Advanced Lingít I – Fall Semester – 2024
We will be meeting using Zoom meeting software. You can access our class by clicking here.
Lingít Woosh Ée Yoo X̱ʼadudli.átk ḵa Sh Tóo Dultóow Gaawú (Lingít Conversation & Study Time). Access by clicking here.
Semester Sentences
Use this Google Sheet to enter your sentences. The first time you start working, find the tab on the bottom of the page that says “Student Name” and then click on the small downward arrow next to that and select “Duplicate” and then change the duplicated page so it has your name on it. That is the sheet you will enter your sentences into for the semester. When we share sentences, we will look at your sheet.
Dís Tlein 09, 2024
Peanuts Lingít X̱ʼéináx̱, verb components, perfective & future modes, verb database, preverb, object, thematic prefix, contraction, ḵu
Resources: Verb database download (zip), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Assignment: listen to the Xóotx̱ X̱ʼayaa Ḵuwdlig̱adi Shaawát story at least four times, read it at least once, and bring a response to the story in Lingít for Monday. You can find the story under Dis Tlein 2=02, 2024.
Dís Tlein 08, 2024
Lingít yoo x̱ʼatángi kadushxeet, x̱ʼaduwóosʼ, building verb themes, common verbs and useful resources, motion verbs, conjugation types, object pronouns, thematic prefixes, Haa Wsineix̱ Haa Yoo X̱ʼatángi
Resources: Verb Component Handbook (draft pdf), Lingít Verb Conjugation (draft pdf), Haa Wsineix̱ Haa Yoo X̱ʼatángi (2nd ed pdf), The Conjugator (pdf), Lingít Reference Guide (pdf), Tlingit Verb Dictionary (pdf), Leer Verb Notes (pdf), notes (pdf), theme building (pdf), chat (txt)
Activity: Read the following sections of the Verb Component Handbook: preverb, object, thematic. Read to page 18 in Lingít Verb Conjugation (Preface & The Tlingit Verb).
Dís Tlein 02, 2024
Shkalneek teen Lingít sh tóo toolóow, Xóotsx̱ X̱ʼayaa Ḵuwdlig̱adi Shaawát, Ḵeixwnéi ḵa Xwaayeenáḵ has du yéi jineiyí, spotting verbs (preverbs and objects)
Resources: Xóotsx̱ X̱ʼayaa Ḵuwdlig̱adi Shaawát (pdf), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Dís Yádi 30, 2024
Shéix̱ʼw Yáx̱ Yateeyi Kʼoodásʼ Yagyeeyí, Jig̱eit Tláa yoo x̱ʼatángi, Aanyalahaash yoo x̱ʼatángi, Shaksháani shkalneegí, advanced verb modes (always [habitual], not yet [negative habitual], before), respect verb and verb themes, words of the master speakers, Visualizing Verbal Structure, Xóotsx̱ X̱ʼayaa Ḵuwdlig̱adi Shaawát
Resources: notes (pdf)
Dís Yádi 25, 2024
Wooch een yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk: Ḵaalḵáawu yoo x̱ʼatángi, at gutu.ádi daat. Át kawdliyeeji át daat yoo x̱ʼagax̱tula.áat. Verb Components: Preverb & Object. Xóotsx̱ X̱ʼayaa Ḵuwdlig̱adi Shaawát
Resources: semester sentences (Google Sheet), Lingít Verb Component Handbook (pdf), Themes (pdf), The Conjugator (pdf), Tlingit Dictionary 2nd ed (pdf), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Dís Yádi 23, 2024
dáa x̱oonxʼí yán, Yéil ḵa Kudatankahídi shkalneek daat yéi jitooné, attributive suffix, preverb
Resources: semester sentences (Google Sheet), Lingít Verb Component Handbook (pdf), Yéil ḵa Kudatankahídi Workbook (pdf), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Assignment: read “Preverb” chapter in Lingít Verb Component Handbook (pdf), write a sentence about each of our animals
nukshiyáan • mink
dáa • ermine
nóoskw • wolverine
kóoshdaa • river otter; land otter
yáxwchʼ • sea otter
kʼóox • marten
sʼigeidí • beaver
x̱alakʼách • porcupine
kanalsʼáak / kalsʼáak • squirrel
sʼaax̱ • marmot
tsálk • arctic ground squirrel
kalsʼáak.uwáa • flying squirrel
kutsʼeen • mouse; rat
