This page is designed to help students and followers of Intermediate Tlingit at the University of Alaska Southeast. Classes can be viewed here on YouTube and the handouts for the class are listed below the date.
For beginning resources, please purchase and/or download the following items:
Beginning Tlingit Workbook (2nd edition) by X̱ʼunei
Tlingit Dictionary (current draft) by X̱ʼunei
Tlingit Verb Dictionary (yellow dictionary) by Gillian L. Story and Constance M. Naish
Lingít X̱ʼéináx̱ Sá (a Lingít phrasebook) by Nora Marks Dauenhauer and Richard Dauenhauer
Also, please bookmark or download the Tlingit Verb Database updated webpage by Keri Eggleston • Project webpage
For intermediate resources, please purchase and/or download the following items:
Haa Wsineix̱ Haa Yoo X̱ʼatángi (a grammar of Lingít for intermediate learners) by X̱ʼunei
Tlingit Reference Guide (a handbook for using verbs) by X̱ʼunei
Haa Shuka (Lingít Oral Literature) by Nora Marks Dauenhauer and Richard Dauenhauer
Haa Tuwunáagu Yís (Lingít Ḵu.éexʼ Speeches) by Nora Marks Dauenhauer and Richard Dauenhauer
Leer Noun list: noun-database-combined-alphabetical (numbers), noun-database-combined-alphabetical (excel), noun-list (html)
For advanced resources, please purchase and/or download the following items:
Tlingit Stem List (a list of Lingít verb stems) by Jeff Leer
Tlingit Verbs Notes (handwritten notes on Lingít verbs) by Jeff Leer
Verbal Structure Handbook (a collection of tables to interpret and assemble verbs) by James Crippen
Lingít Conversation Videos (webpage)
Intermediate Tlingit II – Spring Semester 2024
We will be meeting using Zoom meeting software. You can access our class by clicking here.
Lingít Woosh Ée Yoo X̱ʼadudli.átk ḵa Sh Tóo Dultóow Gaawú (Lingít Conversation & Study Time). Access by clicking here.
Course Syllabus & Calendar:
AKL 206 Syllabus • SYLLABUS UPDATE: final class meeting is Apr 30 5:30
Semester Sentences (Doc, Pages)
Translate all possible words in Táaxʼaa. The Lingít is typed and a translation is already provided. Your work is to translate all of the words in the story and make sure you understand how most things are working in it.
The Conjugator (pdf)
Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi 25, 2024
Wooch een yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk: haa yéi jineiyí, haa shkalneekxʼí; being busy, tone of voice, Yéil ḵa Kudatankahídi … semester finale.
Handouts: Yéil ḵa Kudatankahídi progress (slideshow), notes (pdf), Lingít Shkalneegí Haa Yátxʼi Yís Workbook (draft pdf)
Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísis 23, 2024
x̱ʼakawtuwaneek, components & conjugation, perfective decessive, Yéil ḵa Kudatankahídi
Handouts: translations (slideshow), notes (pdf), Yéil ḵa Kudatankahídi progress (slideshow), Adjectives and Adverbs (pdf), chat (txt)
Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi 18, 2024
Táaxʼaa (yan yéi jiwtuwanei!)
Handouts: Táaxʼaa translation (pdf), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi 16, 2024
1: Wooch een yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk, Táaxʼaa
2: The Classifier, Táaxʼaa
Handouts: Táaxʼaa progress (pdf), Visualizing Verbal Structure (slideshow), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi 09, 2024
Handouts: Táaxʼaa progress (pdf), notes (pdf), The Conjugator (pdf), Themes (pdf), Lingít Conversation Videos (webpage), chat (txt)
Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi 04, 2024
Wooch een yoo x̱ʼatoodli.átk: tsʼatsʼée daat, Yéil ḵa G̱anook, Táaxʼaa
Handouts: Táaxʼaa translation progress (pdf), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi 02, 2024
Kayaaní gax̱toosáa, Q&A, Táaxʼaa
Handouts: Táaxʼaa translation progress (pdf), notes (pdf)
Héen Taanáx̱ Kayaaní 28, 2024
Wooch een yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk: Áakʼw Tá Hít, Áakʼw Ḵwáan Aaní káa saaxʼú, back to salmon school!, Táaxʼaa
Handouts: Táaxʼaa Stage 01 (slideshow), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Héen Taanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 26, 2024
Wooch een yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk: wáa sá iyatee? g̱úḵlʼ daat ḵa wooch een ḵulagaawu dzískʼw. Táaxʼaa daa yéi jiwtuwanei.
