abalone ⑴ gúnx̱aa ⒜ gúnx̱aa nóoxʼu | abalone shell
abandon ⑴ √tlʼeet | abandon; leave; throw away; dispose of; divorce ⒜ O-S-l-√tlʼeet | for S to abandon, desert, leave O; for S to throw away, dispose of, get rid of O; for S to divorce O; for S to fire O (from a job)
abdomen ⑴ –yuwá | abdomen; surface of belly; front of body || ⑵ –x̱ʼóolʼ | belly, paunch ⒜ –x̱ʼulʼdaa | tailbone
about ⑴ –daa ² | around; about; concerning ⒜ –daat || ⒝ –x̱ʼadaa | about, concerning his/her words, speech
above ⑴ dikée | up; above; up in the sky, in heaven || ⑵ –kináak | above – || ⑶ kínde; dakínde; dikínde | upward || ⑷ –shakée | (on) top of the head of −; top of – (something with a rounded top, as a mountain); above –; (elevated) over –
abstain at + S-l-√g̱aas ˟ | for S to abstain, refrain from, keep from doing (usually for ceremonial or religious reasons, esp. of lent)
acceptable ⑴ g̱aa | sufficient; enough; acceptable; pleasant ⒜ N + tóo-g̱aa + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for N to be acceptable to O; for N to be satisfactory to O; for N to be well-liked by O
accident ¹ (verb) ḵáakw-t⁓ + O-∅-√nei ² ʰ | for O to have an accident, get hurt
accident ² (noun) ḵaaḵwx̱daagané; ḵaaḵx̱daagané; ḵaaḵwx̱dagán | wrongly by accident; unfortunate mistake
accompany ⑴ √x̱án ⒜ N-xʼ + sh + S-d+l-√x̱án ˟ | for S to accompany N; for S to take (a liking) to N; for S to follow N around || ⑵ N + een-x̱ + sh + S-d+l-√yeix̱ ¹ | for S to use accompany N; for S to be with N all the time
accomplish O-ya-S-∅-√dlaaḵ
accomplishment at wujaaḵw
according to ⑴ –yáx̱ | like; according to; as much as; equal to; similar to ⒜ –jiyáx̱ | according to the way – does it || ⒝ –x̱ʼayáx̱ | according to words, instructions
accordion át sh kawdudziyéedi
accumulate yan⁓ + O-ka-S-l-√gaa ²
accuse ⑴ N + géi⁓ + yoo + x̱ʼa-S-l-√.aat ⁵ | for S to accuse, speak against N || ⑵ N + géi⁓ + O-ka-S-s-√haa ⁴ | for S to accuse, blame N || ⑶ √heech | watch covertly; accuse
accustomed to ⑴ √daa ² | accustomed to; figure out ⒜ N + ee⁓ + ∅-√daa ² | for N to become accustomed to, get used to it || ⒝ N + x̱ʼéix̱ + ∅-√daa ² | for N to become used to, accustomed to it (of manner of speech or flavor of food) || ⒞ N-x̱ + O-tu-∅-√daa ² | for O to become used to, accustomed to N (esp. in attitudes)
achilles tendon –saayeetéetʼi
acknowledge ⑴ (yéi) + ya-S-∅-√ḵaa ¹ | for S to say (a certain thing); for S to confess, acknowledge, declare (a certain thing) || ⑵ (n + éede) + O-ya-S-s-√ḵaa ¹ | for S to charge (N) for O; for S to set the price of O; for S to confess, acknowledge, or delcare O
acquainted O-S-s-√koo ʰ ¹
acquire O-ya-S-∅-√dlaaḵ
across ⑴ diyáa | across (especially of body of water); the other side (especially of body of water) || ⑵ diyáanax̱.á | area across (especially of body of water); on the other side (especially of body of water) || ⑶ –kagé | across from it || ⑷ –keeká | across from it; on the other side facing it
act ⑴ √geet ² || ⑵ (yéi) + ḵu-S-∅-√nook ³ | for S to behave, do, act (in a certain way)
act against at + géit⁓ + S-d+s-√geet ²
act like N-t + S-∅-√nook ³ | for S to act like N
actions ⑴ –daa.itnagóowu || ⑵ –ḵunóogu
active tlél yax̱⁓ + S-d+∅-√tsʼéin | they are always active; they are mischievous
actual ⑴ ḵúnáx̱– | very; actual; real || ⑵ yankáxʼ– | genuinely; truly
actually ⑴ ḵachoo || ⑵ ḵúnáx̱ | really; actually; very
add –kíknáx̱ | in addition to it; along with it; to the side of it; besides that
add to ⑴ N-t⁓ + ka-S-d+∅-√g̱éexʼ | for S to donate, contribute, add to N || ⑵ O-sha-ya-l-√haa ² ʰ | for S to have many, plenty, lots of O; for O to add to the amount of O
addict –tsʼéix̱i | is addicted to –; has a taste for –; craves –
address ⑴ √yoo | address as (using a kinship term) ⒜ (yéi) + N + yát⁓ + x̱ʼa-S-d+l-√yoo | for S to address, call N by certain relationship term and thus adopt that relationship
adequate ⑴ tlʼag̱áa || ⑵ –jeeg̱áa | (big) enough for them to have or use; adequate for them
adhere ⑴ √sʼeexʼw ⒜ N-t⁓ + O-ka-S-l-√sʼéexʼw | for S to stick O (esp. paper) to N
admire N + yáa + O-li-√ḵʼéi ˟
adolescent ⑴ –kʼátskʼu; –kʼwátskʼu || ⑵ shaatk’ásk’u | adolescent girl || ⑶ shaax’wsáani | adolescent girls || ⑷ yadakʼwátskʼu
adopt ⑴ (yéi) + N + yát⁓ + x̱ʼa-S-d+l-√yoo | for S to address, call N by certain relationship term and thus adopt that relationship || ⑵ a + tóot + O-ji-S-∅-√taan ³ | for S to take O into a clan; for S to adopt O into a clan
adult ⑴ yanwáat || ⑵ yées ḵu.oo | young adults; young people
adversary –yaanaayí | adversary
advise ⑴ √jaa | instruct; advice; counsel ⒜ O-shu-ka-S-∅-√jaa ʰ | for S to instruct, show O (by word); for S to advise, give advice to, counsel O || ⑵ √sʼeesʼ | squirt; advise pointedly; whistle quietly
advocate at yátxʼi daa yoo at kooneik ḵáa | court appointed special advocate
adze ⑴ (verb) √x̱ootʼ ² ⒜ O-S-∅-√x̱óotʼ ² | for S to chip O out (with adze); for S to chop O (wood) || ⒝ (noun) x̱útʼaa || ⒞ sʼoow x̱útʼaa | stone adze
affair sh + kalyéi + O-ya-S-∅-√xeex ⁴ | for S to fool around sexually with O; for S to have an affair with O
affect N + ee⁓ + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to affect N
affected by N + tóon + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for N to care about O; for N to be concerned about O; for N to be affected by O
afraid ⑴ √x̱eitlʼ; √x̱eetlʼ ¹ | afraid; fearful ⒜ N-xʼ + a-ka-u-S-d+l-√x̱éitlʼ ˟ | for S to be afraid of, fear N
after ⑴ (particle) aadáx̱; aax̱ | after it (that time); from it; off of it || ⑵ (particle) aag̱áa | after that; at that time; following that || ⑶ a ít aa; e ítde aa (C) | the following one; the next one || ⑷ –ít | after –; following – || ⑸ –eetí | (what is left) after it is gone; the place where it used to be; its imprint, ruins, legacy, remains || ⑹ gaaw ítxʼ | after the appointed time; late || ⑺ -g̱aa | going after; waiting for; in the area of; about the time of || ⑻ –eeg̱áa | waiting for; going after; going for (to get)
afterbirth ⑴ –keegí; –tʼaag̱í ² | placenta, afterbirth || ⑵ –x̱ʼáati | embrionic sac, caul (of ruminant)
afterlife dag̱anḵú; dax̱anḵú
afternoon ⑴ sitgawsáan ítdáx̱ | sitgaamsáan ítdáx̱ (T) || ⑵ yakyee; yagiyee; yagee (T) | day; afternoon
against ⑴ –x̱ʼanaa | (protecting) from, against a bite; keeping from eating something || ⑵ –gé | against; opposing
agape ⑴ √tʼaax̱ | open mouth; agape ⒜ x̱ʼa-S-∅-√tʼaax̱ | for S to open oneʼs mouth wide, keep oneʼs mouth open
age ⑴ –katáagu || ⑵ √shaan ⒜ O-d+∅-√shaan | for O to show signs of old age (esp. grey hair), for O to become old, age
aged ⑴ √sʼeex | aged food; ferment; spoil; rot ¹ ⒜ (adjective) –kasʼeex
ago ⑴ chʼáakw | long ago; back then; back in those days; in the old days; in ancient times || ⑵ chʼa kʼikát; chʼa kʼát; chʼa kʼeekát; chʼe kʼeekét | just barely; barely managing (to do a little); just now; a little while ago
agree (yéi) + O-sa-S-∅-√haa ⁴
aground kux
ahead ⑴ –shuká | in front of –; ahead of – || ⑵ yaadachóon | straight (ahead); directly (ahead)
Ahtna iḵkaa | Ahtna; Copper River Dene
aid ⑴ √soo | supernatural aid ⒜ N + eeg̱áa + ∅-√soo | for N to receive supernatural aid; for N to be blessed by spiritual aid
air yées daséikw | fresh air
airplane ⑴ át wudiḵeeni yaakw || ⑵ woosh kát kawdliyeejí aa || ⑶ yaa ndaḵín yaakw
airport woosh kát kawdliyeejí aa daakahídi
alarm x̱ʼaan daa.éexʼi | fire alarm
Alaska Anáaski; Anásgi
alcohol ⑴ náaw || ⑵ l yaa ḵoojigeyi héen | liquor; booze; alcoholic beverage
alcoholic ⑴ náaw éesh || ⑵ náaw sʼaatí
alcoholic beverage ⑴ kasiyaayi héen || ⑵ kóoshdaa lóoxʼu || ⑶ náaw
alder ⑴ keishísh | alnus alder; beach alder; mountain alder || ⑵ shéix̱ʼw | red alder
alert ⑴ √keits ¹ || ⑵ √koos | for a dog to dream; for a dog to become alert
Aleut ⑴ Ana.óot || ⑵ Giyaḵw || ⑶ Gutéix̱ʼ
algae ⑴ (noun) káasʼ | ocean algae || ⑵ (verb) √kaasʼ | scummy; covered in algae || ⑶ (noun) x̱aatlʼ | algae found on rocks; freshwater fine grass
alien g̱una.át; g̱uneit | something strange; a different type of being (supernatural or animal)
alight N-t⁓ + a-ka-∅-√gaan ¹
alive √tseen ²
alkali wéinaa | alkali deposit; lime
all ldakát
all gone! hóochʼ; hóochkʼ
all the time ⑴ tlákw || ⑵ chʼa tlákw
allegation yaḵá | speech, words; angry words; allegation, charge(s)
alligator li.oox̱u tseenx̱ʼé tlein
almost ⑴ tlél unalé; tlél nalé || ⑵ tlelé; tlelí || ⑶ tleinlé; tleinlí
along ⑴ –kíknáx̱ | in addition to it; along with it; to the side of it; besides that || ⑵ –keek | along with them; at his/her side || ⑶ -náx̱ ¹ | through; along; via; including the time of ⒜ anax̱ | through it; along it || ⑷ –x̱ʼayaax̱ | along the edge of (road or body of water)
alongside ⑴ –kík | alongside it; catching up with it || ⑵ –tʼaḵká | side (of body); alongside of
aloof –wanáa | separate, apart from it; keeping away, aloof from it; more than it (a number)
alpine shaa láax̱ | bare-peaked, alpine mountain
already ⑴ de; dei | already; by now || ⑵ desgwách | already
although ⑴ chʼa aan ¹ | although; even though; however; nonetheless; yet || ⑵ ḵu.aa; ḵwa | although; however
aluminum ⑴ géxtlʼ || ⑵ lʼeix
Alutiiq ⑴ Giyaḵw || ⑵ Gutéix̱ʼ
always ⑴ tlákw || ⑵ chʼa tlákw || ⑶ nooch; nuch; neech; nich
amaze ⑴ √jeich ¹ | surprise; astonish; amaze ⒜ O-ya-S-l-√jeich ¹ | for S to suprise, astonish, amaze O || ⑵ N + yáa + ḵut + O-∅-√nei ² | for O to amaze N
amazing ⑴ √koodzí ˟ | amazing; wonderful ⒜ O-l-√koodzí | for O to be amazing, wonderful
ambition –satoowú
ambitious ⑴ O-l-√sʼaaḵ | for O to be ambitious, industrious, hard working ⒜ lisʼaag̱í ḵáa | ambitious person
American Waashdan Ḵwáan
American Indian Tʼaawyáatʼ
amniotic fluid ⑴ tlahéeni | amniotic fluid in the womb (of human) || ⑵ –x̱ʼáati tuhéeni | amniotic fluid in its womb (of animal, esp a ruminant)
among –x̱oo | (in) the midst of; among
amount ⑴ chʼa wáa kugei sá | any amount; however many || ⑵ –kugeiyí | size of an ordinary object; amount of a supply, resource, burden, etc.
amuse self ⑴ √ookʼ ⒜ ḵu-S-d+s-√.ookʼ ˟
ANB sash koogéinaa
ancestor ⑴ –daakanóoxʼu | ancestor(s) of – (term of respect, usually referring to oneʼs motherʼs motherʼs father) || ⑵ –shagóon | ancestor(s) of the clan or nation of; background, heredity of ⒜ Haa Shagóon | Our Ancestors; Our History; Where We Come From; Our Origins and History || ⑶ –shaadí | acestor; forebear || ⑷ –shuká | genealogy of; ancestors of; history of ⒜ Haa Shuká | Our Ancestors; Our History; Our descendants; Our Clan Crest
anchor ⑴ daak + O-sha-S-s-√tee ² | for S to anchor O temporarily || ⑵ (verb) O-sha-S-s-√yaa ³ | for S to anchor O (a boat) || ⑶ sha-S-d+S-√yaa ³ | for S to anchor, lower anchor || ⑷ (noun) shayéinaa
Anchorage Áankich
ancient ⑴ chʼáagu– || ⑵ tlagu–; tlaguwu– || ⑶ chʼáakw | long ago; back then; back in those days; in the old days; in ancient times
and ḵa
anemic tlél + O-l-√tseen ˟ ¹ | for O to be anemic; for O to be weak
anemone ⑴ tayashágu | small red sea anemone || ⑵ tayataayí | sea anemone
angel kooḵénaa; kooḵánaa (T)
anger ⑴ (noun) ḵukahín | petulance; irritation; crankiness || ⑵ (noun) xʼáan || ⑶ (verb) √xʼaan ² | anger; angry
Angoon ⑴ Aangóon | “Village Isthmus” || ⑵ Xudzidaa Ḵwáan | People of the Angoon Area; "People Around the Charred Wood" || ⑶ Xutsnoowú Ḵwáan | People of the Angoon Area; "People of the Brown Bear Fort"
angrily xʼáandéin
angry ⑴ xʼáan-t⁓ + S-∅-√nook ³ | for S to be angry, mad, mean || ⑵ xʼáan + a-S-∅-√.oo ¹ ˟ | for S to be angry, mean || ⑶ √xʼaan ² | anger; angry ⒜ O-∅-√xʼaan ² | for O to be angry, in a bad mood (all the time)
animal ⑴ at gutu.ádi; daḵka.ádi | animal in the woods; animal that walks on land || ⑵ hintak.ádi | sea creature; animal that lives in the sea
ankle ⑴ –shutóox̱ʼ || ⑵ –x̱ʼustʼáḵlʼi | knob on outer side of ankle
annoy O-S-sh-√keen
annoyed √gaaxʼ ² | tired of a sound; annoyed by a sound
annoyed with ⑴ √ḵeet ¹ | suspect; annoyed with ⒜ tóo + O-S-sh-√ḵeet ˟ ¹ | for S to be annoyed with, tired of, fed up with O
ANS sash koogéinaa
answer ⑴ √ei ¹ | answer; reply ¹ ⒜ a-S-d+∅-√.ei ¹ | for S to answer, reply to a greeting or to oneʼs name
ant ⑴ wanatóox; wanatíx || ⑵ tóox | ant; bedbug; sand flea
antenna –gúgu | antenna (of radio)
anticipate O-shu-S-s-√tee ʰ ¹ | for S to anticipate, foresee O; for S to expect, consider O likely to happen or arrive
anticipation –yayís | getting ready for it; in anticipation of it
antler –sheidí | antler; horn
anus –tuḵx̱ʼé; –toox̱ʼé; –tuḵʼé; –tuḵ.woolí
anxiety tuxʼandaxeech | anxiety; wracked nerves; preoccupation; something weighing on oneʼs mind
anxious O-ka-S-∅-√jeek ˟ | for S to wonder, be curious, anxious about O
any ⑴ chʼa daaḵw.aa sá; chʼa daag̱u.aa sá; chʼa daatḵu.aa sá | any (certain one); whichever (one) || ⑵ chʼa gwátgeen sá; chʼa gútgeen sá (Y) | any time (in the future); whenever (in the future) || ⑶ chʼa gwátk sá | any time (in the past); whenever (in the past) || ⑷ chʼa koogéiyi | any old way; randomly; carelessly || ⑸ chʼa wáa kugei sá | any amount; however many
anybody ⑴ chʼa aadóo sá, chʼa aa sá || ⑵ chʼa aadóo sá
anyone ⑴ chʼa aadóo sá, chʼa aa sá || ⑵ chʼa aadóo sá
anyplace ⑴ chʼa gootʼá sá, chʼa gootʼé sá (C) || ⑵ chʼa gooxʼ sá
anything chʼa daa sá
anywhere ⑴ chʼa gootʼá sá, chʼa gootʼé sá (C) || ⑵ chʼa gooxʼ sá
apart –wanáa | separate, apart from it; keeping away, aloof from it; more than it (a number)
apostrophe tsʼéekʼw kashxeedí | apostrophe
appear before N + waḵsheeyee-xʼ + yéi + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to appear before N; for O to be apparent to N
appendix –yée
applaud ka-S-l-√tʼaach | for S to applaud; for S to clap
apple ⑴ xʼáaxʼ || ⑵ áabíns; áagúns
apple juice xʼáaxʼ kahéeni
appoint ⑴ a + tóo + daak + O-S-s-√.aat ¹ | classification: plural subject || ⑵ a + tóo + daak + O-S-s-√goot ¹ | classification: singular subject
April Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi
apron ⑴ keit | apron worn by íx̱tʼ while making medicine, or worn while fighting || ⑵ yoowa.át | apron || ⑶ kʼideit; kʼúlʼdaa.át | smaller apron, worn around the hips
aquarium x̱áatxʼi sáani daakahídi
area ⑴ tliyaanax̱.á | area farther over; (toward) the other side || ⑵ diyáanax̱.á | area across (especially of body of water); on the other side (especially of body of water) || ⑶ –niyaanáx̱; –yinaanáx̱ | through a side of lineage (usually mother or father); through the area near it; along the area near it
argue N + een + woosh + x̱ʼa-S-d+∅-√xéet ˟ | for S to argue, quarrel with N
arm ⑴ –jig̱ei | crook of arm; in embrace of || ⑵ –sʼúdi | forearm (of person); lower forelimb (of animal) || ⑶ –x̱eek | upper arm
armor ⑴ adawóotl yuwaa.át | body armor; breastplate || ⑵ sankeit | armor used as protection in climbing || ⑶ kasan.át | wooden slat armor || ⑷ yinaaháat; niyaháat | body armor; breastplate
armpit ⑴ –éenee; –éenyee; –éeni (C) ⒜ –éenee x̱aawú; –éenyee x̱aawú; –éeni x̱aawú (C) | armpit hair
armspan waat
army x̱áa | group of canoes on the water; war party; attacking force of warriors or soldiers; army
around ⑴ át ³ | moving around || ⑵ –daa ² | around; about; concerning ⒜ gandaa | around the fire || ⒝ –shuwadaa | around (bypassing, avoiding); around the end of || ⒞ –x̱ʼadaa || ⑶ –daaká | (around) the outside surface of it || ⑷ -g̱aa | about the time of || ⑸ -t | arriving at; at a point; moving about at; around a point
arrest O-S-∅-√sháat | for S to catch O; for S to grab, take hold of, snatch O; for S to arrest O; for S to trap O
arrive ⑴ N-t⁓ + ḵu-∅-√haa ³ || ⑵ √haa ³
arriving (preverb) át ² | arriving there
arrow ⑴ at x̱ʼéidi; –x̱ʼéidi | point of arrow or harpoon || ⑵ chooneit || ⑶ g̱útl | blunt arrow for stunning || ⑷ sheexw | close quarter bow and arrow || ⑸ tláaḵ | sharp arrow for killing || ⑹ tʼúgwaa | bow and arrow || ⑺ –x̱aaní | barbs (of spear or arrow); prongs (of spear or arrow)
art ⑴ at nané || ⑵ at yahaayí xʼúxʼ kshaxeet | an artifact from drawing, painting, and making non-sculptural art || ⑶ ḵaa yahaayí kshaxeet | the act of draiwng, painting, and making non-sculptural art
arthritis daa.ittunéekw
artifact –ji.eetí
artist ḵaa jín kajág̱u
as ⑴ –yáx̱ | like; according to; as much as; equal to; similar to ⒜ –eeteeyáx̱; –eetíyáx̱; –eeteeyiyáx̱; –eeteeyiyéx̱ | as much as before
as if óosh
as soon as een, tin, tín, teen, téen, -n; -n; tin, tín, teen, téen, een, -n ; teen, téen, een, tin, tín, -n
ash ⑴ (noun) kélʼtʼ || ⑵ (verb) √keilʼ ³ || ⑶ (noun) sʼeeḵ a káa yax̱ ataan | ash tray
ashamed ⑴ √deixʼ ⒜ O-ka-∅-√déixʼ ˟
ashes kélʼtʼ
ask ⑴ O-S-∅-√.éexʼ ˟ ¹ | for S to invite O, ask O to a party || ⑵ (yóo) + O-ya-S-s-√ḵaa ¹ | for S to tell, say (that) to O; for S to ask O to do (that) || ⑶ √tsaay | want; ask || ⑷ √woosʼ ¹; √waasʼ | ask; inquire ⒜ O-x̱ʼa-S-∅-√wóosʼ ˟ ¹ | for S to ask, question O
ask for ⑴ √ei ² | ask for; wish for ⒜ O-S-d+s-√.ei ² | for S to ask for more O (often as a payment, often by a medicine person); for S to wish for more O || ⑵ O-S-d+s-√g̱áax̱ ˟ | for S to cry for, ask for O || ⑶ √x̱oox̱ | summon; call on; ask for ⒜ N + éex̱ + O-S-∅-√x̱oox̱ ˟ | for S to ask for O (from N) || ⒝ (N + éedáx̱) + O-ka-S-l-√x̱óox̱ ˟ | for S to ask for O (from N)
askance N + yaax̱ + kei + a-ka-S-d+l-√tʼáasʼ | for S to snap eyes at, look askance at, or glance at N (indicating anger, dislike, or suspicion)
askew kax̱ʼakdéin; kex̱ʼakdéin | crooked; askew; diagonally
assault ⑴ ji-S-d+∅-√.aat ¹ | for (plural) S to attack, assault, fall upon || ⑵ √jaaḵw ¹ | beat up; assault ⒜ O-S-∅-√jáaḵw ¹ | for S to beat up, assault, violently attack O
assemble ⑴ woosh + kaanáx̱ + S-d+∅-√.aat ¹ || ⑵ woosh + x̱oo-t⁓ + S-d+∅-√.aat ¹
assess ⑴ N + daa + ya-S-d+s-√.aa ² | for S to examine, inspect, look into N; for S to judge, assess N || ⑵ N + daadé + ḵu-S-∅-√téesʼ ˟ | for S to inspect the performance or circumstance of N; for S to assess N
assist N + ée-t⁓ + S-d+∅-√shee ³ | for S (person, medicine, etc.) to help, give help to, assist N
assistant íx̱tʼ x̱án ḵáawu | medicine personʼs assistant
astonish ⑴ √jeich ¹ | surprise; astonish; amaze ⒜ O-ya-S-l-√jeich ¹ | for S to suprise, astonish, amaze O || ⑵ N + yáa + ḵut + O-∅-√nei ² | for O to amaze N
astonished ⑴ O-ḵʼa-d+∅-√gwáatl || ⑵ O-ya-∅-√jeich || ⑶ √jeich
astray ḵut | going astray; getting lost
at ⑴ –x̱án | near; at the house of; by || ⑵ -t | arriving at; at a point; moving about at || ⑶ -xʼ ⁓ -∅ | at rest or residing; at the scene of; at the time of ⒜ áxʼ | residing at it; located at it || ⑷ -x̱ ¹ | in prolonged contact at; moving around at; repeatedly arriving at ⒜ áx̱ | moving around at it; repeatedly arriving at || ⑸ -u ⁓ -wu | is/are at ⒜ áwu | located at it
at some point wáa nanée sáwé
Athabaskan G̱unanaa | Inland People (Dene)
atlatl ⑴ júx̱ʼaa | sling (for thowing objects) || ⑵ shee aan | throwing board for a spear or dart
Atlin Áa Tlein
atmosphere –xáasʼi
attach ⑴ (N-dé) + O-ka-S-s-√xaat ¹ | for S to connect, attach, tie O (to N) || ⑵ N-(dé) + ka-s-√xaat ¹ | for something to be connected, attached, tied (to) N
attack ⑴ ji-S-d+∅-√.aat ¹ | for (plural) S to attack, assault, fall upon || ⑵ O-S-∅-√jáaḵw ¹ | for S to beat up, assault, violently attack O || ⑶ √x̱aa ³ | attack in fleet; attack in pod; war
attempt ⑴ √aaḵw ¹ | attempt; try ⒜ ka-S-∅-√aaḵw ˟ ¹ | for S to try, attempt
attendant ⑴ –daa yoo jikwli.átgi || ⑵ –x̱ʼadaa yoo jikool.átgi | waiter, attendant
attic hít shantú
attracting attention O-ka-l-√g̱éi | for O to be fancy, prominent (esp. in appearance), conspicuous, attracting attention
attractive ⑴ O-ya-ka-s-√.aan ˟ ² | to have an attractive face || ⑵ O-ka-s-√.aan ˟ ² | for something to be attractive
August Shaa Xeiyí Dísi
Auke Lake Áakʼw | "Little Lake"
auklet ⑴ kéel || ⑵ chʼeet || ⑶ –kéel
aunt ⑴ –aat | paternal aunt (opposite clan) || ⑵ –tláakʼw | maternal aunt (same clan)
aurora borealis gisʼóoḵ | aurora borealis; northern lights
autism keewáa ḵáawu yahaayí | person with mental disabilities
automobile át wududziḵúx̱u át
available ⑴ –jiká | getting in their way; coming their way (so that it is attainable) || ⑵ –jix̱án | at hand (for him to work with), available || ⑶ –x̱ʼax̱án | at hand (for him to eat or drink), available
avalanche dleit ḵaadí | snowslide; snow avalanche
avens aan kanáagu | largeleaf avens; large-leaved avens
avoid ⑴ –shuwadaa | around (bypassing, avoiding); around the end of || ⑵ –waḵshú | trying to avoid being seen, observed by; hiding what one is doing from
awake ⑴ √x̱eiḵ; √x̱eek ⒜ O-S-s-√x̱eiḵ | for S to keep O awake
away ⑴ –dakán | facing away from – || ⑵ –náḵ | away from it, leaving it behind || ⑶ –wanáa | separate, apart from it; keeping away, aloof from it; more than it (a number) || ⑷ woosh dakán | facing away from each other || ⑸ –yatʼéináx̱ | in secret (where nobody can see); away from peopleʼs view
awful looking ⑴ √jee ² ⒜ O-ka-(u)-l-√jée ˟ ²
awl sʼúwaa
axe ⑴ shanax̱wáayi; shunax̱wáayi; shunx̱wáa (C) || ⑵ tayees; yees | stone chisel; stone axe; wedge
babiche dzaas
baby ⑴ √neiy | baby; twiddle ⒜ tʼukanéiyi
babysitter atyátxʼi latíni
back ¹ ⑴ –díx̱ʼ ⒜ –dix̱ʼtusʼaag̱í; –díx̱ʼtú sʼaaḵx’í | backbone || ⒝ –lidíx̱ʼ | back of their neck; their (upper) neck || ⑵ –gáaxw | back (of a knife or other blade); back edge, spine of it || ⑶ –leet | back (of fish) ⒜ –litká | (on) the back of it (fish); on the crest, ridge, backbone of it (hill, ridge, point)