kag̱áak • field mouse; vole
tsín • muskrat
g̱áx̱ • rabbit
Dís Yádi 18, 2024
Wooch een yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk: shkalneek daat yéi jiné, aan ká saaxʼú, using verbs (commands and perfective changes in verbs that drop their end consonant), Tlingit Verb Components (preverb & thematic), Yéil ḵa Kudatankahidi Workbook
Resources: Lingít Verb Component Handbook (pdf), Lingít Dictionary 2nd ed (pdf), Leer Verb Notes Reformatted (pdf), Tlingit Verb Dictionary (pdf), Verb Database Download (xml), Noun Database (numbers, excel), The Conjugator (pdf), Kuhaantí Workbook (pdf), Yéil ḵa Kudatankahídi Workbook (pdf), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Advanced Lingít – Dís Yádi 16, 2024
wooch een yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk, shkalneek gaawú, aadé wooch een yéi jigax̱toonéi yé (speaking, listening, grammar, list building), transcription/translation, daa x̱oonxʼí yán, descriptive language, resources, peeling potatoes & oranges & skinning
Resources: Lingít Verb Component Handbook (pdf), Lingít Dictionary 2nd ed (pdf), Leer Verb Notes Reformatted (pdf), Tlingit Verb Dictionary (pdf), Verb Database Download (xml), Noun Database (numbers, excel), The Conjugator (pdf), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Assignment: read “Preverb” chapter in the Lingít Verb Component Handbook by 9/18, watch the video below with Aanyalahaash Sam Johnston by 9/18, and write one descriptive sentence for each of the following related animals by 9/23:
nukshiyáan • mink
dáa • ermine
nóoskw • wolverine
kóoshdaa • river otter; land otter
yáxwchʼ • sea otter
kʼóox • marten
sʼigeidí • beaver
x̱alakʼách • porcupine
kanalsʼáak / kalsʼáak • squirrel
sʼaax̱ • marmot
tsálk • arctic ground squirrel
kalsʼáak.uwáa • flying squirrel
kutsʼeen • mouse; rat
kag̱áak • field mouse; vole
tsín • muskrat
g̱áx̱ • rabbit
Advanced Lingít – Shaa Xeiyí Dísi 27, 2024
G̱unéi wooch een yéi jigax̱toonéi, wáa sá haa yatee, wáa sá at gug̱anéi yá wooch een sh tooltóowu gaaw, haa yéi jineiyí dís xʼúxʼu.
Advanced Lingít I – Spring Semester – 2024
Sándi X̱ʼáak Yoo X̱ʼatánk (Doc, Pages)
Duktʼootlʼ Re-Translate (Pages, Word)
The Conjugator (pdf)
Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi 24, 2024
Wooch een yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk: daa sá yeeyx̱áa yáa yagyee?, Q&A, consecutive & contingent modes (g̱anúgún), in the habit of (awkshitán), Duktʼootlʼ
Handouts: Duktʼootlʼ progress (pdf), Tlingit Short Stories (pdf), Gágiwdul.aat (pdf), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi 22, 2024
tléixʼ wínit x̱ʼakaduneegí, Duktʼootlʼ
Handouts: Shotridge Cards (Google Folder), translation exercises (slideshow), Duktʼootlʼ translation progress (pdf), chat (txt)
Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi 17, 2023
Wooch een yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk, Duktʼootlʼ
Handout: Duktʼootlʼ progress (pdf), chat (txt)
Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi 15, 2024
tléixʼ wínit x̱ʼakaduneek, Duktʼootlʼ
Handouts: one-minute translations (pdf), Duktʼootlʼ progress (pdf), chat (txt)
Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi 10, 2024
Wooch een yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk: gooxʼ sá yéi iyatee? Has du ee latéew x̱áat aadé kei dustʼeix̱ji yé, Alḵáa daakahídi yeexʼ yax̱waadlaaḵ, Themes & Conjugations
Handouts: dialogue exercise 2 (pdf), Has du ee latéew x̱áat aadé kei dustʼeix̱ji yé (draft pdf), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi 08, 2024
Wooch een yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk: ax̱ kéilkʼ wuduwasháa, Duktʼootl.