Handouts: Táaxʼaa translation progress (pdf), notes (pdf), The Conjugator (pdf), chat (txt)
Héen Taanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 21, 2024
Wooch een yoo x̱ʼatutli.átk: taakw.eetít ḵuwaháa, Táaxʼaa
Handouts: Táaxʼaa Stage 1 (slideshow), Táaxʼaa Stage 2 (slideshow), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Héen Taanáx̱ Dísi 19, 2024
Wooch een yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk, Beginning Lingít Verbs Expanded, Themes and The Conjugator, Táaxʼaa
Handouts: Beginning Lingít Verbs Expanded (slideshow), Verb Themes (draft pdf), The Conjugator (draft pdf), Lingít Verb Components Handbook (draft pdf), Raven Book (draft pdf), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Yéil ḵa Alʼeix̱ (mp3)
Táaxʼaa (mp3)
Héen Taanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 07, 2024
SuperSmashClass! Students in all levels join for storytelling, questions & answers, and sharing knowledge.
Héen Taanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 05, 2024
Wooch een yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk, wooch ítx̱ yoo x̱ʼatánk
Handouts: Wooch Ítx̱ Yoo X̱ʼatánk (slideshow), Visualizing Verbal Structure (slideshow), Lingít Verb Components (draft pdf), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Sʼeek Dísi 29, 2024
Wooch een yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk: xee.á ḵa ḵee.á, The Conjugator in use, Beginning Lingít verbs expanded.
Handouts: The Conjugator (draft pdf), Beginning Lingít Verbs Expanded (partial slideshow), Lingít Verb Conjugation Student Version (draft pdf), chat (txt)
Sʼeek Dísi 27, 2024
Wooch een yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk, wooch ítx̱ yoo x̱ʼatánk, pronoun & verb review
Handouts: Wooch Ítx̱ Yoo X̱ʼatánk (slideshow), Lingít Bases & Suffixes (slideshow), Verbal Structure Handbook (pdf), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Sʼeek Dísi 20, 2024
Wooch een yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk: gooxʼ sá kei x̱at uwawát, Q&A, wooch ítx̱ yoo x̱ʼatánk
Handouts: Wooch Ítx̱ Yoo X̱ʼatánk (slideshow), The Conjugator Book (draft pdf), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Sʼeek Dísi 15, 2024
Ḵaax̱gal.aat Yagyee (seig̱ánin), Little Readings in Lingít, Haa Atx̱aayí Daa Yéi Jiné, sitting (√.aa, √nook, √ḵee), Verb Monsters, Anti-Valentines & Valentines
Handouts: Peratrovich bio (pdf), Verb Monsters (pdf), Valentines (pdf), Anti-Valentines (pdf), notes (pdf)
Sʼeek Dísi 13, 2024
Wáa sá has du ya.áak daade haa yagux̱satáaḵ Haa Dachx̱ánxʼi Sáani, sándi x̱ʼáak wooch ítx̱ yoo x̱ʼatánk, Q&A
Handouts: Sándi x̱ʼáak wooch ítx̱ yoo x̱ʼatánk (slideshow), The Conjugator (slideshow), Prefix Contraction Basics (slideshow), Verbal Structure Handbook (pdf), Verb Prefix Charts (pdf), chat (txt)
Sʼeek Dísi 08, 2024
Kootéeyaa ḵa Lingít kashxeedí, Q&A, Tipitap, tléixʼ & tléixʼ aa, prefixes and vowel requirements, √x̱ʼáaḵw, kinship plurals, handling verbs, stem variation and verb modes, direction & location, Yéil ḵa Kudatankahídi translation, Q&A
Handouts: Tipitap (pdf), Direction & Location (partial slideshow), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Sʼeek Dísi 06, 2024
Wooch ee yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk, jinkaat wooch ítx̱ yoo x̱ʼatánk x̱ʼakawtuwaneek, Q&A, the classifier
Handouts: chat (txt)

Sʼeek Dísi 01, 2024
Ḵutí, Wáa sá ḵukg̱watée?, Wáa sá ḵuwatee?, time, future, progressive, perfective, Little Readings in Lingít, Direction & Location, –eetí, sample sentences, Yéil ḵa Kudatankahídi
Handouts: Weather (slideshow), Direction & Location Drill (slideshow), Lingit Shkalneegi Workbook Kuhaanti (pdf), chat (txt)