back ² ⑴ daaḵ | up in the woods (from the shore); inland; back (from the open); off of fire ⒜ dag̱inaa; dig̱inaa | back part (toward inland, toward the interior, away from the open); back room || ⒝ daḵká | up in the woods; inland; back (away from the open, away from the waterʼs edge, inside) || ⑵ –dzúk | at the back of; right behind || ⑶ –kʼiyee | near the base of –; at the foot of –; the back of – (a house); rear of – (a house); behind – (a house); under the shelter of – (a standing object or structure) || ⑷ ḵaa yatʼéináx̱ | in secret (where nobody can see); away from peopleʼs view || ⑸ –yatʼéik | behind back; where – canʼt see
back ³ chʼáakw | long ago; back then; back in those days; in the old days; in ancient times
backbone x̱áat kʼáax̱ʼi | bloodline inside fish, along the backbone
backed up √yeeḵ ⁴
background –shagóon | ancestor(s) of the clan or nation of; background, heredity of
backpack ⑴ yáanaa | backpack; pack sack || ⑵ x̱éey; x̱éiy; x̱íyaa | pack; backpack; packsack
backside –kʼóolʼ | tailbone, bottom of his/her spine
backwards ḵux̱ dakʼóolʼeen; ḵux̱ dakʼóolʼin
bacon gishoo taayí
bad ⑴ (verb) tlél + O-sh-√kʼéi | for O to be bad, evil, no good ⒜ (verbal adjective) l ushikʼéiyi | bad; evil; wicked
badly l ushkʼedéin | with evil intention; badly (behavior)
bad-mouth O-S-∅-√xwéi ˟ | for S to tease, joke about O (esp. particular tribal relations, such as paternal uncle); for S to bad-mouth O
badness l ushkʼé
bag ⑴ gwéil || ⑵ náaḵw tlʼeig̱i gwéil; tl’éiḵ gwéili | octopus bag
baggage ⑴ at la.át | baggage; luggage; suitcase; things, stuff packed up for carrying || ⑵ át wududzix̱óotʼi | luggage or briefcase on wheels
baggy √leil | flabby; limp; baggy
bail out ⑴ √koox ⒜ O-ka-S-s-√koox | for S to bail out O (water, by hand or pump)
bailer ⑴ kakúxaa || ⑵ sheen; shéen | wooden bailer
bait (verb) ⑴ √naaḵw ¹ ⒜ ya-S-d+∅-√náaḵw ¹ | for S to bait hooks, put bait on fish hooks || ⒝ (adjective) yalináaḵwchʼán | good for bait || ⒞ (noun) –deenáag̱u || ⒟ –yanáag̱u; –yeenáag̱u | bait for || ⒠ at yanáag̱u | bait
bald ⑴ √x̱ʼwaasʼ ¹ | remove hair; lose hair; become bald ⒜ l-√x̱ʼwáasʼ ¹ | for something to lose its hair, become bald || ⒝ O-sha-l-√x̱ʼwáasʼ ¹ | for O (human) to become bald || ⒞ (noun) shax̱’wáasʼ | bald head; bald spot
baleen xén yáay x̱ʼaxéni
balk √dzeey
ball ⑴ aasdaakʼwátʼi | decorative fur balls on mitten strings || ⑵ dleit kachúxwti (C); dleit kachíxwti (A); dleit kachúxdi; dleit dzoonáa (T) | snowball || ⑶ koochʼéitʼaa | ball; basketball
balloon kadu.uxx̱u át
balsam lkʼóox̱ʼeit | balsam fir
bamboo kaneilx̱ʼú
banana ⑴ aandaat kanahík atx̱aayí || ⑵ chʼáakʼ x̱aagú
bandage O-ka-S-∅-√sʼeet | for S to bind up, wrap around, bandage O
baneberry sʼeek tléig̱u
banister a daax̱ yaa dulsheech át | banister; railing; handrail
bank lʼawshaa; lʼewshaa (C)
bank teller dáanaa la.aadí
bankward √daaḵ ³
bannister daax̱ yaajikakdulilʼji át | bannister, railing
bannock ⑴ sakwnéin || ⑵ eix̱ kát sakwnein; eex̱ kát sakwnéin (Y,A,T) || ⑶ sakwnéin éewu | (loaf of) bread
baptizer héenx̱ ḵuyala.aadí
barb ⑴ –x̱aaní | barbs (of spear or arrow); prongs (of spear or arrow) || ⑵ √x̱aan
barbecue ¹ ⑴ (verb) √tseek ⒜ O-S-l-√tseek | for S to barbecue O
barbecue ² ⑴ tséek || ⑵ (noun) x̱ʼwéinaa; x̱ʼwénaa tséek; dleey kax̱ʼwénaa; dleey kex̱ʼwénaa (C) | roasting stick (split so that the meat can be inserted; the end is then bound)
bare ⑴ kalsʼáaxwḵ | bare-headed; hatless || ⑵ kaltsáaxʼḵ | bare-handed; without mittens || ⑶ shaltláax̱ | reef or rock with bare lichen-covered top above water level
barefoot kaltéelḵ
barely chʼa kʼikát; chʼa kʼát; chʼa kʼeekát; chʼe kʼeekét | just barely; barely managing (to do a little); just now; a little while ago
bark ¹ ⑴ –daayí || ⑵ déix̱ x̱ʼasiteeyi tséek | forked stick with two prongs used for debarking roots || ⑶ loon | dry woody outer bark || ⑷ –láx̱ʼi | sapwood; sappy inner bark (of a tree) || ⑸ sáxʼ | cambium, sap scraped from inner bark || ⑹ sʼagwáat | flaky surface of the outer bark of conifers, especially hemlock || ⑺ teey woodí; teey hoodí; tiyweidí | yellow cedar bark (for weaving) || ⑻ x̱óow | slab of bark || ⑼ –yayeidí | inside surface of bark || ⑽ √x̱oow | peeling bark; pulling slabs of bark
bark ² ⑴ √shaa ¹ ⒜ a-S-∅-√shaa ¹ | for S (dog) to start barking || ⑵ O-ya-S-l-√shaa ¹ | for S (dog) to bark at O
barnacle sʼook
barrel káast
base ⑴ –gú | base of || ⑵ –kʼí | the base or foot of it (a standing object); trunk of a tree or large plant || ⑶ –kʼiyee | near the base of –; at the foot of –; the back of – (a house); rear of – (a house); behind – (a house); under the shelter of – (a standing object or structure) || ⑷ –kʼeeyí | base (of tree or other plant); the lower part of its trunk or stem
baseball ⑴ ash koolḵʼíshaa | playing baseball || ⑵ át kanduḵʼíshji | batter in baseball; hockey player || ⑶ kadashátx̱i | catcher (in baseball) || ⑷ kooḵʼíshaa | hockey stick; baseball bat; pole, stick used for bracing || ⑸ koochʼéitʼaa át kanduḵʼíshji | baseball || ⑹ ḵʼeish tóowu | umpire (in baseball) || ⑺ ḵʼíshaa | hockey stick; baseball bat || ⑻ yoo kdag̱íxʼgi | pitcher (in baseball)
bashful ⑴ √seek ³ | bashful; shy || ⑵ at + ka-u-S-l-√ḵéi ² | for S to be shy of O
basin ⑴ a kát yadu.usʼgu át; a kát yat.usʼkw át; a kát yadu.usʼgu sʼíxʼ | wash basin (for face) || ⑵ jin.úsʼaa yeit; jin.óosʼaa yeit | wash basin (for hands)
basket ⑴ áagadi | unfinished basket || ⑵ kadádzaa yeit; kadaadzáa yeit; katádzaa yeit | basket or pan used to collect berries by knocking them all off the bush || ⑶ ḵákw ⒜ at daayí ḵákw | birch bark basket || ⑷ kaltálk | berrying basket || ⑸ kaat | long, flat loosely woven basket for pressing out herring oil || ⑹ léitʼ ²; léetʼ | roots or vines used in basket decoration || ⑺ néilʼ | basket of woven red cedar bark || ⑻ seig̱atáanaa; ḵákw seig̱atáanaa | berrying basket or can hung around neck, resting on the chest || ⑼ táal | flat open basket woven from wide strips of bark (for carrying fish, etc.); large platter || ⑽ tsʼanéi | round basket made of split red cedar branches || ⑾ tudaxákw; tuḵdaadaxákw | basket with rattle in the lid || ⑿ wóow daakeit | lunch basket, lunch container || ⒀ x̱ʼakaskéin | unfinished basket
basketball ⑴ koochʼéitʼaa | ball; basketball || ⑵ ash koolchʼéitʼaa | playing basketball || ⑶ √chʼéitʼaa ˟ | play basketball ⒜ ash + ka-u-S-d+l-√chʼéitʼaa ˟ | for S to play basketball
bass lit.isdúk
bastard neechkayádi
bat ¹ sʼigeiditaanú; sʼigeiditaan
bat ² ⑴ kooḵʼíshaa | hockey stick; baseball bat || ⑵ ḵʼíshaa | hockey stick; baseball bat
bathe ⑴ √shooch ⒜ O-S-∅-√shooch | for S to bathe O || ⒝ S-d+∅-√shooch | for S to soak in cold waters for strength; for S to bathe, take a bath || ⑵ daa + S-d+∅-√.óosʼ | for S to take a bath
bathroom ¹ (verb) ⑴ gánde + S-∅-√goot | for (singular) S to go to the bathroom || ⑵ gánde + S-∅-√.aat ¹ | for (plural) S to go to the bathroom
bathroom ² ⑴ gánde nagoot eedí; gánde nagoot eetí | bathroom || ⑵ kwás | chamberpot; honeybucket; bedpan; toilet
bathtub aan sh daadu.úsʼgu át
baton shí sʼaatí wootsaag̱ayí | song leaderʼs staff, baton
bay ¹ (noun) ⑴ g̱eiy; g̱eey (T,Y,K) || ⑵ ḵú | small bay || ⑶ náx̱ | sheltered bay; fjord || ⑷ –tá; g̱eey tá; ḵug̱entáak | head of bay
bay ² √g̱aaḵ ¹
be ⑴ √tee ¹ ⒜ (yéi) + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to be (that way) || ⒝ N-xʼ + yéi + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to be or stay at N; for O to dwell, live at N; for O to remain at N || ⒞ (yéi) + ḵu-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for the weather to be (that way) || ⒟ N-x̱ + O-s-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to be N (a member of a group); for O to become N
be near N + x̱án-xʼ + yéi + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹
be sure not to tsá ²; tsé
be sure to xʼwán ²
be with N + een-x̱ + O-s-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to be with N
beach ⑴ (landform) aan eeg̱ayáak | the beach, shore below the town || ⑵ (preverb) dáag̱i | out of the water onto the beach, shore || ⑶ –eeg̱ayáak | the beach, shore below || ⑷ (preverb) éeg̱i | from the woods onto the beach, shore || ⑸ (landform) éiḵ; éeḵ | down on the shore, beach || ⑹ neech ¹ | beach; shore || ⑺ –seiyí | the shelter of; the lee of; beach area below (a mountain, hill, etc.) || ⑻ shaa seiyí | shelter of a mountain; area on the beach below a mountain
beach asparagus suḵkáadzi
beachcomb √tʼeet | beachcomb; scavenge
bead ¹ √ḵaa ²
bead ² ⑴ kawóot | bead(s) ⒜ kawóot ka.íshx̱i | strung up beads || ⒝ sʼeiḵ kawóot | light bluish-gray trade bead(s)
beading kawóotʼ daḵéisʼi
beak ⑴ –lú | nose; beak ⒜ luyaxʼaan | tip of nose; tip of beak
beam ¹ hít kaságu
beam ² ⑴ dís x̱ʼus.eetí | moonbeam || ⑵ g̱agaan x̱ʼoos | sunbeam; ray of sunlight ⒜ g̱agaan x̱ʼusyee | sunbeam hitting a surface; ray of sunlight hitting a surface || ⒝ g̱agaan x̱ʼus.eetí | in a sunbeam; in a ray of sunlight
beans gwéens
bear ¹ ⑴ sʼeek | black bear || ⑵ sʼiknóon; sítʼ tuxóodzi | glacier bear || ⑶ sʼuḵkasdúk | brown bear with solid ribs || ⑷ xóots | brown bear; grizzly bear ⒜ hintaak xóodzi; dleit xóots (T) | polar bear || ⑸ yatseeneit | brown bear; grizzly bear
bear in mind N + tóo-xʼ + yéi + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for N to remember O; for N to bear O in mind
bear root tsáats
bearberry tínx | alpine bearberry, kinnikinnik
beard ⑴ (verb) √dzaay ⒜ (noun) –yadaadzaayí | beard; whiskers || ⑵ –ḵʼanoox̱ú | whiskers, beard (of fish)
beat ¹ ⑴ √gwaal ⒜ O-S-∅-√gwaal | for S to beat O (esp. drum) || ⑵ O-ka-S-l-√xaakw | for S to grind up O; for S to beat, whip O up (esp. soapberries) || ⑶ √x̱eech ² | beat with stick-like object
beat ² O-ya-S-∅-√dlaaḵ | for S to defeat, beat O
beat up ⑴ (verb) √jaaḵw ¹ | beat up; assault ⒜ O-S-∅-√jáaḵw ¹ | for S to beat up, assault, violently attack O i a jáḵwti | beat up old thing
beautiful ⑴ (adjective) −kadáan || ⑵ –kalé || ⑶ (verb) O-sha-ka-l-√g̱éi | for O to be pretty, cute, beautiful
beaver ⑴ sʼigeidí; sʼikyeidí || ⑵ adeendaa | half-grown beaver
beaver den sʼigeidí x̱aayí
because ⑴ ách ¹ | because of that; therefore; so || ⑵ -ch ¹ || ⑶ –tuwáadáx̱; tuwáatx̱ | because of –; due to –; by virtue of –; on the strength of –; encouraged by –
become N-x̱ + O-s-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to be N (a member of a group); for O to become N
bed ¹ dei yík | bed of the trail/path/road/street; on the trail/path/road/street
bed ² ⑴ káa x̱exʼwx̱ yeit || ⑵ tayee; tayei | in bed || ⑶ yee.át ⒜ yee.át kag̱áaji | (heavy) bedspread; quilt, comforter (for a bed) || ⒝ yee.át kasʼísayi | sheet; (light) bedspread
bed ³ ⑴ O-S-S-√taa ʰ ¹ | for S to put (singular) O to bed || ⑵ O-S-s-√x̱éixʼw | for S to put (plural) O to bed
bedbug ⑴ aandaatóox || ⑵ tóox | ant; bedbug; sand flea
bedclothes tanaa.ádi
bedroom áa ax̱éixʼw yé
bee gandaasʼaají
beehive gandaasʼaají kúdi
beer géewaa
beetle ⑴ kʼulʼkaskéxkw || ⑵ shax̱dáḵw
before ⑴ –eeteeyáx̱; –eetíyáx̱; –eeteeyiyáx̱; –eeteeyiyéx̱ | as much as before || ⑵ –shukát; –shukwát; –shukwét | before that; before then || ⑶ –waḵshiyee | before ones eyes; where one can see (it)
begin shóogunáx̱ | (at) first; originally; in the beginning
beginning g̱unéi | beginning to; starting to
behave ⑴ √nook ³; √neekw ³ ⒜ (yéi) + ḵu-S-∅-√nook ³ | for S to behave, do, act (in a certain way)
behind ⑴ –dzúk | at the back of; right behind || ⑵ –kʼiyee | near the base of –; at the foot of –; the back of – (a house); rear of – (a house); behind – (a house); under the shelter of – (a standing object or structure) || ⑶ –tʼáak | back inland from –; behind – (when looking from the sea); on the landward side of –(something on the water) || ⑷ (verb root) √tʼei ² ⒜ (relational base) –tʼéik; –tʼéi || ⒝ (relational noun) –yatʼéik | behind back; where – canʼt see
behold O-S-s-√teen ² | for S to see, behold O (usually specific)
belabor –jiyeet | under the burden, weight of it; belabored or suffering from it (a burden, hardship)
belch ⑴ √tsaa | burp; belch ⒜ a-S-d+l-√tsaa ˟ | for S to burp, belch
belief átkʼ aheen | faith; belief; trust; religion
believe ⑴ √heen ¹ ⒜ n + éekʼ + a-S-∅-√heen ¹ ˟
believe in n + éekʼ + a-S-∅-√heen ¹ ˟
believer átkʼ aheení
bell ⑴ gaaw || ⑵ g̱ayéisʼ gaaw
belly ⑴ –ḵaatl | side of belly || ⑵ –x̱ʼóolʼ | belly; paunch || ⑶ –yoowú | stomach; gizzard (of a bird)
bellybutton –kool
below ⑴ –shuyee; –shuwee | the foot of it; below it (raised place); flat area at the end of it (lake) || ⑵ –yee ³ | below || ⑶ yínde; dayínde; diyínde | downward
belt séek
belted √seek ²
bench a káa yei aḵeech át
bend ¹ ⑴ O-ka-S-l-√gwaatl | for S to bend O (leg or arm); for S to fold up O (paper, etc.) in a loose roll || ⑵ √taan ⁷ ⒜ O-ka-S-∅-√taan ⁷ | for S to bend O (usually long, simple object) over || ⑶ √tʼaa ³ | bend or warp by steam || ⑷ √x̱aatʼ | whip; spring; bend under pressure
bend ² –jig̱ei | nestled in it; inside the bend, curve of it
bend over ⑴ yínde + sh + ka-S-l-√.aat ⁴ | for (plural) S to bend over, lean down || ⑵ yínde + sh + ka-S-d+∅-√taan ⁷ | for (singular) S to bend over, lean down
beneath –tayee
bent ⑴ √taan ⁷ ⒜ yóo + ka-∅-√tán ˟ | for something to be bent
bequeath √yaaḵw ²
berries ⑴ kag̱útlx̱i | mashed berries || ⑵ kaḵáshx̱i | steamed berries put up in soft grease || ⑶ kanálx̱i | steamed berries || ⑷ kanéegwálʼ | pudding dish made with berries and salmon eggs || ⑸ katʼákx̱i | half-dried and/or compressed food, esp. berries or seaweed || ⑹ kax̱ʼátʼ | green, unripe berry || ⑺ seig̱atáanaa; ḵákw seig̱atáanaa | berrying basket or can hung around neck, resting on the chest || ⑻ tléiḵw | berry; berries ⒜ tléiḵw kahéeni | berry juice || ⑼ √tleiḵw | pick berries; be gluttonous
berry ⑴ tléiḵw ⒜ tléiḵw wásʼi | berry bush || ⑵ chʼeix̱ʼ; chʼeex̱ʼ | thimbleberry || ⑶ dáxw | Lingonberry || ⑷ dleit tléig̱u | snowberry || ⑸ gaawáḵ | serviceberry; saskatoonberry || ⑹ kadádzaa yeit; kadaadzáa yeit; katádzaa yeit | basket or pan used to collect berries by knocking them all off the bush || ⑺ kaduheix̱.aa | northern redcurrant || ⑻ kakatlaax̱ | blueberry, the lighter blue variety, frosted || ⑼ kanaltsʼákw; kaneiltsʼákw (C); kaneiltsʼíkw (At); kaneiltsʼook (T); kaltlax̱eit | trailing blackcurrant || ⑽ kanatʼá | Alaska blueberry || ⑾ kaxwéix̱ | high bush cranberry || ⑿ ḵʼeikaxétlʼk | Jacobs berries; bunchberry || ⒀ ḵʼeishkaháagu; ḵʼeishkeháagu (C) | bog cranberry; low bush cranberry || ⒁ láx̱ʼ loowú | swamp blueberry || ⒂ néx̱ʼw; nax̱ʼw; náx̱kʼw | cloudberry || ⒃ neigóon | nagoonberry || ⒄ ôondách tléig̱u | small orange berries found in clusters || ⒅ sʼig̱eeḵáawu tléig̱u; tléiḵw kahínti | twistedstalk; watermelon berry || ⒆ sháchk katléig̱u; sháchgi tléig̱u | swamp cranberry; bog cranberry || ⒇ shaax̱ | gray currant; stink currant || 21 tleikatánk | red huckleberry || 22 tsʼéekáx̱kʼw; tsʼéikáx̱kʼw | alpine blueberry || 23 xákwlʼi | soapberry || 24 xéelʼi | mossberry; crowberry || 25 x̱aaheiwú | prickly currant
beside ⑴ –tuwán | (right) next to it; (right) beside it; (up) close to it || ⑵ –tʼaaḵ | beside; at the side of || ⑶ –tʼaḵká | beside, alongside, next to; on the side of
betray kei + O-ka-S-∅-√neek | for S to tell on, inform on, betray O
between ⑴ –g̱ei | enclosed within (the folds of) it, between the folds, covers, walls of it || ⑵ –yayuwaa | area between (natural features) || ⑶ –x̱ʼáak ⒜ aan yax̱ʼáak | between towns || ⒝ –tlʼeḵx̱ʼáak | between fingers
bewitch ⑴ √heexw | bewitch; witchcraft ⒜ O-S-∅-√heexw | for O to bewitch S; for O to perform witchcraft on O || ⑵ √xʼaash
beyond –yáanáx̱ | beyond it, more than it; too (much); excessively
bib sakeit | dance bib
bicycle ⑴ (verb) {na preverb} + sh + ka-S-d+l-√tseix̱ | for S to bicycle; for S to pedal || ⑵ (noun) a kát sh kadultsex̱t át | bicycle
big ⑴ (verb) √gei ¹ ⒜ (yéi) + ka-u-∅-√gei ¹ ʰ | for a thing to be (so) big || ⒝ (yéi) + ka-u-d+∅-√gei ¹ ʰ | for (plural) things to be (so) big || ⒞ ka-∅-√gei ¹ | for a singular, usually spherical object to be big || ⑵ √tlaa ² | big around in girth ⒜ (yéi) + ka-u-d+∅-√tlaa ² ʰ | for something to be (so) big around, in girth || ⑶ (adjective) –tlein | large; big || ⑷ (adjective) –tlénxʼ | large (plural); big (plural)
Big Dipper Yax̱té
bigger N + yáanáx̱ + ka-u-d+∅-√gei ¹ ʰ | for an object (inanimate) to be bigger than N
bight ⑴ ḵú || ⑵ ḵunag̱eiy
bile ⑴ –teiyí | gall bladder; bile || ⑵ –teiyí kahéeni | bile
billiards ⑴ koochʼéitʼaa át kadultáḵji || ⑵ ash kooltág̱aa | playing pool, billiards
bind ⑴ √aax̱w || ⑵ √sʼeet ⒜ O-ka-S-∅-√sʼeet | for S to bind up, wrap around, bandage O
bingo alḵáa; at ilḵáa | stick game; gambling; bingo; game of chance
binoculars ⑴ sʼíksh || ⑵ tunax̱ḵudutísʼ
birch at daayí ḵákw
bird ⑴ aatayádi | mythical bird or little person that lives in a lake || ⑵ tsʼatsʼée | bird; songbird || ⑶ tlʼáatlʼ | small yellow songbird (yellow warbler?) || ⑷ tsʼítskw | small songbird
birds át kawdliyeeji át
birth atkʼátskʼu⁓yát(kʼ) + O-S-∅-√.oo ¹ ˟ | for S to wear, put on, dress in O; for S to use O
bison xaas
bite ⑴ N-dé + ya-d+∅-√g̱eech ¹ | for a sharp object to pierce, enter, prick N; for an animal to bite N || ⑵ N-t⁓ + ya-d+∅-√g̱eech ¹ | for a sharp object to pierce, enter, prick N; for an animal to bite N || ⑶ √taaxʼ | bite; chew ⒜ O-S-s-√táaxʼ | for S (esp. an insect) to bite O || ⑷ √yeeḵ ³ | bite; carry in mouth ⒜ O-S-∅-√yeeḵ ³ | for S to bite O; for S to carry O in mouth (of animal)
bite ² –x̱ʼanaa | (protecting) from, against a bite; keeping from eating something
bitter ⑴ √aaxʼw ² ⒜ O-s-√.áaxʼw ² ˟
black ⑴ tʼoochʼ | black color || ⑵ √tʼoochʼ | to char or blacken || ⑶ tsʼáḵl | black paint || ⑷ yéisʼ | black and blue (like a bruise)
blackboard kadushxit tʼaa yá
blacksmith ⑴ g̱ayéisʼ layeix̱í; g̱iyéisʼ layeix̱í; g̱iyéisʼ leyeix̱í (C) || ⑵ g̱ayéisʼ tʼéix̱ʼi
bladder –kalóoxʼshani; –kulóoxʼsháni; –kelóoxʼsheni
blade –gáaxw | back (of a knife or other blade); back edge, spine of it
blame N + géi⁓ + O-ka-S-s-√haa ⁴ | for S to accuse, blame N
blanket ⑴ –guntú | under the covers, under the blanket with them; (sleeping) nestled against them || ⑵ g̱ax̱laan | blanket woven from twisted rabbit furs || ⑶ lʼée | wool; wool blanket || ⑷ xʼóow | blanket ⒜ at xáshdi xʼóow | blanket sewn from scraps of hide || ⒝ Ginjichwáan xʼóowu; Kinguchwáan xʼóowu | Hudson Bay blanket || ⒞ kastʼáatʼ xʼóow; kastʼáatʼ | cotton blanket; quilt || ⒟ sʼax̱xʼóow | marmot blanket, robe || ⑸ √xʼoo ² | wear a blanket || ⑹ yéik tayee.ádi | blanket, cushion for shaman to sit on
bleach ⑴ a kaax̱ at sahéix̱ át || ⑵ átdáx̱ ḵusahéix̱ át | spot remover; bleach
bleed shí + N + lóot⁓ + ∅-√daa ¹ | for Nʼs nose to bleed
blessed ⑴ √x̱eitl; √x̱eetl ² | blessed; lucky ⒜ O-l-√x̱éitl ˟ | for O to be blessed, be lucky
blessing ⑴ √soo | supernatural aid ⒜ N + eeg̱áa + ∅-√soo | for N to receive supernatural aid; for N to be blessed by spiritual aid
blind tlél + ḵu-S-sh-√téen ² ˟ | for S to be blind
blindfold waḵkadóoxʼ
blindly ux̱ kei
blindness l ḵooshtéeni
blizzard dleit g̱éedi
block ⑴ –niyaa; –yinaa | in the way of; keeping away; protecting, shielding, screening from; blocking || ⑵ –x̱ʼanaa | in the way of; keeping away; protecting, shielding, screening from; blocking || ⑶ –waḵká | blocking their view; in their way (so that she/he canʼt see)
blocks kóoḵxʼu saaní | toy blocks
blond lʼáax̱ʼ | grayish; blond (hair)
blood ⑴ –tlag̱eiyí yadaatéetʼi | blood vessels on the surface of their brain || ⑵ shé | blood
bloodline x̱áat kʼáax̱ʼi | bloodline inside fish, along the backbone
bloodshot ⑴ dáat ¹ | bloodshot part; bloodshot flesh ⒜ dleey dáat | bloodshot meat; bloodshot flesh
bloodsucker yéesh
blossom ⑴ (verb) √xwein ³ ⒜ O-ḵʼe-ka-d+l-√xwein ˟ ³ | for O to flower, blossom || ⒝ (noun) ḵʼeikaxwéin
blouse ⑴ xʼúxʼ sʼísaa kʼoodásʼ | silk shirt; dress shirt || ⑵ yan sh wusné kʼoodásʼ | blouse
blow ⑴ du-∅-√nook ² | for the wind to blow, be felt (esp. a breeze, light wind) || ⑵ √oox ⒜ O-S-l-√.óox | for S to blow on O || ⒝ O-ka-S-∅-√.oox | for S to blow up, inflate O || ⒞ O-ya-ka-S-l-√.óox | for S to blow O (light, candle, match, etc.) out || ⑶ √xeex ³ | classification: wind ⒜ ∅-√xeex ³ | for the wind to blow || ⒝ N-t⁓ + ∅-√xeex ³ | for a strong wind to blow at N
blow nose ⑴ √naal ⒜ S-d+∅-√naal | for S to blow oneʼs nose
blowfish tlʼéitlʼ
blowhole anax̱ daséigu yé
blown ⑴ √sʼees ¹ | blown by wind; blown around ⒜ N-t + O-l-√sʼees ¹ | for O to be blown around at N (by wind); for O to sail in a boat around at N || ⒝ N-t + ka-d+l-√sʼees ¹ | for an object to be blown around in the wind at N
blubber taay
blue ⑴ sʼeiḵ kawóot | light bluish gray || ⑵ sʼoow | blue (for inland speakers) || ⑶ xáatsʼ | sky blue || ⑷ x̱ʼéishxʼw | dark blue || ⑸ yéisʼ | black and blue (like a bruise)
blueberry ⑴ kakatlaax̱ | blueberry, the lighter blue variety, frosted || ⑵ kanatʼá | Alaska blueberry ⒜ kanatʼá kahéeni | blueberry juice || ⒝ naanyaa kanatʼaayí || ⑶ láx̱ʼ loowú | swamp blueberry || ⑷ tsʼéekáx̱kʼw; tsʼéikáx̱kʼw | alpine blueberry
blunder √keikʼw
blunt ya-d+∅-√g̱éel
board ⑴ (noun) tʼáa ⒜ a káa yei kaduxáshch tʼáa | cutting board || ⑵ (verb) √tʼaa ⁴ | board; skirting
boardwalk dzeit | ladder; stairs; dock; pier; boardwalk
boat yaakw
boat ¹ (noun) ⑴ asg̱eiwú | seine fisher; seine boat || ⑵ chʼaḵúx̱; chaḵúx̱; jaḵúx̱ || ⑶ dax̱áchxʼi | tugboat || ⑷ diyeegooleit | skin kayak || ⑸ hoodí | planks put on the side of boat, canoe to stabilize it; outrigger || ⑹ ḵaayaakw | kayak || ⑺ lʼáaḵw | canoe, big flat bowed canoe or old worn out canoe || ⑻ xáatl kaltság̱aa | canoe with twin prongs to push aside ice || ⑼ yaakw ⒜ leineit shál yaakw | gill net boat || ⒝ sʼeenáa yaakw | gas-powered boat || ⒞ yakwyádi | skiff; small boat; flat-bottom canoe || ⒟ yaakw x̱uká | deck of a boat || ⒠ yaakw x̱ukahídi | 7.471 || ⒡ yaakw yík | in the the canoe, boat
