Lingít Oral Literature

Spring Semester, 2025

Course syllabus

We will be meeting using Zoom meeting software. You can access our class by clicking here.

This page is designed to help students and followers of the class, Advanced Lingít at the University of Alaska Southeast. Classes can be viewed here on YouTube and the handouts for the class are listed below the date.

For beginning resources, please purchase and/or download the following items:

Beginning Tlingit Workbook (2nd edition) by X̱ʼunei
Tlingit Dictionary (current draft) by X̱ʼunei
Tlingit Verb Dictionary (yellow dictionary) by Gillian L. Story and Constance M. Naish
Lingít X̱ʼéináx̱ Sá (a Lingít phrasebook) by Nora Marks Dauenhauer and Richard Dauenhauer

Also, please bookmark or download the Tlingit Verb Database updated webpage by Keri Eggleston • Project webpage

For intermediate resources, please purchase and/or download the following items:

Haa Wsineix̱ Haa Yoo X̱ʼatángi (a grammar of Lingít for intermediate learners) by X̱ʼunei
Tlingit Reference Guide (a handbook for using verbs) by X̱ʼunei

Haa Shuka (Lingít Oral Literature) by Nora Marks Dauenhauer and Richard Dauenhauer
Haa Tuwunáagu Yís (Lingít Ḵu.éexʼ Speeches) by Nora Marks Dauenhauer and Richard Dauenhauer

For advanced resources, please purchase and/or download the following items:

Tlingit Stem List (a list of Lingít verb stems) by Jeff Leer
Tlingit Verbs Notes (handwritten notes on Lingít verbs) by Jeff Leer
Verbal Structure Handbook (a collection of tables to interpret and assemble verbs) by James Crippen

Lingít Ḵaa X̱ʼéit Kadushxeedí

Ḵeixwnéi ḵa Xwaayeenáḵ Ḵaa X̱ʼéit Has Akawshixít Ḵóok

de Laguna Yéi Jineiyí

Lingít Ḵuyawdahaayí

Additional Resources

Old Texts for Retype & Translation

Lingít Ḵaa X̱ʼéit Kadushxeedí

Dauenhauer Finding Guide (pdf, pages, doc)

Ḵeixwnéi ḵa Xwaayeenáḵ Ḵaa X̱ʼéit Has Akawshixídi Ḵóok

Lingít Ḵuyawdahaayí

Kux̱aanguwutaan Ḵaa X̱ʼéit Akawshixídi Ḵóoḵ

Additional Course Documents:

The main texts we use are Haa Shuká: Our Ancestors, Haa Tuwunáagu Yís: For Our Healing Spirit, Gágiwduł.àt: Brought Forth to Reconfirm the Legacy of a Taku River Tlingit Clan, and Anóoshi Lingít Aaní Ká: Russians in Tlingit America. We will reference other texts, including Verbal Structure Handbook & Tlingitology Seminar by Dzéiwsh James Crippen, and the 575 Tlingit Verbs dissertation & 575 Tlingit Verbs: the Paradigms by Keri Eggleston.

Tlingit Curriculum Shared Folder

Students should look at other Lingít language resources, which can be found on the Resources tab of this website.


Transcription & Translation Project
To aid in our ability to hear Lingít and to understand what is going to be said, we are going to be working on a transcription & translation of a story that was told by Kaaxwaan Éesh George Davis. Please try to complete two minutes each week, and we will go over our work on Thursdays and talk about what we are learning. Try to reach the 2:00 mark by Thursday, Sʼeek Dísi 13.

Project Files: elan file (eaf), video file (mov), audio file (wav)

Sʼeek Dísi 13, 2025
Haa Tuwunáagu Yís – Ách áwé yee x̱ʼatulitseen: Kichnáalx̱, Keewaax̱.awtseix̱ G̱uwakaan, Tóokʼ, Ḵeiḵóokʼ

Resources: HTY narratives only (pdf), chat (txt)

Assignment: review the speeches from this evening and bring in some language that you would like to ask about or to show us, and then be prepared to read one of the speeches from the first section of the book Haa Tuwunáagu Yís that we have not yet listened to.

Kichnáalx̱ (1)

Kichnáalx̱ (1)

Keewaax̱.awtseix̱ G̱uwakaan

Keewaax̱.awtseix̱ G̱uwakaan

Kichnáalx̱ (1.5)

Kichnáalx̱ (1.5)

Kichnáalx̱ (1.75)

Kichnáalx̱ (1.75)



Kincháalx̱ (2)

Kincháalx̱ (2)



Lingít Oral Lit – Sʼeek Dísi 11, 2025
Haa Tuwunáagu Yís: Keet Yaanaayí, Naa Tláa.