Tʼaawáḵ Dísi 30, 2024
Sample Sentences, Direction & Location, next steps for class
Handouts: Direction & Location Drill (slideshow), Dauenhauer texts (folder), Seidayaa retypes (folder), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Tʼaawáḵ Dísi 25, 2024
Wooch een yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk, wooch ítx̱ yoo x̱ʼatánk (sentences), √taan roots, direction & location, motion verb samples, Tlingísh, Lingít Shkalneegí Haa Yátxʼi Yís, Sáni X̱ʼáak Yoo X̱ʼatánk (homework)
Handouts: Direction & Location Drill (slideshow), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Tʼaawáḵ Dísi 23, 2024
wooch een yoo x̱ʼadudli.átk, Yéil ḵa Kudatankahídi, syllabus, translations, ldakát yagyee / tlákw yagyee, Seidayaa xʼúxʼu, phrases of encouragement, direction & location
Handouts: Phrases of Encouragement (slideshow), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Tʼaawáḵ Dísi 18, 2024
Semester warm up, counting, phrases of encouragement, semester overview
Handouts: Phrases of Encouragement (slideshow), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Intermediate Tlingit I – Fall Semester 2023
We will be meeting using Zoom meeting software. You can access our class by clicking here.
Lingít Woosh Ée Yoo X̱ʼadudli.átk ḵa Sh Tóo Dultóow Gaawú (Lingít Conversation & Study Time). Access by clicking here.
Course Syllabus & Calendar:
Midterm Assignment: translate the following story to the best of your ability from Lingít to English. We will go over the work in class together and you will be told which sections to be working on completing. Kuhaantí (pages, word)
Ḵaalḵáawu Transcription & Translation Files
video file (mp4), audio file (wav), ELAN file (eaf), ELAN download page
Shaanáx̱ Dís 07, 2023
Conjugation Party & Semester Ending
Handouts: Conjugation Party (slideshow), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Shaanáx̱ Dís 05, 2023
Chʼáagu ḵáaxʼu aadé haa wisneix̱i yé, Q&A, tiny hands, empty bases, chʼa & chʼu, Verb Monsters
Handouts: Lingít Bases & Suffixes (slideshow), Verb Monsters (slideshow), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Ḵukahaa Dís 28, 2023
Yéil ḵa Yáay, Ḵaalḵáawu yoo x̱ʼatángi, Intro to Verbs, Verb Prefix charts, Verb Contraction Basics, the Conjugator
Handouts: Raven Book (draft, pdf), Intro to Verbs (slideshow), Verb Prefix Charts (pdf), Verb Prefix Contraction Basics (slideshow), the Conjugator (slideshow), notes (pdf), chat (txt)

Ḵukahaa Dís 21, 2023
Ḵutí, Lingít Sh Tóo G̱atooltóow Tléixʼ Aa (Letʼs Learn Clincket 01), transcription & translation in ELAN, final projects
Handouts: Lingít Bases & Suffixes (slideshow), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Ḵukahaa Dís 16, 2023
Ḵutí, Ḵaajaaḵwtí, Chukateen, listening / writing / comprehension / speaking, Ḵaalḵáawu, transcription / translation
Handouts: notes (pdf), chat (txt), Lingít X̱ʼéináx̱ Áx̱ audio (folder), Beginning Tlingit audio (web page)
Ḵukahaa Dís 14, 2023
dleit, ḵu (ḵúnáx̱, ḵúdáx̱, ḵut, ḵudé), missles, throwing, cavities (–ká, –táak, –g̱ei, –yík), classifiers, Q&A, positive/negative/negative antonym, visualizing verbal structure, object & subject adjustments
Handouts: Visualizing Verbal Structure (slideshow), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Leer Noun list: noun-database-combined-alphabetical (numbers), noun-database-combined-alphabetical (excel), noun-list (html)
Ḵukahaa Dís 09, 2023
Aadé haa yoo x̱ʼatángi ḵaa x̱ʼéitx̱ kadushxeet yé, Ḵaalḵáawu x̱ʼéidáx̱ shkalneek, using ELAN to transcribe & translate Lingít, verb themes (transitivity, stem variation, homonyms, conjugation types, verb types), move verb stuff (verb components and conjugation prefixes), using the Góon Yáx̱ Yateeyí Verb Dictionary, common verbs, Little Readings in Lingít