boat ² ⑴ (verb) [∅ preverb] + S-∅-√ḵoox̱ ¹ | for S to travel, go (by boat, car) || ⑵ daak + S-∅-√ḵoox̱ ¹ | for S to go out to sea (in a boat); for S to move into the open (in a boat, car) || ⑶ g̱unéi + S-∅-√ḵoox̱ ¹ | for S to begin traveling, going by boat or car || ⑷ [na preverb] + S-∅-√ḵoox̱ ¹ | for S to travel, go (in a boat, car) || ⑸ [∅ preverb] + O-ya-S-s-√ḵoox̱ ¹ | for S to transport O by boat; for S to bring, take or fetch O by boat || ⑹ ash koosḵúx̱aa | playing boats (esp. toy boats)
bob √tsees | float; bob
body ⑴ –daa ¹; –daa.it | body; around the body || ⑵ –daashagóon | body parts || ⑶ jáḵwti | corpse of one slain || ⑷ –kasán | body; torso; waist || ⑸ –naa | upper body || ⑹ naawú | dead body
bog sháchk; shéchk | swamp, bog, muskeg; small meadow or clearing
boil ¹ ⑴ √ook ¹ | to boil in water ⒜ O-S-l-.ook ¹ | for S to boil O (esp. water) || ⒝ d+l-√.óok ¹ | for something to boil || ⑵ √ootl | boil fish ⒜ O-S-sh-√.óotl | for S to boil O (fish) || ⒝ (noun) útlx̱i | boiled fish || ⑶ √taa ⁴ | especially meat or berries ⒜ O-S-s-√taa ʰ ⁴ | for S to boil, steam O (food, esp. meat) || ⑷ √x̱aasʼ | strengthen by boiling
boil ² ⑴ (verb) √xʼees | for skin to swell; have a boil (on skin) ⒜ d+∅-√xʼees | for something to swell, be swollen locally; for something to have a boil on it (of skin) || ⒝ (noun) xʼees | infection on the skin
boiled ⑴ katéix̱ | boiled food || ⑵ téix̱
bone ⑴ ḵʼíshaa | fleshing tool made of bone || ⑵ –shakeegoodlí | intercornual protruberance; ridge between its horns (of moose, caribou) || ⑶ –shantunóoxʼu | otolith || ⑷ –shantuteiyí | interior head bone (of salmon) || ⑸ sʼaaḵ ⒜ –dix̱ʼtusʼaag̱í; –díx̱ʼtú sʼaaḵx’í | backbone || ⒝ –g̱atstusʼaag̱í || ⒞ –kʼisʼaag̱í | side pelvic bones; innominate bones || ⒟ −layatʼakwsʼaag̱í; –wóow sʼaag̱í | collarbone || ⒠ –sʼayoowú sʼaag̱í; –sʼayootlein sʼaag̱í | calf bone || ⒡ –tux̱ʼasʼaag̱í | bone at the bottom of pelvis || ⒢ –x̱iktusʼaag̱í; –x̱ikshatusʼaag̱í; –x̱ekshetusʼaag̱í | humerus, upper arm bone || ⑹ –sʼúdi | bones in forearm (radius and ulna) || ⑺ –wóow | brisket ⒜ –woowkasʼaag̱í | sternum, breastbone || ⑻ –xeitká | flat upper surface of their chest
boney ⑴ (verb) √sʼaaḵ ⒜ (adjective) lisʼaag̱í
book datóow xʼúxʼ; xʼúxʼ
bookstore xʼúxʼ daakahídi
boot ⑴ (noun) xʼwán ¹ | boot(s) || ⑵ (verb) √xʼwán ˟ || ⑶ (noun) x̱ʼatux̱.ayéeg̱i | knee-high waterproof skin boot(s); mukluk(s)
booze ⑴ kasiyaayi héen || ⑵ kóoshdaa lóoxʼu || ⑶ náaw
bore O-S-∅-√tool ¹ | for S to drill, bore hole in O
bored √teesh
boredom teesh; tuteesh; toowú teesh
born ⑴ O-ḵu-d+s-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to be in existence; for O to be born; for O to live || ⑵ ḵu-S-d+s-√tee ʰ ¹ | for S to exist; for S to be born; for S to live; for S to subsist
borrow ⑴ √heesʼ ⒜ O-S-∅-√héesʼ || ⒝ O-ka-S-∅-√héesʼ | classification: round or sperical object
boss ⑴ –sʼaatí | boss, master ⒜ ḵaa sʼaatí | boss of people
both ⑴ chʼu déix̱ || ⑵ deix̱kajíntin | with both hands || ⑶ deix̱kax̱ʼoostín | on both feet; with both feet
bother ⑴ √keen ⒜ O-S-sh-√keen || ⑵ N + éex̱ + a-S-∅-√néekw ¹ ˟ | for S to bother N (esp. by touching) || ⑶ √neekw ⁴
bottle ⑴ ín xʼeesháa || ⑵ ítʼjaa | baby bottle || ⑶ –lʼaa | milk; baby bottle || ⑷ tʼoochʼineit || ⑸ xén lʼaa tux̱áni daakeit | baby bottle
bottom ⑴ –taká | inside surface of the bottom (of container, vessel) || ⑵ –táak | the bottom of it (a cavity) ; in it (a cavity, occupying the bottom part of it) || ⑶ –tuḵdaa | around the butt; around the bottom; bottom (whole side) of container, e.g. dish, cup, bowl, bottle
bough ⑴ cháash | bough or branch with needles on it (especially of spruce) || ⑵ haaw ¹ | bough, branch with needles on it (especially of hemlock)
boulder ⑴ eech | large rock or boulder lying on the ocean floor ⒜ hintu.eejí | underwater reef; large rock or boulder lying under the water
bounce ⑴ √daat || ⑵ √kʼoot
bow ¹ ⑴ sáḵs || ⑵ sheexw | close quarter bow and arrow || ⑶ tʼúgwaa | bow and arrow
bow ² ⑴ chʼéen || ⑵ lag̱wán | bow (of hair) || ⑶ shachʼéen | hair ribbon
bow ³ ⑴ –luká | along the ridge of it (hill); (on the) bow of (a boat) || ⑵ –shaká | bow, prow (of boat) || ⑶ –xéesʼ | the curved part of a bow or stern (of boat)
bowl ⑴ x̱ʼayeit | food container; pot or pan; large bowl or dish || ⑵ sʼíxʼ | dish; plate; bowl ⒜ leineit sʼíx | horn bowl
bowstay ⑴ –lukatíxʼi || ⑵ | yaakw sheketíxʼi
box ⑴ daneit | grease, oil put away in a box; large box for storing grease, oil || ⑵ ḵóok | box || ⑶ láḵt | bentwood box ⒜ laḵdíxʼ | bentwood box full of food || ⑷ naasa.áa | womanʼs tool box || ⑸ wóoshx̱ dagaa | food box divided into compartments by a divider || ⑹ wóow daakeit | lunch basket, lunch container || ⑺ x̱ʼalʼdaakeit | small covered box
boy ⑴ yadakʼwátskʼu | adolescent boy || ⑵ kʼisáani | boys, young men
boyfriend ⑴ –ḵáawu || ⑵ –yadákʼu
bra lʼaa kaháadi; lʼaa ka.át; lʼaa daakagwéil; lʼaakeidí
bracelet kées
braid ⑴ √geil | braid seal intestines || ⑵ √seet ⒜ (verb) O-ka-S-l-√seet | for S to braid O (hair) || ⒝ (noun) shaséet; séet ³ | braid
braided tuwalagéil
brailer bag kaxwénaa
brain ⑴ –tlag̱eiyí ⒜ –tlag̱eiyí yadaadoogú | membrane around their brain || ⒝ –tlag̱eiyí yadaatéetʼi | blood vessels on the surface of their brain
branch ⑴ aas katláx̱di | dry tree branches (still on the tree) || ⑵ aasdaasheeyí; sheey | limb, primary branch || ⑶ cháash | bough or branch with needles on it (especially of spruce) || ⑷ haaw ¹ | bough, branch with needles on it (especially of hemlock) || ⑸ sʼú | long, thin root or branch || ⑹ –tʼáni | secondary branch || ⑺ tlʼáxchʼ | old, dead branch || ⑻ –xʼaan | tip (of pointed object); top, tips of its branches (of tree, bush)
brant ḵín
brass iḵnáachʼ
brat ánkʼw; énkw (C)
bread ⑴ sakwnéin ⒜ kei dulḵáchx̱i sakwnéin | yeast bread; raising bread; rising dough || ⒝ linúkdzi sakwnéin | sweet bread; cake || ⒞ sakwnéin éewu | (loaf of) bread || ⒟ sakwnéin kax̱ʼeiltí | bread crumbs
break ⑴ √kʼoots | classification: rope-like objects ⒜ O-S-l-√kʼoots || ⑵ √kʼwaach | break apart || ⑶ √lʼeexʼ | classification: stick-like objects ⒜ O-S-∅-√lʼéexʼ | for S to break O (esp. of solid objects, wood, metals, etc.) || ⒝ ∅-√lʼéexʼ | for a general, solid object to break || ⒞ O-S-l-√lʼéexʼ | for S to break O (often by bending) (usually long objects) || ⒟ l-√lʼéexʼ | for a long object to break || ⑷ O-ka-S-∅-√tʼéex̱ʼ | for S to smash O up by pounding; for S to mash O by pounding with something heavy; for S to pound, hammer on O; for S to break O || ⑸ √waalʼ | classification: general objects, abstract objects ⒜ O-ka-S-∅-√wáalʼ | for S to break O (usually fairly fragile objects) || ⒝ ka-∅-√wáalʼ | for something to break (usually fairly fragile objects) || ⒞ N + toowú + O-ka-S-l-√wáalʼ | for S to break Nʼs heart, hurt Nʼs feelings
break law at + géit⁓ + S-d+s-√geet ²
breaking bread sakwnéin wuduwawáalʼ
breaks easily liwáalʼshán
breast ⑴ adawóotl yuwaa.át | body armor; breastplate || ⑵ –xeitká | flat upper surface of their chest || ⑶ –lʼaa | breast
breastplate yinaaháat; niyaháat | body armor; breastplate
breath ⑴ daséikw; x̱ʼaséikw | breath; life || ⑵ óox | breath of air (exaled); spray of air (exaled by a sea mammal)
breathe ⑴ √saa ² | breathe; live; name ¹; call out ⒜ S-d+∅-√saa ² | for S to breathe; for S to be alive
breed ⑴ √x̱eet ¹; √x̱eit | breed; mate ¹; spawn; multiply ⒜ O-S-s-√x̱eet ¹; O-S-s-√x̱eit | for S to breed O || ⒝ d+s-√x̱eet ¹ | for something to multiply, increase in numbers; for animals to produce young, breed
brick ⑴ sʼé kachoox; sʼé kacheexw || ⑵ éechʼ | heavy stone, boulder; something compact and very heavy
bridge ⑴ héen kanax̱ kayáash || ⑵ dzeit shuyee | bottom end of bridge, wharf
bring ⑴ tóo-t⁓ + O-ka-S-l-√dootl || ⑵ haandé | bring it here!; hand it here! || ⑶ kei + O-S-s-√taan ³ | for S to bring out, unearth O (usually long, complex object)(esp. from a box or other container or place which o is kept); for S to pick up, lift up O || ⑷ kei + O-S-∅-√tee ² ʰ | for S to bring out, unearth O (general, often compact object) (esp. from a box or other container or place which O is kept); for S to pick up, lift up O || ⑸ {∅ preverb} + O-ya-S-∅-√x̱aa ²; {na preverb} + O-ya-S-∅-√x̱aa ² | for S to transport O by boat or car; for S to bring, take or fetch O by boat or car || ⑹ √tee ʰ ²
brink –x̱ʼaxʼaa | the brink of it; the very edge of it (a cliff, drop-off)
brisket –wóow | brisket
British Ginjichwáan; Ginjoochwáan; Kinguchwáan
broad √woox̱ʼ
broccoli aasxʼí sáani chookán
broil ⑴ √tseek ⒜ O-S-l-√tseek | for S to broil O
broke kaldáanaaḵ | without money
broom xítʼaa | broom; brush
broth tax̱héeni | soup; soup broth
brother ⑴ –éekʼ | femaleʼs brother || ⑵ –húnx̱w | maleʼs older brother || ⑶ –kéekʼ | maleʼs younger brother || ⑷ –woosh kíkʼi yán | maleʼs brothers || ⑸ –xwáayi | maleʼs clan brother
brow –sʼee x̱ʼáak; –sʼee wát | space between their eyebrows
brown sʼagwáat
browse ⑴ O-ka-S-l-√teen ² | for S to observe, watch O; for S to look at, browse O (esp. a catalog or book with pictures) || ⑵ O-ka-S-l-√teen ²
bruise ⑴ (verb) O-S-l-√choon ¹ | for S to injure, hurt, wound, bruise O || ⑵ √dát ˟ || ⑶ yéisʼ | black and blue (flesh), bruised (flesh) ⒜ (noun) kayéisʼ
bruised ⑴ O-d+∅-√choon ¹ | for O to be wounded, injured, bruised; for O to be hurt (emotionally) || ⑵ √yeisʼ | bruised; discolored ⒜ O-ka-d+∅-√yéisʼ | for O to be colored, discolored, bruised
brush ¹ (noun) ⑴ at gutú; aas gutú | woods; bush; brush; underbrush; wilderness || ⑵ g̱éej.adi; g̱éech.adi | windfallen tree; dead tree(s) that has fallen; dead brush that has fallen || ⑶ cháash | bough or branch with needles on it (especially of spruce)
brush ² (noun) ⑴ aan kadusxitgu át; aan shakdusyeix̱ át | hairbrush || ⑵ aan kadusxítʼkw át | clothes brush || ⑶ | hairb || ⑷ kooxéedaa | pencil; pen; marker; paint brush ²; target || ⑸ xítʼaa | broom; brush ⒜ naa.át kaxítʼaa | clothes brush
brush ³ (verb) ⑴ √xeetʼ | brush ³; scrape; sweep || ⑵ sha-ka-d+s-√yaa ⁴ | for S to comb or brush their hair
bubble ⑴ (noun) kúḵdlaa | large bubbles (esp. from whale) || ⑵ (noun) kúḵjaa | fast drip with bubbles || ⑶ (verb) √soon | small bubbles ⒜ (noun) x̱ʼasúnjaa | small bubbles from a sea creature (as from a fish, clam)
bucket ⑴ xʼeesháa ⒜ láḵdi xʼeesháa | bentwood bucket
buckshot at tux̱ʼwánsʼi
budge ⑴ √tsʼoox̱ | move slightly; budge ⒜ O-S-l-√tsoox̱ | for S to cause O to budge, move slightly
buffalo xaas
bufflehead hintakxʼwásʼg̱i | bufflehead duck
bug hintayéeshi
buggy tʼukanéiyi koojúxaayi; tʼukanéiyi kajúxayi | baby stroller
build O-S-l-√yeix̱ ¹ | for S to build O; for S to make, construct O
building ⑴ gáan aa yee | in the spare room or outbuilding || ⑵ hít ⒜ –daakahídi | building around
bullet ⑴ at katé || ⑵ óonaa x̱ʼadáadzi | empty shell (after being fired)
bullhead ⑴ tlóox̱ | mud bullhead ⒜ éet katlóox̱u | deepsea bullhead (edible) || ⒝ té tayee tlóox̱u | little bullhead (found under beach rocks) || ⑵ wéix̱ʼ
bum O-u-S-∅-√choox̱ ˟
bump ⑴ gootl; g̱ootl || ⑵ kʼúxjaa
bunch shakatlʼéen
bunch up √leelʼ
bunchberry ḵʼeikaxétlʼk | Jacobs berries; bunchberry
bundle ⑴ √aax̱w | tie; bind; bundle; wrap ⒜ (verb) O-daa-S-s-√.aax̱w | for S to tie O together in a bundle; for S to wrap O up || ⒝ (noun) daa.aax̱w | bundle || ⒞ –sha.aax̱w | bundle of something tied together at one end || ⑵ g̱alnáatʼadi; g̱alnáatʼani | things bundled up for carrying
buoy ⑴ katsees | float (of net, fishing line); buoy || ⑵ –kwéiyi | buoy to mark the end of it (net) ⒜ eech kwéiyi | floating buoy || ⒝ eech kakwéiyi | fixed buoy
burden –jiyeet | under the burden, weight of it; belabored or suffering from it (a burden, hardship)
burl ⑴ aasdaag̱oodlí; aasdaag̱údli | burl, tumor in a tree || ⑵ aasdaaxʼéesʼi | tumor in a tree, with branches growing from it || ⑶ gúnlʼ | burl || ⑷ √gúnlʼ | have a burl; try hard
burn ¹ ⑴ √gaan ¹ | burn ¹; light; shine ⒜ N-t⁓ + a-ka-∅-√gaan ¹ | for N (fire) to burn, catch alight; for N (light) to be on || ⑵ l-√tʼooch | for medicine to sting, burn || ⑶ xoodzí ² | burnt or charred wood || ⑷ √x̱ʼeix̱ʼ; √x̱ʼeex̱ʼ | classification: skin or flesh ⒜ O-d+∅-√x̱ʼéex̱ʼ | for O to be burned (of flesh, skin), become shriveled and brittle through burning || ⒝ O-S-l-√x̱ʼéix̱ʼ | for S to burn O (flesh, skin); for S to scald O
burn ² ⑴ gan.eetí | fireplace; place where there has been a fire and there is burnt residue || ⑵ xóoshtʼ | singed, burnt, or charred matter
burn up kei + O-S-s-√gaan ¹
burp ⑴ √tsaa | belch; burp ⒜ a-S-d+l-√tsaa ˟ | for S to burp, belch
bury ⑴ √naa ³ | inherit; die; bury ⒜ O-S-s-√naa ³ | for S to bury O with appropriate ceremonial; for S to give O burial and disperse property
bus ⑴ át ḵoowsix̱óotʼi át | bus || ⑵ át ḵoowsix̱óotʼi ḵáa | bus driver
bush ¹ ⑴ at gutú || ⑵ wásʼ ⒜ tléiḵw wásʼi | berry bush
bush ² ⑴ kalḵaaḵú; galg̱aaḵú; g̱alg̱aaḵu || ⑵ yanshuká; yanshkwá | campsite; (out in) camp; (out in) the bush
business daat át | concern; responsibility; business
busy N + daat + át + ḵu-d+s-√tee ʰ ¹ | for N to be busy with things; for N to be occupied with things
butt ⑴ –gú | base, bottom, butt end || ⑵ –kʼí | rump; the flesh around his/her hips || ⑶ –tóoḵ | buttocks ⒜ –tuḵdaa | around the butt; around the bottom; bottom (whole side) of container, e.g. dish, cup, bowl, bottle || ⒝ –tuḵx̱ʼé; –toox̱ʼé; –tuḵʼé; –tuḵ.woolí | anus; butthole || ⒞ –tux̱ʼaxʼaayí | butt crack || ⑷ –xʼaash | butt cheeks
butter chʼáakʼ eex̱í; chʼáakʼ kichtu.eex̱í
butterfly ⑴ ḵaa daakeidí tlaax̱í || ⑵ ḵaa daa lʼeix̱í | monarch butterfly || ⑶ tleilú; leilú
button ¹ ḵaayaka.óotʼi; ḵaayuka.óotʼi; yooka.óotʼ; yaka.óotʼ
button ² –tsʼíkʼwti; –tsʼéekʼu | muscle that opens and closes the shell
button up aanáx̱ + O-ka-S-l-√.aat ³
buy ⑴ √oo ² | buy it ⒜ O-S-∅-√.oo ʰ ² | for S to buy O || ⒝ O-ka-S-∅-√.oo ² ˟ | for S to buy O (usually round, spherical object)
by –x̱án | near; at the house of; by | classification: animate
cabin ⑴ aas hít || ⑵ yaakw x̱ukahídi | boatʼs cabin || ⑶ wooshnáx̱ téeyi hít | log house
cable g̱ayéisʼ tíxʼ
cache ⑴ éinaa | drying rack (for fish or meat) || ⑵ chál | platform cache; house cache; shed
cadge ⑴ √choox̱ ⒜ O-u-S-∅-√choox̱ ˟
cairn ⑴ xóow | memorial pile of rocks ⒜ té xóow | rock pile (for memorial)
cake ¹ ka-∅-√tʼéexʼ ˟ ¹ | for something to harden, cake up
cake ² linúkdzi sakwnéin | sweet bread; cake
calendar ⑴ dís woox̱éiyi || ⑵ dís xʼúxʼu
calf ⑴ –saayee | underside of knee; (inside of) lower leg || ⑵ –sʼayoowú | calf of leg ⒜ –sʼayoowú sʼaag̱í; –sʼayootlein sʼaag̱í | calf bone
calico kashxeet | cloth with print design
call ⑴ tóo-t⁓ + O-ka-S-l-√dootl | for s to coax, entice, call, or bring O to oneself (esp. child or wild animal) || ⑵ √geis | call for (esp. a dog) || ⑶ N + jeedé + x̱ʼa-S-d+∅-√taan ⁵ | for (singular) S to call N on telephone || ⑷ N + jee-t⁓ + x̱ʼa-S-d+∅-√taan ⁵ | for S to call N on telephone || ⑸ √x̱oox̱ | summon; call; ask for ⒜ O-S-∅-√x̱oox̱ ˟ | for S to call, summon O
call out ⑴ √eexʼ | call out; yess out; shout; holler ⒜ O-S-∅-√.éexʼ ˟ | for S to call out to, shout to, holler at O || ⑵ √saa ² ⒜ O-S-∅-√sáakw | for S to call O by a certain name || ⑶ √.éexʼ ˟
calloused √keil ²
calm ⑴ (verb) √gaa ¹ | delay; hesitate; tide; calm ⒜ N + toowú + du-∅-√gaa ¹ ʰ | for N to be calm, at peace || ⑵ N + toowú + tleiyéi + yéi + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for N to be calm; for N to meditate || ⑶ (verb) √yeilʼ | calm; peaceful ⒜ ka-du-∅-√yéilʼ | for something (esp. bodies of water) to be calm, peaceful || ⒝ ḵu-ka-du-∅-√yéilʼ | for the weather to be calm, peaceful, without storm || ⒞ (verbal noun) kayéilʼ | peace; calm || ⑷ tliyéi; tleiyéi | still; calm || ⑸ tliyéixʼ; tleiyéixʼ | be still!; be calm! || ⑹ N + toowú + du-∅-√gaa ¹ ʰ | for N to be calm, at peace
calyx –shakasʼídi
cambium sáxʼ | cambium, sap scraped from inner bark
camera aankadushxit át; aan ḵukdushxit át
camp ¹ ⑴ √x̱ei; √x̱ee ⒜ O-∅-√x̱ei ʰ | for O to stay overnight, spend the night, camp out overnight
camp ² ⑴ sʼeenáa gáasʼi | old campsite || ⑵ yanshuká; yanshkwá | campsite; (out in) camp; (out in) the bush
camprobber kooyéix̱
can ⑴ gúxʼaa || ⑵ cháashgaa || ⑶ g̱ayéisʼ gúxʼaa | tin can || ⑷ seig̱atáanaa; ḵákw seig̱atáanaa | berrying basket or can hung around neck, resting on the chest
Canadian Ginjichwáan; Ginjoochwáan; Kinguchwáan
canary sʼáasʼ | canary; goldfinch; siskin
cancer tlʼooḵ | rotting sore; gangrene; cancer
candle toow sʼeenáa
candlefish saak
cane wootsaag̱áa; wutsaag̱áa
cannery x̱áat daakahídi
cannibals ḵusax̱aḵwáan
canoe ⑴ chʼaḵúx̱; chaḵúx̱; jaḵúx̱ || ⑵ chʼiyáash | sea otter hunting canoe with an angular prow for breaking the waves; flat bottomed canoe || ⑶ dakwyeit | wooden container or canoe used for rendering || ⑷ dáax̱ | canoe under construction || ⑸ dúḵ | canoe made from cottonwood || ⑹ hoodí | planks put on the side of boat, canoe to stabilize it; outrigger || ⑺ lʼáaḵw | canoe, big flat bowed canoe or old worn out canoe || ⑻ seet | dugout canoe designed to go through shallow waters || ⑼ takeit | floorboards in canoe || ⑽ xáatl kaltság̱aa | canoe with twin prongs to push aside ice || ⑾ x̱áa | group of canoes on the water; war party; attacking force of warriors or soldiers; army || ⑿ yaakw | boat; canoe ⒜ yakwyádi | skiff; small boat; flat-bottom canoe || ⒝ yáxwchʼi yaakw | small canoe with high carved prow
canvas xwaasdáa
canvasback tseindeiyaa | canvasback duck
canyon ⑴ x̱ʼaak || ⑵ séet ¹ | channel; draw; gully; canyon
cap ḵʼalux̱útʼaa sʼáaxw | visor hat worn by Sugpiaq & Unangan people of Southcentral & Southwestern Alaska; cap (with a brim), baseball cap
cape teiḵ
capsize áa + yax̱ + ∅-√gwáatl
captain ⑴ kakʼdakwéiy sʼaatí; kakʼkakwéiy sʼaatí (At); kakʼkwéiy sʼaatí (TC) | person in charge || ⑵ yaakw yasatáni | captain (of a boat)
captive g̱alsháatadi; g̱alsháatedi (C)
capture O-S-l-√sháat | for S to hold, retain O in oneʼs grasp; for S to capture, hold O captive
car át wududziḵux̱u át
carapace nóoxʼ | shell (of clam, crustacean, or egg); carapace (of turtle); shell-like chip or flake; china (diningware)
Carcross Nadashaa Héeni | "Water Flowing from Mountain"; "Whitefish River"
cards ⑴ √ḵaa ³ | gamble with cards, dice, in general, or with gambling sticks that are concealed ⒜ a-S-d+l-√ḵáa ˟ ³ | for S to gamble (by means of gambling sticks, dice, etc.); for S to play cards; for S to play bingo || ⑵ alḵáa xʼúxʼ
care ⑴ √taaḵ ² | care for ⒜ N + daa O-ya-s-√taaḵ ² | for O to care for, take care of N; for O to look after N; for O to serve N; for O to minister to N; for O to take note of N
care about ⑴ N + tóon + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for N to care about O; for N to be concerned about O; for N to be affected by O || ⑵ N + daa + O-tu-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to care about N; for O to think about, consider N; for O to have an opinion about N
care for ⑴ √taaḵ ² || ⑵ O-S-l-√teen ² | for S to look at, gaze at, watch O; for S to watch, take care of, mind, look after O
careful √eitsʼ | careful; delicate
carefully ⑴ kʼidéin || ⑵ dlinkwát; dleewkát
careless chʼa koogéiyi
caretaker at.óow latíni | clan caretaker of at.óow
caribou watsíx
caribou leaf watsixtlaanáagu
carpenter at layeix̱ sʼaatí
carrot sʼín
carry ⑴ √aat ² | classification: baggage and personal items ⒜ {∅ preverb} + O-S-l-√.aat ² | for S to carry, take plural O (esp. baggage) || ⒝ {na preverb} + O-S-l-√.aat ² | for S to carry, take plural O (esp. baggage) || ⑵ √aat ³ | classification: small round or hooplike objects ⒜ {∅ motion preverb} + O-ka-S-l-√.aat ³ | for S to carry O (small, round or hoop-like objects) || ⒝ {na motion preverb} + O-ka-S-l-√.aat ³ | for S to carry O (small, round or hoop-like objects) || ⑶ √aax̱ ² | classification: textile-like object ⒜ {∅ preverb} + O-S-∅-.aax̱ ² | for S to carry O (textile-like object) || ⒝ {na preverb} + O-S-∅-√.aax̱ ² | for S to carry O (textile-like object) || ⑷ √een ¹ | classification: container with contents ⒜ {∅ preverb} + O-S-s-√.een | for S to pick O (esp. berries) into a container || ⒝ {na preverb} + O-S-s-√.een | for S to pick O (esp. berries) into a container || ⑸ √gooch | carry something to give to someone, esp. food || ⑹ √haat ¹ | classification: heavy object | usually with arms straight and sharing load with another || ⑺ √jeekʼ | carry on shoulders || ⑻ √hoot | carry in apron || ⑼ √jeil ² | classification: in loads; all of one type of thing ⒜ {∅ preverb} + O-ka-S-∅-√jeil ² | for S to carry, take O (esp. to one place, making several trips, or all of one particular type of thing) || ⒝ {na preverb} + O-ka-S-∅-√jeil ² | for S to carry, take O (esp. to one place, making several trips, or all of one particular type of thing) || ⑽ √kwaach | classification: in cupped hand(s) ⒜ {na preverb} + O-S-∅-√kwaach | for S to carry, take O (in cupped hands) || ⑾ √lʼaatʼ | carry with tongs || ⑿ √naa ⁵ | classification: in bundles || ⒀ √nei ¹; √nee ¹ | classification: plural & varying objects ⒜ N-dáx̱ + yéi + O-S-s-√nei ¹ ʰ | for S to pick up, lift up, take (plural) O (objects) up off of N || ⒁ √neilʼ | carry bulky object(s) by holding close to the body || ⒂ √nook ⁵ | classification: live creature ⒜ {na preverb} + O-S-s-√nook ⁵ | for S to carry, take O (live creature) || ⒃ √taa ² | classification: dead creature or sleeping baby || ⒄ √taan ¹ | classification: empty container or hollow object ⒜ O-S-∅-√taan ¹ | for S to carry, take O (usually a container or hollow object) || ⒝ N-t⁓ + O-S-∅-√taan ¹ | for S to carry, take O (usually a hollow object) to N || ⒅ √taan ³ | classification: stick-like object ⒜ {∅ motion preverb} + O-S-s-√taan ³ | for S to carry O (usually long, complex object) || ⒝ {∅ motion preverb} + O-ka-S-s-√taan ³ | for S to carry O (small, stick-like object) || ⒆ √tee ² | classification: general, compact object; abstract ⒜ √tee ² | classification: round or spherical object || ⒝ √tee ² | classification: complex object with internal parts || ⒞ {na preverb} + O-S-∅-√tee ² ʰ | for S to carry, take O | classification: general, compact object; abstract || ⒇ √tleixʼw | carry too much; be overloaded; clutch in order to carry too much || 21 √yaa ² | carry on back; pack on back ⒜ O-S-∅-√yaa ² | for S to carry O on back; for S to pack O on back || ⒝ at + S-∅-√yaa ² | for S to carry things on back; for S to pack things on back || 22 √yeeḵ ³ | bite; carrry in mouth ⒜ O-S-∅-√yeeḵ ³ | for S to bite O; for S to carry O in mouth (of animal)