Resources: HTY narratives only (pdf), notes (pdf), chat (txt)

Keet Yaanaayí

Naa Tláa

Sʼeek Dísi 06, 2025
Kaxwaan Éesh haa een sh kawdlineek, aadé yéi jigax̱toonéi yé wé shkalneek, Goox̱kʼ Sákw

Handouts: Goox̱kʼ Sákw (pdf), chat (txt)

Sʼeek Dísi 04, 2025
Skhalneek daat: Xóotsx̱ X̱ʼayaa Ḵuwdlig̱adi Shaawát, Kaatsʼ, Gusʼkʼiḵwáan. Haa yéi jineiyí.

Resources: Haa Shuká (narratives only), Shkalneek Folder (Google folder), Haa Shuká folder (Google folder), chat (txt)

Tʼaawáḵ Dísi 30, 2025t’aayawduwaḵaayi át áyá!
Tlél woosh kaanáx̱ kei gax̱tuda.aat. Wé shkalneek kʼidéin át sa.áx̱ ḵá natóow!


Glacier Bay (Kooteen)

Glacier Bay (Ḵaasgéiy)


Tʼaawáḵ Dísi 28, 2025
Xóotsx̱ X̱ʼayaa Ḵuwdlig̱adi Shaawát Yéil Naawú x̱ʼéidáx̱ ḵa Naakil.aan x̱ʼéidáx̱.

Tʼaawáḵ Dísi 23, 2025
aadé x̱ʼakaduneek yé, Duktʼootlʼ, a eetí aa sándi x̱ʼáak

Resources: notes (pages, word, pdf), chat (txt)

Tʼaawáḵ Dísi 21, 2025
Shaadaaxʼ: Ḵákʼw ḵa Táaxʼaa

Tʼaawáḵ Dísi 16, 2025
ḵaa yáx̱ ayawdudlix̱ʼéyx̱, aadé wooch een yéi jigax̱toonéi yé, ḵaa ée dultóow at kuna.áaḵw xʼúxʼ, wáa sá at gug̱awané

Assignment: translate the following lines (note a missing line was added to the first quote)

Á áyá a daa yoo tux̱atángi áyá, hás,
chʼu chʼáagudáx̱ áa yéi s teeyí,
has du een gé yá woochdáx̱ haa wusdaag̱éen.
Yéi áyá a daa yoo tux̱atángi nooch.
Ách áyá Éilʼ Kát haa kawdiyaa,
uháan ḵu.aa.
– Shaadaaxʼ

Yéil éeshx̱ wusitee, Láx̱ʼ,
yú té yú shaawát x̱ʼéide akawuṉáayi
yátx̱ wusteeyích áwé.
Aatx̱ ḵug̱astée áwé du ÿádi
tle noow yáx̱ gíwé wootee wé Yéil ḵu.aa, 
yá lingitʼaaní awliyex̱i Yéil. 
– Kaasgéiy

Resources: Next week we will cover the following narratives from Haa Shuká: Robert Zuboff, Basket Bay History • Robert Zuboff, Mosquito • Frank Johnson, Strong Man • Tom Peters, The Woman Who Married the Bear • Frank Dick, Sr., The Woman Who Married the Bear • J. B. Fawcett, Kaatsʼ


Robert Zuboff, Basket Bay History

Robert Zuboff, Basket Bay History

Robert Zuboff, Mosquito

Robert Zuboff, Mosquito

Frank Johnson, Strong Man

Frank Johnson, Strong Man

Tom Peters, The Woman Who Married the Bear

Tom Peters, The Woman Who Married the Bear

Frank Dick, Sr., The Woman Who Married the Bear

Frank Dick, Sr., The Woman Who Married the Bear

J. B. Fawcett, Kaatsʼ

J. B. Fawcett, Kaatsʼ

Fall Semester, 2022

Assignment: review the two texts for Battle of Sitka, and find 2 sentences or short passages that you want to share because they are tlax̱ yakʼéi, and two that you want to learn more about because you donʼt understand how it works. Be prepared to say why you chose them and to engage with others.

