The collection of resources located within this website are the work of dedicated Tlingit language teachers, researchers, advocates, and in a word: warriors. This work has been developed, scanned, shared, and generally made available by a number of hands. The work gathered here follows the dedication pages of many of the works of Ḵeixwnéi & Xwaayeenáḵ who would often note: this material belongs to the Tlingit people.
If you have things you would like to share, please feel free to email them or to post links here. Check back often as new things are uploaded in the following formats: print, poster, audio, and video.
Gunalchéesh. Haa dachx̱ánxʼi sáani kagéi yís.
You can find materials here organized in the following categories:
In addition, the following materials are available here:
- Apps and Keyboards
- Posters
- Audio (for streaming and downloading)
- Video
- Verb study materials
- Placenames
- Audio for Raven Stories
If you are wanting to add a series of texts to your computer or device, check out this Tlingit Study Library Folder
Social Isolation Studies!
Áa Duzoomi Yé ḵuyawdahaayí ḵa xʼúxʼ
New Materials (draft)
Lingít Shkalneegí Haa Yátx’i Kagéiyi Yís by X̱ʼunei
Tlingit Reference Guide Set by X̱ʼunei
Sʼigeidí ḵa X̱alakʼáchʼ by Keiyishí ḵa X̱ʼunei
Introduction to Tlingit Verbs slideshow by Éedaa ḵa X̱ʼunei
Verb Database view (in browser) and download by Keri Eggleston
Kichnáalx̱ George Davis speeches (1980) Handount (Kichnáalx̱)
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