cart ⑴ tsʼíktsʼík | cart; wheelbarrow || ⑵ hoon daakeit | shopping cart
cartilage ⑴ –túḵlʼi ⒜ –sʼaḵshutúḵlʼi | cartilage at the end of its bones; gristle at the end of its bones || ⑵ –sʼaḵx̱ʼáak túḵlʼi | cartilage between its bones; gristle between its bones
carve ⑴ √chʼaakʼw ⒜ O-ka-S-∅-√chʼáakʼw | for S to carve O (usually smaller, detailed work) using a knife or scoop chisel || ⒝ ka-S-d+∅-√chʼáakʼw | for S to carve (usually smaller, detailed work) using a knife or scoop chisel || ⑵ O-ka-S-∅-√xaash | for S to cut O in several pieces; for S to carve O (on surface); for S to slice O (e.g., bread) || ⑶ √teey ³ | carve; chisel ⒜ O-ka-S-∅-√teey ³ | for S to carve O (using a flat chisel); for S to chisel O
carve design √chʼaakʼw
carver at kachʼáakʼu
carving kadachʼáakʼw
cascade √xʼaas | classification: liquid
cashier dáanaa daaxʼ yéi jineiyí
casket ḵaa daakeidí
cast ¹ √joox̱ʼ | sling, fling; cast (fishing line)
cast ² at dultʼéexʼ | cast (to help set a broken bone)
cast eyes √g̱ein; √g̱een
casually chʼa keetáanáx̱! | deliberately, carefully; taking oneʼs time
cat ⑴ dóosh | cat ⒜ haadaadóoshi | man-eating cat; mountain lion; tiger; leopard
catalog káx̱ aduwésʼ xʼúxʼ
cataract ⑴ gáalʼ || ⑵ √gaalʼ
catch ⑴ O-S-d+s-√g̱áat ² || ⑵ √shaat ⒜ O-S-∅-√sháat | for S to catch O; for S to grab, take hold of, snatch O; for S to arrest O; for S to trap O || ⑶ √xeis | catch with container
catch up –kík | alongside it; catching up with it
catcher kadashátx̱i | catcher (in baseball)
caterpillar ⑴ tlʼúkʼx̱; tlʼúkʼ | worm; larva; grub; caterpillar || ⑵ daadzix̱aawu tlʼúkʼx̱; daadzix̱aawu tlʼúkʼ | caterpillar; centipede
catkin ketlyátxʼi | willow catkins
catʼs cradle tleilkʼú
cauliflower dleit aasxʼí sáani chookán
caulk √teet ²
cause (yéi) + O-S-s-√nei ² ʰ | for S to do (that) to O; for S to fix, cause (that) to happen to O
cave ⑴ katóok || ⑵ tatóok
cedar ⑴ laax̱ | western red cedar || ⑵ x̱áay | yellow cedar; Alaska cedar
ceiling –kax̱yee
celebrate ⑴ O-ḵei-S-s-√.aa ³ | for S to celebrate O, set apart O (a particular day) || ⑵ O-ya-S-s-√xeex ⁴ | for S to hold a social event for O; for S to celebrate O
celery taykayaana.eit
cell phone ⑴ g̱altú a tóonáx̱ yoo x̱ʼadul.átgi át || ⑵ g̱altú kaxéesʼ
cellar kóoḵ | pit; hole dug in the ground; cellar; housepit
cello g̱íx̱ʼjaa gaaw
center ⑴ daginaa; diginaa | outer part (toward the open, center of house, clearing, out to sea); front room || ⑵ dákde | out toward the open; out to sea; out into the center (of house, clearing)
centipede daadzix̱aawu tlʼúkʼx̱; daadzix̱aawu tlʼúkʼ | caterpillar; centipede
cereal tsʼootaat kaxóok atx̱á
ceremony ⑴ –daateeyí | feast, potlatch in honor of; dedication ceremony and feast for || ⑵ hit wóoshdei yadukícht | house dedication ceremony || ⑶ kei gax̱dunáaḵ | opening ceremonies of a ḵu.éexʼ || ⑷ Gaaw Wutaan | opening ceremonies of a ḵu.éexʼ || ⑸ G̱áax̱; G̱áax̱ Kát Anáḵ | cry ceremonies of a ḵu.éexʼ
chain ⑴ wóoshnáx̱ x̱ʼakakéix̱ʼi || ⑵ x̱ʼakakéix̱ʼi
chainsaw ⑴ gán aan duxash xáshaa || ⑵ sh daxash washéen
chair káayag̱ijeit
chalkboard kadushxit tʼaa yá
challenge ⑴ √deiḵ ⒜ O-S-∅-√deiḵ ˟ | for S to challenge O
chance ⑴ –ya.áak | room, space, place, time, chance, opportunity for it || ⑵ √goon | get a chance
change ⑴ √eet | change proportion ⒜ a-S-d+∅-√éet | for S to change its proportion; for S to change itself into something else
change mind ⑴ N + daatx̱ + ḵux̱ + tu-S-d+l-√.aat ⁵ | for (plural) S to change mind about N; for (plural) S to think over and reconsider N | classification: plural || ⑵ ḵux̱ + tu-S-d+∅-√sháat | for S to change oneʼs mind || ⑶ N + daatx̱ + ḵux̱ + tu-S-d+∅-√taan ⁵ | for (singular) S to change mind about N; for (singular) S to think over and reconsider N | classification: singular || ⑷ N + daax̱ + tu-ya-S-d+∅-√taanán ⁵ ˟ | for (singular) S to reconsider N, think over and change oneʼs mind about N
channel séet ¹ | channel; draw; gully; canyon
chaos ⑴ (noun) xʼóolʼ || ⑵ (verb) xʼóolʼ + yáx̱ + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹
char ⑴ (verb) √tʼoochʼ | to char or blacken || ⑵ (noun) xóoshtʼ | singed, burnt, or charred matter || ⑶ (verb) √xoots ¹
character ⑴ a kinaa kashxeedí | high tone marker in writing || ⑵ a tayee dusyeig̱í kashxeedí | underline of a character in writing || ⑶ tsʼéekʼw kashxeedí | apostrophe
charcoal tʼoochʼ
charge ¹ (n + éede) + O-ya-S-s-√ḵaa ¹ | for S to charge (N) for O; for S to set the price of O; for S to confess, acknowledge, or delcare O
charge ² yaḵá | speech, words; angry words; allegation, charge(s)
charm ⑴ (noun) héix̱waa | magic, charm, or ceremonial rights performed to bring about desirable results ⒜ (verb) √héix̱waa | magic; charm; perform rites i O-S-∅-√héix̱waa ˟ | for S to make magic, perform rites on O to bring desirable results in nature or give youngsters power and confidence
charred xoodzí ² | burnt or charred wood
chase ⑴ √keilʼ ² | classification: plural ⒜ {∅ preverb} + O-l-√kéilʼ ²
chastising yadujeeyí
cheat ⑴ √yeil | raven ²; pretend; lie ²; cheat; deceive ⒜ ḵut + O-S-l-√yeil | for S to cheat, deceive, fool O
check a káa kadushxeedí dáanaa | check (from a bank account)
check it out! é!
checkers aldaawáa
cheek ⑴ –xʼaash | butt cheeks || ⑵ –wásh | cheek ⒜ –washká | (outside of) cheek || ⒝ –washtú | inside of cheek; also inside of lip
cheese ⑴ kashísʼi | fermented salmon eggs that harden to a cheese || ⑵ kutsʼeen atx̱aayí | cheese
cheesecloth ⑴ kag̱ádaa | cheesecloth, loose-woven cloth; netting, screen || ⑵ xaadáa | veil; (mosquito) netting; cheesecloth
chef at gas.ee sʼaatí
cherish O-x̱ʼa-S-l-√tseen ˟ ¹ | for S to cherish, value O
cherries chéiwís
chest ⑴ –wóow | chest ⒜ –woowká | (on) the chest || ⑵ –xeit | solar plexus
chest pain wuwtunéekw
chew √taaxʼ | bite; chew
chickadee ḵaatoowú
chicken káaxʼ | spruce grouse, spruce hen; chicken
child ⑴ atkʼátskʼu | adolescent || ⑵ –sée | daughter of – || ⑶ –shuxʼaayádi; –shuxʼaayédi (C) | first born child of – || ⑷ –yéet | son of – || ⑸ √yát | child ⒜ –yádi | child of – || ⒝ –yátxʼi | children of i adátxʼi; atyátxʼi; atyétxʼi (T); adétxʼi (T); edétxʼi (C) | children || ii –kayádi; –keyédi (C) | fetus, unborn child of
childish √kʼeetlʼ | act silly, childish
childlike –yádi
childrenʼs tale tlaagú
Chilkat blanket naaxein
Chilkat: People of the Chilkat Area Jilḵáat Ḵwáan
Chilkoot: People of the Chilkoot Area Lḵoot Ḵwáan
chill O-S-s-√.áatʼ
chilled O-d+s-√.áatʼ
chin –téey
china nóoxʼ | shell (of clam, crustacean, or egg); carapace (of turtle); shell-like chip or flake; china (diningware)
Chinese Cháanwaan
chinook ⑴ tʼá | king salmon; chinook salmon || ⑵ kʼeiljáa; kʼeeljáa | chinook wind; south wind; chinook wind; south wind; storm (especially while at sea)
chip ⑴ √x̱ootʼ ² | adze; chip; chop ⒜ O-S-∅-√x̱óotʼ ² | for S to chip O out (with adze); for S to chop O (wood) || ⑵ nóoxʼ | shell (of clam, crustacean, or egg); carapace (of turtle); shell-like chip or flake; china (diningware)
chipmunk gunáayei; kunáayei; kóonayei
chisel ⑴ (noun) kachʼákʼwaa | rounded carving chisel || ⑵ (noun) tayees; yees | stone chisel; stone axe; wedge || ⑶ (verb) √teey ³ | carve; chisel ⒜ O-ka-S-∅-√teey ³ | for S to carve O (using a flat chisel); for S to chisel O || ⒝ (noun) tíyaa | flat chisel
chiton ⑴ koow | lady slipper; giant chiton || ⑵ shaaw | gumboot; chiton
choir ⑴ at shéexʼi, et shéexʼi (C) || ⑵ at sheexʼí
choke ⑴ √kei ² | stuck in throat ⒜ N + séi-t⁓ + ∅-√kei ² | for N to choke on something || ⑵ N + leitóox̱-t⁓ + ∅-√xeex ¹ | for something to be stuck in Nʼs throat; for N to choke on something
choose ⑴ a + tóo + daak + O-S-s-√.aat ¹ | classification: plural subject || ⑵ a + tóo + daak + O-S-s-√goot ¹ | classification: singular subject || ⑶ √tʼook | shoot bow and arrow; select gambling sticks ⒜ O-S-∅-√tʼóok | for S to shoot O (with bow and arrow); for S to choose O (in gambling with sticks)
chop ⑴ √sʼoow | chop ⒜ O-S-∅-√sʼóow | for S to chop O (esp. chopping down trees, chopping off branches) || ⑵ √x̱ootʼ ² | adze; chip; chop ⒜ O-S-∅-√x̱óotʼ ² | for S to chip O out (with adze); for S to chop O (wood) || ⒝ O-ka-S-l-√x̱óotʼ ² | for S to chop up O; for S to split O (wood)
chopper kasʼúwaa
chopping block sʼúwaa
Chugach ⑴ Giyaḵw || ⑵ Gutéix̱ʼ
chum téelʼ | dog salmon; chum salmon
church x̱ʼagáaxʼ daakahídi
cigar x̱ʼaxékʼwaa
circle ⑴ kʼwátʼ yáx̱ kaxát | shaped like a circle || ⑵ wooshduwag̱ígín; wooshdayíg̱in; wooshdawag̱ígin | in a circle; in circles
circle around N + daax̱ + ya-u-S-∅-√ḵoox̱ ¹
claim ⑴ √geiyáḵw ˟ | claim as payment; sue for payment || ⑵ (verb) √hein ⒜ O-S-∅-√héin ˟ || ⒝ (noun) ḵaa at oohéini | something claimed by someone || ⒞ at uhéini | claimed property; that which is claimed or willed || ⑶ –naawuweidí | price paid for death; crest claimed after the loss of life; life insurance || ⑷ (verb) √sʼaa | claim as payment; save from destruction
clam ⑴ dzéexʼw | baby clams || ⑵ dzóoxʼ | butter clam || ⑶ gáalʼ | clam || ⑷ –g̱eiyí | edible part (of a clam or other mollusc) || ⑸ ḵʼalkátsk | razor clam || ⑹ tlʼildaaskeit | littleneck clams || ⑺ x̱éetʼ | giant clam
clamps lʼátʼaa | tongs; tweezers; clamps
Clan ⑴ | Naanyaa.aayí Group ⒜ Naanya.aayí | "People of the Upper River" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety • Primary Crests: White Bear, Killer Whale || ⒝ Sʼiknax̱.ádi | "People of Black Bear Bay" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety • Primary Crests: Wolf, Killer Whale || ⒞ Kayáashkiditaan | "People of the House above the Platform" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety • Primary Crest: Killer Whale || ⒟ X̱ʼookʼeidí | "People of Leader Bay" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety || ⒠ X̱eil Ḵwáan | "People of the Foam" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety || ⑵ | Daḵlʼaweidí Group ⒜ Daḵlʼaweidí | "People of the Inland Sandbar" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety • Primary Crests: Killerwhale, Eagle || ⒝ Tsaagweidí | "People of the Harbor Seal Ice Floes" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety • Primary Crest: Split Killer Whale || ⒞ Nees.ádi | "People of Nees" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety • Primary Crest: Killer Whale || ⒟ Naasteidí | "People of the Nass River Rock" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety • Primary Crest: Flicker || ⒠ Sʼeetʼḵweidí | "People of Humpback Cove" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety • Primary Crest: Wolf || ⑶ | Teiḵweidí Group ⒜ Teiḵweidí | "People of Payne Island" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety • Primary Crest: Brown Bear || ⒝ Aanshookahíttaan | "People of the House on the End of Town" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety || ⒞ Gaawhíttaan | "People of the Drum House" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety || ⒟ Wasʼineidí | "People of Sea Lice Creek" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety • Primary Crest: Rhinoceros Auklet || ⒠ Lʼux̱ʼeidí | "People of Herring Spawn in Water" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety || ⒡ Laax̱aayík Teiḵweidí | "People of Payne Island at Laax̱aayík (In the Glacier)" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety || ⑷ | Dag̱istinaa Group ⒜ Dag̱istinaa | "Inland Channel Clan" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety • Primary Crest: Thunderbird || ⒝ Shangukeidí | "People of Shankw" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety • Primary Crest: Thunderbird || ⒞ Shankweidí | "People of Saint Philip Island" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety • Primary Crest: Thunderbird || ⒟ Ḵaax̱ʼoos.híttaan | "People of Personʼs Foot House" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety • Primary Crest: Owl || ⒠ Lḵuweidi | "People of the Flood" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety || ⑸ | Kaagwaantaan Group ⒜ Kaagwaantaan | "People of the Burnt House" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety • Primary Crest: Wolf or Brown Bear || ⒝ Ḵóokhíttaan | "People of the Box House" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety • Primary Crest: Brown Bear || ⒞ G̱ayesʼhíttaan | "People of the Iron House" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety • Primary Crest: Brown Bear || ⒟ G̱alyáx̱ Kaagwaantaan | "People of the Burnt House at Kaliakh River" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety • Primary Crests: Wolf, Beaver || ⒠ Jeeshḵweidí | "People of the Red Paint" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety • Primary Crests: Wolf, Beaver || ⑹ | Chookaneidí Group ⒜ Chookaneidí | "People of Grass River" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety • Primary Crest: Brown Bear, Porpoise, Spirit Bear || ⒝ Xinhíttaan | "People of Downriver Side House" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety || ⒞ X̱ʼaxʼaahíttaan | "People of the Edge House" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety || ⒟ Katakw.ádi | "People of Wilson Cove" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety || ⑺ | Xakwnoowkeidí Group ⒜ Xakwnoowkeidí | Teiḵweidí Migration, Xakwnoowkeidí Branch • Xakwnoowkeidí Group || ⒝ Wooshkeetaan | "People of the Houses On the Other Side of Each Other" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety • Primary Crest: Shark || ⒞ Tʼikanaa | Wolf/Eagle Moiety • Teiḵweidí Migration || ⑻ | Yanyeidí Group ⒜ Yanyeidí | "People in the Hemlock House" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety • Primary Crest: Wolf || ⒝ Ḵaax̱ʼúseedeetaan | "People of the Footprints House" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety • Primary Crest: Wolf || ⒞ Tsaatʼineidí | "People of the Stream Behind a Seal" | Wolf/Eagle Moiety • Primary Crest: Wolf || ⑼ | G̱aanax̱.ádi Group | Primary Crests: Beaver, Split Beaver (Teslin) ⒜ G̱aanax̱.ádi | "People of Sheltered Harbor" | Raven/Starfish (Raven/Crow Moiety) • Primary Crests: Raven, Starfish || ⒝ Deikée G̱aanax̱.ádi | "Out to Sea People of Sheltered Harbor" | Raven/Crow Moiety • Primary Crests: Raven || ⒞ G̱aanax̱teidí | "People of Sheltered Harbor Rock" | Raven/Crow Moiety • Primary Crests: Raven, Frog, Woodworm || ⒟ Taakw.aaneidí | "People of the Winter Village" | Raven/Crow Moiety • Primary Crests: Strong Man and the Sea Lion, Woodworm || ⒠ Kʼooxineidí | "People of the Mink/Marten Creek" | Raven/Crow • Primary Crest: Mink/Marten || ⒡ Ishkeetaan | "People of Deep Pool in the River House" | Raven/Crow Moiety • Primary Crest: Frog || ⒢ Kooḵhittaan; Ko̱oḵhittaan | "People of Cellar House" | Raven/Crow Moiety • Primary Crest: Raven (with children) || ⒣ Tooḵa.ádi | "People of Tooḵa" | Raven/Crow Moiety || ⒤ Ḵakʼweidí | "People of the Little Basket (Basket Bay)" | Raven/Crow Moiety • Primary Crest: Beaver || ⑽ | Deisheetaan Group ⒜ Deisheetaan | "People of the End of the Trail House" | Raven/Crow Moiety || ⒝ Tuḵyeidí | "People of of the Outlet" | Raven/Crow Moiety • Primary Crests: Raven, Beaver || ⒞ Naachʼuneidí | "People of Naachʼu Héen" | Raven/Crow Moiety || ⑾ | Taalḵweidí Group ⒜ Taalḵweidí | "People of Little Flat Basket Bay" | Raven/Crow Moiety • Primary Crest: Taalḵunax̱kʼu Shaa (Devilʼs Thumb Mountain) || ⒝ Kaasx̱ʼagweidí | "People of Ḵaasx̱ʼéikw" | Raven/Crow Moiety || ⒞ Lukaax̱.ádi | "People off the Point of It" | Raven/Crow Moiety • Primary Crest: Sockeye || ⒟ Noowshaka.aayí | "People on the Head of the Fort" | Raven/Crow Moiety • Primary Crest: Sockeye || ⒠ Ḵaach.ádi | "People of Pybus Bay" | Raven/Crow Moiety • Primary Crests: Raven, Fresh Water Sockeye || ⒡ Skanax̱.ádi | "People of the Noisy Beach" | Raven/Crow Moiety • Primary Crest: Raven, Fresh Water Sockeye || ⒢ Taneidí | "People of Jumping Fish Creek" i | Raven/Crow Moiety || ⒣ Ḵʼalchaneidí | "People of the Pungent Mouth" | Raven/Crow Moiety || ⒤ Ḵuyeiḵʼádi | "People of Excursion Inlet" | Raven/Crow Moiety || ⑿ | Lʼeeneidí Group ⒜ Lʼeeneidí | "People of Dog Salmon Creek" | Raven/Crow Moiety • Primary Crest: Dog Salmon || ⒝ Yax̱tetaan | "People of the Big Dipper House" | Raven/Crow Moiety • Primary Crest: Dog Salmon || ⒞ Aanx̱ʼaakhíttaan | "People of the House in the Middle of the Village" | Raven/Crow Moiety • Primary Crest: Dog Salmon || ⒟ Teelʼhittaan | "People of the Dog Salmon House" | Raven/Crow Moiety • Primary Crest: Dog Salmon || ⒠ Suḵteeneidí | "People of the Wide Steam in the Grass" | Raven/Crow Moiety • Primary Crest: Dog Salmon || ⒀ | Kiks.ádi Group ⒜ Kiks.ádi | "People of Helm Bay" | Raven/Crow Moiety • Primary Crest: Frog || ⒝ Teeyhíttaan | "People of the Yellow Cedar Bark House" | Raven/Crow Moiety • Primary Crest: Frog || ⒞ Teeyeeneidí | "People of the Yellow Cedar Bark Stream" | Raven/Crow Moiety • Primary Crest: Dog Salmon || ⒁ | Lʼuknax̱.ádi Group ⒜ Lʼuknax̱.ádi | "People of Coho Bay" | Raven/Crow Moiety • Primary Crest: Coho || ⒝ Xʼatʼka.aayí | "People on the Island" | Raven/Crow Moiety • Primary Crest: Coho || ⒞ Tʼaḵdeintaan | "People of the House toward the Side" | Raven/Crow Moiety • Primary Crest: Black Legged Kittiwake || ⒟ Tax̱ʼhíttaan | "People of the Snail House" | Raven/Crow Moiety • Primary Crest: Black Legged Kittiwake || ⒠ Ḵooskʼeidí | "People of Ḵooskʼ" | Raven/Crow Moiety • Primary Crest: Raven || ⒡ Shg̱aadaayihin.aayí | "People of Shg̱aadaayi Héen" | Raven/Crow Moiety • Primary Crest: Raven || ⒂ | Dene-Descended Group ⒜ Kwáashkʼiḵwáan; Kʼinéix̱ Ḵwáan | "Humpy Creek People" | Raven/Crow Moiety • Primary Crests: Mt. St. Elias, Moon, North Star, Humpy || ⒝ Stax̱.ádi | "People of Stax̱" | Raven/Crow Moiety || ⒃ Watineidí | "People of the Rock Sitting at the Mouth (of the creek)" | Raven/Crow Moiety || ⒄ Kooyu.eidí | "People of Kooyú" | Raven/Crow Moiety || ⒅ Neix̱.ádi | "People of the Naha Bay" | Neix̱.ádi Moiety • Primary Crests: Eagle, Beaver, Halibut, King Crab, Giant Clam
clan ⑴ at.óow | sacred clan-owned item ⒜ at.óow latíni | clan caretaker of at.óow || ⑵ –g̱uneitkanaayí | members of opposite clan || ⑶ hít sʼaatí | head of a clan house; leader of a clan house || ⑷ ḵaa shukaadé ḵáa | oldest member of a clan (male or female) || ⑸ naa ⒜ naa káani | member of opposite clan commissioned to conduct a ḵu.éexʼ; master of ceremonies for a ḵu.éexʼ || ⒝ naa sháade háni | clan leader || ⒞ naa tláa | clan mother || ⑹ –shagóon | ancestor(s) of the clan or nation of; background, heredity of || ⑺ –tʼaaḵxʼí yán; –tʼaaḵxʼí | siblings; clan relatives; comrades
clap ⑴ túxjaa; tíxwjaa | sound of stamping, pounding fists, clapping; sound of running quickly || ⑵ ka-S-l-√tʼaach | for S to applaud; for S to clap || ⑶ N + jintáak + S-d+∅-√tʼaach | for S to clap oneʼs hands || ⑷ jintaak + S-d+∅-√tʼácht ˟ | for S to clap hands
classroom sgóon eetxʼí
claw ⑴ –x̱aakw ⒜ –x̱aagú || ⑵ √x̱aakw || ⑶ at x̱aagú shakee.át | claw headdress
clay ⑴ a kachoox; a kacheexw | dough shaped with hands; clay shaped with hands; something shaped by hands and clay-like or dough-like || ⑵ sʼé ² | clay; alluvial silt ⒜ sʼé kachoox; sʼé kacheexw | molded clay
clean ¹ tlél + O-u-l-√took ² | for O to be clean; for O to be pure, holy
clean ² √chech ² | clean the surface of
cleanly l ultukdéin
clear ⑴ √dlaax̱ʼw ² | water to clear || ⑵ –gukáaxʼ | (speaking) clearly, distinctly for them, so she/he can understand || ⑶ O-S-l-√g̱eech ² | for S to fell O (multiple trees or bushes, rocks); for S to clear O (bushes or trees) from an area || ⑷ √xaatsʼ | clear sky ⒜ a-ka-∅-√xáatsʼ | for the sky to be clear, cloudless
clear day ḵuxaak
clear up ⑴ √daaḵ ¹ | clear up ⒜ a-∅-√daaḵ ¹ | for rain to stop; for the sky to clear up
clearing yeiltáayi | flat open place (where there are no trees); meadow, clearing
cleaver ⑴ dleey kasʼúwaa (At,T) || ⑵ dleey kasʼúwaa (At,T), dleey kesʼúwaa (C)
clerk dahooní
clever ⑴ √too ⒜ O-s-√too | for O to be clever, ingenious
cliff g̱ílʼ
climb ⑴ √tlʼeitʼ ⒜ N + daax̱ + kei + S-d+l-√tlʼéitʼ | for S to climb up along N (tree, rope, etc.) by holding on tightly (often to branches or projecting rocks/plants) || ⒝ N + yáx̱ + S-d+l-√tlʼéitʼ | for S to climb up along the face of N (mountain, cliff, fence, etc.)
