵʼw O-ka-d+∅-√séiḵʼw | for O to be stained, dyed, colored || O-ka-S-l-√séiḵʼw | for S to stain, dye, color the surface of O || sha-ka-S-d+l-√séiḵʼw | for S to dye them allʼs own hair || ya-ka-S-d+l-√séiḵʼw | for S to put on makeup || (noun) –kaséiḵʼu

color ² dleit | white || kayaaní | green || lawúx̱ | gray || sʼoow | dark green (for Coastal Lingít); blue (for Inland Lingít) || sʼeiḵ kawóot | light bluish gray || séiḵʼw | the color of something || tʼoochʼ | black || xáatsʼ | sky blue || x̱ʼéishxʼw | dark blue

colored O-ka-d+∅-√yéisʼ | for O to be colored, discolored, bruised

colt gawdáan yádi

comb ḵaa shaksayéigu | comb || xéidu | comb || sha-ka-d+s-√yaa ⁴ | for S to comb or brush their hair

come around N-t⁓ + O-ya-d+∅-√haa ² | for O to move in, come around, crowd at N (of large numbers, esp. people, birds)

come off √tsoox̱ʼ | destring; come off string

come to √daaḵ ¹ | clear up N + daa + a-∅-√daaḵ ¹ | for N to regain consciousness; for N to come to oneʼs senses; for N to sober up

come to an end √xʼaaḵw ¹

come to senses √aa ²

come upon N-káx̱ + ḵu-S-∅-√shee ʰ ¹ | for S to find, come upon N (often without searching)

comet xoodzí ¹ | comet; falling star

comfort (verb) N + toowú + O-S-l-√tʼaa ¹ ʰ | for S to comfort N (noun) ḵaa toowú latʼaa

comfortable √xʼaaḵw ² | situate comfortably yan⁓ + sh + ka-S-d+l-√xʼaaḵw ² | for S to be make themselves comfortable, settle in a comfortable position || sh + ka-S-d+sh-√xʼaaḵw ² | for S to be comfortable, sit or lie comfortably || yan⁓ + sh + ka-S-d+sh-√xʼaaḵw ² | for S to be comfortable, sit or lie comfortably

comforter yee.át kag̱áaji | (heavy) bedspread; quilt, comforter (for a bed)

comical lishoog̱u || x̱ʼalishoog̱u | for a speech or words to be be funny, comical, laughable

command √aaḵw ² | plan; order ¹; command; instruct át + O-ka-S-∅-√.aaḵw ² | for S to give orders to, command, instruct O || √naa ⁴ | order ¹; send; command; give O-ka-u-S-∅-√náa ⁴ | for S to order (esp. to go), send, command O

commander át ḵukawu.aag̱ú

commandment at kuna.áaḵw; at kuna.áag̱u

commend √sheix̱ʼ; √sheex̱ʼ O-ka-S-∅-√shéex̱ʼ | for S to praise, glorify O; for S to approve, commend O; for S to comment on O

communicate √aat ⁵ | communicate; think; talk | classification: plural | singular form: √taan ⁵ || √taan ⁵ | communicate; think; talk | classification: singular | plural form √aat ⁵

communion sakwnéin wuduwawáalʼ || ḵaa x̱ʼéi wdudlilúk

community ḵu.oo | people; community || áxʼ woosh kaanáx̱ wuduwa.aadi yé | community hall; gathering center

compare √yaaḵw ¹

comparison at wulyáaḵw | comparison; simile

compel –lukaax̱ | set into immediate action because of it; compelled, impelled by it; in a hurry, starting right now

compelling x̱ʼakwli.áax̱chʼán | fascinating to listen to; a compelling storyteller

complete yan⁓ + O-sha-S-l-√heek | for S to finish, complete O || yan⁓ + O-S-s-√nei ² ʰ | for S to finish, complete O || yan; yax̱ | to completion

complexion –dook ¹ | skin; complexion

compose √shee ⁴ at + ka-S-l-√shee ⁴ | for S to compose songs (esp. about opposite clan)

comprehend √gei ³ | understand; comprehend N + daa + yaa + ḵu-shu-s-√géi ³ | for N to understand, comprehend || O-x̱ʼa-S-∅-.aax̱ ¹ | for S to hear O with understanding; for S to understand, comprehend O

computer kashóokʼ tlag̱eiyí

comrade –tʼaag̱í ¹ | sibling; clan relative; comrade || –tʼaaḵxʼí yán; –tʼaaḵxʼí | clan siblings; clan relatives; comrades

conceal √seen O-S-l-√seen | for S to hide, conceal, put O out of sight

conceited sh + tu-ka-S-d+l-√g̱éi

concentrate √xeech | exert stength; concentrate on || O-S-∅-√xeech | for S to exert oneʼs full strength on, strive for O; for S to concentrate on, put effort into O

concern daat át | concern; responsibility; business || –x̱ʼadaa | about, concerning his/her words, speech

concerned O-tu-ka-∅-√dín ˟ | for O to be upset, troubled, lacking peace of mind

concerned about N + tóon + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for N to care about O; for N to be concerned about O; for N to be affected by O || N + daa + O-tu-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to care about N; for O to think about, consider N; for O to have an opinion about N

concerning –daa ² | around; about; concerning

conditioner shax̱aawú neisʼí | hair conditioner

cone sʼóosʼani | pine cone, spruce cone aasdaasʼóosʼani | spruce cone || at kwéiyi | traffic cone; training cone

confess (yéi) + ya-S-∅-√ḵaa ¹ | for S to say (a certain thing); for S to confess, acknowledge, declare (a certain thing) || (n + éede) + O-ya-S-s-√ḵaa ¹ | for S to charge (N) for O; for S to set the price of O; for S to confess, acknowledge, or delcare O

confidence in self sh + tóokʼ + a-S-d+∅-√heen ˟ ¹

conflict kaxéelʼ | conflict; trouble || adawóotl | conflict; war; trouble (between opposing factions) || ḵulagaaw | fight; war ¹; conflict

confusion kooxéelʼaa | tangle; mess, clutter, confusion

congregate woosh + kaanáx̱ + S-d+∅-√.aat ¹ || woosh + x̱oo-t⁓ + S-d+∅-√.aat ¹

connect (N-dé) + O-ka-S-s-√xaat ¹ | for S to connect, attach, tie O (to N) || N-(dé) + ka-s-√xaat ¹ | for something to be connected, attached, tied (to) N

connifer sʼóosʼani | pine cone, spruce cone

conscious √daaḵ ¹ | clear up N + daa + a-∅-√daaḵ ¹ | for N to regain consciousness; for N to come to oneʼs senses; for N to sober up

consciousness yoo tutánk

consider √aa ² || N + daa + yoo + tu-S-l-√.aat ⁵ | for (plural) S to think over, consider, make up oneʼs mind about N || N + daa + yoo + tu-S-∅-√taan ⁵ | for (singular) S to think over, consider, make up oneʼs mind about N

conspicuous O-ka-l-√g̱éi

constantly tlákw || chʼa tlákw

constipate √deekʼ | constipate O-S-s-√déekʼ | for S to constipate, plug O

constipated O-d+s-√déekʼ

construct O-S-l-√yeix̱ ¹ | for S to build O; for S to make, construct O

contain l-√yék˟ ¹ | for something to be roomy; for something to hold more, contain more; for something to hold a lot || –daaká | (around) the outside surface of it

container dakwyeit | wooden container or canoe used for rendering || daneit | grease, oil put away in a box; large box for storing grease, oil || daakeit | container || hinyeit | water container; water pail || –yee.ádi ¹ | receptacle for it

contrary to what was thought ḵachoo

contribute N-t⁓ + ka-S-d+∅-√g̱éexʼ || ka-S-d+∅-√g̱éexʼ

conversation yoo x̱ʼala.átk | conversation; dialog; talk; discourse

converse yoo + x̱ʼa-S-l-√.aat ⁵ | for (plural) S to speak, talk, converse

cook √daak | cook or steam food in a pit || √ee ¹ | cook O-S-s-√.ee ¹ | for S to cook O || at S-s-√.ee ¹ | for S to cook || √tʼoosʼ | cook, roast, or toast by open flame O-S-l-√tʼoosʼ | for S to roast  O (meat, esp. by coals or open flames) || √x̱ʼaalʼ | wither; cook by blanching O-ka-S-sh-√x̱ʼáalʼ | for S to cook O (herring eggs) by dipping in boiling water and oil

cooked yan⁓ + ∅-√.ee ¹ | for food to be cooked, done cooking

cooker a kát sh is.éex̱ át | crockpot; slow cooker

cookie linúkdzi g̱áatl

cool O-S-s-√.áatʼ

cooler si.áatʼi át daakeit | ice cooler; ice chest

copper eeḵ

Copper River Dene iḵkaa | Ahtna

copper shield tináa

copy ¹ O-ka-S-d+∅-√kaa ² | for S to copy O || O-x̱ʼa-S-d+∅-√kaa ² | for S to copy the speech of O

copy ² –kayaa | facsimile; copy

coral hintaak x̱ʼoosí; hintakx̱ʼoosí || hintakxʼúxi || yéil kawóodi | petrified coral

cord kaséiḵʼw | neck cord used in dances || –taaní; –taanwú; –taanú; –táani | umbilical cord

cork (verb) √deexʼ | plug up; cork; shut mouth or opening O-x̱ʼa-S-∅-√déexʼ || (noun) –x̱ʼadéexʼi | cork; plug

cormorant yooḵ

corn oox̱ kayáa

corner gukshú; gukshí; guksh || gukshatú; gukshitú; gukshutú | (in) the corner

corpse naawú | dead body || –daadleeyí | flesh; corpse || jáḵwti | corpse of one slain

correct –yáx̱; ayáx̱ | the right way; correctly; properly

corset kasanka.át

cotton kastʼáatʼ | cotton || sháchk kax̱’wáal’i | Alaska cotton; swamp cotton; cottongrass

cottongrass sháchk kax̱’wáal’i

cottonwood dúḵ

couch káa dulséix̱ át

cough √kooḵ ² a-S-d+s-√kooḵ  ²

counsel √jaa O-shu-ka-S-∅-√jaa ʰ

count √toow; √teew | read; count; study; teach S-d+∅-√tóow | for S to read, count || N-t⁓ + S-d+s-√tóow | for S to count to N

counter atx̱á áxʼ yéi daadunéi yé | kitchen counter

counterfit yélaa

country tlʼátk

courage toowú latseen | strength of mind or heart; courage; resolve

course √xʼaak ² | rough; course

cove ḵú || ḵunag̱eiy; ḵunag̱eey || noow g̱ei | in a fort; in a shelter; in a cove

cover ¹ √haat ² || √taan ² at + S-∅-√taan ² | for S to cover (esp. pot, etc.), put on lid || N + káx̱ + O-S-∅-√yeesh | for S to pull O (fairly light object) over N; for S to cover N with O

cover ² –guntú | under the covers, under the blanket with them; (sleeping) nestled against them || –kaháadi | covering; cover (over a large opening or something without an opening) || –náa | (draped) over it, covering it || –shanáa | over his/her head; covering his/her head || –yanáa | over, covering (a container or something with an opening) –yana.áatʼani (T); –yanáatʼayi (T); –yana.áatʼi (T); –naax̱ʼáatʼeni (C); –náatʼeni (C); –yanaa.áatʼáni; –yana.áaktʼáni | lid, cover (of pot, etc.)

covering ka.át

COVID át amdliseenín néekw; át awdliseenín néekw

cow wasóos || xaas

cow parsnip yaana.eit || kóox̱ʼ | dried yaana.eit (wild celery) stalks

crab sʼáaw | dungeness crab || éetkasʼáaw | king crab || xʼéix̱ | spider crab; king crab

crabapple xʼáaxʼ lingít xʼáaxʼi

crack √aaxʼw ¹ || ḵáasʼ | crack (in wood) || té ḵáasʼ; té ḵáasʼ x̱ʼé | rock crevice; fissure in rock

cracker g̱áatl | pilot bread; hard tack

crackle √tʼaax̱ʼ ¹ | pop; crackle

cradleboard tʼook

Craig Sháan Séet | "Old Channel"

crammed √ḵʼeekʼ

cramp √shookʼ; √sheekʼw O-ka-d+l-√shóokʼ | for O to have cramps; for O to get shocked (by electricity)

cramps kashóokʼ || kashéekʼw

cranberry dáxw | Lingonberry || kaxwéix̱ | high bush cranberry || ḵʼeishkaháagu; ḵʼeishkeháagu (C) | bog cranberry; low bush cranberry || sháchk katléig̱u; sháchgi tléig̱u | swamp cranberry; bog cranberry

crane ¹ (noun) dóol

crane ² (verb) √keixʼw

crave –tsʼéix̱i | craves –; has a taste for –; is addicted to – || N-dáx̱ + x̱ʼa-S-d+∅-√nook ² | for S to be hungry for, crave N

crawl √g̱waatʼ ¹ | crawl on hands and knees {∅ preverb} + S-d+∅-√g̱wáatʼ ¹ | for S (esp. child) to crawl on hands and knees || {na preverb} + S-d+∅-√g̱wáatʼ ¹ | for S (esp. child) to crawl on hands and knees || {na preverb} + S-d+sh-√ḵaaḵ | for an octopus to walk/crawl || √tlooxʼ | crawl on hands and toes; drag self with hands and body on the ground {na preverb} + S-∅-√tlóoxʼ | for s to creep, crawl on hands and toes with body close to ground (usually when stalking game)

crayon kawdudliséḵʼu kooxéedaa | colored pencil; crayon

crazy (verb) tlél + yaa + ḵu-S-d+sh-√géi ³ | for S to be foolish, dimwitted, unwise, or crazy || √oos ² | hyperactive; wild; crazy; noisy O-l-√.oos ˟ ² | for O to be crazy, lively, noisy, never still || sh + ka-S-d+l-√shoo ʰ ² | for S to go crazy || (adjective) sh kahaadí–

creak √g̱íx̱ʼ | creak; squeak; rub O-l-√g̱íx̱ʼjaa | for O to be creaky or squeaky || O-sh-√g̱íx̱ʼ | for O to creak, squeak by producing friction

cream yaneisʼí | face cream; cold cream || ḵaa yadaaneisʼí | face cream; face lotion

Creator Haa Shagéinyaa || Dikée Aanḵáawu; Dikáanḵáawu; Haa Aanḵáawu

creature hintaakkanas.aatxʼi sáani; hintaakkenes.aatxʼi sáani | tiny water creatures such as larvae || hintaakḵwáan | water dwellers

credit xén dáanaa

creek héen héenákʼw | small creek, stream || naadaayi héen || kanaadaayi héen || ísh | fishing hole; hole in stream, river, creek

creep √tlóoxʼ | crawl on hands and toes with body close to ground; drag self with hands and body on the ground {na preverb} + S-∅-√tlóoxʼ | for s to creep, crawl on hands and toes with body close to ground (usually when stalking game)

cresent dís shoowú kayáa | cresent

crest ¹ –litká | on the crest, ridge, backbone of it (hill, ridge, point); (on) the back of it (fish)

crest ² Haa Shuká | Our Ancestors; Our History; Our descendants; Our Clan Crest || at uhéini | claimed property; that which is claimed or willed

crevice té ḵáasʼ; té ḵáasʼ x̱ʼé | rock crevice; fissure in rock

crib tʼukanéiyi yee.ádi

crochet √nei ³ O-ka-S-s-√nei ³ | for S to make O (cloth of any kind) (by weaving, knitting, or crocheting); for S to make or mend O (net) || ka-S-d+s-√nei ³ | for S to knit, weave, or crochet

crocheting kasné

crockpot a kát sh is.éex̱ át

crocodile li.oox̱u tseenx̱ʼé tlein

crocus x̱ʼakana.áayi

crook –jig̱ei | crook of his/her arm; in his/her embrace

crooked √teix̱ʼ; √teex̱ʼ | wring; twist; screw ¹; crooked; twisted; windy ² O-ka-d+s-√téix̱ʼ | for O to be crooked, wicked || kax̱ʼakdéin; kex̱ʼakdéin | crooked; askew; diagonally

crookedly katéx̱ʼdéin

cross kanéist

crosspiece yax̱akʼáaw | crosspiece (of boat, snowshoe); thwart (in boat)

crosswise tlʼaadéin

crotch –g̱atsx̱ʼáak || –x̱antá | crotch, between the legs

crow tsʼaxweil

crowbar kítʼaa | stick or tool for prying; crowbar; prybar

crowberry xéelʼi | mossberry; crowberry

crowd ¹ (verb) N-t⁓ + O-ya-d+∅-√haa ² | for O to move in, come around, crowd at N (of large numbers, esp. people, birds) || √sheetʼ | crowd; packed; jammed

crowd ² (noun) aantḵeení | townspeople; crowd or large group of people

crowded O-d+∅-√ḵʼéekʼ

crumb –kʼóolʼi | crumbs of it; last drops of it; last little bit of it || –x̱ʼa.eetí | food scraps, left-over food; crumbs of food left or scattered where one has eaten

crumpled-up √dootl ¹

crush √dzooxʼ | crush clams for juice || tʼáalʼ | flat; flattened; crushed flat

cry √g̱aax̱ S-∅-√g̱aax̱ | for (singluar) S to cry, weep | classification: singular || O-ka-S-s-√g̱aax̱ | for S to make O cry, cause O to cry || g̱ax̱-S-s-√tee ¹ | for (plural) S to cry, weep, mourn; for (plural) S to howl (esp. of wolves) | classification: plural

cry for O-S-d+s-√g̱áax̱ ˟

cry out √dáy ˟ || ka-S-d+∅-√g̱aax̱

crying g̱aax̱

cup gúxʼaa || cháashgaa

cure √neix̱ O-∅-√neix̱ | for O to be saved; for O to be healed, cured, recover; for O to be satisfied || O-S-s-√neix̱ ˟ | for S to save O; for S to heal, cure O || √saan

cure ² áx̱ + a-ka-S-l-√sʼeiḵ ² | for S to tan, smoke, cure something by placing in smoke

curiosity yoo at koojeek

curious O-ka-S-∅-√jeek ˟ | for S to wonder, be curious, anxious about O

curl √gwaalʼ || √koochʼ ¹

curl up √gwaatl | curl up in a ball (of person or animal)

curlew ayaheeyáa

currant kaduheix̱.aa | northern redcurrant || kanaltsʼákw; kaneiltsʼákw (C); kaneiltsʼíkw (At); kaneiltsʼook (T) | trailing blackcurrant || neistʼeyáa | red currant || shaax̱ | gray currant; stink currant || x̱aaheiwú | prickly currant

current haat | current; tide || héen kanadaayí | current; tidal action

curriculum aan ḵoo dultóowu at kuna.áaḵw

cursor at chʼéx̱ʼdi | cursor (on computer)

curtain x̱aawaag̱í kasʼísayi; x̱aawaag̱í kasʼísaa; x̱aawaag̱í kesʼíseyi

curve –jig̱ei | inside the bend, curve of it; inside the bend, curve of it

cushion yéik tayee.ádi | blanket, cushion for shaman to sit on

cut ¹ √doochʼ ² | cut preserving bone || √haan ² | cut strips; cut fringe || (verb) √ḵʼeikʼw ¹ | cut (flesh) with knife i O-S-∅-√ḵʼéikʼw ¹ || sh + S-d+∅-√ḵʼéikʼw ¹ | for S to cut the flesh of O (usually accidentally) || √tʼaaxʼ | flick; cut into pieces || √tsʼeitʼ | cut fat or skin from a seal O-S-∅-√tsʼéitʼ | for S to skin, flay O; for S to operate on, cut carefully (using small strokes) || (verb) √xaash O-S-∅-√xaash | for S to cut O with knife; for S to saw O || S-d+∅-√xaash | for S to cut || O-S-l-√xaash | for S to cut O (esp. rope-like object) || O-ka-S-∅-√xaash | for S to cut O in several pieces; for S to carve O (on surface); for S to slice O (e.g., bread) || O-sha-S-l-√xaash | for S to cut the hair of O

cut ² (noun) ḵʼéikʼw | cut; knife wound

cutbank lʼewshaa; lʼawshaa || táx̱k

cute O-sha-ka-l-√g̱éi | for O to be pretty, cute, beautiful || óoskʼ!; óoskʼi!,; óoshkʼ! | tiny!; cute!

cutting a káa yei kaduxáshch tʼáa | cutting board

cutwater –xéesʼ | the curved part of a bow or stern (of boat)

cylinder káast yáx̱ kaaxát

dab √toochʼ | rub; dab; roll (into yarn) || (N-t⁓) + O-S-l-√toochʼ | for S to dab O (paint) (onto N)

daddy long legs táax’aa x̱’uskudayáat’

dagger gwálaa || shak’áts’ | double-ended dagger

dam (verb) √ḵeet ² | dam O-S-s-√ḵeet ² | for S to dam up O (incompletely or impermanently) || (noun) ḵéedu; ḵéet; saḵéet; sʼigeidí ḵéedi | beaver dam || √tsoox̱ | dam; obstruct

damp √naa ²

dance ¹ (verb) √kaan | dance in response || √lʼeix̱ a-S-∅-√lʼeix̱ ˟ | for S to dance || (noun) √sʼáasʼ | dance lightly, sliding the feet || ya-S-d+∅-√xoon ² | for S to show face (as entering in ceremonial dance)

dance ² (noun) alʼeix̱; lʼeix̱ | dance adulʼeix̱ ax̱áa | dance paddle || al’eix̱tsaag̱áa | large dance staff or paddle || kaséiḵʼw | neck cord used in dances || ḵuyalakánxʼ | to dance a peace ceremony || lʼax̱keit | dance mask || lʼex̱daa.ádi | dance regalia || neildé shí | entrance song (song sung while entering where one is to perform) || x̱ʼuskeit | dancing leggings; leggings for climbing || yaa na.át daasheeyí | procession song (song sung while going to where one is to perform) || yoo kuwahangi yéik | swaying dance | classification: singular || yoo koonáḵk | swaying dance | classification: plural

dandelion yéil ḵágu

dandruff shakéil’ kéilʼ

dangerous O-ka-u-l-√x̱éitlʼshán ˟ | for O to be scary, dangerous (adjective) kulix̱éitlʼshan

dare √woo ⁴

dark –yéisʼ || √g̱eet ² ḵu-ka-d+sh-√g̱éet ²

darkness kag̱ít

dart kei kdug̱íxʼch tsaag̱álʼ kayáa | throwing darts (for game) || shee aan | throwing board for a spear or dart

daughter –sée | daughter of –

dawn (verb) ḵei-∅-√.aa ³ || (noun) ḵeex̱ʼé; ḵeix̱ʼé; ḵee.ax̱ʼé; ḵe1.ax̱ʼé | crack of dawn || ḵee.á; ḵei.á | dawn, daybreak

day a siyeiḵ; a sayeiḵ (T); a siyeix̱ | the next day || tliyaatgé; tliyaatatgé | the other day; a few days ago || yakyee; yagyee; yagiyee; yagee (T) | day; afternoon tléixʼ yakyee; tléixʼ yagiyee; tléixʼ yagee | Monday || déix̱ yakyee; déix̱ yagiyee; déix̱ yagee | Tuesday || násʼk yakyee; násʼk yagiyee; násʼk yagee | Wednesday || daaxʼoon yakyee; daaxʼoon yagiyee; daaxʼoon yagee | Thursday || keijín yakyee; keijín yagiyee; keijín yagee | Friday || saguyageeyí; sigéewu yakyee; sándi kʼátskʼu | Saturday || a káa dulséix̱ yakyee; a káa dulséix̱ yagee; sándi; sánde | Sunday || tatgé | yesterday tatgé tliya.aakát; tatgé tliyaakát | day before yesterday || xʼoon yakyee x̱ʼaanáx̱ sá | for many days; for how many days?

daybreak ḵei-∅-√.aa ³

daycare adátxʼi áa dultin yé

daylight ḵei-∅-√.aa ³

dazzle √leek

dead gankasʼíxʼi; gankaadé sʼíxʼ | fire dish

death naná || nana.aaní | the land of death; a deep depression, a mental state akin to death

debt nahéesʼadi

decay √tlʼooḵ ¹

deceive √yeil | raven ²; pretend; lie ²; cheat; deceive O-S-l-√yeil | for S to pretend to do O; for S to do O without knowing what theyʼre doing || ḵut + O-S-l-√yeil | for S to cheat, deceive, fool O

December Shaanáx̱ Dís

decide (yéi) + tu-S-d+∅-√taan ⁵ | for (singular) S to decide, make up oneʼs mind (that way) || yan⁓ + O-ka-S-∅-√.aaḵw ² | for S to make a decision about O; for S to finish planning O

decide about it yan⁓ + O-ka-S-∅-√.aaḵw ²

decided (yéi) + O-sa-S-∅-√haa ⁴

deck yaakw x̱uká | deck of a boat

declare (yéi) + ya-S-∅-√ḵaa ¹ | for S to say (a certain thing); for S to confess, acknowledge, declare (a certain thing)

dedication –daateeyí | feast, potlatch in honor of; dedication ceremony and feast for

deep √dlaan ∅-√dlaan

deer g̱uwakaan; ḵuwakaan; ḵuyakaan | Sitka black-tailed deer || shakalḵísht | male deer with antlers that have grown and split into two forks || shak’únts’ | male deer that is beginning to sprout horns || shalas’áaw | male deer with full-grown antlers || shataag̱áa | deer with single spikes for antlers; ruminant with single spikes for antlers || yagootl | young deer

deer cabbage kʼuwaaní; kʼiwaaní | deer cabbage; wild lily-of-the-valley

defeat √dlaaḵ || O-ya-S-∅-√dlaaḵ

defecate gánde + S-∅-√.aat ¹ | for (plural) S to go to the bathroom || gánde + S-∅-√goot | for (singular) S to go to the bathroom || √lʼéelʼ a-S-∅-√lʼéelʼ || sh + daa + a-S-d+∅-√lʼéelʼ

defend √gaaw | loud; noisy; fight; defend N + káx̱ + ḵu-S-l-√gaaw ˟ | for S to fight for, defend N

defer (N-xʼ) + a-S-l-√xaach | for S to despair, give up hope (on N); for S to put off, defer, delay doing, or give up (doing N)

Deity Haa Shagéinyaa || Dikée Aanḵáawu

delay √gaa ¹ | delay; hesitate; tide ¹; calm N-x̱ + O-ka-∅-√gaa ¹ | for O to delay, wait, pause, take oneʼs time, stay behind, or be detained at N || (N-xʼ) + a-S-l-√xaach | for S to despair, give up hope (on N); for S to put off, defer, delay doing, or give up (doing N)

delayed N-náx̱ + O-sh-√kʼéix̱ʼ; N-náx̱ + O-sh-√kʼéex̱ʼ | for O to get delayed, stuck, hung up, hooked at N || √seek ¹ O-ya-∅-√seek ¹ | for O to be delayed, prevented, held back from plans (often due to inclement weather)

delcare (n + éede) + O-ya-S-s-√ḵaa ¹ | for S to charge (N) for O; for S to set the price of O; for S to confess, acknowledge, or delcare O

delicate √eitsʼ | careful; delicate

delicate matter kalitsʼígwaa || √tsʼígwaa ˟

delicious x̱ʼalinóokcháni

deliver O-ji-S-∅-√naaḵ ²

demonstrate N + waḵshiyeexʼ + yéi + O-S-s-√nei ² ʰ | for S to demonstrate, perform publicly, show N how to do O by action

den –ḵoowú | den, lair (of animal, underground)

Dene G̱unanaa | Inland People (Na-Dene); Athabaskan

denote at ashoowatán | mean something; signify something; denote something; simile

dent √tʼaak | dent; press

dentalia shells táxʼx̱i

dentalium táxʼx̱i

dentist ḵaa oox̱ layeix̱í; ḵaa oox̱ yéeshi; ḵaa oox̱ yéi daanéiyi; ḵaa oox̱ daa yoo ahéix̱

deny √yaakw | deny N-x̱ + a-ka-u-S-l-√yáakw ˟ | for S to deny, cotradict, declare N untrue || √shaaḵ ²

deodorant éenee chán náakw

depression nana.aaní | the land of death; a deep depression, a mental state akin to death

depth –kug̱adlaaní | depth of a body of water or other mass substance, such as snow

deride O-ka-S-∅-√shooḵ | for S to laugh at, deride, mock, make fun of O

descendant –eetí | one that they have left behind (as an heir); descendant of their clan, people –eetí ḵáa | descendant; successor; person who inherits their place || Haa Shuká | Our Ancestors; Our History; Our descendants; Our Clan Crest

descent –yinaanáx̱ | line of descent of –

desert O-ji-S-∅-√naaḵ ² | for S to leave, desert O || √tlʼeet | abandon; leave; throw away; dispose of O-S-l-√tlʼeet | for S to abandon, desert, leave O; for S to throw away, dispose of, get rid of O; for S to divorce O; for S to fire O (from a job)

desiccated √xaak ¹

desire N + tuwáa + S-s-√góo ¹ || át + a-S-d+∅-√shee ¹

desk yéi jineiyí nadáagu

despair (N-xʼ) + a-S-l-√xaach | for S to despair, give up hope (on N); for S to put off, defer, delay doing, or give up (doing N)

destring √tsoox̱ʼ | destring; come off string

destroy hóochʼx̱ + O-S-l-√yeix̱ ¹ | for S to destroy O; for S to make O into nothing

detain √aa ⁵

detained N-x̱ + O-ka-∅-√gaa ¹ | for O to delay, wait, pause, take oneʼs time, stay behind, or be detained at N

detergent átdáx̱ ḵusahéix̱ át | spot remover; bleach

Devil Diyée Aanḵáawu

dew √taax̱ ḵukatáx̱; katáx̱ | dew; fallen raindrops on grass || x̱áax̱ʼ | dew || √x̱aax̱ʼ

diagonal kax̱ʼakdéin; kex̱ʼakdéin | crooked; askew; diagonally

dialog yoo x̱ʼala.átk | conversation; dialog; talk; discourse

diamond kadli.ítʼji té

diaper tuḵdaa.át || sʼíxʼg̱aa; x̱ʼoon ¹ | sphagnum moss used for diapers; mossbag; Indian diaper

diarrhea kát goot | to have diarrhea || (noun) sʼéex̱ʼ; sʼéix̱ʼ | watery diarrhea || (verb) √sʼéex̱ʼ; √sʼéix̱ʼ O-∅-√sʼéex̱ʼ | for S to cause O to have diarrhea || O-S-l-√sʼéex̱ʼ | for S to cause O to have diarrhea || (noun) tóotlʼ | fart with release of watery diarrhea

dice √ḵaa ³ | gamble with cards, dice, in general, or with gambling sticks that are concealed || alḵáa kadug̱ích ḵóokxʼu sáani | dice

die √naa ³ | inherit; die; bury O-∅-√naa ³ | for O to die || {∅ preverb} + O-ka-d+∅-√kʼéetʼ | for O (group of people) to all leave or go; for O (group of people) to die off || {na preverb} + O-ka-d+∅-√kʼéetʼ | for O (group of people) to all leave or go; for O (group of people) to die off || √laax̱ | for a plant to die and dry up O-d+∅-√laax̱ | for a plant or tree to be dead but still standing; for an old boat to be dried out and weathered

different chʼa g̱óot | different; other chʼa g̱óot yéide | different directions; differently || chʼa g̱unayé | somewhere else; someplace else; a different place || g̱una.át; g̱uneit | something strange; a different type of being (supernatural or animal) || –g̱unayáade | differently from || woosh g̱unayáade; woosh g̱uwanáade; woosh x̱ʼaakdiyéináx̱; hoosh wanáade | differently (from one another); variously woosh g̱unayáade aa | different ones; various ones

difficult √dzée ˟ | difficult; hardhard (abstract); frustrating O-l-√dzée ˟ | for O to be very difficult, frustrating, almost impossible, hard (abstract) || √tʼeexʼ ¹ | frozen; hard; difficult ∅-√tʼéexʼ ˟ ¹ | for something to be hard (abstract), difficult || (adverb) tʼéexʼdéin | difficulty; strenuously

dig a-ka-S-∅-√haa ¹

dig up kei + O-ka-S-∅-√haa ¹

digging tool kahénaa

dime gút

dimwitted tlél + yaa + ḵu-S-d+sh-√géi ³ | for S to be foolish, dimwitted, unwise, or crazy

dining room áa at dux̱á yé

dip √chʼeetʼ || √gooxʼ | dip up

dipnet (verb) √deek ² a-S-d+s-√deek ² | for S to fish with a dipnet || (noun) deegáa

dipper ¹ kaxwénaa || sheen x̱ʼayee | dipper (for dipping water)

dipper ² hinyiklʼeix̱i | water ouzel; dipper

direct ¹ –dachóon | straight towards; directly towards yaadachóon | straight (ahead); directly (ahead); straight; directly; plainly; honestly

direct ² O-x̱ʼa-ka-(u)-S-∅-√.aaḵw ˟ ¹ | for S to give O an opportunity to speak; for S to give O directions as to what to say

direction –dakádin | (facing) the opposite direction from, the other way woosh dakádin | (facing) the opposite direction from each other; the other way from each other || –niyaadé; –yinaadé | in the direction or general area of; headed toward || –niyaanáx̱; –yinaanáx̱ | through a side of lineage (usually mother or father); through the area near it; along the area near it

directions at kuna.áaḵw; at kuna.áag̱u || ḵukajá

directly yaadachóon–

director át ḵukawu.aag̱ú

dirt chʼéix̱ʼw | dirt, dust (covering something, making it dirty) || lʼéx̱ʼkw; lʼáx̱ʼkw; tlʼéx̱ʼkw | soil; dirt || sʼeex | dirt; scrap(s); rubbish, trash, clutter; lint

dirtiness chʼéix̱ʼw | dirt, dust (covering something, making it dirty)

dirty (verb) √chʼeix̱ʼw ¹ | dirty O-S-l-√chʼéix̱ʼw ¹ | for S to dirty, soil O (esp. clothing or person) || O-l-√chʼéix̱ʼw ¹ | for O to be dirty || (adjective) lichʼéix̱ʼu | dirty; filthy || O-d+l-√tlʼeex | for O to be dirty, trashy

disabled keewáa ḵáawu yahaayí | person with mental disabilities

disappear √yaa ¹

disappoint N + toowú + O-S-l-√tʼooch | for S to disappoint N (lit. for S to sting Nʼs mind) || N + toowú + l-√tʼooch | for N to be disappointed (lit. for Nʼs mind to be stinging) || N + toowú + ka-∅-√wáalʼ | for N to be disappointed (lit. for Nʼs mind to be broken)

discharge dlóoḵ | dried mucus || ḵéetʼ | wound or sore that discharges pus; pus or discharge (from a sore, wound)

disciple –ítx̱ nagoodí || –ítx̱ na.aadí; –ítx̱ na.aatxʼí; –ítx̱ ne.aatxʼí (C) | disciples; followers

disciplinary lecture yadujeeyí

discipline O-ya-u-S-∅-√nei ² | for S to discipline, restrain, restrict, warn or prevent O from doing something

discolored √yeisʼ | bruised; discolored O-ka-d+∅-√yéisʼ | for O to be colored, discolored, bruised

discourage √tált ˟

discourse yoo x̱ʼala.átk | conversation; dialog; talk; discourse || yoo x̱ʼatánk | speech; talk; language; word; phrase; sentence; discourse

disease néekw –daanéegu; –daanóogu; –daanúgu | sickness, disease (overall, throughout his/her body)

disgraceful √heish

dish sʼíxʼ | dish; plate; bowl eex̱ sʼíxʼi; eix̱ sʼíxʼi | grease dish || gankasʼíxʼi; gankaadé sʼíxʼ | fire dish || sʼíxʼ ḵʼáatlʼ || x̱ʼayeit | food container; pot or pan; large bowl or dish keitl x̱ʼayeidí | dog dish

dishonest kax̱ʼakdéin; kex̱ʼakdéin | (speaking) dishonestly, deceitfully

dishwasher sh da.úsʼgu át

dispose of √tlʼeet | abandon; leave; throw away; dispose of; divorce O-S-l-√tlʼeet | for S to abandon, desert, leave O; for S to throw away, dispose of, get rid of O; for S to divorce O; for S to fire O (from a job)

disregard hóochʼx̱ + O-S-l-√yeix̱ ¹ | for S to destroy O; for S to make O into nothing

disrespectfully l yáa at ulḵʼédéin

dissolve l-√laa ¹

distant √lei | far; distant O-∅-√lei | for something to be far, distant || (yéi) + O-ka-u-∅-√lei | for something to be (so) far, distant (in time or space)

distinct –gukáaxʼ | (speaking) clearly, distinctly for them, so she/he can understand

distribute √gaa ²

distributed -g̱aa | going after; waiting for; in the area of; about the time of

distrust O-S-∅-√ḵeet ¹ | for S to suspect, distrust, be suspicious of, lack confidence in O

disturbed sh kahaadí–

ditch xéet

dive kát sha-ka-S-d+l-√g̱eech ² | for S (plural) to dive from the surface of the water || a-d+sh-√tʼaakw | for something to dive into the water; for something to slap tail down hard as going down in water (esp. of killerwhale and beaver)

diving aatx̱ kéi dushkʼéin tʼáa | diving board

divorce √tlʼeet | abandon; leave; throw away; dispose of; divorce O-S-l-√tlʼeet | for S to abandon, desert, leave O; for S to throw away, dispose of, get rid of O; for S to divorce O; for S to fire O (from a job)

dizziness daa yaa ḵug̱átch

dizzy N + daa + yaa + ḵu-∅-√g̱áat ³ || N + daa + yaa + ḵu-S-l-√g̱áat ³ | for S to make N dizzy

do √geet ² || √nei ²; √nee ² (yéi) + O-S-s-√nei ² ʰ | for S to do (that) to O; for S to fix, cause (that) to happen to O || (yéi) + O-daa-S-∅-√nei ² ʰ | for S to do, perform O (a particular action); for S to work on O || yéi + ji-S-∅-√nei ² ʰ | for S to work; for S to do || √nook ³; √neekw ³ (yéi) + ḵu-S-∅-√nook ³ | for S to behave, do, act (in a certain way)

do your best! háakw

dock dzeit | ladder; stairs; dock; pier; boardwalk dzeit shuyee; dzeit shuwee | at the landing of a dock

doctor ḵaa daa yaséix̱i

document O-ka-S-sh-√xeet | for S to write, draw, or paint a picture of O; for S to print O by hand; for S to photograph, take pictures, x-rays of O || ka-S-d+sh-√xeet | for S to write, draw, or paint; for S to write, draw, or paint; for S to print by hand; for S to photograph, take pictures, x-rays

dodge √tlʼeikw ¹

doesnʼt matter ḵushtuyáx̱ | doesnʼt matter; regardless

dog keitl | dog || keitl x̱ʼayeidí | dog dish || sawáak | big dog with pointed ears; guard dog

dog urine ketllóoxʼu

dogfish xʼátgu

doings –ḵunóogu

doll sée

dollar dáanaa

dolly kajúxaa; koojúxaa; koojúxwaa (An) | flywheel; wheelbarrow; wagon; hand truck; dolly; wheel ²; tire

dolphin ḵʼaan

dome noow táx̱k | hill with depression on top

dominate √xoots ² | dominate; overpower N + een + sh + ka-S-d+l-√xoots ² | for S to try to dominate or trounce or attempt to overpower N (like a brown bear)

donate O-ka-S-∅-√g̱eech ² | for S to donate O (money, usually of present action) || √g̱eexʼ ¹ O-ka-S-∅-√g̱éexʼ | for S to donate O (esp. money); for S to load O (gun), put bullet in; for S to shoot O (basketball); for S to throw O (ball) || ka-S-d+∅-√g̱éexʼ | for S to donate, contribute || N-t⁓ + ka-S-d+∅-√g̱éexʼ | for S to donate, contribute, add to N

donʼt! ilí!, ihí!, li!

donut sakwnéin waḵkawóol

door ixdáak | close to the door, entrance || x̱ʼaháat | door

doormat g̱áach

doorway x̱ʼawool

dose O-S-d+∅-√náakw ˟

doubled-up √dootl ¹

dough a kachóox | dough shaped with hands; clay shaped with hands; something shaped by hands and clay-like or dough-like || kei dulḵáchx̱i sakwnéin | yeast bread; raising bread; rising dough

dove gusʼyé kindachooneidí

down ¹ yínde; diyínde; dayínde | downward || yindatáan | face down

down ² x̱ʼwáalʼ | down feathers

downstream éex | downstream; south ixkée | way downstream; south || íxde | (toward) downstream; southward

drag √tlooxʼ | crawl on hands and toes with body close to ground; drag self with hands and body on the ground || √xaatʼ ¹ | classification: heavy object or limp object such as dead animal {na preverb} + O-S-s-√xáatʼ ¹; {∅ preverb} + O-S-s-√xáatʼ ¹ | for S to drag, pull O (esp. heavy object or limp object such as dead animal); for S to haul, transport O (by non-motor power) || √xeetl ² | drag anchor; move off course or uncrontrollably || √x̱ootʼ ¹ {na preverb} + O-S-∅-√x̱óotʼ ¹; {∅ preverb} + O-S-∅-√x̱óotʼ ¹ | for S to drag, pull O (esp. person); for S to pull O in quick movements || {na preverb} + O-S-s-√x̱óotʼ ¹ | for S to drag, pull O; for S to haul, transport O (by motor power)

dragonfly ḵaashashx̱áaw

drain off √chaa O-ka-S-l-√chaa

drain out √koox ka-l-√koox

draw ¹ (verb) √xeet | draw on a surface with a writing utensil O-ka-S-sh-√xeet | for S to write, draw, or paint a picture of O; for S to print O by hand; for S to photograph, take pictures, x-rays of O || ka-S-d+sh-√xeet | for S to write, draw, or paint; for S to print by hand; for S to photograph, take pictures, x-rays || √yeeḵ ²; √yeiḵ ² | mark with a line; draw with a line

draw ² (verb) √yeeḵ ¹; √yeiḵ ¹ | pull

draw ³ (noun) séet ¹ | channel; draw; gully; canyon

draw a line √yeeḵ ²; √yeiḵ ²

dream (verb) √joon O-S-∅-√joon | fo S to dream of O || (noun) joon || √koos | for a dog to dream; for a dog to become alert

dress ¹ √oo ¹ yéi + O-S-∅-√.oo ¹ ʰ | for S to wear, put on, dress in O; for S to use O || N + náa + yéi + sha-S-∅-√.oo ¹ ʰ | for S to dress N || náa(xʼ) + yéi + sha-S-d+∅-√.oo ¹ ˟ (na act) | for S to get dressed || náa(xʼ) + yéi + sha-S-d+∅-√.oo ¹ ˟ | for S to get dressed

dress ² lʼaak || sʼúsʼ | (person) in fancy dress

dress up sh + ka-S-d+sh-√g̱eiy ˟ | for S to dress up, smarten up, make an effort to look different || yan⁓ + sh + S-d+s-√nei ² ʰ | for S to dress up || √g̱eiy; √g̱eey || √g̱eiy ˟

dresser naa.át a tóo kaduchákx̱ át

dried –xook || at kaawaxúkw | dried thing, esp. food || g̱agaan kasʼúkwx̱u | sun dried

drift ¹ √haash | drift ¹; float {∅ preverb} + O-l-√haash | for O to float, drift || daak + O-l-√haash | for O to float, drift out to sea || {na preverb} + O-l-√haash | for O to float, drift || √xeetl ² | drag anchor; move off course or uncrontrollably

drift ² kasʼéesjaa

drill √tool ¹ O-S-∅-√tool ¹ | for S to drill, bore hole in O || (noun) túlaa

drill bit túlxʼu

drink ¹ √look | drink in sips O-S-∅-√look | for S to drink O in sips, sip O (esp. hot liquids) || √naa ¹ O-S-d+∅-√naa ¹ | for S to drink O || at + S-d+∅-√naa ¹ | for S to drink || O-S-∅-√sʼeeḵ | for S to drink O by sucking; for S to drink O through a straw || O-S-s-√xéikʼw ˟ | for S to slurp, drink O by sipping noisily (esp. drawing in air to cool the drink); for S to snort O

drink ² at áatʼláni | cold food; cold drink; raw seafood

drip ¹ √lóoxʼ | drip fast || √tlʼooḵ ² | drip slowly || √tsʼaal || √xʼaas | drip at a fast rate ka-l-√xʼáas ˟ | for something to drip, leak (at fairly fast rate)

drip ² kúḵjaa | fast drip with bubbles || kalóoxʼjaa; kalóox̱jaa | fast drip; leak || katlʼúḵjaa | drip; leak with dripping || kaxʼáasjaa | trickle of water; steady drip or leak

drive [∅ preverb] + O-S-s-√ḵoox̱ ¹ || [na preverb] + O-S-s-√ḵoox̱ ¹

drive around N + daax̱ + ya-u-S-∅-√ḵoox̱ ¹

driver át ḵoowsix̱óotʼi ḵáa

drizzle (noun) kaséix̱jaa | drizzle, misty rain; spray or drops of moisture in air || (verb) √x̱eet ² | drizzle; rain a-ka-s-√x̱eet ² | for it to drizzle rain || (noun) kax̱itjaa

drizzle rain √x̱eet ² a-ka-s-√x̱eet || √x̱eet

drooling (verb) √xeilʼ (noun) x̱ʼaxélʼk

drop ¹ √soos ¹ | fall together; drop together | classification: plural || √xeex ¹ | classification: singular N-t⁓ + ∅-√xeex ¹ | for something to fall or drop on N; for a bullet to hit N; for a rumor, news to spread, go around at N || daak + ∅-√xeex ¹ | for the sun, moon to come out; for something (esp. a small, compact object) to fall, drop || N-t⁓ + ka-∅-√xeex ¹ | for something (usually a round , spherical object such as a bullet, ball) to hit, fall against, drop into N || N-náx̱ + ka-∅-√xeex ¹ | for something (usually a round object) to fall, drop through N || N-t⁓ + d+sh-√x̱een | for a stick-like object or container to fall

drop ² –kʼóolʼi | crumbs of it; last drops of it; last little bit of it

drown √taax̱ʼw ¹ || √x̱oonáḵw ˟

drowsy √chaalʼ | drowsy from overindulging

drum gaaw gaaw gwálayi; gaaw x̱íjaa; kagwáali | drumstick || gaaw kaxéeji; gaaw daakexaagú; gaaw tukaxéeji | drum frame

drummer gaaw gwáali

drunk ¹ (noun) at danáayi

drunk ² (verb) O-ka-∅-√shoo ʰ ² | for O to be intoxicated

drunkard at danáayi

drunkenness kanashú

dry √dook ² | partially dry and smoke fish || √gooḵ ³ | to dry salmon eggs || O-sha-∅-√koox | for O to be thirsty; for O to be dry || (verb) √laax̱ | for a plant to die and dry up O-d+∅-√laax̱ | for a plant or tree to be dead but still standing; for an old boat to be dried out and weathered || (noun) kaláax̱ | dry dead plant, leaves, vegetation, wood || (verb) √xook ∅-√xook | for something to be dry, dried || O-S-s-√xook | for S to dry O (by any method) || ka-∅-√xook | for something to be dry (of inside of container or of loose objects) || O-ka-S-s-√xook | for S to dry O (inside a container) || ḵu-∅-√xook | for the weather to be dry || (adjective) –xook || (noun) chál xook | fish air-dried in cold weather and allowed to freeze || at + S-∅-√xʼaan ¹ | for s to dry (fish, meat) over fire, smoke lightly

dry erase board dleit a káa kadushxitx̱ tʼáa

dry weather ḵuxaak

dryer a tóo sh isxuk át | dryer || kaxóogu xʼúxʼu | dryer sheet || naa.át kaxóogu át | clothes dryer || shax̱aawú kasxóogu | hair dryer

dryfish, hard awliwás

duck gáaxw || hintakxʼwásʼg̱i | bufflehead duck || hinyikgáaxu; áa kagáaxu | goldeneye duck || kindachooneit; kindechooneit | mallard duck || sʼelasheesh | flathead duck || sʼúsʼ | harlequin duck || tseindeiyaa | canvasback duck || yaa.aanooné; yaa.aa.ooné; yaa.aa.uné; yaa.aanané | oldsquaw duck || lakʼeechʼwú; waḵkalsʼóox̱ʼ gáaxw | scoter duck

duck decoy kindachooneit at kaladoodlí

due –tuwáadáx̱; tuwáatx̱ | because of –; due to –; by virtue of –; on the strength of –; encouraged by –

dull √g̱eel ya-d+∅-√g̱éel | for an edge to be blunt, dull

dump ¹ √xaa | pour; dump ¹ N-dé + O-ka-S-∅-√xaa | for S to pour O into N, pour O out at N; for S to dump, empty O in one mass (by turning over container) at N || N-t⁓ + O-ka-S-s-√xaa | for S to pour, dump, empty O at N

dump ² aadé kdulxesʼ yé | garbage dump

durable O-∅-√tsáakw ˟ | for O to last a long time, be durable (esp. of clothing, machinery, etc.)

during –yeen | (sometime) during it (period of time)

dusk xi.áat; xei.át; xee.át

dusky –yéisʼ

dust ¹ chʼéix̱ʼw | dirt, dust (covering something, making it dirty) || kadánjaa | dust; pollen || kalsʼéesjaa | snow cloud; dust cloud

dust ² √chech ² | clean the surface of

dust cloud kalsʼéesjaa

dustpan sʼeex yee.ádi

DVD ḵuyawdahaayí sʼíxʼ | DVD disc || ḵuyawdahaayí sʼíxʼ ḵóok | DVD Player

dwell N-xʼ + yéi + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to be or stay at N; for O to dwell, live at N; for O to remain at N

dweller hintaakḵwáan | water dwellers

dye (noun) kayéisʼ || (verb) √seiḵʼw O-ka-S-l-√séiḵʼw | for S to stain, dye, color the surface of O || (noun) kaséḵʼx̱u || O-ka-d+∅-√séiḵʼw | for O to be stained, dyed, colored || sha-ka-S-d+l-√séiḵʼw | for S to dye them allʼs own hair || ya-ka-S-d+l-√séiḵʼw | for S to put on makeup || (noun) x̱ʼoon ² | soft brown wood for tanning dye

each of them all dag̱a-, dax̱-, daḵ-

each other woosh ¹ | each otherʼs | reciprocal possessive (recip.P) || woosh ² | (to) each other | reciprocal postpositional (recip.PP) || woosh ³ | each other [object] | reciprocal object (recip.O) || woosh ⁴ | each other [subject] | reciprocal subject (recip.S)

eagle chʼáakʼ | bald eagle chʼakʼyéisʼ | immature eagle || gijook | golden eagle

eagleʼs beak (alienated) chʼáakʼ loowú

ear –gúk –gukdaa | outer ear

early summer taakw.eetí

earring guk.át; guk.ádi; guk.édi (C) || gukkajaash; gukkadzaas; gukkedzaas | earring made of a strip of hide, worn by men || guklʼéinxw; guk tlʼéinx̱w; guk tlʼínx̱w | long earrings made of yarn or hide dangling from the ears for yoo koonáḵk (sway dance)

earth tlʼátk

earthquake (noun) yoo aan ka.á || (verb) yóo + aan + ka-∅-√.aa ³

earwax –gukyikkʼóox̱ʼu

easily l uldzéedéin

east dákde át | offshore east wind || sáanáx̱ | (wind blowing) from the south(east)

easy √x̱ʼwaasʼ ² | easy to obtain

eat ¹ √tlʼeikw ² | eat beach seafoods raw || √x̱aa ¹ | eat O-S-∅-√x̱aa ¹ | for S to eat O || at + S-∅-√x̱aa ¹ | for S to eat || O-S-s-√x̱aa ¹ | for S to eat O (small amounts or a variety of things) || yax̱ + O-ya-S-s-√x̱aa ¹ | for S to eat up, finish, consume O (eating lots of pieces) || O-ka-S-d+sh-√x̱aa ¹ | for S to eat O (berries off the bush)

eat ² –x̱ʼa.eetí | food scraps, left-over food; crumbs of food left or scattered where one has eaten || –x̱ʼayee | ready, waiting for them to eat, drink; waiting for them to speak or finish speaking || –x̱ʼanaa | (protecting) from, against a bite; keeping from eating something

ebb (N-x̱) + ∅-√laa ¹

echo ḵoona.áx̱jaa

eclipse ḵudé kdagoot || Keewáa Ḵáawu Kʼichéix̱ʼi

eddy ḵux̱deinú | eddy; whirlpool

edge –gáaxw | back (of a knife or other blade); back edge, spine of it || –kóon | hem, bottom edge (of coat, dress, shirt); rim (of hat) || –shutú | (on or along) the edge of || –wán | edge of; (to the) side of –wanká | on the edge, side of it (as a trail); on the shoulder of it || –x̱ʼatú | rim of it (vessel, open container, boat); inside edge of it; eyehole (of something woven) || –x̱ʼaxʼaa | the brink of it; the very edge of it (a cliff, drop-off) || –yaax̱ | along the edge of –x̱ʼayaax̱ | along the edge of (road or body of water)

edging of hides x̱ʼax̱éetl

eeeew! ée!, éeee!

eel lóotʼ

eerie looking √jee ² O-ka-(u)-l-√jée ˟ ²

egg daaw daa.aa | herring eggs spawned on ribbon kelp || g̱áaxʼw | herring eggs || haaw daa.aa | herring eggs spawned on hemlock branches || –kaháakw | eggs of – (a fish); roe of – (a fish) x̱ooka.éewu | salmon eggs soaked overnight in fresh water || a kagúḵxʼu | dried salmon eggs || kanéegwálʼ | pudding dish made with berries and salmon eggs || góoḵ | dried salmon eggs | usually dried in stomach or gunnysack strung in tree || kaháakw ítʼx̱i | soaked fish eggs || kaháakw kasʼeex; kaháakw kasʼixx̱i | kaháakw kasʼeex; stink eggs || kashísʼi | fermented salmon eggs that harden to a cheese || kʼwátʼ | bird eggs kawdudlixágu kʼwátʼ | scrambled eggs || né daa.aa | herring eggs spawned on hairy seaweed || nóoxʼ | shell (of clam, crustacean, or egg); carapace (of turtle); shell-like chip or flake; china (diningware) || tayeidí daa.aa | herring eggs spawned on yellow seaweed || –tuséiḵʼu | yolk (of egg) || x̱ʼíxʼ | eggs of – (eels, etc.)

egg-shaped –kʼwátʼ

eight nasʼgadooshú || nasʼgadooshóonáx̱ | eight people

eighty nasʼgadooshú jinkaat; daaxʼoonḵáa

elapse ya-∅-√x̱ei; ya-∅-√x̱ee | for 24 hours to pass, elapse

elbow (noun) –tʼéey | elbow of – –tʼiyshú | tip of  elbow || (verb) √tʼeey

elder at wuskóowu | elder; knowledgeable person; wisdom bearer || yanwáat

elderberry yéilʼ

elderly (adjective) –shaan

electrician kashóokʼ daaxʼ yéi jineiyí

electricity kashóokʼ || kashéekʼw

electrocute O-ka-d+l-√shóokʼ | for O to have cramps; for O to get shocked (by electricity)

eleven jinkaat ḵa tléixʼ || jinkaat ḵa tléináx̱ | eleven people

else chʼa g̱unayé | somewhere else; someplace else; a different place

emaciated √xweix̱ʼ

email kashóokʼ yoo x̱ʼatánk

embarassed O-ka-S-l-√déixʼ ˟

embarassment kadéixʼ

embarrass sh + ka-S-d+l-√háachʼ

ember (that popped out of a fire) katʼáx̱ʼjaa

embrace –jig̱ei | crook of his/her arm; in his/her embrace || N + séináx̱ + ya-u-S-∅-√shee ² | for S to put arm(s) around N

embroider √ḵaa ² O-ka-S-∅-√ḵaa ²

empty –xákwti | empty container of –; empty shell (of house) of –

empty ¹ N-dé + O-ka-S-∅-√xaa | for S to pour O into N, pour O out at N; for S to dump, empty O in one mass (by turning over container) at N || N-t⁓ + O-ka-S-s-√xaa | for S to pour, dump, empty O at N

enclose –daaká | (around) the outside surface of it || –g̱ei | enclosed within (the folds of) it, between the folds, covers, walls of it || √haat ²

encounter –kagé | meeting, encountering, intercepting it; (arriving) at the same place or time as it

encourage √haakw ² | rally round || –tuwáadáx̱; tuwáatx̱ | because of –; due to –; by virtue of –; on the strength of –; encouraged by –

end ¹ (verb) ka-∅-√kéesʼ | for a month to end, pass || N-t + shu-ka-∅-√tán ³ | for something to extend to, end at N || shu-∅-√xeex ² | for something to end, come to an end, pass; for something to be used up (of supplies, etc.) || yan⁓ + shu-d+sh-√x̱een | for a season, show, etc. to come to an end, close, finish

end ² (noun) –lunáa | over or along the point of; at or near the end of (of a pointed object, point of land) || –shú | end of – –shutú | end of –; (on or along) the edge; (in) the corner of – || –shuwadaa | around (bypassing, avoiding); around the end of || –shuyee; –shuwee | the foot of it; below it (raised place); flat area at the end of it (lake)

endless deishgí

enemy –yaanaayí | enemy

engine shtéen káa | steam engine (train) || washéen

engine cylinder connecting rod washéen katág̱ayi

English: broken English ḵʼwátl wáalʼi at x̱ʼa.áx̱ch

enough g̱aa | sufficient; enough; acceptable; pleasant –jeeg̱áa | (big) enough for them to have or use; adequate for them || tlʼag̱áa | enough; adequate; lots

entice √dootl ² tóo-t⁓ + O-ka-S-l-√dootl

entrance –x̱ʼaká | outside the mouth of – (a bay or river); entrance of – (a bay or river); "on the mouth" || ixdáak

entrance of – (a bay or river) –x̱ʼaká

envelope xʼúxʼ daakaxʼúxʼu

epidermis –chʼáadu | outer layer of skin; outer layer of hide

equal –yáx̱ | like; according to; as much as; equal to; similar to

equivalent –x̱ooní | one that matches; equivalent to; like; relation (same clan or moiety) of; friend (same clan or moiety) of

erase √xeelʼ ² || √haa ³

eraser kaxílʼaa

erection (noun) –dóolʼ | erection || (verb) √doolʼ (adjective) ḵóo lidóolʼshán | it gives men erections

ermine dáa daayéisʼ | weasel with brown fur

erode hin.eetí | dry creek bed; place where water has run off, eroding the soil

error ḵwáaḵt (daaḵ); ḵáaḵwt (daaḵ)