Shaanáx̱ Dís 02, 2022
Yéil Ḵutlaakw: Ḵuchein, Kaasgéiy,

Handouts: Raven Book (draft)


Ḵuchein Frank Italio
Raven 1
FI Raven Cycle 2 APSdigrec_0627 cleanup_01 (Yéil ḵá Yáay)
APSdigrec_1016_edit (Yéil Ḵutlaakw)

Kaasgéiy Susie James

Daanaawaaḵ Austin Hammond
01 Raven & Fog

Ḵukaháa Dís 18, 2022
Kuháankʼi (x̱ʼakawtuwaneek) Seidayaa x̱ʼéidáx̱ Tlʼanaxéedáḵw

Handouts: Kuháankʼi (Pages, Word), Nyman retypes, Nyman audio, Nyman video, chat (txt)

Ḵukahaa Dís 04, 2022
Át ḵunateení ḵoo at latóowu, daaxʼoon shkalneek Aanyalahaash x̱ʼéidáx̱. A katʼóot yéi jiné.

Midterm Assignment: Daaxʼoon shkalneek daat yéi jiné (pages, word). Audio files: Xeitl, Yéil ḵa Kʼákw, Wuliteeshi Ḵáa ḵa Kéidladi, L Ḵushtéeni Ḵáa ḵa Kag̱eet. Ldakát wé xʼúxʼ, ldakát wé duwa.áx̱ji át

Handouts: chat (txt)

Dís Tlein 28, 2022
Anóoshi Lingít Aaní Káa

Handouts: Battle of Sitka (pdf), Lingít Shkalneegí Haa Yátx’i Kagéiyi Yís (pdf) chat (txt)

Dís Tlein 14, 2022
Because We Cherish You

Handouts: chat (txt)

Dís Tlein 07, 2022
Haa Tuwunáagu Yís

Handouts: notes (pdf), chat (txt), Because We Cherish You (folder), Naa Tláa (mp3, wav)

Dís Yádi 30, 2022
Kaatsʼ, Yéil Yaagu, Anóoshi, Gusʼkʼiḵwáan, Haa Tuwunáagu Yís

Handouts: Shkalneek ḵóok, notes (pdf), chat (txt)

Dís Yádi 23, 2022
Woosh ée yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk, Naatsilanéi, Sitʼ Ḵaa Káx̱ Kana.áa

Handouts: chat (txt)

Dís Yádi 16, 2022
Ḵaakéxʼwti, Xóots X̱ʼayaaḵuwdlig̱adi Shaawát

Handouts: chat (txt)

Dís Yádi 09, 2022

Resources: Ḵákw & Éilʼ Kát Haa Kawdiyaa (pdf, word, pages), Táaxʼaa: grammar slideshow (pdf, keynote, powerpoint), Táaxʼaa (pdf), Duktʼootlʼ (pdf), Ḵaaʼachgóok (pdf)

Audio files:

Ḵákw & Éilʼ Kát Haa Kawdiyaa audio

Ḵákw & Éilʼ Kát Haa Kawdiyaa


Táaxʼaa Audio



Duktʼootlʼ Audio


Dís Yádi 02, 2022

Resources: class notes

Spring Semester, 2019

We will be meeting using Zoom meeting software. You can access our class by clicking here.


Class Folder (recordings, notes, etc)

Text Retype Workflow

Tlingit Curriculum Shared Folder

Tlingit Videos

Woosh Een áyá Yoo X̱ʼatudli.átk (Tlingit Conversation Documentation Project, 2007-2013)

Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi 27 (latín!)
Hóochʼi yéi jineiyí.

Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi 24 (latín!)
Yéil Shkalneek, yoo x̱ʼatánk, chʼa daa sá

Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi 22 (latín!)
Haa yéi jineiyí, Yéil shkalneek, woosh daséixʼán

Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi 17 (latín!)
Haa yéi jineiyí, ELAN, x̱ʼakaduneegi, Naaxein kadudzineiyí ḵaa jeet wuduwatee, Yéil Shkalneek
haa jeet wuduwateeyí aa: 16 austin hammond

Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi 15 (latín!)
Yéil Shkalneek: Yaneekee x̱ʼéidáx̱, Ḵuchéin x̱ʼéidáx̱
haa jeet wuduwateeyí aa: 02 frank italio, notes-05

Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi 10 (latín!)
ELAN, aadé kadujixídi yé, Ḵeixwnéi x̱ʼéidáx̱ shkalneek, Kaasgéiy x̱ʼéidáx̱ shkalneek
haa jeet wuduwateeyí aa: 08 charlie white, 19 sam johnston

Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi 08 (latín)
Át Ḵuduteení, Yéil Ḵutlaakw ḵa Yéil Shkalneek, Kaasgéi x̱ʼéidáx̱ Yéil Ḵutlaakw
haa jeet wuduwateeyí aa: notes-03

Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi 03
Kaasgéiy Susie James Yéil Ḵutláakw: 03 Susie James (pdf)

Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi 01 (latín!)
haa yéi jineiyí (násʼk), woosh een yoo x̱ʼawtuli.áat, Yéil shkalneegí

Héen Taanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 27 (latín!)
haa yéi jineiyí (déix̱), motion verbs

Héen Taanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 25 (latín!)
haa yéi jineiyí (tléixʼ)

Héen Taanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 20 (latín!)
Seidayaa Du Ḵusteeyí Daat Sh Kalneek
haa jeet wuduwateeyí aa: Seidayaa Du Ḵusteeyí Daat Sh Kalneek pt. 12

Héen Taanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 18 (latín!)
Language Questions
haa jeet wuduwateeyí aa: notes-02


Héen Taanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 6 (latín!)
Woosh yoo x̱ʼadudli.átk, Tlʼanaxéedáḵw, Seidayaa x̱’éidáx̱ shkalneek.

Héen Taanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 4 (latín)
Tlʼanaxéedáḵw, Seidayaa x̱’éidáx̱ sh kalneek.

Sʼeek Disi 27 (latín!)
Ḵaax̱ʼachgóok, yoo x̱ʼatángi daat (dleit ḵaa x̱ʼéináx̱), Ḵudziteeyi Át Ḵulagaawú
haa jeet wuduwateeyí aa: Ḵudziteeyi Át Ḵulagaawú (corrected), Verb Perfective (slideshow)

Sʼeek Dísi 25 (latín!)
Haa yéi jineiyí, Ḵaax̱ʼachgóok. Yee x̱ʼax̱wawóosʼ:
• Daa sá wéitʼaa: de [verb], desgwách [verb]?
• Daa sá wéitʼaa (verb tóoxʼ): dag̱-/dax̱- ?
• Daa sá wéitʼaa: adux̱áa ḵa dux̱áa
haa jeet wuduwateeyí aa: Dauenhauer 2009 scatic categories

Sʼeek Dísi 20 (latín!)
hél woosh kaanáx̱ wutuda.aat tliyatgé, ḵu.aa wé ḵaankageetxʼ yoo x̱ʼatángi latín (yáatʼaa ḵa yáatʼaa). yá yakyee gwál Seidayaa shkalneekxʼí gax̱tulatóow. Course check-in, translation work, speaking, Q&A.
haa jeet wuduteeyí aa: Ḵudziteeyi Át Ḵulagaawú, Seidayaa x̱ʼéidáx̱, Tlʼanaxéedáḵw

Sʼeek Dísi 13 (latín!)
wooch een yoo x̱ʼawtuli.át, gaaw/yax̱ ḵuhá/yakyee/dís/táakw, aadé g̱unéi sh kadulneegi yé
haa jeet duteeyí aa: tlingit-time

Sʼeek Dísi 11 (latín!)
haa yéi jineiyí, Naatsinaléi, aadé kadushxeedi yé, aadé x̱ʼakaduḵaayi yé
haa jeet duteeyí aa:visualizing_verbal_structure

Sʼeek Dísi 6 (latín!)
Ḵaajaaḵwtí yoo x̱ʼatángi, Xóotsx̱ X̱ʼayaa Ḵuwdlig̱ádi Shaawát, haa yéi jineiyí, chʼáagudáx̱ xʼúxʼ tsu kagax̱duldáalʼ
haa jeet duteeyí aa: tlingit-studycard-verbs (updated), chʼáagudáx̱ xʼúxʼSoboleff-excerpt

Xóotsx̱ X̱ʼayaa Ḵuwdlig̱ádi Shaawát (Yeilnaawú x̱ʼéidáx̱)

Kaatsʼ (Tseexwáa x̱ʼéidáx̱)

Sʼeek Dísi 4 (latín!)
Xóotsx̱ X̱ʼayaa Ḵuwdlig̱ádi Shaawát, haa yéi jineiyí, Aotearoa.