cling √x̱aakw
cling to √tlʼeitʼ
clock gaaw
clock-watcher gaaw altínx̱
close ¹ ⑴ √aat ⁶ | classification: plural, hinged objects || ⑵ √g̱eech ² | classification: book || ⑶ √g̱waatʼ ² | close up completely || ⑷ √loon | close eyes || ⑸ √lʼoox | close eyes ⒜ ka-S-d+∅-√lʼoox | for S to close eyes || ⒝ (N waaḵ) + ka-d+∅-√lʼoox | for Nʼs eyes to be closed || ⑹ x̱ʼéi-t⁓ + O-shu-S-∅-√taan ² | (a hinged door or lid) || ⑺ √tlʼoon | eyes closed || ⑻ √tsʼoot | press closed; pucker || ⑼ yan⁓ + shu-d+sh-√x̱een | for a season, show, etc. to come to an end, close, finish || ⑽ P-x̱ + O-S-∅-√yeesh | for S to pull O down along N; for S to close O (window) by pulling down along N
close ² ⑴ a déinde aa | the one(s) in the vicinity of it; the rest of it/them all || ⑵ –déindáx̱ aa | the one(s) in the vicinity of it; the rest of it, them || ⑶ –dook ² | right close to; right next to; right alongside ⒜ wooch dook | right close together; right next to each other, to one another || ⑷ √sei | close ²; near ⒜ ka-u-∅-√sei | for something to be (so) close, near (in time or space)
closet naa.át áa shayax̱duteex̱ yé
cloth ⑴ aan yadu.usʼgu jig̱wéinaa | washcloth, washrag for washing the face || ⑵ kag̱ádaa | cheesecloth, loose-woven cloth; netting, screen || ⑶ kashxeet | cloth with print design || ⑷ sʼísaa ⒜ kawdudlidálʼi sʼísaa | machine-printed cloth
clothes ⑴ –doonyaa | underclothing; undergarments || ⑵ naa.át | clothes; clothing; garment || ⑶ xʼáan yinaa.át | war clothes (of moosehide)
clothespin ⑴ óosʼi katág̱aa; óosʼi katáxʼaa || ⑵ sʼísaa katáxʼaa; sʼísaa ketáxʼaa
clothing ⑴ naa.át || ⑵ –doonyaa; –doonaa; –doonyaax̱; –doonaax̱ | under or inside his/her clothes; next to his/her skin
cloud ⑴ góosʼ || ⑵ ḵugóosʼ
cloud cover góosʼ
cloudberry néx̱ʼw; nax̱ʼw; náx̱kʼw
cloudy √goosʼ
club ¹ ⑴ √x̱eech ² || ⑵ O-sha-S-∅-√x̱eech ² | for S to club, hit O on the head
club ² (noun) xʼúsʼ
clumsy √hélʼk
clutch ⑴ √g̱ook | clutch; squeeze ⒜ O-ka-S-∅-√g̱ook | for S to clutch, hold tightly onto O || ⑵ √tleixʼw | carry too much; be overloaded; clutch in order to carry too much
clutter tlʼeex | filth, mess; trash, rubbish, garbage
coal tʼoochʼ té
coat kinaak.át; kinaa.át | coat; jacket
coax tóo-t⁓ + O-ka-S-l-√dootl
coax to self ⑴ √dootl ² ⒜ tóo-t⁓ + O-ka-S-l-√dootl
cobbler téel layeix̱í
cockle yalooleit
cod ⑴ chudéi | Pacific tomcod || ⑵ ishḵeen | black cod; sablefish || ⑶ sʼáax̱ʼ | Pacific cod; gray cod || ⑷ x̱ʼáaxʼw | ling cod
coffee ⑴ káaxwei | coffee ⒜ káaxwei a káa dustʼeix̱ át | coffee maker || ⑵ yatʼaayi héen | hot water; tea; coffee
coffin ḵaa daakeidí
coho lʼook | coho salmon; silver salmon
coil ⑴ √dlaaxʼw || ⑵ √x̱eil ²
coin dáanaa
cold ¹ ⑴ √aatʼ ⒜ O-S-s-√.áatʼ | for S to make O cold, cool || ⒝ s-√.áatʼ | for an inanimate object to be cold || ⒞ O-sa-∅-.áatʼ | for O (person) to feel cold || ⒟ O-ya-d+s-√.áatʼ | for Oʼs face to be cold || ⒠ O-d+s-√.áatʼ | for O (body part or inanimate object) to be chilled, cold || ⒡ ḵu-s-√.áatʼ | for the weather to be cold i (noun) ḵusa.áatʼ | cold weather
cold ² ḵusa.áatʼ néekw | chest cold
cold sore x̱ʼatlʼooḵ
cold water si.áatʼi héen
collar ⑴ –shanyaa | collar (of fish) || ⑵ ladax̱áa | neck collar for war helmet || ⑶ –layatʼákw | depression along the sides of their esophagus extending down behind the collarbone ⒜ −layatʼakwsʼaag̱í; –wóow sʼaag̱í | collarbone
college sgóon tlein | post-secondary education
color ¹ ⑴ (verb) √seiḵʼw ⒜ O-ka-d+∅-√séiḵʼw | for O to be stained, dyed, colored || ⒝ O-ka-S-l-√séiḵʼw | for S to stain, dye, color the surface of O || ⒞ sha-ka-S-d+l-√séiḵʼw | for S to dye them allʼs own hair || ⒟ ya-ka-S-d+l-√séiḵʼw | for S to put on makeup || ⒠ (noun) –kaséiḵʼu
color ² ⑴ dleit | white || ⑵ kayaaní | green || ⑶ lawúx̱ | gray || ⑷ sʼoow | dark green (for Coastal Lingít); blue (for Inland Lingít) || ⑸ sʼeiḵ kawóot | light bluish gray || ⑹ séiḵʼw | the color of something || ⑺ tʼoochʼ | black || ⑻ xáatsʼ | sky blue || ⑼ x̱ʼéishxʼw | dark blue
colored O-ka-d+∅-√yéisʼ | for O to be colored, discolored, bruised
colt gawdáan yádi
comb ⑴ ḵaa shaksayéigu | comb || ⑵ xéidu | comb || ⑶ sha-ka-d+s-√yaa ⁴ | for S to comb or brush their hair
come around N-t⁓ + O-ya-d+∅-√haa ² | for O to move in, come around, crowd at N (of large numbers, esp. people, birds)
come off √tsoox̱ʼ | destring; come off string
come to ⑴ √daaḵ ¹ | clear up ⒜ N + daa + a-∅-√daaḵ ¹ | for N to regain consciousness; for N to come to oneʼs senses; for N to sober up
come to an end √xʼaaḵw ¹
come to senses √aa ²
come upon N-káx̱ + ḵu-S-∅-√shee ʰ ¹ | for S to find, come upon N (often without searching)
comet xoodzí ¹ | comet; falling star
comfort ⑴ (verb) N + toowú + O-S-l-√tʼaa ¹ ʰ | for S to comfort N ⒜ (noun) ḵaa toowú latʼaa
comfortable ⑴ √xʼaaḵw ² | situate comfortably ⒜ yan⁓ + sh + ka-S-d+l-√xʼaaḵw ² | for S to be make themselves comfortable, settle in a comfortable position || ⒝ sh + ka-S-d+sh-√xʼaaḵw ² | for S to be comfortable, sit or lie comfortably || ⒞ yan⁓ + sh + ka-S-d+sh-√xʼaaḵw ² | for S to be comfortable, sit or lie comfortably
comforter yee.át kag̱áaji | (heavy) bedspread; quilt, comforter (for a bed)
comical ⑴ lishoog̱u || ⑵ x̱ʼalishoog̱u | for a speech or words to be be funny, comical, laughable
command ⑴ √aaḵw ² | plan; order ¹; command; instruct ⒜ át + O-ka-S-∅-√.aaḵw ² | for S to give orders to, command, instruct O || ⑵ √naa ⁴ | order ¹; send; command; give ⒜ O-ka-u-S-∅-√náa ⁴ | for S to order (esp. to go), send, command O
commander át ḵukawu.aag̱ú
commandment at kuna.áaḵw; at kuna.áag̱u
commend ⑴ √sheix̱ʼ; √sheex̱ʼ ⒜ O-ka-S-∅-√shéex̱ʼ | for S to praise, glorify O; for S to approve, commend O; for S to comment on O
communicate ⑴ √aat ⁵ | communicate; think; talk | classification: plural | singular form: √taan ⁵ || ⑵ √taan ⁵ | communicate; think; talk | classification: singular | plural form √aat ⁵
communion ⑴ sakwnéin wuduwawáalʼ || ⑵ ḵaa x̱ʼéi wdudlilúk
community ⑴ ḵu.oo | people; community || ⑵ áxʼ woosh kaanáx̱ wuduwa.aadi yé | community hall; gathering center
compare √yaaḵw ¹
comparison at wulyáaḵw | comparison; simile
compel –lukaax̱ | set into immediate action because of it; compelled, impelled by it; in a hurry, starting right now
compelling x̱ʼakwli.áax̱chʼán | fascinating to listen to; a compelling storyteller
complete ⑴ yan⁓ + O-sha-S-l-√heek | for S to finish, complete O || ⑵ yan⁓ + O-S-s-√nei ² ʰ | for S to finish, complete O || ⑶ yan; yax̱ | to completion
complexion –dook ¹ | skin; complexion
compose ⑴ √shee ⁴ ⒜ at + ka-S-l-√shee ⁴ | for S to compose songs (esp. about opposite clan)
comprehend ⑴ √gei ³ | understand; comprehend ⒜ N + daa + yaa + ḵu-shu-s-√géi ³ | for N to understand, comprehend || ⑵ O-x̱ʼa-S-∅-.aax̱ ¹ | for S to hear O with understanding; for S to understand, comprehend O
computer kashóokʼ tlag̱eiyí
comrade ⑴ –tʼaag̱í ¹ | sibling; clan relative; comrade || ⑵ –tʼaaḵxʼí yán; –tʼaaḵxʼí | clan siblings; clan relatives; comrades
conceal ⑴ √seen ⒜ O-S-l-√seen | for S to hide, conceal, put O out of sight
conceited sh + tu-ka-S-d+l-√g̱éi
concentrate ⑴ √xeech | exert stength; concentrate on || ⑵ O-S-∅-√xeech | for S to exert oneʼs full strength on, strive for O; for S to concentrate on, put effort into O
concern ⑴ daat át | concern; responsibility; business || ⑵ –x̱ʼadaa | about, concerning his/her words, speech
concerned O-tu-ka-∅-√dín ˟ | for O to be upset, troubled, lacking peace of mind
concerned about ⑴ N + tóon + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for N to care about O; for N to be concerned about O; for N to be affected by O || ⑵ N + daa + O-tu-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to care about N; for O to think about, consider N; for O to have an opinion about N
concerning –daa ² | around; about; concerning
conditioner shax̱aawú neisʼí | hair conditioner
cone ⑴ sʼóosʼani | pine cone, spruce cone ⒜ aasdaasʼóosʼani | spruce cone || ⑵ at kwéiyi | traffic cone; training cone
confess ⑴ (yéi) + ya-S-∅-√ḵaa ¹ | for S to say (a certain thing); for S to confess, acknowledge, declare (a certain thing) || ⑵ (n + éede) + O-ya-S-s-√ḵaa ¹ | for S to charge (N) for O; for S to set the price of O; for S to confess, acknowledge, or delcare O
confidence in self sh + tóokʼ + a-S-d+∅-√heen ˟ ¹
conflict ⑴ kaxéelʼ | conflict; trouble || ⑵ adawóotl | conflict; war; trouble (between opposing factions) || ⑶ ḵulagaaw | fight; war ¹; conflict
confusion kooxéelʼaa | tangle; mess, clutter, confusion
congregate ⑴ woosh + kaanáx̱ + S-d+∅-√.aat ¹ || ⑵ woosh + x̱oo-t⁓ + S-d+∅-√.aat ¹
connect ⑴ (N-dé) + O-ka-S-s-√xaat ¹ | for S to connect, attach, tie O (to N) || ⑵ N-(dé) + ka-s-√xaat ¹ | for something to be connected, attached, tied (to) N
connifer sʼóosʼani | pine cone, spruce cone
conscious ⑴ √daaḵ ¹ | clear up ⒜ N + daa + a-∅-√daaḵ ¹ | for N to regain consciousness; for N to come to oneʼs senses; for N to sober up
consciousness yoo tutánk
consider ⑴ √aa ² || ⑵ N + daa + yoo + tu-S-l-√.aat ⁵ | for (plural) S to think over, consider, make up oneʼs mind about N || ⑶ N + daa + yoo + tu-S-∅-√taan ⁵ | for (singular) S to think over, consider, make up oneʼs mind about N
conspicuous O-ka-l-√g̱éi
constantly ⑴ tlákw || ⑵ chʼa tlákw
constipate ⑴ √deekʼ | constipate ⒜ O-S-s-√déekʼ | for S to constipate, plug O
constipated O-d+s-√déekʼ
construct O-S-l-√yeix̱ ¹ | for S to build O; for S to make, construct O
contain ⑴ l-√yék˟ ¹ | for something to be roomy; for something to hold more, contain more; for something to hold a lot || ⑵ –daaká | (around) the outside surface of it
container ⑴ dakwyeit | wooden container or canoe used for rendering || ⑵ daneit | grease, oil put away in a box; large box for storing grease, oil || ⑶ daakeit | container || ⑷ hinyeit | water container; water pail || ⑸ –yee.ádi ¹ | receptacle for it
contrary to what was thought ḵachoo
contribute ⑴ N-t⁓ + ka-S-d+∅-√g̱éexʼ || ⑵ ka-S-d+∅-√g̱éexʼ
conversation yoo x̱ʼala.átk | conversation; dialog; talk; discourse
converse yoo + x̱ʼa-S-l-√.aat ⁵ | for (plural) S to speak, talk, converse
cook ⑴ √daak | cook or steam food in a pit || ⑵ √ee ¹ | cook ⒜ O-S-s-√.ee ¹ | for S to cook O || ⒝ at S-s-√.ee ¹ | for S to cook || ⑶ √tʼoosʼ | cook, roast, or toast by open flame ⒜ O-S-l-√tʼoosʼ | for S to roast O (meat, esp. by coals or open flames) || ⑷ √x̱ʼaalʼ | wither; cook by blanching ⒜ O-ka-S-sh-√x̱ʼáalʼ | for S to cook O (herring eggs) by dipping in boiling water and oil
cooked yan⁓ + ∅-√.ee ¹ | for food to be cooked, done cooking
cooker a kát sh is.éex̱ át | crockpot; slow cooker
cookie linúkdzi g̱áatl
cool O-S-s-√.áatʼ
cooler si.áatʼi át daakeit | ice cooler; ice chest
copper eeḵ
Copper River Dene iḵkaa | Ahtna
copper shield tináa
copy ¹ ⑴ O-ka-S-d+∅-√kaa ² | for S to copy O || ⑵ O-x̱ʼa-S-d+∅-√kaa ² | for S to copy the speech of O
copy ² –kayaa | facsimile; copy
coral ⑴ hintaak x̱ʼoosí; hintakx̱ʼoosí || ⑵ hintakxʼúxi || ⑶ yéil kawóodi | petrified coral
cord ⑴ kaséiḵʼw | neck cord used in dances || ⑵ –taaní; –taanwú; –taanú; –táani | umbilical cord
cork ⑴ (verb) √deexʼ | plug up; cork; shut mouth or opening ⒜ O-x̱ʼa-S-∅-√déexʼ || ⑵ (noun) –x̱ʼadéexʼi | cork; plug
cormorant yooḵ
corn oox̱ kayáa
corner ⑴ gukshú; gukshí; guksh || ⑵ gukshatú; gukshitú; gukshutú | (in) the corner
corpse ⑴ naawú | dead body || ⑵ –daadleeyí | flesh; corpse || ⑶ jáḵwti | corpse of one slain
correct –yáx̱; ayáx̱ | the right way; correctly; properly
corset kasanka.át
cotton ⑴ kastʼáatʼ | cotton || ⑵ sháchk kax̱’wáal’i | Alaska cotton; swamp cotton; cottongrass
cottongrass sháchk kax̱’wáal’i
cottonwood dúḵ
couch káa dulséix̱ át
cough ⑴ √kooḵ ² ⒜ a-S-d+s-√kooḵ ²
counsel ⑴ √jaa ⒜ O-shu-ka-S-∅-√jaa ʰ
count ⑴ √toow; √teew | read; count; study; teach ⒜ S-d+∅-√tóow | for S to read, count || ⒝ N-t⁓ + S-d+s-√tóow | for S to count to N
counter atx̱á áxʼ yéi daadunéi yé | kitchen counter
counterfit yélaa
country tlʼátk
courage toowú latseen | strength of mind or heart; courage; resolve
course √xʼaak ² | rough; course
cove ⑴ ḵú || ⑵ ḵunag̱eiy; ḵunag̱eey || ⑶ noow g̱ei | in a fort; in a shelter; in a cove
cover ¹ ⑴ √haat ² || ⑵ √taan ² ⒜ at + S-∅-√taan ² | for S to cover (esp. pot, etc.), put on lid || ⑶ N + káx̱ + O-S-∅-√yeesh | for S to pull O (fairly light object) over N; for S to cover N with O
cover ² ⑴ –guntú | under the covers, under the blanket with them; (sleeping) nestled against them || ⑵ –kaháadi | covering; cover (over a large opening or something without an opening) || ⑶ –náa | (draped) over it, covering it || ⑷ –shanáa | over his/her head; covering his/her head || ⑸ –yanáa | over, covering (a container or something with an opening) ⒜ –yana.áatʼani (T); –yanáatʼayi (T); –yana.áatʼi (T); –naax̱ʼáatʼeni (C); –náatʼeni (C); –yanaa.áatʼáni; –yana.áaktʼáni | lid, cover (of pot, etc.)