Handouts: dialogue exercise (pdf), Duktʼootlʼ progress (pdf), chat (txt)
Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi 03, 2024
Woosh kagéidi wtuwasáa: kayaaní, at gutu.ádi, hintak.ádi, tsʼatsʼée. X̱ʼaduwóosʼ, Duktʼootlʼ
Handouts: notes (pdf), Duktʼootlʼ progress (pdf), chat (txt)
Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi 01, 2024
Wooch een yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk: yaaw, g̱áaxʼw, Tsʼootsxán aan káa yéi jiné yahaaxʼu, yei ḵʼeikakg̱walxwéin wé ḵʼeikaxwéin, q&a, Duktʼootlʼ
Assignment: listen to and study the conversation between Ḵaajaakwtí Walter Soboleff and Woochjix̱oo Éesh George Ramos
Handouts: Wooch Een Yoo X̱ʼadudli.átk Project (transcribed & translated recordings by L.Jáaḵk Alice Taff), Tsimshian Seasonal Rounds Posters (Google folder), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Héen Taanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 27, 2024
yoo akayajeek / yoo at kayajeegí shaawát, Duktʼootlʼ daat yéi has jeewanei yá haa shukaadé woogoodi aa, Random Conjugation Generator, hortative, Duktʼootlʼ shkalneegí áwé ḵaa x̱ʼéit wutusi.áx̱, seeing the particles
Note: sample at end should have been this ga-u-g̱a-x̱a-∅-√góot → kuḵagóot
Handouts: Duktʼootlʼ with Ḵeixwnéi notes (pdf), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Héen Taanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 25, 2024
Wooch een yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk: g̱úḵlʼ, X̱ʼaduwóosʼ, Duktʼootlʼ
Handouts: notes (pdf), Duktʼootlʼ progress (pdf), chat (txt)
Héen Taanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 20, 2024
wooch een yoo x̱ʼawtudli.átk: ash koolchʼéitʼaa, x̱ʼaduwóosʼi, Duktʼootlʼ
Handouts: notes (pdf), chat (pdf)
Héen Taanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 18, 2024
wooch een yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk, x̱ʼaduwóosʼ, kawduwatʼálʼi kʼúntsʼ, verb themes & the conjugator
Handouts: Verb Themes (draft pdf), The Conjugator (draft pdf), Lingít Verb Components Handbook (draft pdf), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Héen Taanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 06, 2024
X̱ʼaduwóosʼ gaaw, The Conjugator, √aax̱
Handouts: The Conjugator (draft pdf), Yéil Shkalneekxʼí (pdf, audio), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Héen Taanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 04, 2024
Wooch een yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk yan g̱atsaneiyít wé ḵutí daat wooch een yoo x̱ʼadudli.átgi gaaw káx̱. Wooch een yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk: haa een kananeek ḵutí daat!
Handouts: notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Sʼeek Dísi 29, 2024
Handout: The Conjugator Book (draft, pdf)
Sʼeek Dísi 26, 2024
Áankich káa yéi jiné, x̱ʼaduwóosʼi, repetitive verbs, wooch ítx̱ yoo x̱ʼatánk
Handouts: notes (pdf), Lingít bases and suffixes (slideshow), chat (txt)
Sʼeek Dísi 21, 2024
Áankich káa yéi jiné, x̱ʼaduwóosʼi, repetitive verbs, wooch ítx̱ yoo x̱ʼatánk
Handouts: násʼk jinkaat wooch ítx̱ yoo x̱ʼatánk (pdf), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Sʼeek Dísi 19, 2024
Wooch ée yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk: wáa sá yánde at gag̱isanéi Lingít alʼeix̱í yawdudzixeex káx̱
Handouts: Neechx̱ Yaa Nagút Yéil (draft pdf), The Conjugator (draft text, pdf), Aadé X̱ʼaduwóosʼ Yé (slideshow), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Sʼeek Dísi 14, 2024
Ḵusax̱án Yagyeeyí, Cook, x̱ʼaduwóosʼi, Yaa Daadunéiyi Átg̱aa Ḵudushée, Sándi X̱ʼáak Wooch Ítx̱ Yoo X̱ʼatánk
Handouts: Yéi Daadunéiyi Átg̱aa Ḵudushée (slideshow), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Sʼeek Dísi 12, 2024
Wooch een too x̱ʼatudli.átk: daa sá yéi adaanéi wé atkʼátskʼu?
Handouts: notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Sʼeek Dísi 07, 2024
– jee, –tóog̱aa, hél wáa sá utí, −g̱ei, Beginning Lingít Verbs Expanded, √dléigu
Handouts: Lingít bases & suffixes (slideshow), Beginning Lingít Verbs Expanded (partial slideshow), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Sʼeek Dísi 05, 2024
wooch een yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk: kei wdudziwadi át ḵa ḵaa daat at gutu.ádi, daa sá haa eex̱ gux̱dashée
Assignment: read “The Perfective” document below and be prepared to practice putting the perfective (+) verb together. Try all of the exercises without looking at the answers!