Eskimo Tea sʼikshaldéen

esophagus –layatʼákw | depression along the sides of their esophagus extending down behind the collarbone

eulachon dákwtasi; dákwx̱utasi | mushy remains of rendered eulachon || saak

even chʼu, chʼoo

even if óosh

even though chʼa aan ¹ | although; even though; however; nonetheless; yet

evening xáanaa

event –yoo kooneigí | what happened to || yoo at kooteek | feast, potlatch involving the whole community; community event; holiday

every ldakát

everybody ldakát ḵáa | everybody; everyone || chʼa ldakát ḵáa | every single person

everything ldakát át || chʼa ldakát át | every single thing

everywhere ldakát yé | everywhere; everyplace || chʼa ldakát yé | every single place

evidence ḵaa jee eetxʼí

evil (verb) tlél + O-sh-√kʼéi | for O to be bad, evil, no good (noun) l ushkʼé | evil; badness; sin || (adverb) l ushkʼedéin | with evil intention; badly (behavior) || (adjective) l ushikʼéiyi | bad; evil; wicked

ex- –yéeyi

examine √aa ² N + daa + ya-S-d+s-√.aa ²

excess a wanáade aa | amount in excess of it or left over from it; surplus more than it

excessive ḵúdáx̱; ḵútx̱ || √yék˟ ² | too fast; excessive

excessively –yáanáx̱ | beyond it, more than it; too (much); excessively

excited O-tu-ka-d+∅-√yook | for O to be nervous, worried, shook up; for O to be excited || N + toowú + kínde + d+∅-√ḵeen ¹ | for N to be overjoyed, excited

exclaim √hoo ³ | to say « hú! »

excrement gánde nagoodí || lʼílʼ || háatlʼ || káts || kích | fecal material; contents of intestines

excuse chʼa + aadé + yéi + O-S-∅-√.oo ¹ ˟ | for S to forgive, excuse O

exert √xeech | exert strength; concentrate on O-S-∅-√xeech | for S to exert oneʼs full strength on, strive for O; for S to concentrate on, put effort into O

exhausted √shaaḵ ¹ O-ka-∅-√shaaḵ ¹ | for O to be winded, short of breath, panting || √saaḵ

exist O-ḵu-d+s-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to be in existence; for O to be born; for O to live || ḵu-S-d+s-√tee ʰ ¹ | for S to exist; for S to be born; for S to live; for S to subsist

expect O-shu-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to be expected || O-shu-S-s-√tee ʰ ¹ | for S to anticipate, foresee O; for S to expect, consider O likely to happen or arrive || √tʼaan | expect; impatient

expensive x̱ʼa-l-√tseen ˟ ¹ | for something to be precious, of great value; for something to be expensive, high-priced

experience a tóo yoo kawdzigít | something a person has been through

expert –góogu

expire √keesʼ

explain (N + een) + ḵunáax̱ + daak + O-ka-S-∅-√neek | for S to explain O (to N)

explode √took ¹ kei + d+sh-√tóok ¹ | for something to explode, blow up

extend √aa ³ | grow; pour forth; extend or move forward || √shoo ¹ | extend N-de + ∅-√shoo ¹ | for a narrow item (esp. a road or trail) to extend towards N || N-t + ∅-√shoo ¹ | for a narrow item (esp. a road or trail) to extend to N || N-x̱ + kei + l-√shoo ¹ | for a complex object (esp. road) to extend towards N || N-x̱ + ya-u-∅-√shoo ¹ | for a slender item (esp. road) to extend around, along N || √tsaaḵ | poke; stick out; extend; prick; launch | classification: singular | plural form: √tsoow || √tsoow | poke; stick out; extend; prick; launch | classification: plural | singular form: √tsaaḵ || √xaat ¹ || N-t + shu-ka-∅-√tán ³ | for something to extend to, end at N

extinguish √keesʼ O-ya-ka-S-l-√kéesʼ

Eyak Yáat Ḵwáan

eye √goolʼ | wink; one eye || –waaḵ | eye, eyes –waḵdaadleidí | whites of the eye || –waḵkadlóog̱u; –waaḵ dlóoḵ; –wax̱ʼadlóog̱u; –wax̱ʼadlóoḵ; –waḵdlóog̱u; –waḵdluʼḵ; –waḵx̱ʼadlóog̱u | sleep in their eyes; dried mucus gumming up their eyelashes || –waaḵg̱áa | pleasing to the eye; looking good to || –waḵlitáak | inside of eye || –waḵshiyee | before ones eyes; where one can see (it) || –waḵshú | corner of eye

eyebrow –sʼei; –sʼee –sʼee x̱ʼáak; –sʼee wát | space between their eyebrows

eyeglasses waḵdáanaa

eyehole –x̱ʼatú | rim of it (vessel, open container, boat); inside edge of it; eyehole (of something woven)

eyelash –wax̱ʼax̱éix̱ʼu

eyes waḵjéitl | wide-open eyes; glaring eyes

fable tlaagú

face ¹ aan yadu.usʼgu jig̱wéinaa | washcloth, washrag for washing the face || –yá | face; vertical surface –yatʼákw; –shayatʼákw | upper side of their face (from the cheekbones to the top of the head)

face ² –keeká | across from it; on the other side facing it || –yaká | out in front of; (out) facing, opposite || yindatáan | face down

facing –dayéen || –dakán | facing away from || woosh dakán | facing away from each other

facsimile –kayaa | facsimile; copy

fact áa ² | that thing, time, or place; that fact or reason

fair √woo ² | fair skinned; fair complexioned O-d+l-√wóo ² ˟ | for O to be fair skinned, fair complexioned

faith átkʼ aheen | faith; belief; trust; religion || N + káa + yan + tu-S-∅-√taan ⁵ | for S to put trust in, rely on, have faith in N

fake –uwaa | similar; look like; fake

falcon shaayáal

fall daak | out to sea (from the shore); out into the open (from the shadows); for precipitation to fall; onto fire || √gaasʼ | classification: large stick-like object yan⁓ + O-ya-∅-√gáasʼ | fall on face || √geet ¹ | classification: animate N-dé + O-d+s-√geet ¹ | for O (live creature) to fall into N || N-t⁓ + O-d+s-√geet ¹ | for O (live creature) to fall into, against N || daak + O-d+s-√geet ¹ | for O to fall (esp. off of something) || N-náx̱ + yei + O-d+s-√geet ¹ | for O (live creature) to fall down N || √g̱aat ¹ | fall scattered; fall apart || √soos ¹ | fall together; drop together | classification: plural || √taan ⁶ | precipitation; fall (of precipitation) {precipitation} + daak + s-√taan ⁶ | for {precipitation} to fall || √xeex ¹ | classification: singular ∅-√xeex ¹ | for an object (usually small, compact) to fall || N-t⁓ + ∅-√xeex ¹ | for something to fall or drop on N; for a bullet to hit N; for a rumor, news to spread, go around at N || N-t + ∅-√xeex ¹ | for something to fall around at N (esp. inside a container) || daak + ∅-√xeex ¹ | for the sun, moon to come out; for something (esp. a small, compact object) to fall, drop || N-t⁓ + ka-∅-√xeex ¹ | for something (usually a round , spherical object such as a bullet, ball) to hit, fall against, drop into N || N-náx̱ + ka-∅-√xeex ¹ | for something (usually a round object) to fall, drop through N || √xʼaas | cascade | classification: liquid || N-t⁓ + d+sh-√x̱een | for a stick-like object or container to fall || yáanáx̱ + yei + O-sh-√x̱ʼéelʼ | for O to slip and fall down

fall asleep yan⁓ + O-ya-∅-√gáasʼ || táach + O-S-∅-√jaaḵ | classification: singular object || táach + yax̱ + O-ya-S-l-√jaaḵ | classification: plural objects

false hellebore sʼíksh

falsely ḵultuyáx̱

family –daakaḵu.óowu | extended family || –een aaxʼw | family of – || –yinaanáx̱ | family line of descent of –; line of descent of −

famine laaxw

fancy √g̱ei | fancy; prominent; conspicuous; attracting attention O-ka-l-√g̱éi | for O to be fancy, prominent (esp. in appearance), conspicuous, attracting attention || sʼúsʼ | (person) in fancy dress

far √lei | far; distant O-∅-√lei | for something to be far, distant || (yéi) + O-ka-u-∅-√lei | for something to be (so) far, distant (in time or space)

farmer akahéix̱i; táay kahéix̱i

fart g̱wáalʼ | noisy fart || kóochʼ | noiseless fart || √koochʼ ² | short, high-pitched fart a-S-∅-√koochʼ ² | for S to fart a short, high-pitched fart || kóotlʼ | short, high pitched fart || √kootlʼ | noiseless fart a-S-∅-√kootlʼ | for S to fart a noiseless fart || tóotlʼ | fart with release of watery diarrhea

farther tliyaa | farther over; way over tliyaa aa | the next one (over); the one farther over || tliyaanax̱.á | area farther over; (toward) the other side

fascinating x̱ʼakwli.áax̱chʼán | fascinating to listen to; a compelling storyteller || √x̱aal

fast ¹ tláakw || √sátk ˟ O-∅-√sátk ˟ | for O to be fast (at doing things) || √yék˟ ² | too fast; excessive

fast ² O-x̱ʼa-∅-√x̱ei | for O to fast, refrain from eating (for 24 hours at a time)

fasten √xaat ¹

fat ¹ taay

fat ² (verb) √neitl | classification: human O-d+l-√neitl | for O to get fat; for O to gain weight || (verbal adjective) linéitlchʼán | gets fat easily || √taa ³ | fat (of animal); prime (of animal) | classification: animal || toow | tallow, hard fat || (adjective) −téitlʼ || √teitlʼ | classification: animal

fate jinaháa | the fate (usually a bad fate) that is sent to one, or to which one is drawn, as a result of oneʼs actions

father –éesh

father-in-law –wóo

fatherless child neechkayádi

fathom waat

fatigue xweitl

fear akoolx̱éitlʼ; akoolx̱éetlʼ

fearful √x̱eitlʼ; √x̱eetlʼ ¹ | afraid; fearful N-xʼ + a-ka-u-S-d+l-√x̱éitlʼ ˟ | for S to be afraid of, fear N

fearlessness l akoolx̱éitlʼ

feast –daateeyí | feast, potlatch in honor of; dedication ceremony and feast for || ḵu.éexʼ | potlatch; feast; party du x̱ʼé x̱ánt atx̱aayí ḵu.éexʼ | feast following a seclusion ceremony || naa káani | member of opposite clan commissioned to conduct a ḵu.éexʼ; master of ceremonies for a ḵu.éexʼ || yoo at kooteek | feast, potlatch involving the whole community; community event; holiday

feather tʼaaw; –tʼaawú || x̱ʼwáalʼ | down feathers

February Sʼeek Dísi

fed up with tóo + O-S-sh-√ḵeet ˟ ¹ | for S to be annoyed with, tired of, fed up with O

feel √nook ²; √neekw ² du-∅-√nook ² | for the wind to blow, be felt (esp. a breeze, light wind) || jée + O-S-d+∅-√nook ² | for S to touch, feel O (esp. with hands) || (yéi) + sh + tu-S-d+∅-√nook ² (na state) | for S to feel (that way) (esp. physical sensation) || (yéi) + O-tu-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to want to do, feel like doing (that); for O to feel a certain way || –tuwáxʼ | in their opinion; to their way of thinking, feeling

feelings –sh tundanóogu | inner feelings || –toowú | spirit; soul; feelings; intention; thoughts

felicity toowú kʼé

fell tree √g̱eech ² O-S-l-√g̱eech ² | for S to fell O (a single tree) || O-S-l-√g̱eech ² | for S to fell O (multiple trees or bushes, rocks); for S to clear O (bushes or trees) from an area

felt lʼée ḵʼáatlʼ

female sheech–; shich– || shaatkʼ | young woman (not married) || shaatk’ásk’u | adolescent girl || shaawát | woman || shaax’wsáani | adolescent girls

feminine √sheech

femur –g̱atstusʼaag̱í | thighbone; femur

fence ḵʼanáax̱án

ferment √sʼeex | aged food; ferment; spoil; rot ¹ (adjective) –kasʼeex | aged (of food); fermented (of food)

fern –kakóochʼi | fiddlehead (of fern) || kʼwálx̱ | fiddlehead fern (with edible rhizome) || sʼaach | shield fern || yéil x̱aagú | fern with inedible rhizome

ferret dáa.uwáa

ferry yakwtlein | cruise ship; large ship; ferry || yakwtlénxʼ | cruise ships; large ships; ferries

fertilizer dákwtasi; dákwx̱utasi | mushy remains of rendered eulachon

fester √ḵeetʼ | suppurate; infected; fester; pus d+l-√ḵéetʼ | for a wound to be infected, have pus

fetch {∅ preverb} + O-ya-S-∅-√x̱aa ²; {na preverb} + O-ya-S-∅-√x̱aa ² | for S to transport O by boat or car; for S to bring, take or fetch O by boat or car

fetus –kayádi | fetus, unborn child of

fever tʼaay néekw; tʼaay nóok

fiddle g̱íx̱ʼjaa

fiddlehead –kakóochʼi | fiddlehead (of fern)

field táay

field trip at wuskú yís át ḵuwduwateen

fierce √chígaa ˟

fifty cents dáanaa shoowú

fight √gaaw | loud; noisy; fight; defend (verb) (n een) + ḵu-S-l-√gaaw ˟ || (noun) ḵulagaaw | fight; war ¹ ; conflict || √haa ⁵ | fight; wrestle (N een) + ḵu-S-l-√haa ⁵ | for S to fight hand to hand (with N); for S to wrestle, box (with N)

fight for N + káx̱ + ḵu-S-l-√gaaw ˟

figure out √daa ²

file (verb) √xʼaat (verbal noun) xʼádaa

fill √chaak O-sha-ka-S-∅-√cháak || √heek | classification: solids or abstracts O-sha-S-l-√heek | for S to fill O (with solids or abstracts) || √ook ² | classification: liquid || √tlʼeetʼ | classification: liquid O-sha-S-l-√tlʼéetʼ | for S to fill O to overflowing (with liquid) || √tsʼeetʼ | classification: liquid O-sha-S-l-√tsʼéetʼ | for O to be full (with liquid)

fill gradually √yeeḵ ⁴

filled O-sha-∅-√heek | for O to be filled, be full (general and abstract) || O-sha-∅-√tsʼéetʼ | for O to be full (with liquid)

fillet láak | fish fillet (half a fish, deboned) || litlʼéiláḵw lítaa | fillet knife

filter √chaa O-ka-S-l-√chaa

filthy lichʼéix̱ʼu

fin –daasʼaag̱í | pelvic fin (of fish) || –gooshí | dorsal fin (of killerwhale) || –kwéiyi | posterior dorsal fin || –litkagoodlí; –litkegoodlí | anterior dorsal fin hump (of salmon) || –leedí | anterior dorsal fin (of fish) || –tʼaawú | pectoral fin (of fish) –daatʼaawú | fins (of fish) || –dix̱ʼkatʼaawú | anterior dorsal fin (of fish) || –katʼaawú | anal fin (of fish) || –litkatʼaawú; –litketʼaawú | dorsal fin (of fish) || –xʼáagi | anal fin (of fish)

final hóochʼi aayí | the last one; the final one

finally de x̱waa || tsaatguyéig̱aa; tsaatguwéig̱aa | finally; at (long) last || yeedát tsá || chʼa yeisú | just now; finally

finch tlagu tsʼatsʼéeyee | grey singing bird (sparrow or finch)

find √tʼei ¹; √tʼee O-S-∅-√tʼei ¹ ˟ | for S to find O (usually as the result of searching) || O-ka-S-∅-√tʼei ¹ ˟ | for S to find O (usually round, spherical object) | classification: round or spherical object || O-S-s-√tʼei ¹ ˟ | for S to find O (usually complex or large object or rope-like object) | classification: complex or large object or rope-like object || O-ka-S-s-√tʼei ¹ ˟ | for S to find O (usually stick-like object or plural round objects) | classification: stick-like object or plural round objects || N-káx̱ + ḵu-S-∅-√shee ʰ ¹ | for S to find, come upon N (often without searching)

fine (verb) √kʼei | good; fine O-∅-√kʼéi | for O to be good, fine, pretty || N + toowú + ∅-√kʼéi | for N to be glad, happy, feel fine || (adjective) aakʼé– || –kalé | fine; beautiful

finger –chʼéix̱ʼi; –chʼéex̱ʼi; –chʼíx̱ʼayi | first finger; index finger || –laayig̱águ | ring finger || –tlʼeiḵ; –tlʼeeḵ –tlʼeḵshá | fingertip || –tlʼeḵtlein; –tlʼiḵtlein | middle finger || –tlʼeḵ.wax̱ʼáak | webbing between fingers || –tlʼeḵx̱ʼáak | between fingers || –wankachʼeiḵ | little finger; pinky || –xʼóotʼaa | middle finger || –x̱aakw | nail (of finger or toe)

fingernail –x̱aakw | nail (of finger or toe) –x̱akwtayee | under their fingernail || –x̱aakw eetí; –x̱akw.eetí | fingernail markings; toenail markings; claw markings

finish yan⁓ + O-sha-S-l-√heek | for S to finish, complete O || yan⁓ + O-S-s-√nei ² ʰ | for S to finish, complete O || yan⁓ + shu-d+sh-√x̱een | for a season, show, etc. to come to an end, close, finish

finished yan⁓ + O-∅-√nei ² ʰ | for O to be permanent, happen for good; for O to be finished, complete, ready; for O to be prepared, ready

fir leiyís || lkʼóox̱ʼeit | balsam fir

fire ¹ gan | fire gandaa | around the fire || gan.eetí | fireplace; place where there has been a fire and there is burnt residue || gangook | fireside; by the fire, facing the fire || ganká | on the fire, in the fire || ganaltáak; galtáak | in the fire || gantú | inside the fire || x̱ʼaan | fire (flames) x̱ʼaan gook

fire ² √aak ² | build fire shóo-t⁓ + a-S-d+∅-√.aak ² | for S to build a fire (using wood) || √x̱ʼaan

fire ³ O-S-l-√tlʼeet | for S to abandon, desert, leave O; for S to throw away, dispose of, get rid of O; for S to divorce O; for S to fire O (from a job)

firecracker aansaganeit

firedrill x̱ʼaan káx̱ túlaa

firefighter x̱ʼaan yaklakísʼx̱i

firefly a tuḵ akoogaanjí

fireplace x̱ʼaan eetí

firestone dáadzi || g̱agaan háatlʼi

fireweed lóol

firewood gán gán láx̱ʼi | firewood that is wet, moist with tree sap (so that it doesnʼt burn well) || gantuxoogú | dry inner part of firewood

first (adverb) sʼé ¹ | appears in the preverb to note the order of events || (adjective) shóogu– || (adverb) shóogunáx̱ | (at) first; originally; in the beginning

fish ¹ (noun) at yana.á | fish run, migration || at x̱ʼéeshi; at duwax̱ʼéeshi | dryfish || chál xook; chíl xook | fish air-dried in cold weather and allowed to freeze || gangookg̱áx̱i; gangukg̱áx̱i; gangook tʼóosʼi | fish heads cooked on the ground, rocks, or logs around the fire || g̱íḵs; g̱íḵsaa (T); g̱íḵsi (At, T); g̱áḵsʼi | fish roasted whole, strung up by its tail over the fire and twirled periodically || | jarred fish ín xʼeesháa tóonáx̱ wududzi.eeyi x̱áat || ín xʼeesháa tóo x̱ʼúx̱u || ítʼch tóo x̱áat || Kudatankahídi; Kadatankahídi | Repository of All Fish; Fish Jumping House || kadúkli | fish partially dried & smoked, ready to eat right away; fish cleaned & hung to dry || kʼínkʼ | fermented fish heads; stink heads || óon | small round white fish || téeyi | soaked dried fish || –tóoch | fresh (fish flesh) || tsʼakʼáawásh; chʼukʼáawásh | dried fish strips || útlx̱i | boiled fish || wáasadi | fire-roasted fish; skin crunchy from roasting || x̱áat ¹ || x̱áat x̱ʼaka.éesh | strung up fish || x̱áat yádi | baby fish; tiny fish || –x̱ʼéeshi | dried flesh, strips (of fish) || –x̱ʼúx̱u | flesh (of fish)

fish ² (verb) a-S-d+s-√deek ² | for S to fish with a dipnet || √g̱eiwú | fish with net a-S-d+s-√g̱eiwú ˟ | for S to fish with net, seine || √naaḵw ¹ | to fish with octopus as bait || √tʼeix̱ | fish with hook a-S-d+s-√tʼeix̱ ˟ | for S to fish with hooks, catch on a hook, troll || a-sha-S-d+l-√x̱óotʼ ¹ ˟ | for S to fish with rod, sportfish, cast || ḵu-ka-S-d+S-√yeeḵ ¹ | for S to fish with a line, jig for fish || √xeetl ¹ | fish with rake

fish hopper –kʼóolʼ | fish hopper (of seine net spanning a river)

fish migration át yana.á

fish odor kéech | dead fish odor

fish pitchfork x̱áat g̱íjaa

fisher asg̱eiwú; isg̱éiw sʼaatí; x̱áat isg̱éiwu | seine fisher; seine boat || astʼeix̱í | troller

fishing line astʼeix̱ tíxʼ

fishing rod shax̱út’aa

fissure té ḵáasʼ; té ḵáasʼ x̱ʼé | rock crevice; fissure in rock

fitting √jaaḵw ²

five keijín || keijínínáx̱ | five people

fix (yéi) + O-S-s-√nei ² ʰ | for S to do (that) to O; for S to fix, cause (that) to happen to O

flab –daatéisʼi | soft, flabby flesh around it; its flab || leil | flabby; limp –leilí | flab; scrotum; testicles || √leil | flabby; limp; baggy || √teisʼ | flabby; limp

flabbergasted O-ḵʼa-d+∅-√gwáatl

flag aan kwéiyi kánaa

flagpole aan kwéiyi tugáasʼi

flake nóoxʼ | shell (of clam, crustacean, or egg); carapace (of turtle); shell-like chip or flake; china (diningware)

flame ganyalʼóotʼ

flank –ḵatlyá | flank, side of his/her body between the ribs and the hip || –ḵaatl | flank, side of his/her belly

flap √tʼaatl | splash; flap || √x̱eek | flap arms or shoulders

flashlight kadulg̱óok sʼeenáa; kadulg̱úkx̱ sʼeenáa; ux̱ akagan sʼeenáa; yoo yakdudlig̱óokgu sʼeenáa

flat –ḵʼáatlʼ | thin and flat || tʼáalʼ | flat; flattened; crushed flat

flathead sʼelasheesh | flathead duck

flats taashuká | river flats; tidelands; mudflats

flatten √tʼaalʼ | mash flat; roll flat

flavor –dunóogu | taste or flavor of –

flay O-S-l-√xʼeesh | for S to skin, flay O

flea kookʼénaa | sand flea; sandhopper; grasshopper || tíx || √tíx ˟ | to have fleas || tóox | ant; bedbug; sand flea

flee (N + náḵ) + a-ya-S-d+∅-√haan ¹ | S to flee, run, turn back ( from N)

flesh –daatéisʼi | soft, flabby flesh around it; its flab || –dleey | flesh; meat; muscle –daadleeyí | flesh; corpse || ḵʼíshaa | fleshing tool made of bone || –tóoch | fresh (fish flesh) || –x̱ʼéeshi | dried flesh, strips (of fish) || –x̱ʼúx̱u | flesh (of fish)

flexible √xwaach

flick √tʼaaxʼ | flick; cut into pieces

flicker kóon | northern flicker

flint g̱agaan háatlʼi || ín

flippers –daa ax̱áayi | flippers (of fish) || –geení | tail flippers

float ¹ √haash | drift ¹; float {∅ preverb} + O-l-√haash | for O to float, drift || daak + O-l-√haash | for O to float, drift out to sea || {na preverb} + O-l-√haash | for O to float, drift || √tsees | float; bob || √woo ³

float ² katsees | float (of net, fishing line); buoy

flood g̱alaḵú

flood ¹ (verb) √daa ¹ | flow; rise; flood ¹ N-náx̱ + ya-∅-√daa ¹ | for water, the tide to flow through N; for water, the tide to flood N || (verb) √ḵoo | flood ¹; vomit || (noun) ḵéesʼ | flood ¹; tide ²

flood ² (noun) (noun) aan galaḵú; aan galḵú

floor tʼáa ká

floorboard takeit | floorboards in canoe

flounder dzánti || wankashxéet | starry flounder

flour sakwnéin || sakwnéin kaxook

flour gravy sakwnéin katéix̱i

flow ka-∅-√.aa ³ | for a stream of water to flow, pour forth || √daa ¹ | flow; rise; flood ¹ ka-∅-√daa ¹ | for water, blood to flow; for a nose to run || N-t⁓ + ka-∅-daa | for water to flow, rise to N || N-náx̱ + ya-∅-√daa ¹ | for water, the tide to flow through N; for water, the tide to flood N || √ee ² | slide; flow

flower ¹ (verb) √xwein ³ O-ḵʼe-ka-d+l-√xwein ˟ ³ | for O to flower, blossom

flower ² (noun) ḵʼeikaxwéin | flower; blossom ḵʼeikaxwéin tlʼeig̱í | flower petal

fluff √keits ²

fluff up √kootl | fluff up; puff out

fluffy √kéxwk ˟ | fluffy; light

flush ¹ √saay | flush; sweat; radiate O-ka-du-∅-√sáay | for O (person or animal) to be hot, sweaty, flush

flush ² kwás + íxde + O-S-l-√.óosʼ | for S to flush O (a toilet)

flute tu.óoxsʼi yeit

fly ¹ √ḵeen ¹ | classification: singular subject {na preverb} + S-d+∅-√ḵeen ¹ | for (singular) S (bird, or persons in a plane) to fly || {∅ preverb} + S-d+∅-√ḵeen ¹ | for (singular) S (bird, or persons in a plane) to fly || {ga preverb} + S-d+∅-√ḵeen ¹ | for (singular) S (bird, or persons in a plane) to fly || √yeech | classification: plural subject || {na preverb} + O-ka-d+l-√yeech | for (plural) O (birds or planes) to fly

fly ² xéen | housefly; bluebottle fly

flywheel kajúxaa; koojúxaa; koojúxwaa (An) | flywheel; wheelbarrow; wagon; hand truck; dolly; wheel ²; tire

foam x̱eil; x̱eel || √x̱eel; √x̱eil ¹

focus tután | hope; intention; focus of hopes or thoughts

fog kadalʼíxwaa | ice fog || ḵugwáasʼ | fog || xʼúkjaa | steam (visible, in the air); mist, fog (rising from a body of standing water)

foggy √gwaasʼ ḵu-d+∅-√gwáasʼ

fold √kʼwaatʼ ¹

fold up O-ka-S-l-√gwaatl

follow ¹ N + ítx̱ + yaa + S-∅-√goot ¹ | for (singular) S to follow N (on foot) || O-ka-S-s-√kei ¹ | for S to track, trail, follow tracks of O; for S to untangle o; for S to rip back, undo O (sewing, knitting) || N-xʼ + sh + S-d+l-√x̱án ˟ | for S to accompany N; for S to take (a liking) to N; for S to follow N around

follow ² –x̱ʼakooká | in response, reply to them; following his/her train of speech

follower –ítx̱ nagoodí || –ítx̱ na.aadí; –ítx̱ na.aatxʼí; –ítx̱ ne.aatxʼí (C) | disciples; followers

following a eetí aa | the next one(s); the following one(s) || aag̱áa | at that time; after that; following that || –ít | after –; following –

fontanel –gaan; –shegaan

food a dákx̱u | steamed food || at áatʼláni | cold food; cold drink; raw seafood || at éewu | cooked food || atx̱á | food || éenwu; éenu (TC) | food taken home from a feast or dinner to which one was invited || káx̱gántʼi | fried food; roasted food || katʼákx̱i | half-dried and/or compressed food, esp. berries or seaweed || l ultukdéin kawdudziháayi atx̱á | organic food; natural food || sh x̱ʼadaa át | subsitence foods || téix̱ | boiled food || wóow | food (sent or taken along); lunch (sent or taken along); provisions sent or taken along (on a trip, to work or school) || xwéix̱ | steamed food || –x̱ʼa.eetí | food scraps, left-over food; crumbs of food left or scattered where one has eaten ḵaa x̱ʼa.eetí | leftovers; food scraps

food container wóoshx̱ dagaa | food box divided into compartments by a divider || x̱ʼayeit | food container; pot or pan; large bowl or dish

fool ḵut + O-S-l-√yeil | for S to cheat, deceive, fool O

foolish tlél + yaa + ḵu-S-d+sh-√géi ³ | for S to be foolish, dimwitted, unwise, or crazy

foolishness l yaa ḵooshgé | foolishness; recklessness

foot ¹ –chíg̱ayi | forefoot; front paw || –iḵ | midfoot –iḵká | top of foot || –x̱ʼeitákw | heel of foot || –x̱ʼoos | foot; leg ḵaa x̱ʼoos; ḵaa x̱ʼoos kaayí | one foot in measurement; personʼs foot || –x̱ʼusgoosh | big toe || –x̱ʼusg̱ei | instep; inside edge of their foot || –x̱ʼustáak | sole of foot || –x̱ʼustlʼeiḵ | toe(s) || –x̱ʼusyee | at the foot/feet of; under the feet of || deix̱kax̱ʼoostín | on both feet; with both feet

foot ² –kʼí | the base or foot of it (a standing object); trunk of a tree or large plant || –kʼiyee | near the base of –; at the foot of –; the back of – (a house); rear of – (a house); behind – (a house); under the shelter of – (a standing object or structure) || –shuyee; –shuwee | the foot of it; below it (raised place); flat area at the end of it (lake)

footprint –x̱ʼus.eetí | footprint; tracks

footstool ḵaa x̱ʼustayee.ádi

for –eeg̱áa | waiting for; going after; going for (to get) || –káx̱ | for the protection or benefit of || –sákw | future; to be; for || –yís | for (that is, using it for a purpose); to that end –jiyís; –jeeyís | for (to have or benefit from) || –kayís | for (a day, week; a dish) || táakw niyís | (in preparation) for winter || –x̱ʼeis | for them to eat or drink || –yayís | getting ready for it; in anticipation of it

forbidden √g̱aas | forbidden; taboo l-√g̱aas ˟ | for something to be forbidden, taboo, not allowed by custom

forearm –sʼúdi | forearm (of person); lower forelimb (of animal)

forebear –shaadí

forecast a.án | watching the weather to forecast; watching the stars to navigate

forehead –káakʼ

foreigner g̱unayaḵwáan

forelimb –sʼúdi | forearm (of person); lower forelimb (of animal)

foreskin –lawyadaadookxʼú sáani

forest at gutú || aasgutú || Aas Ḵwáani | "People of the Trees"

forever chʼa tleix̱ || tlagu–; tlaguwu–

forget yaa + O-ḵu-S-l-√g̱áat ³ || √xʼaaḵw ¹ N + ká-t⁓ + O-sa-∅-√xʼaaḵw ¹ | for O to forget N || N + ká-t⁓ + O-sa-S-l-√xʼaaḵw ¹ | for S to cause O to forget N

forgive chʼa + aadé + yéi + O-S-∅-√.oo ¹ ˟ | for S to forgive, excuse O

fork ách at dusx̱a át; aan at dusx̱a át; ájudusx̱a.aa || éenaa | tongs (used in cooking); split stick for pulling sinew through; forked stick || káatʼ | gardening fork

form kanágaa | form for shaping téel kanágaa; téel kanágayi; téel kenégeyi; téel tukanágaa; téel yakanágaa; téel yakanágayi | moccasin stretcher || sʼáaxw kanágaa; sʼáaxw kanágayi | hat form (for weaving)

former –yéeyi

formidable √chígaa ˟

formline Lingít kashxeedí yahaaxʼú | Northwest Coast formline design

fort noow || noow g̱ei | in a fort; in a shelter; in a cove

fortitude dawóotlʼ

fortress noow

four daaxʼoon daaxʼoondahéen | four times || daaxʼoong̱áa | four at a time || daaxʼoong̱áanáx̱ | four (people) at a time || daaxʼoonínáx̱ | daaxʼoonínáx̱ || daaxʼoonyeeká | four groups, piles || ḵóok | four-sided, square, rectangular (object)

four people daaxʼoonínáx̱ || daaxʼoonínáx̱

fox naag̱asʼéi | red fox || x̱aldleit | white fox || x̱altʼoochʼ naag̱asʼéi | black fox

foxtail kunaayeilʼeedí

fracture √aaxʼw ¹

fragrant √tsʼaa O-l-√tsʼáa ˟ | for O to be fragrant, sweet-smelling || √xaak ²

frail √geitl | frail health; poor health

frame tʼéesh | tanning frame; frame for stretching skin || at daa.ideidí | frame; its shell (as of a building)

freeload √choox̱ at + u-S-∅-√choox̱ ˟

freeze √tʼeexʼ ¹ | frozen; hard; difficult d+l-√tʼéexʼ ¹ | for something to harden, solidify; for something to freeze

freezer a tóo at dultʼixʼx̱i át; a tóo at iltʼixʼx̱ át

frenzied (verb) xʼóolʼ + yáx̱ + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹

fresh –tooch | fresh (of fish) || √tooch | fresh; raw | classification: food || yées– | new; young; fresh yées daséikw | fresh air

Friday keijín yakyee; keijín yagiyee; keijín yagee

fried kasʼúkx̱u

friend –x̱ooní | one that matches; equivalent to; like; relation (same clan or moiety) of; friend (same clan or moiety) of || –yaḵáawu | trading partner; long ways back friend

fringe √haan ² | cut strips; cut fringe –kaháani | fringe of cut hide on it || sʼáaxw kóon kaháani | fringe at hem of hat || x̱ikshakahánsʼi; x̱ikshekehénsʼi (C); dux̱ikshakahánsʼi | fringe of cut hide on the shoulder of his coat, jacket || –x̱ʼakaháani; –x̱ʼakeháani (C) | fringe of cut hide on –

frog xíxchʼ

from -dáx̱; -tx̱; -x̱ | from; out of; since (that time) || –náḵ | away from it, leaving it behind

front daginaa; diginaa | outer part (toward the open, center of house, clearing, out to sea); front room || –shuká | in front of –; ahead of – || –yaká | out in front of; (out) facing, opposite || –yuwá | abdomen; surface of belly; front of body

frost √xwaan | frost ḵu-ka-d+l-√xwáan | for the ground or weather to be frosty || (noun) kaxwaan

frown √xeen | frown; scowl N + yát + a-S-s-√xeen | for S to frown, scowl at N

frozen chál xook | fish air-dried in cold weather and allowed to freeze

frustrate N + toowú + x̱ʼool + yáx̱ + O-S-∅-√.oo ¹ ˟ | for S to frustrate N

frustrating √dzée ˟ | difficult; hard (abstract); frustrating O-l-√dzée ˟ | for O to be very difficult, frustrating, almost impossible, hard (abstract)

fry (verb) √sʼook O-ka-S-l-√sʼook | for S to toast O (bread); for S to fry O (usually till crisp) || (noun) kasʼúgwaa yeit; kasʼígwaa yeit (At); kax̱gáani yeit; kax̱gántʼi yeit | frying pan; skillet

fry bread eix̱ kát sakwnéin, eex̱ kát sakwnéin (Y,A,T); eex̱ kát sakwnein, eix̱ kát sakwnein

full √chaalʼ | drowsy from overindulging || √heek | classification: solids or abstracts O-sha-∅-√heek || √tlʼeetʼ | classification: water O-sha-∅-√tlʼéetʼ | for O to be full, be overflowing (with liquid) || √tsʼeetʼ | classification: liquid O-sha-∅-√tsʼéetʼ | for O to be full (with liquid) || yan⁓ + ya-∅-√wáat ¹ | for the moon to be full

fun √goo ¹

fungus aasdaag̱áadli; g̱áatl | bracket fungus; conks; tree fungus

funny lishoog̱u || x̱ʼalishoog̱u | for a speech or words to be be funny, comical, laughable

fur –x̱aawú | hair; fuzz; fur; quill(s) (of porcupine)

furniture –yee.ádi ² | furnishings; household objects

furrow (verb) √xeet || (noun) xéet

fuss √tsʼeek | fuss; whine; tantrum O-S-l-√tsʼeek | for S to fuss about, whine for, throw a tantrum for O

future –sákw | future; to be; for || gwátgeen sá; gútgeen sá | when (in the future); sometime (in the future) chʼa gwátgeen sá; chʼa gútgeen sá (Y) | any time (in the future); whenever (in the future)

fuzz –x̱aawú | hair; fuzz; fur; quill(s) (of porcupine)

gaff √kʼeix̱ʼ; √kʼeex̱ʼ O-S-∅-√kʼéix̱ʼ; O-S-∅-√kʼéex̱ʼ | for S to hook O; for S to gaff O || O-sha-S-∅-√kʼéix̱ʼ; O-sha-S-∅-√kʼéex̱ʼ | for S to hook O in the head; for S to gaff O in the head

gain √dlaaḵ

gal a ² | that other galʼs/guyʼs; third person obviate independent possessive (3obv.p) || á | that other person; third person obviate independent pronoun (3obv.i)

gall bladder –teiyí | gall bladder; bile

gallon ḵʼateil

gamble (verb) √ḵaa ³ | gamble with cards, in general, or with gambling sticks that are concealed a-S-d+l-√ḵáa ˟ ³ | for S to gamble (by means of gambling sticks, dice, etc.); for S to play cards; for S to play bingo || (verb) √g̱aaḵ ² | gamble with gambling sticks that are tossed

gambling alḵáa; at ilḵáa | stick game; gambling; bingo; game of chance || alg̱áḵ | gambling with gambling sticks that are tossed (g̱ag̱áḵ) || g̱ag̱áḵ | gambling sticks for tossing || kax̱itjaa | rattling of sticks in stick gambling game

game aldaawáa | games played using string in the hands; checkers || alḵáa; at ilḵáa | stick game; gambling; bingo; game of chance || tʼáa ḵus.óokʼ | board game || wóoshx̱ kadujeil ḵus.ook’ | jigsaw puzzle

gangrene tlʼooḵ | rotting sore; gangrene; cancer

gap g̱éel | mountain pass; saddle of mountain; gap between mountain peaks || g̱éel ká | on the mountain pass; on the saddle of mountain; in the gap between mountain peaks || g̱éelákʼw | small mountain pass; small saddle of mountain; small gap between mountain peaks

garbage aadé kdulxesʼ yé | garbage dump || tlʼeex | filth, mess; trash, rubbish, garbage

garden ¹ (verb) a-ka-S-∅-√haa ¹ | for S to garden, dig

garden ² (noun) táay

gardener táay kahéix̱i

garment naa.át

gasp √keech ¹

gather together woosh + x̱oo-t⁓ + S-d+∅-√.aat ¹ | for (plural) S to assemble, congregate, gather together (for meetings) || woosh + kaanáx̱ + S-d+∅-√.aat ¹ | for (plural) S to assemble, congregate, gather together (for meetings) || √tlʼeen | tie in bunch; gather cloth

gather up O-ya-S-s-√haa ¹ | for S to gather up, pick up, take up O

gaze O-S-l-√teen ² | for S to look at, gaze at, watch O; for S to watch, take care of, mind, look after O

genealogy –shuká | genealogy of –; ancestors of –; history of –

general xʼáan kanáayi; xʼáan koonáayi | general; leader of war, battle

generation yées ḵu.oo | new generation

generosity of heart tula.aan

gentle √aan ² | kind ¹; gentle; pleasant; good looking O-tu-l-√.aan ˟ ² | for O to be kind; for O to be gentle || chʼa aanínáx̱ | do it with kindess!; do it gently!

genuine yankáxʼ– | genuinely; truly

get O-ya-S-∅-√dlaaḵ | for S to gain, get, obtain, acquire O; for S to succeed, accomplish O; for S to defeat, beat O || √haa ³ N + jee-t⁓ + O-ka-S-∅-√haa ³ | for S to give O to N; for S to get O for N

get out of way N + jikaadáx̱ + ya-u-S-∅-√.aat ¹ | classification: plural || N + jikaadáx̱ + ya-u-S-∅-√goot ¹ | classification: singular

get rid of O-S-l-√tlʼeet | for S to abandon, desert, leave O; for S to throw away, dispose of, get rid of O; for S to divorce O; for S to fire O (from a job)

get up √nook ⁴ || √ḵee ² sha-S-d+∅-√ḵee ² | for (plural) S to get up, rise || sha-S-d+∅-√nook ⁴ | for (singular) S to get up, rise

ghost sʼig̱eeḵáawu | ghost; zombie

giant (noun) ḵustín át; ḵudziteeyi át || (adjective) ḵustín–

giddiness kanashú

gift x̱ʼalatseení ka.óow ádi || la.ooxʼú | gifts distributed at a feast

gill –xʼéixʼu | gill (of fish)

giraffe lidíx̱ʼwáatʼ

girl shaatkʼátskʼu; shaatkʼwátskʼu; shaatkʼiyátskʼu | adolescent girl || shaax’wsáani | adolescent girls

girlfriend –shaatkʼí | young woman (girlfriend, unmarried) || –shaawádi | girlfriend (beyond adolescence); wife

give O-x̱ʼa-ka-(u)-S-∅-√.aaḵw ˟ ¹ | for S to give O an opportunity to speak; for S to give O directions as to what to say || √aat ² | classification: baggage and personal items {∅ preverb} + O-S-l-√.aat ² || {na preverb} + O-S-l-√.aat ² || √aat ³ | classification: small round or hooplike objects {∅ motion preverb} + O-ka-S-l-√.aat ³ || {na motion preverb} + O-ka-S-l-√.aat ³ || √aax̱ ² | classification: textile-like objects {∅ preverb} + O-S-∅-.aax̱ ² || {na preverb} + O-S-∅-√.aax̱ ² || √een ¹ | classification: container with contents {∅ preverb} + O-S-s-√.een || {na preverb} + O-S-s-√.een || √haa ³ N + jee-t⁓ + O-ka-S-∅-√haa ³ | for S to give O to N; for S to get O for N || √kwaach | classification: in cupped hand(s) {na preverb} + O-S-∅-√kwaach | for S to carry, take O (in cupped hands) || √naa ⁴ | to give in accordance with clan relationship O-ka-u-S-∅-√náa ⁴ || N + jee-t⁓ + yéi + O-S-s-√nei ¹ ʰ | for S to give, take, hand (plural) O to N | classification: plural & varying objects || N + jee-t⁓ + O-S-∅-√taan ¹ | for S to give, hand O (usually a hollow object) to N || {∅ motion preverb} + O-S-s-√taan ³ | for S to carry, take O (usually a container or hollow object) || {∅ motion preverb} + O-ka-S-s-√taan ³ | for S to carry O (small, stick-like object) || √tee ² | classification: general, compact object; abstract {na preverb} + O-S-∅-√tee ² ʰ | for S to carry, take O (general, compact object; abstract) || √tee ʰ ²

give heed N + x̱ʼéi-t⁓ + S-s-√.aax̱ ¹

give orders áa + O-ji-ka-(u)-S-∅-√ḵaa ¹

give up kei + S-d+∅-√leet ¹ || √naaḵ ² O-x̱ʼa-S-∅-√naaḵ ² | for S to quit, give up O (esp. drinking) || √xaach | give up; put off (N-xʼ) + a-S-l-√xaach | for S to despair, give up hope (on N); for S to put off, defer, delay doing, or give up (doing N)

gizzard –yoowú | stomach (of a mammal); gizzard (of a bird)

glacier sítʼ

glad N + toowú + s-√góo ¹ || N + toowú + ∅-√kʼéi

glance N + yaax̱ + kei + a-ka-S-d+l-√tʼáasʼ | for S to snap eyes at, look askance at, or glance at N (indicating anger, dislike, or suspicion)

gland –daa.itwéisʼi || –x̱ʼasʼguwéisʼi | salivary glands; tonsils

glass ítʼch | glass (the substance)

glib O-x̱ʼa-s-√too | for O to be witty, glib

glide √leet ² | slide (esp. an animal); glide on surface || √xʼootʼ ¹ | glide; soar

glorification kashéex̱ʼ

glorify √sheix̱ʼ; √sheex̱ʼ O-ka-S-∅-√shéex̱ʼ | for S to praise, glorify O; for S to approve, commend O; for S to comment on O

glory kashéix̱ʼ

glove aasdaakʼwátʼi | decorative fur balls on mitten strings || litlʼeeg̱i tsáaxʼ; ḵaa tlʼeig̱í tsáaxʼ; tlʼeḵketsáaxʼ | glove

glow √tʼaax̱ʼ ² | radiate heat; glow

glue aan kadusʼíxʼw át

gluttonous √tleiḵw

go √aat ¹ | for (plural) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) | classification: plural {∅ preverb} + S-∅-√.aat ¹ | for (plural) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) || {∅ preverb} + S-d+∅-√.aat ¹ | for (plural) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) || {na preverb} + S-∅-√.aat ¹ | for (plural) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) || {ga preverb} + S-∅-√.aat ¹ | for (plural) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) || {g̱a preverb} + S-∅-√.aat ¹ | for (plural) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) || gánde + S-∅-√.aat ¹ | for (plural) S to go to the bathroom || √goot ¹ | walk | classification: singular {∅ preverb} + S-∅-√goot ¹ | for (singular) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) || {∅ preverb} + S-d+∅-√goot ¹ | for (singular) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) || {na preverb} + S-∅-√goot ¹ | for (singular) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) || {ga preverb} + S-∅-√goot ¹ | for (singular) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) || {g̱a preverb} + S-∅-√goot ¹ | for (singular) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) || gánde + S-∅-√goot | for (singular) S to go to the bathroom || √kʼeetʼ | move in a mass {∅ preverb} + O-ka-d+∅-√kʼéetʼ | for O (group of people) to all leave or go; for O (group of people) to die off || {na preverb} + O-ka-d+∅-√kʼéetʼ | for O (group of people) to all leave or go; for O (group of people) to die off || √ḵoox̱ ¹ | go by boat; go by car [∅ preverb] + S-∅-√ḵoox̱ ¹ | for S to travel, go (by boat, car) || [na preverb] + S-∅-√ḵoox̱ ¹ | for S to travel, go (by boat, car) || daak + S-∅-√ḵoox̱ ¹ | for S to go out to sea (in a boat); for S to move into the open (in a boat, car) || g̱unéi + S-∅-√ḵoox̱ ¹ | for S to begin traveling, going by boat or car || yaa + S-∅-√ḵoox̱ ¹ | for S to be going, traveling along (by boat, car) || √teen ¹ {na preverb} + ḵu-S-∅-√teen ¹ | for S to travel, go on a trip || {∅ preverb} + ḵu-S-∅-√teen ¹ | for S to travel, go on a trip

go away mad √teen ³

go back a-ya-u-S-d+∅-√.aat ¹ | classification: plural subject || a-ya-u-S-d+∅-√goot ¹ | classification: singular subject

go dry ka-l-√koox

go out ya-ka-l-√kéesʼ || √laa ¹ | melt; tide to go out (N-x̱) + ∅-√laa ¹ | for the tide to ebb, go out (from under N); for water to recede, subside, go down (of floodwater) || yan⁓ + ∅-√laa ¹ (∅ motion) | for the tide to go out, be low

goat jánwu; jínwu (Y); jénu (C); jánu (T); Ján (C) | mountain goat || chookán ká jánwu | domestic goat || taykajánwu

God Haa Shagéinyaa || Dikée Aanḵáawu; Dikáanḵáawu; Haa Aanḵáawu

goggles hintaak waḵdáanaa | swim goggles

gold góon | gold; the color gold || katlʼáakʼ | gold-rust; flecked with gold or rust

Gold Creek (in Juneau) Dzántikʼi Héeni

goldeneye hinyikgáaxu; áa kagáaxu | goldeneye duck

goldfinch sʼáasʼ | canary; goldfinch; siskin

gone √yeix̱ ² | gone; lack O-u-∅-√yeix̱ ² | for O to be lacking; for O to be gone; for O (time) to be remaining

good (verb) √kʼei | good; fine O-∅-√kʼéi | for O to be good, fine, pretty || ḵu-∅-√kʼei | for the weather to be good || (adjective) aakʼé– || (noun) at kʼé | good thing || –waaḵg̱áa | pleasing to the eye; looking good to

good grief! hadláa!

good looking √aan ² | kind; gentle; pleasant; good looking

good thoughts toowú kʼé

good-looking O-ya-ka-s-√.aan ˟ ² | to have a good-looking face || O-ka-s-√.aan ˟ ² | for something to be good-looking

goodness kʼé

gooey √dlooḵ | gooey; sticky ∅-sh-√dlooḵ | for O to be sticky, gooey

goose tʼaawáḵ

goose tongue suḵtéitlʼ; tʼaawáḵ lʼóotʼi

gooseberry chʼéeni kwlayáatʼ

gopher tsálk | arctic ground squirrel

gorge ¹ x̱ʼaak

gorge ² nóotʼaa | bone gorge hook for fishing or snaring seagulls

gossip (noun) neek | news; information; gossip; rumor || (verb) O-x̱ʼa-l-√.oos ˟ ² | for O to be talkative, talk nonsense, be gossipy, or noisy

gossiper niksʼaatí; neek sʼaatí || neek shatlʼéḵxʼu

grab √shaat || O-S-∅-√sháat | for S to catch O; for S to grab, take hold of, snatch O; for S to arrest O; for S to trap O

grandchild –dachx̱án || chx̱ánkʼ | endearing term used when speaking directly to oneʼs grandchild || ax̱ dachx̱ánkʼé | my wonderful grandchild | endearing term used when speaking lovingly to a grandchild

grandparent –léelkʼw √leelkʼw | become a grandparent || –áali | used in Southern Tlingit instead of –léelkʼw

granite x̱éel, x̱éel té

grape dleit ḵaa tleig̱ú

grasp –daséixʼ | out of their reach, grasp || √ootʼ | grasp; sucker O-S-∅-√óotʼ | for S to grasp O with suckers (of octopus)

grass chookán; chookén (C); chookwán (T) chookán aaní | prairie; grasslands || chookanyátxʼi; chookenyátxʼi | short grass || lax̱ʼyeit | beach grass || | hairy seaweed on which herring spawn || sooḵ | wide grass || sháak | timothy grass || x̱aatlʼ | algae found on rocks; freshwater fine grass

grasshopper kookʼénaa | sand flea; sandhopper; grasshopper

grateful sh + tóo-g̱aa + O-d+∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to be grateful, thankful; for O to be satisfied

gravel lʼéiw lʼéiw yátxʼi; lʼéiw yátsxʼi; lʼéiw yétsxʼi | fine sand or gravel

gravel bar xákw

gravel beach xákw

gravy kanéegwálʼ | pudding dish made with berries and salmon eggs

gray lawúx̱ || lʼóox̱ʼ || lʼáax̱ʼ | grayish; blond (hair)

grayling tʼási

grease daneit | grease, oil put away in a box; large box for storing grease, oil || eix̱; eex̱ | oil; grease saak eix̱í | hooligan oil, grease || neisʼ | oil, grease (for coating skin or rubbing); lotion; liniment linéisʼchʼán | is easily greased; rubs easily (like applying lotion)

greasy √eex̱ | greasy; oily || √yeet ¹ | greasy; oily

greatly gedéin; gidéin

grebe cháax̱ | horned grebe or red-necked grebe

green ¹ kayaaní | green || sʼéix̱wani | light yellowish-green || sʼoow | dark green

green ² –shísʼḵ; –shásʼḵ | green wood (of tree)

greenhouse taay neilí

greenstone sʼoow

grief chush + tóodáx̱ + kei + S-d+∅-√hook | remove grief

grimace √sʼeen || √xʼeen

grin √noots ¹ at + ka-S-∅-√noots  ¹ | for S to smile at something (often knowingly or sarcastically)

grind √g̱eelʼ || √xaakw | grind; whip up O-ka-S-l-√xaakw | for S to grind up O; for S to beat, whip O up (esp. soapberries)

grindstone g̱ílʼaa

grip –jintú

gripe √tánu

gristle –túḵlʼi –sʼaḵshutúḵlʼi | cartilage at the end of its bones; gristle at the end of its bones || –sʼaḵx̱ʼáak túḵlʼi | cartilage between its bones; gristle between its bones

grocery hoon daakahídi

ground sooḵ kahéeni | brackish water on moss

ground meat dleey kaxákwlʼi (T) || dleey kaxákwlʼi (T), dleey kexákwlʼi (C)

groundhog sʼaax̱ | hoary marmot

grouse núkt | blue grouse || káaxʼ | spruce grouse, spruce hen; chicken

grow √aa ³ | grow; pour forth | classification: plant ka-∅-√.aa ³ | for a plant to grow || ka-s-√.aa ³ | for a plant with a long stalk to grow || O-ka-S-s-√.aa ³ | for S to cause O (plant) to grow || √waat ¹ | classification: living creature (kei) + O-∅-√wáat ¹ | for O to grow up (size and maturity) (esp. of human and animal) || O-S-s-√wáat ¹ | for S to raise O (child, animal); for S to grow O (plant)

growl √toox̱ʼ ¹ | stomach growl ka-s-√tóox̱ʼ ˟ ¹ | for the stomach to growl, gurgle

growth gúnlʼ | burl || kawáat | lump in the flesh || yagúnlʼ | growth on the face

grub tlʼúkʼx̱; tlʼúkʼ | worm; larva; grub; caterpillar

grumble √tlʼúnkw ˟ | mutter; grumble

grumpy ḵukahín | petulance; irritation; crankiness ḵukahín⁓ + S-∅-√nook ³ | for S to be grumpy, cranky, irritated

guard ¹ (N + káx̱) + yan⁓ + a-S-∅-√deil | for S to keep watch, keep a lookout (over N) || √ín | observe; guard

guard ² (noun) at káx̱ adéli; adéli | guard; watchman || wáachwaan

guardian at liedem adátxʼi daat yawustaag̱i ḵáa

guess O-S-l-√gáaxʼw | for S to make O guess

gull kéidladi

gully hin.eetí | dry creek bed; place where water has run off, eroding the soil || séet ¹ | channel; draw; gully; canyon

gum kʼóox̱ʼ | pitch; resin; pine tar; gum; lead

gumboot koow | lady slipper; giant chiton || shaaw | gumboot; chiton

gums –ux̱kʼí | the part of the teeth below the gum line || –ux̱kʼidleeyí | gums

gun óonaa || óonaa tukatság̱aa; óonaa kax̱íjaa | cleaning rod for gun || x̱ʼaan óonaa | musket || óonaa yádi | pistol

gunnel –x̱’átú

gunpowder at tugáni

gunwale –x̱’átú

gurgle ka-s-√tóox̱ʼ ˟ ¹

gust N-de⁓ + a-ya-∅-√sháat | for the wind, weather to move in gusts to N

gut √tlʼeil; √tlʼéiláḵw | remove milt/eggs and guts from fish

guts –yik.ádi || –naasí | intestines, guts

guy a ² | that other galʼs/guyʼs; third person obviate independent possessive (3obv.p) || á | that other person; third person obviate independent pronoun (3obv.i)

gymnasium áa ashkadulyát eedí

habit –ḵunóogu || √taan ⁸ | habit; like doing O-ka-u-S-sh-√tán ⁸ ˟ | for S to be in habit of doing O; for S to do O frequently because s enjoys doing it || √naak | shape; habit

Haida Deikeenaa

hail (verb) √dásʼ ˟ (noun) kadásʼ || (verb) a-∅-√g̱éet ¹ ˟ | for rain, hail, snow to fall (often hard, in dark rainstorm) || (verb) {precipitation} + daak + s-√taan ⁶ | for {precipitation} to fall