covering ka.át
COVID át amdliseenín néekw; át awdliseenín néekw
cow ⑴ wasóos || ⑵ xaas
cow parsnip ⑴ yaana.eit || ⑵ kóox̱ʼ | dried yaana.eit (wild celery) stalks
crab ⑴ sʼáaw | dungeness crab || ⑵ éetkasʼáaw | king crab || ⑶ xʼéix̱ | spider crab; king crab
crabapple xʼáaxʼ lingít xʼáaxʼi
crack ⑴ √aaxʼw ¹ || ⑵ ḵáasʼ | crack (in wood) || ⑶ té ḵáasʼ; té ḵáasʼ x̱ʼé | rock crevice; fissure in rock
cracker g̱áatl | pilot bread; hard tack
crackle √tʼaax̱ʼ ¹ | pop; crackle
cradleboard tʼook
Craig Sháan Séet | "Old Channel"
crammed √ḵʼeekʼ
cramp ⑴ √shookʼ; √sheekʼw ⒜ O-ka-d+l-√shóokʼ | for O to have cramps; for O to get shocked (by electricity)
cramps ⑴ kashóokʼ || ⑵ kashéekʼw
cranberry ⑴ dáxw | Lingonberry || ⑵ kaxwéix̱ | high bush cranberry || ⑶ ḵʼeishkaháagu; ḵʼeishkeháagu (C) | bog cranberry; low bush cranberry || ⑷ sháchk katléig̱u; sháchgi tléig̱u | swamp cranberry; bog cranberry
crane ¹ (noun) dóol
crane ² (verb) √keixʼw
crave ⑴ –tsʼéix̱i | craves –; has a taste for –; is addicted to – || ⑵ N-dáx̱ + x̱ʼa-S-d+∅-√nook ² | for S to be hungry for, crave N
crawl ⑴ √g̱waatʼ ¹ | crawl on hands and knees ⒜ {∅ preverb} + S-d+∅-√g̱wáatʼ ¹ | for S (esp. child) to crawl on hands and knees || ⒝ {na preverb} + S-d+∅-√g̱wáatʼ ¹ | for S (esp. child) to crawl on hands and knees || ⑵ {na preverb} + S-d+sh-√ḵaaḵ | for an octopus to walk/crawl || ⑶ √tlooxʼ | crawl on hands and toes; drag self with hands and body on the ground ⒜ {na preverb} + S-∅-√tlóoxʼ | for s to creep, crawl on hands and toes with body close to ground (usually when stalking game)
crayon kawdudliséḵʼu kooxéedaa | colored pencil; crayon
crazy ⑴ (verb) tlél + yaa + ḵu-S-d+sh-√géi ³ | for S to be foolish, dimwitted, unwise, or crazy || ⑵ √oos ² | hyperactive; wild; crazy; noisy ⒜ O-l-√.oos ˟ ² | for O to be crazy, lively, noisy, never still || ⑶ sh + ka-S-d+l-√shoo ʰ ² | for S to go crazy || ⑷ (adjective) sh kahaadí–
creak ⑴ √g̱íx̱ʼ | creak; squeak; rub ⒜ O-l-√g̱íx̱ʼjaa | for O to be creaky or squeaky || ⒝ O-sh-√g̱íx̱ʼ | for O to creak, squeak by producing friction
cream ⑴ yaneisʼí | face cream; cold cream || ⑵ ḵaa yadaaneisʼí | face cream; face lotion
Creator ⑴ Haa Shagéinyaa || ⑵ Dikée Aanḵáawu; Dikáanḵáawu; Haa Aanḵáawu
creature ⑴ hintaakkanas.aatxʼi sáani; hintaakkenes.aatxʼi sáani | tiny water creatures such as larvae || ⑵ hintaakḵwáan | water dwellers
credit xén dáanaa
creek ⑴ héen ⒜ héenákʼw | small creek, stream || ⒝ naadaayi héen || ⒞ kanaadaayi héen || ⑵ ísh | fishing hole; hole in stream, river, creek
creep ⑴ √tlóoxʼ | crawl on hands and toes with body close to ground; drag self with hands and body on the ground ⒜ {na preverb} + S-∅-√tlóoxʼ | for s to creep, crawl on hands and toes with body close to ground (usually when stalking game)
cresent dís shoowú kayáa | cresent
crest ¹ –litká | on the crest, ridge, backbone of it (hill, ridge, point); (on) the back of it (fish)
crest ² ⑴ Haa Shuká | Our Ancestors; Our History; Our descendants; Our Clan Crest || ⑵ at uhéini | claimed property; that which is claimed or willed
crevice té ḵáasʼ; té ḵáasʼ x̱ʼé | rock crevice; fissure in rock
crib tʼukanéiyi yee.ádi
crochet ⑴ √nei ³ ⒜ O-ka-S-s-√nei ³ | for S to make O (cloth of any kind) (by weaving, knitting, or crocheting); for S to make or mend O (net) || ⑵ ka-S-d+s-√nei ³ | for S to knit, weave, or crochet
crocheting kasné
crockpot a kát sh is.éex̱ át
crocodile li.oox̱u tseenx̱ʼé tlein
crocus x̱ʼakana.áayi
crook –jig̱ei | crook of his/her arm; in his/her embrace
crooked ⑴ √teix̱ʼ; √teex̱ʼ | wring; twist; screw ¹; crooked; twisted; windy ² ⒜ O-ka-d+s-√téix̱ʼ | for O to be crooked, wicked || ⑵ kax̱ʼakdéin; kex̱ʼakdéin | crooked; askew; diagonally
crookedly katéx̱ʼdéin
cross kanéist
crosspiece yax̱akʼáaw | crosspiece (of boat, snowshoe); thwart (in boat)
crosswise tlʼaadéin
crotch ⑴ –g̱atsx̱ʼáak || ⑵ –x̱antá | crotch, between the legs
crow tsʼaxweil
crowbar kítʼaa | stick or tool for prying; crowbar; prybar
crowberry xéelʼi | mossberry; crowberry
crowd ¹ (verb) ⑴ N-t⁓ + O-ya-d+∅-√haa ² | for O to move in, come around, crowd at N (of large numbers, esp. people, birds) || ⑵ √sheetʼ | crowd; packed; jammed
crowd ² (noun) aantḵeení | townspeople; crowd or large group of people
crowded O-d+∅-√ḵʼéekʼ
crumb ⑴ –kʼóolʼi | crumbs of it; last drops of it; last little bit of it || ⑵ –x̱ʼa.eetí | food scraps, left-over food; crumbs of food left or scattered where one has eaten
crumpled-up √dootl ¹
crush ⑴ √dzooxʼ | crush clams for juice || ⑵ tʼáalʼ | flat; flattened; crushed flat
cry ⑴ √g̱aax̱ ⒜ S-∅-√g̱aax̱ | for (singluar) S to cry, weep | classification: singular || ⒝ O-ka-S-s-√g̱aax̱ | for S to make O cry, cause O to cry || ⒞ g̱ax̱-S-s-√tee ¹ | for (plural) S to cry, weep, mourn; for (plural) S to howl (esp. of wolves) | classification: plural
cry for O-S-d+s-√g̱áax̱ ˟
cry out ⑴ √dáy ˟ || ⑵ ka-S-d+∅-√g̱aax̱
crying g̱aax̱
cup ⑴ gúxʼaa || ⑵ cháashgaa
cure ⑴ √neix̱ ⒜ O-∅-√neix̱ | for O to be saved; for O to be healed, cured, recover; for O to be satisfied || ⒝ O-S-s-√neix̱ ˟ | for S to save O; for S to heal, cure O || ⑵ √saan
cure ² áx̱ + a-ka-S-l-√sʼeiḵ ² | for S to tan, smoke, cure something by placing in smoke
curiosity yoo at koojeek
curious O-ka-S-∅-√jeek ˟ | for S to wonder, be curious, anxious about O
curl ⑴ √gwaalʼ || ⑵ √koochʼ ¹
curl up √gwaatl | curl up in a ball (of person or animal)
curlew ayaheeyáa
currant ⑴ kaduheix̱.aa | northern redcurrant || ⑵ kanaltsʼákw; kaneiltsʼákw (C); kaneiltsʼíkw (At); kaneiltsʼook (T) | trailing blackcurrant || ⑶ neistʼeyáa | red currant || ⑷ shaax̱ | gray currant; stink currant || ⑸ x̱aaheiwú | prickly currant
current ⑴ haat | current; tide || ⑵ héen kanadaayí | current; tidal action
curriculum aan ḵoo dultóowu at kuna.áaḵw
cursor at chʼéx̱ʼdi | cursor (on computer)
curtain x̱aawaag̱í kasʼísayi; x̱aawaag̱í kasʼísaa; x̱aawaag̱í kesʼíseyi
curve –jig̱ei | inside the bend, curve of it; inside the bend, curve of it
cushion yéik tayee.ádi | blanket, cushion for shaman to sit on
cut ¹ ⑴ √doochʼ ² | cut preserving bone || ⑵ √haan ² | cut strips; cut fringe || ⑶ ⒜ (verb) √ḵʼeikʼw ¹ | cut (flesh) with knife i O-S-∅-√ḵʼéikʼw ¹ || ⒝ sh + S-d+∅-√ḵʼéikʼw ¹ | for S to cut the flesh of O (usually accidentally) || ⑷ √tʼaaxʼ | flick; cut into pieces || ⑸ √tsʼeitʼ | cut fat or skin from a seal ⒜ O-S-∅-√tsʼéitʼ | for S to skin, flay O; for S to operate on, cut carefully (using small strokes) || ⑹ (verb) √xaash ⒜ O-S-∅-√xaash | for S to cut O with knife; for S to saw O || ⒝ S-d+∅-√xaash | for S to cut || ⒞ O-S-l-√xaash | for S to cut O (esp. rope-like object) || ⒟ O-ka-S-∅-√xaash | for S to cut O in several pieces; for S to carve O (on surface); for S to slice O (e.g., bread) || ⒠ O-sha-S-l-√xaash | for S to cut the hair of O
cut ² (noun) ḵʼéikʼw | cut; knife wound
cutbank ⑴ lʼewshaa; lʼawshaa || ⑵ táx̱k
cute ⑴ O-sha-ka-l-√g̱éi | for O to be pretty, cute, beautiful || ⑵ óoskʼ!; óoskʼi!,; óoshkʼ! | tiny!; cute!
cutting a káa yei kaduxáshch tʼáa | cutting board
cutwater –xéesʼ | the curved part of a bow or stern (of boat)
cylinder káast yáx̱ kaaxát
dab ⑴ √toochʼ | rub; dab; roll (into yarn) || ⑵ (N-t⁓) + O-S-l-√toochʼ | for S to dab O (paint) (onto N)
daddy long legs táax’aa x̱’uskudayáat’
dagger ⑴ gwálaa || ⑵ shak’áts’ | double-ended dagger
dam ⑴ (verb) √ḵeet ² | dam ⒜ O-S-s-√ḵeet ² | for S to dam up O (incompletely or impermanently) || ⒝ (noun) ḵéedu; ḵéet; saḵéet; sʼigeidí ḵéedi | beaver dam || ⑵ √tsoox̱ | dam; obstruct
damp √naa ²
dance ¹ (verb) ⑴ √kaan | dance in response || ⑵ √lʼeix̱ ⒜ a-S-∅-√lʼeix̱ ˟ | for S to dance || ⑶ (noun) √sʼáasʼ | dance lightly, sliding the feet || ⑷ ya-S-d+∅-√xoon ² | for S to show face (as entering in ceremonial dance)
dance ² (noun) ⑴ alʼeix̱; lʼeix̱ | dance ⒜ adulʼeix̱ ax̱áa | dance paddle || ⒝ al’eix̱tsaag̱áa | large dance staff or paddle || ⑵ kaséiḵʼw | neck cord used in dances || ⑶ ḵuyalakánxʼ | to dance a peace ceremony || ⑷ lʼax̱keit | dance mask || ⑸ lʼex̱daa.ádi | dance regalia || ⑹ neildé shí | entrance song (song sung while entering where one is to perform) || ⑺ x̱ʼuskeit | dancing leggings; leggings for climbing || ⑻ yaa na.át daasheeyí | procession song (song sung while going to where one is to perform) || ⑼ yoo kuwahangi yéik | swaying dance | classification: singular || ⑽ yoo koonáḵk | swaying dance | classification: plural
dandelion yéil ḵágu
dandruff shakéil’ kéilʼ
dangerous ⑴ O-ka-u-l-√x̱éitlʼshán ˟ | for O to be scary, dangerous ⒜ (adjective) kulix̱éitlʼshan
dare √woo ⁴
dark ⑴ –yéisʼ || ⑵ √g̱eet ² ⒜ ḵu-ka-d+sh-√g̱éet ²
darkness kag̱ít
dart ⑴ kei kdug̱íxʼch tsaag̱álʼ kayáa | throwing darts (for game) || ⑵ shee aan | throwing board for a spear or dart
daughter –sée | daughter of –
dawn ⑴ (verb) ḵei-∅-√.aa ³ || ⑵ (noun) ḵeex̱ʼé; ḵeix̱ʼé; ḵee.ax̱ʼé; ḵe1.ax̱ʼé | crack of dawn || ⑶ ḵee.á; ḵei.á | dawn, daybreak
day ⑴ a siyeiḵ; a sayeiḵ (T); a siyeix̱ | the next day || ⑵ tliyaatgé; tliyaatatgé | the other day; a few days ago || ⑶ yakyee; yagyee; yagiyee; yagee (T) | day; afternoon ⒜ tléixʼ yakyee; tléixʼ yagiyee; tléixʼ yagee | Monday || ⒝ déix̱ yakyee; déix̱ yagiyee; déix̱ yagee | Tuesday || ⒞ násʼk yakyee; násʼk yagiyee; násʼk yagee | Wednesday || ⒟ daaxʼoon yakyee; daaxʼoon yagiyee; daaxʼoon yagee | Thursday || ⒠ keijín yakyee; keijín yagiyee; keijín yagee | Friday || ⒡ saguyageeyí; sigéewu yakyee; sándi kʼátskʼu | Saturday || ⒢ a káa dulséix̱ yakyee; a káa dulséix̱ yagee; sándi; sánde | Sunday || ⑷ tatgé | yesterday ⒜ tatgé tliya.aakát; tatgé tliyaakát | day before yesterday || ⑸ xʼoon yakyee x̱ʼaanáx̱ sá | for many days; for how many days?
daybreak ḵei-∅-√.aa ³
daycare adátxʼi áa dultin yé
daylight ḵei-∅-√.aa ³
dazzle √leek
dead gankasʼíxʼi; gankaadé sʼíxʼ | fire dish
death ⑴ naná || ⑵ nana.aaní | the land of death; a deep depression, a mental state akin to death
debt nahéesʼadi
decay √tlʼooḵ ¹
deceive ⑴ √yeil | raven ²; pretend; lie ²; cheat; deceive ⒜ O-S-l-√yeil | for S to pretend to do O; for S to do O without knowing what theyʼre doing || ⒝ ḵut + O-S-l-√yeil | for S to cheat, deceive, fool O
December Shaanáx̱ Dís
decide ⑴ (yéi) + tu-S-d+∅-√taan ⁵ | for (singular) S to decide, make up oneʼs mind (that way) || ⑵ yan⁓ + O-ka-S-∅-√.aaḵw ² | for S to make a decision about O; for S to finish planning O
decide about it yan⁓ + O-ka-S-∅-√.aaḵw ²
decided (yéi) + O-sa-S-∅-√haa ⁴
deck yaakw x̱uká | deck of a boat
declare (yéi) + ya-S-∅-√ḵaa ¹ | for S to say (a certain thing); for S to confess, acknowledge, declare (a certain thing)
dedication –daateeyí | feast, potlatch in honor of; dedication ceremony and feast for
deep ⑴ √dlaan ⒜ ∅-√dlaan
deer ⑴ g̱uwakaan; ḵuwakaan; ḵuyakaan | Sitka black-tailed deer || ⑵ shakalḵísht | male deer with antlers that have grown and split into two forks || ⑶ shak’únts’ | male deer that is beginning to sprout horns || ⑷ shalas’áaw | male deer with full-grown antlers || ⑸ shataag̱áa | deer with single spikes for antlers; ruminant with single spikes for antlers || ⑹ yagootl | young deer
deer cabbage kʼuwaaní; kʼiwaaní | deer cabbage; wild lily-of-the-valley
defeat ⑴ √dlaaḵ || ⑵ O-ya-S-∅-√dlaaḵ
defecate ⑴ gánde + S-∅-√.aat ¹ | for (plural) S to go to the bathroom || ⑵ gánde + S-∅-√goot | for (singular) S to go to the bathroom || ⑶ √lʼéelʼ ⒜ a-S-∅-√lʼéelʼ || ⑷ sh + daa + a-S-d+∅-√lʼéelʼ
defend ⑴ √gaaw | loud; noisy; fight; defend ⒜ N + káx̱ + ḵu-S-l-√gaaw ˟ | for S to fight for, defend N
defer (N-xʼ) + a-S-l-√xaach | for S to despair, give up hope (on N); for S to put off, defer, delay doing, or give up (doing N)
Deity ⑴ Haa Shagéinyaa || ⑵ Dikée Aanḵáawu
delay ⑴ √gaa ¹ | delay; hesitate; tide ¹; calm ⒜ N-x̱ + O-ka-∅-√gaa ¹ | for O to delay, wait, pause, take oneʼs time, stay behind, or be detained at N || ⑵ (N-xʼ) + a-S-l-√xaach | for S to despair, give up hope (on N); for S to put off, defer, delay doing, or give up (doing N)
delayed ⑴ N-náx̱ + O-sh-√kʼéix̱ʼ; N-náx̱ + O-sh-√kʼéex̱ʼ | for O to get delayed, stuck, hung up, hooked at N || ⑵ √seek ¹ ⒜ O-ya-∅-√seek ¹ | for O to be delayed, prevented, held back from plans (often due to inclement weather)
delcare (n + éede) + O-ya-S-s-√ḵaa ¹ | for S to charge (N) for O; for S to set the price of O; for S to confess, acknowledge, or delcare O
delicate √eitsʼ | careful; delicate
delicate matter ⑴ kalitsʼígwaa || ⑵ √tsʼígwaa ˟
delicious x̱ʼalinóokcháni
deliver O-ji-S-∅-√naaḵ ²
demonstrate N + waḵshiyeexʼ + yéi + O-S-s-√nei ² ʰ | for S to demonstrate, perform publicly, show N how to do O by action
den –ḵoowú | den, lair (of animal, underground)
Dene G̱unanaa | Inland People (Na-Dene); Athabaskan
denote at ashoowatán | mean something; signify something; denote something; simile
dent √tʼaak | dent; press
dentalia shells táxʼx̱i
dentalium táxʼx̱i
dentist ḵaa oox̱ layeix̱í; ḵaa oox̱ yéeshi; ḵaa oox̱ yéi daanéiyi; ḵaa oox̱ daa yoo ahéix̱
deny ⑴ √yaakw | deny ⒜ N-x̱ + a-ka-u-S-l-√yáakw ˟ | for S to deny, cotradict, declare N untrue || ⑵ √shaaḵ ²
deodorant éenee chán náakw
depression nana.aaní | the land of death; a deep depression, a mental state akin to death
depth –kug̱adlaaní | depth of a body of water or other mass substance, such as snow
deride O-ka-S-∅-√shooḵ | for S to laugh at, deride, mock, make fun of O
descendant ⑴ –eetí | one that they have left behind (as an heir); descendant of their clan, people ⒜ –eetí ḵáa | descendant; successor; person who inherits their place || ⑵ Haa Shuká | Our Ancestors; Our History; Our descendants; Our Clan Crest
descent –yinaanáx̱ | line of descent of –
desert ⑴ O-ji-S-∅-√naaḵ ² | for S to leave, desert O || ⑵ √tlʼeet | abandon; leave; throw away; dispose of ⒜ O-S-l-√tlʼeet | for S to abandon, desert, leave O; for S to throw away, dispose of, get rid of O; for S to divorce O; for S to fire O (from a job)
desiccated √xaak ¹
desire ⑴ N + tuwáa + S-s-√góo ¹ || ⑵ át + a-S-d+∅-√shee ¹
desk yéi jineiyí nadáagu
despair (N-xʼ) + a-S-l-√xaach | for S to despair, give up hope (on N); for S to put off, defer, delay doing, or give up (doing N)
destring √tsoox̱ʼ | destring; come off string
destroy hóochʼx̱ + O-S-l-√yeix̱ ¹ | for S to destroy O; for S to make O into nothing
detain √aa ⁵
detained N-x̱ + O-ka-∅-√gaa ¹ | for O to delay, wait, pause, take oneʼs time, stay behind, or be detained at N
detergent átdáx̱ ḵusahéix̱ át | spot remover; bleach
Devil Diyée Aanḵáawu
dew ⑴ √taax̱ ⒜ ḵukatáx̱; katáx̱ | dew; fallen raindrops on grass || ⑵ x̱áax̱ʼ | dew || ⑶ √x̱aax̱ʼ
diagonal kax̱ʼakdéin; kex̱ʼakdéin | crooked; askew; diagonally
dialog yoo x̱ʼala.átk | conversation; dialog; talk; discourse
diamond kadli.ítʼji té
diaper ⑴ tuḵdaa.át || ⑵ sʼíxʼg̱aa; x̱ʼoon ¹ | sphagnum moss used for diapers; mossbag; Indian diaper
diarrhea ⑴ kát goot | to have diarrhea || ⑵ (noun) sʼéex̱ʼ; sʼéix̱ʼ | watery diarrhea || ⑶ (verb) √sʼéex̱ʼ; √sʼéix̱ʼ ⒜ O-∅-√sʼéex̱ʼ | for S to cause O to have diarrhea || ⒝ O-S-l-√sʼéex̱ʼ | for S to cause O to have diarrhea || ⑷ (noun) tóotlʼ | fart with release of watery diarrhea
dice ⑴ √ḵaa ³ | gamble with cards, dice, in general, or with gambling sticks that are concealed || ⑵ alḵáa kadug̱ích ḵóokxʼu sáani | dice
die ⑴ √naa ³ | inherit; die; bury ⒜ O-∅-√naa ³ | for O to die || ⑵ {∅ preverb} + O-ka-d+∅-√kʼéetʼ | for O (group of people) to all leave or go; for O (group of people) to die off || ⑶ {na preverb} + O-ka-d+∅-√kʼéetʼ | for O (group of people) to all leave or go; for O (group of people) to die off || ⑷ √laax̱ | for a plant to die and dry up ⒜ O-d+∅-√laax̱ | for a plant or tree to be dead but still standing; for an old boat to be dried out and weathered
different ⑴ chʼa g̱óot | different; other ⒜ chʼa g̱óot yéide | different directions; differently || ⒝ chʼa g̱unayé | somewhere else; someplace else; a different place || ⑵ g̱una.át; g̱uneit | something strange; a different type of being (supernatural or animal) || ⑶ –g̱unayáade | differently from || ⑷ woosh g̱unayáade; woosh g̱uwanáade; woosh x̱ʼaakdiyéináx̱; hoosh wanáade | differently (from one another); variously ⒜ woosh g̱unayáade aa | different ones; various ones
difficult ⑴ √dzée ˟ | difficult; hardhard (abstract); frustrating ⒜ O-l-√dzée ˟ | for O to be very difficult, frustrating, almost impossible, hard (abstract) || ⑵ √tʼeexʼ ¹ | frozen; hard; difficult ⒜ ∅-√tʼéexʼ ˟ ¹ | for something to be hard (abstract), difficult || ⒝ (adverb) tʼéexʼdéin | difficulty; strenuously
dig a-ka-S-∅-√haa ¹
dig up kei + O-ka-S-∅-√haa ¹
digging tool kahénaa
dime gút
dimwitted tlél + yaa + ḵu-S-d+sh-√géi ³ | for S to be foolish, dimwitted, unwise, or crazy
dining room áa at dux̱á yé
dip ⑴ √chʼeetʼ || ⑵ √gooxʼ | dip up
dipnet ⑴ (verb) √deek ² ⒜ a-S-d+s-√deek ² | for S to fish with a dipnet || ⒝ (noun) deegáa
dipper ¹ ⑴ kaxwénaa || ⑵ sheen x̱ʼayee | dipper (for dipping water)
dipper ² hinyiklʼeix̱i | water ouzel; dipper
direct ¹ ⑴ –dachóon | straight towards; directly towards ⒜ yaadachóon | straight (ahead); directly (ahead); straight; directly; plainly; honestly
direct ² O-x̱ʼa-ka-(u)-S-∅-√.aaḵw ˟ ¹ | for S to give O an opportunity to speak; for S to give O directions as to what to say
direction ⑴ –dakádin | (facing) the opposite direction from, the other way ⒜ woosh dakádin | (facing) the opposite direction from each other; the other way from each other || ⑵ –niyaadé; –yinaadé | in the direction or general area of; headed toward || ⑶ –niyaanáx̱; –yinaanáx̱ | through a side of lineage (usually mother or father); through the area near it; along the area near it
directions ⑴ at kuna.áaḵw; at kuna.áag̱u || ⑵ ḵukajá
directly yaadachóon–
director át ḵukawu.aag̱ú
dirt ⑴ chʼéix̱ʼw | dirt, dust (covering something, making it dirty) || ⑵ lʼéx̱ʼkw; lʼáx̱ʼkw; tlʼéx̱ʼkw | soil; dirt || ⑶ sʼeex | dirt; scrap(s); rubbish, trash, clutter; lint
dirtiness chʼéix̱ʼw | dirt, dust (covering something, making it dirty)
dirty ⑴ (verb) √chʼeix̱ʼw ¹ | dirty ⒜ O-S-l-√chʼéix̱ʼw ¹ | for S to dirty, soil O (esp. clothing or person) || ⒝ O-l-√chʼéix̱ʼw ¹ | for O to be dirty || ⒞ (adjective) lichʼéix̱ʼu | dirty; filthy || ⑵ O-d+l-√tlʼeex | for O to be dirty, trashy
disabled keewáa ḵáawu yahaayí | person with mental disabilities
disappear √yaa ¹
disappoint ⑴ N + toowú + O-S-l-√tʼooch | for S to disappoint N (lit. for S to sting Nʼs mind) || ⑵ N + toowú + l-√tʼooch | for N to be disappointed (lit. for Nʼs mind to be stinging) || ⑶ N + toowú + ka-∅-√wáalʼ | for N to be disappointed (lit. for Nʼs mind to be broken)
discharge ⑴ dlóoḵ | dried mucus || ⑵ ḵéetʼ | wound or sore that discharges pus; pus or discharge (from a sore, wound)
disciple ⑴ –ítx̱ nagoodí || ⑵ –ítx̱ na.aadí; –ítx̱ na.aatxʼí; –ítx̱ ne.aatxʼí (C) | disciples; followers
disciplinary lecture yadujeeyí
discipline O-ya-u-S-∅-√nei ² | for S to discipline, restrain, restrict, warn or prevent O from doing something
discolored ⑴ √yeisʼ | bruised; discolored ⒜ O-ka-d+∅-√yéisʼ | for O to be colored, discolored, bruised
discourage √tált ˟
discourse ⑴ yoo x̱ʼala.átk | conversation; dialog; talk; discourse || ⑵ yoo x̱ʼatánk | speech; talk; language; word; phrase; sentence; discourse
disease ⑴ néekw ⒜ –daanéegu; –daanóogu; –daanúgu | sickness, disease (overall, throughout his/her body)
disgraceful √heish
dish ⑴ sʼíxʼ | dish; plate; bowl ⒜ eex̱ sʼíxʼi; eix̱ sʼíxʼi | grease dish || ⒝ gankasʼíxʼi; gankaadé sʼíxʼ | fire dish || ⒞ sʼíxʼ ḵʼáatlʼ || ⑵ x̱ʼayeit | food container; pot or pan; large bowl or dish ⒜ keitl x̱ʼayeidí | dog dish
dishonest kax̱ʼakdéin; kex̱ʼakdéin | (speaking) dishonestly, deceitfully
dishwasher sh da.úsʼgu át
dispose of ⑴ √tlʼeet | abandon; leave; throw away; dispose of; divorce ⒜ O-S-l-√tlʼeet | for S to abandon, desert, leave O; for S to throw away, dispose of, get rid of O; for S to divorce O; for S to fire O (from a job)
disregard hóochʼx̱ + O-S-l-√yeix̱ ¹ | for S to destroy O; for S to make O into nothing
disrespectfully l yáa at ulḵʼédéin
dissolve l-√laa ¹
distant ⑴ √lei | far; distant ⒜ O-∅-√lei | for something to be far, distant || ⒝ (yéi) + O-ka-u-∅-√lei | for something to be (so) far, distant (in time or space)
distinct –gukáaxʼ | (speaking) clearly, distinctly for them, so she/he can understand
distribute √gaa ²
distributed -g̱aa | going after; waiting for; in the area of; about the time of
distrust O-S-∅-√ḵeet ¹ | for S to suspect, distrust, be suspicious of, lack confidence in O
disturbed sh kahaadí–
ditch xéet
dive ⑴ kát sha-ka-S-d+l-√g̱eech ² | for S (plural) to dive from the surface of the water || ⑵ a-d+sh-√tʼaakw | for something to dive into the water; for something to slap tail down hard as going down in water (esp. of killerwhale and beaver)
diving aatx̱ kéi dushkʼéin tʼáa | diving board
divorce ⑴ √tlʼeet | abandon; leave; throw away; dispose of; divorce ⒜ O-S-l-√tlʼeet | for S to abandon, desert, leave O; for S to throw away, dispose of, get rid of O; for S to divorce O; for S to fire O (from a job)
dizziness daa yaa ḵug̱átch
dizzy ⑴ N + daa + yaa + ḵu-∅-√g̱áat ³ || ⑵ N + daa + yaa + ḵu-S-l-√g̱áat ³ | for S to make N dizzy
do ⑴ √geet ² || ⑵ √nei ²; √nee ² ⒜ (yéi) + O-S-s-√nei ² ʰ | for S to do (that) to O; for S to fix, cause (that) to happen to O || ⒝ (yéi) + O-daa-S-∅-√nei ² ʰ | for S to do, perform O (a particular action); for S to work on O || ⒞ yéi + ji-S-∅-√nei ² ʰ | for S to work; for S to do || ⑶ √nook ³; √neekw ³ ⒜ (yéi) + ḵu-S-∅-√nook ³ | for S to behave, do, act (in a certain way)
do your best! háakw
dock ⑴ dzeit | ladder; stairs; dock; pier; boardwalk ⒜ dzeit shuyee; dzeit shuwee | at the landing of a dock
doctor ḵaa daa yaséix̱i
document ⑴ O-ka-S-sh-√xeet | for S to write, draw, or paint a picture of O; for S to print O by hand; for S to photograph, take pictures, x-rays of O || ⑵ ka-S-d+sh-√xeet | for S to write, draw, or paint; for S to write, draw, or paint; for S to print by hand; for S to photograph, take pictures, x-rays
dodge √tlʼeikw ¹
doesnʼt matter ḵushtuyáx̱ | doesnʼt matter; regardless
dog ⑴ keitl | dog || ⑵ keitl x̱ʼayeidí | dog dish || ⑶ sawáak | big dog with pointed ears; guard dog
dog urine ketllóoxʼu
dogfish xʼátgu
doings –ḵunóogu
doll sée
dollar dáanaa
dolly kajúxaa; koojúxaa; koojúxwaa (An) | flywheel; wheelbarrow; wagon; hand truck; dolly; wheel ²; tire
dolphin ḵʼaan
dome noow táx̱k | hill with depression on top
dominate ⑴ √xoots ² | dominate; overpower ⒜ N + een + sh + ka-S-d+l-√xoots ² | for S to try to dominate or trounce or attempt to overpower N (like a brown bear)
donate ⑴ O-ka-S-∅-√g̱eech ² | for S to donate O (money, usually of present action) || ⑵ √g̱eexʼ ¹ ⒜ O-ka-S-∅-√g̱éexʼ | for S to donate O (esp. money); for S to load O (gun), put bullet in; for S to shoot O (basketball); for S to throw O (ball) || ⒝ ka-S-d+∅-√g̱éexʼ | for S to donate, contribute || ⒞ N-t⁓ + ka-S-d+∅-√g̱éexʼ | for S to donate, contribute, add to N
donʼt! ilí!, ihí!, li!
