Haa Wsineix̱ Haa Yoo X̱ ʼatángi: Our Language Saved Us (2nd edition)
by X̱ʼunei (January 16, 2016)
Tlingit Reference Guide: Verbs, Grammar, Concepts by X̱ʼunei
Tlingit Verb Database updated webpage (downloadable zip file) by Keri Eggleston • Project webpage
Leer Noun list: noun-database-combined-alphabetical (numbers), noun-database-combined-alphabetical (excel), noun-list (html)
Additional Learning Materials:
Introduction to Tlingit Verbs slideshow by Éedaa ḵa X̱ʼunei
Tlingit Noun Suffixes Slideshow by X̱ʼunei
Tlingit Location & Direction Slideshow by X̱ʼunei
Tlingit Adjectives & Adverbs gathered by X̱ʼunei
Tlingit Body, Plant, & Land Parts gathered by X̱ʼunei
Verb Conjugation Slideshow created by X̱ʼunei & Kaxwaan Éesh George Davis
Intermediate Tlingit 2012 (draft) by Nora & Richard Dauenhauer, et al.
575 Tlingit Verbs by X̱ʼaagí Sháawu Keri Eggleston and Goldbelt Heritage Foundation
Continuing Verb Documentation by X̱ʼaagí Sháawu Keri Eggleston
Verbal Structure Handbook by Dzéiwsh James Crippen
Verbal Structure Handbook (booklet) by Dzéiwsh James Crippen
Gágiwdul.àt (Gagi Wdul.aat): Brought Forth to Reconfirm the Legacy of a Taku River Tlingit Clan by Elizabeth Nyman and Jeff Leer
Du G̱oojee Yeenaa-dei A Tlingit Language Workshop Reader by the Tlingit Language Workshop at Sheldon Jackson College (Ḵeixwnéi Nora Marks Florendo, Gulʼguyéil Dick Dauenhauer, Yeidiklatsʼúḵk Rosita Worl, Yeilkunéi Jeff Leer)