Haines Deishú | "End of the Trail"

hair lag̱wán | bow (of hair) || –shakakóoch’i | curly hair || shaséet | braid || –shashaaní | gray hair || –xʼéesʼi | lock of hair; matted hair || –x̱aawú | hair; fuzz; fur; quill(s) (of porcupine) –éenee x̱aawú; –éenyee x̱aawú; –éeni x̱aawú (C) | armpit hair || –kakʼx̱aawú | bangs || –shax̱aawú | hair on head || –xux̱aawú; –xudzaayí | pubic hair

hair pendant ḵaa shaksayíḵsʼi

hair pin shax̱’ée x’wál’

hair ribbon shach’éen

hairdresser ḵaa shax̱aawú yéi daanéiyi

hairy √x̱aaw N + daa-d+s-√x̱áaw ˟ | for N to have a hairy body

half –kík | one side of torso || –katʼóot | partway up; halfway up (the inside of a vessel, container or containment) || –shoowú | part of it; half of it dís shoowú; dís kígi | half moon || –yakatʼóot | partway up (the surface of); halfway up (the surface of)

half dollar dáanaa shoowú

halibut cháatl || náalx̱ | large halibut || éet

halibut fisher cháatl astʼeix̱í

hall áxʼ woosh kaanáx̱ wuduwa.aadi yé | community hall; gathering center

hamburger dleey kaxákwlʼi (T) || dleey kaxákwlʼi (T), dleey kexákwlʼi (C)

hammer ¹ (noun) táḵl lʼoowú táḵl | wooden hammer, mallet

hammer ² (verb) √tʼeix̱ʼ; √tʼeex̱ʼ | pound ¹; smash; hammer ² O-ka-S-∅-√tʼéex̱ʼ | for S to smash O up by pounding; for S to mash O by pounding with something heavy; for S to pound, hammer on O; for S to break O

hammock g̱eig̱áchʼ | swing; hammock

hand ¹ –jín deix̱kajíntin | with both hands || –jikóol | back of hand, wrist || –jintáak | palm of hand i –jintakyádi; –jintaakyádi; –jintakyédi | center of palm of hand || –jiwán | edge of hand || tleikajíntin | with one hand

hand ² haahí | hand it over! || haandé | bring it here!; hand it here! || √naaḵ ² | let go; release; hand ²; give up O-ji-S-∅-√naaḵ ² | for S to let go, release, relinquish O; for S to leave, desert O; for S to hand over, deliver up O || N + jee-t⁓ + yéi + O-S-s-√nei ¹ ʰ | for S to give, take, hand (plural) O to N | classification: plural & varying objects || N + jee-t⁓ + O-S-∅-√taan ¹ | for S to give, hand O (usually a hollow object) to N

hand truck kajúxaa; koojúxaa; koojúxwaa (An) | flywheel; wheelbarrow; wagon; hand truck; dolly; wheel ²; tire

handcuffs jikag̱ayéisʼ; jikag̱iyéisʼ (T); ḵaa jikag̱ayéisʼi; ḵaa jika.át

handiwork –ji.eetí ḵaa ji.eetí | peopleʼs handiwork; peopleʼs artifact

handkerchief lug̱wéinaa

handle –sákwti; –sáxwdi; –síxwdi (At, T); –súxdi (T); –súxti (T, C) | handle of – (a stick-like object); shaft of – (spear or other stick-like object) || ya.áaw | strap; handle (of pail, pot)

handlebar –sákwti

handrail a daax̱ yaa dulsheech át | banister; railing; handrail

hands √jín ˟ | have hands

handshake ḵaa jín lidléigoo

hang √dleitl | hang slack || N-x̱ + ∅-√shoo ¹ | for a singular object to hang down from N || √tee ³ || √xwaasʼ | hang in clusters || N-t⁓ + O-S-s-√yeeḵ ¹ | for S to pull, haul, hoist O to N (esp. on line); for S to hang O (a human) by the neck

hank shakatlʼéen

happen √nei ²; √nee ² (yéi) + O-∅-√nei ² ʰ | for (that) to happen, occur to O || (yéi) + at + ∅-√nei ² ʰ | for something to happen || ḵáakw-t⁓ + O-∅-√nei ² ʰ | for O to have an accident, get hurt; for something bad to happen to O || √xeex ⁴ ya-∅-√xeex ⁴ | for something to take place, occur, happen

happening –yoo kooneigí | what happened to

happiness toowú kʼé sagú

happy √goo ¹ N + toowú + s-√góo ¹ | for N to be happy, glad || N + toowú + ∅-√kʼéi | for N to be glad, happy, feel fine || N + toowú + kínde + d+∅-√ḵeen ¹ | for N to be overjoyed, excited

harbor déili | shelter (from wind or weather); harbor

hard √dzée ˟ | difficult; hard (abstract); frustrating O-l-√dzée ˟ | for O to be very difficult, frustrating, almost impossible, hard (abstract) || g̱ákw | dried and hard; stiff (as canvas, dry fish) || √tʼeexʼ ¹ | frozen; hard; difficult ∅-√tʼéexʼ ˟ ¹ | for something to be hard (abstract), difficult || ka-∅-√tʼéexʼ ˟ ¹ | for something to harden, cake up || ka-s-√tʼéexʼ ˟ ¹ | for something to be hard (esp. of round object) || d+l-√tʼéexʼ ¹ | for something to harden, solidify; for something to freeze || (adjective) –tʼéexʼ || √woosʼ ³ | tough; hard

harmful √geiḵ | unsuitable; harmful; restrain

harmonica tu.óoxsʼi ḵóok

harpoon at x̱ʼéidi || dlagwáa | fish spear; harpoon for spearing salmon

hat (noun) sʼáaxw ḵʼalux̱útʼaa sʼáaxw | visor hat worn by Sugpiaq & Unangan people of Southcentral & Southwestern Alaska; cap (with a brim), baseball cap || sʼáaxw kanágaa; sʼáaxw kanágayi | hat form (for weaving) || sʼáaxw kóon kaháani | fringe at hem of hat || sʼáaxw x̱ʼakatóol | felt hat with curled brim || teey sʼáaxu | cedar hat || x̱aat sʼáaxw | woven root hat || (verb) √sʼaaxw | stack; put hat on kalsʼáaxwḵ | bare-headed; hatless || (noun) shadakóox̱ʼ | ceremonial woven root hat with a stack of basket-like cylinders on top || (noun) shakee.át | headdress, dance hat (often with with a carved frontlet, ermine skins, and sea lion whiskers)

hatchet shanax̱wáayi yádi, shúnx̱aa yádi (C)

hate √kʼaan O-S-sh-√kʼaan

haul {na preverb} + O-S-s-√xáatʼ ¹; {∅ preverb} + O-S-s-√xáatʼ ¹ | for S to drag, pull O (esp. heavy object or limp object such as dead animal); for S to haul, transport O (by non-motor power) || O-ya-S-∅-√x̱áaxʼw ² ˟ | for S to regularly transport, haul O by boat or car || {na preverb} + O-S-s-√x̱óotʼ ¹ | for S to drag, pull O; for S to haul, transport O (by motor power) || N-t⁓ + O-S-s-√yeeḵ ¹ | for S to pull, haul, hoist O to N (esp. on line); for S to hang O (a human) by the neck || kei + O-S-s-√yeeḵ ¹ | for S to pull, haul O (esp. of line) up; for S to hoist O up

have O-S-∅-√.oo ¹ ʰ | for S to own, possess, have O

have a turn N + ée-t⁓ + ḵu-∅-√haa ³ || √haa ³

have in common woosh + teen + O-S-d+∅-√héin ˟

hawk gijook

hawk ¹ (noun) kijook; gijook || shaayáal | peregrine falcon

hawk ² (verb) O-S-l-√hoon | for S to go selling, peddle, hawk O

he (independent pronoun) | they || (subject pronoun) ∅- ² | they

head ¹ –káakʼ | forehead || –lá |  neck; back of head –lakʼéechʼ | occiput; nape of neck; back of head || –shá | head –shakée | (on) top of the head of −; top of – (something with a rounded top, as a mountain); above –; (elevated) over – || –shakeegoodlí | intercornual protruberance; ridge between its horns (of moose, caribou) || –shanáa | over his/her head; covering his/her head || –shantuteiyí || –shadaa; —shayadaa | around the head

head ² –tá | head of bay || –sháak | head (of river or lake)

head down yindasháan | head down; upside down

headache shantunéekw

headband sháa akasdúxʼx̱u

headdress at x̱aagú shakee.át | claw headdress || g̱angóosh | headdress with ears on either side || shakee.át | headdress, dance hat (often with with a carved frontlet, ermine skins, and sea lion whiskers || yéik chʼéeni | íx̱tʼ headdress of ermine tails, feathers, etc., worn on top of hair

headgear takeit | protective headgear

heal √neix̱ O-∅-√neix̱ | for O to be saved; for O to be healed, cured, recover; for O to be satisfied || O-S-s-√neix̱ ˟ | for S to save O; for S to heal, cure O

healer íx̱tʼ | medicine person; healer; shaman

hear √aax̱ ¹ O-S-∅-√.aax̱ ¹ || O-S-∅-.áx̱ch ¹ ˟ || O-sa-S-∅-√.aax̱ ¹ || O-x̱ʼa-S-∅-.aax̱ ¹

hearing ḵu.áx̱ch | hearing || ḵaa ḵu.áx̱ji | hearing; interpreter || ḵu.áx̱ | sense of hearing

hearing aid ḵu.áx̱ji || ḵu.áx̱

heart –nóochʼi | beneath the head and between the gill covers; heart (said of any animal including a fish) || –téix̱’ | heart téix̱ʼ kʼoots | heart attack || toowú latseen | strength of mind or heart; courage

heartwood g̱ákw | heartwood of tree; spine of a tree || –kadíx̱ʼi | stem (of plant); heartwood (of tree)

heat (noun) kasáyjaa || (verb) √tʼaa ¹ ya-∅-√tʼaa ʰ | for something to be hot; for something to be heated || √tʼaax̱ʼ ² | radiate heat; glow N-t⁓ + s-√tʼáax̱ʼ ² | for a fire, etc. to be hot, radiate, throw out heat at N || (noun) g̱agaan tʼáx̱ʼi | heat of the sun

heated ya-∅-√tʼaa ¹ ʰ

heating pad kashóokʼ gwéil || kashéekʼw gwéil

heaven dikée | up; above; up in the sky, in heaven || keewáa; keewa.áa | high in the sky; in heaven keewáa ḵáawu | person, people up in heaven

heavy √daal || éechʼ | heavy stone, boulder; something compact and very heavy || O-∅-√dál ˟ | for O (an inanimate object) to be heavy; for O to be important

hectic (verb) xʼóolʼ + yáx̱ + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹

heel –x̱ʼeitákw | heel of foot

height –daax̱ g̱aléeyi | height of an elevation, building, or compact structure

heir –eetí | one that they have left behind (as an heir); descendant of their clan, people

held back √seek ¹ O-ya-∅-√seek ¹ | for O to be delayed, prevented, held back from plans (often due to inclement weather)

helmet shadaa

help –ji.een | working with them; helping them work or do something || (verb) √shee ³ N + ée-t⁓ + S-d+∅-√shee ³ | for S (person, medicine, etc.) to help, give help to, assist N || (noun) nadashée

helper nadashée

helpless tlél + O-ka-u-∅-√hélʼk ˟ | for O to be weak, helpless || √núkch ˟

hem –kóon | hem, bottom edge (of coat, dress, shirt); rim (of hat) || √x̱eetl ³ | trim; hem –x̱ʼax̱éedli | trim; hem

hemlock yán ² | western hemlock; moutain hemlock || lingít kʼúntsʼi | water hemlock || dúḵlʼ; túḵlʼ | young spruce or hemlock

hen káaxʼ | spruce grouse, spruce hen; chicken

henchman –xwáayi | used in Raven myths to refer to his sidekick Cormorant

her (object pronoun) ∅- ⁓ a- | them || (independent pronoun) ash ¹ | them (the main character of a narrative or event) || (relational pronoun) ash ² | their (the main character of a narrative or event) | || (object pronoun) ash ³ | them (postpositional pronoun) ash ee- | to them (the main character of a narrative or event) || (relational pronoun) a ² | their (a secondary character of a narrative or event) (postpositional pronoun) a ee- ⁓ a- | to them (a secondary character of a narrative or event) || (independent pronoun) á ³ | them (a secondary character of a narrative or event) || (relational pronoun) du | their (postpositional pronoun) du ee- ⁓ u- | to them

herbiage kayaaní | leaf, leaves; vegetation, plants, herbs, herbiage

herbs kayaaní | leaf, leaves; vegetation, plants, herbs, herbiage

herd √haat ²

here haa(n) | this vicinity; this area || | close, but not in immediate space || | right here; right now or recently || yáat | here; this place (right here) || yéináx̱ | through a place; around a place

here it was ḵachgu | well; what do you know; here it was

heredity –shagóon | ancestor(s) of the clan or nation of; background, heredity of

heron láx̱ʼ

herring g̱áaxʼw | herring eggs || √lʼaaḵ | put down hemlock branches for herring eggs || sháachʼ ¹ | smelt; sardine; young herring || yaaw | herring

hesitate √gaa ¹ | delay; hesitate; tide ¹; calm N-x̱ + O-ka-∅-√gaa ¹ | for O to delay, wait, pause, take oneʼs time, stay behind, or be detained at N

hew √daax̱ ¹

hiccup √dootʼ

hide ¹ (verb) √seen O-S-l-√seen | for S to hide, conceal, put O out of sight || a-S-d+l-√seen | for S to hide oneself, remain out of sight || –waḵshú | trying to avoid being seen, observed by; hiding what one is doing from

hide ² (noun) –chʼáadu | outer layer of skin; outer layer of hide || –doogú | hide || ux̱ akasʼíḵx̱i | smoked hide

high-priced x̱ʼa-l-√tseen ˟ ¹ | for something to be precious, of great value; for something to be expensive, high-priced

hill gooch | small hill || √gootl; √gooch | hill; mound || lʼewshaa | sand hill; side hill || noow | low flat hill || noow táx̱k | hill with depression on top || tóol

him (object pronoun) ∅- ⁓ a- | them || (postpositional pronoun) a ee- ⁓ a- | to them (a non-main character of a narrative or event) || (independent pronoun) ash ¹ | them | the main character of a narrative or event || (object pronoun) ash ³ | the main character of a narrative or event || (postpositional pronoun) ash ee- | to them (the main character of a narrative or event) || (independent pronoun) á ³ | them (a secondary character of a narrative or event) || (postpositional pronoun) du ee- ⁓ u- | to them

hindquarter –g̱ádzi | hindquarters; thigh

hip –kʼisʼaag̱í | side pelvic bones; innominate bones || –ḵáash | hip; pelvis

hippopotamus hintaak gishoowú

his (relational pronoun) ash | their (the main character of a narrative or event) || (relational pronoun) a ² | their (a secondary character of a narrative or event) || (relational pronoun) du | their

history –shagóon | source, origin, background of; fundament(s), element(s), component(s) of; cause and effect of Haa Shagóon | Our Ancestors; Our History; Where We Come From; Our Origins and History || –shuká | genealogy of –; ancestors of –; history of – Haa Shuká | Our Ancestors; Our History; Our descendants; Our Clan Crest

hit √gwaal | for S to hit O in the face (with fist) O-ya-S-∅-√gwaal || yan + ji-s-√taan ⁴ | for waves to hit, reach the beach || √tʼaakw | slap tail; hit solidly || √xeex ¹ | fall on and hit N-t⁓ + ∅-√xeex ¹ | for something to fall or drop on N; for a bullet to hit N; for a rumor, news to spread, go around at N || N-t⁓ + ka-∅-√xeex ¹ | for something (usually a round , spherical object such as a bullet, ball) to hit, fall against, drop into N || O-sha-S-∅-√x̱eech ² | for S to club, hit O on the head || kʼúxjaa

hither haa(n) | this vicinity; this area

hives geets | hives; rash || √geets

hoarse voice N + satú + O-ka-S-l-√kéesʼ; N + leitóox̱ + O-ka-S-l-√kéesʼ | for Nʼs voice to be hoarse, scratchy; for N to have a tickle in the throat || N + satú + ka-∅-√kéesʼ; N + leitóox̱ + ka-∅-√kéesʼ | for S to make N have hoarse, scratchy voice; for S to make N have a tickle in the throat

hockey át kanduḵʼíshji | batter in baseball; hockey player || gúxʼaa át kanduḵʼíshji | hockey || ḵʼíshaa | hockey stick; baseball bat || kooḵʼíshaa | hockey stick; baseball bat; pole, stick used for bracing

hoe kadlágwaa | garden hoe

hoist N-t⁓ + O-S-s-√yeeḵ ¹ | for S to pull, haul, hoist O to N (esp. on line); for S to hang O (a human) by the neck || kei + O-S-s-√yeeḵ ¹ | for S to pull, haul O (esp. of line) up; for S to hoist O up

hold √shaat O-S-∅-√sháat | for S to catch O; for S to grab, take hold of, snatch O; for S to arrest O; for S to trap O || O-S-l-√sháat | for S to hold, retain O in oneʼs grasp; for S to capture, hold O captive || O-ka-S-∅-√g̱ook | for S to clutch, hold tightly onto O || √koo ² | hold water in mouth; spit water that was held in mouth || O-x̱ʼa-S-l-√tʼaax̱ | for S to open Oʼs mouth, hold Oʼs mouth open

hole ¹ ísh | fishing hole; hole in stream, river, creek || kóoḵ | pit; hole dug in the ground; cellar; housepit || –waaḵ | eyehole; hole in its mesh; hole in the center made while filling it (front of snowshoe) || wool | hole sheey woolí | knot hole

hole ² √waal; √wool | have a hole; have an outlet ∅-√wóol ˟ | for something to have a hole, outlet

holiday yoo at kooteek | feast, potlatch involving the whole community; community event; holiday

holler O-S-∅-√.éexʼ ˟ | for S to call out to, shout to, holler at O || √.éexʼ ˟

holy tlél + O-u-l-√took ² | for O to be clean; for O to be pure, holy

holy cow! ha.é!

home neil

homebrew x̱ookdahéen | homebrew; liquor; moonshine

homeward neil

homosexual ḵʼatx̱áan | homosexual; non-binary; queer; two-spirited

honest yaadachóon | straight; directly; plainly; honestly

honestly yaadachóon–

honey ¹ gandaasʼaají háatlʼi

honey ² –jáʼ; –jáaʼ; –jáa; –jáʼ g̱eeg̱í

hoof –gwéinli; –gwéinlʼi; –gwéinlani

hook ¹ (verb) √kʼeix̱ʼ O-S-∅-√kʼéix̱ʼ; O-S-∅-√kʼéex̱ʼ | for S to hook O; for S to gaff O || O-sha-S-∅-√kʼéix̱ʼ | for S to hook O in the head; for S to gaff O in the head

hook ² (noun) aan duskʼix̱ʼti át; aan kaduskʼíx̱ʼti át; kakʼéx̱ʼaa; aan kaduskʼéx̱ʼt | crochet hook || aan kadusne át | knitting needle; crocheting needle || kích ya.eit | halibut hook || kooxídaa | spear with a long pole and detachable gaff || kʼíx̱ʼaa | gaff hook; grappling hook || náxw | halibut hook || nóotʼaa | bone gorge hook for fishing or snaring seagulls || tʼeix̱áa; tʼeix̱ | fish hook || tlʼíg̱aa | salmon hook

hooked N-náx̱ + O-sh-√kʼéix̱ʼ; N-náx̱ + O-sh-√kʼéex̱ʼ | for O to get delayed, stuck, hung up, hooked at N

hooligan saak saak eix̱í; saak eex̱í | hooligan oil, grease

Hoonah Gaaw Tʼaḵ Aan | "Village Beside the Drum" || Xunaa; Xunniyaa | "Lee of the North Wind"

hop √toox ² | especially flea or bedbug || √gwaash | hop on one leg {na preverb} ÿa-S-d+l-√gwáash | for S to hop

hope √shee ¹ át + a-S-d+∅-√shee ¹ | for S to hope, desire and expect something || (noun) tután | hope; intention; focus of hopes or thoughts

hopefully gu.aal

horizon goosʼ shú; gusʼshú; gusʼshuwee; gusʼshuyee

horn ¹ –sheidí | antler; horn || –shakeegoodlí | intercornual protruberance; ridge between its horns (of moose, caribou)

horn ² sh da.uxsʼi át | automatic horn (in car, boat, etc)

hornet gandaasʼaají

horse xaas gawdáan

horsefly xeitl táaxʼaa

horsetail taan x̱’adaadzaayí

hose héen kasʼíx̱ʼaa

hospital ḵunáakw daakahídi; náakw daakahídi

hot O-ka-du-∅-√sáay | for O (person or animal) to be hot, sweaty, flush || √tʼaa ¹ ∅-√tʼaa ¹ ʰ | for something to be warm; for something to be hot || ya-∅-√tʼaa ¹ ʰ | for something to be hot; for something to be heated || N-t⁓ + s-√tʼáax̱ʼ ² | for a fire, etc. to be hot, radiate, throw out heat at N

hot dog gishoo naasí

hot springs tʼaay

hot water yatʼaayi héen

hour gaaw x̱ʼáak

house hít cháash hít | brush house || wooshnáx̱ téeyi hít | log house || gáan aa yee | in the spare room or outbuilding || kóoḵ | pit; hole dug in the ground; cellar; housepit

house skirting hít daaháayi

house timbers hít da.ideidí

housefly neil yee táaxʼayi

household –yee.ádi ² | furnishings; household objects

housepost √gaasʼ

housewarming √keech ³

hover yax̱ + S-d+∅-√ḵeen ¹ | for S to hover (of bird, helicopter), lift from ground and hang fluttering in the air

how wáa sá; máa sá | how || wáa kooyáatʼ sá | how long; for some time

how about that! tlaagóo!

how many xʼoon sá

how much xʼoon sá

however chʼa aan ¹ | although; even though; however; nonetheless; yet || ḵwa; ḵu.aa | although; however

howl g̱ax̱-S-s-√tee ¹ | for (plural) S to cry, weep, mourn; for (plural) S to howl (esp. of wolves) | classification: plural

huckleberry kakatlaax̱ | blueberry, the lighter blue variety, frosted || kanatʼá | Alaska blueberry naanyaa kanatʼaayí || tleikatánk | red huckleberry

Hudson Bay Tea sʼikshaldéen

hug N + séit⁓ + ka-S-d+∅-√dootl ¹ || N + séináx̱ + ya-u-S-∅-√shee ² | for S to put arm(s) around N

human being lingít

humanity lingitʼaaní tuḵwáani

hummingbird dagatgiyáa; dagatgiyáa; dagwatgiyáa; dagutgiyáa ; dag̱atgiyáa

hump gootl; g̱ootl

humpback sʼéetʼ | humpback whale

humpy aayádi; aayátxʼi; x̱ʼéen yátxʼi | small humpy salmon || cháasʼ | humpy salmon; pink salmon

hung up N-náx̱ + O-sh-√kʼéix̱ʼ; N-náx̱ + O-sh-√kʼéex̱ʼ | for O to get delayed, stuck, hung up, hooked at N

hunger yaan

hungry N + ée-t⁓ + yaan + ∅-√haa ³ | for N to be hungry || N + ée-t⁓ + yaan + O-S-s-√haa ³ | for S to make N hungry || N-dáx̱ + x̱ʼa-S-d+∅-√nook ² | for S to be hungry for, crave N || √haa ³ || √haa ³

hunt –jáag̱adi | kill(s) (from a successful hunt) || √lʼoon (verb) O-S-∅-√lʼóon ˟ | for S to hunt O (wild game) || a-S-∅-√lʼóon ˟ | for S to hunt || (noun) alʼóon || √taan ¹⁰ | hunt octopus

hunter alʼóoni at natéeyi

hunting asxʼeit; asxʼeet || √xʼeit; √xʼeet

hurry (verb) √wootl sh + yáa + S-d+∅-√wootl | for S to be in a hurry || (noun) adawóotl | rush, hurry || –lukaax̱ | set into immediate action because of it; compelled, impelled by it; in a hurry, starting right now

hurt ¹ (verb) O-d+∅-√choon ¹ | for O to be wounded, injured, bruised; for O to be hurt (emotionally) || O-S-l-√choon ¹ | for S to injure, hurt, wound, bruise O || √neekw ¹ | sick; hurt ¹ O-∅-√néekw ¹ ˟ | for O to be sick; for O to hurt, be in pain || √tseits | injured; hurt ¹ at + ka-S-∅-√tseits | for S to get injured; for S to have hurt feelings || O-ka-S-∅-√tseits | for S to injure, hurt O || N + toowú + O-ka-S-l-√wáalʼ | for S to break Nʼs heart, hurt Nʼs feelings

hurt ² (noun) néekw

husband –ḵáawu || –x̱úx̱

hut cháash hít

hyperactive √heik ²; √heek ² | move in hyperactive manner; jump hyperactively || √oos ² | hyperactive; wild; crazy; noisy || √yaayi | lively; hyperactive

i (subject pronoun) x̱a-

ice kadalʼíxwaa | ice fog || kaneiḵ; kaneeḵ | slush ice; loose snow or ice on top of water (as on a river or lake) || tʼéexʼ | ice

iceberg hinshaya.á | chunk of ice that slid off a glacier into water || xáatl

identity chush wuskóowu | knowledge of the self; confidence in identity

if only óosh

ill will néekwdéin | with ill will

illegal ka-u-d+∅-√géiḵ | for something to be unsuitable, improper

illness néekw

image –yahaayí

imitate –kooká | along the same lines as; to the point of; eminding of it; paralleling, imitating || √tee ⁵

imitation yélaa

immature –yéisʼ

immediately chʼa yóokʼ; chʼa yákʼw; chʼa yáakʼw

immobile √wóotlʼ ˟

impatient √tʼaan | expect; impatient

impel –lukaax̱ | set into immediate action because of it; compelled, impelled by it; set into immediate action because of it; compelled, impelled by it; in a hurry, starting right now

important átx̱ sateeyí át | important thing; thereʼs something important in it || O-∅-√dál ˟ | for O (an inanimate object) to be heavy; for O to be important || éit | important thing || wutiyeit | important thing that has happened

imprint ¹ √daalʼ

imprint ² –eetí | (what is left) after it is gone; the place where it used to be; its imprint, ruins, legacy, remains

improper ka-u-d+∅-√géiḵ | for something to be unsuitable, improper

improve O-S-l-√kʼéi | for S to improve O; for S to make peace, make up with O (after quarrel)

in aan x̱ʼayee | in a town; on the streets of a town || –g̱ei | enclosed within (the folds of) it, between the folds, covers, walls of it || –ká | the (horizontal) surface of; on; on top of; in (a dish; a path) || tayee; tayei | in bed || –táak | the bottom of (a cavity); in (a cavity, occupying the bottom part of it) héen táak | in the water, river || –tú | inside a person, animal, or solid object; inside a deep container, cave, or cavity || –yík | in (a shallow concave landform or object, open to the above); in (a tree or forest); in (a body of water); in (a boat or car); in (stomach or gut cavity) yaakw yík | in the the canoe, boat

in fact ḵachoo

in the manner of -de | to; toward; until; in the manner of

inappropriate l-√g̱aas ˟ | for something to be forbidden, taboo, not allowed by custom

incapable O-d+∅-√.éik ² | for O to be paralyzed with fright, shock or surprise; for O to panic, be incapable of action

inch kootʼáaxʼaa

incise √chʼaakʼw

including the time of -náx̱ | through; along; via; including the time of

increase d+s-√x̱eet ¹ | for something to multiply, increase in numbers; for animals to produce young, breed

independently dlóotldáx̱ | on oneʼs own; independently; (all) by oneself

Indian potato tsáats

Indigenous shukát ḵu.oo | Indigenous peoples

indulge √tsʼeix̱ | indulge; have a taste for

industrious O-l-√sʼaaḵ ˟ | for O to be ambitious, industrious, hard working

inebriation kanashú

inertia √daax̱ ²

infected √ḵeetʼ | suppurate; infected; fester; pus d+l-√ḵéetʼ | for a wound to be infected, have pus

infection séiḵʼw | the quick (the flesh under the outer skin); inflammation, inflamed sore, infection

inflammation xʼees

inflate O-ka-S-∅-√.oox

inform √neek O-ka-S-∅-√neek | for S to tell about, report about, give facts about O; for S to witness to, tell about, testify about O || √kees

inform on kei + O-ka-S-∅-√neek | for S to tell on, inform on, betray O

information neek | news; information; gossip; rumor

ingenious O-s-√too | for O to be clever, ingenious

inhale √xeikʼw | sip; inhale; slurp

inherit √naa ³ | inherit; die; bury O-S-∅-√naa ³ | for S to inherit O || –eetí ḵáa | descendant; successor; person who inherits their place

inheritance –néixʼi; –néixʼt; –néxʼt

initial shóogu–

inject náakw + N + tóo-de + S-d+l-√tsaaḵ | for N to get a shot (of medicine through a needle)

injure √choon ¹ | wound ¹; injure O-S-l-√choon ¹ | for S to injure, hurt, wound, bruise O || sh + tóo + a-sha-S-d+l-√háa ³ ˟ | for S to injure oneself || O-ka-S-∅-√tseits | for S to injure, hurt O || √háa ˟ ³

injured O-d+∅-√choon ¹ | for O to be wounded, injured, bruised; for O to be hurt (emotionally) || at + ka-S-∅-√tseits | for S to get injured; for S to have hurt feelings

injury √tseits

ink –shantuxʼisʼkaxwéix̱i | ink of – (octopus or squid)

inland daaḵ | up in the woods (from the shore); inland; back (from the open); off of fire daḵká | inland; interior || dag̱inaa; dig̱inaa | back part (toward inland, toward the interior, away from the open); back room || –tʼáak | back inland from –; behind – (when looking from the sea); on the landward side of –(something on the water)

in-law –aatʼasháa | sibling-in-law (opposite gender & moiety) || –káani | sibling-in-law; opposite clan member || –g̱uneitkanaayí | members of opposite clan

inquire √woosʼ ¹; √waasʼ | ask; inquire || O-ka-S-∅-√tlaakw | for S to investigate, make inquiry into, research O

insane sh kahaadí–

insect kanas.aat; kanas.aadí; at kanas.aadí | crawling insect; spider

inside –jig̱ei | nestled in it; inside the bend, curve of it || neil | inside a building || –taká | inside surface of the bottom (of container, vessel) || –tú | inside a person, animal, or solid object; inside a deep container, cave, or cavity || –tʼeinyaa; –tʼeinaa | the inside of it (clothing, bedding); lining it || –yee ⁴ | inside a building | when used as a directional preverb, « neil » is used when the speaker is inside a building and « yee » is used when the speaker is outside of the building

inspect √aa ² | inspect; examine; kiss ¹; consider; think over; come to senses N + daa + ya-S-d+s-√.aa ² || √teesʼ | stare; look for; inspection N + daadé + ḵu-S-∅-√téesʼ ˟ | for S to inspect the performance or circumstance of N; for S to assess N

instead –geinyaax̱; –genyaax̱ | in their place; taking their place; instead of them

instep –x̱ʼusg̱ei

instruct √aaḵw ² | plan; order ¹; command; instruct át + O-ka-S-∅-√.aaḵw ² | give them instructions || át + O-ji-ka-u-S-∅-√.aaḵw ² | give orders, instructions (esp. concerning work) || √jaa | instruct; advise; counsel O-shu-ka-S-∅-√jaa ʰ | for S to instruct, show O (by word); for S to advise, give advice to, counsel O || √ḵaa ¹ | say; tell; instruct áa + O-ji-ka-(u)-S-∅-√ḵaa ¹ | for S to instruct O; for S to give O orders (to do)

instructions –x̱ʼayáx̱ | according to  instructions; according to  words

instrument tu.óoxsʼi yeit; túxsʼayeit; tu.úxsʼayeit; tu.óoxsʼ yeit | wind instrument; flute

insufficient √aatlʼ ya-ka-u-∅-√.áatlʼ

insult sh + tugéit + O-ya-S-d+s-√ḵaa ¹ | for S to insult, offend O by what one says

insurance –naawuweidí | price paid for death; crest claimed after the loss of life

intelligence yaa ḵusgé; yaa ḵoosgé

intelligent yaa + ḵu-S-d+s-√géi ³

intention tután | hope; intention; focus of hopes or thoughts || –toowú | spirit; soul; feelings; intention; thoughts

intercourse √xool | sex; intercourse O-S-∅-√xool | for S to have sex with O || sh + kalyéi + O-ya-S-∅-√xeex ⁴ | for S to fool around sexually with O; for S to have an affair with O

interesting ḵulitéesʼshan | interesting to watch; interesting to stare at

interfere –jiyagéix̱ | wrecking, ruining what she/he had done; interfering with their work, deeds

interior daaḵ | up in the woods (from the shore); inland; back (from the open); off of fire dag̱inaa; dig̱inaa | back part (toward inland, toward the interior, away from the open); back room || daḵká | inland; interior

internet íx̱tʼi deiyí

interpretation –satoowú | way of thinking, opinion, interpretation

interpreter ḵaa ḵu.áx̱ji | hearing; interpreter

interrupt √keen

intestines –naasí | intestines, guts

into building neil

into shallow water kux

intoxicate O-ka-∅-√shoo ʰ ² | for O to be intoxicated || O-ka-S-l-√shoo ʰ ² | for S to intoxicate O

introduce sh + S-∅+d-√saa ² | for S to introduce themself; for S to say their own name

Inuit x̱ʼadaasʼaaḵ; x̱ʼatasʼaaḵ | Yupik; Inupiaq; Inuit

Inupiaq x̱ʼadaasʼaaḵ; x̱ʼatasʼaaḵ | Yupik; Inupiaq; Inuit

investigate yan⁓ + O-ka-s-√nook ² | for S to prove, verify, find out and be sure of O; for S to investigate, make trial of, test out O || √tlaakw O-ka-S-∅-√tlaakw | for S to investigate, make inquiry into, research O

invisible √haa ³

invite √eexʼ | call out; yell out; shout; invite O-S-∅-√.éexʼ ˟ | for S to invite O, ask O to a party || √.éexʼ ˟

ipod at shí ḵóok

iron ¹ g̱ayéisʼ; iḵyéisʼ

iron ² kax̱ʼílʼaa | iron (for ironing)

iron pyrite dáadzi

irritated ḵukahín⁓ + S-∅-√nook ³ | for S to be grumpy, cranky, irritated

is it that there? ák.wé

is it that way over there? ákyú

is it this here? ák.hé

is it this right here? ákyá

island noow | flat-topped island with steep sides; low flat island || xʼáatʼ || shaltláax̱ | nucleus of emerging river island

isthmus –góon | portage, passage across; isthmus || –nóochʼi

it (postpositional pronoun) a ee- ⁓ aan | (to) it || (independent pronoun) á | that place, time, reason, fact || (noun) áa ² | that thing, time, or place; that fact or reason || á ²

itch (verb) √xweitl ² | itch; tickle ka-S-l-√xweitl ² | for S to itch, tickle || (verbal noun) kaxweitl | itch; rash; sore

its (relational pronoun) a ¹

íx̱tʼ yéik chʼéeni | íx̱tʼ headdress of ermine tails, feathers, etc., worn on top of hair || yéik tayee.ádi | blanket, cushion for shaman to sit on

jab O-S-∅-√taaḵ ¹ | for S to spear, prod, poke, jab O

jacket kinaa.át; kinaak.át | coat; jacket

jackpine sháchk ka.aasí | jackpine; black spruce

Jacobs berries ḵʼeikaxétlʼk | Jacobs berries; bunchberry

jade sʼoow

jail áa ḵuyadujee yé g̱ayéisʼ hít; g̱iyéisʼ hít

jailer katíx̱ʼaa sʼaatí

jam dáat ²

jammed √ḵʼeekʼ | jammed; crammed O-d+∅-√ḵʼéekʼ | for O to be crowded, jammed together || √sheetʼ | crowd; packed; jammed

January Tʼaawáḵ Dísi

jaw –x̱ʼásʼ | lower jaw, mandible –x̱ʼasʼtusʼaag̱í

jay kooyéix̱ | camprobber; gray jay || x̱ʼéishxʼw | Stellerʼs jay; bluejay

jealous √teey ⁴ | jealous (of romantic partner)

jello dáat ²

jelly dáat ²

jellyfish taakw aanási, taakw aaninaasí, taakw aanísi, taak aaneisí

jig ḵu-ka-S-d+S-√yeeḵ ¹ | for S to fish with a line, jig for fish

job yéi jiné

joints –daa.itx̱ʼáak | joints; between the bones

joist hít tayeegáasʼi | piling, foundation post; floor joist

joke O-S-∅-√xwéi ˟ | for S to tease, joke about O (esp. particular tribal relations, such as paternal uncle); for S to bad-mouth O

joy sagú

joyful √goo ¹

judge N + daa + ya-S-d+s-√.aa ² | for S to examine, inspect, look into N; for S to judge, assess N

jug ín xʼeesháa; tʼoochʼineit ḵʼateil

juggling yakwteiyí

juice (noun) at kahéeni || déisaa | juice of clam or fish (used as seasoning) || kanatʼá kahéeni | blueberry juice || tléiḵw kahéeni | berry juice || (verb) √dzooxʼ | crush clams for juice

juicy √kaax̱ | juicy; rich

July X̱áat Dísi

jump √kʼein {∅ preverb} + S-d+sh-√kʼéin | for (singular) S to jump || {na preverb} + S-d+sh-√kʼéin | for (singular) S to jump || {∅ preverb} + O-ka-du-∅-√kʼéin | for (plural) O to jump || {na preverb} + O-ka-du-∅-√kʼéin | for (plural) O to jump || ash koolkʼéinaa | play at jumping or twirling round || √taan ⁹ | classification: fish

June At Gadax̱ít Dísi

Juneau Dzántikʼi Héeni

jury ḵuyalatíni

just chʼa | very; just || chʼa kʼikát; chʼa kʼát; chʼa kʼeekát; chʼe kʼeekét | just barely; barely managing (to do a little); just now; a little while ago || chʼas | just; only || yeisú | just now; just then (at that point in the story); still; yet || chʼa yeisú | just now; finally

Kake Ḵéex̱ʼ | "Mouth of the Dawn" || L X̱éx'x̱u Aan | "Village That Never Sleeps"

Kake: People of the Kake Area Ḵéex̱ʼ Ḵwáan

Kaliakh River: People of the Kaliakh River Area G̱alyáx̱ Ḵwáan

kayak diyeegooleit | skin kayak || ḵaayaakw

keep O-S-l-√tsáakw ˟ | for S to keep, save, store up O (usually food for winter or for special occasion)

keep eye on N + kát⁓ + ya-u-S-∅-√daa ² || N + káa + yan⁓ + ya-u-S-∅-√daa ²

keeping away –x̱ʼanaa

keeping away from – –wanáa

kelp daaw | ribbon kelp; ribbon kelp on which herring have spawned || geesh | bull kelp || ḵájaa | kelp island; kelp ball || | giant kelp || tayeidí | bladderwrack; rock weed; yellow seaweed || yáxwchʼi daaw | long ribbon kelp

kerchief sadaatʼaay | kerchief worn around the neck || shadaa.át; sadaa.át | kerchief covering the head

kerosene ux̱ganhéen; ux̱.agan héen; ux̱.akagan héen

Ketchikan Kichx̱áan | "Near the Wing"

kettle tʼaawáḵ xʼeesháa | tea kettle (originally with long curved spout)

key katíx̱ʼaa

keyhole katíx̱ʼaa eetí

keymaster katíx̱ʼaa sʼaatí

kick √tseix̱; √tseex̱ | kick; trample; pedal O-S-∅-√tseix̱ | for S to kick O; for S to stamp O, put foot down on O violently

kidney –kaháakw

kill ¹ √jaaḵ | classification: singular O-S-∅-√jaaḵ || √een ² | classification: plural || O-S-l-√laax̱ | for S to kill O (a plant or tree)

kill ² –jáag̱adi | kill(s) (from a successful hunt)

Killisnoo Kanasnoow

kin –een aa | a person of the same moiety but not the same clan

kind ¹ √aan ² | kind ¹; gentle; pleasant; good looking O-tu-l-√.aan ˟ ² | for O to be kind; for O to be gentle || chʼa aanínáx̱; chʼa aanídáx̱; chʼa aan ḵúnáx̱ | do it with kindess!; do it gently!

kind ² wáa yateeyí aa sá?; máa yateeyi aa sá | what kind (of); which kind (of); some kind (of)

kindess tula.aan

kindling gán kaḵásʼti | kindling || gán yátxʼi | kindling || O-ka-S-∅-√yeix̱ ¹ | for S to whittle O; for S to make O (kindling)

king aanḵáawu

kingfisher tlax̱aneisʼ

kinnikinnik tínx | alpine bearberry, kinnikinnik

kiss ¹ (verb) √aa ² | inspect; examine; kiss; consider; think over; come to senses N + x̱ʼéi-t⁓ + ya-S-d+s-√.aa ² | for S to kiss N || √sʼoon | to make a kissing noise

kiss ² (noun) ḵaa x̱ʼéit yawoos.á

kitchen utensil atx̱á jishagóon

kite át wulisʼéesi

kitten dóosh yádi

kittiwake ḵʼéiḵʼw | black legged kittiwake

Klawock Lawáak | Named after « Lawá », the man who founded Klawock

kleptomaniac yatáakw

Klukwan Tlákw Aan | "Eternal Village"

knead √choox | knead; massage; roll; pat O-ka-S-∅-√choox | for S to knead, press, pat O with palm of hand

knee –keey | knee –kiyshá | end of the knee || –keey shakanóoxʼu; –kiyshakanóoxʼu; –kiyshekenóoxʼu (C) | kneecap || –saayee | underside of knee; (inside of) lower leg

knickknacks átxʼi sáani

knife lítaa at daakayéx̱aa lítaa; et daakeyéx̱aa lítaa | curved carving knife || g̱altulítaa; ḵatltulítaa | pocket knife || lítaa ḵʼáatlʼ | table knife; butter knife || litlʼéiláḵw lítaa | fillet knife || x̱ʼéi shadagutx̱i lítaa | knife with fold-in blade || yoo katan lítaa; yóo sh kadatan lítaa; yóo sh kedeten lítaa | curved carving knife || –gáaxw | back (of a knife or other blade); back edge, spine of it || néesʼaa | spoon-shaped knife for scooping the insides out of sea urchins || tʼáa shuxáshaa | straight carving knife || wéiksh | womanʼs curved knife

knit √nei ³ O-ka-S-s-√nei ³ | for S to make O (cloth of any kind) (by weaving, knitting, or crocheting); for S to make or mend O (net) || ka-S-d+s-√nei ³ | for S to knit, weave, or crochet

knitting kasné

knock √gwaal || √kʼoox | knock lightly

knock it off! déi áwé!

knock over √g̱eech ² káx̱ O-sha-S-∅-√g̱eech ² | for S to knock over O (plural objects)

knocking kʼúxjaa

knoll gooch

knot ¹ aas ḵʼíshaa | tree knot used for making puck || sheey | limb knot sheey woolí | knot hole || sheey tukagoodlí | limb knot

knot ² kadóoxʼ

knotty √sheey ²

know √koo ¹ O-S-s-√koo ʰ  ¹

know how √gook ¹ O-S-sh-√góok ¹ ˟ | for S to know, learn how to do O

knowledge chush wuskóowu | knowledge of the self; confidence in identity

knuckle –tlʼeiḵ kax̱áksi; –tlʼeeḵ kax̱áksi; –tlʼeiḵ kegúnlʼi

Kuiu Island: People of the Kuiu Island Area Kooyu Ḵwáan

ḵu.éexʼ du x̱ʼé x̱ánt atx̱aayí ḵu.éexʼ | feast following a seclusion ceremony || kei gax̱dunáaḵ | opening ceremonies of a ḵu.éexʼ || gaaw wutaan | opening ceremonies of a ḵu.éexʼ || g̱áax̱; g̱áax̱ kát anáḵ | cry ceremonies of a ḵu.éexʼ || la.ooxʼú | gifts distributed at a feast || shaawát x̱áni ḵu.éexʼ | wedding ceremony || wudanaaḵ | opening songs of a ḵu.éexʼ || –daateeyí | feast, potlatch in honor of; dedication ceremony and feast for

Labrador Tea sʼikshaldéen

labret x̱ʼeintʼáaxʼaa ḵʼanoox̱ | small labret, lip plug

labret hole ḵʼanoox̱ eetí

lace √dzaas ¹

lack N + eetée-náx̱ + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to need N; for O to lack N; for O to require N || √yeix̱ ² | gone; lack O-u-∅-√yeix̱ ² | for O to be lacking; for O to be gone; for O (time) to be remaining

lack confidence O-S-∅-√ḵeet ¹ | for S to suspect, distrust, be suspicious of, lack confidence in O || √wooḵ ²

lackey –xwáayi | used in Raven myths to refer to his sidekick Cormorant

lacking –eetéenáx̱; –eetínáx̱ | in need of it; missing it; having a hard time without it N + eetée-náx̱ + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to need N; for O to lack N; for O to require N || –g̱óot | lacking; without

ladder dzeit | ladder; stairs; dock; pier; boardwalk

ladle ¹ √xwein ¹ | ladle ¹; spoon ²; shovel ¹ O-S-∅-√xwein ¹ | for S to shovel O; for S to spoon, dish out O

ladle ² héen gúxʼaa || tseeneidi shál | handmade ladle || xwénaa | ladle ²; scoop kaxwénaa

lair –ḵoowú | den, lair (of animal, underground)

lake áa ¹ áa ká | on the lake || áakʼw | little lake || áa sháak | head of a lake || áa shú | lower end of the lake || áa táak | bottom of lake || áa wát | mouth of lake || áa x̱ʼayaax̱; áa yaax̱ | lake side; lake shore; around the shore of the lake || sʼigeidí áayi | small lake made by beaver dam

lamb wanadóo yádi

lame √ḵaach ² O-l-√ḵáchk ˟ ²

lament S-∅-√g̱aax̱

lamp sʼeenáa

lampblack √kwaat | soot; smudge; lampblack

lancet tág̱aa | lancet for infections, boils

land ¹ (noun) tlʼátk | soil or earth || aan ⁴ | inhabited or owned land; town; village; settlement

land ² (verb) √ḵaaḵ | squat; sit; land ² S-d+sh-√ḵaaḵ | for S to squat, sit low; for S to squat down, sit quickly; for S to land (of waterfowl, plane)

landward –tʼáak | back inland from –; behind – (when looking from the sea); on the landward side of –(something on the water) || yán ¹ | shore; shoreward; landward || nandachóon | straight upstream; straight towads the head of a body of water

language yoo x̱ʼatánk

lap –g̱óosh –g̱ushká | on the lap

lap up O-S-∅-√tléitʼ ¹ | for S to lick, lap up O

large –tlein | large; big || –tlénxʼ | large (plural); big (plural)

larva hintaakkanas.aatxʼi sáani; hintaakkenes.aatxʼi sáani | tiny water creatures such as larvae || tlʼúkʼx̱; tlʼúkʼ | worm; larva; grub; caterpillar

last ¹ √tsaakw | last a long time O-∅-√tsáakw ˟ | for O to last a long time, be durable (esp. of clothing, machinery, etc.) || tsaatguyéig̱aa | finally; at (long) last; only then

last ² hóochʼi aayí | the last one; the final one || hóochʼeen yís | for the last time

latch kítʼjaa

late gaaw ítxʼ | after the appointed time; late

laugh √shooḵ O-S-∅-√shooḵ | for S to laugh at O || at + S-∅-√shooḵ | for S to laugh || O-ka-S-∅-√shooḵ | for S to laugh at, deride, mock, make fun of O

laughable lishoog̱u || x̱ʼalishoog̱u | for a speech or words to be be funny, comical, laughable

laughter at shooḵ

launch √tsaaḵ | poke; stick out; extend; prick; launch | classification: singular | plural form: √tsoow || √tsoow | poke; stick out; extend; prick; launch | classification: plural | singular form: √tsaaḵ

laundry óosʼi

lava x̱ʼanas

law a káa ḵududziteeyi yoo x̱ʼatánk

lawyer ḵaa káx̱ yoo x̱ʼatángi

lay egg √kʼwáatʼ ² a-d+l-√kʼwáatʼ ² | for birds to lay eggs, nest

lay out N-x̱ + O-ka-S-∅-√yaa ⁴ | for S to spread out, unfold, lay out (singular) O along N || N-x̱ + O-ka-S-s-√yaa ⁴ | for S to spread out, unfold, lay out (plural) O along N

lazy √kaa ¹ a-u-S-d+s-√kaa ¹

lead ¹ (noun) kʼóox̱ʼ | pitch; resin; pine tar; gum; lead kʼóox̱ʼ tíxʼi | lead line (of net)

lead ² (verb) √aat ¹ | classification: plural yaa + O-shu-S-∅-√.aat ¹ | for S to lead (plural) O (especially by walking ahead) || yaa + O-shu-S-∅-√goot ¹ | for S to lead (singular) O (especially by walking ahead) || O-ji-S-∅-√taan ³ | for S to take O by the hand; for S to lead O by the hand

leader hít sʼaatí | leader of a clan house || ḵaa sháade háni; ḵaa sháade héni (C) | leader of people; leader of a community || naa sháade háni | clan leader || naa tláa | clan mother

leaders ḵaa sháade náḵxʼi

leaf kaláax̱ | dry dead plant, leaves, vegetation, wood || kayaaní | leaf, leaves; vegetation, plants, herbs, herbiage || –shaadí | sprouts, fleshy leaves growing toward the top of the stem (e.g. of bear root)

leak kalóoxʼjaa; kalóox̱jaa | fast drip; fast drip || katlʼúḵjaa | drip; leak with dripping || (verb) ka-l-√xʼáas ˟ | for something to drip, leak (at fairly fast rate) (noun) kaxʼáasjaa | trickle of water; steady drip or leak || √naaw

lean O-sh-√g̱áax̱ʼ | for O to be thin, lean, skinny

lean down yínde + sh + ka-S-l-√.aat ¹ | for (plural) S to bend over, lean down || yínde + sh + ka-S-d+∅-√taan ⁷ | for (singular) S to bend over, lean down

lean on √gaan ²

leap on N-t⁓ + sh + S-d+l-√gáasʼ

learn O-S-s-√koo ʰ  ¹

learn facts √koo ¹

learn how √gook ¹ O-S-sh-√góok ¹ ˟ | for S to know, learn how to do O || √gúkch ˟ | practice; training; learn how || √gúklʼ | become skilled; learn how

learner yaa at naskwéini

leave {∅ preverb} + O-ka-d+∅-√kʼéetʼ | for O (group of people) to all leave or go; for O (group of people) to die off; for S to fire O (from a job) || {na preverb} + O-ka-d+∅-√kʼéetʼ | for O (group of people) to all leave or go; for O (group of people) to die off || (relational noun) –náḵ | away from it, leaving it behind || O-ji-S-∅-√naaḵ ² | for S to let go, release, relinquish O; for S to leave, desert O; for S to hand over, deliver up O || yan⁓ + yéi + O-ka-S-s-√nei ¹ ʰ | for S to put down, leave O (plural round objects) | classification: plural round objects || yan⁓ + O-S-s-√nook ⁵ | for S to put down, leave O (live creature) || N-xʼ + yéi + O-S-∅-√.oo ¹ ˟ | for S to put (plural) O at N; for S to leave (plural) O at N || yan⁓ + O-S-s-√taan ³ | for S to put down, lay down, leave, place O (usually long, complex object) || √tlʼeet | abandon; leave; throw away; dispose of; divorce O-S-l-√tlʼeet | for S to abandon, desert, leave O; for S to throw away, dispose of, get rid of O; for S to divorce O

leave alone yan⁓ + O-S-l-√tsʼéin | for S to leave O alone; for S to stop bothering O

ledge ḵukandashú; kandashu | ledge running along or up a rock face; a way to get up the cliff

lee –seiyí | the shelter of; the lee of; beach area below (a mountain, hill, etc.)

leech yéesh

left ¹ sʼátʼnáx̱ | sʼátʼnax̱.á →  area toward the left sʼátʼnáx̱de →  towards the left sʼátʼnáx̱ aa →  the one on the left || (verb) √sʼaatʼ | left-handed

left ² a wanáade aa | amount in excess of it or left over from it; surplus more than it || –x̱ʼa.eetí | food scraps, left-over food; crumbs of food left or scattered where one has eaten ḵaa x̱ʼa.eetí | food scraps

leg –daatéetʼi | tough sinew around it; sinewy muscles on its leg || –g̱áts | thigh; upper leg || –saayee | underside of knee; (inside of) lower leg || –sʼayoowú | calf of leg || –x̱ʼoos | foot; leg

legacy –eetí | (what is left) after it is gone; the place where it used to be; its imprint, ruins, legacy, remains

legend tlaagú

leggings iḵkeit | woven dance leggings; top of moccasin || x̱ʼuskeit | dancing leggings; leggings for climbing

lemon kalisʼóoxu tléiḵw

lend N-t⁓ + O-S-∅-√héesʼ

leopard haadaadóoshi | man-eating cat; mountain lion; tiger; leopard || haadaag̱ooji | man-eating wolf; lion; tiger; leopard

less –eetiḵín | less than before

lesson aan ḵoo dultóowu át

let go √naaḵ ² O-ji-S-∅-√naaḵ ²

let in neil⁓ + O-S-s-√.aat ¹ | classification: plural object || neil⁓ + O-S-s-√goot ¹ | classification: singular object

letter xʼúxʼ

level xasʼká yáx̱ yatee

library xʼúxʼ áa duhísʼ yé || xʼúxʼ daakahídi

lice wéisʼ

lichen aas daax̱eeshí | lichen which grows on spruce bark || sʼéix̱wani | lichen that hangs from trees; old manʼs beard || shaan gúgu | 9.7 || sháachʼ ² | lichen species; licorice

lick √tleitʼ ¹ O-S-∅-√tléitʼ ¹ | for S to lick, lap up O

lid –yana.áatʼani (T); –yanáatʼayi (T); –yana.áatʼi (T); –naax̱ʼáatʼeni (C); –náatʼeni (C); –yanaa.áatʼáni; –yana.áaktʼáni | lid, cover (of pot, etc.)

lie ¹ √aat ⁴ | lie; lie down | classification: plural human N-t + l-√.át ⁴ | for several things to lie at N; for several persons or animals to lie dead, unconscious, or incapacitated at N | classification: plural human || √aat ³ | classification: small round or hooplike objectsš

lie ² √yeil | raven ²; pretend; lie ²; cheat; deceive

lie down √aat ⁴ | classification: plural human sh + S-d+l-√.át ⁴ | for (plural) S to be lying down || yan⁓ + sh + S-d+s-√taa ² | for (plural) S to be lying down || √taa ² (N-t) + sh + S-d+s-√táan ² | for (singular) S to be lying down (at N) || yan⁓ + sh + S-d+l-√.aat ⁴ | for (singular) S to lie down

lie there √aat ⁴ | classification: plural human N-t + l-√.át ⁴ || √aat ³ | classification: small round or hooplike objects N-t + ka-l-√.át ³ || N-t + ∅-√.áx̱ || N-t + ∅-√.áx̱ ²

life ḵustí | way of living; existence || √saa ³ daséikw; x̱ʼaséikw | breath; life

life jacket g̱áatl séek

lift aax̱ + O-S-∅-√kwaach | for S to pick up O (in cupped hands) || N-dáx̱ + yéi + O-S-s-√nei ¹ ʰ | for S to pick up, lift up, take (plural) O (objects) up off of N || kei + O-S-s-√nook ⁵ | for S to lift up O (live creature) | classification: live creature || kei + O-S-s-√taan ³ | for S to bring out, unearth O (usually long, complex object)(esp. from a box or other container or place which o is kept); for S to pick up, lift up O || kei + O-S-∅-√tee ² ʰ | for S to bring out, unearth O (general, often compact object) (esp. from a box or other container or place which O is kept); for S to pick up, lift up O || √tee ʰ ²

light ¹ aldís | moonlight || (verb) √gaan ¹ ka-d+∅-√gáan ¹ || N-t⁓ + a-ka-S-l-√gaan ¹ || (noun) kagán || áx̱ sh kalgan sʼeenáa | electric light || sʼeenáa

light ² √daas || √kéxwk ˟ | fluffy; light

lightning xeitl lʼúkx̱u

like ¹ N + tuwáa + S-s-√góo ¹ | for N to want, like, desire S || N + x̱ʼé + ∅-√kʼéi | for N to like the taste of something || –gúkg̱aa | pleasing to his/her ear; the way she/he likes it to sound || N + tóo-g̱aa + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for N to be acceptable to O; for N to be satisfactory to O; for N to be well-liked by O || –tuwáxʼ | in their opinion; to their way of thinking, feeling || –tóog̱aa | pleasing to them; the way she/he wants or likes it || N-xʼ + sh + S-d+l-√x̱án ˟ | for S to accompany N; for S to take (a liking) to N; for S to follow N around || –waaḵg̱áa | pleasing to the eye; looking good to

like ² –kayaa | something sort of like; something not measuring up to; where one expects something to be || –yáx̱ | like; according to; as much as; equal to; similar to N + yáx̱ + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to be like N || –x̱ooní | one that matches; equivalent to; like; relation (same clan or moiety) of; friend (same clan or moiety) of

like doing √taan ⁸ | habit; like doing O-ka-u-S-sh-√tán ⁸ ˟ | for S to be in habit of doing O; for S to do O frequently because s enjoys doing it

liken yéi + O-S-l-√yaaḵw ¹ | for S to represent as O; for S to portray, liken to O

lily aatagwéixʼi || kóox | Kamchatka lily root; rice || léitʼ ¹; léetʼ ¹; shaayaléetʼi | wild lily-of-the-valley || kʼuwaaní; kʼiwaaní | deer cabbage; wild lily-of-the-valley

limb aasdaasheeyí; sheey

limber √choon ² | twist (to make limber) || √sʼoo | twist to limber || √xʼaa | twist to limber

lime káts | lime (alkaline); pounded shell || wéinaa | alkali deposit; lime

limp ¹ √ḵaach ² O-l-√ḵáchk ˟ ² || {na preverb} + S-l-√ḵaach ²

limp ² –leilí | flabby; limp || √leil | flabby; limp; baggy || √teisʼ | flabby; limp

limpet yéil sʼáaxu, yéil tsʼáaxu

line –kadeiyí | line, stripe running along the side of it (fish, from pectoral fin to tail) || kag̱éexʼ kwéiyi | free throw line || –kooká | along the same lines as; to the point of; eminding of it; paralleling, imitating || kʼóox̱ʼ tíxʼi | lead line (of net) || –sʼee kwéiyi | lines, wrinkles on their brow

lineage –shagóon | ancestor(s) of the clan or nation of; background, heredity of || –niyaanáx̱; –yinaanáx̱ | through a side of lineage (usually mother or father); through the area near it; along the area near it

Lingonberry dáxw

liniment kóoshdaa náagu || neisʼ | oil, grease (for coating skin or rubbing); lotion; liniment

lining –tʼeinyaa; –tʼeinaa | the inside of it (clothing, bedding); lining it –tʼeinyaakawoowú (A)

linoleum tʼaakasʼélʼi

lint sʼeex | dirt; scrap(s); rubbish, trash, clutter; lint

lion haadaag̱ooji | man-eating wolf; lion; tiger; leopard

lip ḵʼanoox̱ | small labret, lip plug || –x̱ʼadaa | lips; area around the mouth || –x̱ʼaxʼaa | (raised) edge around his/her lips || –washtú | inside of cheek; inside of lip

lip plug x̱ʼeintʼáaxʼaa

lipstick x̱ʼakaséḵʼwaa

liquor kasiyaayi héen || kóoshdaa lóoxʼu || náaw || x̱ookdahéen | homebrew; liquor; moonshine || l yaa ḵoojigeyi héen | liquor; booze; alcoholic beverage

listen √aax̱ ¹ N-t⁓ + S-s-√.aax̱ ¹ || N + x̱ʼéide + ḵu-S-d+s-√.aax̱ ¹

listen for N-g̱aa+ ḵu-S-s-√.aax̱ ¹

listen to N + x̱ʼéi-t⁓ + S-s-√.aax̱ ¹

little –yádi | child; small; little; childlike || chʼa kʼikát; chʼa kʼát; chʼa kʼeekát; chʼe kʼeekét | just barely; barely managing (to do a little); just now; a little while ago || chʼa yéi googéinkʼ | a little bit

Lituya Bay Ltu.áa

live √saa ² | beathe; live; name ¹; call out S-d+∅-√saa ² | for S to breathe; for S to be alive || O-ḵu-d+s-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to be in existence; for O to be born; for O to live || ḵu-S-d+s-√tee ʰ ¹ | for S to exist; for S to be born; for S to live; for S to subsist

live at √oo ² | buy (N) + ḵu-S-∅-√.oo ² ʰ | for S to live, live at, dwell permanently; for S to own property (at N) || N-xʼ + yéi + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to be or stay at N; for O to dwell, live at N; for O to remain at N

live by N + x̱án-xʼ + yéi + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to be near N; for O to stay by N; for O to remain by N; for O to live by N

lively √oos ² | hyperactive; wild; crazy; noisy O-l-√.oos ˟ ² | for O to be crazy, lively, noisy, never still || √yaayi | lively; hyperactive

liver –tlʼóog̱u; –tlʼóoḵ

lizard tseenx̱ʼé

load O-ka-S-∅-√g̱éexʼ

loaf sakwnéin éewu | (loaf of) bread

loan √heesʼ

located áwu | located at it || áxʼ | residing at it; located at it

lock x̱ʼéi-t⁓ + O-ka-S-√l-téex̱ʼ | for S to lock O

lodge x̱aay | lodge (of beaver, muskrat)

log nalháashadi; naháashadi | driftlog, driftwood || shaaḵ | snag; driftlog, driftwood (in the water) || x̱áaw | log (fallen tree), driftlog (on the beach) || yanxoon | pile of driftwood, driftlogs; snag pile

loneliness teesh; tuteesh; toowú teesh || ta.aas

lonesome √teesh O-l-√teesh | for O to be lonesome || (adverb) teeshdéin | in loneliness || tlél + O-tu-sh-√góo ¹

long chʼáakw | long ago; back then; back in those days; in the old days; in ancient times || (verb) √yaatʼ ∅-√yáatʼ | for an object to be long (usually stick-like objects) || (yéi) + ka-u-√yáatʼ | for an object (usually stick-like) to be (so) long || yee-∅-√yáatʼ | for something to be long (of time) || l-√yátʼ ˟ | for something to be long (of time or physical object) || (yéi) + ka-u-l-√yáatʼ ˟ | for something to be (so) long || (verbal adjective) kuwáatʼ || wáa kooyáatʼ sá | how long; for some time

long knife gwálaa

look ¹ √g̱ein; √g̱een | cast eyes; look N-t⁓ + a-S-d+l-√g̱ein | for S to look around, about N || N-t + a-S-d+l-√g̱ein | for S to look around, about N || O-S-l-√teen ² | for S to look at, gaze at, watch O; for S to watch, take care of, mind, look after O || √tʼaasʼ | look sharply, with anger N + yaax̱ + kei + a-ka-S-d+l-√tʼáasʼ | for S to snap eyes at, look askance at, or glance at N (indicating anger, dislike, or suspicion) || (noun) wáḵtʼásʼ | snapping eyes in anger

look ² –keekán | where one can look at it, observe it, check on it; vantage point for it || –waaḵg̱áa | pleasing to the eye; looking good to

look after N + daa O-ya-s-√taaḵ ² | for O to care for, take care of N; for O to look after N; for O to serve N; for O to minister to N; for O to take note of N || O-S-l-√teen ² | for S to look at, gaze at, watch O; for S to watch, take care of, mind, look after O

look for √teesʼ || N-g̱áa + ḵu-S-∅-√shee ʰ ¹ | for S to search for, look for N || N-g̱aa + ḵu-S-∅-√téesʼ ˟ | for S to watch for N; for S to search for N (by looking around)

look like –uwaa | similar; look like; fake || √xaat ² | resemble (in shape); look like (in shape) N + yáx̱ + ka-∅-√xaat ² | for something to resemble N (esp. in shape) || O-u-S-∅-√yaa ⁵ | for S to resemble, look like O; for S to be almost identical with O

look what you did! dooóo, duóo, dóooo

lookout (N + káx̱) + yan⁓ + a-S-∅-√deil | for S to keep watch, keep a lookout (over N)

loom a káa kadusné át

loon kag̱eet | common loon || yeekag̱áax̱i; yeekeg̱áax̱i (C); hinkag̱áax̱i (T) | red-throated or arctic loon