donut sakwnéin waḵkawóol
door ⑴ ixdáak | close to the door, entrance || ⑵ x̱ʼaháat | door
doormat g̱áach
doorway x̱ʼawool
dose O-S-d+∅-√náakw ˟
doubled-up √dootl ¹
dough ⑴ a kachóox | dough shaped with hands; clay shaped with hands; something shaped by hands and clay-like or dough-like || ⑵ kei dulḵáchx̱i sakwnéin | yeast bread; raising bread; rising dough
dove gusʼyé kindachooneidí
down ¹ ⑴ yínde; diyínde; dayínde | downward || ⑵ yindatáan | face down
down ² x̱ʼwáalʼ | down feathers
downstream ⑴ éex | downstream; south ⒜ ixkée | way downstream; south || ⒝ íxde | (toward) downstream; southward
drag ⑴ √tlooxʼ | crawl on hands and toes with body close to ground; drag self with hands and body on the ground || ⑵ √xaatʼ ¹ | classification: heavy object or limp object such as dead animal ⒜ {na preverb} + O-S-s-√xáatʼ ¹; {∅ preverb} + O-S-s-√xáatʼ ¹ | for S to drag, pull O (esp. heavy object or limp object such as dead animal); for S to haul, transport O (by non-motor power) || ⑶ √xeetl ² | drag anchor; move off course or uncrontrollably || ⑷ √x̱ootʼ ¹ ⒜ {na preverb} + O-S-∅-√x̱óotʼ ¹; {∅ preverb} + O-S-∅-√x̱óotʼ ¹ | for S to drag, pull O (esp. person); for S to pull O in quick movements || ⒝ {na preverb} + O-S-s-√x̱óotʼ ¹ | for S to drag, pull O; for S to haul, transport O (by motor power)
dragonfly ḵaashashx̱áaw
drain off ⑴ √chaa ⒜ O-ka-S-l-√chaa
drain out ⑴ √koox ⒜ ka-l-√koox
draw ¹ ⑴ (verb) √xeet | draw on a surface with a writing utensil ⒜ O-ka-S-sh-√xeet | for S to write, draw, or paint a picture of O; for S to print O by hand; for S to photograph, take pictures, x-rays of O || ⒝ ka-S-d+sh-√xeet | for S to write, draw, or paint; for S to print by hand; for S to photograph, take pictures, x-rays || ⑵ √yeeḵ ²; √yeiḵ ² | mark with a line; draw with a line
draw ² (verb) √yeeḵ ¹; √yeiḵ ¹ | pull
draw ³ (noun) séet ¹ | channel; draw; gully; canyon
draw a line √yeeḵ ²; √yeiḵ ²
dream ⑴ (verb) √joon ⒜ O-S-∅-√joon | fo S to dream of O || ⑵ (noun) joon || ⑶ √koos | for a dog to dream; for a dog to become alert
dress ¹ ⑴ √oo ¹ ⒜ yéi + O-S-∅-√.oo ¹ ʰ | for S to wear, put on, dress in O; for S to use O || ⒝ N + náa + yéi + sha-S-∅-√.oo ¹ ʰ | for S to dress N || ⒞ náa(xʼ) + yéi + sha-S-d+∅-√.oo ¹ ˟ (na act) | for S to get dressed || ⒟ náa(xʼ) + yéi + sha-S-d+∅-√.oo ¹ ˟ | for S to get dressed
dress ² ⑴ lʼaak || ⑵ sʼúsʼ | (person) in fancy dress
dress up ⑴ sh + ka-S-d+sh-√g̱eiy ˟ | for S to dress up, smarten up, make an effort to look different || ⑵ yan⁓ + sh + S-d+s-√nei ² ʰ | for S to dress up || ⑶ √g̱eiy; √g̱eey || ⑷ √g̱eiy ˟
dresser naa.át a tóo kaduchákx̱ át
dried ⑴ –xook || ⑵ at kaawaxúkw | dried thing, esp. food || ⑶ g̱agaan kasʼúkwx̱u | sun dried
drift ¹ ⑴ √haash | drift ¹; float ⒜ {∅ preverb} + O-l-√haash | for O to float, drift || ⒝ daak + O-l-√haash | for O to float, drift out to sea || ⒞ {na preverb} + O-l-√haash | for O to float, drift || ⑵ √xeetl ² | drag anchor; move off course or uncrontrollably
drift ² kasʼéesjaa
drill ⑴ √tool ¹ ⒜ O-S-∅-√tool ¹ | for S to drill, bore hole in O || ⒝ (noun) túlaa
drill bit túlxʼu
drink ¹ ⑴ √look | drink in sips ⒜ O-S-∅-√look | for S to drink O in sips, sip O (esp. hot liquids) || ⑵ √naa ¹ ⒜ O-S-d+∅-√naa ¹ | for S to drink O || ⒝ at + S-d+∅-√naa ¹ | for S to drink || ⑶ O-S-∅-√sʼeeḵ | for S to drink O by sucking; for S to drink O through a straw || ⑷ O-S-s-√xéikʼw ˟ | for S to slurp, drink O by sipping noisily (esp. drawing in air to cool the drink); for S to snort O
drink ² at áatʼláni | cold food; cold drink; raw seafood
drip ¹ ⑴ √lóoxʼ | drip fast || ⑵ √tlʼooḵ ² | drip slowly || ⑶ √tsʼaal || ⑷ √xʼaas | drip at a fast rate ⒜ ka-l-√xʼáas ˟ | for something to drip, leak (at fairly fast rate)
drip ² ⑴ kúḵjaa | fast drip with bubbles || ⑵ kalóoxʼjaa; kalóox̱jaa | fast drip; leak || ⑶ katlʼúḵjaa | drip; leak with dripping || ⑷ kaxʼáasjaa | trickle of water; steady drip or leak
drive ⑴ [∅ preverb] + O-S-s-√ḵoox̱ ¹ || ⑵ [na preverb] + O-S-s-√ḵoox̱ ¹
drive around N + daax̱ + ya-u-S-∅-√ḵoox̱ ¹
driver át ḵoowsix̱óotʼi ḵáa
drizzle ⑴ (noun) kaséix̱jaa | drizzle, misty rain; spray or drops of moisture in air || ⑵ (verb) √x̱eet ² | drizzle; rain ⒜ a-ka-s-√x̱eet ² | for it to drizzle rain || ⒝ (noun) kax̱itjaa
drizzle rain ⑴ √x̱eet ² ⒜ a-ka-s-√x̱eet || ⑵ √x̱eet
drooling ⑴ (verb) √xeilʼ ⒜ (noun) x̱ʼaxélʼk
drop ¹ ⑴ √soos ¹ | fall together; drop together | classification: plural || ⑵ √xeex ¹ | classification: singular ⒜ N-t⁓ + ∅-√xeex ¹ | for something to fall or drop on N; for a bullet to hit N; for a rumor, news to spread, go around at N || ⒝ daak + ∅-√xeex ¹ | for the sun, moon to come out; for something (esp. a small, compact object) to fall, drop || ⒞ N-t⁓ + ka-∅-√xeex ¹ | for something (usually a round , spherical object such as a bullet, ball) to hit, fall against, drop into N || ⒟ N-náx̱ + ka-∅-√xeex ¹ | for something (usually a round object) to fall, drop through N || ⑶ N-t⁓ + d+sh-√x̱een | for a stick-like object or container to fall
drop ² –kʼóolʼi | crumbs of it; last drops of it; last little bit of it
drown ⑴ √taax̱ʼw ¹ || ⑵ √x̱oonáḵw ˟
drowsy √chaalʼ | drowsy from overindulging
drum ⑴ gaaw ⒜ gaaw gwálayi; gaaw x̱íjaa; kagwáali | drumstick || ⒝ gaaw kaxéeji; gaaw daakexaagú; gaaw tukaxéeji | drum frame
drummer gaaw gwáali
drunk ¹ (noun) at danáayi
drunk ² (verb) O-ka-∅-√shoo ʰ ² | for O to be intoxicated
drunkard at danáayi
drunkenness kanashú
dry ⑴ √dook ² | partially dry and smoke fish || ⑵ √gooḵ ³ | to dry salmon eggs || ⑶ O-sha-∅-√koox | for O to be thirsty; for O to be dry || ⑷ (verb) √laax̱ | for a plant to die and dry up ⒜ O-d+∅-√laax̱ | for a plant or tree to be dead but still standing; for an old boat to be dried out and weathered || ⒝ (noun) kaláax̱ | dry dead plant, leaves, vegetation, wood || ⑸ (verb) √xook ⒜ ∅-√xook | for something to be dry, dried || ⒝ O-S-s-√xook | for S to dry O (by any method) || ⒞ ka-∅-√xook | for something to be dry (of inside of container or of loose objects) || ⒟ O-ka-S-s-√xook | for S to dry O (inside a container) || ⒠ ḵu-∅-√xook | for the weather to be dry || ⒡ (adjective) –xook || ⒢ (noun) chál xook | fish air-dried in cold weather and allowed to freeze || ⑹ at + S-∅-√xʼaan ¹ | for s to dry (fish, meat) over fire, smoke lightly
dry erase board dleit a káa kadushxitx̱ tʼáa
dry weather ḵuxaak
dryer ⑴ a tóo sh isxuk át | dryer || ⑵ kaxóogu xʼúxʼu | dryer sheet || ⑶ naa.át kaxóogu át | clothes dryer || ⑷ shax̱aawú kasxóogu | hair dryer
dryfish, hard awliwás
duck ⑴ gáaxw || ⑵ hintakxʼwásʼg̱i | bufflehead duck || ⑶ hinyikgáaxu; áa kagáaxu | goldeneye duck || ⑷ kindachooneit; kindechooneit | mallard duck || ⑸ sʼelasheesh | flathead duck || ⑹ sʼúsʼ | harlequin duck || ⑺ tseindeiyaa | canvasback duck || ⑻ yaa.aanooné; yaa.aa.ooné; yaa.aa.uné; yaa.aanané | oldsquaw duck || ⑼ lakʼeechʼwú; waḵkalsʼóox̱ʼ gáaxw | scoter duck
duck decoy kindachooneit at kaladoodlí
due –tuwáadáx̱; tuwáatx̱ | because of –; due to –; by virtue of –; on the strength of –; encouraged by –
dull ⑴ √g̱eel ⒜ ya-d+∅-√g̱éel | for an edge to be blunt, dull
dump ¹ ⑴ √xaa | pour; dump ¹ ⒜ N-dé + O-ka-S-∅-√xaa | for S to pour O into N, pour O out at N; for S to dump, empty O in one mass (by turning over container) at N || ⒝ N-t⁓ + O-ka-S-s-√xaa | for S to pour, dump, empty O at N
dump ² aadé kdulxesʼ yé | garbage dump
durable O-∅-√tsáakw ˟ | for O to last a long time, be durable (esp. of clothing, machinery, etc.)
during –yeen | (sometime) during it (period of time)
dusk xi.áat; xei.át; xee.át
dusky –yéisʼ
dust ¹ ⑴ chʼéix̱ʼw | dirt, dust (covering something, making it dirty) || ⑵ kadánjaa | dust; pollen || ⑶ kalsʼéesjaa | snow cloud; dust cloud
dust ² √chech ² | clean the surface of
dust cloud kalsʼéesjaa
dustpan sʼeex yee.ádi
DVD ⑴ ḵuyawdahaayí sʼíxʼ | DVD disc || ⑵ ḵuyawdahaayí sʼíxʼ ḵóok | DVD Player
dwell N-xʼ + yéi + O-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to be or stay at N; for O to dwell, live at N; for O to remain at N
dweller hintaakḵwáan | water dwellers
dye ⑴ (noun) kayéisʼ || ⑵ (verb) √seiḵʼw ⒜ O-ka-S-l-√séiḵʼw | for S to stain, dye, color the surface of O || ⒝ (noun) kaséḵʼx̱u || ⒞ O-ka-d+∅-√séiḵʼw | for O to be stained, dyed, colored || ⒟ sha-ka-S-d+l-√séiḵʼw | for S to dye them allʼs own hair || ⒠ ya-ka-S-d+l-√séiḵʼw | for S to put on makeup || ⑶ (noun) x̱ʼoon ² | soft brown wood for tanning dye
each of them all dag̱a-, dax̱-, daḵ-
each other ⑴ woosh ¹ | each otherʼs | reciprocal possessive (recip.P) || ⑵ woosh ² | (to) each other | reciprocal postpositional (recip.PP) || ⑶ woosh ³ | each other [object] | reciprocal object (recip.O) || ⑷ woosh ⁴ | each other [subject] | reciprocal subject (recip.S)
eagle ⑴ chʼáakʼ | bald eagle ⒜ chʼakʼyéisʼ | immature eagle || ⑵ gijook | golden eagle
eagleʼs beak (alienated) chʼáakʼ loowú
ear ⑴ –gúk ⒜ –gukdaa | outer ear
early summer taakw.eetí
earring ⑴ guk.át; guk.ádi; guk.édi (C) || ⑵ gukkajaash; gukkadzaas; gukkedzaas | earring made of a strip of hide, worn by men || ⑶ guklʼéinxw; guk tlʼéinx̱w; guk tlʼínx̱w | long earrings made of yarn or hide dangling from the ears for yoo koonáḵk (sway dance)
earth tlʼátk
earthquake ⑴ (noun) yoo aan ka.á || ⑵ (verb) yóo + aan + ka-∅-√.aa ³
earwax –gukyikkʼóox̱ʼu
easily l uldzéedéin
east ⑴ dákde át | offshore east wind || ⑵ sáanáx̱ | (wind blowing) from the south(east)
easy √x̱ʼwaasʼ ² | easy to obtain
eat ¹ ⑴ √tlʼeikw ² | eat beach seafoods raw || ⑵ √x̱aa ¹ | eat ⒜ O-S-∅-√x̱aa ¹ | for S to eat O || ⒝ at + S-∅-√x̱aa ¹ | for S to eat || ⒞ O-S-s-√x̱aa ¹ | for S to eat O (small amounts or a variety of things) || ⒟ yax̱ + O-ya-S-s-√x̱aa ¹ | for S to eat up, finish, consume O (eating lots of pieces) || ⒠ O-ka-S-d+sh-√x̱aa ¹ | for S to eat O (berries off the bush)
eat ² ⑴ –x̱ʼa.eetí | food scraps, left-over food; crumbs of food left or scattered where one has eaten || ⑵ –x̱ʼayee | ready, waiting for them to eat, drink; waiting for them to speak or finish speaking || ⑶ –x̱ʼanaa | (protecting) from, against a bite; keeping from eating something
ebb (N-x̱) + ∅-√laa ¹
echo ḵoona.áx̱jaa
eclipse ⑴ ḵudé kdagoot || ⑵ Keewáa Ḵáawu Kʼichéix̱ʼi
eddy ḵux̱deinú | eddy; whirlpool
edge ⑴ –gáaxw | back (of a knife or other blade); back edge, spine of it || ⑵ –kóon | hem, bottom edge (of coat, dress, shirt); rim (of hat) || ⑶ –shutú | (on or along) the edge of || ⑷ –wán | edge of; (to the) side of ⒜ –wanká | on the edge, side of it (as a trail); on the shoulder of it || ⑸ –x̱ʼatú | rim of it (vessel, open container, boat); inside edge of it; eyehole (of something woven) || ⑹ –x̱ʼaxʼaa | the brink of it; the very edge of it (a cliff, drop-off) || ⑺ –yaax̱ | along the edge of ⒜ –x̱ʼayaax̱ | along the edge of (road or body of water)
edging of hides x̱ʼax̱éetl
eeeew! ée!, éeee!
eel lóotʼ
eerie looking ⑴ √jee ² ⒜ O-ka-(u)-l-√jée ˟ ²
egg ⑴ daaw daa.aa | herring eggs spawned on ribbon kelp || ⑵ g̱áaxʼw | herring eggs || ⑶ haaw daa.aa | herring eggs spawned on hemlock branches || ⑷ –kaháakw | eggs of – (a fish); roe of – (a fish) ⒜ x̱ooka.éewu | salmon eggs soaked overnight in fresh water || ⒝ a kagúḵxʼu | dried salmon eggs || ⒞ kanéegwálʼ | pudding dish made with berries and salmon eggs || ⒟ góoḵ | dried salmon eggs | usually dried in stomach or gunnysack strung in tree || ⒠ kaháakw ítʼx̱i | soaked fish eggs || ⒡ kaháakw kasʼeex; kaháakw kasʼixx̱i | kaháakw kasʼeex; stink eggs || ⒢ kashísʼi | fermented salmon eggs that harden to a cheese || ⑸ kʼwátʼ | bird eggs ⒜ kawdudlixágu kʼwátʼ | scrambled eggs || ⑹ né daa.aa | herring eggs spawned on hairy seaweed || ⑺ nóoxʼ | shell (of clam, crustacean, or egg); carapace (of turtle); shell-like chip or flake; china (diningware) || ⑻ tayeidí daa.aa | herring eggs spawned on yellow seaweed || ⑼ –tuséiḵʼu | yolk (of egg) || ⑽ x̱ʼíxʼ | eggs of – (eels, etc.)