Handouts: The Perfective (draft chapter pdf), chat (txt)
Tʼaawáḵ Dísi 31, 2024
Lingít Hél Yeewooyáatʼi Shkalneek: Gáng̱aa Yaa Anagút, The Conjugator, Prefix Contraction Basics
Handouts: Tlingit Short Stories (pdf), The Conjugator (slideshow), Prefix Contraction Basics (slideshow), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Tʼaawáḵ Dísi 29, 2024
Wooch een yoo x̱ʼadudli.átk: daa sáwé kg̱isa.ée? Aadé yéi jigax̱toonéi yé
Handouts (for next class): Lingít Verb Conjugation: An Interactive Look At Verbs (draft, pdf), Prefix Contraction Basics (slideshow), The Conjugator (slideshow), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Tʼaawáḵ Dísi 24, 2024
Wooch een yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk, x̱ʼaduwóosʼi, yéi daadunéiyi átg̱aa ḵudushée, yánde dusneiyí át tléixʼ yagyee yís
Handouts: Yéi Daadunéiyi Átg̱aa Ḵudushée (slideshow), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Tʼaawáḵ Dísi 22, 2024
Wooch een yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk, G̱agaan Kei Naxíxi, Haa (Shkaháadi) Nadáagu, nadáakw yaax̱ wooch een yoo x̱ʼadudli.átk
Handouts: G̱agaan Kei Naxíxi (slideshow), chat (txt)
Advanced Lingít I – Fall Semester – 2023
We will be meeting using Zoom meeting software. You can access our class by clicking here.
Lingít Woosh Ée Yoo X̱ʼadudli.átk ḵa Sh Tóo Dultóow Gaawú (Lingít Conversation & Study Time). Access by clicking here.
Listen to the following audio clip. It will be divided into three parts. You will select one of the parts and write the Lingít that you are hearing and translate it. Listening during week of 10/7, four parts will be available by 10/9, and we will begin going over the parts by 10/30.
Jimmy Johnson
Audio & ELAN files:
Make sure to save wave audio file and ELAN file in the same location. They should be linked. If the link is broken, in ELAN, go “Edit” and then “Linked Files” and then “Update” and then find the file. Let me know if you have any questions.
Recording 1 (Lingít Atx̱aayí): wave audio, ELAN file
Recording 1 (Aan G̱alaḵú): wave audio, ELAN file
Recording 2 (Kéet Góoni): wave audio, ELAN file
Shaanáx̱ Dís 06, 2023
at yahaayí daat wooch een yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk, q&a, empty bases, chʼa / chʼu, perfective & future
Handouts: Lingít Bases & Suffixes (slideshow), Conjugation Party Revised! (slideshow), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Shaanáx̱ Dís 04, 2023
at yahaayí daat wooch een yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk, x̱aat daashagóon, verb prefix conjugations
Handouts: Prefix Contraction Basics (slideshow), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Ḵukahaa Dís 27, 2023
Góon Yáx̱ Yatee Shax̱aawú, Ḵaa Toowú Dultʼeix̱ Yoo X̱ʼatánk, command forms and verb themes
Handouts: Visualizing Verbal Structure (slideshow), Prefix Contraction Basics (slideshow), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Ḵukahaa Dís 20, 2023
Ḵutí, Dleit, √oox / √sʼees / √nook, keit / yeit, conjugation prefixes, & contraction Jimmy Johnson yoo x̱ʼatángi, –ká (-dax̱, -de, -náx̱, -wu, -t, -xʼ, -x̱)
Handouts: Advanced Lingít Review (slideshow), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Ḵukahaa Dís 15, 2023
Haa Chʼáagu Ḵáaxʼu, adoption, daak / daaḵ, Ḵeedáx̱, verbal nouns and nouns as verb roots
Handouts: notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Ḵukahaa Dís 13, 2023
aadé yoo x̱ʼaduwatánk yé, x̱ʼaduwóosʼi, Jimmy Johnson x̱ʼéitx̱ kawtushixít ḵa x̱ʼakawtuwaneek
Handouts: notes (pdf), chat (txt), new words list (pdf)
Ḵukahaa Dís 08, 2023
Dene aaní, aadé Lingít yoo x̱ʼatángi ḵaa x̱ʼéit kawdujixídi yé, at káa daak ḵuseiwaháa / a kát ḵuseiwaxʼáḵw, Jimmy Johnson: Kéet Góoni
Handouts: notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Ḵukahaa Dís 06, 2023
wooch een yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk, x̱ʼaduwóosʼi, Jimmy Johnson yoo x̱ʼatángi
Handouts: notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Ḵukahaa Dís 01, 2023
aadé kadushxeet yé Lingít yoo x̱ʼatángi ḵa aadé x̱ʼakaduneek yé. Kéet Góoni ḵa Aan G̱alaḵú shkalneek.