Lord Dikée Aanḵáawu; Dikáanḵáawu; Haa Aanḵáawu

lose ḵut + O-S-∅-√g̱éexʼ | for S to lose O | classification: singular inanimate object || ḵut + O-ka-S-∅-√g̱éexʼ | for S to lose O | classification: spherical or round object || ḵut + O-ka-S-l-√sóos ¹ | for S to lose (plural) O || √xoon ¹ | get thin; lose weight O-l-√xoon ¹ | for O to lose weight, become thin || sh + S-d+l-√xoon ¹ | for S to cause oneself to lose weight, slim down || √x̱ʼwaasʼ ¹ | remove hair; lose hair; become bald l-√x̱ʼwáasʼ ¹ | for something to lose its hair, become bald

lost ḵut | going astray; getting lost ḵut + O-d+s-√geet ¹ | for O to lose oneself, be lost, usure of oneʼs location || ḵut + S-∅-√ḵoox̱ ¹ | for S to get lost (going by motorized vehicle) || ḵut + O-ka-∅-√sóos ¹ | for (plural) O (objects, people) to be lost

lotion neisʼ | oil, grease (for coating skin or rubbing); lotion; liniment ḵaadaaneisʼí | body lotion || ḵaa jín x̱ooneisʼí | hand lotion || ḵaa yadaaneisʼí | face cream; face lotion || linéisʼchʼán | is easily greased; rubs easily (like applying lotion)

lots (verb) O-sha-ya-d+∅-√haa ² ʰ || (adverb) tlʼag̱áa || (adjective) aatlein– | a great amount

loud √gaaw | loud; noisy; fight; defend lagaaw | loud noise

loudly lagaawdéin

loud-voiced O-sa-l-√gaaw ˟

louse (noun) wéisʼ || (verb) √weisʼ

love (verb) √x̱án O-S-S-√x̱án ˟ | for S to love O || (noun) ḵusax̱án | love of people || at sax̱án | love (of things); love (of everything)

lover –kanalchóolani | lover (in an affair outside of marriage or a relationship)

lower √yaa ³ || yan⁓ + ji-S-s-√taan ³

luck lax̱éitl

lucky √x̱eitl; √x̱eetl ² | blessed; lucky O-l-√x̱éitl ˟ | for O to be blessed, be lucky

lug √haat ¹ | carry, lug a heavy object

luggage at la.át | baggage; luggage; suitcase; things, stuff packed up for carrying || át wududzix̱óotʼi | luggage or briefcase on wheels

lullaby dléigu; dléikwaa shéeyi; xáanaa tʼukanéiyi shéeyi

lumber kaxʼásʼti

luminescence éedaa | phosphorescence (sparks of light in ocean water); luminescence (on rotten wood)

lump gootl; g̱ootl || dleit shakadzoo | lump of snow that has fallen off the branch of a tree || kawáat | lump in the flesh

lunch O-S-d+∅-√woo ¹ | for S to take O (food) along (for lunch or a picnic) (noun) wóow | food (sent or taken along); lunch (sent or taken along); provisions sent or taken along (on a trip, to work or school) || wóow daakeit | lunch basket, lunch container

lungs –keigú

lupine kantáḵw

lurch √doosʼ ¹

lure wéitadi | rock used as a lure for black cod

lying there N-t + O-ka-S-l-√.át ³

lynx g̱aaḵ

machete gwálaa

machine aan da.usʼgu át; aan du.usʼ aa washéen | washer; washing machine

mackerel dákdesaxʼaak

mad xʼáan-t⁓ + S-∅-√nook ³ | for S to be angry, mad, mean

magazine xʼúxʼ

maggot (verb) √waan || (noun) woon

magic (noun) héix̱waa | magic, charm, or ceremonial rights performed to bring about desirable results (verb) √héix̱waa | magic; charm; perform rites i O-S-∅-√héix̱waa ˟ | for S to make magic, perform rites on O to bring desirable results in nature or give youngsters power and confidence

magnet g̱ayéisʼ aan alshádi át

magpie tsʼeeg̱éeni

mail xʼúxʼ

mainland tleiyán; tleiyén | shore seen from a distance; mainland; one side (of lake, river)

make √nei ³ | make cloth O-ka-S-s-√nei ³ | for S to make O (cloth of any kind) (by weaving, knitting, or crocheting); for S to make or mend O (net) || √yeix̱ ¹ | make; use; whittle O-S-l-√yeix̱ ¹ | for S to build O; for S to make, construct O || N-x̱ + O-S-l-√yeix̱ ¹ | for S to use O for N; for S to make O into N

make ² át + sh + ji-ka-S-d+∅-√.aaḵw ² | for S to make oneself do something

make faces √kaa ² | make signals; make faces; sign language O-ya-S-d+∅-√kaa ² | for S to make faces at O

make fun of O-ka-S-∅-√shooḵ | for S to laugh at, deride, mock, make fun of O || √tees ²

make peace O-S-l-√kʼéi | for S to improve O; for S to make peace, make up with O (after quarrel)

make room √aak ⁴ | make room; reserve room, space

make signals √kaa ²

make up O-S-l-√kʼéi | for S to improve O; for S to make peace, make up with O (after quarrel)

make up mind N + daa + yoo + tu-S-l-√.aat ⁵ | for (plural) S to think over, consider, make up oneʼs mind about N || N + daa + yoo + tu-S-∅-√taan ⁵ | for (singular) S to think over, consider, make up oneʼs mind about N || (yéi) + tu-S-d+∅-√taan ⁵ | for (singular) S to decide, make up oneʼs mind (that way)

make-believe ḵʼeildaháakʼu

male (adjective) ḵaa– || (noun) yadákʼw | young man (not married) || yadakʼwátskʼu | adolescent boy

mallard kindachooneit; kindechooneit | mallard duck

mallet lʼoowú táḵl

mammoth shax̱dáḵw

man kʼisáani | boys, young men || ḵáa shaan | old man || yadákʼw | young man (not married) || yées ḵáa | young man

manage chʼa kʼikát; chʼa kʼát; chʼa kʼeekát; chʼe kʼeekét | just barely; barely managing (to do a little); just now; a little while ago

mandible –x̱ʼásʼ | lower jaw, mandible

mane –x̱íji; –x̱ích | mane (esp. the hair on the neck hump of a moose)

man-eaters ḵusax̱aḵwáan

many √gei ¹ | for a solid mass or abstracts to be plentiful, be lots, many ∅-√gei ¹ || (yéi) + ka-u-∅-√gei ¹ ʰ | for things to be (so) many || √haa ² O-sha-ya-d+∅-√haa ² ʰ || O-sha-ya-l-√haa ² ʰ | for S to have many, plenty, lots of O; for O to add to the amount of O || xʼoon yakyee x̱ʼaanáx̱ sá | for many days; for how many days?

maple x̱ʼaalx̱ʼéi | dwarf maple

marble néex̱ʼ; néix̱ʼ

marbles kootʼáaxʼaa | marbles || ash kooltʼáaxʼaa | playing marbles

March Héen Taanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi

marijuana kasiyéiyi g̱ánch

mark ¹ √daalʼ | mark; imprint || √kweiy | mark; leave as marker || √yeeḵ ²; √yeiḵ ² | mark with a line; draw with a line

mark ² kwéiy | marker; mark, sign –kwéiyi | buoy to mark the end of it (net)

marker kooxéedaa | pencil; pen; marker; brush ²; target || dleit tʼáa kát kooxéedaa | dry erase marker

marking a kinaa kashxeedí | high tone marker in writing || a tayee dusyeig̱í kashxeedí | v || tsʼéekʼw kashxeedí | apostrophe

marmot sʼaax̱ | hoary marmot

marriage wudushaayí

married couple woosh dasháay

marrow –sʼaḵtu.eex̱í; –sʼaḵtu.eix̱í | bone marrow

marry √shaa ² O-S-∅-√shaa ² | for S to marry O || O-du-∅-√shaa ² | for O to get married || wooch + S-d+∅-√shaa ² | for (plural) S to marry each other

marten kʼóox

mash √g̱ootl | mash; squeeze O-ka-S-∅√g̱ootl | for S to mash O by squeezing in the hand; for S to squeeze O tightly || √tʼaalʼ | roll flat; mash flat

mask lʼax̱keit | dance mask || yélaa | Halloween mask || x̱ʼakeit | cloth mask; (safety) face mask

massage √choox | knead; massage; roll; pat

mast –ka.aasí | mast (of a boat)

master naa káani | member of opposite clan commissioned to conduct a ḵu.éexʼ; master of ceremonies for a ḵu.éexʼ || –sʼaatí | boss, master

master a skill √gook ¹

mat g̱áach

match ux̱ganḵáasʼ || ux̱ganlʼoowú || ḵáasʼ

matches –x̱ooní | one that matches; equivalent to; like; relation (same clan or moiety) of; friend (same clan or moiety) of

mate ¹ (verb) √x̱eet ¹; √x̱eit | classification: animals

mate ² –x̱án aa | life partner

mates woosh dasháay | mates (of people or animal)

math wooch yáx̱ yaa datóowch

mattress yee.át

May At Gadax̱ít Yinaa Dísi

may you xʼwán ²

maybe | perhaps; maybe || gwál | maybe (doubtful)

mayonnaise kawdudlixágu kʼwátʼ ḵa eix̱ || dleit eix̱í || dleit ḵaa eix̱í

mayor aan sʼaatí

me (postpositional pronoun) ax̱ ee- | to me; with me x̱aan | with me || x̱áat ² | at me; to me || (object pronoun) x̱at | me || (independent pronoun) x̱át | me

meadow sháchk; shéchk | swamp, bog, muskeg; small meadow or clearing || yeiltáayi | flat open place (where there are no trees); meadow, clearing

meal atx̱á

mean xʼáan-t⁓ + S-∅-√nook ³ | for S to be angry, mad, mean || xʼáan + a-S-∅-√.oo ¹ ˟ | for S to be angry, mean

mean ² at ashoowatán | mean something; signify something; denote something; simile

meaningless √eik ¹

means aan ⁵ | with it; by means of it; taking it along

measure –kayaa | something sort of like; something not measuring up to; where one expects something to be || –kaayí | pattern, model, template for;; measure of; measurement for || √waat ² | stretch limbs; measure with outstretched limbs

measurement ḵaa goosh | thumb length || ḵaa x̱ʼoos; ḵaa x̱ʼoos kaayí | one foot in measurement; personʼs foot || tsʼéekʼw | pinch (with finger); pinch of (measurement)

meat dleey dleey shísʼḵ | raw meat || dleey téix̱i | dleey téix̱i || dleey xook | dried meat || –kageidí; –keidí | slab of meat covering its rib cage

meat chopper dleey kasʼúwaa (At,T); dleey kesʼúwaa (C)

meat grinder dleey kaxágwaa, dleey kexágwaa (C)

meat patty dleey katʼálʼti (T)

meaty √dleey | meaty; muscular

meddle O-ji-l-√.oos ˟ ² | for O to meddle, handle too much (esp. of small children touching otherʼs property)

medicate √naakw O-S-d+∅-√náakw ˟ | for S to treat O with medicine; for S to medicate O; for S to dose O

medicine náakw asḵuḵgu náakw; isḵuḵgu náakw | cough medicine || aaslʼixʼnáakw | "broken tree medicine" || náakw + N + tóo-de + S-d+l-√tsaaḵ | for N to get a shot (of medicine through a needle) || sh xénx̱i náakw | tuberculosis medicine

medicine person (noun) íx̱tʼ | medicine person; healer; shaman íx̱tʼ x̱án ḵáawu | medicine personʼs assistant || (verb) √íx̱tʼ

meditate √aan ¹ | sit quietly; meditate; observe while seated a-S-∅-√.aan ˀ ¹ | for S to sit quietly (esp. while watching signs of the weather at sundown); for S to meditate (esp. while watching signs of the weather at sundown); for S to observe the weather while sitting quietly; for S to navigate using weather and stars || (noun) a.án | watching the weather to forecast; watching the stars to navigate || N + toowú + tleiyéi + yéi + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for N to be calm; for N to meditate

meet woosh + kaanáx̱ + S-d+∅-√.aat ¹ | for (plural) S to assemble, congregate, gather together (for meetings) || woosh + x̱oo-t⁓ + S-d+∅-√.aat ¹ | for (plural) S to assemble, congregate, gather together (for meetings) || –kagé | meeting, encountering, intercepting it; (arriving) at the same place or time as it

melt √laa ¹ | melt; tide go out l-√laa ¹

membrane lé (T); xʼúxʼ –lutuxʼúxʼu

memorial té xóow | rock pile (for memorial)

memorial ceremony for a shaman íx̱tʼi daa yoo kooneik

men ḵáaxʼw

mend O-ka-S-s-√nei ³ | for S to make O (cloth of any kind) (by weaving, knitting, or crocheting); for S to make or mend O (net) || √x̱aasʼ ² | mend crack

menstrual gáan ² | menstrual discharge; period

menstruate √weit

menstruation wéitadi | woman who has reached begun menstration cycles

mentally unbalanced sh kahaadí–

merchandise aan káxʼ duhoon nooch át | little things to sell

merchant hoon sʼaatí

merely tsʼas

merganser ḵaax̱ | common merganser || shalxwáts | redbreasted merganser; sawbill

mess √haatlʼ | soil; mess O-daa-d+∅-√háatlʼ | for O to be covered with excrement, rust, dirt || (noun) tlʼeex | filth, mess; trash, rubbish, garbage || (verb root) √xeelʼ ¹ | trouble; tangle; mess (verbal noun) kooxéelʼaa | tangle; mess, clutter, confusion

messenger kooḵénaa; kooḵánaa (T)

messy √joow

metaphor –kookeidí | metaphor, saying, parable based on it || xʼaakaanáx̱ yoo x̱ʼatánk | metaphor

meteor keewáa ḵaa dzúnaa

meteorite keewáa ḵaa dzúneiyi

mica katlʼáakʼ

microphone a tóonáx̱ yoo x̱ʼadul.átgi át

microwave tláakw at sa.eeyí ḵóok | microwave oven

midday sitgawsáan

middle –dagiygé; –dagikyé; –dagiyigé; –digeengé

midgies tlél dutéeni táaxʼaa

midnight taat sitgawsáani

midst –x̱oo | (in) the midst of; among

midwife ḵulnúks’ s’aatí

migrate (verb) √aa ⁴ | for fish to migrate {∅ preverb} + ÿa-∅-√.aa ⁴ | for fish to run, migrate || {na preverb} + ÿa-∅-√.aa ⁴ | for fish to run, migrate || (noun) at yana.á | fish run, migration || (verb) √gaasʼ | housepost; fall; migrate; move ² N-dé + O-l-√gáasʼ | for O to migrate (with future plans unspecified) to N; for O to move household (with future plans unspecified) to N || P-t⁓ + O-l-√gáasʼ | for O to migrate (with future plans unspecified) to N; for O to move household (with future plans unspecified) to N || √daaḵ ² | move residence {na preverb} + O-s-√daaḵ ² | for O to move household (permanently), migrate || kei + O-s-√daaḵ ² | for O to move household (permanently), migrate

migration át yana.á | fish migration

mild tlél + O-l-√tseen ˟ ¹ | for O to be weak; for O to be anemic; for O to be mild (of weather)

mile kaay; káay

milk wasóos lʼaayí; wasóos lʼaa tux̱áni,; wínk | cowʼs milk || –lʼaa | milk; baby bottle

Milky Way Lḵʼayáakʼw X̱ʼus.eetí

milt –tlʼéili | semen; milt || √tlʼeil; √tlʼéiláḵw | remove milt/eggs and guts from fish

mimic √tee ⁵ || √teis

mind toowú latseen | strength of mind or heart; courage; resolve

minister ¹ N + daa O-ya-s-√taaḵ ² | for O to care for, take care of N; for O to look after N; for O to serve N; for O to minister to N; for O to take note of N

minister ² nakwnéit | priest; preacher; minister

mink nukshiyáan || lukshiyáan

mirror tóonáx̱ ḵaadutéen

mischievious tlél yax̱⁓ + S-d+∅-√tsʼéin | they are always active; they are mischievous

miss ¹ –eetéenáx̱ | in need of it; missing it; having a hard time without it

missile dzoonáa

mist kax̱itjaa | drizzle; mist || xʼúkjaa | steam (visible, in the air); mist, fog (rising from a body of standing water)

mistake ḵwáaḵt (daaḵ); ḵáaḵwt (daaḵ) || ḵaaḵwx̱daagané; ḵaaḵx̱daagané; ḵaaḵwx̱dagán | wrongly by accident; unfortunate mistake

mistletoe aasdaacháni

mitten aasdaakʼwátʼi | decorative fur balls on mitten strings || tsáaxʼ | mitten; mittens, (locally called) mitts kaltsáaxʼḵ | bare-handed; without mittens || tsáaxʼ kadzaasí | string connecting a pair of mittens, gloves || tsáaxʼ ya.áawu | string connecting a pair of mittens, gloves

mix √heen ³ | mix with water || wooch + x̱oo-t⁓ O-S-s-√nei ʰ ² | for S to mix O together (a variety of things)

moan √heik ¹ | moan || kasg̱aax̱ | mourning, wailing, loud weeping or crying; wail, groan, moan

moccasin at xáshdi téel; keish téel (Y) || iḵkeit | woven dance leggings; top of moccasin téel iḵkeidí | moccasin top || téel kanágaa; téel kanágayi; téel kenégeyi; téel tukanágaa; téel yakanágaa; téel yakanágayi | moccasin stretcher || xʼwán ¹ | skin pants; moccasin trousers; underpants

mock O-ka-S-∅-√shooḵ | for S to laugh at, deride, mock, make fun of O

model –kaayí | pattern, model, template for; measure of; measurement for

moiety naa || yéil | Raven, Crow (moiety) || –een aa | a person of the same moiety but not the same clan

moisturize √naa ²

mold tlaax̱

moldy √tlaax̱ d+∅-√tlaax̱ | for something to be moldy

mollusk –g̱eiyí | edible part (of a clam or other mollusk) || –tsʼéekʼu; –tsʼíkʼwti | muscle that opens and closes the shell of a shellfish

Monday tléixʼ yakyee; tléixʼ yagiyee; tléixʼ yagee

money dáanaa | dollay; silver dollar; silver; money; coin || dáanaa yélaa | counterfit money || xén dáanaa | credit card; debt card || xʼúxʼ dáanaa | paper money; dollar bill(s) || a káa kadushxeedí dáanaa | check (from a bank account) || √dáanaa ˟

monitor tʼukanéiyi x̱ʼeix̱ sa.áx̱ ḵóok | baby monitor

monkey aandaat kanahík; aandaat kanaheek; aandaat kanahígi; aandaat keneheek

monster G̱unakadeit; G̱unaakadeit | legendary sea wolf monster || g̱una.át; g̱uneit | something strange; a different type of being (supernatural or animal) || kooshdaaḵáa | land otter person

monstrous ḵustín–

month dís || X̱áat Dísi; At Gataa Dísi | July || Shaa Xeiyí Dísi | August || Dís Yádi ²; Sʼaax̱ Dísi; Sʼax̱ Tláa Dísi | September || Dís Tlein | October || Ḵukahaa Dís | November || Shaanáx̱ Dís | December || Tʼaawáḵ Dísi | January || Sʼeek Dísi | February || Héen Taanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi | March || Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi | April || At Gadax̱ít Yinaa Dísi; X̱aayáḵw Dísi; Dlix̱aayáx̱w Dísi | May || At Gadax̱ít Dísi | June

mooch √choox̱ at + u-S-∅-√choox̱ ˟ || O-u-S-∅-√choox̱ ˟

moon (noun) dís | moon; month (verb) a-d+l-√dées | for the moon to shine i (noun) aldís | moonlight || dís shoowú; dís kígi | half moon || dís x̱ʼusyee | moonbeam || dís x̱ʼus.eetí | moonbeam (illuminating a surface) || √ḵeen ² | new moon ya-d+s-√ḵeen ² | for the moon to be new || yan⁓ + ya-∅-√wáat ¹ | for the moon to be full || daak + ∅-√xeex ¹ | for the sun, moon to come out; for something (esp. a small, compact object) to fall, drop

moonfish tlʼéitlʼ

moonshine x̱ookdahéen | homebrew; liquor; moonshine

moose ¹ dzískʼw

mop √g̱oo O-S-l-√g̱oo

more –eetiyáanáx̱ | more than before || –jikayáanáx̱ | more than she/he can manage to do\; too much for them to do || –kayáanáx̱ | more than she/he can manage; too much for them || –tukayáanáx̱ | more than she/he can think, imagine; too much for his/her mind to handle || –wanáa | separate, apart from it; keeping away, aloof from it; more than it (a number) a wanáade aa | amount in excess of it or left over from it; surplus more than it || –x̱ʼakayáanáx̱ | more than she/he can say or eat; too much for them to say or eat || –yáanáx̱ | beyond it, more than it; too (much); excessively

morning tsʼootaat

mortar kaxágwaa yeit | mortar for grinding || katʼéx̱ʼaa yeit; katʼíx̱ʼaa yeit | mortar for pounding

mosquito táaxʼaa | mosquito || táaxʼaa x̱ʼuskudayáatʼ; táaxʼaa sʼaḵkudayáatʼ | mosquito eater || ḵaax̱ʼusxʼáan | mosquito eater

moss g̱uwakaan séegi | common club moss || sʼíxʼg̱aa; x̱ʼoon ¹ | sphagnum moss || sooḵ | peat moss

mossberry xéelʼi | mossberry; crowberry

moth atx̱a át, naa.át ax̱a át || tleilú; leilú

mother –tláa

mother-in-law –chaan

motor washéen || yaakw yík washéen | outboard motor; boat motor

mound gootl | bump; hump; mound || gooch || √gootl; √gooch | hill; mound

mountain shaa | mountain || shaa ká | (up) on the mountain || shaa láax̱ | bare-peaked, alpine mountain || shaa seiyí | shelter of a mountain; area on the beach below a mountain || shaa shakée; shaa shekée | on top of the mountain; mountaintop || shaa téix̱ʼ | mountain (peak) shaped like a heart || shaa xeiyí | shadow cast by mountain || shaa yadaa; shaa yedaa | mountainside; around the mountain || shaanáx̱ | mountain valley; valley || shaa x̱ʼaká || shaa yaxʼaan; shaa yexʼaan | mountain peak || g̱éel | mountain pass; saddle of mountain; gap between mountain peaks || g̱éel ká | on the mountain pass; on the saddle of mountain; in the gap between mountain peaks || g̱éelákʼw | small mountain pass; small saddle of mountain; small gap between mountain peaks

mountain ash kalchaneit || kalchaneit tléig̱u

mountain lion haadaadóoshi | man-eating cat; mountain lion; tiger; leopard

mountainside shaa yadaa

mountaintop shaa shakée

mourn (verb) S-∅-√g̱aax̱ | for (singluar) S to cry, weep; for (singular) S to mourn, lament | classification: singular || (noun) kasg̱aax̱ | mourning, wailing, loud weeping or crying; wail, groan, moan || (verb) g̱ax̱-S-s-√tee ¹ | for (plural) S to cry, weep, mourn; for (plural) S to howl (esp. of wolves) | classification: plural

mouse kutsʼeen | mouse; rat || kag̱áak | deer mouse; field mouse; vole

mouth ¹ –kʼiḵlʼán | palate || –laká | inside of mouth || –x̱ʼadaa | area around the mouth || –x̱ʼaká | outside the mouth of – (a bay or river); entrance of – (a bay or river); "on the mouth" || –x̱ʼaxʼaa | (raised) edge around his/her lips || –x̱ʼé | mouth; opening

mouth ² –wát | mouth (of a river, creek, lake, or wave)

move ¹ √geet ¹ | fall; move quickly || √haa ¹ | move many small parts || √haa ³ | move imperceptably; move invisibly || √jeil ¹ | move hands over; reach for || √kʼeetʼ | move parts in a mass || √kooḵ ¹ | move in boiling mass || √kʼeit ¹ | move stored goods || √tsʼoox̱ | move slightly; budge O-S-l-√tsoox̱ || √wooḵ ¹ | fabric to move || √xeesʼ ¹ | move in arc || √xeet | classification: stick-like object || √xeetl ² | drag anchor; move off course or uncrontrollably || √xeex ³ | classification: celestial body || √x̱een; √x̱ein | move through space || √yaa ¹ | move uncertainly; disappear

move ² √daaḵ ² | move residence {na preverb} + O-s-√daaḵ ² | for O to move household (permanently), migrate || kei + O-s-√daaḵ ² | for O to move household (permanently), migrate || √gaasʼ | housepost; fall; migrate; move ² N-dé + O-l-√gáasʼ | for O to migrate (with future plans unspecified) to N; for O to move household (with future plans unspecified) to N || P-t⁓ + O-l-√gáasʼ | for O to migrate (with future plans unspecified) to N; for O to move household (with future plans unspecified) to N || N-t⁓ + O-ya-d+∅-√haa ² | for O to move in, come around, crowd at N (of large numbers, esp. people, birds)

movie ḵuyawdahaayí || tʼaayax̱ʼéelʼi | movie, show; movie screen; movie theatre

moving around there át

much aatlein– | a great amount || –yáx̱ | like; according to; as much as; equal to; similar to –eeteeyáx̱; –eetíyáx̱; –eeteeyiyáx̱; –eeteeyiyéx̱ | as much as before

mucus (noun) dlóoḵ | dried mucus –waḵkadlóog̱u; –waaḵ dlóoḵ; –wax̱ʼadlóog̱u; –wax̱ʼadlóoḵ; –waḵdlóog̱u; –waḵdluʼḵ; –waḵx̱ʼadlóog̱u | sleep in their eyes; dried mucus gumming up their eyelashes || (verb) √sʼoox̱ʼ | dried mucus || (noun) x̱éelʼ | thick mucus

mud kadziyíkg̱i yé | swampy place; quicksand or deep mud hole || ḵutlʼkw

muddy √ḵootlʼ ka-sh-√ḵóotlʼ

mudshark xʼátgu

mukluk x̱ʼatux̱.ayéeg̱i | knee-high waterproof skin boot(s); mukluk(s)

multiply √x̱eet ¹; √x̱eit | breed; mate ¹; spawn; multiply O-S-s-√x̱eet ¹; O-S-s-√x̱eit | for S to breed O || d+s-√x̱eet ¹ | for something to multiply, increase in numbers; for animals to produce young, breed

munch √chool | roll around in mouth

murderer ḵu.eení || jaḵtawteetʼí

murky lʼóox̱ʼ | silty (water); murky (water) || √woosʼ ²; √woochʼ

murmur √tool ²

murrelet chʼeet || –kéel

muscle –daatéetʼi | tough sinew around it; sinewy muscles on its leg || –dleey | muscle, flesh –óoxʼu kadleeyí; –óoxʼ kadleeyí; –óoxʼu kedleeyí (C) | shoulderblade muscles || –tsʼíkʼwti; –tsʼéekʼu | muscle that opens and closes the shell of a shellfish

muscular √dleey | meaty; muscular

mush wásh

mushroom kalsʼakg̱áadli; kalsʼakyóowu; kenelsʼaakÿóowu | mushroom with flat top || séew shakasʼáaxu; séew té tayeesʼáaxu | any fungus shaped like a mushroom or toadwtool || sʼig̱eeḵáawu léix̱ʼu; xeitl teiyí | puffball mushroom

music at shí

music box at shí ḵóok

music device at shí ḵóok

musket x̱ʼaan óonaa

muskox xaas

muskrat tsín

mussel yaak sʼig̱eeḵáawu yaagí | red mussel || yéesʼ | large mussel (on stormy coast, used for scraping)

mustache –x̱ʼadaadzaayí | mustache; whiskers

mutter √tlʼúnkw ˟ | mutter; grumble

my (relational pronoun) (relational pronoun) ax̱

myth tlaagú

nagoonberry neigóon

nail ¹ –x̱aakw | nail (of finger or toe) –x̱aakw eetí; –x̱akw.eetí | fingernail markings; toenail markings; claw markings

nail ² (noun) shayéen || tuháayi

nail ³ (verb) √xʼoo ¹ | peg; nail ³ O-ka-S-s-√xʼoo ¹ | for S to nail O

naked kaldaag̱ákw

name ¹ √saa ² | name; call out || O-S-∅-√saa ² | for S to name O; for S to nominate O || O-S-∅-√sáakw | for S to call O by a certain name || sh + S-∅+d-√saa ² | for S to introduce their self; for S to say their own name

name ² –saayí | name; namesake || –tlaguḵwansaayí | namesake from long ago || ash koolyát saa | nickname

name it!

nape –lakʼéechʼ | occiput; nape of neck; back of head

napkin x̱ʼag̱wéinaa | paper towel; napkin

narrate √neek sh + ka-S-d+l-√neek ˟ | for S to preach, narrate, tell a story || O-S-∅-√tlaakw

narrow √saa ¹ yéi + O-ka-u-l-√saa ¹ | for O (esp. container) to be narrow; for O (person) to be skinny

nasty √hee ²

nation naa

Native America Tʼaawyáatʼ Aaní

Native American Tʼaawyáatʼ || shukát ḵu.oo | Indigenous peoples

nauseated √haasʼ

navel –kool

navigate (verb) a-S-∅-√.aan ˀ ¹ | for S to sit quietly (esp. while watching signs of the weather at sundown); for S to meditate (esp. while watching signs of the weather at sundown); for S to observe the weather while sitting quietly; for S to navigate using weather and stars || (noun) a.án | watching the weather to forecast; watching the stars to navigate

neap √x̱oo | neap; small tide

near –x̱án | near; at the house of; by –jix̱án | at hand (for him to work with), available || √sei | close ²; near ka-u-∅-√sei | for something to be (so) close, near (in time or space) || N + x̱án-xʼ + yéi + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to be near N; for O to stay by N; for O to remain by N; for O to live by N || –x̱ʼax̱án | at hand (for him to eat or drink), available

neck kaséiḵʼw | neck cord used in dances || kéiwu | neck ring made of red cedar bark rope || –lá | neck; back of head –lakʼéechʼ | occiput; nape of neck; back of head || –lidíx̱ʼ | back of their neck; their (upper) neck || –sé; –sá | base of the neck; voice

neck wrap sadaatʼaay

necklace saka.át || seit

need (relational noun) –eetéenáx̱ | in need of it; missing it; having a hard time without it (verb) N + eetée-náx̱ + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to need N; for O to lack N; for O to require N

needle ¹ g̱ítg̱aa; aas keg̱ítaa | conifer needle (spruce, pine)

needle ² aan kadusne át; aan kedusne ét (C) | knitting needle; crocheting needle kakéin aan aksané át | knitting needle ; crocheting needle || katʼíshaa | three-cornered needle for sewing skin or leather lukatʼíshaa | leather needle || kawóot ka.íshaa | fine needle for stringing beads || táax’ál’; táax̱ʼálʼ | needle táax’ál’ kayáa | straight pin

needlefish tooḵ

neighbor kʼidaaká aa || kʼidaaḵwáani | neighbors

neighboring –kʼidaaká | next door to

nephew –káalkʼw | paternal niece ; paternal nephew || –kéilkʼ | maternal niece; maternal nephew

nerves tuxʼandaxeech | anxiety; wracked nerves; preoccupation; something weighing on oneʼs mind

nervous O-tu-ka-d+∅-√yook | for O to be nervous, worried, shook up; for O to be excited || O-tu-ka-S-s-√yook | for S to cause O to be nervous, worried, shook up

nest ¹ kút | nest (of a bird or animal)

nest ² √kʼwáatʼ ² a-d+l-√kʼwáatʼ ² | for birds to lay eggs, nest

nestle –guntú | under the covers, under the blanket with them; (sleeping) nestled against them || –jig̱ei | nestled in it; inside the bend, curve of it

net g̱eiwú | fish net; seine net kadeiyak g̱eiwú | gill net || g̱eiwú eetí | gillnet mark (on fish); fish net site || g̱eiwú teiyí | rock sinker(s) for a net || óon g̱eiwú; óon yayeeg̱eiwú (AT) | net used for round whitefish || kag̱ádaa | cheesecloth, loose-woven cloth; netting, screen || kaxwénaa | brail net || –kʼóolʼ | fish hopper (of seine net spanning a river) || xaadáa | veil; (mosquito) netting; cheesecloth

nettle tʼóokʼ || √tʼookʼ

new yées _ || yées–

new moon √ḵeen ²

newborn √x̱eetl ¹

news neek | news; information; gossip; rumor

newspaper neek xʼúxʼu; xʼúxʼ

newt tseenx̱ʼé

next a eetí aa | the next one(s); the following one(s) || tliyaa aa | the next one (over); the one farther over || a siyeiḵ; a sayeiḵ (T); a siyeix̱ | the next day

next to –dook ² | right close to; right next to; right alongside wooch dook | right close together; right next to each other, to one another || –kʼidaaká | next door to || –tuwán | (right) next to it; (right) beside it; (up) close to it || –tʼaḵká | beside, alongside, next to; on the side of

nibble √tsʼootsʼ | fish to nibble or tug line

nickname ash koolyát saa

niece –káalkʼw | paternal niece; paternal nephew || –kéilkʼ | maternal niece; maternal nephew

night nisdaat | last night || taat taat yeen | during the night; in the middle of the night || tleitaat | one night

night watchman taat aayí adéli

nightmare taayí daa yaa ḵug̱áat

nine gooshúḵ || gooshúg̱unáx̱ | nine people

nip √xʼeexʼ

nipple –lʼaa tʼáax̱ʼu || –lʼaa yexʼaan || –lʼaa shakadóoxʼu

no tléikʼ, tláykʼ

no feeling √xʼwásḵ ˟ | numb; no feeling l-√xʼwásʼḵ ˟ | for something to be numb, have no feeling

no more! hóochʼ; hóochkʼ

no time to lose! háakw

nobody tlél aa sá; tlél aadóo sá

nod off yan⁓ + O-ya-∅-√gáasʼ

noise aasgutuyík | sound or noise in the woods, forest, trees || √gaay | make noise || kax̱itjaa | rattling of sticks in stick gambling game || –kayéik | sound, noise of (something whose identity is known) || kʼúxjaa | bumping, knocking sound; loud sound heard in the distance || lagaaw | loud noise || lʼíxʼjaa | sound of breaking twigs, branches, brush || túxjaa; tíxwjaa | sound of stamping, pounding fists, clapping; sound of running quickly || –yayík | sound, noise of it (something whose identity is unknown)

noisy √gaaw | loud; noisy; fight; defend O-sa-l-√gaaw ˟ | for O to be loud-voiced, noisy in speech || √oos ² | hyperactive; wild; crazy; noisy O-l-√.oos ˟ ² | for O to be crazy, lively, noisy, never still || O-x̱ʼa-l-√.oos ˟ ² | for O to be talkative, talk nonsense, be gossipy, or noisy || √tleiw | make a racket; noisy

nominate O-S-∅-√saa ² | for S to name O; for S to nominate O

non-binary ḵʼatx̱áan | homosexual; non-binary; queer; two-spirited

nonetheless chʼa aan ¹ | although; even though; however; nonetheless; yet

noon sitgawsáan

north naakée || xóon | north wind

northern lights gisʼóoḵ | aurora borealis; northern lights || shí awliyéx̱ | red northern lights

nose –lú | nose; beak –lugúntsʼi | nostrils || –lugóochʼ | lobe of nostril || –lugóon | bridge of their nose || –luká | bridge of their nose || –lutú | inside of their nose, nostril i –lututúḵlʼi | nose cartilage || –lutuxʼúxʼu | nasal membrane || –lutʼaaḵ | side of nose || luyaxʼaan | tip of nose; tip of beak || √loo | to have a nose

nose ring lunás

no-see-ums tlél dutéeni táaxʼaa

nostril –lutú | inside of their nose, nostril

not tléil; tlél; hél; lél; téil ²; tíl; l

note N + daa O-ya-s-√taaḵ ² N + daa O-ya-s-√taaḵ ² | for O to care for, take care of N; for O to look after N; for O to serve N; for O to minister to N; for O to take note of N

nothing chʼa g̱ég̱aa | in vain; for nothing; without success || chʼa g̱ég̱aa; chʼa neechx̱ | in vain; for nothing; without success || tlél daa sá

November Ḵukahaa Dís

now chʼa yeisú | just now; finally || de | already; by now || déi | now || déis | now you || yeedát | now yáa yeedát | right now || yeedát tsá | merely now || yeisú | just now; just then (at that point in the story); still; yet

nowhere tlél gooxʼ sá

numb √nák || √xʼwásḵ ˟ l-√xʼwásʼḵ ˟ | for something to be numb, have no feeling

number of times -dahéen

numerous √haa ²

nurse √lʼaa | suck; nurse O-S-∅-√lʼaa ʰ || N + x̱ʼéi + a-S-l-√lʼaa ʰ | for S to nurse N

oak gusʼkʼiḵwáan lʼoowú

oarlock a náax̱ adux̱aa át

oatmeal wásh

oats nawéin

obedient N + x̱ʼéi-g̱aa + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to obey N; for O to be obedient to N

obesity neitl

obey N + x̱ʼéi-t⁓ + S-s-√.aax̱ ¹ | for S to listen to, obey, give heed to N || N + x̱ʼéi-g̱aa + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to obey N; for O to be obedient to N

oblivion kaawayík; wooyík | oblivion; off somewhere; off in space; perdition; void || ḵudé | into oblivion

observe Òn | observe; guard

observe ¹ √aan ¹ | sit quietly; meditate; observe ¹ a-S-∅-√.aan ˀ ¹ | for S to sit quietly (esp. while watching signs of the weather at sundown); for S to meditate (esp. while watching signs of the weather at sundown); for S to observe the weather while sitting quietly; for S to navigate using weather and stars || O-ka-S-l-√teen  ² | for S to observe, watch O; for S to look at, browse O (esp. a catalog or book with pictures)

observe ² –keekán | where one can look at it, observe it, check on it; vantage point for it

obsidian yéisʼ

obstinate N + toowú + ∅-√tʼéexʼ ˟ ¹ | for N to be obstinate, sticking to oneʼs opinion or purpose, not yielding to reason

obstruct √tsoox̱ | dam; obstruct

obtain √dlaaḵ | gain; obtain; succeed; defeat O-ya-S-∅-√dlaaḵ | for S to gain, get, obtain, acquire O; for S to succeed, accomplish O; for S to defeat, beat O || √x̱ʼwaasʼ ² | easy to obtain

obvious tlél + ga-u-∅-√háa ³ ˟ || √háa ³ ˟

occasionally wáang̱aneens || wáa yateeyi yéixʼ

occiput –lakʼéechʼ | occiput; nape of neck; back of head

occupied N + daat + át + ḵu-d+s-√tee ʰ ¹ | for N to be busy with things; for N to be occupied with things

occur (yéi) + O-∅-√nei ² ʰ || √xeex ⁴ ya-∅-√xeex ⁴ | for something to take place, occur, happen

ocean éilʼ; éilʼ héen; éilʼ héeni | ocean; salt water; salt || éet | halibut site; halibut hole

ochre léix̱ʼw

October Dís Tlein

octopus náaḵw | octopus || –óotʼi | sucker (of octopus) || –shantuxʼisʼkaxwéix̱i | ink of – (octopus or squid) || –tlʼeeg̱í | tentacle (of octopus)

odor –téx̱i; –tíx̱i | acrid smell, odor from it; body odor || √teix̱

off aadáx̱; aax̱ | off of it; after it (that time); from it || daaḵ | up in the woods (from the shore); inland; back (from the open); off of fire || kaawayík; wooyík | off somewhere; off in space; oblivion; perdition; void

offend sh + tugéit + O-ya-S-d+s-√ḵaa ¹ | for S to insult, offend O by what one says

offensive √sʼees ² | tired of; offensive

oh goodness! ax̱ adée

oh my! é!

oh no! ag̱anáa || Ḵooshkadáan á!

oil daneit | grease, oil put away in a box; large box for storing grease, oil || eix̱; eex̱ | oil; grease tʼoochʼ eix̱í; tʼoochʼ eex̱í || saak eix̱í | hooligan oil, grease || neisʼ | oil, grease (for coating skin or rubbing); lotion; liniment || ux̱ganhéen; ux̱.agan héen; ux̱.akagan héen | kerosene; coal oil

oily √eix̱; √eex̱ | oily; greasy || √yeet ¹ | oily; greasy

okay tlél wáa sá | itʼs okay

old chʼáakw | long ago; back then; back in those days; in the old days; in ancient times || (adjective) chʼáagu– | of long ago || (verb) √shaan | old O-d+∅-√shaan | for O to show signs of old age (esp. grey hair), for O to become old, age || (noun) shaan | old age || (adjective) –shaan | elderly || √xein | scabby; sored; spotted; old

old manʼs beard sʼéix̱wani

oldest member of a clan (male or female) ḵaa shukaadé ḵáa

oldsquaw yaa.aanooné; yaa.aa.ooné; yaa.aa.uné; yaa.aanané | oldsquaw duck

omen –daakashú | (something done) at its expense, to its detriment, portending ill for it

on ¹ daak | out to sea (from the shore); out into the open (from the shadows); for precipitation to fall; onto fire || dleit x̱ʼakée | on top of the snow || –ká | the (horizontal) surface of; on; on top of; in (a dish; a path) || –x̱uká | on (top of) it (water or body of water)

on ² N-t⁓ + a-ka-∅-√gaan ¹ | for N (fire) to burn, catch alight; for N (light) to be on

once in a while wáang̱aneens || wáa yateeyi yéixʼ

one ¹ tléixʼ | one tléináx̱ | one person || tlékʼg̱aa | one one at a time, one by one || tlékʼg̱aanáx̱ | one person at a time || tleikajíntin | with one hand

one ² (independent pronoun) aa ¹ | one; some || (object pronoun) aa- | one; some || (postpositional pronoun) aa ee- | (to) one; (to) some || chʼa daaḵw.aa sá; chʼa daag̱u.aa sá; chʼa daatḵu.aa sá | any (certain one); whichever (one) || daaḵw.aa sá; daaḵu.aa sá; daag̱u.aa sá; daatḵu.aa sá | which (one); some (certain one) || –kígi | half of (something cut or broken in half); one side of (a symmetrical object); one of the two symmetrical halves of the torso, especially of butchered animal or cut fish || tleidahéen; tleixʼdahéen | once; one time || tleiyeekaadé | one kind; one type; one way; one direction || tliyaa aa | the next one (over); the one farther over || wéitʼaa | that one (visible or previously referred to) || woosh g̱unayáade aa | different ones; various ones || yáatʼaa | this one (right here) || –yaayí | one of them all (of a pair) || yóotʼaa | that one (remote, not visible); yonder one

one hundred tléixʼ hándit

oneʼs aa ² | oneʼs; someʼs | partitive possessive (part.P)

oneself dlóotldáx̱ | on oneʼs own; independently; (all) by oneself

only chʼas | just; only

oops! tláʼ!, tlám!, tláp!

open ¹ √aat ⁶ | classification: plural, hinged objects || √g̱eech ² | classification: book || O-x̱ʼa-S-∅-√sʼéilʼ | for S to tear O away (of a fish from from a hook); for S to stretch or hold O (opening) open || √taan ² | open a cover héide + O-shu-S-∅-√taan ² | for S to open O (a hinged door or lid) || aax̱ + O-shu-ya-S-∅-√taan ² | for S to open O by removing (a hinged door or lid) || √tʼaax̱ | open mouth; agape x̱ʼa-S-∅-√tʼaax̱ | for S to open oneʼs mouth wide, keep oneʼs mouth open || O-x̱ʼa-S-l-√tʼaax̱ | for S to open Oʼs mouth, hold Oʼs mouth open || N-x̱ʼéidáx̱ + shu-ya-u-d+sh-√x̱een | for N (season, show, etc.) to be open || (kínde) + kei + O-S-∅-√yeesh | for S to pull O up; for S to open O (window) by pulling up

open ² daginaa; diginaa | outer part (toward the open, center of house, clearing, out to sea); front room || deikée | way out to sea; out in the open water || gági | from shadows into the open; out into the open (from shadows) || dákde | out toward the open; out to sea; out into the center (of house, clearing)

opening –x̱ʼadaa | lips; area around the mouth || –x̱ʼé | mouth; opening

operate O-S-∅-√tsʼéitʼ | for S to skin, flay O; for S to operate on, cut carefully (using small strokes)

opercula tax̱ʼutéeyi

operculum tax̱ʼutéeyi

opinion –satoowú | way of thinking, opinion, interpretation || –tuwáxʼ | in their opinion; to their way of thinking, feeling

opportunity –ya.áak | room, space, place, time, chance, opportunity for it

opposing –gé | against; opposing

opposite –dakádin | (facing) the opposite direction from it, the other way woosh dakádin | (facing) the opposite direction from each other; the other way from each other || –yaká | out in front of; (out) facing, opposite

or ḵachoo || maanxʼas

orange shéx̱ʼwtáaxʼi | light orange || shéix̱ʼw | dark orange

orange juice áanjís kahéeni

oranges áanjís

orca kéet || –gooshí

order ¹ √aaḵw ² | plan; order ¹; command; instruct át + O-ka-S-∅-√.aaḵw ² | give them orders || át + O-ji-ka-u-S-∅-√.aaḵw ² | give orders, instructions (esp. concerning work) || √naa ⁴ | order ¹; send; command; give O-ka-u-S-∅-√náa ⁴ | for S to order (esp. to go), send, command O

order ² √woo ¹ | order ²; send N-g̱áa + a-S-∅-√woo ¹ | for S to send for, order N (usually from a catalog) || (noun) wéixʼadi | something to be sent, something ordered

ordinance a káa ḵududziteeyi yoo x̱ʼatánk

ordinary chʼa yéi

organ ² g̱íx̱ʼjaa ḵóok | organ; piano

organic l ultukdéin kawdudziháayi atx̱á | organic food; natural food

organs –yik.ádi

origin –shagóon | source, origin, background of; fundament(s), element(s), component(s) of; cause and effect of

original shóogunáx̱ | (at) first; originally; in the beginning || shuxʼáanáx̱, shuxʼwáanáx̱

Orionʼs Belt (constellation) Wooch Keekt Yal.at Yaakw

orphan kuhaankée; kuhaantí

other chʼa g̱óot | different; other chʼa g̱unayé | somewhere else; someplace else; a different place || –dakádin | (facing) the opposite direction from it, the other way woosh dakádin | (facing) the opposite direction from each other; the other way from each other || diyáa | across (especially of body of water); the other side (especially of body of water) || diyáanax̱.á | area across (especially of body of water); on the other side (especially of body of water) || g̱una.át; g̱uneit | something strange; a different type of being (supernatural or animal) || tliyaatgé; tliyaatatgé | the other day; a few days ago

otolith –shantunóoxʼu

otter kóoshdaa | land otter, river otter || yáxwchʼ | sea otter

ouch! hú!

our (relational pronoun) haa ¹

out –daséixʼ | out of their reach, grasp || daak | out to sea (from the shore); out into the open (from the shadows); for precipitation to fall; onto fire daginaa; diginaa | outer part (toward the open, center of house, clearing, out to sea); front room || dákde | out toward the open; out to sea; out into the center (of house, clearing) || deikée | way out to sea; out in the open water || gági | from shadows into the open; out into the open (from shadows) || –tʼiká | out past it; out away from it; (on) the outskirts of it (town)

out of (preverb) aadáx̱; aax̱ | from it; after it (that time); off of it

out of control ux̱ kei

out of the water onto the beach, shore dáag̱i

outcrop aasgutug̱ílʼi | rock outcropping in forest, woods

outdo √sheesh ² | outdo in eating

outdoors gáan ¹

outlet √waal; √wool | have a hole; have an outlet ∅-√wóol ˟ | for something to have a hole, outlet

outrigger hoodí | planks put on the side of boat, canoe to stabilize it; outrigger

outside –daaká | (around) the outside surface of it || gáan ¹ | outside

outsider g̱unayaḵwáan

ouzel hinyiklʼeix̱i | water ouzel; dipper

oven tláakw at sa.eeyí ḵóok | microwave oven

over ¹ –náa | (draped) over it, covering it –lunáa | over or along the point of; at or near the end (of a pointed object, point of land) of || –shanáa | over his/her head; covering his/her head || –yanáa | over, covering (a container or something with an opening) || –shakée | (on) top of the head of −; top of – (something with a rounded top, as a mountain); above –; (elevated) over –

over ² tliyaa | farther over; way over tliyaanax̱.á | area farther over; (toward) the other side

overflow √ook ² | classification: liquid || √tlʼeetʼ | classification: liquid O-sha-S-l-√tlʼéetʼ | for S to fill O to overflowing (with liquid)

overflowing O-sha-∅-√tlʼéetʼ

overjoyed N + toowú + kínde + d+∅-√ḵeen ¹ | for N to be overjoyed, excited

overload √tleixʼw | carry too much; be overloaded; clutch in order to carry too much

overlook –waḵká | blocking the view of it

overnight √x̱ei; √x̱ee O-∅-√x̱ei ʰ | for O to stay overnight, spend the night, camp out overnight

overpower √xoots ² | dominate; overpower N + een + sh + ka-S-d+l-√xoots ² | for S to try to dominate or trounce or attempt to overpower N (like a brown bear)

overpowered N + ka-yáanáx̱ +  O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for N to be overpowered by O

overturn áa + yax̱ + ∅-√gwáatl

owl dzískʼw ² | great horned owl; owl with ear tufts || kʼákw; aasgutug̱ayḵí; aasgutuyikhéix̱waa; kóoshdaa yéigi | barred owl || tlénxʼ shx̱ʼaneit; x̱éex̱ | boreal / saw-whet owl

own √hein O-S-∅-√héin ˟ || O-S-∅-√.oo ¹ ʰ | for S to own, possess, have O || (N) + ḵu-S-∅-√.oo ² ʰ | for S to live, live at, dwell permanently (at N); for S to own property (at N)

ox xaas

oystercatcher lugán

pack O-ka-S-∅-√cháak | for S to pile, stack away neatly, pack O (food, clothing, firewood, etc.) || O-sha-ka-S-∅-√cháak | for S to fill, pack to the top neatly, stack up (food, clothing, etc.) || (verb) √yaa ² | carry on back; pack on back O-S-∅-√yaa ² | for S to carry O on back; for S to pack O on back || at + S-∅-√yaa ² | for S to carry things on back; for S to pack things on back || (noun) yáanadi | thing that is packed

pack sack yáanaa | backpack; pack sack || x̱éey; x̱éiy; x̱íyaa | pack; backpack; packsack

packed √sheetʼ | crowd; packed; jammed

paddle ¹ (verb) √x̱aa ² a-S-∅-√x̱aa ² | for S to paddle, row

paddle ² (noun) kax̱átʼaa | small paddles used for a game || kootánaa | paddle used for stirring or moving eulachon while rendering in canoe || √x̱aa ² (verbal noun) ax̱áa || adulʼeix̱ ax̱áa | dance paddle

padlock a x̱ʼéix̱ yei sheich katíx̱ʼaa

pail hinyeit | water container; water pail || xʼeesháa | bucket; pail

pain O-∅-√néekw ¹ ˟ | for O to be sick; for O to hurt, be in pain || (noun) yootunook

painfully néekwdéin

paint ¹ (noun) léix̱ʼw | face paint || néegwálʼ; néeg̱úlʼ | paint || tsʼáḵl | black paint; black with dirt, filth, stain

paint ² (verb) √néegwálʼ O-S-∅-√néegwálʼ ˟ | for S to paint O || O-ka-S-sh-√xeet | for S to write, draw, or paint a picture of O; for S to print O by hand; for S to photograph, take pictures, x-rays of O || ka-S-d+sh-√xeet | for S to write, draw, or paint; for S to print by hand; for S to photograph, take pictures, x-rays || √xwaats | paint face (esp with black paint)

pair –yaayí | one of them all (of a pair) woosh yaayí | a pair

pajamas tanaa.ádi

palate –kʼiḵlʼán

pale √chʼaalʼ | pale; spotten || tlʼáakʼ | pale; pastel

palm –jintakyádi; –jintaakyádi; –jintakyédi | center of palm of hand

pan kadádzaa yeit; kadaadzáa yeit; katádzaa yeit | basket or pan used to collect berries by knocking them all off the bush || kasʼúgwaa yeit; kasʼígwaa yeit (At); kax̱gáani yeit; kax̱gántʼi yeit | frying pan; skillet té kas’úgwaa yeit | cast-iron skillet || ḵílaa; stoox tuḵílaa | stovepan; roasting pan || x̱ʼayeit | food container; pot or pan; large bowl or dish

pants yéi kwdiyáatlʼi tuḵʼatáal || tuḵʼatáal; tug̱atáal

paper tux̱ʼachʼítʼaa | toilet paper; butt-wiping stick tux̱ʼachʼítʼaa xʼúxʼ | toilet paper || xʼúxʼ || x̱ʼag̱wéinaa | paper towel; napkin

paper towel x̱ʼag̱wéinaa

papoose carrier tʼook

parable –kookeidí | metaphor, saying, parable based on it

parallel –kooká | along the same lines as; to the point of; eminding of it; paralleling, imitating

paralysis l uwaxwachgi néekw; l uwaxwachgi nóok; l uxwachgi néekw

paralyze √eik ²; √aak ⁵ | paralyzed by shock O-d+∅-√.éik ² | for O to be paralyzed with fright, shock or surprise; for O to panic, be incapable of action || √x̱eilʼ

park áa ash kadulyádi yé | park; playground

part –katʼóot | partway up; halfway up (the inside of a vessel, container or containment) || –shoowú | part of it; half of it || –yakatʼóot | partway up (the surface of); halfway up (the surface of)

particular sh + tu-ka-S-d+l-√g̱éi

partner –x̱án aa | life partner || –yaḵáawu | trading partner; long ways back friend

party ḵu.éexʼ | potlatch; feast; party || naa shuklag̱eeyí | the life of the party

pass ¹ (verb) √keesʼ ka-∅-√kéesʼ | for a month to end, pass || shu-∅-√xeex ² | for something to end, come to an end, pass; for something to be used up (of supplies, etc.) || √x̱ei; √x̱ee | for a day to pass; pass through night ya-∅-√x̱ei; ya-∅-√x̱ee | for 24 hours to pass, elapse

pass ² (noun) g̱éel | mountain pass; saddle of mountain; gap between mountain peaks || g̱éel ká | on the mountain pass; on the saddle of mountain; in the gap between mountain peaks || g̱éelákʼw | small mountain pass; small saddle of mountain; small gap between mountain peaks || –séet ² | pass, strait || shaa x̱ʼaká | saddle of mountain; (area leading to) mountain pass || –x̱ʼaká | area leading to pass in – (a mountain)

passage –góon | portage, passage across; isthmus

past –yéeyi || chʼa gwátk sá || gwatk sá; gútk sá | when (in the past); sometime (in the past) chʼa gwátk sá | any time (in the past); whenever (in the past)

pastel tlʼáakʼ | pale; pestel

pat (verb) √choox | knead; massage; roll; pat O-ka-S-∅-√choox | for S to knead, press, pat O with palm of hand || (verb) √dleigu | pat affectionately O-S-l-√dléigu ˟ | for S to pat O (esp. under chin or on back, to express affection) || (noun) dléigu | loving pat (like a grandparent would give to a child) || √tʼaatʼ | press; pat

patch (verb) √teey ² (noun) téey

pate –shakée | (on) top of the head of −; top of – (something with a rounded top, as a mountain); above –; (elevated) over –

path dei | trail; path; road; street ḵaa x̱ʼoos deiyí | foot path || dei yaax̱; dei xʼayaax̱ | side of the trail/path/road/street || dei yík | on the trail/path/road/street; bed of the trail/path/road/street

patina eeḵ háatlʼi | patina formed on weathered copper; verdigris

patio x̱ʼawool kayáashi

pattern –kaayí | pattern, model, template for; measure of; measurement for

patty dleey katʼátʼx̱i; dleey katʼálʼti | meat patty

paunch –dáali | rumen, main stomach (of ruminant)

pause N-x̱ + O-ka-∅-√gaa ¹ | for O to delay, wait, pause, take oneʼs time, stay behind, or be detained at N

paw –jín | hand; paw || –x̱aakw | nail (of finger or toe); claw || –chíg̱ayi

pay √geiy | pay off || √hee ¹ | pay a medicine person || √ḵei ¹ | pay O-ji-S-∅-√ḵéi ˟ ¹ | for S to pay O (esp. a person, for work done); for S to pay for O

payment ḵaa naawuweidí | payment for death || sʼáayadi | something claimed as payment

peace g̱uwakaanx̱ ḵuwusteeyí | peace ceremony || kayéilʼ || ḵaa naawuweidí | payment for death || ḵuyalakánxʼ | to dance a peace ceremony

peaceful (verb) √gaa ¹ | delay; hesitate; tide; calm N + toowú + du-∅-√gaa ¹ ʰ | for N to be calm, at peace || √yeilʼ | calm; peaceful ka-du-∅-√yéilʼ | for something (esp. bodies of water) to be calm, peaceful || ḵu-ka-du-∅-√yéilʼ | for the weather to be calm, peaceful, without storm