egg-shaped –kʼwátʼ
eight ⑴ nasʼgadooshú || ⑵ nasʼgadooshóonáx̱ | eight people
eighty nasʼgadooshú jinkaat; daaxʼoonḵáa
elapse ya-∅-√x̱ei; ya-∅-√x̱ee | for 24 hours to pass, elapse
elbow ⑴ (noun) –tʼéey | elbow of – ⒜ –tʼiyshú | tip of elbow || ⑵ (verb) √tʼeey
elder ⑴ at wuskóowu | elder; knowledgeable person; wisdom bearer || ⑵ yanwáat
elderberry yéilʼ
elderly (adjective) –shaan
electrician kashóokʼ daaxʼ yéi jineiyí
electricity ⑴ kashóokʼ || ⑵ kashéekʼw
electrocute O-ka-d+l-√shóokʼ | for O to have cramps; for O to get shocked (by electricity)
eleven ⑴ jinkaat ḵa tléixʼ || ⑵ jinkaat ḵa tléináx̱ | eleven people
else chʼa g̱unayé | somewhere else; someplace else; a different place
emaciated √xweix̱ʼ
email kashóokʼ yoo x̱ʼatánk
embarassed O-ka-S-l-√déixʼ ˟
embarassment kadéixʼ
embarrass sh + ka-S-d+l-√háachʼ
ember (that popped out of a fire) katʼáx̱ʼjaa
embrace ⑴ –jig̱ei | crook of his/her arm; in his/her embrace || ⑵ N + séináx̱ + ya-u-S-∅-√shee ² | for S to put arm(s) around N
embroider ⑴ √ḵaa ² ⒜ O-ka-S-∅-√ḵaa ²
empty –xákwti | empty container of –; empty shell (of house) of –
empty ¹ ⑴ N-dé + O-ka-S-∅-√xaa | for S to pour O into N, pour O out at N; for S to dump, empty O in one mass (by turning over container) at N || ⑵ N-t⁓ + O-ka-S-s-√xaa | for S to pour, dump, empty O at N
enclose ⑴ –daaká | (around) the outside surface of it || ⑵ –g̱ei | enclosed within (the folds of) it, between the folds, covers, walls of it || ⑶ √haat ²
encounter –kagé | meeting, encountering, intercepting it; (arriving) at the same place or time as it
encourage ⑴ √haakw ² | rally round || ⑵ –tuwáadáx̱; tuwáatx̱ | because of –; due to –; by virtue of –; on the strength of –; encouraged by –
end ¹ (verb) ⑴ ka-∅-√kéesʼ | for a month to end, pass || ⑵ N-t + shu-ka-∅-√tán ³ | for something to extend to, end at N || ⑶ shu-∅-√xeex ² | for something to end, come to an end, pass; for something to be used up (of supplies, etc.) || ⑷ yan⁓ + shu-d+sh-√x̱een | for a season, show, etc. to come to an end, close, finish
end ² (noun) ⑴ –lunáa | over or along the point of; at or near the end of (of a pointed object, point of land) || ⑵ –shú | end of – ⒜ –shutú | end of –; (on or along) the edge; (in) the corner of – || ⒝ –shuwadaa | around (bypassing, avoiding); around the end of || ⒞ –shuyee; –shuwee | the foot of it; below it (raised place); flat area at the end of it (lake)
endless deishgí
enemy –yaanaayí | enemy
engine ⑴ shtéen káa | steam engine (train) || ⑵ washéen
engine cylinder connecting rod washéen katág̱ayi
English: broken English ḵʼwátl wáalʼi at x̱ʼa.áx̱ch
enough ⑴ g̱aa | sufficient; enough; acceptable; pleasant ⒜ –jeeg̱áa | (big) enough for them to have or use; adequate for them || ⒝ tlʼag̱áa | enough; adequate; lots
entice ⑴ √dootl ² ⒜ tóo-t⁓ + O-ka-S-l-√dootl
entrance ⑴ –x̱ʼaká | outside the mouth of – (a bay or river); entrance of – (a bay or river); "on the mouth" || ⑵ ixdáak
entrance of – (a bay or river) –x̱ʼaká
envelope xʼúxʼ daakaxʼúxʼu
epidermis –chʼáadu | outer layer of skin; outer layer of hide
equal –yáx̱ | like; according to; as much as; equal to; similar to
equivalent –x̱ooní | one that matches; equivalent to; like; relation (same clan or moiety) of; friend (same clan or moiety) of
erase ⑴ √xeelʼ ² || ⑵ √haa ³
eraser kaxílʼaa
erection ⑴ (noun) –dóolʼ | erection || ⑵ (verb) √doolʼ ⒜ (adjective) ḵóo lidóolʼshán | it gives men erections
ermine ⑴ dáa ⒜ daayéisʼ | weasel with brown fur
erode hin.eetí | dry creek bed; place where water has run off, eroding the soil
error ḵwáaḵt (daaḵ); ḵáaḵwt (daaḵ)
Eskimo Tea sʼikshaldéen
esophagus –layatʼákw | depression along the sides of their esophagus extending down behind the collarbone
eulachon ⑴ dákwtasi; dákwx̱utasi | mushy remains of rendered eulachon || ⑵ saak
even chʼu, chʼoo
even if óosh
even though chʼa aan ¹ | although; even though; however; nonetheless; yet
evening xáanaa
event ⑴ –yoo kooneigí | what happened to || ⑵ yoo at kooteek | feast, potlatch involving the whole community; community event; holiday
every ldakát
everybody ⑴ ldakát ḵáa | everybody; everyone || ⑵ chʼa ldakát ḵáa | every single person
everything ⑴ ldakát át || ⑵ chʼa ldakát át | every single thing
everywhere ⑴ ldakát yé | everywhere; everyplace || ⑵ chʼa ldakát yé | every single place
evidence ḵaa jee eetxʼí
evil ⑴ (verb) tlél + O-sh-√kʼéi | for O to be bad, evil, no good ⒜ (noun) l ushkʼé | evil; badness; sin || ⒝ (adverb) l ushkʼedéin | with evil intention; badly (behavior) || ⒞ (adjective) l ushikʼéiyi | bad; evil; wicked
ex- –yéeyi
examine ⑴ √aa ² ⒜ N + daa + ya-S-d+s-√.aa ²
excess a wanáade aa | amount in excess of it or left over from it; surplus more than it
excessive ⑴ ḵúdáx̱; ḵútx̱ || ⑵ √yék˟ ² | too fast; excessive
excessively –yáanáx̱ | beyond it, more than it; too (much); excessively
excited ⑴ O-tu-ka-d+∅-√yook | for O to be nervous, worried, shook up; for O to be excited || ⑵ N + toowú + kínde + d+∅-√ḵeen ¹ | for N to be overjoyed, excited
exclaim √hoo ³ | to say « hú! »
excrement ⑴ gánde nagoodí || ⑵ lʼílʼ || ⑶ háatlʼ || ⑷ káts || ⑸ kích | fecal material; contents of intestines
excuse chʼa + aadé + yéi + O-S-∅-√.oo ¹ ˟ | for S to forgive, excuse O
exert ⑴ √xeech | exert strength; concentrate on ⒜ O-S-∅-√xeech | for S to exert oneʼs full strength on, strive for O; for S to concentrate on, put effort into O
exhausted ⑴ √shaaḵ ¹ ⒜ O-ka-∅-√shaaḵ ¹ | for O to be winded, short of breath, panting || ⑵ √saaḵ
exist ⑴ O-ḵu-d+s-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to be in existence; for O to be born; for O to live || ⑵ ḵu-S-d+s-√tee ʰ ¹ | for S to exist; for S to be born; for S to live; for S to subsist
expect ⑴ O-shu-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to be expected || ⑵ O-shu-S-s-√tee ʰ ¹ | for S to anticipate, foresee O; for S to expect, consider O likely to happen or arrive || ⑶ √tʼaan | expect; impatient
expensive x̱ʼa-l-√tseen ˟ ¹ | for something to be precious, of great value; for something to be expensive, high-priced
experience a tóo yoo kawdzigít | something a person has been through
expert –góogu
expire √keesʼ
explain (N + een) + ḵunáax̱ + daak + O-ka-S-∅-√neek | for S to explain O (to N)
explode ⑴ √took ¹ ⒜ kei + d+sh-√tóok ¹ | for something to explode, blow up
extend ⑴ √aa ³ | grow; pour forth; extend or move forward || ⑵ √shoo ¹ | extend ⒜ N-de + ∅-√shoo ¹ | for a narrow item (esp. a road or trail) to extend towards N || ⒝ N-t + ∅-√shoo ¹ | for a narrow item (esp. a road or trail) to extend to N || ⒞ N-x̱ + kei + l-√shoo ¹ | for a complex object (esp. road) to extend towards N || ⒟ N-x̱ + ya-u-∅-√shoo ¹ | for a slender item (esp. road) to extend around, along N || ⑶ √tsaaḵ | poke; stick out; extend; prick; launch | classification: singular | plural form: √tsoow || ⑷ √tsoow | poke; stick out; extend; prick; launch | classification: plural | singular form: √tsaaḵ || ⑸ √xaat ¹ || ⑹ N-t + shu-ka-∅-√tán ³ | for something to extend to, end at N
extinguish ⑴ √keesʼ ⒜ O-ya-ka-S-l-√kéesʼ
Eyak Yáat Ḵwáan
eye ⑴ √goolʼ | wink; one eye || ⑵ –waaḵ | eye, eyes ⒜ –waḵdaadleidí | whites of the eye || ⒝ –waḵkadlóog̱u; –waaḵ dlóoḵ; –wax̱ʼadlóog̱u; –wax̱ʼadlóoḵ; –waḵdlóog̱u; –waḵdluʼḵ; –waḵx̱ʼadlóog̱u | sleep in their eyes; dried mucus gumming up their eyelashes || ⒞ –waaḵg̱áa | pleasing to the eye; looking good to || ⒟ –waḵlitáak | inside of eye || ⒠ –waḵshiyee | before ones eyes; where one can see (it) || ⒡ –waḵshú | corner of eye
eyebrow ⑴ –sʼei; –sʼee ⒜ –sʼee x̱ʼáak; –sʼee wát | space between their eyebrows
eyeglasses waḵdáanaa
eyehole –x̱ʼatú | rim of it (vessel, open container, boat); inside edge of it; eyehole (of something woven)
eyelash –wax̱ʼax̱éix̱ʼu
eyes waḵjéitl | wide-open eyes; glaring eyes
fable tlaagú
face ¹ ⑴ aan yadu.usʼgu jig̱wéinaa | washcloth, washrag for washing the face || ⑵ –yá | face; vertical surface ⒜ –yatʼákw; –shayatʼákw | upper side of their face (from the cheekbones to the top of the head)
face ² ⑴ –keeká | across from it; on the other side facing it || ⑵ –yaká | out in front of; (out) facing, opposite || ⑶ yindatáan | face down
facing ⑴ –dayéen || ⑵ –dakán | facing away from || ⑶ woosh dakán | facing away from each other
facsimile –kayaa | facsimile; copy
fact áa ² | that thing, time, or place; that fact or reason
fair ⑴ √woo ² | fair skinned; fair complexioned ⒜ O-d+l-√wóo ² ˟ | for O to be fair skinned, fair complexioned
faith ⑴ átkʼ aheen | faith; belief; trust; religion || ⑵ N + káa + yan + tu-S-∅-√taan ⁵ | for S to put trust in, rely on, have faith in N
fake –uwaa | similar; look like; fake
falcon shaayáal
fall ⑴ daak | out to sea (from the shore); out into the open (from the shadows); for precipitation to fall; onto fire || ⑵ √gaasʼ | classification: large stick-like object ⒜ yan⁓ + O-ya-∅-√gáasʼ | fall on face || ⑶ √geet ¹ | classification: animate ⒜ N-dé + O-d+s-√geet ¹ | for O (live creature) to fall into N || ⒝ N-t⁓ + O-d+s-√geet ¹ | for O (live creature) to fall into, against N || ⒞ daak + O-d+s-√geet ¹ | for O to fall (esp. off of something) || ⒟ N-náx̱ + yei + O-d+s-√geet ¹ | for O (live creature) to fall down N || ⑷ √g̱aat ¹ | fall scattered; fall apart || ⑸ √soos ¹ | fall together; drop together | classification: plural || ⑹ √taan ⁶ | precipitation; fall (of precipitation) ⒜ {precipitation} + daak + s-√taan ⁶ | for {precipitation} to fall || ⑺ √xeex ¹ | classification: singular ⒜ ∅-√xeex ¹ | for an object (usually small, compact) to fall || ⒝ N-t⁓ + ∅-√xeex ¹ | for something to fall or drop on N; for a bullet to hit N; for a rumor, news to spread, go around at N || ⒞ N-t + ∅-√xeex ¹ | for something to fall around at N (esp. inside a container) || ⒟ daak + ∅-√xeex ¹ | for the sun, moon to come out; for something (esp. a small, compact object) to fall, drop || ⒠ N-t⁓ + ka-∅-√xeex ¹ | for something (usually a round , spherical object such as a bullet, ball) to hit, fall against, drop into N || ⒡ N-náx̱ + ka-∅-√xeex ¹ | for something (usually a round object) to fall, drop through N || ⑻ √xʼaas | cascade | classification: liquid || ⑼ N-t⁓ + d+sh-√x̱een | for a stick-like object or container to fall || ⑽ yáanáx̱ + yei + O-sh-√x̱ʼéelʼ | for O to slip and fall down
fall asleep ⑴ yan⁓ + O-ya-∅-√gáasʼ || ⑵ táach + O-S-∅-√jaaḵ | classification: singular object || ⑶ táach + yax̱ + O-ya-S-l-√jaaḵ | classification: plural objects
false hellebore sʼíksh
falsely ḵultuyáx̱
family ⑴ –daakaḵu.óowu | extended family || ⑵ –een aaxʼw | family of – || ⑶ –yinaanáx̱ | family line of descent of –; line of descent of −
famine laaxw
fancy ⑴ √g̱ei | fancy; prominent; conspicuous; attracting attention ⒜ O-ka-l-√g̱éi | for O to be fancy, prominent (esp. in appearance), conspicuous, attracting attention || ⑵ sʼúsʼ | (person) in fancy dress
far ⑴ √lei | far; distant ⒜ O-∅-√lei | for something to be far, distant || ⒝ (yéi) + O-ka-u-∅-√lei | for something to be (so) far, distant (in time or space)
farmer akahéix̱i; táay kahéix̱i
fart ⑴ g̱wáalʼ | noisy fart || ⑵ kóochʼ | noiseless fart || ⑶ √koochʼ ² | short, high-pitched fart ⒜ a-S-∅-√koochʼ ² | for S to fart a short, high-pitched fart || ⑷ kóotlʼ | short, high pitched fart || ⑸ √kootlʼ | noiseless fart ⒜ a-S-∅-√kootlʼ | for S to fart a noiseless fart || ⑹ tóotlʼ | fart with release of watery diarrhea
farther ⑴ tliyaa | farther over; way over ⒜ tliyaa aa | the next one (over); the one farther over || ⒝ tliyaanax̱.á | area farther over; (toward) the other side
fascinating ⑴ x̱ʼakwli.áax̱chʼán | fascinating to listen to; a compelling storyteller || ⑵ √x̱aal
fast ¹ ⑴ tláakw || ⑵ √sátk ˟ ⒜ O-∅-√sátk ˟ | for O to be fast (at doing things) || ⑶ √yék˟ ² | too fast; excessive
fast ² O-x̱ʼa-∅-√x̱ei | for O to fast, refrain from eating (for 24 hours at a time)
fasten √xaat ¹
fat ¹ taay
fat ² ⑴ (verb) √neitl | classification: human ⒜ O-d+l-√neitl | for O to get fat; for O to gain weight || ⒝ (verbal adjective) linéitlchʼán | gets fat easily || ⑵ √taa ³ | fat (of animal); prime (of animal) | classification: animal || ⑶ toow | tallow, hard fat || ⑷ (adjective) −téitlʼ || ⑸ √teitlʼ | classification: animal
fate jinaháa | the fate (usually a bad fate) that is sent to one, or to which one is drawn, as a result of oneʼs actions
father –éesh
father-in-law –wóo
fatherless child neechkayádi
fathom waat
fatigue xweitl
fear akoolx̱éitlʼ; akoolx̱éetlʼ
fearful ⑴ √x̱eitlʼ; √x̱eetlʼ ¹ | afraid; fearful ⒜ N-xʼ + a-ka-u-S-d+l-√x̱éitlʼ ˟ | for S to be afraid of, fear N
fearlessness l akoolx̱éitlʼ
feast ⑴ –daateeyí | feast, potlatch in honor of; dedication ceremony and feast for || ⑵ ḵu.éexʼ | potlatch; feast; party ⒜ du x̱ʼé x̱ánt atx̱aayí ḵu.éexʼ | feast following a seclusion ceremony || ⑶ naa káani | member of opposite clan commissioned to conduct a ḵu.éexʼ; master of ceremonies for a ḵu.éexʼ || ⑷ yoo at kooteek | feast, potlatch involving the whole community; community event; holiday
feather ⑴ tʼaaw; –tʼaawú || ⑵ x̱ʼwáalʼ | down feathers
February Sʼeek Dísi
fed up with tóo + O-S-sh-√ḵeet ˟ ¹ | for S to be annoyed with, tired of, fed up with O
feel ⑴ √nook ²; √neekw ² ⒜ du-∅-√nook ² | for the wind to blow, be felt (esp. a breeze, light wind) || ⒝ jée + O-S-d+∅-√nook ² | for S to touch, feel O (esp. with hands) || ⒞ (yéi) + sh + tu-S-d+∅-√nook ² (na state) | for S to feel (that way) (esp. physical sensation) || ⑵ (yéi) + O-tu-∅-√tee ʰ ¹ | for O to want to do, feel like doing (that); for O to feel a certain way || ⑶ –tuwáxʼ | in their opinion; to their way of thinking, feeling
feelings ⑴ –sh tundanóogu | inner feelings || ⑵ –toowú | spirit; soul; feelings; intention; thoughts
felicity toowú kʼé
fell tree ⑴ √g̱eech ² ⒜ O-S-l-√g̱eech ² | for S to fell O (a single tree) || ⒝ O-S-l-√g̱eech ² | for S to fell O (multiple trees or bushes, rocks); for S to clear O (bushes or trees) from an area
felt lʼée ḵʼáatlʼ
female ⑴ sheech–; shich– || ⑵ shaatkʼ | young woman (not married) || ⑶ shaatk’ásk’u | adolescent girl || ⑷ shaawát | woman || ⑸ shaax’wsáani | adolescent girls
feminine √sheech
femur –g̱atstusʼaag̱í | thighbone; femur
fence ḵʼanáax̱án
ferment ⑴ √sʼeex | aged food; ferment; spoil; rot ¹ ⒜ (adjective) –kasʼeex | aged (of food); fermented (of food)
fern ⑴ –kakóochʼi | fiddlehead (of fern) || ⑵ kʼwálx̱ | fiddlehead fern (with edible rhizome) || ⑶ sʼaach | shield fern || ⑷ yéil x̱aagú | fern with inedible rhizome
ferret dáa.uwáa
ferry ⑴ yakwtlein | cruise ship; large ship; ferry || ⑵ yakwtlénxʼ | cruise ships; large ships; ferries
fertilizer dákwtasi; dákwx̱utasi | mushy remains of rendered eulachon
fester ⑴ √ḵeetʼ | suppurate; infected; fester; pus ⒜ d+l-√ḵéetʼ | for a wound to be infected, have pus
fetch {∅ preverb} + O-ya-S-∅-√x̱aa ²; {na preverb} + O-ya-S-∅-√x̱aa ² | for S to transport O by boat or car; for S to bring, take or fetch O by boat or car
fetus –kayádi | fetus, unborn child of
fever tʼaay néekw; tʼaay nóok
fiddle g̱íx̱ʼjaa
fiddlehead –kakóochʼi | fiddlehead (of fern)
field táay
field trip at wuskú yís át ḵuwduwateen
fierce √chígaa ˟
fifty cents dáanaa shoowú
fight ⑴ √gaaw | loud; noisy; fight; defend ⒜ (verb) (n een) + ḵu-S-l-√gaaw ˟ || ⒝ (noun) ḵulagaaw | fight; war ¹ ; conflict || ⑵ √haa ⁵ | fight; wrestle ⒜ (N een) + ḵu-S-l-√haa ⁵ | for S to fight hand to hand (with N); for S to wrestle, box (with N)
fight for N + káx̱ + ḵu-S-l-√gaaw ˟
figure out √daa ²
file ⑴ (verb) √xʼaat ⒜ (verbal noun) xʼádaa
fill ⑴ √chaak ⒜ O-sha-ka-S-∅-√cháak || ⑵ √heek | classification: solids or abstracts ⒜ O-sha-S-l-√heek | for S to fill O (with solids or abstracts) || ⑶ √ook ² | classification: liquid || ⑷ √tlʼeetʼ | classification: liquid ⒜ O-sha-S-l-√tlʼéetʼ | for S to fill O to overflowing (with liquid) || ⑸ √tsʼeetʼ | classification: liquid ⒜ O-sha-S-l-√tsʼéetʼ | for O to be full (with liquid)
fill gradually √yeeḵ ⁴
filled ⑴ O-sha-∅-√heek | for O to be filled, be full (general and abstract) || ⑵ O-sha-∅-√tsʼéetʼ | for O to be full (with liquid)
fillet ⑴ láak | fish fillet (half a fish, deboned) || ⑵ litlʼéiláḵw lítaa | fillet knife
filter ⑴ √chaa ⒜ O-ka-S-l-√chaa
filthy lichʼéix̱ʼu
fin ⑴ –daasʼaag̱í | pelvic fin (of fish) || ⑵ –gooshí | dorsal fin (of killerwhale) || ⑶ –kwéiyi | posterior dorsal fin || ⑷ –litkagoodlí; –litkegoodlí | anterior dorsal fin hump (of salmon) || ⑸ –leedí | anterior dorsal fin (of fish) || ⑹ –tʼaawú | pectoral fin (of fish) ⒜ –daatʼaawú | fins (of fish) || ⒝ –dix̱ʼkatʼaawú | anterior dorsal fin (of fish) || ⒞ –katʼaawú | anal fin (of fish) || ⒟ –litkatʼaawú; –litketʼaawú | dorsal fin (of fish) || ⑺ –xʼáagi | anal fin (of fish)
final hóochʼi aayí | the last one; the final one
finally ⑴ de x̱waa || ⑵ tsaatguyéig̱aa; tsaatguwéig̱aa | finally; at (long) last || ⑶ yeedát tsá || ⑷ chʼa yeisú | just now; finally
finch tlagu tsʼatsʼéeyee | grey singing bird (sparrow or finch)
find ⑴ √tʼei ¹; √tʼee ⒜ O-S-∅-√tʼei ¹ ˟ | for S to find O (usually as the result of searching) || ⒝ O-ka-S-∅-√tʼei ¹ ˟ | for S to find O (usually round, spherical object) | classification: round or spherical object || ⒞ O-S-s-√tʼei ¹ ˟ | for S to find O (usually complex or large object or rope-like object) | classification: complex or large object or rope-like object || ⒟ O-ka-S-s-√tʼei ¹ ˟ | for S to find O (usually stick-like object or plural round objects) | classification: stick-like object or plural round objects || ⑵ N-káx̱ + ḵu-S-∅-√shee ʰ ¹ | for S to find, come upon N (often without searching)
fine ⑴ (verb) √kʼei | good; fine ⒜ O-∅-√kʼéi | for O to be good, fine, pretty || ⒝ N + toowú + ∅-√kʼéi | for N to be glad, happy, feel fine || ⑵ (adjective) aakʼé– || ⑶ –kalé | fine; beautiful
finger ⑴ –chʼéix̱ʼi; –chʼéex̱ʼi; –chʼíx̱ʼayi | first finger; index finger || ⑵ –laayig̱águ | ring finger || ⑶ –tlʼeiḵ; –tlʼeeḵ ⒜ –tlʼeḵshá | fingertip || ⒝ –tlʼeḵtlein; –tlʼiḵtlein | middle finger || ⒞ –tlʼeḵ.wax̱ʼáak | webbing between fingers || ⒟ –tlʼeḵx̱ʼáak | between fingers || ⑷ –wankachʼeiḵ | little finger; pinky || ⑸ –xʼóotʼaa | middle finger || ⑹ –x̱aakw | nail (of finger or toe)
fingernail ⑴ –x̱aakw | nail (of finger or toe) ⒜ –x̱akwtayee | under their fingernail || ⒝ –x̱aakw eetí; –x̱akw.eetí | fingernail markings; toenail markings; claw markings
finish ⑴ yan⁓ + O-sha-S-l-√heek | for S to finish, complete O || ⑵ yan⁓ + O-S-s-√nei ² ʰ | for S to finish, complete O || ⑶ yan⁓ + shu-d+sh-√x̱een | for a season, show, etc. to come to an end, close, finish
finished yan⁓ + O-∅-√nei ² ʰ | for O to be permanent, happen for good; for O to be finished, complete, ready; for O to be prepared, ready
fir ⑴ leiyís || ⑵ lkʼóox̱ʼeit | balsam fir
fire ¹ ⑴ gan | fire ⒜ gandaa | around the fire || ⒝ gan.eetí | fireplace; place where there has been a fire and there is burnt residue || ⒞ gangook | fireside; by the fire, facing the fire || ⒟ ganká | on the fire, in the fire || ⒠ ganaltáak; galtáak | in the fire || ⒡ gantú | inside the fire || ⑵ x̱ʼaan | fire (flames) ⒜ x̱ʼaan gook
fire ² ⑴ √aak ² | build fire ⒜ shóo-t⁓ + a-S-d+∅-√.aak ² | for S to build a fire (using wood) || ⑵ √x̱ʼaan
fire ³ O-S-l-√tlʼeet | for S to abandon, desert, leave O; for S to throw away, dispose of, get rid of O; for S to divorce O; for S to fire O (from a job)
firecracker aansaganeit
firedrill x̱ʼaan káx̱ túlaa
firefighter x̱ʼaan yaklakísʼx̱i
firefly a tuḵ akoogaanjí
fireplace x̱ʼaan eetí
firestone ⑴ dáadzi || ⑵ g̱agaan háatlʼi
fireweed lóol
firewood ⑴ gán ⒜ gán láx̱ʼi | firewood that is wet, moist with tree sap (so that it doesnʼt burn well) || ⑵ gantuxoogú | dry inner part of firewood
first ⑴ (adverb) sʼé ¹ | appears in the preverb to note the order of events || ⑵ (adjective) shóogu– || ⑶ (adverb) shóogunáx̱ | (at) first; originally; in the beginning
fish ¹ (noun) ⑴ at yana.á | fish run, migration || ⑵ at x̱ʼéeshi; at duwax̱ʼéeshi | dryfish || ⑶ chál xook; chíl xook | fish air-dried in cold weather and allowed to freeze || ⑷ gangookg̱áx̱i; gangukg̱áx̱i; gangook tʼóosʼi | fish heads cooked on the ground, rocks, or logs around the fire || ⑸ g̱íḵs; g̱íḵsaa (T); g̱íḵsi (At, T); g̱áḵsʼi | fish roasted whole, strung up by its tail over the fire and twirled periodically || ⑹ | jarred fish ⒜ ín xʼeesháa tóonáx̱ wududzi.eeyi x̱áat || ⒝ ín xʼeesháa tóo x̱ʼúx̱u || ⒞ ítʼch tóo x̱áat || ⑺ Kudatankahídi; Kadatankahídi | Repository of All Fish; Fish Jumping House || ⑻ kadúkli | fish partially dried & smoked, ready to eat right away; fish cleaned & hung to dry || ⑼ kʼínkʼ | fermented fish heads; stink heads || ⑽ óon | small round white fish || ⑾ téeyi | soaked dried fish || ⑿ –tóoch | fresh (fish flesh) || ⒀ tsʼakʼáawásh; chʼukʼáawásh | dried fish strips || ⒁ útlx̱i | boiled fish || ⒂ wáasadi | fire-roasted fish; skin crunchy from roasting || ⒃ x̱áat ¹ || ⒄ x̱áat x̱ʼaka.éesh | strung up fish || ⒅ x̱áat yádi | baby fish; tiny fish || ⒆ –x̱ʼéeshi | dried flesh, strips (of fish) || ⒇ –x̱ʼúx̱u | flesh (of fish)
fish ² (verb) ⑴ a-S-d+s-√deek ² | for S to fish with a dipnet || ⑵ √g̱eiwú | fish with net ⒜ a-S-d+s-√g̱eiwú ˟ | for S to fish with net, seine || ⑶ √naaḵw ¹ | to fish with octopus as bait || ⑷ √tʼeix̱ | fish with hook ⒜ a-S-d+s-√tʼeix̱ ˟ | for S to fish with hooks, catch on a hook, troll || ⑸ a-sha-S-d+l-√x̱óotʼ ¹ ˟ | for S to fish with rod, sportfish, cast || ⑹ ḵu-ka-S-d+S-√yeeḵ ¹ | for S to fish with a line, jig for fish || ⑺ √xeetl ¹ | fish with rake
fish hopper –kʼóolʼ | fish hopper (of seine net spanning a river)
fish migration át yana.á
fish odor kéech | dead fish odor
fish pitchfork x̱áat g̱íjaa
fisher ⑴ asg̱eiwú; isg̱éiw sʼaatí; x̱áat isg̱éiwu | seine fisher; seine boat || ⑵ astʼeix̱í | troller
fishing line astʼeix̱ tíxʼ
fishing rod shax̱út’aa
fissure té ḵáasʼ; té ḵáasʼ x̱ʼé | rock crevice; fissure in rock
fitting √jaaḵw ²
five ⑴ keijín || ⑵ keijínínáx̱ | five people
fix (yéi) + O-S-s-√nei ² ʰ | for S to do (that) to O; for S to fix, cause (that) to happen to O
flab ⑴ –daatéisʼi | soft, flabby flesh around it; its flab || ⑵ leil | flabby; limp ⒜ –leilí | flab; scrotum; testicles || ⒝ √leil | flabby; limp; baggy || ⑶ √teisʼ | flabby; limp
flabbergasted O-ḵʼa-d+∅-√gwáatl
flag aan kwéiyi kánaa
flagpole aan kwéiyi tugáasʼi
flake nóoxʼ | shell (of clam, crustacean, or egg); carapace (of turtle); shell-like chip or flake; china (diningware)
flame ganyalʼóotʼ
flank ⑴ –ḵatlyá | flank, side of his/her body between the ribs and the hip || ⑵ –ḵaatl | flank, side of his/her belly
flap ⑴ √tʼaatl | splash; flap || ⑵ √x̱eek | flap arms or shoulders
flashlight kadulg̱óok sʼeenáa; kadulg̱úkx̱ sʼeenáa; ux̱ akagan sʼeenáa; yoo yakdudlig̱óokgu sʼeenáa
flat ⑴ –ḵʼáatlʼ | thin and flat || ⑵ tʼáalʼ | flat; flattened; crushed flat
flathead sʼelasheesh | flathead duck
flats taashuká | river flats; tidelands; mudflats
flatten √tʼaalʼ | mash flat; roll flat
flavor –dunóogu | taste or flavor of –
flay O-S-l-√xʼeesh | for S to skin, flay O
flea ⑴ kookʼénaa | sand flea; sandhopper; grasshopper || ⑵ tíx || ⑶ √tíx ˟ | to have fleas || ⑷ tóox | ant; bedbug; sand flea
flee (N + náḵ) + a-ya-S-d+∅-√haan ¹ | S to flee, run, turn back ( from N)
flesh ⑴ –daatéisʼi | soft, flabby flesh around it; its flab || ⑵ –dleey | flesh; meat; muscle ⒜ –daadleeyí | flesh; corpse || ⑶ ḵʼíshaa | fleshing tool made of bone || ⑷ –tóoch | fresh (fish flesh) || ⑸ –x̱ʼéeshi | dried flesh, strips (of fish) || ⑹ –x̱ʼúx̱u | flesh (of fish)
flexible √xwaach
flick √tʼaaxʼ | flick; cut into pieces
flicker kóon | northern flicker
flint ⑴ g̱agaan háatlʼi || ⑵ ín
flippers ⑴ –daa ax̱áayi | flippers (of fish) || ⑵ –geení | tail flippers
float ¹ ⑴ √haash | drift ¹; float ⒜