Handouts: Yax̱ Ḵuhá (slideshow with verb theme info), Prefix Contraction Basics (slideshow), chat (txt)
Ḵukahaa Dís 07, 2023 (2)
Bases & suffixes, direction & location terms, gán / gan / gáan / gaan, gánde nagoodí / háatlʼ / lʼílʼ, –eetí, Yéil du Lú Kei Dusyeig̱í
Handouts: Yéil du Lú Kei Dusyeig̱í (pdf) (audio below)
Ḵukahaa Dís 07, 2023 (1)
eesháan kashóokʼ át, sh ḵʼawdlinaa, bases & suffixes, verb modes: perfective, perfective (–), subordinative perfective
Handouts: Táaxʼaa (pdf), notes (pdf)
Ḵukahaa Dís 02, 2023
ḵáaḵwt yéi dudzinei, Lʼéiw Tu.éesh yoo x̱ʼatángi, Bases & Suffixes
Handouts: Lingít Bases & Suffixes (slideshow), chat (txt)
Dís Tlein 26, 2023
Handouts: Kuhaantí translation (pdf)
Dís Tlein 24, 2023
wooch een yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk, direction & location, Kuhaantí translation
Handouts: Lingít Direction & Location (slideshow), Kuhaantí translation (pdf), chat (pdf)
Dís Tlein 19, 2023
Lingít tundatáani, direction & location (bases, relational bases, relational nouns, suffixes), Kuhaantí translation
Handouts: Lingít Direction & Location (slideshow), Kuhaantí translation (pdf), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Dís Tlein 17, 2023 (1)
ḵaa yoo x̱ʼatángi, Kuhaantí, xʼáandéin kashóokʼ xʼúxʼu, going for it in language learning, learning Lingít, creating speakers, reparations, Zoomʼs revenge
Dís Tlein 17, 2023 (2)
Reboot, the Zoom apology, Kuhaantí translation, Lingít direction & location, handling verbs & motion verbs
Handouts: Kuhaantí translation progress (pdf), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Dís Tlein 12, 2023
Kuhaantí translation, Little Readings in Lingít
Handouts: Kuhaantí translation progress (pdf), Leer Verb notes reformatted (pdf), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Dís Tlein 10, 2023
Át ḵunateení, neildé kagax̱toojéil haa at.óowu, translation projects, relational suffix, asking questions, intro to the verb (continued)
Handouts: Kuhaantí translation progress (pdf), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Dís Tlein 05, 2023
Táaxʼaa, Noun Suffixes
Handouts: Táaxʼaa – Aas Yádi Edition (partial slideshow), chat (txt)
Homework: work through the Táaxʼaa story, circle all the verbs, note the verb root, and translate as much as you can by Tuesday!
Dís Tlein 03, 2023
táakwde yaa ḵunahéin, q&a, motion verbs, noun suffixes.
Homework: Read Haa Wsineix̱ Haa Yoo X̱ʼatángi through Chapter 6!
Handouts: chat (txt), notes (pdf), noun suffixes (slideshow, partial)
Dís Yádi 21, 2023
Q&A, using verb resources, verb conjugation handbook, weather & time, nouns & noun suffixes
Handouts: Lingít Verb Components Handbook (pdf), weather & time (slideshow), chat (txt)
Dís Yádi 19, 2023
Táaxʼaa (grammar!), Intro to Verbs
Handouts: Táaxʼaa Grammar (partial slideshow), Intro to Verbs (partial slideshow), chat (txt)
Dís Yádi 12, 2023
Táaxʼaa Táaxʼaa Táaxʼaa Táaxʼaa
Handouts: Táaxʼaa (Stage 1, partial), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Dís Yádi 07, 2023
Tsʼatsʼée, Q&A, Táaxʼaa, Beginning Lingít review
Handouts: notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Táaxʼaa (pdf, updated pdf)
Dis Yádi 05, 2023
Kanikapila Ḵu.éexʼ • Hawaiian–Lingít Cultural Exchange
Shaa Xeiyí Dísi 31, 2023
wooch een jinkaatdé tustóow, aadé sh tóo tooltóow yé, Little Readings in Lingít
Shaa Xeiyí Dísi 29, 2023
aadé sh tóo tultóow yé, yoo sh tuwasáakw, g̱unéi wooch een yéi jitooné
the way we study, introducing ourselves, starting to work together
Handouts: notes (pdf) chat (txt)