Handouts: notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Dís Tlein 30, 2023
ELAN, Jimmy Johnson yoo x̱ʼatángi: Lingít atx̱aayí & aan g̱alaḵú
Handouts: notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Dís Tlein 25, 2023
Combined class. Learning techniques, weather, translating dialogue
Dís Tlein 23, 2023
wooch een yoo x̱ʼadudli.átk, aadé x̱ʼakadunéek yé, aadé haa yoo x̱ʼatángi kadushxeet yé, conjugation
Handouts: Prefix Conjugation Basics (slideshow), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Dís Tlein 18, 2023
Jimmy Johnson narratives: 1, 2, 3. Midterm work, ELAN, transcription, translation. Verb prefix conjugation basics.
Handouts: Prefix Conjugation Basics (slideshow), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Dís Tlein 16, 2023
Kuhaantí, Yéil ḵa Kudatankahídi, Yéil ḵa Aasdaakʼóox̱ʼu, naaléi & naaséi, Shotdridge xʼúxʼu, aadé x̱ʼaduwóosʼ yé, tlákw yagyee wooch een x̱ʼadudli.átgi
Handouts: Shotridge cards (pdf), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Dís Tlein 11, 2023
Xʼáaxʼ Tlein, Shukát Ḵu.oo Tlʼátgi has du jeedé ḵúx̱de gax̱dutée, √dlégu, chʼa tlákw / chʼa tleix̱, Lingít prefix contractions
Handouts: Prefix Conjugation Basics (slideshow), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Dís Tlein 09, 2023
Shukát Ḵu.oo Yagyeeyí, L.uushikʼéiyi Ḵaa (Yagyeeyí), Saháan shkalneegí daat yéi jiné
Handouts: Leer Verb Notes Reformatted (pdf, pages, word), Kuhaantí translation worksheet (pages, word), notes (pdf), chat (txt), Kuhaantí word list (numbers, excel)
Dís Tlein 04, 2023
náakw daat wooch een yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk, hél wuduskoowú shkalneeek, x̱ʼaduwóosʼ, verb prefix contractions
Handouts: Prefix Contraction Basics (slideshow), Conjugator (slideshow)
Dís Tlein 02, 2023
Wooch een yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk, at shí shkalneek, yées shkalneek xʼúxʼu, haa shgóon yéi jineiyí, x̱ʼaduwóosʼ, prefixes
Yéi Jiné: using the following list of words, assemble as many sentences as you can while using each word on the list only once. These are all of the words from a story (donʼt look it up!) but try and put together as much of a story as you can and we will see what we come up with over the next few classes. Word List!
Handouts: chat (txt)
Dís Yádi 20, 2023
Wáa sá yatee haa yéi jineiyí? Postpositional pronouns, peg vowels, x̱ʼaduwóosʼ, √neek, verb theme, transitivity, motion verb madness
Handouts: notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Dís Yádi 18, 2023
daa sá haa ée wdudlitóow, haa yoo x̱ʼatangi tóot aayí, -keit ~ -yeit
Handouts: notes (pdf), Lingít Verb Components Handbook (draft pdf), Lingít Component Activities (pdf, pages, word), Lingít Components Chart (numbers, excel), chat (txt)
Dís Yádi 13, 2023
yeis, ḵu.éexʼ, tléixʼ aa haa ée wdudlitóowu át Lingít yoo x̱ʼatángi daat, aadé woosht kadujél yé haa yoo x̱ʼatángi.
Handouts: notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Dís Yádi 11, 2023
dáa x̱oonxʼí yán, aadé haa yoo x̱ʼatángi xʼúxʼu kadultín yé, haa yéi jineiyí
Yéi Jiné Dís Yádi 13:
- In English, tell us something you learned in Lingít and tell us who you learned it from and why itʼs important to you
- In English, talk about how you hope this semester goes and what will help you learn
- In Lingít, say something in closing for this moment.
Handouts: review (slideshow), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Dís Yádi 06, 2023
Ḵaakligé, Tsʼatsʼée daat yoo x̱ʼatángi, aadé wooch een yéi jitooné yé
Shaa Xeiyí Dísi 28, 2023
Aadé g̱unéi wooch een yéi jigax̱toonéi yé, g̱unéi yakg̱waxéex wé shgóon yéi jineiyí.
Handouts: syllabus (pdf), ḵux̱ wutudi.át haa yoo x̱ʼatángi x̱oox̱ (slideshow pt 1), chat (txt)
Shaa Xeiyí Dísi 30, 2023
haa éet has g̱adashee wé átkʼ aheení, chush daat yoo x̱ʼatul.átgi
Handouts: notes (Google Doc), chat (txt)