peacemaker g̱uwakaan; ḵuwakaan; ḵuyakaan

peaches gwéechís

peacock x̱ʼéishxʼw sʼeenáa

peak shaa téix̱ʼ | mountain (peak) shaped like a heart || shaa yaxʼaan; shaa yexʼaan | mountain peak

peavy aas dlágwaa; dlágwaa

peck √gook ² N + daa a-S-∅-√góok ² | for S to peck O around N || O-S-∅-√góok ² | for S to peck O

pedal √tseix̱; √tseex̱ | kick; trample; pedal {na preverb} + sh + ka-S-d+l-√tseix̱ | for S to bicycle; for S to pedal

peddle O-S-l-√hoon

pee gánde + S-∅-√.aat ¹ | for (plural) S to go to the bathroom || gánde + S-∅-√goot | for (singular) S to go to the bathroom || √lóoxʼ; √leexʼw a-S-∅-√lóoxʼ || sh + daa + a-S-d+∅-√lóoxʼ | for S to pee oneself

peel √dleixw | remove seafood to eat using thumb; peel skin using thumb || √dloox | to peel skin || √sʼeilʼ | tear; rip; peel O-ka-S-∅-√sʼéilʼ | for S to tear, tear up, rip off O; for S to peel off O (bark from a tree) || √woolʼ || √x̱oow | peeling bark; pulling slabs of bark

peg (verb) √xʼoo ¹ (verbal noun) kaxʼwéisʼ || (verbal noun) kaxʼóo

pelvis –kʼisʼaag̱í | side pelvic bones; innominate bones || –ḵáash | hip; pelvis || –tux̱ʼasʼaag̱í | bone at the bottom of pelvis

pen kooxéedaa | pencil; pen; marker; brush ²; target xʼúxʼ kooxéedaa | pen

pencil kooxéedaa | pencil; pen; marker; brush ²; target kawdudliséḵʼu kooxéedaa; kaliséḵʼu kooxéedaa | colored pencil || xʼúxʼ kooxéedaa | pen

penguin hintaak yaa ndaḵín gáaxw || gwíngwin

penis –láaw | penis and testicles –lawyadaadookxʼú sáani | foreskin || –lʼíli; –tlʼíli; –kʼóotlʼi | penis

penniless kaldáanaaḵ | without money

people ¹ aan yátxʼi sáani; aan yétxʼi sáani; aan yátxʼi; aan yétxʼi | high class people; aristocrat || aantḵeení | townspeople; crowd or large group of people || –ḵwáan | people of –; person of – Áa Tlein Ḵwáan | People of the Atlin Area || Áakʼw Ḵwáan | People of the Áakʼw Area || Deisleen Ḵwáan | People of the Teslin Area || G̱alyáx̱ Ḵwáan | People of the Kaliakh River Area || G̱unax̱oo Ḵwáan | People of the Dry Bay Area || Heinyaa Ḵwáan | People of Heinyaa (Middle of Prince of Wales Island) || Jilḵáat Ḵwáan | People of the Chilkat Area || Kooyu Ḵwáan | People of the Kuiu Island Area || Ḵéex̱ʼ Ḵwáan | People of the the Kake Area || Lḵoot Ḵwáan | People of the Chilkoot Area || Saanyaa Ḵwáan | People of the Sanyaa Area || Sʼawdáan Ḵwáan | People of the Sʼawdáan Area || Sheetʼká Ḵwáan | People of the Sitka Area || Shxʼat Ḵwáan | People of the Shxʼat Area || Taḵjikʼ Aan Ḵwáan | People of the Tuxecan Area (Taḵjikʼ Aan) || Taagish Ḵwáan | People of Carcross & Tagish || Taantʼá Ḵwáan | People of the Tongass (Taantʼá) Area || Tʼaaḵú Ḵwáan | People of the Taku Area || Xudzidaa Ḵwáan; Xutsnoowú Ḵwáan | People of the Angoon Area || Xunaa Ḵáawu | People of the Hoonah & Glacier Bay Areas || Yaakwdáat Ḵwáan; Laax̱aayík Ḵwáan | People of the Yakutat Area || G̱unanaa | Inland People (Na-Dene); Athabaskan || ḵu.oo | people; community || lingitʼaaní tuḵwáani | people of the world || keewáa ḵáawu | person, people up in heaven || kéewaa ḵáawu yahaayí | person with mental disabilities || naa | band of people; nation; tribe; moiety; clan || sh yáa awudanéixʼi | self-respecting people; honorable people || Tlagu Ḵwáanxʼi; Tlagu Ḵwáanxʼi Yán | Ancient Ones; People of Long Ago, Ancient Times || yées ḵu.oo | young adults; young people

people ² (object pronoun) ḵáa | someone; person; people || (object pronoun) ḵaa ⁓ ḵu- | someone; people || (postpositional pronoun) ḵaa ee- ⁓ ḵu ee- ⁓ ḵoon | (to) someone; (to) people

peopleʼs (relational pronoun) ḵaa | someoneʼs; personʼs; peopleʼs

pepper si.áaxʼu át; si.áaxʼu náakw || tux̱ʼwánsʼi náakw

peppermint kóoshdaa náagu

perceive √teen ² O-S-∅-√teen ² | for S to see, perceive O (often abstract)

perdition kaawayík; wooyík | perdition; off somewhere; off in space; oblivion; void

perfect √jaaḵw ²

perform N + waḵshiyeexʼ + yéi + O-S-s-√nei ² ʰ | for S to demonstrate, perform publicly, show N how to do O by action || (yéi) + O-daa-S-∅-√nei ² ʰ | for S to do, perform O (a particular action); for S to work on O

perform rites (noun) héix̱waa | magic, charm, or ceremonial rights performed to bring about desirable results (verb) √héix̱waa | magic; charm; perform rites i O-S-∅-√héix̱waa ˟ | for S to make magic, perform rites on O to bring desirable results in nature or give youngsters power and confidence

perhaps shákdé | perhaps || ||

period gáan ² | menstrual discharge; period

permanent yan⁓ + O-∅-√nei ² ʰ | for O to be permanent, happen for good; for O to be finished, complete, ready; for O to be prepared, ready

persecute eeshandéin + yoo + O-ka-S-l-√shoo ʰ ² | for S to torment, persecute or ill-treat O; for S to cause O to suffer

persistence dawóotlʼ

persistent √wootlʼ O-l-√wóotlʼ ˟ | for O to be mentally strong, persistent || √wóotlʼ ˟

person Anóoshi | Russian || at wuskóowu | elder; knowledgeable person; wisdom bearer || ánkʼw; énkw (C) | person who cries easily; brat || aan lingídi | city person; rich woman || aan yádi | high class person; aristocrat; person with strong Tlingit lineage || aatayádi | mythical bird or little person that lives in a lake || dleit ḵáa | euroamerican person or people; white person or people; european person or people gusʼkʼiḵwáan | euroamerican person or people; white person or people; european person or people; caucasian person or people || kakʼdakwéiy sʼaatí | captain; person in charge || keewáa ḵáawu || keewáa ḵáawu yahaayí | person with mental disabilities || kooshdaaḵáa | land otter person || ḵaa kanax̱ḵáa | snob; person who considers themself better than others || ḵʼanashgidéi ḵáa | poor person || l ḵool.áx̱ji | deaf person || l ḵooshtéeni | blind person || l yoo ḵʼeishtángi | mute person || lisʼaag̱í ḵáa | ambitious person || lookanáa | person who acts crazy or possesssed || (independent pronoun) ḵáa | someone; person; people || neechkaḵáawu | person without a clan; person nobody wants; bastard || 21 neechkateiyí | person without Tlingit birth parents, especially the mother || 22 sh yáa awudanéiyi | self-respecting person; honorable person; noble person || 23 shaan | elderly person; old person || 24 shaanák’w | little old person || 25 tá sʼaatí | person who sleeps too much || 26 tʼoochʼ ḵáa | African-American; "black person" || 27 waḵjéitl | person with wide-open eyes || 28 Waashdan Ḵwáan | American

personal flotation device g̱áatl séek

personʼs (relational pronoun) ḵaa | someoneʼs; personʼs; peopleʼs

perspiration kasáyjaa

pestle aan dutasʼ át | pestle or stone used for pulverizing bark || aan kadutʼix̱ʼ át; aan kedutʼex̱ʼ át | pestle (for pounding) || kaxágwaa | pestle || katʼéx̱ʼaa; katʼíx̱ʼaa | pounder (for meat or grease)

pet O-S-l-√dléigu ˟

petal ḵʼeikaxwéin tlʼeig̱í | flower petal

Petersburg Séet Ká | "On the Channel"

petrel g̱anook

petroglyph kootʼéx̱ʼ

petroleum tʼoochʼ eix̱í; tʼoochʼ eex̱í

petticoat doonyaax̱lʼaak

petulant ḵukahín⁓ + S-∅-√nook ³ | for S to be grumpy, cranky, irritated

pharynx –leikachóox̱ʼu | windipe

phlegm g̱eitlʼ

phloem –káx̱i | edible thick liquid on the surface of the wood under the inner bark

phone a tóonáx̱ yoo x̱ʼadul.átgi át | phone || kaxéesʼ | wire; phone || N + jeedé + x̱ʼa-S-d+∅-√taan ⁵ | for (singular) S to call N on telephone || N + jee-t⁓ + x̱ʼa-S-d+∅-√taan ⁵ | for S to call N on telephone

phonograph at shí ḵóok

phosphorescence éedaa | phosphorescence (sparks of light in ocean water); luminescence (on rotten wood)

photograph ¹ (verb) O-ka-S-sh-√xeet | for S to write, draw, or paint a picture of O; for S to print O by hand; for S to photograph, take pictures, x-rays of O || ka-S-d+sh-√xeet | for S to write, draw, or paint; for S to print by hand; for S to photograph, take pictures, x-rays

photograph ² –yahaayí | soul (of departed person); shadow; image; photograph ḵaa yahaayí | photograph (of a person)

phrase yoo x̱ʼatánk

piano g̱íx̱ʼjaa ḵóok

pick ¹ ḵu-S-∅-√kʼéetʼ | for S to pick berries (esp. pick in quantity to take home) || O-ka-S-∅-√tsʼéekʼ | for S to pick at O || √taats | pick berries by shaking or hitting branches || √tleiḵw

pick ² (noun) kéitʼu | pick, prying tool || káatʼ | pick; pickaxe || taay kéitʼi | garden pick

pick up O-ya-S-s-√haa ¹ | for S to gather up, pick up, take up O || aax̱ + O-S-∅-√kwaach | for S to pick up O (in cupped hands) || N-dáx̱ + yéi + O-S-s-√nei ¹ ʰ | for S to pick up, lift up, take (plural) O (objects) up off of N || kei + O-S-s-√taan ³ | for S to bring out, unearth O (usually long, complex object)(esp. from a box or other container or place which o is kept); for S to pick up, lift up O || kei + O-S-∅-√tee ² ʰ | for S to bring out, unearth O (general, often compact object) (esp. from a box or other container or place which O is kept); for S to pick up, lift up O || √tee ʰ ²

pickaxe kéitʼu | pick, prying tool || káatʼ | pick; pickaxe

picky sh + tu-ka-S-d+l-√g̱éi || √neekʼ

picnic √woo ¹ | order ²; send; picnic O-S-d+∅-√woo ¹ | for S to take O (food) along (for lunch or a picnic)

pie tsʼeeg̱éeni atx̱aayí

pier dzeit | ladder; stairs; dock; pier; boardwalk

pierce √g̱eech ¹ | pierce; prick N-dé + ya-d+∅-√g̱eech ¹ | for a sharp object to pierce, enter, prick N; for an animal to bite N || N-t⁓ + ya-d+l-√g̱eech ¹ | for a sharp object to pierce, enter, prick N; for an animal to bite N

pig gishoo

pigeon x̱ʼeisʼawáa; yaa ḵudzigéiyi tsʼatsʼée gusʼyé kindachooneidí || kootlʼéitʼaa | sea pigeon; small white seagull

pile √chaak O-ka-S-∅-√cháak || O-ka-S-l-√cháak | classification: stick-like objects || √daan | pile up

piled thickly √dlaan ∅-√dlaan

piling hít tayeegáasʼi | piling, foundation post; floor joist

pillow shayeit

pin táax’ál’ kayáa | straight pin

pincer (verb) √tlʼeeḵ (noun) tlʼíg̱aa

pinch √doochʼ ¹ | twisting roll; pinch || √sʼóoshkw ˟ | pinch large amount of flesh || (verb) √tsʼeekʼw | pinch with fingernails O-S-∅-√tsʼíkʼt ˟ | for S to pinch O || O-S-l-√tsʼéekʼ | for s to pinch o with fingernails || (noun) tsʼéekʼw | pinch (with finger); pinch of (measurement)

pincher at tsʼíkʼwti

pine aas keg̱ítaa | conifer needle (spruce, pine) || sʼóosʼani | pine cone, spruce cone

pine tar kʼóox̱ʼ | pitch; resin; pine tar; gum; lead

pink lóol | dark pink; light purple

pinky –wankachʼeiḵ | little finger

pipe ¹ x̱ʼaxékʼwaa || a tóonáx̱ héen naadaayi át | pipe for carrying water

pipe ² sʼeiḵdaakeit; sʼiḵdaakeit | tobacco pipe

pistol óonaa yádi

pit áatʼl | pit for aging eulachon grease; pit lined with skunk cabbage used for food storage || kóoḵ | pit; hole dug in the ground; cellar; housepit

pitch kʼóox̱ʼ | pitch; resin; pine tar; gum; lead || aas kʼóox̱ʼu; aasdaakʼóox̱ʼu || téil ¹ | pitch scab (where bark has been removed); dry pitchy wood (used for torches); torch

pitcher ¹ ḵʼateil

pitcher ² yoo kdag̱íxʼgi | pitcher (in baseball)

pitchwood téil ¹ | pitch scab (where bark has been removed); dry pitchy wood (used for torches); torch

pitchy √kʼoox̱ʼ | pitchy; sticky

pith –kadíx̱ʼi | stem (of plant); v

pitiful (interjection) eesháan | poor; pitiful (adverb) eeshandéin | poorly; while suffering; pitifully || (verb) √eesháan O-l-√eesháan ˟ | for O to be pitiable, poor, in an unfortunate state

place (independent pronoun) á ² | that place, time, reason, fact || (noun) áa ² | that thing, time, or place; that fact or reason || chʼa g̱unayé | somewhere else; someplace else; a different place || –daséixʼán; –daséixʼín; –daséixʼ | trading goods; trading places; taking turns || gan.eetí | fireplace; place where there has been a fire and there is burnt residue || –geinyaax̱; –genyaax̱ | in their place; taking their place; instead of them || wéit | there; that place (visible or previously referred to) || yanax̱ | underground; in a fixed position || –ya.áak | room, space, place, time, chance, opportunity for it || yáat | here; this place (right here) || | place; way || yóot | there over yonder; \that place (remote, not visible)

placenta –keegí; –tʼaag̱í ² | placenta, afterbirth || –x̱ʼáati | embrionic sac, caul (of ruminant)

plain yaadachóon | straight; directly; plainly; honestly

plainly yaadachóon–

plan √aaḵw ² | plan; order ¹; command; instruct (verb) O-ka-S-∅-√.aaḵw ² | for S to make a decision about O; for S to finish planning O || yan⁓ + O-ka-S-∅-.aaḵw ² | for S to make a decision about O; for S to finish planning O || (noun) at kuna.áaḵw; at kuna.áag̱u || √yaax̱áḵw

plane ² aan kayéx̱aa; tʼáa keyéx̱aa | plane for woodworking

plank hoodí | planks put on the side of boat, canoe to stabilize it; outrigger || kadax̱óotʼi | plank maker (with adze) || √hoot | to put planks on

planner át ḵukawu.aag̱ú

plant ¹ kaláax̱ | dry dead plant, leaves, vegetation, wood || kayaaní | leaf, leaves; vegetation, plants, herbs, herbiage

plant ² (verb) O-ka-S-∅-√haa ¹

plastered √tsaatl

plastic xén

plate sʼíxʼ | dish; plate; bowl || sʼíxʼ ḵʼáatlʼ || ḵílaa | platter, large flat (wooden) plate or container

platform (noun) kayáash | platform; porch || (verb) √yaash | platform; porch

platter táal | flat open basket woven from wide strips of bark (for carrying fish, etc.); large platter || ḵílaa | platter, large flat (wooden) plate or container

play ¹ ash koolg̱eig̱áchʼ | play on swings || ash koolg̱íx̱ʼjaa | playing violin (or other similar stringed instrument with a bow) || ash koolkítsʼaa | play on seesaw || ash koolkʼéinaa | play at jumping or twirling round || ash koosḵúx̱aa | playing boats (esp. toy boats) || ash koolḵʼíshaa | playing baseball || ash kudat’ájaa | playing in the water (swimming); swimming (for fun) || ash kooltʼáaxʼaa | playing marbles || ash kushx̱ʼílʼaa | playing on slides; sliding || ash + ka-u-S-d+l-√yát ˟ | for S to play (esp. active games) (noun) ash koolyát | playing (esp. active games) || √chʼéitʼaa ˟; √chʼéetʼaa ˟ | play basketball ash koolchʼéitʼaa | playing basketball || √ookʼ | play quietly ḵu-S-d+s-√.ookʼ ˟ | for S to play quietly; for S to entertain, amuse oneself; || x̱ʼe-S-d+s-√.ookʼ ˟ | for S to play with food

play ² O-S-l-√.aax̱ ¹ | for S to play O (musical instrument)

playground ash kadulyát yé

plaything ḵus.ookʼ

plea x̱ʼagáaxʼ

pleasant g̱aa | sufficient; enough; acceptable; pleasant –waaḵg̱áa | pleasing to the eye; looking good to || √aan ² | kind; gentle; pleasant; good looking

pleasant-faced O-ya-ka-s-√.aan ˟ ²

pleased N + toowú + ka-l-√g̱éi

pleasing N + tuwáa + S-s-√góo ¹ | for N to want, like, desire S; for S to be pleasing to N || –gúkg̱aa | pleasing to his/her ear; the way she/he likes it to sound || –tóog̱aa | pleasing to them; the way she/he wants or likes it || –x̱ʼéig̱aa | pleasing to  palate; tastes good to –

pleat √yaat

pleats kunkahóotlʼ; kahóotlʼ | ruffles at bottom of dress, etc.

plenty ∅-√gei ¹ || O-sha-ya-d+∅-√haa ² ʰ

pliable –létlʼk

pliers kakatáxʼaa || at katáxʼaa

plow √xeet

pluck √xʼoolʼ ² || √kʼootsʼ | pluck off

plug ¹ (verb) O-S-s-√déekʼ | for S to constipate, plug O || √deexʼ | plug up; cork; shut mouth or opening O-S-∅-√déexʼ | for S to plug up O (a hole in a surface)

plug ² –x̱ʼadéexʼi | cork; plug || ḵʼanoox̱ | small labret, lip plug

plug in O-shu-S-l-√tsaaḵ | for S to plug in O (electrical cord)

plug up √deexʼ O-S-∅-déexʼ

plugged O-d+s-√déekʼ

plunge √tleix̱w | plunge to scare fish into net

pneumonia kʼinashú

pocket g̱altú; ḵatltú; g̱atltú

pod x̱áa | pod of killer whales

point ¹ √chʼeex̱ʼ; √chʼeix̱ʼ | point ¹; poke; push O-S-∅-√chʼéix̱ʼ | point at, point out || N-t⁓ + S-∅-√chʼéex̱ʼ | point in the direction of N || O-ya-S-∅-√chʼéex̱ʼ | point at a person

point ² at x̱ʼéidi | point of arrow or harpoon || –dlóox̱ʼu (A) | point of (a projectile) || –lú | point (of land); point (of a long thin pointed object) –lunáa | over or along the point of; at or near the end (of a pointed object, point of land) of || xʼaa | point of (land) tax’aayí | rocky point (of land) || xʼaa luká | on the ridge or elevated part of the point (of land)

point ³ –kooká | along the same lines as; to the point of; eminding of it; paralleling, imitating

pointy √kʼátsʼ ˟; √kʼáchʼ ˟ | sharp; pointy

poke √chʼeex̱ʼ; √chʼeix̱ʼ | point ¹; poke; push || √goo ³ | push; poke || √taaḵ ¹ | spear; poke; prod O-S-∅-√taaḵ ¹ | for S to spear, prod, poke, jab O || O-ka-S-l-√taaḵ ¹ | for S to poke, prod O (a round object, often to pop it) || O-ya-S-s-√taaḵ ¹ | for S to poke O in the face || √tsaaḵ | poke; stick out; extend; prick; luanch | classification: singular | plural form: √tsoow || √tsoow | poke; stick out; extend; prick; launch | classification: plural | singular form: √tsaaḵ

pole ¹ jikaḵáasʼ; jikeḵáasʼ | long smokehouse pole(s) || sʼóosʼ | pole(s) on which fish are hung for drying in smokehouse || tag̱anís; tlag̱anís | pole made from sapling || tság̱aa | pole (for boating, for pushing skin toboggan)

pole ² daak + O-ya-S-l-√taaḵ ¹ | for S to pole, push O (canoe, boat) out away from the shore with a pole || daak + O-S-l-√tsaaḵ | for S to pole, push O (canoe, boat) out away from the beach with a pole

police officer wáachwaan || ḵaa jila.aadí

polio l uwaxwachgi néekw; l uwaxwachgi nóok; l uxwachgi néekw

polish √g̱eelʼ O-ka-S-sh-√g̱éelʼ || N + daatx̱ + ḵu-ka-S-s-√haa ³ || √haa ³

pollen kadánjaa | dust; pollen kayaaní kadánjaa

pollywog dúsh

poncho teiḵ

pond aatagwéixʼi

pool ¹ koochʼéitʼaa át kadultáḵji | billiards ash kooltág̱aa | playing pool, billiards

poop ¹ (verb) gánde + S-∅-√goot | for (singular) S to go to the bathroom || gánde + S-∅-√.aat ¹ | for (plural) S to go to the bathroom || √lʼéelʼ a-S-∅-√lʼéelʼ | for S to defecate || sh + daa + a-S-d+∅-√lʼéelʼ | for S to poop oneself

poop ² (noun) gánde nagoodí || háatlʼ || káts | white excrement from a bird || kích | fecal material; contents of intestines || lʼílʼ

poor √eesháan || O-l-√eesháan

poor ¹ kaldáanaaḵ | without money || ḵʼanashgidéi ḵáa | poor person

poor ² –yátxʼu ée | poor baby! || eesháan | poor; pitiful eeshandéin | poorly; while suffering; pitifully

poorly eeshandéin

pop √tʼaax̱ʼ ¹ | pop; crackle

porch kayáash | platform; porch || x̱ʼawool kayáashi | porch; patio || x̱ʼawool dzeit | steps of the porch || √yaash | platform; porch

porcupine x̱alakʼáchʼ

porpoise cheech

porridge wásh sakwnéin katéix̱i || katéix̱

portage –góon | portage, passage across; isthmus

possess O-S-∅-√.oo ¹ ʰ | for S to own, possess, have O

possessed N + tóot⁓ + ya-d+∅-√xoon ² | for S to be possessed, have evil spirits

possession at.óow | sacred clan-owned item || –jee | in the possession of || ḵaa at oohéini | something claimed by someone || –néixʼi; –néixʼt; –néxʼt | inheritance ; possessions of deceased given to him at a feast

possessions duwuweit

possibly gíwé

post hít tayeegáasʼi | piling, foundation post; floor joist

post office jinduháayi xʼúxʼ daakahídi || xʼúxʼ daakahídi

postpone O-shu-ka-S-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for S to postpone O

pot ḵʼwátl | cooking pot taay ḵʼwátl | garden pot || átʼiweit | cooking pot || x̱ʼayeit | food container; pot or pan; large bowl or dish

potato kʼúntsʼ; kʼwántsʼ | potato || tséit | wild sweet potato

potent √took ² | rancid; potent; rotten O-l-√took ² | for O to be potent (esp. of old coffee), or rancid, too strong to taste good

potlatch –daateeyí | feast, potlatch in honor of; dedication ceremony and feast for || ḵu.éexʼ | potlatch; feast; party || naa káani | member of opposite clan commissioned to conduct a ḵu.éexʼ; master of ceremonies for a ḵu.éexʼ || yoo at kooteek | feast, potlatch involving the whole community; community event; holiday

pounce N-t⁓ + sh + S-d+l-√gáasʼ

pound ¹ √tʼeix̱ʼ; √tʼeex̱ʼ | pound ¹; smash; hammer ² O-ka-S-∅-√tʼéex̱ʼ | for S to smash O up by pounding; for S to mash O by pounding with something heavy; for S to pound, hammer on O; for S to break O

pound ² at dáli | a certain measure of weight; pound (weight unit)

pounder katʼéx̱ʼaa; katʼíx̱ʼaa | pounder (for meat or grease)

pour √aa ³ | grow; pour forth ka-∅-√.aa ³ | for a plant to grow; for a stream of water to flow, pour forth || √xaa | pour; dump ¹ N-dé + O-ka-S-∅-√xaa | for S to pour O into N, pour O out at N; for S to dump, empty O in one mass (by turning over container) at N || N-t⁓ + O-ka-S-s-√xaa | for S to pour, dump, empty O at N || N-dé + O-ya-S-s-√xaa | for S to pour O on N; for S to pour O in N

pout √oos ¹ tu-S-d+∅-√.oos ¹ | for S to pout, sulk, refuse to speak; for a machine to refuse to run

powder ¹ ya-ka-S-d+l-√wóo ² ˟ | for S to powder oneʼs face || √wéinaa

powder ² yawéinaa | face powder

power latseen | strength; power

powerful O-l-√tseen ˟ ¹ | for O to be strong, powerful

practice sh + tóo + O-S-d+l-√tóow | for S to study, learn O; for S to practice, rehearse O || √gúkch ˟ | practice; training; learn how

prairie chookán aaní; chookén aaní | prairie; grasslands

praise √sheix̱ʼ; √sheex̱ʼ O-ka-S-∅-√shéex̱ʼ | for S to praise, glorify O; for S to approve, commend O; for S to comment on O || (noun) kashéix̱ʼ; kashéex̱ʼ

pray √gaaxʼ ¹ x̱ʼa-S-d+∅-√gáaxʼ ¹ || sh + káa + x̱ʼa-S-d+∅-√gáaxʼ ¹

prayer x̱ʼagáaxʼ

preach sh + ka-S-d+l-√neek ˟ | for S to preach, narrate, tell a story

preacher nakwnéit | priest; preacher; minister || sh kalneegí

precious √ḵʼei || √tseen ¹ | strong; value x̱ʼa-l-√tseen ˟ ¹ | for something to be precious, of great value; for something to be expensive, high-priced

precipitate √taan ⁶ | precipirate; fall (of precipitation) {precipitation} + daak + s-√taan ⁶ | for {precipitation} to fall || a-∅-√g̱éet ¹ ˟ | for rain, hail, snow to fall (often hard, in dark rainstorm)

predict √gaa ³ O-shu-S-s-√gaa ³

pregnant atkʼátskʼu⁓yát(kʼ) + O-S-∅-√.oo ¹ ˟ | for S to have O (baby); be pregnant with O (baby) || O-ka-d+∅-√yát ˟ | for O to be pregnant

preparation táakw niyís

prepare √xoon ³ | prepare for travel S-∅-√xoon ³ | for S to prepare for travel

prepared yan⁓ + O-∅-√nei ² ʰ | for O to be permanent, happen for good; for O to be finished, complete, ready; for O to be prepared, ready

preschool adátxʼi áa dultin yé

present x̱ʼalatseení ka.óow ádi

press O-ka-S-∅-√choox | for S to knead, press, pat O with palm of hand || √tʼaatʼ | press; pat || √tʼaak | dent; press

pretend √yeil | raven ²; pretend; lie ²; cheat; deceive O-S-l-√yeil | for S to pretend to do O; for S to do O without knowing what theyʼre doing || √nool | pretend to sing O-S-∅-√nool | for S to pretend to sing; for S to only sing vocables in a song

pretending ḵʼeildaháakʼu

pretty O-sha-ka-l-√g̱éi | for O to be pretty, cute, beautiful || O-∅-√kʼéi | for O to be good, fine, pretty

prevent O-ya-u-S-∅-√nei ² | for S to discipline, restrain, restrict, warn or prevent O from doing something

price –naawuweidí | price paid for death; crest claimed after the loss of life; life insurance

prick √g̱eech ¹ | pierce; prick N-dé + ya-d+∅-√g̱eech ¹ | for a sharp object to pierce, enter, prick N; for an animal to bite N || N-t⁓ + ya-d+l-√g̱eech ¹ | for a sharp object to pierce, enter, prick N; for an animal to bite N || √tsaaḵ | poke; stick out; extend; prick; launch | classification: singular | plural form: √tsoow || √tsoow | poke; stick out; extend; prick; launch | classification: plural | singular form: tsaaḵ

pride toowú klag̱é

priest nakwnéit | priest; preacher; minister || wáadishgaa

primary branch sheey

prime √taa ³ | fat (of animal); prime (of animal)

print ¹ O-ka-S-l-√dáalʼ | for S to type O || O-ka-S-sh-√xeet | for S to write, draw, or paint a picture of O; for S to print O by hand; for S to photograph, take pictures, x-rays of O || ka-S-d+sh-√xeet | for S to write, draw, or paint; for S to print by hand; for S to photograph, take pictures, x-rays

print ² kashxeet | print design

probably kwshé

prod √taaḵ ¹ | spear; poke; prod O-S-∅-√taaḵ ¹ | for S to spear, prod, poke, jab O || O-ka-S-l-√taaḵ ¹ | for S to poke, prod O (a round object, often to pop it)

profitable O-l-√náalx̱ ˟

prominent O-ka-l-√g̱éi

promiscuous √yei | strange; promiscuous || √lʼei | sediment; promiscuous

promise at yawusḵá || N + ee⁓ + O-ya-S-s-√ḵaa ¹

prong –x̱aaní | barbs (of spear or arrow); prongs (of spear or arrow)

proper –yáx̱; ayáx̱ | the right way; correctly; properly

property at uhéini | claimed property; that which is claimed or willed

prosperity lanáalx̱

protect ¹ √deil (N + káx̱) + yan⁓ + a-S-∅-√deil | for S to keep watch, keep a lookout (over N)

protect ² –niyaa; –yinaa | in the way of; keeping away; protecting, shielding, screening from; blocking || –x̱ʼanaa | in the way of; keeping away; protecting, shielding, screening from; blocking

proud N + toowú + ka-l-√g̱éi || sh + tu-ka-S-d+l-√g̱éi

prove yan⁓ + O-ka-s-√nook ² | for S to prove, verify, find out and be sure of O; for S to investigate, make trial of, test out O

proverb yax̱ at g̱wakú || yax̱ at g̱akú

provisions wóow | food (sent or taken along); lunch (sent or taken along); provisions sent or taken along (on a trip, to work or school)

prow –shaká | bow, prow (of boat) || –xéesʼ | the curved part of a bow or stern (of boat)

pry (verb) √keetʼ O-S-∅-√keetʼ | for S to pry O off || O-S-∅-√keetʼ | for S to pry O off the groundx || (noun) kítʼaa | stick or tool for prying; crowbar; prybar

ptarmigan x̱ʼeisʼawáa | willow ptarmigan

pubic –xú | pubic area (where the hairs are) –xudzaayí | pubic hair || –x̱antá | crotch, between the legs

public ḵaankageetxʼ; ḵaankak.eetxʼ (T); ḵaankʼegeexʼ (C); x̱ʼangageetxʼ | in public (in front of people); at a ḵu.éexʼ (in front of people); at a feast (in front of people)

puck aas ḵʼíshaa | tree knot used for making puck

pucker √tsʼoot | press closed; pucker

puckered sh + ḵʼa-S-d+l-√.oosh | for S to sulk, refuse to talk and have mouth puckered with bad feeling || √xwein ² | face puckered and ready to cry

pudding kanéegwálʼ | pudding dish made with berries and salmon eggs

puff out √kootl | fluff up; puff out

puffin x̱ík

pull O-S-l-√sʼéilʼ | for S to tear up, pull up O (roots) || O-ka-S-s-√xaat ¹ | for S to tighten O (which is fastened to something at the other end); for S to tug, pull (on something fastened at the other end) || √xaatʼ ¹ | classification: heavy object or limp object such as dead animal {na preverb} + O-S-s-√xáatʼ ¹; {∅ preverb} + O-S-s-√xáatʼ ¹ | for S to drag, pull O (esp. heavy object or limp object such as dead animal); for S to haul, transport O (by non-motor power) || √xʼootʼ ³ | link and pull middle fingers || √x̱ootʼ ¹ | drag; pull {na preverb} + O-S-∅-√x̱óotʼ ¹; {∅ preverb} + O-S-∅-√x̱óotʼ ¹ | for S to drag, pull O (esp. person); for S to pull O in quick movements || √yeiḵ ¹; √yeeḵ ¹ | pull; draw N-t⁓ + O-S-s-√yeeḵ ¹ | for S to pull, haul, hoist O to N (esp. on line); for S to hang O (a human) by the neck || kei + O-S-s-√yeeḵ ¹ | for S to pull, haul O (esp. of line) up; for S to hoist O up || √yeesh | classification: fairly light object (kínde) + kei + O-S-∅-√yeesh | for S to pull O up; for S to open O (window) by pulling up || N-dáx̱ + kei + O-S-∅-√yeesh | for S to pull O (a fairly light object) up out of N || N + káx̱ + O-S-∅-√yeesh | for S to pull O (fairly light object) over N; for S to cover N with O || P-x̱ + O-S-∅-√yeesh | for S to pull O down along N; for S to close O (window) by pulling down along N

pull on x̱ʼoos-dé + O-S-d+∅-√yeeḵ ¹ | for S to put on, pull on O (shoes, socks, pants)

pull out O-S-l-√toochʼ | for S to dab O (paint); for S to pull out O (wool for spinning)

pull tabs dusʼélʼ xʼúxʼu || sʼélʼ alḵáa xʼúxʼ

pull tight √xaat ¹

pulled under √yeeḵ ⁴

pumice géxtlʼ || géxkw; kéxkw

pumpkin yaduch’ak’w tléiḵ tlein

punch O-ya-S-∅-√gwaal

punch ² (noun) tág̱aa | lancet for infections, boils

punish √jee ³ O-ÿa-S-∅-√jee ˟ ³ | for S to punish O

punishment yadujeeyí

punkies tlél dutéeni táaxʼaa

punky √naaḵw ² | rotten, punky wood

pupil sgóonwaan

puppet ḵusteeyí át kayaa

pure tlʼeitáḵw– | pure || tlél + O-u-l-√took ² | for O to be clean; for O to be pure, holy

purely l ultukdéin

purple lóol | light purple || kanatʼá kahéeni | purple || katlʼáakʼ | gold-rust; flecked with gold or rust

purpose daat g̱aa sá | why; going after what; waiting for what; for some purpose || daat káx̱ sá | why; for what purpose; for what

pus dlóoḵ N + waaḵ + ka-∅+d-√dlooḵ | for Nʼs eyes to have pus, mucus || (noun) ḵéetʼ | wound or sore that discharges pus; pus or discharge (from a sore, wound) || (verb) √ḵeetʼ | suppurate; infected; fester; pus d+l-√ḵéetʼ | for a wound to be infected, have pus

push √chʼeex̱ʼ; √chʼeix̱ʼ | point ¹; poke; push || √goo ³ | push; poke || √gooḵ ² | move by pushing O-S-∅-√gooḵ ² | for S to move O by pushing with hands || daak + O-ya-S-l-√taaḵ ¹ | for S to pole, push O (canoe, boat) out away from the shore with a pole || daak + O-S-l-√tsaaḵ | for S to pole, push O (canoe, boat) out away from the beach with a pole

pussywillow ketlyátxʼi | willow catkins

put N-xʼ + yéi + O-S-∅-√.oo ¹ ˟ | for S to put (plural) O at N; for S to leave (plural) O at N

put away √gaa ²

put down √lʼaaḵ | put down hemlock branches for herring eggs || yan⁓ + yéi + O-ka-S-s-√nei ¹ ʰ | for S to put down, leave O (plural round objects) || yan⁓ + O-S-s-√nook ⁵ | for S to put down, leave O (live creature) || yan⁓ + O-S-s-√taan ³ | for S to put down, lay down, leave, place O (usually long, complex object)

put foot in mouth √tlúxja kei + x̱ʼa-S-∅-√tlúxja | for S to put their foot in their mouth (figuratively)

put in place √oo ¹ N-xʼ + yéi + O-S-∅-√.oo ¹ ˟ | put them all there; for S to leave (plural) O at N

put off √xaach | give up; put off (N-xʼ) + a-S-l-√xaach | for S to despair, give up hope (on N); for S to put off, defer, delay doing, or give up (doing N)

put on √tee ⁴ || wásh + ka-S-d+l-√séiḵʼw | for S to put on foundation or blush || waaḵ + ka-S-d+l-√séiḵʼw | for S to put on eye makeup || ya-ka-S-d+l-√séiḵʼw | for S to put on makeup || x̱ʼ-ka-S-d+l-√séiḵʼw | for S to put on lipstick || x̱ʼoos-dé + O-S-d+∅-√yeeḵ ¹ | for S to put on, pull on O (shoes, socks, pants)

put out O-ya-ka-S-l-√kéesʼ

put them all there N-xʼ + yéi + O-S-∅-√.oo ˟

put to bed √taa ¹ | classification: singular O-S-S-√taa ʰ ¹ | for S to put (singular) O to bed || √x̱eixʼw | classification: plural O-S-s-√x̱éixʼw | for S to put (plural) O to bed

put to sleep √soos ² | by whistling through teeth || √taa ¹ | classification: singular || √x̱eixʼw | classification: plural

put up yan⁓ + O-ka-S-l-√gaa ²

putrid √keech ²

puzzle wóoshx̱ kadujeil ḵus.ook’ | jigsaw puzzle

quake (verb) yóo + aan + ka-∅-√.aa ³ | for the earth to quake || O-ka-d+∅-√neit | for O to tremble, quake, shiver (from palsy, fear, or cold)

quarrel √ḵaan | quarrel N + een + S-d+∅-√ḵaan | for S to quarrel with, exchange harsh words with N (usually of adults) || N + een + woosh + x̱ʼa-S-d+∅-√xéet ˟ | for S to argue, quarrel with N

queer ḵʼatx̱áan | homosexual; non-binary; queer; two-spirited

question (verb) O-x̱ʼa-S-∅-√wóosʼ ˟ ¹ | for S to ask, question O || (noun) at x̱ʼawóosʼ; ḵaa x̱ʼawóosʼ; x̱ʼawóosʼ

quick √sátk ˟

quick-tempered √dáskw ˟ O-tu-ka-u-∅-√dáskw ˟

quiet O-x̱ʼa-ya-S-∅-√aa ¹ ˟ | for S to shush O (a baby) || √kʼaatlʼ | silent; quiet sh + S-d+l-√kʼáatlʼ | for S to become silent, keep quiet; for S to stop talking or crying || tleiyéi + yéi + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to be still, quiet; for O to stop (car, clock, e.g.); for O to wait

quieten yan⁓ + O-x̱ʼa-ka-S-l-√tsʼéin || √tlaak

quieten down yan⁓ + x̱ʼa-S-d+∅-√tsʼéin

quietly kʼátlʼgeenáx̱; kalkʼátlʼgeenáx̱ || kaagéináx̱

quill –x̱aawú | quill(s) (of porcupine); hair; fuzz; fur || –kʼishataag̱aní; –kʼishetaag̱áni (C) | quills on rear end of it (porcupine)

quilt kastʼáatʼ; kastʼáatʼ xʼóow | quilt; cotton blanket || yee.át kag̱áaji | (heavy) bedspread; quilt, comforter (for a bed)

quit kei + S-d+∅-√leet ¹ | for S to give up, quit || ji-S-d+∅-√naaḵ ² | for S to quit, stop work || O-x̱ʼa-S-∅-√naaḵ ² | for S to quit, give up O (esp. drinking)

quite –kayaa | something sort of like; something not measuring up to; where one expects something to be

quoit g̱ag̱áḵ | gambling sticks for tossing

quote √tee ⁵

rabbit g̱áx̱ tex̱oogáx̱kʼi | rock rabbit

rack éinaa | drying rack (for fish or meat) || x̱aanásʼ; x̱aanésʼ | rack for drying fish; raft || x̱aanásʼ éinaa | rack for drying fish || √x̱aanásʼ | make a raft; make a rack

racket √tleiw | make a racket; noisy

radiate √saay | flush; sweat; radiate || √tʼaax̱ʼ ² | radiate heat; glow N-t⁓ + s-√tʼáax̱ʼ ² | for a fire, etc. to be hot, radiate, throw out heat at N

radio at shí ḵóok

raft x̱aanásʼ | raft; rack for drying fish || √x̱aanásʼ | make a raft; make a rack

rafter a kagaadí | its rafter || hít kagaadí | house rafter || hít kaságu | large roof beam rafter

rag at sʼéilʼi | rags (for cleaning or wiping) || g̱wéinaa | towel aan yadu.usʼgu jig̱wéinaa | washcloth, washrag for washing the face || jig̱wéinaa | handtowel

railing a daax̱ yaa dulsheech át | banister; railing; handrail || daax̱ yaajikakdulilʼji át | bannister, railing

rain (verb) a-∅-√g̱éet ¹ ˟ | for rain, hail, snow to fall (often hard, in dark rainstorm) || (verb) √seix̱ | misty rain (noun) kaséix̱jaa | for it to drizzle rain; spray or drops of moisture in air || (verb) {precipitation} + daak + s-√taan ⁶ | for {precipitation} to fall || (verb) √x̱eet ² | drizzle; rain a-ka-s-√x̱eet ² | for it to drizzle rain || (noun) ḵukatáx̱; katáx̱ | dew; fallen raindrops on grass || séew; sóow (C); séem (T)

rain boots sʼélʼ xʼwán

rain coat sʼélʼ kinaak.át

rain slicker sʼélʼ kinaak.át

rain squall g̱éet | storm; rain squall

rainbow kichx̱.anagaat

raise ¹ kei + ji-S-l-√tsaaḵ | for (singular) S to raise the hand (in voting, etc.) | classification: singular || kei + ji-S-l-√tsoow | for (plural) S to raise the hand (in voting, etc.) | classification: plural || kei + ji-S-s-√taan ³ | for S to raise a hand

raise ² kei + O-ka-S-l-√ḵaach | for S to raise O (bread) || √waat ¹ O-S-s-√wáat ¹ | for S to raise O (child, animal); for S to grow O (plant)

rake (verb) √xeetl ¹ | fish with rake (noun) xídlaa; xítlaa | herring rake || kadlágwaa

rally √haakw ² | rally round

rancid √took ² | rancid; potent; rotten O-l-√took ² | for O to be potent (esp. of old coffee), or rancid, too strong to taste good

random chʼa koogéiyi | any old way; randomly; carelessly

rapids eey

rare –shísʼḵ; –shásʼḵ | raw (flesh or meat); rare (meat)

rash kaxweitl | itch; rash; sore || geets | rash; hives || √geets | rash; hives || x̱éesh | rash || √x̱eesh

raspberry tléḵw yádi

rat kutsʼeen

ratfish g̱eey kanax̱ ḵutéesʼ

rattle jikax̱ádaa | paddle-shaped rattle, with the rattling noise made by dangling objects || jikax̱íjaa | rattle (used by íx̱tʼ) || kax̱itjaa || sheishóox̱ || x̱íjaa | rattle; sticks banged on a surface to make noise

Raven ¹ gusʼx̱lugooḵ | the bird that Raven turned into during the great flood || yéil

raven ² (noun) yéil || (verb) √yeil | raven ²; pretend; lie ²; cheat; deceive

Raven story Yéil ḵutlaagú, Yéil ḵutlaakw

ravine x̱ʼaak

raw (adjective) –shísʼḵ; –shásʼḵ | raw (flesh or meat); rare (meat) || (verb) √shísʼḵ || (verb) √tlʼeikw ² | eat beach seafoods raw || (verb) √tooch | fresh; raw | classification: food

ray g̱agaan x̱ʼoos | sunbeam; ray of sunlight g̱agaan x̱ʼusyee | sunbeam hitting a surface; ray of sunlight hitting a surface || g̱agaan x̱ʼus.eetí | in a sunbeam; in a ray of sunlight

razor aan yaduxasʼ át; aan yeduxesʼ ét; aan yaduxasʼ lítaa; aan yatxasʼ at; ḵaayaxásʼaa

reach ¹ √jeil ¹ | move hands over; reach for N-náx̱ + ya-u-S-∅-√jeil ¹ (∅ motion) | for S to reach a hand through, around N || yan + ji-s-√taan ⁴ | for waves to hit, reach the beach || (N + g̱áa) + daak + ji-S-l-√tsaaḵ | for S to reach a hand out (for N)

reach ² –daséixʼ | out of their reach, grasp

read √toow; √teew | read; count; study; teach O-S-∅-√tóow | for S to read O || S-d+∅-√tóow | for S to read, count

ready ¹ yan⁓ + O-∅-√nei ² ʰ | for O to be permanent, happen for good; for O to be finished, complete, ready; for O to be prepared, ready || √x̱aash | ready to gather (of roots)

ready ² –jiyee | ready, waiting for them to use || –x̱ʼayee | ready, waiting for them to eat, drink; waiting for them to speak or finish speaking

real ḵúnáx̱– | very; actual; real || xʼéig̱aa– | truly; really; real

really (adverb) ḵúnáx̱ | really; actually; very || (adjective) xʼéig̱aa– | trully; really; real

rear –kʼiyee | near the base of –; at the foot of –; the back of – (a house); rear of – (a house); behind – (a house); under the shelter of – (a standing object or structure)

reason á ² | that place, time, reason, fact || áa ² | that thing, time, or place; that fact or reason || daat yís sá | why; for what reason; for what benefit; for some reason

recede (N-x̱) + ∅-√laa ¹

recklessness l yaa ḵooshgé | foolishness; recklessness

recognize O-ya-S-∅-√teen ² | for S to recognize O

reconsider N + daatx̱ + ḵux̱ + tu-S-d+l-√.aat ⁵ | for (plural) S to change mind about N; for (plural) S to think over and reconsider N | classification: plural || N + daatx̱ + ḵux̱ + tu-S-d+∅-√taan ⁵ | for (singular) S to change mind about N; for (singular) S to think over and reconsider N | classification: singular || N + daax̱ + tu-ya-S-d+∅-√taanán ⁵ ˟ | for (singular) S to reconsider N, think over and change oneʼs mind about N

recount O-S-∅-√tlaakw

recover O-∅-√neix̱ | for O to be saved; for O to be healed, cured, recover; for O to be satisfied

recovery g̱aneix̱

rectangle ḵóok | four-sided, square, rectangular (object) | ḵóok yáx̱ yatee →  it is four-sided, square, literally, is like a box

red léix̱ʼw | crimson red; rouge √leix̱ʼw | become red or paint face red || séiḵʼw | pale red; flesh-colored || shéx̱ʼwtáaxʼi | light orange || x̱ʼaan | red; fire

reduce √x̱aasʼ | strengthen by boiling

reef eech | large rock or boulder lying on the ocean floor hintu.eejí | underwater reef; large rock or boulder lying under the water || shaltláax̱ | reef or rock with bare lichen-covered top above water level

reflect light √ítʼch ka-d+l-√ítʼch ˟

refrain from at + S-l-√g̱aas ˟ | for S to abstain, refrain from, keep from doing (usually for ceremonial or religious reasons, esp. of lent) || O-x̱ʼa-∅-√x̱ei | for O to fast, refrain from eating (for 24 hours at a time)

refrigerator a tóo at is.atʼx̱i át || tʼéexʼ kaḵóogu

refuse tu-S-d+∅-√.oos ¹ | for S to pout, sulk, refuse to speak; for a machine to refuse to run || sh + ḵʼa-S-d+l-√.oosh | for S to sulk, refuse to talk and have mouth puckered with bad feeling

regalia adulʼeix̱ ax̱áa | dance paddle || lʼax̱keit | dance mask || lʼex̱daa.ádi | dance regalia || x̱ʼuskeit | dancing leggings; leggings for climbing

regard N + yáa + a-ya-u-S-∅-√néi ⁴

regardless ḵushtuyáx̱ | doesnʼt matter; regardless

rehearse sh + tóo + O-S-d+l-√tóow | for S to study, learn O; for S to practice, rehearse O

relative –nashoowú | relative of – || –tʼaag̱í ¹ | sibling; clan relative; comrade || –tʼaaḵxʼí yán; –tʼaaḵxʼí | siblings; clan relatives; comrades || –x̱ooní | one that matches; equivalent to; like; relation (same clan or moiety) of; friend (same clan or moiety) of

release √naaḵ ² O-ji-S-∅-√naaḵ ²

religion átkʼ aheen | faith; belief; trust; religion

relinquish O-ji-S-∅-√naaḵ ²

reluctant O-tu-ka-d+sh-√yaa ³ | for O to be reluctant; for O to back out of a task; for O to be unwilling

rely N + káa + yan + tu-S-∅-√taan ⁵ | for S to put trust in, rely on, have faith in N

remain √oo ¹ | for S to live, live at, dwell permanently || N-xʼ + yéi + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to be or stay at N; for O to dwell, live at N; for O to remain at N

remain by N + x̱án-xʼ + yéi + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to be near N; for O to stay by N; for O to remain by N; for O to live by N

remaining √yeix̱ ² | gone; lack; remaining O-u-∅-√yeix̱ ² | for O to be lacking; for O to be gone; for O (time) to be remaining

remains –eetí | (what is left) after it is gone; the place where it used to be; its imprint, ruins, legacy, remains || –x̱ʼa.eetí | food scraps, left-over food; crumbs of food left or scattered where one has eaten

remember N + káa + daak + O-sa-∅- √haa ³ | for O to remember N || N + tóo-xʼ + yéi + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for N to remember O; for N to bear O in mind

remind N + káa + daak + O-sa-S-l-√haa ³ | for S to remind O about N || –kooká | along the same lines as; to the point of; eminding of it; paralleling, imitating || √haa ³

remove √dleixw | remove seafood to eat using thumb; peel skin using thumb || √g̱eiyáḵw ˟ | remove from shell || √tlʼeil; √tlʼéiláḵw | remove milt/eggs and guts from fish || √x̱ʼwaasʼ ¹ | remove hair; lost hair; become bald O-S-l-√x̱ʼwáasʼ ¹ | for S to remove hair from O (hide) || √yoox̱ʼ ² | remove bones with teeth

render √daakw a-S-∅-√daakw

reply ¹ (verb) √ei ¹ a-S-d+∅-√.ei ¹

reply ² (noun) –x̱ʼakooká | in response, reply to them; following his/her train of speech

report O-ka-S-∅-√neek | for S to tell about, report about, give facts about O; for S to witness to, tell about, testify about O

repository Kadatankahídi | Repository of All Fish; Fish Jumping House

represent yéi + O-S-l-√yaaḵw ¹ | for S to represent as O; for S to portray, liken to O

reproach –daaxwéiyi | reproach directed at; source of shame to

require N + eetée-náx̱ + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to need N; for O to lack N; for O to require N

research O-ka-S-∅-√tlaakw | for S to investigate, make inquiry into, research O

resemble √xaat ² | resemble (in shape); look like (in shape) N + yáx̱ + ka-∅-√xaat ² | for something to resemble N (esp. in shape) || √yaa ⁵ O-u-S-∅-√yaa ⁵ | for S to resemble, look like O; for S to be almost identical with O

reserve √aak ⁴ | make room; reserve room, space

resin kʼóox̱ʼ | pitch; resin; pine tar; gum; lead

resist √dzeey

resolve toowú latseen | strength of mind or heart; courage; resolve

respect (verb) √nei ⁴ N + yáa + a-ya-u-S-∅-√néi ⁴ | for S to respect, regard highly, think highly of N || (noun) at yáa awuné; yáa at wooné || N + yáa + O-li-√ḵʼéi ˟

respond –x̱ʼakooká | in response, reply to them; following his/her train of speech || yoo x̱ʼayakdudlisheek | response given (by opposite clan) during a public speech

responsibility daat át | concern; responsibility; business

rest ¹ √saa ² | breathe; live; name ¹; call out S-d+l-√saa ² | for S to rest || O-ji-S-l-√saa ² | for S to give rest to O (especially from work with hands) || √taa ¹ | classification: singular || √x̱eixʼw | classification: plural || O-ji-S-l-√saa ³

rest ² a déinde aa | the rest of it/them all; the one(s) in the vicinity of it || –déindáx̱ aa | the one(s) in the vicinity of it; the rest of it, them

restaurant atx̱á daakahídi

restless O-l-√.oos ˟ ² | for O to be crazy, lively, noisy, never still

restore N-x̱ + O-gu-ya-S-∅-√S-∅-√taanán ³ ˟ | for S to set O (dislocated body part, esp. joint) back in to place; for S to restore O (dislocated body part, esp. joint) back in to place

restrain O-ya-u-S-∅-√nei ² | for S to discipline, restrain, restrict, warn or prevent O from doing something || √geiḵ | unsuitable; harmful; restrain

restrict O-ya-u-S-∅-√nei ² | for S to discipline, restrain, restrict, warn or prevent O from doing something

return a-ya-u-S-d+∅-√ḵoox̱ ¹

returning ḵux̱

reveal √xoon ² | reveal faces; move faces ya-S-d+∅-√xoon ² | for S to show face (as entering in ceremonial dance)

revenge chush + yáa + O-S-d+s-√nei ² ʰ | for S to get revenge, get even with O

reverting ḵux̱

rheumatism sʼaag̱itunéekw

rib –sʼóoḵ

ribbon chʼéen || shachʼéen

rice kóox | Kamchatka lily root; rice

rich ¹ (verb) √naalx̱ O-l-√náalx̱ ˟ | for O to be rich, wealthy, profitable

rich ² (noun) aan lingídi | rich woman || aanḵáawu | rich person; person of wealth || dáanaa sʼaatí | rich person || jididáanaa ḵáa | rich person

rich ³ √kaax̱ | juicy; rich

riches lanáalx̱ || náalx̱

riddle (verb) √gaaxʼw a-S-d+l-√gáaxʼw | for S to make riddles || (noun) algáaxʼw; gáaxʼu | riddle

ridge –litká | on the crest, ridge, backbone of it (hill, ridge, point); (on) the back of it (fish) || –luká | along the ridge of it (hill); (on the) bow of it (boat) || táx̱k | eroded bank of hill or ridge with nothing growing on it || tóol | hill, ridge || xʼaa luká | on the ridge or elevated part of the point (of land)

rifle óonaa

right ¹ sheey | right (hand) sheeynáx̱; g̱eeynáx̱ (T) | sheeynax̱.á →  area toward the left sheeynáx̱de →  towards the left sheeynáx̱ aa →  the one on the left || (verb root) √sheey ¹ | right-handed

right ² a déinnáx̱ | the right way || –yáx̱; ayáx̱ | the right way; correctly; properly

right away chʼa yóokʼ; chʼa yákʼw; chʼa yáakʼw

rim –kóon | hem, bottom edge (of coat, dress, shirt); rim (of hat) || –x̱ʼatú | rim of it (vessel, open container, boat); inside edge of it; eyehole (of something woven)

ring ¹ (verb) √gwaal O-S-∅-√gwaal | for S to ring O (bell) || sh + d+∅-√gwaal | for a telephone or bell to ring

ring ² kaséiḵʼw | neck ring made of red cedar bark || kéiwu | neck ring made of red cedar bark rope || (noun) tlʼeḵkakées; tlʼiḵkakées

rip √sʼeilʼ | tear; rip; peel O-S-∅-√sʼéilʼ | for S to tear O || O-ka-S-∅-√sʼéilʼ | for S to tear, tear up, rip off O; for S to peel off O (bark from a tree)

rip back O-ka-S-s-√kei ¹

ripe √tʼaa ² O-ka-∅-√tʼaa ² | for O to be ripe (of berries, fruit) || O-ka-S-s-√tʼaa ² | for S to ripen O (of berries, fruit)

rippies dusʼélʼ xʼúxʼu || sʼélʼ alḵáa xʼúxʼ

rise √daa ¹ | for water to rise | classification: water kei + ∅-√daa ¹ | for water level, tide to rise || N-t⁓ + ka-∅-daa | for water to flow, rise to N || √haan ¹ | for a person to rise, stand | classification: singular subject S-d+∅-√haan ¹ || √ḵaach ¹ | for dough to rise ka-d+∅-√ḵaach | for bread to rise, swell up || √ḵee ² | for a people to get up, rise | classification: plural subject sha-S-d+∅-√ḵee ² | for (plural) S to get up, rise || √naaḵ ¹ | for people to stand, rise | classification: plural subject S-d+∅-√naaḵ ¹ | for (plural) S to stand up, rise || √nook ⁴ | for a person to rise, get up, wake up | classification: singular subject sha-S-d+∅-√nook ⁴ | for (singular) S to get up, rise || √xeex ³ | classification: celestial body kei + ∅-√xeex ³ | for the sun, moon to rise

river héen héen kamlikúxu eetí; héen kawlikúxu eetí | dried up riverbed || héen sháak | head of river, stream || héen táak | in the water, river (deep enough to submerge) || héen wantú | edge of river channel || héen wát | mouth of a river, stream || héen x̱uká; hinx̱uká | on top of the water, river || héen x̱ʼaká | mouth of the river; entrance of the water || héen x̱ʼashú | near the water; face (of a wave) || héen yík | in the water; in the river || kanaadaayi héen; naadaayi héen | running river || x̱áat héeni | salmon/fish river || ísh | fishing hole; hole in stream, river, creek || –wát | mouth (of a river, creek, lake, or wave)

riverbed héen kamlikúxu eetí | dried up riverbed

riverside héen x̱ʼayaax̱

road dei | trail; path; road; street dei yaax̱; dei xʼayaax̱ | side of the trail/path/road/street || dei yík | on the trail/path/road/street; bed of the trail/path/road/street

roast liwáaschʼán | nice to roast || √tʼoosʼ | cook, roast, or toast by open flame O-S-l-√tʼoosʼ | for S to roast  O (meat, esp. by coals or open flames)

robe xʼóow sʼax̱xʼóow | marmot blanket, robe

robin shoox̱ʼ

robot kashóokʼ ḵáa

rock ¹ a kaxóowu | big rock used as a weight || aasgutug̱ílʼi | rock outcropping in forest, woods || eech | large rock or boulder lying on the ocean floor hintu.eejí | underwater reef; large rock or boulder lying under the water || neixeenté | bluish rock (used to make paint) || tásʼaa | rough rock used for pulverizing bark by rubbing back and forth || (noun) | rock; stone té ḵ’áatl’ | wide flat stone (used for cooking) || té xóow | rock pile (for memorial) || té x̱áaxʼ | slab of rock || (adjective) té– | made of rock, stone || wéitadi | rock used as a lure for black cod || xóow | memorial pile of rocks

rock ² N-t + ka-ka-∅-√gwáatl | for a canoe, boat to rock, roll around at N || (verb) N-t + O-ka-ka-S-l-√gwáatl | for S to rock, roll O (boat) at N || √keetsʼ O-S-l-√kéetsʼ | for S to rock O || √tʼaaḵ

rock pile √xoo ²

rockfish léiḵʼw | red snapper; yellow eye; red rockfish

rocking chair yoo likítsʼgi káayaḵijeit; yoo sh dlikitsʼgi káayaḵijeit

rockslide teḵaadí; taḵaadí || té kakúḵxʼu; té kakúḵxʼ

rocky √tei

rod óonaa tukatság̱aa; óonaa kax̱íjaa | cleaning rod for gun

roe daaw daa.aa | herring eggs spawned on ribbon kelp || g̱áaxʼw | herring eggs || haaw daa.aa | herring eggs spawned on hemlock branches || –kaháakw | roe of – (a fish); eggs of – (a fish) kaháakw ítʼx̱i | soaked fish eggs || kaháakw kasʼeex; kaháakw kasʼixx̱i | fermented fish eggs; stink eggs || né daa.aa | herring eggs spawned on hairy seaweed || tayeidí daa.aa | herring eggs spawned on yellow seaweed || x̱ʼíxʼ | eggs of – (eels, etc.)

