These are the names of the brave Tlingit speakers who came forward to make recordings for Woosh Een áyá Yoo X̱ʼatudli.átk (we’re talking conversation.)
People who have been recorded as of September 5, 2013.
Adams, Lorraine | Hanlon, Sam | Martin, John |
Anderson, Mary | Hotch, Evelyn | McCluskey, Elizabeth |
Atlin, Winnie | Hotch, Joe | McKinley, Al |
Austin, Lillian | Hotch, Marsha | Pegues, June |
Cadiente, Irene | Jack, Frank, Sr. | Ramos, George |
Calmegene, Ida | Jack, Mabel | Sanders, Larry |
Chester, Hans | James, Norman | Sarabia, Helen |
Cook, Genevieve | Jim, Bessie | Schinkel, Susan |
Cooley, Bessie | Johnson, Daniel | Sheakley, Florence |
Dalton, Deborah | Johnson, Verna | Shorty, Emma |
Dalton, George, Jr. | Johnston, Jimmie | Smarch, Florence |
Dauenhauer, Nora | Katzeek, David | Smarch, Jane |
Davis, George | Katzeek, Smith | Soboleff, Walter |
Demmert, Ruth | Keenan, Pearl | St. Clair, Adeline |
Dutson, Margaret | Lafferty, Anita | Twitchell, Lance |
Everson, Selina | Lampe, Irene | Van Heel, Martha |
Farkas, Lena | Lindoff, Jennie | White, Fred |
Fawcett, William B. | Lord, Nellie | White, Lily |
George, Cyril | Makinen, Ethel | Wright, Anita |
Grant, Ron | Marks, Paul | Zuboff, Alan |
Hanlon, Katie | Martin, Harold |

This project is funded by National Science Foundation Award 853788 under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 209 (Public Law 111-5). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.