Tʼaawáḵ Dísi 30 (latín!)
wáa sá sh tóo tultóow, haa yéi jineiyí, táaxʼaa, shkalneek, haa ḵusteeyí
haa dultíni át: Táaxʼaa, Táaxʼaa ḵa Deisheetaan Has Wuligásʼ
haa jeet duteeyí aa:

Táaxʼaa • Shaadaaxʼ x̱ʼéidáx̱

Tʼaawáḵ Dísi 28 (latín!)
Ḵákʼw, Duktʼootlʼ, Shaadaaxʼ, Ḵaalḵáawu, Táakw Kʼwátʼi, yax̱ at g̱akú, shkalneek, wáang̱aneens tlél ḵaa jeet ookéetʼích, kʼáatlʼ.
haa jeet duteeyí aa:

Ḵákʼw (As in Haa Shuká • Shaadaaxʼx̱ʼéidáx̱)

Ḵákʼw_&_Duktʼootlʼ • Shaadaaxʼx̱ʼéidáx̱

Duktʼootlʼ • Táakw Kʼwátʼi x̱ʼéidáx̱

Duktʼootlʼ • Ḵeixwnéi x̱ʼéidáx̱

Tʼaawáḵ Dísi 23 (latín!)
sh wudusáakw, Ḵákʼw, haa yéi jineiyí daat
Handout: notes-01

Tʼaawáḵ Dísi 16 (latín!)
sh wuduwasáakw, shkalneek daat yoo x̱ʼatánk, haa yéi jineiyí, ḵoon ḵunáax̱ daak kaaduwaník, haa at kuna.áag̱u
Handout:Dauenhauer Collection Finding Guide,

Tʼaawáḵ Dísi 14 (latín!)
sh wutudisáakw, táakw dulsáayi daat yoo x̱ʼawtuli.át, haa táakw shoowú yéi jineiyí, x̱ʼakadunéek, shkalneek, ELAN, ḵa daa sá.

Tlingit Oral Literature – Fall Semester, 2015

November 30, 2015
Handout: battle-of-sitka
Content: Geesh G̱eey (Watch on Youtube), Battle of Sitka, Nyman

November 23, 2015
Handout: Nyman1 Nyman2 Nyman3 Nyman4 Nyman5 Nyman6
Content: Yéil Ḵutláakw,

November 16, 2015 (watch class)
Handout: 06-01 SJ Raven & Uncle – final, 06-02 SJ Raven makes Aleutians – final, 06-03 SJ Raven & Fire – final, 06-04 SJ Raven & Salmon Box – final, 06-05 SJ Raven & Tide Lady – final, 06-06 SJ Raven & Blueberries – final, 06-07 SJ Raven Hosts Potlatch – final06-08 SJ Raven & Killerwhales – final, 06-09 SJ Raven & Whale – final, 06-10 SJ Raven Loses Nose – final, 06-11 SJ Raven & Daylight – final
SJ Yéil Ḵutláakw (mp3)
Content: Yéil Ḵutláakw

November 9, 2015 (watch class)
Content: “mid term” presentations!

November 2, 2015 (watch class)
Handout: Nyman1, Nyman2
Content: Haa Tuwunáagu Yís, Gági Wdul.aat

October 26, 2015 (watch class)
Handout: packet-6,
Content: Because We Cherish You, Haa Tuwunáagu Yís

October 19, 2015 (watch class)
Handout: porcupine & beaver story
Beaver and Porcupine

Content: Comprehension Exercise, Haa Tuwnáagu Yís, class plan

October 12, 2015 (watch class)
Handout: packet-5
Content: Haa Tuwunáagu Yís

October 5, 2015 (watch class)
Handout: packet-4
Content: Haa Tuwunáagu Yís
Handouts: packet-4a, packet-4

September 28, 2015 (watch class)
Handout: packet-2, packet-3
Content: Adverbs, Adjectives, Haa Shuká …

September 21, 2015 (watch class)
Handout: adjectives & adverbs
Content: Adverbs, Adjectives, Haa Shuká …

September 14, 2015 (watch class)
Handout: packet-1, Verbal Structure Handbook, Tlingit Verbal Structure Template, Listen: The Education of Nora DauenhauerDauenhauer Collection Finding Guide
Content: guest speaker, course methodology, immersion methods, language structure, Lingít shkalneegí

August 31, 2015 (watch class)
Introductions, class overview, topics for immersion
Handouts: AKL 350 Syllabus
Content: Introductions, immersion methods