roll √choox | knead; massage; roll; pat || √choox̱ʼ | fat roll off || √gwaatl | curl up in a ball (of person or animal) {na preverb} + O-∅-√gwáatl | for O to roll; for O to move by rolling || {∅ preverb} + O-∅-√gwáatl | for O to roll; for O to move by rolling || {∅ preverb} + O-S-l-√gwáatl | for S to roll O; for S to move O by rolling || O-ka-S-l-√gwáatl | for S to roll O (log, barrel, etc.) || N-t⁓ + ka-∅-√gwáatl | for a spherical object to roll to N || N-t + ka-ka-∅-√gwáatl | for a canoe, boat to rock, roll around at N || N-t + O-ka-ka-S-l-√gwáatl | for S to rock, roll O (boat) at N || √joox; √jeexw | spin; roll; run ³ ka-∅-√joox | for a wheel to roll, spin; for an engine to start, run || √toochʼ | rub; dab; roll (into yarn) O-ka-S-l-√toochʼ | for S to roll O up (for making yarn for woolen weaving) || O-ka-S-l-√tool ¹ | for S to roll up O (anything flat and flexible) || √tʼaalʼ | mash dlat; roll flat

roller skate kajúxaa téeli

roof hit ká || hít kaxʼúxʼu | bark roofing material; tarpaper || sʼayatú | inside the corner or angle formed by the peak of the roof or gable

room daginaa | outer part (toward the open, center of house, clearing, out to sea); front room || dag̱inaa; dig̱inaa | back part (toward inland, toward the interior, away from the open); back room || eet | back room, bedroom; curtained-off partition of house eet ká | (in the) back room, bedroom || gáan aa yee | in the spare room or outbuilding || –ya.áak | room, space, place, time, chance, opportunity for it

roomy √yék˟ ¹ l-√yék˟ ¹ | for something to be roomy; for something to hold more, contain more; for something to hold a lot

root sʼú | long, thin root or branch || x̱aat | root (especially spruce root)

rope kaséiḵʼw | neck ring made of red cedar bark || kéiwu | neck ring made of red cedar bark rope || tíxʼ | rope || √teexʼ | make rope; twist into rope

rose kʼinchéiyi | wild rose; Sitka rose

rosehip kʼinchéiyi tléig̱u

rot ¹ √sʼeex | aged food; ferment; spoil; rot ¹ l-√sʼeex | for animal matter to age, spoil to stage where still firm, but smelly || √tlʼooḵ ¹

rot ² aas kʼwátʼi | small red ball nested inside dry rot || gantuxʼúxʼu | dry rot (in decayed wood)

rotten –kasʼeex | aged (of food); fermented (of food) || √took ² | rancid; potent; rotten || √naaḵw ² | rotten, punky wood

rough √taan ⁴ | wash over; rough (of water) ji-s-√taan ⁴ | for the ocean to be rough || a-ya-d+∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for the weather to be very windy; for the weather to be stormy, rough || √xʼaak ² | rough; course

round –kʼwátʼ

rouse kei + O-S-s-√geet ¹ || √ḵee ² | classification: plural subject || √nook ⁴ | classification: singular subject

row √x̱aa ² || a-S-∅-√x̱aa ²

rowboat aandaayaagú

rub √chook | soften by rubbing || √chooxʼ | rub lightly; touch lightly || √dooch | rub || √g̱eelʼ | sharpen; grind; rub; polish || √g̱íx̱ʼ O-S-l-√g̱íx̱ʼ | for S to rub O (two surfaces) together || O-l-√g̱íx̱ʼ | for O to be rubbing against something (making a grating or squeaking noise) || N + daatx̱ + ḵu-ka-S-s-√haa ³ | for S to polish N; for S to rub N until shiny || √toochʼ | rub; dab; roll (into yarn) O-S-∅-√toochʼ | for S to rub O (on hand) || √haa ³

rubber boots sʼélʼ xʼwán

rubber gloves sʼélʼ tsáaxʼ

rubbish tlʼeex | filth, mess; trash, rubbish, garbage

rudder (verb) √tʼeek ¹ (noun) tʼeegáa || (noun) yadígaa

ruffles kunkahóotlʼ; kahóotlʼ | ruffles at bottom of dress, etc.

rug g̱áach

ruin ¹ –jiyagéix̱ | wrecking, ruining what she/he had done; interfering with their work, deeds

ruin ² (noun) –eetí | (what is left) after it is gone; the place where it used to be; its imprint, ruins, legacy, remains

rumen –dáali | rumen, main stomach (of ruminant)

ruminant shataag̱áa | deer with single spikes for antlers; ruminant with single spikes for antler

rumor neek | news; information; gossip; rumor || N-t⁓ + ∅-√xeex ¹ | for something to fall or drop on N; for a bullet to hit N; for a rumor, news to spread, go around at N

rumormonger neek sʼaatí || neek shatlʼéḵxʼu || niksʼaatí

rump –kʼí | rump; the flesh around his/her hips || –kʼóolʼ | tailbone, bottom of his/her spine

run ¹ (verb) √gooḵ ¹ | classification: plural | singular form √xeex ¹ {∅ preverb} + O-lu-∅-√gooḵ ¹ | for (plural) O to run || {na preverb} + O-lu-∅-√gooḵ ¹ | for (plural) O to run || {ga preverb} + O-lu-∅-√gooḵ ¹ | for (plural) O to run || (N + náḵ) + a-ya-S-d+∅-√haan ¹ | for (singular) S to flee, run, turn back (from N) || (noun) tíxwjaa; túxjaa | sound of stamping, pounding fists, clapping; sound of running quickly || √xeex ² | classification: singular | plural form: √gooḵ ² {na preverb} + S-d+sh-√xeex ² | for (singular) S to run || {∅ preverb} + S-d+sh-√xeex ² | for (singular) S to run || g̱unéi + S-d+sh-√xeex ² | for (singular) S to begin running

run ² | classification: liquid | for a liquid to run, flow ka-∅-√daa ¹ || shí + N + lóot⁓ + ∅-√daa ¹ | nose to bleed, run (heen + N …)

run ³ | for a motorized thing to run (engine, tape player, etc) √joox | spin; roll; run ³ ka-∅-√joox | for a wheel to roll, spin; for an engine to start, run

run ⁴ (verb) {na motion preverb} + ya-∅-√.aa ⁴ | for fish to run, migrate (noun) at yana.á | fish run, migration

run away √keilʼ ² | run away; chase | classification: plural || ḵut + S-d+sh-√xeex ² | for (singular) S to run away

run out N + jeet⁓ + shu-∅-√xeex ² | for N to run out of something

rush adawóotl | rush, hurry

Russia Anóoshi aaní

Russian Anóoshi

rutabaga anahoo || kadux̱ʼal.aa

sablefish ishḵeen | black cod; sablefish

sack gwéil

saddle g̱éel | mountain pass; saddle of mountain; gap between mountain peaks || g̱éel ká | on the mountain pass; on the saddle of mountain; in the gap between mountain peaks || g̱éelákʼw | small mountain pass; small saddle of mountain; small gap between mountain peaks || shaa x̱ʼaká | saddle of mountain; (area leading to) mountain pass

sadness toowú néekw

safety pin x̱ʼéexʼwálʼ

sage tsálgi náagu

sail ¹ (verb) N-t + O-l-√sʼees ¹ | for O to be blown around at N (by wind); for O to sail in a boat around at N

sail ² (noun) sʼísaa | sailcloth || yaakw yiksʼísayi

sailboat sʼísaa yaakw

sale hoon; hun | to sell; for sale

salesperson dahooní

saliva –x̱ʼahéeni | spit || –x̱ʼasʼguwéisʼi | salivary glands; tonsils

salmon aayádi; aayátxʼi; x̱ʼéen yátxʼi | small humpy salmon || cháasʼ | pink salmon; humpy salmon || dagákʼ | small sockeye salmon || g̱aat | red salmon; sockeye salmon || lʼook | silver salmon; coho salmon || náayadi | half-dried smoked salmon || nóosh | dead salmon (after spawning) || tʼá | king salmon; chinook salmon || xein | spawned-out salmon with white fungus, ready to die || x̱áat ¹ | salmon (coast) || | trout (interior) || x̱ʼáakw | sockeye salmon that has entered fresh water || | coho salmon that has entered fresh water || téelʼ | dog salmon; chum salmon

salmonberry wasʼxʼaan tléig̱u; aanáx̱ tléiḵw; tlaḵwtlénxʼ || kʼeit | young salmonberry bush shoots (edible)

salt éilʼ

salt water éilʼ; éilʼ héen, éilʼ héeni

saltwater brine éilʼ kahéeni

salty √eilʼ l-√.éilʼ ˟

salvation g̱aneix̱

Salvation Army Sáangwéishán

same chʼu shóogu || chʼu wooch yáx̱ | the same way each time

sample x̱ʼéi + O-S-d+∅-√nook ²

sand ¹ (noun) lʼéiw lʼéiw yátxʼi; lʼéiw yátsxʼi; lʼéiw yétsxʼi | fine sand or gravel || (verb) √lʼeiw

sand ² √xaasʼ | scrape; shave; sand

sand beach xákw

sand flies tlél dutéeni táaxʼaa

sand point lʼéiw xʼaayí

sandbar xákw

sandflea kookʼénaa

sandhopper kookʼénaa | sand flea; sandhopper; grasshopper

sandpiper gusʼyadóoli | least sandpiper || eeḵ lukaḵéesʼi | common snipe || x̱ʼalʼdaayéeji | black turnstone

Sanyaa: People of the Sanyaa Area Saanyaa Ḵwáan

sap –káx̱i | edible thick liquid on the surface of the wood under the inner bark || –láx̱ʼi | sapwood; sappy inner bark (of a tree) || sáxʼ | cambium, sap scraped from inner bark

sapling aas yádi; aas yédi; asyádi || shísʼḵ | green wood from a sapling || tag̱anís; tlag̱anís | pole made from sapling

sapsucker shakeex̱ʼaan | yellow-bellied sapsucker

sapwood –láx̱ʼi | sapwood; sappy inner bark (of a tree)

sardine sháachʼ ¹ | smelt; sardine; young herring

sash koogéinaa

saskatoonberry gaawáḵ | serviceberry; saskatoonberry

Satan Diyée Aanḵáawu

satisfactory N + tóo-g̱aa + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for N to be acceptable to O; for N to be satisfactory to O; for N to be well-liked by O

satisfied O-∅-√neix̱ | for O to be saved; for O to be healed, cured, recover; for O to be satisfied || sh + tóo-g̱aa + O-d+∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to be grateful, thankful; for O to be satisfied

satisying –x̱ʼéig̱aa | satisying  request or words

Saturday saguyageeyí; sigéewu yakyee || sándi kʼátskʼu

saucer –tayeesʼíxʼi

sausage –naasí gishoo naasí

save √neix̱ O-∅-√neix̱ | for O to be saved; for O to be healed, cured, recover; for O to be satisfied || O-S-s-√neix̱ ˟ | for S to save O; for S to heal, cure O || √sʼaa | claim as payment; save from destruction || O-S-l-√tsáakw ˟ | for S to keep, save, store up O (usually food for winter or for special occasion)

saw ¹ (verb) √xaash O-S-∅-√xaash

saw ² kaxʼásʼaa | rip saw; double-handled saw for sawing lumber || xáshaa gán aan duxash xáshaa | chainsaw || tʼáa shuxáshaa | narrow saw used to cut corners off lumber; bevel saw

sawbill shalxwáts

sawmill sh kadaxáshdi hít || kaxʼásʼti daakahídi

saxaphone kawdzitíx̱ʼi tu.úxsʼayeit

say √ḵaa ¹ | say; tell; instruct (yéi) + ya-S-∅-√ḵaa ¹ | for S to say (a certain thing) || (yóo) + O-ya-S-s-√ḵaa ¹ | for S to tell, say (that) to O; for S to ask O to do (that)

saying yax̱ at g̱akú; yax̱ at g̱wakú | proverb || –kookeidí | metaphor, saying, parable based on it

scab ḵéechʼ

scabby √xein | scabby; sored; spotted; old

scald √x̱ʼeix̱ʼ; √x̱ʼeex̱ʼ | classification: skin or flesh O-S-l-√x̱ʼéix̱ʼ | for S to burn O (flesh, skin); for S to scald O

scale –jeig̱í | scale (of fish) || –kajeig̱í; –kajeeg̱í (T) | scale (of fish)

scalp –shadaadoogú

scapula –óoxʼu; –uʼxʼu | shoulderblade

scar (noun) teel; teil || (verb) √teel ¹

scarce √yáshḵ

scare O-S-l-√dléikw | for S to scare, startle O || √tleix̱w | plunge to scare fish into net

scarecrow yéil koox̱étlʼaa

scarf sadaatʼaay | kerchief worn around the neck || shadaa.át; sadaa.át | headscarf, kerchief covering the head

scarp lʼewshaa; lʼawshaa

scary (verb) O-ka-u-l-√x̱éitlʼshán ˟ | for O to be scary, dangerous || (verb) O-ka-u-l-√x̱éitlʼshán | for O to be scary, dangerous || (adjective) kulix̱éitlʼshán | dangerous; scary

scary! atskanée!; atsganée

scatter O-ka-S-l-√g̱átch ¹ ˟

scavenge √tʼeet | beachcomb; scavenge

scholar sgóonwaan

school at wooskú daakahídi || áxʼ ḵaa ée at dultóow yé || sgóon; shgóon | high school || sgóon yádi | elementary school || sgóon kʼátskʼu | middle school || sgóon tlein | post-secondary education

scissors ḵaashaxáshaa; ḵaashexéshaa

scoop kaxwénaa || dleit xwénaa | snow scoop (made of wood); snow shovel || xwénaa

scoter lakʼeechʼwú; waḵkalsʼóox̱ʼ gáaxw | scoter duck

scowl √xeen | frown; scowl N + yát + a-S-s-√xeen | for S to frown, scowl at N

scrape √xaasʼ | scrape; shave O-S-∅-√xáasʼ | for S to scrape O || √xeetʼ | brush ³; scrape; sweep || O-S-l-√xwaach | for S to soften, make O flexible; for S to scrape O (hide) to soften it || √xʼaasʼ | slice; scrape || √x̱aasʼ ¹ | scrape

scraper aan duxasʼ át || éenaa | tongs (used in cooking); split stick for pulling sinew through; forked stick || xwájaa | skin scraper || xʼásʼaa || yeesʼ | scraper for hemlock bark

scratch √dlaakw | scratch with nails, claws || √g̱aasʼ ¹ | scratch with long scratches O-S-l-√g̱áasʼ ¹ | for S to scratch O to relieve itching; for S to scratch O with long scratches || sh + S-d+l-√g̱áasʼ | for S to scratch oneself to relieve itching || √xʼootʼ ² | scratch with point

scratchy voice N + satú + ka-∅-√kéesʼ; N + leitóox̱ + ka-∅-√kéesʼ | for Nʼs voice to be hoarse, scratchy || N + satú + O-ka-S-l-√kéesʼ; N + leitóox̱ + O-ka-S-l-√kéesʼ | for S to make N have hoarse, scratchy voice

scream ka-S-d+∅-√g̱aax̱

screen kag̱ádaa | cheesecloth, loose-woven cloth; netting, screen

screw ¹ (verb) √teix̱ʼ; √teex̱ʼ | wring; twist; screw ¹; crooked; twisted; windy ² N-t⁓ + O-ka-S-l-√téix̱ʼ | for S to screw O into N || N-dáx̱ + O-ka-S-l-√téix̱ʼ | for S to unscrew O from N || √teix̱ʼ; √teex̱ʼ | wring; twist; screw ¹; crooked; twisted; windy ²

screw ² (noun) kasʼéet

screwdriver kasʼéet katíx̱ʼaa

scribe kashxeedí

scrotum –leilí | scrotum, testicles

scrubber kaxílʼaa

sculpin wéix̱ʼ

scummy √kaasʼ | scummy; covered in algae

sea daak | out to sea (from the shore); out into the open (from the shadows); for precipitation to fall; onto fire daginaa; diginaa | outer part (toward the open, center of house, clearing, out to sea); front room || deikée | way out to sea; out in the open water || G̱unakadeit; G̱unaakadeit | legendary sea wolf monster || dákde

sea anemone tayashágu | small red sea anemone || tayataayí | sea anemone

sea cucumber yéin

sea floor éet | halibut site; halibut hole

sea foam x̱eil; x̱eel

sea lion taan

sea urchin x̱ʼwaash | red sea urchin || néesʼ || √neesʼ | to eat sea urchins raw

seafood at áatʼláni | cold food; cold drink; raw seafood

seagull kéidladi || kootlʼéitʼaa | sea pigeon; small white seagull || lawúx̱ | immature seagull

seal ¹ tsaa | hair seal; harbor seal || x̱ʼóon | fur seal

seal intestine braided into a tube which is stuffed with chunks of seal fat tsaa naasí géidi

seal together √sʼeexʼw

seam ḵéinaa || ḵéichʼálʼ; ḵéechʼálʼ (T)

search for √shee ¹ N-g̱áa + ḵu-S-∅-√shee ʰ ¹ | for S to search for, look for N || N-g̱aa + ḵu-S-∅-√téesʼ ˟ | for S to watch for N; for S to search for N (by looking around)

season yax̱ ḵuhá | change of season

seastar hintayéeshi

seat N-t + O-S-s-√.aa ¹ | for S to have O (live creature) seated at N || O-S-s-√nook ¹ | for S to seat O

seaweed déisaa | juice of clam or fish (used as seasoning) || katʼákx̱i | half-dried and/or compressed food, esp. berries or seaweed || kéech | seaweed sp. || ḵʼáachʼ | red seaweed; ribbon seaweed || laaḵʼásk | black seaweed || | hairy seaweed on which herring spawn || tayeidí | bladderwrack; rock weed; yellow seaweed

seclusion wéitadi | woman who has reached begun menstration cycles

secret –yatʼéináx̱ | in secret (where nobody can see); away from peopleʼs view ḵaa yatʼéináx̱ | in secret (where nobody can see); away from peopleʼs view

secretary kashxeedí || ḵaa x̱ʼéidáx̱ kashxeedí

secure yánde + O-S-∅-√.aax̱w

sedge chookán ḵʼáatlʼ

sediment –kalʼeiyí || √lʼei | sediment; promiscuous

see √teen ² | see O-S-∅-√teen ² | for S to see, perceive O (often abstract) || O-S-s-√teen  ² | for S to see, behold O (usually specific) || ḵu-S-∅-√teen ² | for S to have sight (see people); for S to be able to see || –waḵshú | trying to avoid being seen, observed by; hiding what one is doing from

see how you are! dooóo, duóo, dóooo

seeds –tukayátxʼi | seeds (inside it, as inside a berry or pod) || –xʼaakeidí | seeds tléiḵw xʼaakeidí | fruit seeds

seem | perhaps; it would seem

seesaw kookítsʼaa; kookéetsʼaa || ash koolkítsʼaa | play on seesaw

seine (verb) a-S-d+s-√g̱eiwú ˟ | for S to fish with net, seine (noun) asg̱eiwú; isg̱éiw sʼaatí; x̱áat isg̱éiwu | seine fisher; seine boat

select √tʼook | shoot bow and arrow; select gambling sticks O-S-∅-√tʼóok | for S to shoot O (with bow and arrow); for S to choose O (in gambling with sticks)

-self chúsh | reflexive independent (rflx.i) || sh ⁓ ∅- | -self [object] | reflexive object (rflx.O)

-selfʼs chúsh ⁓ sh-

sell √hoon O-S-∅-√hoon || (noun) hoon | to sell; for sale

seller hoon sʼaatí

selling (noun) hoon; hun || (verb) O-S-l-√hoon | to sell; for sale

semen –tlʼéili | semen; milt

send O-ka-(u)-S-∅-√ḵaa ¹ | for S to send O (esp. on a mission or errand, or to deliver a message) || √naa ⁴ | order ¹; send; command; give O-ka-u-S-∅-√náa ⁴ | for S to order (esp. to go), send, command O || √woo ¹ | order ²; send N-g̱áa + a-S-∅-√woo ¹ | for S to send for, order N (usually from a catalog) || N² + jeet + N¹-ch + a-S-s-√woo ¹ | for s to send N¹ to N² through mail or electronically || (noun) wéixʼadi | something to be sent, something ordered

sense –ḵusnéexʼi; –isnéexʼi | sense of smell || ḵu.áx̱ | sense of hearing

sensitive subject kalitsʼígwaa || √tsʼígwaa ˟

sentence yoo x̱ʼatánk

separate –wanáa | separate, apart from it; keeping away, aloof from it; more than it (a number)

September Dís Yádi ²

servant ḵaa daa yoo jikool.átgi

serve √taaḵ ² N + daa O-ya-s-√taaḵ ² | for O to care for, take care of N; for O to look after N; for O to serve N; for O to minister to N; for O to take note of N

serviceberry gaawáḵ | serviceberry; saskatoonberry

set ¹ √xeex ³ | classification: celestial body yínde + ∅-√xeex ³ | for the sun, moon to set

set ² N-x̱ + O-gu-ya-S-∅-√S-∅-√taanán ³ ˟ | for S to set O (dislocated body part, esp. joint) back in to place; for S to restore O (dislocated body part, esp. joint) back in to place

set apart O-ḵei-S-s-√.aa ³ | for S to celebrate O, set apart O (a particular day)

set fire N-t⁓ + a-ka-S-l-√gaan ¹

set price (n + éede) + O-ya-S-s-√ḵaa ¹ | for S to charge (N) for O; for S to set the price of O; for S to confess, acknowledge, or delcare O

settle √dlaa | settlements to settle || √tlaa ¹ | settle (of sediment)

settlement aan ⁴ | land; town; village; settlement || √aan ³ | settlement N-xʼ + S-d+s-√.aan ˀ ³ | for S to make village at N; for S to settle at N

seven dax̱adooshú || dax̱adooshóonáx̱ | seven people

sew √ḵaa ² O-S-∅-√ḵaa ² | for S to sew O || S-d+∅-√ḵaa ² || N-t⁓ + O-ka-S-l-√ḵaa ² | for S to sew O on N

sew beads O-ka-S-∅-√ḵaa ²

sewing daḵéisʼ | sewing || aan duḵéisʼi át | sewing machine

sex √xool | sex; intercourse O-S-∅-√xool | for S to have sex with O || sh + kalyéi + O-ya-S-∅-√xeex ⁴ | for S to fool around sexually with O; for S to have an affair with O

shabby √tlʼein

shade (noun) chéx̱ʼi; chíx̱ʼi (T); chéex̱ʼi (At); chéex̱ʼaa (At); chéix̱ʼaa (C) || (verb) √cheix̱ʼ

shadow (noun) chéx̱ʼi; chéix̱ʼaa (C); chíx̱ʼi (T); chéex̱ʼi (At); chéex̱ʼaa (At) | shadow(s) cast by landforms, etc. || (verb) √cheix̱ʼ || (relational noun) –kayaa | something sort of like; something not measuring up to; where one expects something to be || (noun) shaa xeiyí | shadow cast by mountain || (relational noun) –yahaayí | shadow of a person

shaft –sákwti; –sáxwdi; –síxwdi (At, T); –súxdi (T); –súxti (T, C) | handle of – (a stick-like object); shaft of – (spear or other stick-like object)

shake √keek | shake; shudder || √naash | shake back and forth || √taats | pick berries by shaking or hitting branches || √yein | wave; shake || √yook | shake O-sha-ka-S-∅-√yook | for S to shake O || √x̱waal | tremble; shake O-S-l-√x̱waal | for S to make O shake, tremble

shake hands √dleigu; √dleikw || N + jín + S-l-√dléigu ˟

shaman íx̱tʼ | medicine person; healer; shaman

shame (noun) –daaxwéiyi | reproach directed at; source of shame to || (verb) √deixʼ O-ka-∅-√déixʼ ˟ | feel shame || O-ka-S-l-√déixʼ ˟ | put to shame || (noun) kadéixʼ || (verb) sh + ka-S-d+l-√háachʼ

shame on you! húsh!

shameful √haachʼ O-ka-l-√háachʼ

shampoo sha.úsʼaa; ḵaa sha.úsʼaa; ḵaa sha.úsʼayi

shape √xaat ² | resemble (in shape); look like (in shape) || √naak | shape; habit

share woosh + teen + O-S-d+∅-√héin ˟

shark chich.uwaa | porpoise-like shark || shax̱dáḵw | man-eating shark (legendary) || tóosʼ | shark

sharp √kʼátsʼ ˟; √kʼáchʼ | sharp; pointy ya-l-√kʼátsʼ ˟

sharpen √g̱eelʼ | sharpen; grind; rub against; polish O-ya-S-∅-√g̱éelʼ | for S to sharpen O (with a grindstone) || √xʼaat | file; sharpen O-ya-S-∅-√xʼáat | for S to sharpen O (an edge) with a file

shave √xaasʼ | scrape; shave N + x̱ʼus + daa + O-S-∅-√xáasʼ | for S to shave Nʼs legs || ya-S-d+∅-√xáasʼ | for S to shave (face)

shawl teiḵ

she (independent pronoun) | they || (subject pronoun) ∅- ² | they

shed chál | platform cache; house cache; shed

sheep wanadóo; nawadoo (T); nawadóo (S) | domestic sheep || tawéi | mountain sheep, bighorn sheep

sheet yee.át kasʼísayi | sheet; (light) bedspread

shelf yaash ká | smokehouse shelf

shell at daa.ideidí | frame; its shell (as of a building) || –daanóoxʼu | shell of a creature || káts | lime (alkaline); pounded shell || nóoxʼ | shell (of clam, crustacean, or egg); carapace (of turtle); shell-like chip or flake; china (diningware) gúnx̱aa nóoxʼu | abalone shell || xáak | empty bivalve shell

shelter déili | shelter (from wind or weather); harbor at gutu.ádi déili | animal shelter || –kʼiyee | near the base of –; at the foot of –; the back of – (a house); rear of – (a house); behind – (a house); under the shelter of – (a standing object or structure) || noow g̱ei | in a fort; in a shelter; in a cove || –seiyí | the shelter of; the lee of; beach area below (a mountain, hill, etc.) aas jiseiyí; aas seiyí | the shelter of a tree || –jiseiyí | shelter of – (especially a tree) || shaa seiyí | shelter of a mountain; area on the beach below a mountain

shenanigans a géit yaa nasgít

shepherd wanadóo latíni

shield –niyaa; –yinaa | in the way of; keeping away; protecting, shielding, screening from; blocking || –x̱ʼanaa | in the way of; keeping away; protecting, shielding, screening from; blocking

shim x̱ʼéexʼw

shin –xéesʼ

shine √dees | for the moon to shine a-d+l-√dées | for the moon to shine || √gaan ¹ | burn; light; shine a-d+∅-√gaan ¹ | for the sun to shine || ka-d+∅-√gáan ¹ | for something to shine, produce light by burning || N-t⁓ + a-ka-S-l-√gaan ¹ | for S to light, set fire to, cause N to shine; for S to turn N on (light) || g̱agaan + N-t⁓ + x̱ʼus + ∅-√tsóow ˟ | for the sun rays to shine on N

shingles tʼaa yátxʼi

ship aan ⁴ | village; large boat; settled land || yakwtlein | cruise ship; large ship; ferry || shgóonaa | schooner; sailing ship || yakwtlénxʼ | cruise ships; large ships; ferries

shirt kʼoodásʼ; kʼoodésʼ (C); goodásʼ kinaa kʼoodásʼ | overshirt; button-up shirt || xʼúxʼ sʼísaa kʼoodásʼ | silk shirt; dress shirt || l.uljíni | sleeveless shirt or top

shiver O-ka-d+∅-√neit | for O to tremble, quake, shiver (from palsy, fear, or cold)

shock √shookʼ O-ka-d+l-√shóokʼ | for O to have cramps; for O to get shocked (by electricity)

shocking háhákwshé

shoe téel | shoe(s) xwaasdáa téel; xwaasdáa téeli | tennis shoe; basketball shoe; running shoe; sneaker || x̱ʼeitákw koosáa; x̱ʼeitákw kudasáa téel | high heeled shoe(s) || √teel ²

shoe polish téel daakeyéis’i (C); téel daanéegwálʼi (T)

shoelace(s) téel x̱’adzaasí

shoeless kaltéelḵ

shoemaker téel layeix̱í

shoo away √kʼaan

shook up O-tu-ka-d+∅-√yook | for O to be nervous, worried, shook up; for O to be excited || O-tu-ka-S-s-√yook | for S to cause O to be nervous, worried, shook up

shoot O-ka-S-∅-√g̱éexʼ | for S to shoot O (basketball) || √oon | shoot with firearm O-S-∅-√.óon | for S to shoot O (with firearm) || O-S-∅-√.únt ˟ | for S to shoot at O (with firearms) || √tʼook | shoot bow and arrow; select gambling sticks O-S-∅-√tʼóok | for S to shoot O (with bow and arrow); for S to choose O (in gambling with sticks)

shopkeeper dahooní

shopping S-d+l-√hoon | for S to go spending, go shopping || hoon daakeit | shopping cart

shore (preverb) dáag̱i | out of the water onto the beach, shore || –eeg̱ayáak | the beach, shore below || (preverb) éeg̱i | from the woods onto the beach, shore || (landform) éiḵ; éeḵ | down on the shore, beach || neech ¹ | beach; shore || tleiyán; tleiyén | shore seen from a distance; mainland; one side (of lake, river) || yán ¹ | shore; shoreward; landward

shoreline héen x̱ʼayaax̱ || tleiyán; tleiyén | shore seen from a distance; mainland; one side (of lake, river)

shoreward yán ¹ | shore; shoreward; landward

short √yaatlʼ | short yéi + ka-u-l-√yáatlʼ | for a rope-like object to be short || (adjective) guwáatlʼ || √yaachʼ | too short (adjective) kuwáachʼ

shortening kawdudlixágu eix̱

shorts yéi kwdiyáatlʼi tuḵʼatáal

should kʼe

shoulder –óoxʼu; –uʼxʼu | shoulderblade || –x̱eek | upper arm –x̱ikshá | shoulder || x̱ikshakahánsʼi; x̱ikshekehénsʼi (C); dux̱ikshakahánsʼi | fringe of cut hide on the shoulder of his coat, jacket || –x̱ikshatusʼaag̱í | humerus, upper arm bone || √x̱eek | flap arms or shoulders

shoulderblade –óoxʼu kadleeyí; –óoxʼ kadleeyí; –óoxʼu kedleeyí (C) | shoulderblade muscles || –óoxʼu x̱ʼáak | area between shoulderblades

shout √eexʼ | call out; yell out; shout; invite O-S-∅-√.éexʼ ˟ | for S to call out to, shout to, holler at O || √hook kei + O-S-∅-√hook | shout at ḵu.éexʼ || chush + tóodáx̱ + kei + S-d+∅-√hook | shout to remove grief || √.éexʼ ˟

shovel jín ḵutlʼídaa | hand shovel

shovel ¹ √xwein ¹ | ladle ¹; spoon ²; shovel ¹ O-S-∅-√xwein ¹ | for S to shovel O; for S to spoon, dish out O

shovel ² ḵutlʼídaa || kookítʼaa || dleit xwénaa | snow scoop (made of wood); snow shovel

show ¹ (verb) O-shu-ka-S-∅-√jaa ʰ | for S to instruct, show O (by word); for S to advise, give advice to, counsel O || N + waḵshiyeexʼ + yéi + O-S-s-√nei ² ʰ | for S to demonstrate, perform publicly, show N how to do O by action || √xoon ² | reveal faces; show faces ya-S-d+∅-√xoon ² | for S to show face (as entering in ceremonial dance)

show ² ḵuyawdahaayí | television show

show off √gídákw ˟

shrew sʼudeen | shrew (very small, has beak)

shrimp sʼéexʼát

shrink √x̱aak ² | shrink; shrivel d+∅-√x̱aak ² | for something to shrink, be shrunken (esp. cloth)

shrivel √x̱aak ² | shrink; shrivel

shudder √keek | shakee; shudder

shuffle √tees ¹ | take small rapid steps

shush O-x̱ʼa-ya-S-∅-√aa ¹ ˟ | for S to shush O (a baby)

shut √deexʼ | plug; cork; shut mouth or opening O-x̱ʼa-S-∅-√déexʼ | for S to cork up (bottle), shut mouth of O

shut up! sh eelkʼátlʼ!

shy √ḵei ² | shy O-ka-u-S-l-√ḵéi ² | for S to be shy of O || at + ka-u-S-l-√ḵéi ² | for S to be shy, bashful || √seek ³ | bashful; shy || √g̱aa | shy

sibling –aatʼasháa | sibling-in-law (opposite gender & moiety) || –káani | sibling-in-law; opposite clan member || –tʼaaḵxʼí yán; –tʼaaḵxʼí | siblings; clan relatives; comrades || –tʼaag̱í ¹ | sibling; clan relative; comrade || –woosh kíkʼi yán | femaleʼs sisters; maleʼs brothers

sick √neekw ¹ O-∅-√néekw ¹ ˟ | for O to be sick; for O to hurt, be in pain

sicken O-S-s-√néekw ¹ ˟ | for S to make O sick

sickly néekwdéin

sickness néekw –daanéegu; –daanóogu; –daanúgu | sickness, disease (overall, throughout his/her body) || ḵáa yík yanéekw | intestinal infection; digestive illness

side ¹ –kageidí; –keidí | side of – (a house or building) || –kík | one side of torso || –kígi | half of (something cut or broken in half); one side of (a symmetrical object); one of the two symmetrical halves of the torso, especially of butchered animal or cut fish || –ḵatlyá | flank, side of body between the ribs and the hip || –ḵaatl | flank, side of belly || –tʼaḵká | side (of body); alongside of

side ² diyáa | across (especially of body of water); the other side (especially of body of water) diyáanax̱.á | area across (especially of body of water); on the other side (especially of body of water) || –dook ² | right close to; right next to; right alongside || gangook | fireside; by the fire, facing the fire || –kík | alongside it; catching up with it –kíknáx̱ | in addition to it; along with it; to the side of it; besides that || –keek | along with them; at his/her side || –keeká | across from it; on the other side facing it || –niyaanáx̱; –yinaanáx̱ | through a side of lineage (usually mother or father); through the area near it; along the area near it || –tʼaaḵ | beside; at the side of –tʼaḵká | beside, alongside, next to; on the side of || tleikdé | to one side; to the side || –tuwán | (right) next to it; (right) beside it; alongside it; (up) close to it || tléikde | to one side; to the side || tléiknáx̱ | to one side; to the side || –wán | edge of; (to the) side of || x̱ʼaan gook | fireside; by the fire, facing the fire

sidekick –xwáayi | used in Raven myths to refer to his sidekick Cormorant

sideways tlʼaadéin

sift O-ka-S-l-√g̱áat ¹

sight ḵu-S-∅-√teen ² | for S to have sight (see people); for S to be able to see || ka-u-l-√téesʼshán ˟ | for something to be fascinating to watch, to be a wonderful sight

sign kwéiy || –daakashú | (something done) at its expense, to its detriment, portending ill for it

sign language √kaa ²

signal with smoke √taax̱ʼw ²

signify at ashoowatán | mean something; signify something; denote something; simile

silence kʼáatlʼ

silent √kʼaatlʼ | silent; quiet sh + S-d+l-√kʼáatlʼ | for S to become silent, keep quiet; for S to stop talking or crying || √xweix̱ | silent; quiet

silently kʼátlʼgeenáx̱; kalkʼátlʼgeenáx̱ || kaagéináx̱

silk xʼúxʼ sʼísaa

silly √kʼeetlʼ | act silly, childish

silt sʼé ² | clay; alluvial silt || lʼóox̱ʼ | silty (water); murky (water)

silver dáanaa

silver dollar dáanaa

silversmith dáanaa katʼéex̱ʼi, dáanaa tʼéex̱ʼi

similar –kayaa | something sort of like; something not measuring up to; where one expects something to be || –uwaa | similar; look like; fake || –yáx̱ | like; according to; as much as; equal to; similar to N + yáx̱ + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to be like N

simile at ashoowatán | mean something; signify something; denote something; simile || at wulyáaḵw | comparison; simile

sin l ushkʼé

since -dáx̱; -tx̱; -x̱ | from; out of; since (that time)

sinew –daatéetʼi | tough sinew around it; sinewy muscles on its leg || dóox | sinew prepared for thread || tás | thread; raw sinew –tási | raw sinew removed from the body

sing √nool | pretend to sing O-S-∅-√nool | for S to pretend to sing; for S to only sing vocables in a song || √shee ⁴ O-S-∅-√shee ʰ ⁴ | for S to sing O || at S-∅-√shee ʰ ⁴ | for S to sing || kei + O-ka-S-∅-√shee ʰ ⁴ | for S to start singing O (esp. a ceremonial song) || kei + at ka-S-∅-√shee ʰ ⁴ | for S to start singing (esp. ceremonial songs); for S to break into song (especially ceremonial songs)

singe (verb) √heets | singe hair, fur, or feathers O-S-l-√heets | for S to singe hair, fur, or feathres off O || √keets | singe fur || (verb) √xoosh | singe; smolder (noun) xóoshtʼ | singed, burnt, or charred matter

singer at sheeyí | singer || at sheexʼí | singers

singing at shí

sink ¹ √taax̱ʼw ¹ ∅-√táax̱ʼw ¹ | for something to sink || O-S-s-√táax̱ʼw ¹ | for S to sink O; for S to cause O to sink || √yeeḵ ⁴

sink ² jín du.úsʼgu yeit | bathroom sink; handwashing sink || sʼíxʼ du.úsʼgu yeit | kitchen sink; dishwashing sink

sinker –guwateiyí; –shuteiyi; tʼeix̱ teiyí | sinker || g̱eiwú teiyí | rock sinker(s) for a net

sip √look | drink in sips O-S-∅-√look | for S to drink O in sips, sip O (esp. hot liquids) || √sheesh ¹ | sip; slurp || √xeikʼw | sip; inhale; slurp O-S-s-√xéikʼw ˟ | for S to slurp, drink O by sipping noisily (esp. drawing in air to cool the drink); for S to snort O

siskin sʼáasʼ | canary; goldfinch; siskin

sister –dlaakʼ | maleʼs sister || –kéekʼ | femaleʼs younger sister || –shátx̱ | femaleʼs older sister || –sháawu | manʼs clan sister || –woosh kíkʼi yán | femaleʼs sisters

sit √aa ¹ | sit; situated | classification: singular S-∅-√.aa ¹ | for (singlular) S to be seated || N-t + tu-x̱ʼa-S-d+∅-√.aa ¹ | for (singlular) S to be seated on their butthole || N-t + O-S-s-√.aa ¹ | for S to have O (live creature) seated at N || √ḵaaḵ | squat; sit; land ² S-d+sh-√ḵaaḵ | for S to squat, sit low; for S to squat down, sit quickly; for S to land (of waterfowl, plane) || √ḵee ¹ | classification: plural S-∅-√ḵee ¹ | for (plural) S to be seated || (yei) + S-∅-√ḵee ¹ | for (plural) S to sit, sit down (esp. act of sitting) || √nook ¹ S-∅-√nook ¹ | for (singular) S to sit, sit down (esp. act of sitting)

sit quietly √aan ¹ | sit quietly; meditate; observe while seated a-S-∅-√.aan ˀ ¹ | for S to sit quietly (esp. while watching signs of the weather at sundown); for S to meditate (esp. while watching signs of the weather at sundown); for S to observe the weather while sitting quietly; for S to navigate using weather and stars

site g̱eiwú eetí | fish net site

Sitka Sheetʼká

Sitka: People of the Sitka Area Sheetʼká Ḵwáan | "On the Outskirts of Baranof Island"

situated √aa ¹ | sit; situated | classification: singular N-t + l-√.áa ¹ | for a building to be situated at N || √ḵee ¹ | classification: plural S-∅-√ḵee ¹ | for (plural) S to be seated || d+∅-√nook ¹ | for a building to be situated there | classification: building

six tleidooshú || tleidooshóonáx̱ | six people

size –kugeiyí | size of an ordinary object; amount of a supply, resource, burden, etc.

Skagway Shg̱agwéi | "Heartwooded Place"

skate chʼeetg̱áa || taagwásʼ; tagwásʼ | sunray skate

skate ² √keit | ice skating {na preverb} + S-d+s-√keit | for S to ice skate

skateboard kajúxaa tʼáa

skates tʼéexʼ ká téel | ice skates || ḵaa x̱ʼustaakkagwádlayi | roller skates

skein shakatlʼéen

skeletal √xaak ¹

skeleton –xáak; –xáagi; –xáagu | skeleton, bare bones

skewer tlʼéekʼat | cross skewer (for keeping filet flat or to close body cavity while roasting); cross skewer (for keeping filet flat or to close body cavity while roasting); sticks woven through the fish lengthwise after it has been filleted for barbecuing || tséek | spit, skewer, roasting stick, barbecue stick dleey tséegi | spit, skewer, roasting stick, barbecue stick for meat

ski tʼáa jáaji | ski; ski(s)

ski pole(s) tʼáa jáaji wootsaag̱ayí

skidoo tʼéexʼ ká yaakw

skilled √gúklʼ | become skilled; learn how

skillet té kas’úgwaa yeit | cast-iron skillet

skin –xáasʼi || –chʼáadu

skin ¹ –chʼáatwu | surface of skin || –chʼáadu | outer layer of skin; outer layer of hide || –daaleilí | wrinkled skin; flabby skin || –dook ¹ | skin; complexion –doogú | hide or removed skin || kayéisʼ | discoloration of the skin || tʼéesh | tanning frame; frame for stretching skin || wáasadi | fire-roasted fish; skin crunchy from roasting

skin ² √tsʼeitʼ | cut fat or skin from a seal O-S-∅-√tsʼéitʼ | for S to skin, flay O; for S to operate on, cut carefully (using small strokes) || √xʼeesh | to remove the skin O-S-l-√xʼeesh | for S to skin, flay O

skinny √g̱aax̱ʼ O-sh-√g̱áax̱ʼ | for O to be thin, lean, skinny || yéi + O-ka-u-l-√saa ¹ | for O (esp. container) to be narrow; for O (person) to be skinny

skirt kʼúlʼdaa.át; kʼideit | smaller apron, worn around the hips

skirting √tʼaa ⁴ | board; skirting

skull –lakʼichʼkóog̱u; –kóog̱u | pit at the base of skull || –shakanóoxʼu; –shakunóoxʼu; –shekenóoxʼu | skull with brains and everything in it || –shakaxaagú | empty skull

skunk cabbage x̱ʼáalʼ

sky dikée | up; above; up in the sky, in heaven || góosʼ | cloudy sky || keewáa; keewa.áa | high in the sky; in heaven || xáatsʼ | clear sky, blue sky xáatsʼ tú | in the sky || (verb) √xaatsʼ | clear sky a-ka-∅-√xáatsʼ | for the sky to be clear, cloudless

slack dleitl | slack (as in rope or line) || √dleitl | hang slack

slacks yan sh wusné tuḵʼatáal | dress slacks; dress pants

slam N-t⁓ + O-shu-S-∅-√x̱eech ¹ | for S to slam O (door, lid) at N

slap √tʼaach | slap with open hand O-S-∅-√tʼaach | for S to slap O; for S to tag O (as in game of tag) || √tʼaakw | slap tail; hit solidly a-d+sh-√tʼaakw | for something to dive into the water; for something to slap tail down hard as going down in water (esp. of killerwhale and beaver)

slaughter √een ²

slave goox̱ || √goox̱ | have slave

sled ach kooshx̱ʼílʼaa yeit | sled (for recreational sledding) || –sákwti; –sáxwdi; –síxwdi (At, T); –súxdi (T); –súxti (T, C) | handlebar (of sled); handle of – (a stick-like object); shaft of – (spear or other stick-like object) || xátʼaa

sledgehammer té shanax̱wáayi

sleep ¹ (noun) tá sʼaatí | person who sleeps too much || (verb) √taa ¹ | classification: singular S-∅-√taa ʰ ¹ | for (singular) S to sleep (alone) || √x̱eixʼw | classification: plural S-∅-√x̱éixʼw | for (plural) S to sleep, sleep in company with others, go to bed

sleep ² –waḵkadlóog̱u; –waaḵ dlóoḵ; –wax̱ʼadlóog̱u; –wax̱ʼadlóoḵ; –waḵdlóog̱u; –waḵdluʼḵ; –waḵx̱ʼadlóog̱u | sleep in their eyes; dried mucus gumming up their eyelashes

sleight of hand yakwteiyí

slice O-ka-S-∅-√xaash | for S to cut O in several pieces; for S to carve O (on surface); for S to slice O (e.g., bread) || √xʼaasʼ | slice; scrape

slide ¹ √ee ² | slide; flow || √leet ² | slide (esp. an animal); glide on surface || √tleitʼ ² | slide down a pole || N-t + O-sh-√x̱ʼéelʼ | for O to slip, slide around at N || {na preverb} + O-sh-√x̱ʼéelʼ; {∅ preverb} + O-sh-√x̱ʼéelʼ; O-sh-√x̱ʼéelʼ | for O to slip, slide

slide ² ḵáadí; teḵaadi; taḵaadi | landslide; gravel slide dleit ḵaadí | snowslide; snow avalanche

slide ³ ash kushx̱ʼílʼaa || a káx̱ ash kudushx̱ʼílʼaa át | slide (for playing)

slime átʼláni | slime (inside clamshell) || x̱éelʼ || –x̱éelʼi | fish slime; fish guts (and slime)

slimy √x̱eelʼ ka-sh-√x̱éelʼ ˟ | for something to be slimy, slippery

sling ¹ ya.áaw | foot harness, foot strap, sling (of snowshoe)

sling ² júx̱ʼaa | sling (for thowing objects) || √joox̱ʼ | sling, fling; cast (fishing line)

slip ¹ √x̱ʼeelʼ | slippery; slip N-t + O-sh-√x̱ʼéelʼ | for O to slip, slide around at N || {na preverb} + O-sh-√x̱ʼéelʼ; {∅ preverb} + O-sh-√x̱ʼéelʼ; O-sh-√x̱ʼéelʼ | for O to slip, slide || yáanáx̱ + yei + O-sh-√x̱ʼéelʼ | for O to slip and fall down

slip ² (noun) (noun) doonyaax̱lʼaak

slippers neilyeetéeli

slippery ka-sh-√x̱éelʼ ˟ | for something to be slimy, slippery || √x̱ʼeelʼ | slippery; slip ka-sh-√x̱ʼéelʼ | for something to be slippery (oil, ice, wet rocks, etc.)

sliver sheey kaḵáasʼi

slobber x̱ʼaxélʼk

slough éix̱ʼ

slow √chʼéeyáḵw ˟ O-l-√chʼéeyáḵw ˟ || O-x̱ʼa-l-chʼéeyáḵw ˟ | slow in eating or talking || √kaa ¹ a-u-S-d+s-√kaa ¹

slowly kaldaag̱éináx̱

slug táax̱’

slurp √leekʼw | slurp out of a shell || √sheesh ¹ | sip; slurp || √xeikʼw | inhale; sip; slurp O-S-s-√xéikʼw ˟ | for S to slurp, drink O by sipping noisily (esp. drawing in air to cool the drink); for S to snort O

slush √dooḵ || kaklahéen || √neiḵ kaneiḵ; kaneeḵ | slush ice; loose snow or ice on top of water (as on a river or lake)

small (verb) √gei ² | small yéi + ka-u-∅-√géinkʼ | for a singular inanimate object to be small || yéi + ka-u-s-√géinkʼ | for a singular animate object to be small || (yéi) + ka+u+d+s-√gei  ² | for grain-like objects to be small || √kʼaa | too small || (adjective) –yádi | child; small

small pox kwaan

smaller –kʼátskʼu; –kʼwátskʼu || N + ḵín + ka-u-d+∅-√gei ¹ ʰ | for an object (inanimate) to be smaller than N

smart yaa + ḵu-S-d+s-√géi ³

smarts (adjective) litʼoojí || √tʼooch

smash √tʼeix̱ʼ; √tʼeex̱ʼ | pound ¹; smash; hammer ² O-ka-S-∅-√tʼéex̱ʼ | for S to smash O up by pounding; for S to mash O by pounding with something heavy; for S to pound, hammer on O; for S to break O

smell ¹ √neexʼ O-S-d+s-√néexʼ | for S to smell O || –téx̱i; –tíx̱i | acrid smell, odor from it; body odor

smell ² –isnéexʼi; –ḵusnéexʼi | sense of smell

smelly √chán ˟ O-l-√chán ˟ | for O to stink, have unpleasant odor, smell bad; for O to smell strongly || √teix̱

smelt sháachʼ ¹ | smelt; sardine; young herring

smile √noots ¹ at + ka-S-∅-√noots  ¹ | for S to smile at something (often knowingly or sarcastically) || √shooḵ | laugh; smile at + S-∅-√shooḵ | for s to laugh || O-ya-S-∅-√shooḵ | for S to smile at O

smoke ¹ √dook ² | partially dry and smoke fish || (verb) √sʼeiḵ ² áx̱ + a-ka-S-l-√sʼeiḵ ² | for S to tan, smoke, cure something by placing in smoke || sh + x̱ʼa-S-d+∅-√sʼeiḵ ² | for s to smoke (cigarettes, etc.) || √xʼaan ¹ | smoke food, especially fish at + S-∅-√xʼaan ¹ | for s to dry (fish, meat) over fire, smoke lightly

smoke ² (noun) ganigeidí; gan yageit; ganyikyeidí | smoke spreaders || (noun) sʼeiḵ; sʼeeḵ || taax̱ʼw | smoke signals

smokehole gaan || gaan ká || gaan woolí || gaan x̱ʼaháadi | smokehole cover

smokehouse at xʼaan hídi; et xʼaan hídi | smokehouse || sʼeiḵ hídi (T); sʼeiḵ daakahídi; sʼeiḵ daakéedi (C) | smokehouse || jikaḵáasʼ | long smokehouse pole(s) || sʼóosʼ | pole(s) on which fish are hung for drying in smokehouse || shóosʼi hídi | smokehouse for curing tobacco || yaash ká | smokehouse shelf

smoky √sʼeiḵ ²; √sʼeeḵ ²

smolder √x̱ʼaan | smolder; fire || √xoosh | singe; smolder

smooth wooch + yáx̱ + O-S-s-√nei ² ʰ | for S to straighten out O, smooth O over (literal or abstract) || √yaasʼ | step; smooth O-ka-d+∅-√yáasʼ | for O to be smooth; for O to be spread out || O-ka-S-l-√yáasʼ | for S to smooth out, spread out O

smudge √kwaat | soot; smudge; lampblack

snacks atx̱aaxʼí sáani

snag shaaḵ | snag; driftlog, driftwood (in the water) || yanxoon | pile of driftwood, driftlogs; snag pile

snail táax̱’ | snail; slug || tlʼelx̱ʼw; tsʼésx̱ʼw; tsʼísx̱ʼw | winkle, snail with shell

snake lʼutʼtláaḵ || tlʼúkʼx̱, tlʼúkʼ || tlʼúkʼx̱

snap lʼíxʼjaa | sound of breaking twigs, branches, brush || N + yaax̱ + kei + a-ka-S-d+l-√tʼáasʼ | for S to snap eyes at, look askance at, or glance at N (indicating anger, dislike, or suspicion) || wáḵtʼásʼ | snapping eyes in anger

snapper léiḵʼw | red snapper; yellow eye; red rockfish

snare √daasʼ | wear through (with wire); snare (verb) O-S-d+l-√dáasʼ | for S to snare O || (noun) dáasʼaa | snare || √dzeen | small snare dzeenáa | snare to catch small animals by the leg

sneak √taaw || √een ³

sneeze (verb) √tsʼixwaa; √tsʼixaa a-S-d+l-√tsʼíxaa ˟ | for S to sneeze || (noun) altsʼíxaa; tsʼíxaa

sniff √neexʼ

snipe lu.áadaa | Wilson snipe || eeḵ lukaḵéesʼi | common snipe || gusʼyadóoli | least sandpiper

snob ḵaa kanax̱ḵáa

snooty sh + tu-ka-S-d+l-√g̱éi

snore √keet a-S-∅-√keet

snort √xéikʼw ˟ | for S to slurp, drink O by sipping noisily (esp. drawing in air to cool the drink); for S to snort O

snot lug̱eitlʼ

snow ¹ (noun) dleit dleit g̱éedi; dletg̱éedi | snowstorm; snow shower; blizzard || dleit kachúxwti (C); dleit kachíxwti (A); dleit kachúxdi; dleit dzoonáa (T) | snowball || dleit kadánjayi (T) | powder snow (blown in the wind) || dleit katlʼíxʼx̱i | snow crust || dleit kaltʼéexʼ; dleit keltʼéexʼ (C) | block of frozen snow || dleit kakétsk; dleit kakékwti; dleit kakéxwt | dry granular snow || dleit ka.óoxu | blowing snow || dleit kʼwátʼxʼ | round lumps of snow || dleit ḵaadí | snowslide; snow avalanche || dleit shakadzoo | lump of snow that has fallen off the branch of a tree || dleit x̱ʼakée | on top of the snow || dleit yátxʼi | fine snow; snow with tiny snowflakes || g̱uwakaan katísʼayi | large, light snowflakes || kaklahéen; kax̱lahéen | wet snow || kalsʼéesjaa | snow cloud; dust cloud || kaneiḵ | slush ice; loose snow or ice on top of water (as on a river or lake) || kasʼéesjaa | blowing snow, drifting snow; blowing snow, drifting snow

snow ² (verb) a-ÿa-ka-∅-√dáan | for it to snow heavily || a-∅-√g̱éet ¹ ˟ | for rain, hail, snow to fall (often hard, in dark rainstorm) || {precipitation} + daak + s-√taan ⁶ | for {precipitation} to fall

snow blower dleit xwéini

snow machine • variants: snow mobile tʼéexʼ ká yaakw

snow stick dleit tséegi; dleit tutséegi

snowball dleit kachúxwti (C), dleit kachíxwti (A), dleit dzoonáa (T) || dleit kachóox

snowberry dleit tléig̱u

snowdrift kasʼísjaa

snowflake g̱uwakaan katísʼayi | large, light snowflakes

snowman dleit tin kawduwachooxú ḵáa

snowshoe jáajee; jáaji || ya.áaw | foot harness, foot strap, sling (of snowshoe) || –yayee | toehole (of snowshoe)

snowslide dleit ḵaadí

snowstorm dleit g̱éedi

so ách ¹ | because of that; therefore; so || haaw ² | so; well

soak √eetʼ ¹ O-ka-d+∅-√.éetʼ ¹ | for O to be soaked, waterlogged || √geesh || √keil ¹ O-ka-S-l-√keil ¹ | for S to soak O || liyóox̱ʼshán | itʼs nice to soak (in water) || √shooch S-d+∅-√shooch | for S to soak in cold waters for strength; for S to bathe, take a bath || √teey ¹ | classification: fish or seafood || √yoox̱ʼ ¹

soap úsʼaa úsʼaa x̱eilí | soap suds

soapberry xákwlʼi

soar √xʼootʼ ¹ | glide; soar

sober √daaḵ ¹ | clear up N + daa + a-∅-√daaḵ ¹ | for N to regain consciousness; for N to come to oneʼs senses; for N to sober up

social event O-ya-S-s-√xeex ⁴ | for S to hold a social event for O; for S to celebrate O

sockeye g̱aat | red salmon; sockeye salmon

socks lʼée xʼwán

sofa káa dulséix̱ át

soft (verb) √xwaach || (adjective) –létlʼk | soft (of a solid mass); pliable || (noun) l uwatʼíxʼi át | a soft thing

soft lead kʼóox̱ʼ létlʼk

soften √chook | soften by rubbing || O-S-l-√xwaach | for S to soften, make O flexible; for S to scrape O (hide) to soften it

soil ¹ (noun) tlʼátk | soil; dirt || lʼéx̱ʼkw; lʼáx̱ʼkw; tlʼéx̱ʼkw | lʼáx̱ʼkw

soil ² (verb) O-S-l-√chʼéix̱ʼw | for S to dirty, soil O (esp. clothing or person) || √haatlʼ | soil; mess O-daa-d+∅-√háatlʼ | for O to be covered with excrement, rust, dirt

sold easily dudli.óowchʼán

solid √dook ¹ | solid; whole

solidify d+l-√tʼéexʼ ¹ | for something to harden, solidify; for something to freeze

Solstice Tlax̱ Yeeyayát’ Yagyee | Summer Solstice || Tláakw Kashg̱ítx̱ Yagyee | Winter Solstice

some a x̱oo aa | some of them all || (independent pronoun) aa ¹ | one; some || (object pronoun) aa- | one; some || (postpositional pronoun) aa ee- | (to) one; (to) some || chʼa g̱unayé | somewhere else; someplace else; a different place || daaḵw.aa sá; daaḵu.aa sá; daag̱u.aa sá; daatḵu.aa sá | which (one); some (certain one) || daat g̱aa sá | why; going after what; waiting for what; for some purpose || daat yís sá | why; for what reason; for what benfit; for some reason || gwátgeen sá; gútgeen sá | when (in the future); sometime (in the future) || gwatk sá; gútk sá | when (in the past); sometime (in the past) || g̱una.át; g̱uneit | something strange; a different type of being (supernatural or animal) || wáa kooyáatʼ sá | how long; for some time || wáa yateeyí aa sá?; máa yateeyi aa sá | what kind (of); which kind (of); some kind (of)

somebody (question particle) aadóo sá; aa sá | who; someone; somebody

someone (subject pronoun) a- | 4th person subject in a motion verb, appears as an object pronoun || (question particle) aadóo sá; aa sá | who; someone; somebody || (subject pronoun) du- | someone || (independent pronoun) ḵáa | someone; person; people || (object pronoun) ḵaa ⁓ ḵu- | someone; people || (postpositional pronoun) ḵaa ee- ⁓ ḵu ee- ⁓ ḵoon | (to) someone; (to) people

someoneʼs (relational pronoun) ḵaa | someoneʼs; personʼs; peopleʼs

someʼs (relational pronoun) aa ² | oneʼs; someʼs

something (independent pronoun) át ¹ | something || (object pronoun) at ¹ || (postpositional pronoun) at ee- | (to) something || sʼáayadi | something claimed as payment

somethingʼs (relational pronoun) at ²

sometimes wáang̱aneens || wáa yateeyi yéixʼ

son –yéet | son of

song at + ka-S-l-√shee ⁴ | for S to compose songs (esp. about opposite clan) || shí at shí || neildé shí | entrance song (song sung while entering where one is to perform) || yakwkasheeyée | canoe song; paddling song || –x̱ʼasheeyí | song of || yaa na.át daasheeyí | procession song (song sung while going to where one is to perform) || Wudanaaḵ | opening songs of a ḵu.éexʼ || yoo koonáḵgi daasheeyí | song for the swaying dance || dléigu || √shee ⁴

songbird asxʼaansháachʼi | green songbird

soon desgwách

soot (noun) dúsʼ √doosʼ ² || (verb) √kwaat | soot; smudge; lampblack

sorcery héexw | witchcraft, sorcery often used to bring about harm to another

sore ḵéetʼ | wound or sore that discharges pus; pus or discharge (from a sore, wound) || séiḵʼw | the quick (the flesh under the outer skin); inflammation, inflamed sore, infection || tlʼooḵ | rotting sore; gangrene; cancer || x̱áatlʼáḵw | mouth ulcer; soreness of the mouth (as of a baby that is teething); cold sore || kaxweitl | itch; rash; sore

sored √xein | scabby; sored; spotted; old

sorrow toowú néekw

soul –yahaayí | soul (of departed person) || –toowú | spirit; soul; feelings; intention; thoughts

sound aasgutuyík | sound or noise in the woods, forest, trees || –gúkg̱aa | pleasing to his/her ear; the way she/he likes it to sound || –kayéik | sound, noise of (something whose identity is known) || kax̱itjaa | rattling of sticks in stick gambling game || lʼíxʼjaa | sound of breaking twigs, branches, brush || túxjaa; tíxwjaa | sound of stamping, pounding fists, clapping; sound of running quickly || –yayík | sound, noise of it (something whose identity is unknown) || kʼúxjaa

sound off √aax̱ ¹

soup tax̱héeni katéix̱

sour (verb) √sʼoox O-ka-l-√sʼoox | for O to be sour, taste acidic, lose freshness of taste || (adjective) kalisʼooxú

source –shagóon | source, origin, background of; fundament(s), element(s), component(s) of; cause and effect of

sourdock tlʼaaḵʼwáchʼ

south éex | downstream; south íxde | (toward) downstream; southward || ixkée | way downstream; south || kʼeiljáa; kʼeeljáa | chinook wind; south wind; storm (especially while at sea) || sáanáx̱ | (wind blowing) from the south(east)

soy sauce kóoshdaa lóoxʼu || Cháanwaan héeni

space –ya.áak | room, space, place, time, chance, opportunity for it || kaawayík; wooyík | off somewhere; off in space; oblivion; perdition; void

spaceship ḵutx̱.ayanahá x̱ooxʼ yaagú

spark yíḵdlaa

sparkle √ítʼch ka-d+l-√ítʼch ˟

sparrow shakeekalg̱áasʼ; shakeedatáxʼx̱ | white-crowned sparrow || tlagu tsʼatsʼéeyee | grey singing bird (sparrow or finch)

spawn √lʼoox̱ʼ (a)-d+∅-√lʼóox̱ʼ (na event) | for something to spawn (esp. herring) || √x̱eet ¹; √x̱eit | classification: fish

speak O-x̱ʼa-ka-(u)-S-∅-√.aaḵw ˟ ¹ || x̱ʼa-S-l-√.aat ⁵ | for (plural) S to speak, talk, make a speech || N + ée-t⁓ + x̱ʼa-S-l-√.aat ⁵ | for (plural) S to speak, talk to N || yoo + x̱ʼa-S-l-√.aat ⁵ | for (plural) S to speak, talk, converse || yoo + x̱ʼa-S-∅-√taan ⁵ | for (singular) S to speak, talk || N + ée-t⁓ + x̱ʼa-S-∅-√taan ⁵ | for S to speak, talk to N || x̱ʼa-S-d+∅-√taan ⁵ | for (singular) S to speak, talk, make a speech || –x̱ʼayee | ready, waiting for them to eat, drink; waiting for them to speak or finish speaking

speak against N + géi⁓ + yoo + x̱ʼa-S-l-√.aat ⁵ | for S to accuse, speak against N

spear ¹ (verb) √taaḵ ¹ | spear; poke; prod O-S-∅-√taaḵ ¹ | for S to spear, prod, poke, jab O

spear ² (noun) at sʼaan.ax̱w dzáas | spear which binds rope around a seal || at shax̱ishdi dzáas; aan shadux̱ishdi dzaas | spear for clubbing || áadaa | spear for fish and seal || dlagwáa | fish spear; harpoon for spearing salmon || –kádi | head of – (a spear) || –sákwti; –sáxwdi; –síxwdi (At, T); –súxdi (T); –súxti (T, C) | handle of – (a stick-like object); shaft of – (spear or other stick-like object) || shee aan | throwing board for a spear or dart || tág̱aa | lancet for infections, boils || táanaa | spear for catching octopus || tsaag̱álʼ || woosáani | spear for hunting || –x̱aaní | barbs (of spear or arrow); prongs (of spear or arrow)

speculation –satoowú | way of thinking, opinion, interpretation

speech at wulyú | public speaking || x̱ʼa-S-l-√.aat ⁵ | for (plural) S to speak, talk, make a speech || ḵaankageetxʼ yoo x̱ʼawditaaní | public speaking || x̱ʼa-S-d+∅-√taan ⁵ | for (singular) S to speak, talk, make a speech || yoo x̱ʼatánk | speech; talk; language; word; phrase; sentence; discourse || yaḵá | speech, words; angry words; allegation, charge(s)

spending S-d+l-√hoon

spew out √toox̱ʼ ¹ || √toox̱

sphagnum sʼíxʼg̱aa; x̱ʼoon ¹ | sphagnum moss

spicy O-s-√.áaxʼw ² ˟

spider kanas.aat; kanas.aadí; at kanas.aadí | crawling insect; spider || aasgutuyiksháa || aasgutuyik.ádi || táaxʼaa x̱ʼuskudayáatʼ; táaxʼaa sʼaḵkudayáatʼ | mosquito eater; daddy long legs

spill yax̱ + O-ka-S-∅-√x̱eech ¹ | for S to spill, upset O from a container || yax̱ + ka-d+sh-√x̱een√x̱een | for something to spill, be upset from a container

spin √joox; √jeexw | spin; roll; run ³ ka-∅-√joox | for a wheel to roll, spin; for an engine to start, run || √tool ¹ ∅-√tool ¹ | for something (top, etc.) to spin || O-S-l-√tool ¹ | for S to make O spin || O-ka-S-l-√tool ¹ | for S to make O spin | classification: rope-like object || O-sha-ka-S-l-√yéin | for S to wag O (tail); for S to wave O (hand, etc.); for S to twirl, spin O around above oneʼs head

spine –dix̱ʼtusʼaag̱í; –díx̱ʼtú sʼaaḵx’í | backbone || –gáaxw | back (of a knife or other blade); back edge, spine of it

spirit –ḵwáani | the spirit(s) of (a non-human animate or inanimate) || lékwaa | fighting spirit || –toowú | spirit; soul; feelings; intention; thoughts || –yakg̱wahéiyag̱u | living spirit inside of all things L Ulitoogu Ḵaa Yakg̱wahéiyagu | Holy Spirit || yéik | spirit helper of an íx̱tʼ √yeik ² | to have a spirit

spiritual violation lig̱aas

spit ¹ (verb) √koo ² | hold water in mouth; spit water that was held in mouth || √sʼootʼ || (verb) √toox̱ N-t⁓ + ḵʼa-S-d+s-√toox̱ | for S to spit, spit out at N || (noun) x̱ʼastóox̱ | sputum; spit || yóo⁓ + O-S-l-√toox̱ | for S to spit out O (esp medicine) || (verb) √toox̱ʼ ² | classification: octopus || (noun) –x̱ʼahéeni | spit; saliva

spit ² x̱ʼwéinaa; x̱ʼwénaa tséek; dleey kax̱ʼwénaa | roasting stick (split so that the meat can be inserted; the end is then bound) || tséek | spit, skewer, roasting stick, barbecue stick dleey tséegi | spit, skewer, roasting stick, barbecue stick for meat

splash √chʼeesh ka-d+∅-√chʼeesh | for a liquid to splash, be splashed || (N + daadé) + O-ka-S-l-√chʼeesh | for S to splash O (on N) || √tʼaatl | splash; flap

splinter sheey kaḵáasʼi || ḵáasʼ

split √g̱aat ¹ | fall scattered; split; fall apart || √x̱aaxʼ | split into layers || O-ka-S-l-√x̱óotʼ ² | for S to chop up O; for S to split O (wood)

spoil √sʼeex | aged food; ferment; spoil; rot ¹ l-√sʼeex | for animal matter to age, spoil to stage where still firm, but smelly || √noots ² | spoil ka-d+l-√noots ² (∅ event) | for animal matter to spoil

sponge ¹ (noun) teet x̱’achálx̱i

sponge ² (verb) √choox̱ O-u-S-∅-√choox̱ ˟

spoon ¹ shál leineit shál | horn spoon || tseeneidi shál | handmade ladle; handmade spoon || yétsʼ shál | black horn spoon || sheen | large wooden spoon; shéen

spoon ² √xwein ¹ | ladle ¹; spoon ²; shovel ¹ O-S-∅-√xwein ¹ | for S to shovel O; for S to spoon, dish out O

spore –shakaxéeni | black spore spots (of fern)

spot séiḵʼw | dark spot

spotted √chʼaachʼ | spotted O-ka-d+∅-√chʼáachʼ | for O to be spotted, have spots || ka-d+l-√chʼáchʼx̱ ˟ | for a natural object (wood, rock, etc.) to be spotted || √chʼaalʼ | pale; spotted || √káaxʼ | spotted O-ka-d+sh-√gáxʼx̱; O-ka-d+s-√gáxʼx̱ | for O to be spotted, have polka-dots || √xein | scabby; sored; spotted; old

spouse –shát | wife || –x̱án aa | life partner || –x̱úx̱ | husband

spray héen x̱ʼadánjayi | spray from waves || óox | breath of air (exaled); spray of air (exaled by a sea mammal) || –óoxu | spray of air exaled through its blowhole (of sea mammal) || –x̱ʼakaséix̱jayi | spray from it (waterfall, etc.)

spray milt √lʼoox̱ʼ

spread √cheich ¹

spread apart √jeitl

spread out √yaa ⁴ N-x̱ + O-ka-S-∅-√yaa ⁴ | for S to spread out, unfold, lay out (singular) O along N || N-x̱ + O-ka-S-s-√yaa ⁴ | for S to spread out, unfold, lay out (plural) O along N || √yáasʼ O-ka-d+∅-√yáasʼ | for O to be smooth; for O to be spread out || O-ka-S-l-√yáasʼ | for S to smooth out, spread out O

spring ¹ taakw.eetí

spring ² goon | spring (of water)

spring ³ √x̱aatʼ | whip; spring; bend under pressure

springwater goonhéeni

sprinkle O-ka-S-l-√g̱átch ¹ ˟

sprout –shaadí | sprouts, fleshy leaves growing toward the top of the stem (e.g. of bear root)

spruce aas keg̱ítaa | conifer needle (spruce, pine) || dúḵlʼ; túḵlʼ | young spruce or hemlock || sʼóosʼani | pine cone, spruce cone aasdaasʼóosʼani | spruce cone || sháchk ka.aasí | jackpine; black spruce || shéiyi | Sitka spruce shéiyi kaxʼaayí | spruce tips

squall √g̱eet ¹ | squall; storm

square ḵóok | ḵóok yáx̱ yatee →  it is four-sided, square, literally, is like a box || tʼéesh kaay; tʼéesh kaayí | carpenterʼs square || tʼáa shukaayí | square (for marking boards)

squat √ḵaaḵ | squat; sit; land ² S-d+sh-√ḵaaḵ | for S to squat, sit low; for S to squat down, sit quickly; for S to land (of waterfowl, plane)

squeak √g̱íx̱ʼ | creak; squeak; rub O-l-√g̱íx̱ʼjaa | for O to be creaky or squeaky || O-sh-√g̱íx̱ʼ | for O to creak, squeak by producing friction

squeeze √g̱ook | clutch; squeeze || √g̱ootl | mash; squeeze O-ka-S-∅√g̱ootl | for S to mash O by squeezing in the hand; for S to squeeze O tightly || √sheesʼ | strip; squeeze empty || √sheesht | sqeeze empty || √x̱ʼeexʼ | squeeze through narrow space; stuck in narrow space N-x̱ + O-ka-l-√x̱ʼéexʼ | for O to get stuck, be squeezed at N

squid dag̱asáa | squid || –shantuxʼisʼkaxwéix̱i | ink of – (octopus or squid)

squirrel kanalsʼáak; kenelsʼáak (C); kalsʼáak (T) | red squirrel || tsálk | arctic ground squirrel || kalsʼak.uwaa; kanalsʼáak.uwaa | flying squirrel

squirt √sʼeesʼ | squirt; advise pointedly; whistle quietly

stab √gwaal O-S-∅-√gwaal

stack √chaak O-ka-S-∅-√cháak || O-sha-ka-S-∅-√cháak || O-ka-S-l-√cháak | classification: stick-like objects || √sʼaaxw | stack; put hat on

staff al’eix̱tsaag̱áa | large dance staff or paddle || shí sʼaatí wootsaag̱ayí | song leaderʼs staff, baton || wootsaag̱áa; wutsaag̱áa

stagger √aak ³ | stagger; move uncontrolled || √eis | stagger {na preverb} + O-ya-ka-l-√.eis ˟; {ga preverb} + O-ya-ka-l-√.eis ˟ | for O to stagger (esp. of young child or drunkard) || √naash || {na preverb} + O-ya-ka-l-√yeik ³ | for O to stagger

stain √seiḵʼw O-ka-d+∅-√séiḵʼw | for O to be stained, dyed, colored || O-ka-S-l-√séiḵʼw | for S to stain, dye, color the surface of O

stairs dzeit | ladder; stairs; dock; pier; boardwalk

stalk √yeik ¹

stamp O-S-∅-√tseix̱ | for S to kick O; for S to stamp O, put foot down on O violently || (verb) √toox ¹; √teexw ¹ (noun) tíxwjaa; túxjaa | sound of stamping, pounding fists, clapping; sound of running quickly

stand √cheich ¹ | stand spread-legged || √haan ¹ S-∅-√hán ¹ ˟ | for (singular) S to be standing || yan⁓ + S-∅-√haan ¹ | for (singular) S to keep standing; for (singular) S to stand firm || S-d+∅-√haan ¹ | for (singular) S to stand up, rise || √naaḵ ¹ | classification: plural subject S-∅-√náḵ  ¹ ˟ | for (plural) S to be standing || yan⁓ + S-∅-√naaḵ ¹ | for (plural) S to stand, stay standing || anax̱ + ∅-√shoo ¹ | for a singular object to stick up, stand there

star ḵutx̱.ayanahá; ḵutx̱.ayanaháa; ḵutx̱.anaháa; ḵudax̱.anaháa; ḵutx̱ʼanaháa | star(s) || xoodzí ¹; ḵudax̱.eneháa xoodzí | comet; falling star || yakasg̱áat | falling star

stare √teesʼ | stare; look for; inspect kulitéesʼshán | interesting to watch; interesting to stare at

starfish sʼáx || hintayéeshi

start g̱unéi + ka-∅-√joox | for an engine to start || ka-∅-√joox | for a wheel to roll, spin; for an engine to start, run

starting g̱unéi | beginning to; starting to

startle √dleikw O-S-l-√dléikw | for S to scare, startle O

starvation laaxw

starve √laaxw O-∅-√laaxw | for O to be starving, starved || √ein

stay N-xʼ + yéi + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to be or stay at N; for O to dwell, live at N; for O to remain at N || √x̱ei; √x̱ee O-∅-√x̱ei ʰ | for O to stay overnight, spend the night, camp out overnight

stay behind N-x̱ + O-ka-∅-√gaa ¹ | for O to delay, wait, pause, take oneʼs time, stay behind, or be detained at N

stay by N + x̱án-xʼ + yéi + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to be near N; for O to stay by N; for O to remain by N; for O to live by N

stay standing yan⁓ + S-∅-√naaḵ ¹

stead –geinyaax̱; –genyaax̱ | in their place; taking their place; instead of them

steal √taaw O-S-∅-√táaw | for S to steal O || O-S-s-√táaw | for S to steal O (large or complex object) | classification: large or complex object || O-ka-S-∅-√táaw | for S to steal O (round, spherical object) | classification: round, spherical object || O-ka-S-s-√táaw | for S to steal O (stick-like object or plural round objects) | classification: stick-like object or plural round objects || (adjective) dudlitáawchʼán | it is tempting to steal

steam ¹ (verb) √daak | cook or steam food in a pit || √naal || √taa ⁴ | steam; boil O-S-s-√taa ʰ ⁴ | for S to boil, steam O (food, esp. meat) || √xoo ¹

steam ² (noun) xʼúkjaa | steam (visible, in the air); mist, fog (rising from a body of standing water)

steam engine shtéen káa

steambath x̱aay || xwéix̱

steamer xʼákwjaa

steer √deek ¹ || √tʼeek ¹

stem –kʼeeyí | base (of tree or other plant); the lower part of its trunk or stem || –kadíx̱ʼi | stem (of plant); heartwood (of tree)

stench (noun) chán || (verb) √chán ˟ O-l-√chán ˟ | for O to stink, have unpleasant odor, smell bad; for O to smell strongly

stenographer ḵaa x̱ʼéidáx̱ kashxeedí

step √tees ¹ | take small rapid steps || √yaasʼ | step; smooth ka-S-d+l-√yáasʼ | for S to step, place oneʼs foot

steps ¹ –kalyáasʼi | stride; steps

steps ² x̱ʼawool dzeit | steps of the porch

stereo at shí ḵóok

stern –géek | stern (of a boat)

sternum –xeitká | flat upper surface of their chest || –woowkasʼaag̱í | sternum, breastbone || –woowkasʼaag̱í goodlí | bump on their sternum || –woowshuyeesʼaag̱í; –yuwshuyeesʼaag̱í; –yuwshutúḵlʼi | caudiform appendage

stick déix̱ x̱ʼasiteeyi tséek || dleit tséegi | snow stick; stick used to skewer a chunk of snow and melt it over the fire || gaaw gwálayi; gaaw x̱íjaa; kagwáali | drumstick || katsóowaa | planting stick || káatʼ | sharpened stick (for digging up clams, roots, etc.); clam jerk || kítʼaa | stick or tool for prying; crowbar; prybar || kooḵʼíshaa | hockey stick; baseball bat; pole, stick used for bracing || ḵáasʼ | stick || ḵʼíshaa || sheey | limb, primary branch || tux̱ʼachʼítʼaa | toilet paper; butt-wiping stick || x̱ʼwéinaa; x̱ʼwénaa tséek; dleey kax̱ʼwénaa | roasting stick (split so that the meat can be inserted; the end is then bound)

stick game nahéin || alḵáa | stick game; gambling; bingo; game of chance

stick out √tsaaḵ | poke; stick out; extend; prick; launch | classification: singular | plural form: √tsoow || √tsoow | poke; stick out; extend; prick; launch | classification: plural | singular form: √tsaaḵ || √xaat ¹

stick to √sʼeexʼw N-t⁓ + O-ka-S-l-√sʼéexʼw | for S to stick O (esp. paper) to N

stick up anax̱ + ∅-√shoo ¹ | for a singular object to stick up, stand there

stickleback kʼaagán

sticky (adjective) kalisʼéexʼu | sticky || (verb) √dlooḵ | gooey; sticky ∅-sh-√dlooḵ | for O to be sticky, gooey || (verb) √kʼoox̱ʼ | pitchy; sticky

stiff √tʼeek ²

stiffen √tlʼeekʼát ˟ | thread sticks through to stiffen

Stikine: People of the Stikine Area Shtaxʼhéen Ḵwáan

Stiking River Shtaxʼhéen

still ¹ chʼu, chʼoo || yeisú | just now; just then (at that point in the story); still; yet

still ² tliyéi; tleiyéi | still; calm tleiyéi + yéi + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to be still, quiet; for O to stop (car, clock, e.g.); for O to wait || tliyéixʼ; tleiyéixʼ | be still!; be calm!

sting √tʼooch l-√tʼooch | for medicine to sting, burn || (adjective) litʼoojí || √x̱aak ¹ | sting (of nettles)

stingy √g̱eiḵ ² O-sh-√g̱eeḵ ˟ | for O to be stingy, unwilling to give or share much || √gei ⁴ | stingy yaa + O-S-sh-√gei ⁴ | for S to be stingy with, not want to share, O

stink √chán ˟ O-l-√chán ˟ | for O to stink, have unpleasant odor, smell bad; for O to smell strongly

stinkweed watsixtlaanáagu

stir wooch + x̱oo-t⁓ O-S-s-√nei ʰ ² | for S to mix O together (a variety of things)

stirrer a káxʼ yóok duwahéigi át

stirring stick a káxʼ yóok duwahéigi át

stolen goods táawadi

stomach –dáali | rumen, main stomach (of ruminant) || –yuwá | abdomen; surface of belly; front of body || –yoowú | stomach (of a mammal); gizzard (of a bird)

stone éechʼ | heavy stone, boulder; something compact and very heavy || a kaxóowu || | rock; stone té ḵ’áatl’ | wide flat stone (used for cooking) || (adjective) té– | made of rock, stone

stoneberry tínx | alpine bearberry, kinnikinnik

stop √daaḵ ¹ | clear up a-∅-√daaḵ ¹ | for rain to stop; for the sky to clear up || ji-S-d+∅-√naaḵ ² | for S to quit, stop work || yan⁓ + x̱ʼa-S-d+∅-√taan ⁵ | for (singular) S to stop talking || tleiyéi + yéi + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to be still, quiet; for O to stop (car, clock, e.g.); for O to wait || √tsʼein; √tsʼaan | cause to stop yan⁓ + S-d+∅-√tsʼéin | for S to stop (doing something); for S to stop running (of machine) || yan⁓ + O-S-l-√tsʼéin | for S to leave O alone; for S to stop bothering O

stop crying sh + S-d+l-√kʼáatlʼ

stop flowing √yeeḵ ⁴

stop it! ilí!, ihí!, li! déi áwé!

stop talking yan⁓ + x̱ʼa-S-l-√.aat ⁵ | for (plural) S to stop talking || sh + S-d+l-√kʼáatlʼ | for S to become silent, keep quiet; for S to stop talking or crying || yan⁓ + x̱ʼa-S-d+∅-√tsʼéin | for S to quieten down, stop talking || yan⁓ + O-x̱ʼa-ka-S-l-√tsʼéin | for S to quieten O; for S to cause O to stop talking

stop working ji-S-d+∅-√naaḵ | for S to quit, stop work

store ¹ O-S-l-√tsáakw ˟ | for S to keep, save, store up O (usually food for winter or for special occasion)

store ² hoon daakahídi

store up yan⁓ + O-ka-S-l-√gaa ²

storekeep hoon sʼaatí

storm (verb root) √g̱eet ¹ | squall; strom (noun) dleit g̱éedi | snowstorm; snow shower; blizzard || (noun) g̱éet | storm; squall || kʼeiljáa; kʼeeljáa | chinook wind; south wind; storm (especially while at sea) || lʼóox̱ʼ eetí óosʼkw | stormy weather shortly after herring spawn

stormy a-ya-d+∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for the weather to be very windy; for the weather to be stormy, rough

story shkalneek

stout (verb) √tlaa ² (verbal adjective) kutlá || (yéi) + ka-u-d+∅-√tlaa ² ʰ

stove stoox; shtoox

straight yaadachóon | straight (ahead); directly (ahead); straight; directly; plainly; honestly || nandachóon | straight upstream; straight towads the head of a body of water || –dachóon

straighten wooch + yáx̱ + O-S-s-√nei ² ʰ | for S to straighten out O, smooth O over (literal or abstract)

strain √chaa O-ka-S-l-√chaa

strait –séet ² | pass, strait

strand √dlaax̱ʼw | stranded by the tide

strange (noun) g̱una.át; g̱uneit | something strange; a different type of being (supernatural or animal) || (verb) √yei | strange; promiscuous (noun) at kasayé | something strange || (adjective) kasiyéiyi–

stranger g̱unayaḵwáan

strangle √tseex̱ʼ; √tseix̱ʼ

strap ¹ √aaw O-ya-S-s-√.áaw | for S put a strap on O; for S to tie up O with a string

strap ² –aax̱gwalʼí | towline of –; strap of – || ya.áaw | strap; handle (of pail, pot)

straw a tóonáx̱ kadusʼíḵsʼ át | drinking straw

strawberry shákw || lingít shákw | native strawberry

stream héen héen sháak | head of river, stream || kanaadaayi héen || naadaayi héen || héen wát | mouth of a river, stream || héenákʼw | small creek, stream || x̱áat héeni | salmon/fish river || ísh | fishing hole; hole in stream, river, creek

street dei | trail; path; road; street dei yaax̱; dei xʼayaax̱ | side of the trail/path/road/street || dei yík | on the trail/path/road/street; bed of the trail/path/road/street

strength latseen | strength; power || –tuwáadáx̱; tuwáatx̱ | because of –; due to –; by virtue of –; on the strength of –; encouraged by – || toowú latseen | strength of mind or heart; courage; resolve

strenuous tʼéexʼdéin | difficulty; strenuously

stretch (noun) tʼéesh | tanning frame; frame for stretching skin || (verb) √tʼeesh | stretch skin || √waat ² | stretch limbs; measure with outstretched limbs || ka-S-d+l-√yáasʼ | for S to stetch out oneʼs legs

stretcher kanágaa | form for shaping téel kanágaa; téel kanágayi; téel kenégeyi; téel tukanágaa; téel yakanágaa; téel yakanágayi | moccasin stretcher || sʼáaxw kanágaa; sʼáaxw kanágayi | hat form (for weaving)

stride –kalyáasʼi

string ¹ dzaas | leather thonging; babiche; string tsáaxʼ kadzaasí | string connecting a pair of mittens, gloves || tíxʼ yádi || tleilkʼú | catʼs cradle (game) || tsáaxʼ ya.áawu | string connecting a pair of mittens, gloves

string ² √eesh | thread together; string together O-ka-S-l-√.eesh | for S to thread O (esp. beads), string together || √sʼoosʼ | string fish on stick to dry || √shoosʼ | string on a stick

string figures √tleilkʼú ˟ | make string figures

strip √sheesʼ | strip; squeeze empty

stripe –kadeiyí | line, stripe running along the side of it (fish, from pectoral fin to tail)

striped √g̱aasʼ ² ka-d+l-√g̱áasʼ ² ˟

stroller tʼukanéiyi koojúxaayi; tʼukanéiyi kajúxayi | baby stroller

strong √tseen ¹ | strong; value O-l-√tseen ˟ ¹ | for O to be strong, powerful

strong-willed √wootlʼ O-l-√wóotlʼ ˟ | for O to be mentally strong, persistent || √wóotlʼ ˟

stub N-t + x̱ʼus-sha-S-s-√goo | for S to trip over N; for S to stub toe on N; for S to stumble on N || yan + x̱ʼus-sha-S-s-√goo ³ | for S to trip, stumble, stub toe

stubborn N + toowú + ∅-√tʼéexʼ ˟ ¹ | for N to be obstinate, sticking to oneʼs opinion or purpose, not yielding to reason || √woochʼ O-tu-l-√woochʼ | for O to be stubborn; for O to harden themself, refuse to give in || O-tu-l-√woochʼ | for O to be stubborn; for O to harden themself, refuse to give in

stuck √kei ² | stuck in throat || N-náx̱ + O-sh-√kʼéix̱ʼ; N-náx̱ + O-sh-√kʼéex̱ʼ | for O to get delayed, stuck, hung up, hooked at N || √lʼaaḵw | stuck in mud || a-d+∅-√wóotlʼ ˟ | for something to be stuck in place, immobile || N + leitóox̱-t⁓ + ∅-√xeex ¹ | for something to be stuck in Nʼs throat; for N to choke on something || √x̱ʼeexʼ | squeeze through narrow space; stuck in narrow space N-x̱ + O-ka-l-√x̱ʼéexʼ | for O to get stuck, be squeezed at N

stuck to √tsaatl

student yaa at naskwéini || sgóonwaan

study √toow; √teew | read; count; study; teach sh + tóo + O-S-d+l-√tóow | for S to study, learn O; for S to practice, rehearse O || sh + tóo + at + S-d+l-√tóow | for S to study, teach oneself

stumble N-t + x̱ʼus-sha-S-s-√goo | for S to trip over N; for S to stub toe on N; for S to stumble on N || yan + x̱ʼus-sha-S-s-√goo ³ | for S to trip, stumble, stub toe

stump –goowú | stump, butt end (of tree or other plant) || xʼéedadi | uprooted tree (with roots protruding); uprooted stump (with roots protruding)

subside (N-x̱) + ∅-√laa ¹

subsist ḵu-S-d+s-√tee ʰ ¹ | for S to exist; for S to be born; for S to live; for S to subsist

subsitence sh x̱ʼadaa át | subsitence foods

succeed √dlaaḵ O-ya-S-∅-√dlaaḵ

success chʼa g̱ég̱aa | in vain; for nothing; without success || chʼa g̱ég̱aa; chʼa neechx̱ | in vain; for nothing; without success

successor –eetí ḵáa | descendant; successor; person who inherits their place

suck √lʼaa | suck; nurse O-S-∅-√lʼaa ʰ | for S to suck on O, nurse on O || O-S-l-√lʼaa ʰ | for S to suck on O

suck out √sʼeiḵ ¹; √sʼeeḵ ¹ | usually through straw or opening || O-S-∅-√sʼeeḵ | for S to drink O by sucking; for S to drink O through a straw

sucker (noun) –óotʼi | sucker (of octopus) || (verb) √ootʼ | grasp; sucker O-S-∅-√óotʼ | for S to grasp O with suckers

suckerfish tlʼéitlʼ

suddenly chʼa yóokʼ; chʼa yákʼw; chʼa yáakʼw

sue √geiyáḵw ˟ | claim as payment; sue for payment

suffer eeshandéin | poorly; while suffering; pitifully || –jiyeet | under the burden, weight of it; belabored or suffering from it (a burden, hardship) || √shoo ² eeshandéin + O-ka-∅-√shoo ʰ ² | for O to suffer || eeshandéin + yoo + O-ka-S-l-√shoo ʰ ² | for S to torment, persecute or ill-treat O; for S to cause O to suffer

sufficient g̱aa | sufficient; enough; acceptable; pleasant

sugar linukdzi lʼéiw || linukdzi dleit

suggestion at kuna.áaḵw; at kuna.áag̱u

Sugpiaq Giyaḵw || Gutéix̱ʼ

suitcase at la.át | baggage; luggage; suitcase; things, stuff packed up for carrying || át wududzix̱óotʼi | luggage or briefcase on wheels

suited for √jaaḵw ²

sulk √oos ¹ tu-S-d+∅-√.oos ¹ | for S to pout, sulk, refuse to speak; for a machine to refuse to run || √oosh sh + ḵʼa-S-d+l-√.oosh | for S to sulk, refuse to talk and have mouth puckered with bad feeling

sulks easily li.óoshchʼán; li.óoshshán

Sumdum: People of the Sʼawdáan Area Sʼawdáan Ḵwáan

summer ḵutaan

summon √x̱oox̱ | summon; call on; ask for O-S-∅-√x̱oox̱ ˟ | for S to call, summon O

sun a-d+∅-√gaan ¹ | for the sun to shine || g̱agaan | sun g̱agaan tʼáx̱ʼi | heat of the sun || g̱agaan x̱ʼoos | sunbeam; ray of sunlight i g̱agaan x̱ʼusyee | sunbeam hitting a surface; ray of sunlight hitting a surface || ii g̱agaan x̱ʼus.eetí | in a sunbeam; in a ray of sunlight || g̱agaan + N-t⁓ + x̱ʼus + ∅-√tsóow ˟ | for the sun rays to shine on N || daak + ∅-√xeex ¹ | for the sun, moon to come out; for something (esp. a small, compact object) to fall, drop

Sunday a káa dulséix̱ yagee; a káa dulséix̱ yakyee || sándi; sánde

sundog g̱agaan x̱anyádi

sunglasses g̱agaan waḵdáanaa

supernatural (noun) Kadatankahídi | Repository of All Fish; Fish Jumping House || L Ulitoogu Ḵaa Yakg̱wahéiyagu | Holy Spirit || (verb) √soo | supernatural aid N + eeg̱áa + ∅-√soo | for N to receive supernatural aid; for N to be blessed by spiritual aid

suppurate √ḵeetʼ | suppurate; infected; fester; pus d+l-√ḵéetʼ | for a wound to be infected, have pus

suprise √jeich ¹ | surprise; astonish; amaze O-ya-S-l-√jeich ¹ | for S to suprise, astonish, amaze O

sure: for sure dágáa, sdágáa

surface –ká | the (horizontal) surface of; on; on top of; in (a dish; a path)

surge √doosʼ ¹

surgeon ḵaadaaxaashí

surplus a wanáade aa | amount in excess of it or left over from it; surplus more than it

surprise √jeich ¹ | surprise; astonish; amaze O-ya-S-l-√jeich ¹ | for S to suprise, astonish, amaze O || N + yáa + ḵut + O-∅-√nei ² | for O to amaze N

surprised O-ya-∅-√jeich || √jeich

suspect √ḵeet ¹ | suspect; annoyed with O-S-∅-√ḵeet ¹ | for S to suspect, distrust, be suspicious of, lack confidence in O || √hoo ² | suspect

suspended √xaatʼ ² | suspended without visible support | classification: celestial bodies

suspicious O-S-∅-√ḵeet ¹ | for S to suspect, distrust, be suspicious of, lack confidence in O || √haakw ¹ | suspicious

swallow ¹ √nóotʼ O-ka-S-∅-√nóotʼ | for S to swallow O (pill, etc.)

swallow ² séew kooshdaneit

swamp kadziyíkg̱i yé | swampy place; quicksand or deep mud hole || sháchk; shéchk | swamp, bog, muskeg; small meadow or clearing || (verb) √sháchk ˟

swamp berries sháchgi tléig̱u

swamp hemlock sʼéx̱

swampy √yeeḵ ⁴

swan g̱úḵlʼ | Whistling swan

sway N-t + O-l-√g̱eiḵ ¹ || √yeik ³ | sway; swing

sweat √saay | flush; sweat; radiate O-ka-du-∅-√sáay | for O (person or animal) to be hot, sweaty, flush

sweatbath x̱aay

sweater kakéin kʼóodásʼ

sweatlodge x̱aay

sweep √xeetʼ | brush ³; scrape; sweep O-S-∅-√xéetʼ | for S to sweep O (esp. floor) || S-d+∅-√xéetʼ | for S to sweep

sweet √núkts ˟ O-l-√núkts ˟ | for O to be sweet

sweetheart –kacháwli || –tseiyí; –tseixʼí

sweet-smelling √tsʼaa O-l-√tsʼáa ˟ | for O to be fragrant, sweet-smelling

swell teet

swell up √ḵaach ¹ | swell up; rise ka-d+∅-√ḵaach | for bread to rise, swell up || √xʼees | for skin to swell; have a boil (on skin) d+∅-√xʼees | for something to swell, be swollen locally; for something to have a boil on it (of skin)

swelling xʼees

swim √goo ² | swim in school (especially sea mammals) {na preverb} + ÿa-S-∅-√goo ² | for S to travel in a pod or fleet (of sea mammals or canoes) || √hoo ¹ | swim on surface of water; wade {∅ preverb} + S-∅-√hoo ¹ | for (singular) S to wade; for (singular) S to swim on surface of water || N-t + ji-S-d+∅-√hoo ¹ | for S to wade around at N (esp. aimlessly or in circles) || √heen ² | school of fish to swim underwater | classification: plural || √kwaan | swim on surface of water; wade | classification: plural || {na preverb} + S-d+∅-√tʼaach | for S to swim (of human, using strokes which slap the water) || {na preverb} + O-ka-du-∅-√tʼaach | for (plural) O (humans) to swim (using strokes which slap the water) || {∅ preverb} + S-d+∅-√tʼaach | for S to swim (of human, using strokes which slap the water) || ash kudat’ájaa | playing in the water (swimming); swimming (for fun) || √xʼaak ¹ | swim underwater (esp. fish and sea mammals) {∅ preverb} + S-∅-√xʼaak ¹ | for singular S (esp. large fish and sea mammals) to swim under water || {na preverb} + S-∅-√xʼaak ¹ | for singular S (esp. large fish and sea mammals) to swim under water || {na preverb} + O-ka-du-∅-√xʼaak ¹ | for (plural) O (esp. large fish and sea mammals) to swim under water

swing √g̱eiḵ ¹ (verb) N-t + O-S-l-√g̱eiḵ ¹ | for S to swing O back and forth at N || N-t + O-l-√g̱eiḵ ¹ | for O to swing, sway back and forth at N || (noun) g̱eig̱áchʼ | swing; hammock || (noun) ash koolg̱eig̱áchʼ | swinging || √yeik ³ | sway; swing

table nadáakw nadáakw kasʼísayi | (thin) tablecloth || tuḵdaa.át nadáagu | changing table

taboo √g̱aas | forbidden; taboo (verb) l-√g̱aas ˟ | for something to be forbidden, taboo, not allowed by custom || (noun) lig̱aas | taboo || jinaháa | the fate (usually a bad fate) that is sent to one, or to which one is drawn, as a result of oneʼs actions

tactfully chʼa keetáanáx̱! | deliberately, carefully; taking oneʼs time

tadpole dúsh

tag O-S-∅-√tʼaach | for S to slap O; for S to tag O (as in game of tag)

tail –geení | tail flippers || –koowú | tail (of bird or fish) || –lʼeedí | tail (of animal)

tailbone –kʼóolʼ | tailbone, bottom of his/her spine

take √.aat ² | classification: baggage and personal items {∅ preverb} + O-S-l-√.aat ² || {na preverb} + O-S-l-√.aat ² || √.aat ³ | classification: small round or hooplike objects {∅ motion preverb} + O-ka-S-l-√.aat ³ || {na motion preverb} + O-ka-S-l-√.aat ³ || √.aax̱ ² | classification: textile-like objects {∅ preverb} + O-S-∅-.aax̱ ² || {na preverb} + O-S-∅-√.aax̱ ² || –daséixʼán; –daséixʼín; –daséixʼ | trading goods; trading places; taking turns woosh daséixʼán | trading goods with each other; trading places with each other; taking turns with each other || √een ¹ | classification: container with contents {∅ preverb} + O-S-s-√.een || {na preverb} + O-S-s-√.een || √jeil ² | classification: in loads; all of one type of thing {∅ preverb} + O-ka-S-∅-√jeil ² || {na preverb} + O-ka-S-∅-√jeil ² || √kwaach | classification: in cupped hand(s) {na preverb} + O-S-∅-√kwaach | for S to carry, take O (in cupped hands) || N-dáx̱ + yéi + O-S-s-√nei ¹ ʰ || N + jee-t⁓ + yéi + O-S-s-√nei ¹ ʰ | for S to give, take, hand (plural) O to N || √nook ⁵ | classification: live creature {na preverb} + O-S-s-√nook ⁵ | for S to carry, take O (live creature) || N-t⁓ + S-∅-√shee ² | for S to touch, take, pick up || √taan ¹ | classification: empty container or hollow object O-S-∅-√taan ¹ | for S to carry, take O (usually a container or hollow object) || N-t⁓ + O-S-∅-√taan ¹ | for S to carry, take O (usually a hollow object) to N || √taan ³ | classification: stick-like object {∅ motion preverb} + O-S-s-√taan ³ | for S to carry O (usually long, complex object) || O-ji-S-∅-√taan ³ | for S to take O by the hand; for S to lead O by the hand || a + tóot + O-ji-S-∅-√taan ³ | for S to take O into a clan; for S to adopt O into a clan || {∅ motion preverb} + O-ka-S-s-√taan ³ | for S to carry O (small, stick-like object) || √tee ² | general, compact object; abstract {na preverb} + O-S-∅-√tee ² ʰ | for S to carry, take O (general, compact object; abstract) || O-S-d+∅-√woo ¹ | for S to take O (food) along (for lunch or a picnic) || {∅ preverb} + O-ya-S-∅-√x̱aa ²; {na preverb} + O-ya-S-∅-√x̱aa ² | for S to transport O by boat or car; for S to bring, take or fetch O by boat or car || √tee ʰ ²

take apart √keilʼ ¹ O-S-∅-√kéilʼ ¹

take off kaax̱ + kei + O-S-d+∅-√.aax̱ ² | for S to take off O (shirt, dress, coat, etc.) || x̱ʼoos-dáx̱ + O-S-d+∅-√yeeḵ ¹ | for S to take off O (shoes, socks, pants)

take oneʼs time N-x̱ + O-ka-∅-√gaa ¹ | for O to delay, wait, pause, take oneʼs time, stay behind, or be detained at N

take place ya-∅-√xeex ⁴ | for something to take place, occur, happen

take up O-ya-S-s-√haa ¹ | for S to gather up, pick up, take up O

Takhini Tax̱héeni | Takhini hot springs (north of Whitehorsee, Yukon Territory)

Taku Tʼaaḵú | "King Salmon Cove"

talk √aat ⁵ | communicate; think; talk (verb) x̱ʼa-S-l-√.aat ⁵ | for (plural) S to speak, talk, make a speech || N + ée-t⁓ + x̱ʼa-S-l-√.aat ⁵ | for (plural) S to speak, talk to N || yoo + x̱ʼa-S-l-√.aat ⁵ | for (plural) S to speak, talk, converse || (noun) yoo x̱ʼala.átk | conversation; dialog; talk; discourse || O-x̱ʼa-l-√.oos ˟ ² | for O to be talkative, talk nonsense, be gossipy, or noisy || √taan ⁵ | communicate; think; talk yoo + x̱ʼa-S-∅-√taan ⁵ | for (singular) S to speak, talk || N + ée-t⁓ + x̱ʼa-S-∅-√taan ⁵ | for S to speak, talk to N || x̱ʼa-S-d+∅-√taan ⁵ | for (singular) S to speak, talk, make a speech || yan⁓ + x̱ʼa-S-d+∅-√taan ⁵ | for (singular) S to stop talking || (noun) yoo x̱ʼatánk | speech; talk; language; word; phrase; sentence; discourse

talk into O-ka-S-l-√neek ˟ | for S to tell the story of O; for S to talk into O

talkative O-x̱ʼa-l-√.oos ˟ ² | for O to be talkative, talk nonsense, be gossipy, or noisy

taller N + yáanáx̱ + ka-u-d+l-√yáatʼ | for an building of living thing to be taller than N

tallow toow

talon –x̱aakw

tan áx̱ + a-ka-S-l-√sʼeiḵ ² | for S to tan, smoke, cure something by placing in smoke || tʼéesh | tanning frame; frame for stretching skin || ux̱ akasʼíḵx̱i | tan (color)

tangle √xeelʼ ¹ kooxéelʼaa | tangle; mess, clutter, confusion

tangled √xeesʼ ² ka-d+l-√xéesʼ ² | for a rope-like object to be tangled || √xʼeesʼ

tantrum √tsʼeek | fuss; whine; tantrum O-S-l-√tsʼeek | for S to fuss about, whine for, throw a tantrum for O

tap √kʼoox | knock lightly

tape kalisʼéexʼu xʼúxʼ

target kooxéedaa | pencil; pen; marker; brush ²; target

tarp xwaasdáa

tarpaper hít kaxʼúxʼu

taste N + x̱ʼé + ∅-√kʼéi | for N to like the taste of something || (verb root) feel; touch | √nook ² • variants: √neekw ² (yéi) + du-∅-√nook ² | for something to taste (a certain way) || (noun) –dunóogu | taste or flavor of – || x̱ʼéi + O-S-d+∅-√nook ² | for S to taste, sample O || –tsʼéix̱i | has a taste for –; is addicted to –; craves – || √tsʼeix̱ | indulge; have a taste for || –x̱ʼéig̱aa | tastes good to –; pleasing to  palate

tattle kei + O-ka-S-∅-√neek | for S to tell on, inform on, betray O

tattle-tale woosh kínde kaduneegí

tattoo √ḵaa ² O-ka-S-s-√ḵaa ²

taunt √xwei

taut √saat | tight; taut

tavern atx̱á daakahídi

tea cháayoo || dée (T)

teach √toow; √teew | read; count; study; teach N-xʼ + O-S-l-√tóow | for S to teach O to N || N-xʼ + at S-l-√tóow | for S to teach N

tear √sʼeilʼ | tear; rip; peel O-S-∅-√sʼéilʼ | for S to tear O || O-ka-S-∅-√sʼéilʼ | for S to tear, tear up, rip off O; for S to peel off O (bark from a tree) || O-x̱ʼa-S-∅-√sʼéilʼ | for S to tear O away (of a fish from from a hook); for S to stretch or hold O (opening) open || ka-d+∅-√sʼéilʼ | for something to be torn up || O-S-l-√sʼéilʼ | for S to tear up, pull up O (roots)

tear down √keilʼ ¹ O-S-∅-√kéilʼ ¹

tears –waḵhéeni; –wax̱ʼahéeni; –waḵx̱ʼahéeni

tease √xwei O-S-∅-√xwéi ˟ | for S to tease, joke about O (esp. particular tribal relations, such as paternal uncle); for S to bad-mouth O || √neekw ⁴

teenager shaatkʼ | young woman (not married) || yadákʼw | young man (not married)

teeter-totter kookítsʼaa; kookéetsʼaa

telephone a tóonáx̱ yoo x̱ʼadul.átgi át || kaxéesʼ

television ḵóok yax̱ʼéelʼi

tell √ḵaa ¹ | say; tell; instruct (yóo) + O-ya-S-s-√ḵaa ¹ | for S to say (a certain thing); for S to confess, acknowledge, declare (a certain thing) || (yéi) + O-daa-ya-S-∅-√ḵá ¹ ˟ | for S to tell O (a certain thing) || √neek O-ka-S-∅-√neek | for S to tell about, report about, give facts about O; for S to witness to, tell about, testify about O || O-ka-S-l-√neek ˟ | for S to tell the story of O; for S to talk into O || sh + ka-S-d+l-√neek ˟ | for S to preach, narrate, tell a story || √tlaakw | tell legend O-S-∅-√tlaakw | for S to tell, recount, narrate O (legend, myth, fairy tale, etc.)

tell on kei + O-ka-S-∅-√neek | for S to tell on, inform on, betray O

temper ḵukahín | petulance; irritation; crankiness

template –kaayí | pattern, model, template for; measure of; measurement for

temple –yatʼákw; –shayatʼákw | upper side of their face (from the cheekbones to the top of the head)

tempt √dlénx̱aa ˟ | tempt; try out; test O-ka-u-S-∅-√dlénx̱aa ˟ | for S to tempt, try out, test O

ten jinkaat || jinkaadináx̱ | ten people

tendon (noun) –téetʼ || (verb) √teetʼ

tense √teetʼ

tent xwaasdáa sʼísaa hít

tentacle –tlʼeeg̱í | tentacle (of octopus)

tern kichyát

terrible tlél + O-sh-√kʼéi | for O to be bad, evil, no good

terrible looking √jee ² O-ka-(u)-l-√jée ˟ ²

territory –ḵwáan

Teslin Deisleen | multiple interpretations of the name exist, including "hunting by moonlight" (BC), "trail on which people hid themselves" (GS), and a borrowed word from a neighboring Athabascan language

Teslin: People of the Teslin Area Deisleen Ḵwáan

test O-ka-u-S-∅-√.aaḵw ˟ ¹ | for S to try out, test O || √dlénx̱aa ˟ | tempt; try out; test O-ka-u-S-∅-√dlénx̱aa ˟ | for S to tempt, try out, test O || yan⁓ + O-ka-s-√nook ² | for S to prove, verify, find out and be sure of O; for S to investigate, make trial of, test out O

testicles –dáadzi || –kʼúntsʼi || –kʼwátʼ || –láaw | penis and testicles || –leilí | scrotum, testicles

testify O-ka-S-∅-√neek | for S to tell about, report about, give facts about O; for S to witness to, tell about, testify about O

text N + jee⁓ + gush-S-d+∅-√taan ⁵ | for (singular) S to text N (on a phone or computer)

thank you! gunalchéesh!

thankful sh + tóo-g̱aa + O-d+∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to be grateful, thankful; for O to be satisfied

that wéitʼát | that (thing) (visible or previously referred to) || áwé | that there (is) || áyú | that way over there (is) || wéit | there; that place (visible or previously referred to) || wéitʼaa | that one (visible or previously referred to) || yóot | there over yonder; that place (remote, not visible) || yóotʼát | that (thing) (remote, not visible); yonder (thing) || yóotʼaa | that one (remote, not visible); yonder one

thatʼs all! hóochʼ; hóochkʼ

thatʼs enough! déi áwé!

thaw l-√laa ¹

the following one a ít aa

the next one a ít aa

them (object pronoun) ∅- ⁓ a-

them all (independent pronoun) hás | they all || (object pronoun, subject pronoun) has ⁓ s | them all; they all || (postpositional pronoun) has du ee- ⁓ s du ee- | to them all; with them all

them allʼs (relational pronoun) has du ⁓ s du

then áa ² | that thing, time, or place; that fact or reason || aag̱áa | and then; at that time; after that; following that || chʼáakw | long ago; back then; back in those days; in the old days; in ancient times || tle | at that time chʼu tle | just at that time || tsá ¹ | only then || tsaatguyéig̱aa | finally; at (long) last; only then || | over there; that time || | right here; right now or recently || yeisú | just now; just then (at that point in the story); still; yet || | way over there; over yonder; long time from now (past or present) || á ²

there á ² | that place, time, reason, fact || (preverb) át ² | arriving there || áa ² | that thing, time, or place; that fact or reason || | there (distant from the speaker, but in the same general space) || wéit | there; that place (visible or previously referred to) || | way over there; over yonder; long time from now (past or present) || yéináx̱ | through a place; around a place || yóot | there over yonder; that place (remote, not visible)

therefore ách ¹ | because of that; therefore; so

they ∅- ⁓ a- ||

they all has ⁓ s

thick √kaak (verb) s-√kaak ˟ || (yéi) + ka-u-s-√kaak ˟ || (adjective) kusakaak || √tʼeexʼ ²

thief táaw s’aatí || yatáakw

thievery táaw

thigh –g̱áts | thigh; upper leg –g̱atstusʼaag̱í | thighbone; femur || –g̱ádzi | hindquarters; thigh

thimble tlʼiḵnaa.át; tlʼaḵshanaa.át

thimbleberry chʼeix̱ʼ; chʼeex̱ʼ

thin √g̱aax̱ʼ | thin; skinny O-sh-√g̱áax̱ʼ | for O to be thin, lean, skinny || √xoon ¹ | get thin; lose weight O-l-√xoon ¹ | for O to lose weight, become thin || sh + S-d+l-√xoon ¹ | for S to cause oneself to lose weight, slim down

thing a jáḵwti | beat up old thing || át | something; 4th person non-human pronoun átxʼi sáani | knickknacks || átx̱ sateeyí át | important thing; thereʼs something important in it || éit | important thing || g̱una.át; g̱uneit | something strange; a different type of being (supernatural or animal) || l uwatʼíxʼi át | a soft thing || wéitʼát | that (thing) (visible or previously referred to) || yáatʼát | this (thing) (right here) || yóotʼát | that (thing) (remote, not visible); yonder (thing)

think √aat ⁵ | communicate; think; talk | classification: plural | singular form: √taan ⁵ N + daa + yoo + tu-S-l-√.aat ⁵ | for (plural) S to think over, consider, make up oneʼs mind about N || √jee ¹ | think; wonder (yéi) + O-u-S-∅-√jee ʰ ¹ | for S to think so of O || √taan ⁵ | communicate; think; talk | classification: singular | plural form: √aat ⁵ N + daa + yoo + tu-S-∅-√taan ⁵ | for (singular) S to think over, consider, make up oneʼs mind about N || –tuwáxʼ | in their opinion; to their way of thinking, feeling

think about N + daa + O-tu-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to care about N; for O to think about, consider N; for O to have an opinion about N

thinking yoo tutánk

thirsty √koox || O-sha-∅-√koox

thirty násʼk jinkaat

thirty one násʼk jinkaat ḵa tléixʼ

this áhé | this here (is) || áyá | this right here (is) || yáatʼát | this (thing) (right here) || yáatʼaa | this one (right here) || yáat | here; this place (right here)

thong √dzaas ¹

thonging dzaas | leather thonging; babiche; string

thorax –xeitká | flat upper surface of their chest

thorn –daakakʼátsʼi | thorn(s)

thought ḵashde | i thought || tundatáan; tundataan | thought || yoo tutánk | consciousness; thought; thinking

thoughts –toowú | spirit; soul; feelings; intention; thoughts

thread ¹ tás

thread ² √eesh | thread together; string together || √sʼoosʼ | string fish on stick to dry || √tlʼeekʼát ˟ | thread sticks through to stiffen || N + kʼéenáx̱ + O-ya-u-S-l-√tsaaḵ | for S to thread N (needle)

three násʼk || nasʼgidahéen | three times || nasʼgináx̱ | three people || násʼgig̱áa | three at a time; three by three

throat –leitóox̱

through -náx̱ ¹ | through; along; via; including the time of anax̱ | through it; along it

throw √dzoo | throw as missile O-S-∅-√dzoo | for S to throw something as missile at O || O-sha-S-∅-√dzoo | for S to throw something as missile at the head of O || N-ch + O-S-l-√dzoo | for S to throw N as missile at O || N-ch + O-S-l-√dzoo | for S to throw N as missile at the head of O || √g̱eech ² | classification: stick-like object || | classification: one at a time || O-S-∅-√g̱eech ² | for S to throw O (one at a time) || S-d+∅-√g̱eech ² | for S to throw (one thing at a time) || O-ka-S-∅-√g̱eech ² | for S to throw O (round object, one at a time, or contents of a container) || O-shu-S-∅-√g̱eech ² | for S to throw (while holding onto one end); for S to turn over O (pages); for S to leaf through a book or magazine || √g̱eexʼ ¹ | classification: singular inanimate object O-ka-S-∅-√g̱éexʼ | for S to donate O (esp. money); for S to load O (gun), put bullet in; for S to shoot O (basketball); for S to throw O (ball) | classification: spherical or round object || kei + O-ka-S-∅-√g̱éexʼ | for S to throw O (esp. ball) up in the air || √leet ¹ | classification: plural objects, so as to scatter N-t⁓ + O-S-∅-√leet ¹ | for S to throw O (usually with force so that object scatters) to N || kei + O-S-∅-√leet ¹ | for S to throw O up in the air; for S to throw O away (literally and figuratively) || √x̱eech ¹ | classification: singular animate object i N-t⁓ + O-S-∅-√x̱eech ¹ | for S to throw O (esp. an animate object) to N || | classification: object in a container i N-t⁓ + O-ka-S-∅-√x̱eech ¹ | for S to throw O (esp. liquid) to N | classification: liquid (from a container)

throw away kei + O-S-∅-√leet ¹ | for S to throw O up in the air; for S to throw O away (literally and figuratively) || √tlʼeet | abandon; leave; throw away; dispose of; divorce O-S-l-√tlʼeet | for S to abandon, desert, leave O; for S to throw away, dispose of, get rid of O; for S to divorce O; for S to fire O (from a job)

throw up S-d+l-√ḵoo ʰ

thumb –goosh || ḵaa goosh | thumb length || √dleixw | remove seafood to eat using thumb; peel skin using thumb

thunderbird xeitl

Thursday daaxʼoon yakyee; daaxʼoon yagiyee; daaxʼoon yagee

thwart yax̱akʼáaw | crosspiece (of boat, snowshoe); thwart (in boat)

tickle √ḵeitsʼ | tickle O-ka-S-l-√ḵéitsʼ | for S to tickle O; for S to touch O lightly || √xweitl ² | itch; tickle ka-S-l-√xweitl ² | for S to itch, tickle || N + satú + ka-∅-√kéesʼ; N + leitóox̱ + ka-∅-√kéesʼ | for Nʼs voice to be hoarse, scratchy; for N to have a tickle in the throat || N + satú + O-ka-S-l-√kéesʼ; N + leitóox̱ + O-ka-S-l-√kéesʼ | for S to make N have hoarse, scratchy voice; for S to make N have a tickle in the throat

tidal action héen kanadaayí

tide √xʼoolʼ

tide ¹ (verb) daaḵ + ∅-√daa ¹ | for the tide to rise, come in || kei + ∅-√daa ¹ | for water level, tide to rise || √dlaax̱ʼw ¹ | stranded by the tide || √gaa ¹ | delay; hesitate; slack tide; calm du-∅-√gaa ʰ ¹ | for the tide to be slack || yan⁓ + ∅-√laa ¹ (∅ motion) | for the tide to go out, be low || (N-x̱) + ∅-√laa ¹ | for the tide to ebb, go out (from under N) || √woox̱ | neap tide || √x̱oo | neap; small tide || √xʼoolʼ ¹ | rip tide; whirlpool

tide ² ḵéesʼ | tide ²; flood ḵéesʼ shuwee; ḵéesʼ shuyee | high tide line || héen kanadaayí | current; tide ² || haat | current; tide ² || xʼóolʼ | whirlpool; tide ²; chaos

tide flats léin

tidy √neekʼ

tie O-ya-S-s-√.áaw | for S put a strap on O; for S to tie up O with a string || √aax̱w yánde + O-S-∅-√.aax̱w | for S to tie up, secure O (esp. a boat to shore) || O-daa-S-s-√.aax̱w | for S to tie O together in a bundle; for S to wrap O up || O-kʼi-ka-S-s-√.aax̱w | tie stems together; for S to wrap the stems of O || O-sʼaan-S-∅-√.aax̱w | tie hands together || O-x̱ʼa-S-s-√.aax̱w | for S to tie up the mouth of O (esp. a sack) || √chʼeen | tie in a bow || √dooxʼ O-ka-S-∅-√dóoxʼ | for S to tie O in a knot || √tlʼeen | tie in bunch; gather cloth || (N-dé) + O-ka-S-s-√xaat ¹ | for S to connect, attach, tie O (to N) || N-(dé) + ka-s-√xaat ¹ | for something to be connected, attached, tied (to) N || √yeey | tie; twine

tiger haadaadóoshi | man-eating cat; mountain lion; tiger; leopard || haadaag̱ooji | man-eating wolf; lion; tiger; leopard

tight ka-∅-√xaat ¹; ka-d+∅-√xaat ¹ | for a lid, rope, etc. to be tight || √saat | tight; taut

tighten O-ka-S-s-√xaat ¹ | for S to tighten O (which is fastened to something at the other end); for S to tug, pull (on something fastened at the other end)

timberline aas ḵʼaluká

time ¹ gaaw

time ² chʼa yéi yigoowáatlʼ | a short time; a short while || chʼáakw | long ago; back then; back in those days; in the old days; in ancient times || dziyáak | a while ago; earlier || dziyáagin | after a while; later on || gwátgeen sá; gútgeen sá | when (in the future); sometime (in the future) chʼa gwátgeen sá; chʼa gútgeen sá (Y) | any time (in the future); whenever (in the future) || gwatk sá; gútk sá | when (in the past); sometime (in the past) chʼa gwátk sá | any time (in the past); whenever (in the past) || -g̱aa | going after; waiting for; in the area of; about the time of || tle | at that time chʼu tle | just at that time || wáa kooyáatʼ sá | how long; for some time || xʼoon yakyee x̱ʼaanáx̱ sá | for many days; for how many days? || –ya.áak | room, space, place, time, chance, opportunity for it

time for N-t⁓ + ḵu-∅-√haa ³ || √haa ³

tin g̱ayéisʼ, iḵyéisʼ; iḵyéisʼ, g̱ayéisʼ g̱ayéisʼ

tingle √haach

tiny óoskʼ!; óoskʼi!; óoshkʼ! | tiny!; cute!

tip at x̱ʼéidi | point of arrow or harpoon || –nóochʼi | fleshy throat region of a fish beneath the head and between the gill covers; heart (said of any animal including a fish) || –shanyaa | collar (of fish) || –xʼaan | tip (of pointed object); top, tips of its branches (of tree, bush) –lʼóotʼ xʼaan; –lʼóotʼ yaxʼaan; –lʼóotʼ yexʼaan (C) | tip of tongue

tips shéiyi kaxʼaayí | spruce tips

tiptoe √kʼeit ² | walk softtly; tiptoe

tire kajúxaa; koojúxaa; koojúxwaa (An) | flywheel; wheelbarrow; wagon; hand truck; dolly; wheel ²; tire

tired √dzaas ² || √sees || √xweitl ¹ O-d+∅-√xweitl ¹ | for O to be tired, weary || O-S-l-√xweitl ¹ | for S to tire O, make O tired (either physically or emotionally)

tired of √chʼeix̱ʼw ² | tire (of eating it) || √gaaxʼ ² | tired of a sound; annoyed by a sound || tóo + O-S-sh-√ḵeet ˟ ¹ | for S to be annoyed with, tired of, fed up with O || √sʼees ² | tired of; offensive

tissue lug̱wéinaa; xʼúxʼ lug̱wéinaa

Tlákw Aan (placename) Klukwan | "Eternal Village" | tlákw + aan →  always + land-(inhabited) (TT, KE)

tléiḵw kanéegwálʼi (compound noun) jam; jelly

Tlingit lingít || lingít–

Tlingit Land Lingít Aaní

Tlingit Territory Lingít Aaní

to a ee- ⁓ a- | to them (a non-main character of a narrative or event) || ash ee- | to them (the main character of a narrative or event) | third person proximal postpositional (3prx.PP) || -de | to; toward; until; in the manner of

to be –sákw | future; to be; for

to one side tléikʼde

toast ¹ √sʼook; √sʼeekw | fry until crisp O-ka-S-l-√sʼook | for S to toast O (bread); for S to fry O (usually till crisp) || √tʼoosʼ | cook, roast, or toast by open flame O-S-∅-√tʼoosʼ | for S to toast (esp. by open flames) O

toast ² (noun) kawdudlitʼóos'i sakwnéin || kasʼúkx̱u sakwnéin || sakwnéin tʼóosʼi

toasted kasʼúkx̱u

tobacco g̱ánch | tobacco; tobacco plant dutaxʼ g̱ánch | (plug of) chewing tobacco || katʼéexʼ | (plug of) chewing tobacco || tuwaakú | tobacco; chewing tobacco || wash.át | plug of tobacco

today yáa yagyee

toe –x̱ʼusgoosh | big toe || –x̱ʼustlʼeiḵ | toe(s)

toehole –yayee | toehole (of snowshoe)

toenail –x̱aakw | nail (of finger or toe) –x̱aakw eetí; –x̱akw.eetí | fingernail markings; toenail markings; claw markings

together (object pronoun) woosh ³ | each other [object] || (subject pronoun) woosh ⁴ | each other [subject] || wooch dook | right close together; right next to each other, to one another

toilet kwás | toilet; chamberpot; honeybucket; bedpan || tux̱ʼachʼítʼaa | toilet paper; butt-wiping stick || kwás + íxde + O-S-l-√.óosʼ | for S to flush O (a toilet) || tux̱ʼachʼítʼaa xʼúxʼ | toilet paper

toilet paper tuḵg̱wéinaa

toilet tissue tuḵg̱wéinaa

tomato dleit ḵaa yéilʼi

tombourine jigwálaa

tomorrow seig̱án, seig̱ánin || seig̱án

tone kéexʼ duseix̱ | high tone (of a vowel in Tlingit)

Tongass: People of the Tongass (Taantʼá) Area Taantʼá Ḵwáan

tongs éenaa | tongs (used in cooking); split stick for pulling sinew through; forked stick || √lʼaatʼ | carry with tongs lʼátʼaa | tongs; tweezers; clamps

tongue at duxáshgu | tongues cut out for an íx̱tʼ || –lʼóotʼ | tongue –lʼóotʼ kʼí | root, back of tongue || –lʼóotʼ tayee; –lʼóotʼ teyee (C) | area below tongue || –lʼóotʼ tayee gwéili | two bits of flesh hanging down from the sides of tongue || –lʼóotʼ tayeetláag̱i; –lʼóotʼ teyeetláag̱i (C) | frenum || –lʼóotʼ wán | side of tongue || –lʼóotʼ xʼaan; –lʼóotʼ yaxʼaan; –lʼóotʼ yexʼaan (C) | tip of tongue

tonsils –x̱ʼasʼguwéisʼi | salivary glands; tonsils

too much –jikayáanáx̱ | more than she/he can manage to do; too much for them to do || –kayáanáx̱ | more than she/he can manage; too much for them || ḵúdáx̱; ḵútx̱ || –tukayáanáx̱ | more than she/he can think, imagine; too much for his/her mind to handle || –x̱ʼakayáanáx̱ | more than she/he can say or eat; too much for them to say or eat || –yáanáx̱ | beyond it, more than it; too (much); excessively

tool jishagóon | tool(s)

tooth –oox̱ | tooth –ux̱kʼí | the part of the teeth below the gum line || –ux̱taag̱áni | canine tooth || √kʼaasʼ | tooth missing

toothbrush ḵaa oox̱ aan dul.úsʼkw át

toothpaste ḵaa oox̱ úsʼayi; toothpaste

toothpick ux̱katság̱aa; ux̱ketsáag̱aa; ux̱x̱ʼáak ketsáag̱aa; ux̱x̱ʼaakkatság̱aa

top ¹ –ká | the (horizontal) surface of; on; on top of; in (a dish; a path) || –shadaa | around the top of it (object with rounded top) || –shakée | (on) top of the head of −; top of it (something with a rounded top, as a mountain); above –; (elevated) over – || –xʼaan | tip (of pointed object); top, tips of its branches (of tree, bush) || –x̱uká | on (top of) it (water or body of water)

top ² toolchʼán; toolchʼánaa; toolchʼén | spinning toy

torch kagánaa || téil ¹ | pitch scab (where bark has been removed); dry pitchy wood (used for torches); torch

torment eeshandéin + yoo + O-ka-S-l-√shoo ʰ ² | for S to torment, persecute or ill-treat O; for S to cause O to suffer

tormenting distress ḵoo sh kadáan á

torso –kasán | body; torso; waist || –kík | one side of torso || –kígi | half of (something cut or broken in half); one side of (a symmetrical object); one of the two symmetrical halves of the torso, especially of butchered animal or cut fish

totem pole kootéeyaa

touch √chooxʼ | rub lightly; touch lightly || O-ka-S-l-√ḵéitsʼ | for S to tickle O; for S to touch O lightly || √nook ²; √neekw ² jée + O-S-d+∅-√nook ² | for S to touch, feel O (esp. with hands) || √shee ² N-t⁓ + S-∅-√shee ² | for S to touch, take, pick up

tough g̱ákw | dried and hard; stiff (as canvas, dry fish) || √woosʼ ³ | tough; hard

tourist sh tuwáa kasyéiyi

tow √x̱aach | tow (usually by boat) O-S-∅-√x̱aach | for S to tow O (usually by boat)

toward -de | to; toward; until; in the manner of || –niyaadé | in the direction or general area of; headed toward

towards –dachóon

towards it aadé

towel g̱wéinaa | towel aan yadu.usʼgu jig̱wéinaa | washcloth, washrag for washing the face || jig̱wéinaa | handtowel || ḵaa daag̱wéinaa | body towel || sʼíxʼ g̱wéinaa | dish towel

towline –aax̱gwalʼí | towline of –; strap of –

town aan ⁴ | inhabited or owned land; town; village; settlement || aan x̱ʼayee | in a town; on the streets of a town || aanká | downtown; in town

town crier at tʼaa.éexʼi

town: in town aanká

toy ḵus.ookʼ

track √kei ¹ O-ka-S-s-√kei ¹

tracks –x̱ʼus.eetí | footprint; tracks

trade –daséixʼán; –daséixʼín; –daséixʼ | trading goods; trading places; taking turns woosh daséixʼán | trading goods with each other; trading places with each other; taking turns with each other || –yaḵáawu | trading partner; long ways back friend

traditional lingít–

trail ¹ (noun) dei | trail; path; road; street dei yaax̱; dei xʼayaax̱ | side of the trail/path/road/street || dei yík | on the trail/path/road/street; bed of the trail/path/road/street

trail ² (verb) √kei ¹ O-ka-S-s-√kei ¹

train ¹ –x̱ʼakooká | in response, reply to them; following his/her train of speech

train ² shtéen káa

training √gúkch ˟ | practice; training; learn how

trample √tseix̱; √tseex̱ | kick; trample; pedal

transform √eet | change; transform a-S-d+∅-√éet | for S to change its proportion; for S to change itself into something else

translate O-x̱ʼa-ka-S-∅-√neek | for S to translate O

transport [∅ preverb] + O-ya-S-s-√ḵoox̱ ¹ | for S to transport O by boat; for S to bring, take or fetch O by boat || {na preverb} + O-S-s-√xáatʼ ¹; {∅ preverb} + O-S-s-√xáatʼ ¹ | for S to drag, pull O (esp. heavy object or limp object such as dead animal); for S to haul, transport O (by non-motor power) || {∅ preverb} + O-ya-S-∅-√x̱aa ²; {na preverb} + O-ya-S-∅-√x̱aa ² | for S to transport O by boat or car; for S to bring, take or fetch O by boat or car || O-ya-S-∅-√x̱áaxʼw ² ˟ | for S to regularly transport, haul O by boat or car || {na preverb} + O-S-s-√x̱óotʼ ¹

trap ¹ (verb) | √g̱aat ² O-S-d+s-√g̱áat ² || O-S-∅-√sháat | for S to catch O; for S to grab, take hold of, snatch O; for S to arrest O; for S to trap O || √xeis | catch with container

trap ² áan | type of small fish trap || (noun) g̱aatáa | especially a steel trap || náax̱ ag̱ataan | fish trap made of sharpened sticks || sein; sein | deadfall trap || sháal | fish trap || xeisáa | small bird trap made with inverted container || yéix̱ | deadfall trap for large animals

trapper g̱aatáa yéi daanéiyi

trash sʼeex | dirt; scrap(s); rubbish, trash, clutter; lint || tlʼeex | filth, mess; trash, rubbish, garbage || √tlʼeex O-d+l-√tlʼeex | for O to be dirty, trashy

travel √goo ² | swim in school (especially sea mammals); travel in fleet on water {na preverb} + ÿa-S-∅-√goo ² | for S to travel in a pod or fleet (of sea mammals or canoes) || √ḵoox̱ ¹ | travel by boat; travel by car [∅ preverb] + S-∅-√ḵoox̱ ¹; [na preverb] + S-∅-√ḵoox̱ ¹ | for S to travel, go (by boat, car) || daak + S-∅-√ḵoox̱ ¹ | for S to go out to sea (in a boat); for S to move into the open (in a boat, car) || g̱unéi + S-∅-√ḵoox̱ ¹ | for S to begin traveling, going by boat or car || yaa + S-∅-√ḵoox̱ ¹ | for S to be going, traveling along (by boat, car) || √teen ¹ {na preverb} + ḵu-S-∅-√teen ¹ | for S to travel, go on a trip || {∅ preverb} + ḵu-S-∅-√teen ¹ | for S to travel, go on a trip || √xoon ³ | prepare for travel S-∅-√xoon ³ | for S to prepare for travel

travel along yaa + S-∅-√ḵoox̱ ¹

tray sʼeeḵ a káa yax̱ ataan | ash tray

treasure N + yáa + O-li-√ḵʼéi ˟ | for N to treasure, value O; for N to admire, think highly of, respect O

tree aas || aas jiseiyí; aas seiyí | the shelter of a tree || aas katláx̱di | dry tree branches (still on the tree) || aas yádi | sapling || aas yík | in the tree || xʼéedadi | uprooted tree (with roots protruding); uprooted stump (with roots protruding) || aasgutuyík | sound or noise in the woods, forest, trees || g̱ákw | heartwood of tree; spine of tree || g̱éej.adi; g̱éech.adi | windfallen tree; dead tree(s) that has fallen; dead brush that has fallen || láax̱ | dead dry tree, still standing || lʼákwti | dry-fallen tree || shéiyi | spruce tree; tree || x̱áaw | log (fallen tree), driftlog (on the beach)

Tree People Aas Ḵwáani

tremble √neit O-ka-d+∅-√neit | for O to tremble, quake, shiver (from palsy, fear, or cold) || √x̱waal | tremble; shake O-S-l-√x̱waal | for S to make O shake, tremble

triangle kindaatóog̱in sʼín

tribe naa

trickle kaxʼáasjaa | trickle of water; steady drip or leak

tricks yakwteiyí

trill √seil | tweet; twitter; trill

trim √x̱eetl ³ | trim; hem –x̱ʼax̱éedli | trim; hem

trinket aan káxʼ duhoon nooch át | little things to sell

trip N-náx̱ + yei + O-d+s-√geet ¹ | for O (live creature) to fall down N || N-t + x̱ʼus-sha-S-s-√goo ³ | for S to trip over N; for S to stub toe on N; for S to stumble on N || yan + x̱ʼus-sha-S-s-√goo ³ | for S to trip, stumble, stub toe

troll a-S-d+s-√tʼeix̱ ˟ | for S to fish with hooks, catch on a hook, troll

troller shukalx̱aají

trouble O-tu-ka-∅-√dín ˟ | for O to be upset, troubled, lacking peace of mind || (verb) √xeelʼ ¹ (noun) kaxéelʼ | trouble; conflict || (verb) √wootl | hurry; trouble (noun) adawóotl | rush; hurry

troublemaker –luxʼaa | instigator, cause (of trouble) || at luxʼaaḵáawu

troublesome kalixéelʼi

trounce N + een + sh + ka-S-d+l-√xoots ² | for S to try to dominate or trounce or attempt to overpower N (like a brown bear)

trousers tuḵʼatáal; tug̱atáal tuḵʼatáal

trout aashát | steelhead trout || daṉeiyí | lake trout || xʼéitaa | cutthroat trout || x̱ʼwáatʼ | Dolly Varden trout || yaa | sea trout

true xʼéig̱aa yankáxʼ– | genuinely; truly || xʼéig̱aa–

truly xʼéig̱aa–

trunk –kʼí | the base or foot of it (a standing object); trunk of a tree or large plant || –kʼeeyí | base (of tree or other plant); the lower part of its trunk or stem

trust √heen ¹ n + éekʼ + a-S-∅-√heen ¹ ˟ || (noun) átkʼ aheen | faith; belief; trust; religion || N + káa + yan + tu-S-∅-√taan ⁵ | for S to put trust in, rely on, have faith in N

trust self sh + tóokʼ + a-S-d+∅-√heen ˟ ¹

truth xʼéig̱aa át

try √aaḵw ¹ | attempy; try ka-S-∅-√aaḵw ˟ ¹ | for S to try, attempt || √gúnlʼ | have a burl; try hard

try out O-ka-u-S-∅-√.aaḵw ˟ ¹ | for S to try out, test O || √dlénx̱aa ˟ | tempt; try out; test O-ka-u-S-∅-√dlénx̱aa ˟ | for S to tempt, try out, test O

Tsimshian: Coast Tsimshian Tsʼootsxán; Tsʼootsxén (C)

tuberculosis wuwtunéekw

Tuesday déix̱ yakyee; déix̱ yagiyee; déix̱ yagee

tufted puffin lugán

tug √tsʼootsʼ | fish to nibble or tug line || O-ka-S-s-√xaat ¹ | for S to tighten O (which is fastened to something at the other end); for S to tug, pull (on something fastened at the other end)

tumor kawáat | lump in the flesh || aasdaag̱oodlí | burl, tumor in a tree || aasdaaxʼéesʼi | tumor in a tree, with branches growing from it

tunic kʼoodásʼ || goodásʼ

tunnel a tóonáx̱ yaa andag̱wátʼ át | crawling tunnel (for play)

turkey lug̱eitlʼ

turn ¹ kei + O-ya-S-l-√.aat ³ | for S to turn O (boat, car)

turn ² déis | now you || –daséixʼán; –daséixʼín; –daséixʼ | trading goods; trading places; taking turns woosh daséixʼán | trading goods with each other; trading places with each other; taking turns with each other || N + ée-t⁓ + ḵu-∅-√haa ³ | for N to have a turn || √haa ³

turn back (N + náḵ) + a-ya-S-d+∅-√haan ¹ | S to flee, run, turn back ( from N) || a-ya-u-S-d+∅-√ḵoox̱ ¹ | for S to turn back, return by boat || a-ya-u-S-d+∅-√.aat ¹ | for (plural) S to turn back, go back (by walking or as general term) || a-ya-u-S-d+∅-√goot ¹ | for (singular) S to turn back, go back (by walking or as general term)

turn off O-ya-ka-S-l-√kéesʼ

turn on N-t⁓ + a-ka-S-l-√gaan ¹ | for S to light, set fire to, cause N to shine; for S to turn N on (light) || O-ka-S-s-√.aa ³ | for S to turn on O (hose), cause O to flow

turn over O-shu-S-∅-√g̱eech ²

turn over to N + jee-t⁓ + O-S-l-√tlʼeet | for S to turn O over to N || √tlʼeet

turning over áa yax̱ || shóo yax̱ | turning over end by end

turnip anahoo || kadux̱ʼal.aa || tlʼaadéin.aa

turns woosh daséixʼán

turnstone x̱ʼalʼdaayéeji; xʼatʼdaayéejayi | black turnstone

turpentine néegwálʼ x̱ookahéeni

turtle kanóoxʼ, tanóoxʼ, tadanóox’; tanóoxʼ, tadanóox’, kanóoxʼ

Tuxecan: People of Tuxecan (Taḵjikʼ Aan) Taḵjikʼ Aan Ḵwáan

tweet √seil | tweet; twitter; trill

tweezers óotʼaa || lʼátʼaa | tongs; tweezers; clamps

twenty tleiḵáa || tleiḵáanáx̱ | twenty people

twenty one tleiḵáa ḵa tléixʼ || tleiḵáa ḵa tléináx̱ | twenty one people

twiddle √neiy | baby; twiddle

twilight xi.áat

twin –kikyádi | their twin || wooch kikyátxʼi | twins to each other

twine √yeey | tie; twine

twirl ash koolkʼéinaa | play at jumping or twirling round || O-sha-ka-S-l-√yéin | for S to wag O (tail); for S to wave O (hand, etc.); for S to twirl, spin O around above oneʼs head

twist √choon ² | twist (to make limber) || √sʼoo | withe; twist to limber || √teiḵʼ | rope-like object || √teix̱ʼ; √teex̱ʼ | wring; twist; screw ¹; crooked; twisted; windy ² || √teexʼ | make rope; twist into rope || √xʼaa | twist to limber

twisted √teix̱ʼ; √teex̱ʼ | wring; twist; screw ¹; crooked; twisted; windy ²

twistedstalk sʼig̱eeḵáawu tléig̱u; tléiḵw kahínti | twistedstalk; watermelon berry

twisting roll √doochʼ ¹ | twisting roll; pinch

twitter √seil | tweet; twitter; trill

two déix̱; déex̱ (Y,A,T) || dáx̱g̱aa | two by two || dáx̱g̱aanáx̱ | people two by two || dáx̱náx̱ | two people || dax̱dahéen | two times; twice || dax̱yeekaadé | two different kinds, types; two different ways, directions

two-spirited ḵʼatx̱áan | homosexual; non-binary; queer; two-spirited

type O-ka-S-l-√dáalʼ

typist kaldáalʼi

ulcer x̱áatlʼáḵw | mouth ulcer; soreness of the mouth (as of a baby that is teething); cold sore

umbilical –taaní (TC); –taanwú; –taanú; –táani | umbilical cord

umbrella kéi daḵinji sʼáaxw

umpire ḵʼeish tóowu | umpire (in baseball)

unattractive O-ka-(u)-l-√jée ˟ ²

uncle –káak | maternal uncle || –sáni | paternal uncle

under –doonyaa; –doonaa; –doonyaax̱; –doonaax̱ | under or inside his/her clothes; next to his/her skin || –guntú | under the covers, under the blanket with them; (sleeping) nestled against them || –x̱ʼusyee | at the foot/feet of; under the feet of

underbrush at gutú

undergarment doonyaax̱ naa.át | underwear; undergarment

underground yanax̱ | underground; in a fixed position

underline a tayeex̱ nasyéḵ; a tayeex̱ nasyíḵ

underneath –tayee

understand (verb root) √gei  ³ N + daa + yaa + ḵu-shu-s-√géi  ³ | for N to understand, comprehend || (verb) O-x̱ʼa-S-∅-.aax̱ ¹ | for S to hear O with understanding; for S to understand, comprehend O || (relational noun) –gukáaxʼ | (speaking) clearly, distinctly for them, so she/he can understand

underwear doonyaax̱ kʼoodásʼ | undershirt || doonyaax̱ naa.át | underwear; undergarment || doonyaax̱ tuḵʼatáal | longjohns || xʼwán ¹ | skin pants; moccasin trousers; underpants

undo √kei ¹ O-ka-S-s-√kei ¹

unearth kei + O-S-s-√taan ³ | for S to bring out, unearth O (usually long, complex object)(esp. from a box or other container or place which o is kept); for S to pick up, lift up O || kei + O-S-∅-√tee ² ʰ | for S to bring out, unearth O (general, often compact object) (esp. from a box or other container or place which O is kept); for S to pick up, lift up O || √tee ʰ ²

unfold N-x̱ + O-ka-S-∅-√yaa ⁴ | for S to spread out, unfold, lay out (singular) O along N || N-x̱ + O-ka-S-s-√yaa ⁴ | for S to spread out, unfold, lay out (plural) O along N

unhappy tlél + O-tu-sh-√góo ¹

university sgóon tlein | post-secondary education

unlucky tlél + O-sh-√x̱éitl ˟ | for O to be unlucky

unravel √kei ¹

unripe √x̱ʼátʼ ˟ ka-d+l-√x̱ʼátʼ ˟ | for berries to be unripe, green and hard

unsuitable √geiḵ | unsuitable; harmful; restrain ka-u-d+∅-√géiḵ | for something to be unsuitable, improper

untangle √kei ¹ O-ka-S-s-√kei ¹

untie √keilʼ ¹ O-ka-S-∅-√kéilʼ ¹ || (adjective) kudikélʼkw | easy to untie

until -de | to; toward; until; in the manner of

unwilling O-tu-ka-d+sh-√yaa ³ | for O to be reluctant; for O to back out of a task; for O to be unwilling

unwilling to give O-sh-√g̱eeḵ ˟

unwise tlél + yaa + ḵu-S-d+sh-√géi ³ | for S to be foolish, dimwitted, unwise, or crazy

unyielding O-tu-l-√woochʼ | for O to be stubborn; for O to harden themself, refuse to give in

up dikée | up; above; up in the sky, in heaven || kéi; kei || –katʼóot | partway up; halfway up (the inside of a vessel, container or containment) || kindachóon | straight up || kínde; dikínde; dakínde | upward || –yakatʼóot | partway up (the surface of); halfway up (the surface of)

uproot √xʼeet

upset yax̱ + O-ka-S-∅-√x̱eech ¹ | for S to spill, upset O from a container || yax̱ + ka-d+sh-√x̱een | for something to spill, be upset from a container

upside down √gwaatʼ | upside down || kindaatóog̱in– | butt up; upside down || yindasháan | head down; upside down

upstairs hít shantú

upstream naakée | upstream; north || nandachóon | straight upstream; straight towads the head of a body of water

upwards kínde || dikínde

urchin néesʼ | sea urchin || x̱ʼwaash | red sea urchin

urinate gánde + S-∅-√.aat ¹ | for (plural) S to go to the bathroom || gánde + S-∅-√goot | for (singular) S to go to the bathroom || √lóoxʼ; √leexʼw a-S-∅-√lóoxʼ || sh + daa + a-S-d+∅-√lóoxʼ | for S to pee oneself

urine –lóoxʼu || kax̱ʼees | strong urine smell || kwás | aged urine; toilet

Ursa Major Yax̱té

us (object pronoun) haa ² (postpositional pronoun) haa ee- ⁓ haan | to us; with us || (independent pronoun) uháan

use √oo ¹ yéi + O-S-∅-√.oo ¹ ʰ | for S to wear, put on, dress in O; for S to use O || √yeix̱ ¹ | make; use; whittle N-x̱ + O-S-l-√yeix̱ ¹ | for S to use O for N; for S to make O into N

used to N + ee⁓ + ∅-√daa ² | for N to become accustomed to, get used to it || N + x̱ʼéix̱ + ∅-√daa ² | for N to become used to, accustomed to it (of manner of speech or flavor of food) || N-x̱ + O-tu-∅-√daa ² | for O to become used to, accustomed to N (esp. in attitudes)

used up shu-∅-√xeex ² | for something to end, come to an end, pass; for something to be used up (of supplies, etc.)

using -n

using it ách

usual chʼa yéi

utensil atx̱á jishagóon | kitchen utensil

vacation wulsaayi yís ḵuwduwateen

vagina –góos

vain chʼa g̱ég̱aa | in vain; for nothing; without success || chʼa g̱ég̱aa; chʼa neechx̱ | in vain; for nothing; without success

valley nax̱ | small bay || shaanáx̱ | mountain valley || náx̱

value (verb) √tseen ¹ | strong; value O-x̱ʼa-S-l-√tseen ˟ ¹ | for S to cherish, value O || N + yáa + O-li-√ḵʼéi ˟ | for N to treasure, value O; for N to admire, think highly of, respect O

vantage –keekán | where one can look at it, observe it, check on it; vantage point for it

variety woosh g̱unayáade aa

various woosh g̱unayáade; woosh g̱uwanáade; woosh x̱ʼaakdiyéináx̱; hoosh wanáade | differently (from one another); variously || woosh g̱unayáade aa | different ones; various ones

vegetation kayaaní | leaf, leaves; vegetation, plants, herbs, herbiage

veil xaadáa | veil; (mosquito) netting; cheesecloth

vein (noun) –téetʼ || (verb) √teetʼ

Venus kʼóox dísi

verdigris eeḵ háatlʼi | patina formed on weathered copper

verify yan⁓ + O-ka-s-√nook ² | for S to prove, verify, find out and be sure of O; for S to investigate, make trial of, test out O

vertical surface –yá

very chʼa | very; just || ḵúnáx̱ | really; actually; very || tlax̱ | really; actually; very

vest l.uljíni

veteran xʼéig̱aa ḵáa | warrior; combat veteran

via -náx̱ | through; along; via; including the time of

vicinity –déin | (in) the area of or around, (in) the vicinity of a déinde aa | the one(s) in the vicinity of it; the rest of it, them all || –déindáx̱ aa | the one(s) in the vicinity of it; the rest of it, them

video ḵuyawdahaayí sʼíxʼ | DVD disc || ḵuyawdahaayí sʼíxʼ ḵóok | DVD player

view –waḵká | blocking their view; in their way (so that she/he canʼt see) || ḵaa yatʼéináx̱ | in secret (where nobody can see); away from peopleʼs view

village aan ⁴ | inhabited or owned land; town; village; settlement

violate at + géit⁓ + S-d+s-√geet ²

violin g̱íx̱ʼjaa || ash koolg̱íx̱ʼjaa | playing violin (or other similar stringed instrument with a bow)

virtue –tuwáadáx̱; tuwáatx̱ | because of –; due to –; by virtue of –; on the strength of –; encouraged by –

viscera –yik.ádi

viscious √tʼeexʼ ²

visible tlél + ga-u-∅-√háa ³ ˟ || √háa ³ ˟

visit √gaaḵ O-S-∅-√gaaḵ

vocable yaadachóon | vocables of a song

vodka Anóoshi héeni

voice –sé | base of the neck; voice –satú

void kaawayík; wooyík | void; off somewhere; off in space; oblivion; perdition

volcano yalʼúk shaa

vole kag̱áak | deer mouse; field mouse || sʼudeen | shrew (very small, has beak)

vomit √haasʼ | vomit; nauseated O-∅-√háasʼ | for O to vomit || (noun) háasʼ | vomit; urge to vomit || √ḵoo | flood ¹; vomit S-d+l-√ḵoo ʰ | for S to vomit, throw up

vulva –góos

wade √hoo ¹ | wade; swim | classification: singular {∅ preverb} + S-∅-√hoo ¹ | for (singular) S to wade; for (singular) S to swim on surface of water || N-t + ji-S-d+∅-√hoo ¹ | for S to wade around at N (esp. aimlessly or in circles) || √kwaan | swim on surface of water; wade | classification: plural

wag O-sha-ka-S-l-√yéin | for S to wag O (tail); for S to wave O (hand, etc.); for S to twirl, spin O around above oneʼs head

wagon kajúxaa; koojúxaa; koojúxwaa (An) | flywheel; wheelbarrow; wagon; hand truck; dolly; wheel ²; tire

wail √g̱aax̱ | cry; wail kasg̱aax̱ | mourning, wailing, loud weeping or crying; wail, groan, moan

waist –kasán | body; torso; waist || –katʼóot | the middle of their body; their waist area

wait ¹ ilí sʼé!; li sʼé!; ilí sʼá! | wait! || N-x̱ + O-ka-∅-√gaa ¹ | for O to be still, quiet; for O to stop (car, clock, e.g.); for O to wait || tleiyéi + yéi + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to be still, quiet; for O to stop (car, clock, e.g.); for O to wait

wait ² -g̱aa | going after; waiting for; in the area of; about the time of –eeg̱áa | waiting for; going after; going for (to get) || –yeeg̱áa | waiting for || –x̱ʼayee | ready, waiting for them to eat, drink; waiting for them to speak or finish speaking || –jiyee || –yayee | waiting for; in wait for

waiter –x̱ʼadaa yoo jikool.átgi | waiter, attendant

wake ¹ kei + O-S-s-√geet ¹ | for S to wake O up, rouse O from sleep || kei + O-d+s-√geet ¹ | for O to wake up

wake ² –daateedí | wake; the waves coming off it or generated by

wakeful √x̱eiḵ; √x̱eek O-d+∅-√x̱eiḵ | for O to be wakeful; for O to not get enough sleep

walk √aat ¹ | classification: plural subject √aat ¹ | for (plural) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) | classification: plural i {∅ preverb} + S-∅-√.aat ¹; {∅ preverb} + S-d+∅-√.aat ¹ || ii {na preverb} + S-∅-√.aat ¹ || iii {ga preverb} + S-∅-√.aat ¹ || iv {g̱a preverb} + S-∅-√.aat ¹ || √geit | walk softly; tiptoe || √goot ¹ | classification: singular subject {∅ preverb} + S-∅-√goot ¹ || {∅ preverb} + S-d+∅-√goot ¹ || {na preverb} + S-∅-√goot ¹ || {ga preverb} + S-∅-√goot ¹ || {g̱a preverb} + S-∅-√goot ¹ || √kʼeit ² | walk softly; tiptoe || {na preverb} + S-d+sh-√ḵaaḵ | for an octopus to walk/crawl || √ḵʼeikʼw ² | walk with long steps

walking along N-x̱ + yaa + S-∅-√.aat ¹

walking stick wootsaag̱áa; wutsaag̱áa

walkway ḵaa x̱ʼoos deiyí

wall tʼáa yá

wall crest x̱ʼéen

wall screen x̱ʼéen

walrus kooléix̱ʼwaa

waltz sʼáasʼ | dance lightly, sliding the feet

wander N-t + yaa + ḵu-S-d+l-√g̱áat ³ ˟

want √haa ⁴ | want; willing (yéi) + O-sa-S-∅-√haa ⁴ | for S to want O (a certain way); for S to be decided about O; for S to agree to O || (yéi) + O-tu-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to want to do, feel like doing (that); for O to feel a certain way || –tuwáxʼ | in their opinion; to their way of thinking, feeling N + tuwáa + S-s-√góo ¹ | for N to want, like, desire S; for S to be pleasing to N || √tsaay

war (noun) adawóotl | conflict, war; trouble (between opposing factions) || ḵulagaaw | fight; war ¹; conflict ḵulagaaw tlein | world war || xʼáan shagóon; xʼáan shegóon | weapons of war || xʼáan yinaa.át | war clothes (of moosehide) || √x̱aa ³ | attack in pod; attack in fleet x̱áa | group of canoes on the water; war party; attacking force of warriors or soldiers; army

war party x̱áa

warbler tlʼáatlʼ | small yellow songbird (yellow warbler?)

warf dzeit shuyee | bottom end of bridge, wharf

warm √tʼaa ¹ | warm; hot ∅-√tʼaa ¹ ʰ | for something to be warm; for something to be hot || ḵu-∅-√tʼaa ¹ ʰ | for the weather to be warm, hot || O-S-s-√tʼaa ¹ ʰ | for S to warm O (water, etc.)

warn O-ya-u-S-∅-√nei ² | for S to discipline, restrain, restrict, warn or prevent O from doing something

warp ¹ √tʼaa ³ | bend or warp by steam

warp ² –díx̱ʼi | warp of a weaving

warrior xʼéig̱aa ḵáa | warrior; combat veteran

wart tʼáax̱ʼw

wash ¹ √oosʼ O-S-∅-√.óosʼ | for S to wash O || O-ka-S-∅-√.óosʼ | for S to wash O (usually surface of pot, table, etc.) || O-S-l-√.óosʼ | for S to wash O (often meat or feet) || daa + S-d+∅-√.óosʼ | for S to take a bath || sha-S-d+∅-√.óosʼ | for S to wash hair

wash ² a kát yadu.usʼgu át; a kát yadu.usʼgu sʼíxʼ; a kát yat.usʼkw át | wash basin (for face) || aan yadu.usʼgu jig̱wéinaa | washcloth, washrag for washing the face || jin.úsʼaa yeit; jin.óosʼaa yeit | wash basin (for hands)

wash over √taan ⁴ N + kanax̱ + ji-ya-s-√taan ⁴ | for waves to wash over N

washboard a káa dul.usʼku át; a kát dul.usʼku át

washer sh da.úsʼgu át

washes easily li.óosʼshán || kali.óosʼshán | its surface washes easily

washing machine sh da.úsʼgu át

wasp gandaasʼaají

watch ¹ a.án | watching the weather to forecast; watching the stars to navigate || N + kát⁓ + ya-u-S-∅-√daa ² | for S to keep an eye on, watch N || N + káa + yan⁓ + ya-u-S-∅-√daa ² | for S to keep an eye on, watch N || (N + káx̱) + yan⁓ + a-S-∅-√deil | for S to keep watch, keep a lookout (over N) || √heech | watch covertly; accuse || O-S-l-√teen ² | for S to look at, gaze at, watch O; for S to watch, take care of, mind, look after O || O-ka-S-l-√teen ² | for S to observe, watch O; for S to look at, browse O (esp. a catalog or book with pictures) || N-g̱aa + ḵu-S-∅-√téesʼ ˟ | for S to watch for N; for S to search for N (by looking around) || ka-u-l-√téesʼshán ˟ | for something to be fascinating to watch, to be a wonderful sight kulitéesʼshán | interesting to watch; interesting to stare at

watchman adéli || at káx̱ adéli || katíx̱ʼaa sʼaatí | keymaster; jailer || taat aayí adéli | night watchman || wáachwaan

water aan yax̱ʼáak | area on the open water in front of the town, village || héen | water héen shú | end, edge of body of standing water || héen táak | in the water, river (deep enough to submerge) || héen x̱uká | on top of the water; on top of the river || héen x̱ʼaká | mouth of the river; entrance of the water || héen x̱ʼashú | near the water; near the river || héen yík | in the water; in the river || hinyeit | water container; water pail || héeni | going into water || héenx̱ | going (down) into water || sooḵ kahéeni | brackish water on moss

water down √heen ³

waterfall xʼáas

waterlogged √.éetʼ ¹ | soak O-ka-d+∅-√.éetʼ | for O to be soaked, waterlogged || √nátlʼ; √nátsʼ

watermelon katsistléiḵw || kalihéeni

watermelon berry sʼig̱eeḵáawu tléig̱u; tléiḵw kahínti | twistedstalk; watermelon berry

watershed hin.eetí | dry watershed

waterside éiḵ; éeḵ

wave ¹ héen x̱ʼadánjayi | spray from waves || teet –daateedí | wake; the waves coming off it or generated by || teet x̱’achálx̱i | whitecaps; foam on wave || (verb) √teet ¹ || –wát | mouth (of a river, creek, lake, or wave); face of a wave

wave ² √yein | wave ²; shake O-sha-ka-S-l-√yéin | for S to wag O (tail); for S to wave O (hand, etc.); for S to twirl, spin O around above oneʼs head

waves ji-s-√taan ⁴ | for the ocean to be rough || yan + ji-s-√taan ⁴ | for waves to hit, reach the beach || N + kanax̱ + ji-ya-s-√taan ⁴ | for waves to wash over N

wax tás daaneisʼí | wax for sewing

way chʼa koogéiyi | any old way; randomly; carelessly || –dakádin | (facing) the opposite direction from it, the other way woosh dakádin | (facing) the opposite direction from each other; the other way from each other || –jiká | getting in their way; coming their way (so that it is attainable) || –niyaa; –yinaa | in the way of; keeping away; protecting, shielding, screening from; blocking || –waḵká | blocking their view; in their way (so that she/he canʼt see) || –x̱ʼanaa | in the way of; keeping away; protecting, shielding, screening from; blocking || | place; way

we (subject pronoun) tu-

weak tlél + O-ka-u-∅-√hélʼk ˟ | for O to be weak, helpless || √keitsʼ | wobbly; weak O-ka-d+∅-√kéitsʼ | for O to be wobbly, weak || tlél + O-l-√tseen ˟ ¹ | for O to be weak; for O to be anemic; for O to be mild (of weather)

weakling dzagéiḵ

wealth duwuweit || lanáalx̱ || náalx̱

wealthy √naalx̱ O-l-√náalx̱ ˟ | for O to be rich, wealthy, profitable

weapon jix̱an.át | weapon || xʼáan shagóon; xʼáan shegóon | weapons of war

wear √oo ¹ yéi + O-S-∅-√.oo ¹ ʰ | for S to wear, put on, dress in O; for S to use O || √tee ⁴

wear through √daasʼ | wear through (with wire)

wearing a belt √seek ²

weary √xweitl ¹ || O-d+∅-√xweitl ¹

weasel dáa

weather (noun) ḵutí || (verb) (yéi) + ḵu-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for the weather to be (that way) || a.án | watching the weather to forecast; watching the stars to navigate

weathered in O-ya-∅-√seek ¹ | for O to be delayed, prevented, held back from plans (often due to inclement weather)

weave √aak ¹ | weave bark or roots O-S-∅-√.aak ¹ | for S to weave O (using tree roots or bark) || S-d+∅-√.aak ¹ | for S to weave (using tree roots or bark) || √nei ³ | weave yarns O-ka-S-s-√nei ³ | for S to make O (cloth of any kind) (by weaving, knitting, or crocheting); for S to make or mend O (net) || ka-S-d+s-√nei ³ | for S to knit, weave, or crochet

web –g̱eiwú | web (of spider)

webbing g̱eiwú

wedding woosh gax̱dusháa || shaawát x̱áni ḵu.éexʼ

wedge x̱ʼéexʼw tayees; yees | stone chisel; stone axe; wedge

Wednesday násʼk yakyee; násʼk yagiyee; násʼk yagee

week sándi x̱ʼáak

weekend sándi x̱ʼáak shuwee; sándi x̱ʼáak shuyee

weep S-∅-√g̱aax̱ | classification: singular subject || g̱ax̱-S-s-√tee ¹ | for (plural) S to cry, weep, mourn; for (plural) S to howl (esp. of wolves) | classification: plural subject

weeping g̱aax̱ | crying; weeping

weigh down √yeeḵ ⁴ || √jeich ² || √xoo ²

weight ¹ √neitl O-d+l-√neitl | for O to get fat; for O to gain weight

weight ² –dáli | the weight of at dáli | a certain measure of weight; pound (weight unit) || –jiyeet | under the burden, weight of it; belabored or suffering from it (a burden, hardship) || kudáal | the weight of

welcome neil⁓ + O-S-s-√.aat ¹ | classification: plural object || neil⁓ + O-S-s-√goot ¹ | classification: singular object

well ¹ (adjective) kʼidéin

well ² haaw ² | well; so || ḵachgu | well; what do you know; here it was

west lʼag̱akáx̱ | (wind blowing) from the west || yánde át | onshore west wind

wet √seetsʼ | dripping wet || √tlʼáakʼ O-d+∅-√tlʼáakʼ | for O to be wet (may be thoroughly wet, but not by actual immersion) || O-ka-d+∅-√tlʼáakʼ | for O to be wet on the surface (may be thoroughly wet, but not by actual immersion) || O-S-l-√tlʼáakʼ | for S to wet, make wet by pouring on or immersion || O-ka-S-l-√tlʼáakʼ | for S to wet, make wet by sprinkling || ḵu-ka-l-√tlʼáakʼ | for the outdoors to be wet

whale kéet | killer whale || sʼéetʼ | humpback whale || yáay | whale

whalebone yáay x̱ʼaxéni

what daa(t) sá | what || daat g̱aa sá | why; going after what; waiting for what; for some purpose || daat káx̱ sá | why; for what purpose; for what || daat yís sá | why; for what reason; for what benfit; for some reason || wáa yateeyí aa sá?; máa yateeyi aa sá | what kind (of); which kind (of); some kind (of)

what do you know ḵachgu | well; what do you know; here it was

whatever chʼa daa sá

wheel ¹ (verb) {na preverb} + O-ka-S-l-√joox | for S to wheel O || {∅ preverb} + O-ka-S-l-√joox | for S to wheel O

wheel ² (noun) kajúxaa; koojúxaa; koojúxwaa (An) | flywheel; wheelbarrow; wagon; hand truck; dolly; wheel ²; tire

wheelbarrow kajúxaa; koojúxaa; koojúxwaa (An) | flywheel; wheelbarrow; wagon; hand truck; dolly; wheel ²; tire || tsʼíktsʼík

when gwátgeen sá; gútgeen sá | when (in the future); sometime (in the future) chʼa gwátgeen sá; chʼa gútgeen sá (Y) | any time (in the future); whenever (in the future) || gwatk sá; gútk sá | when (in the past); sometime (in the past) chʼa gwátk sá | any time (in the past); whenever (in the past)

where goo sá | where? || chʼa g̱unayé | somewhere else; someplace else; a different place

wherever chʼa gootʼá sá, chʼa gootʼé sá (C) || chʼa gooxʼ sá

whetstone yayéinaa; yeÿéenaa

which chʼa daaḵw.aa sá; chʼa daag̱u.aa sá; chʼa daatḵu.aa sá | any (certain one); whichever (one) || daaḵw.aa sá; daaḵu.aa sá; daag̱u.aa sá; daatḵu.aa sá | which (one); some (certain one) || wáa yateeyí aa sá?; máa yateeyi aa sá | what kind (of); which kind (of); some kind (of)

while chʼa yéi yigoowáatlʼ

whine √tsʼeek | fuss; whine; tantrum O-S-l-√tsʼeek | for S to fuss about, whine for, throw a tantrum for O

whip (verb) √x̱aatʼ | whip; spring; bend under pressure (noun) x̱átʼaa

whip up √xaakw | gind; whip up O-ka-S-l-√xaakw | for S to grind up O; for S to beat, whip O up (esp. soapberries)

whirlpool haat kool | tidal whirlpool || ḵux̱deinú | eddy; whirlpool || xʼóolʼ || √xʼoolʼ ¹ | rip tide; whirlpool

whiskers –ḵʼanoox̱ú | whiskers, beard (of fish) || –x̱ʼadaadzaayí | mustache; whiskers || –yadaadzaayí | beard; whiskers

whisper √tlaakw ḵu-S-∅-√tlaakw | for S to whisper

whistle (verb) √eikw a-ka-u-S-∅-√.éikw ˟ | for S to whistle || (noun) akoo.éikw || (verb) √ees | whistle quietly || √sʼeesʼ | squirt; advise pointedly; whistle quietly

whistler sʼaax̱ | hoary marmot

white dleit | white like snow || chʼáalʼ | white like (the wood of) willow || káts | white like pounded clam shells

whiteboard dleit kadushxit tʼáa yá

whitecaps héen agunatáani || teet x̱’achálx̱i | whitecaps; foam on wave || x̱eil; x̱eel

whitefish áa tug̱úḵlʼi | mountain whitefish || x̱áat yádi

whittle √yeix̱ ¹ | make; use; whittle || O-ka-S-∅-√yeix̱ ¹ | for S to whittle O; for S to make O (kindling)

who (question particle) aadóo sá; aa sá | who; someone; somebody

whoa! shé!, shéi!

whoever chʼa aadóo sá; chʼa aa sá

whole √dook ¹ | solid; whole

why daat g̱aa sá | why; going after what; waiting for what; for some purpose || daat káx̱ sá | why; for what purpose; for what || daat yís sá | why; for what reason; for what benfit; for some reason || wáanáx̱ sá | why

wick –tási; –tutési | wick (of lamp)

wicked (verb) O-ka-d+s-√téix̱ʼ | for O to be crooked, wicked || (verbal adjective) l ushikʼéiyi | bad; evil; wicked

wide √woox̱ʼ

widow l sʼaatí shaawát | female widow

wife –shát | wife || –shaawádi | girlfriend (beyond adolescence); wife

wild √oos ² | hyperactive; wild; crazy; noisy

wild celery yaana.eit || kóox̱ʼ | dried yaana.eit (wild celery) stalks

wild rhubarb tlʼaaḵʼwáchʼ

wilderness at gutú || aasgutú || g̱alg̱aaḵu; galg̱aaḵú; kalḵaaḵú || yanshuká

will at sag̱ahaayí | will; wish(es)

willing √haa ⁴

willow chʼáalʼ

wind ¹ dákde át | offshore east wind || kʼeiljáa; kʼeeljáa | chinook wind; south wind; storm (especially while at sea) || lʼag̱akáx̱ | (wind blowing) from the west || sáanáx̱ | (wind blowing) from the south(east) || N-de⁓ + a-ya-∅-√sháat | for the wind, weather to move in gusts to N || xóon | north wind || yánde át | onshore west wind

wind ² O-ka-S-l-√téix̱ʼ | for S to wind O

winded √dzaas ² || √shaaḵ ¹ O-ka-∅-√shaaḵ ¹ | for O to be winded, short of breath, panting || √xeit | wind knocked out O-d+∅-√xeit | for O to have the wind knocked out of them || O-S-s-√xeit | for S to knock the wind out of O

windfall tree g̱éechadi || g̱éejadi

windipe –leikachóox̱ʼu

window x̱aawaag̱í; x̱aawaag̱éi

windy ¹ a-ya-d+∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for the weather to be very windy; for the weather to be stormy, rough

windy ² √teix̱ʼ; √teex̱ʼ | wring; twist; screw ¹; crooked; twisted; windy ²

wineberry neigóon

wing –kích; –kíji

wink √goolʼ | wink; one eye

winkle tlʼelx̱ʼw; tsʼésx̱ʼw; tsʼísx̱ʼw | winkle, snail with shell

winter (noun) táakw | winter; year táakw niyís | (in preparation) for winter || (verb) √taakw

wipe √g̱oo O-S-l-√g̱oo

wire kaxéesʼ

wisdom yaa ḵusgé; yaa ḵoosgé

wise yaa + ḵu-S-d+s-√géi ³

wish ¹ √x̱eisʼ | wish ¹ a-S-d+l-√x̱éisʼ ˟ | for S to wish strongly, make a strong wish (often bringing supernatural results)

wish ² at sag̱ahaayí | will; wish(es)

wish for √ei ² O-S-d+s-√.ei ² | for S to ask for more O (often as a payment, often by a medicine person); for S to wish for more O

witch nakwsʼaatí

witchcraft (noun) héexw | witchcraft, sorcery often used to bring about harm to another (verb) √heexw | bewitch; witchcraft i O-S-∅-√heexw | for O to bewitch S; for O to perform witchcraft on O

with aan ⁵ | with it; by means of it; taking it along chʼa aan ² | just with it || –een; –tin; –teen; –téen | with || –ji.een | working with them; helping them work or do something || –kíknáx̱ | in addition to it; along with it; to the side of it; besides that

withe sʼú | long, thin root or branch || √sʼoo | twist to limber; withe || tlʼéekʼat | cross skewer (for keeping filet flat or to close body cavity while roasting); sticks woven through the fish lengthwise after it has been filleted for barbecuing

wither √x̱ʼaalʼ | wither; cook by blanching O-ka-sh-√x̱ʼáalʼ | for O to wither

without –eetéenáx̱ | in need of; missing; having a hard time without || –g̱óot | lacking; without

witty O-x̱ʼa-s-√too | for O to be witty, glib

wobbly √keitsʼ | wobbly; weak O-ka-d+∅-√kéitsʼ | for O to be wobbly, weak

wolf g̱ooch | wolf || G̱unakadeit; G̱unaakadeit | legendary sea wolf monster || haadaag̱ooji | man-eating wolf; lion; tiger; leopard

wolverine nóoskw

woman shaatkʼ | young woman (not married) || shaawát shaawát shaan | old woman || yées shaawát | young woman || sháa | women || wéitadi | woman who has reached begun menstration cycles

wonder √jee ¹ | think; wonder O-ka-S-∅-√jeek ˟ | for S to wonder, be curious, anxious about O || ḵateeyí | itʼs a wonder; no one knows how; despite the odds

wonderful √koodzí ˟ | amazing; wonderful O-l-√koodzí ˟ | for O to be amazing, wonderful

wood at kaayí | cord (of wood) || at kax̱útʼti | wood chips (from adzing) || gán | firewood gán láx̱ʼi | firewood that is wet, moist with tree sap (so that it doesnʼt burn well) || gantuxoogú | dry inner part of firewood || gán katlʼáakʼ; gén ketlʼáakʼ | wet wood || –kadíx̱ʼi | stem (of plant); heartwood (of tree) || kaláax̱ | dry dead plant, leaves, vegetation, wood || kayeix̱í; kayeix̱tag̱ú; kayeix̱tág̱u | wood shavings; wood chips || ḵáasʼ | stick; splinter; crack in wood || lʼoowú; lʼeiwú | wood, piece of wood; wood chip || nalháashadi; naháashadi | driftlog, driftwood || naaḵw | rotten wood; punky wood || shaaḵ | snag; driftlog, driftwood (in the water) || (adjective) –shísʼḵ; –shásʼḵ | green wood (from sapling) || xoodzí ² | burnt or charred wood || x̱áaw | log (fallen tree), driftlog (on the beach) || x̱ʼoon ² | soft brown wood for tanning dye || yanxoon | pile of driftwood, driftlogs; snag pile

woodpecker gandaadagóogu

woods aasgutú; at gutú | forest; timbered area || Aas Ḵwáani | Tree People || aasgutuyík | sound or noise in the woods, forest, trees || daaḵ | up in the woods (from the shore); inland; back (from the open); off of fire daḵká | up in the woods; inland; back (away from the open, away from the waterʼs edge, inside)

wool jánwu x̱aawú táxʼx̱i | wool of mountain goat || lʼée

word yaḵá | speech, words; angry words; allegation, charge(s) || yoo x̱ʼatánk || –x̱ʼadaa | about, concerning his/her words, speech

work ¹ (verb) yéi + ji-S-∅-√nei ² ʰ | for S to work; for S to do

work ² (noun) yéi jiné || –ji.een | working with them; helping them work or do something

work on √nei ²; √nee ² || (yéi) + O-daa-S-∅-√nei ² ʰ | for S to do, perform O (a particular action); for S to work on O

worker yéi jinéiyi || ganaswáan

world lingitʼaaní; ltʼaaní | the world

worm tlʼúkʼx̱; tlʼúkʼ | worm; larva; grub; caterpillar aas tutlʼúkʼx̱u; gantutlʼúkʼx̱u | woodworm

wormwood watsixtlaanáagu

worn out √shaash ˟ ∅-√sháash ˟ | for something to wear out by continuous friction

worried O-tu-ka-d+∅-√yook | for O to be nervous, worried, shook up; for O to be excited || O-tu-ka-S-s-√yook | for S to cause O to be nervous, worried, shook up

worrisome kalixéelʼi

worry √dín ˟ || N + tóot + ∅-√xeex ¹ | for something to worry N; for N to have something constantly on the mind

wound ¹ (verb) √choon ¹ | wound ¹; injure O-S-l-√choon ¹ | for S to injure, hurt, wound, bruise O || O-S-∅-√ḵʼéikʼw ¹ | for S to wound O with a sharp instrument || (verb) sh + S-d+∅-√ḵʼéikʼw ¹ | for s to wound themself with a sharp instrument

wound ² (noun) choon | would || ḵéetʼ | wound that discharges pus || ḵʼéikʼw; lítaa eetí | knife wound || óonaa tuteiyí kaawaxeexí | gunshot wound || sʼéilʼ | would || –x̱ʼax̱éeshi | white substance over healing wound

wounded /for O to be hurt (emotionally)/ O-d+∅-√choon ¹ | for O to be wounded, injured, bruised

wow! é!

Wrangell Ḵaachx̱aana.áakʼw

Wrangell Narrows Gánti Yaakw Séedi

wrap √aax̱w O-daa-S-s-√.aax̱w | for S to tie O together in a bundle; for S to wrap O up || √sʼeet | for S to bind up, wrap around, bandage O O-ka-S-∅-√sʼeet

wrapping at ka.áax̱u | wrappings (for a present or something bundled and tied)

wreck –jiyagéix̱ | wrecking, ruining what she/he had done; interfering with their work, deeds

wren woolnáx̱ wooshḵáḵ

wrench kasʼéet daakégwaa; kasʼéet kakéigwaa || kasʼéet kagwádlaa || kasʼéet kag̱úkwaa || kasʼéet kag̱éigwaa ||

wrestle (N een) + ḵu-S-l-√haa ⁵ | for S to fight hand to hand (with N); for S to wrestle, box (with N)

wretchedness ḵoo sh kadáan á

wring √teix̱ʼ; √teex̱ʼ | wring; twist; screw ¹; crooked; twisted; windy ²

wrinkle √geen O-ka-S-sh-√géen | for S to wrinkle O || –sʼee kwéiyi | lines, wrinkles on their brow

wrinkled √hootlʼ

wrist –jigúnlʼi | outer lump of wrist || –jiklixʼéesʼ | inner bump of the wrist || –jiká | back of the wrist || –jikóol | back of hand, wrist

wrist guard jig̱ei.át || jika.át || jig̱ei.ét (C)

wristwatch jikawáach

write √xeet O-ka-S-sh-√xeet | for S to write, draw, or paint a picture of O; for S to print O by hand; for S to photograph, take pictures, x-rays of O || ka-S-d+sh-√xeet | for S to write, draw, or paint; for S to print by hand; for S to photograph, take pictures, x-rays

writer kashxeedí

wrong ḵwáaḵt (daaḵ); ḵáaḵwt (daaḵ) || ḵaaḵwx̱daagané; ḵaaḵx̱daagané; ḵaaḵwx̱dagán | wrongly by accident; unfortunate mistake

wrongdoing at + géit⁓ + S-d+s-√geet ²

xylophone kadux̱ísht gaaw

Yakutat Yaakwdáat | "a lagoon is starting to form already" || Laax̱aayík; "In the Glacier"

Yakutat: People of the Yakutat Area Yaakwdáat Ḵwáan

yard ḵʼanáax̱án g̱eiy || táayi g̱eixʼ

yarn kakéin || táxʼx̱i | short pieces of yarn

yarrow kag̱aklʼeedí

yawn √waash

year táakw | winter; year || tliyaatáakw | the other year

yell √eexʼ | call out; yell; shout; invite || √laa ²

yellow chʼáakʼ loowú | dark yellow || ketllóoxʼu | bright yellow || tlʼáatlʼ | yellow || sʼéix̱wani | light yellowish-green

yelp √g̱aaḵ ¹

yes aaa; aáa; áaa; aaá || aahá; haahá | yes (emphatic agreement)

yesterday (noun) tatgé (adjective) tatgéiyi– | of yesterday || tatgé tliya.aakát; tatgé tliyaakát | day before yesterday

yet chʼa aan ¹ | although; even though; however; nonetheless; yet || yeisú | just now; just then (at that point in the story); still; yet

yew sáḵs

yolk –tuséiḵʼu

you (relational pronoun) i | your (postpositional pronoun) i ee- | to you; with you || (object pronoun) i- ⁓ ee- | you || (subject pronoun) i- | you || (independent pronoun) wa.é | you

you all (subject pronoun) yi- || (relational pronoun) yee ¹ (postpositional pronoun) yee ee- | to you all; with you all || (object pronoun) yee ² || (independent pronoun) yeewháan

you old thing you wa.é tlein gwéijích

you see x̱á, x̱áa

young yées– || yées ḵu.oo | young adults; young people

young adult yées wáat

younger one kíkʼi aa

your i

yuck! ée!, éeee!

yum! éitsʼkʼ!

Yupik x̱ʼadaasʼaaḵ; x̱ʼatasʼaaḵ | Yupik; Inupiaq; Inuit

zombie sʼig̱eeḵáawu | ghost; zombie