
a (possessive pronoun) | its | third person nonhuman possessive (3N.p)

aa (independent pronoun) | one, one of [object] | partitive independent (part.i) • used in verbal nouns such as téeyaa (“the one that chisels”), xáshaa (“the one that saws/cuts”), x̲útʼaa (“the one that chips at wood”), etc

áa 1 (noun) | lake | (KE)

áa 2 (noun) | it; place: that place; time: that time; reason; fact; there: that place | common suffix combinations are listed below. take note of the ways that suffixes affect tone and vowel length | (KE)
• ách [áa+-ch] | because of it; with it
• aag̲áa [áa+-g̲áa] | after it; following it
• aadáx̲ / aax̲ [áa+-dáx̲] | from it; after it [that time]
• aadé [áa+-dé] | towards it
• aan [áa+-n] | with it
• anax̲ [áa+-náx̲] | through it; along it
• át [áa+-t] | arriving at it; at it
• áwu [áa+-wu] | located at it
• áxʼ [áa+-xʼ] | residing at it; located at it
• áx̲ [áa+-x̲] | moving along it; repeatedly at it

á (particle) | [focus particle] | this particle puts focus on the previous word or phrase. • it is often heard when giving someone a name, and the name is said and repeated while “killing money;” the name is said followed immediately by «á!»

√.aa ¹ (verb root) | sit; situated, be situated | classification: singular subject • plural form: √k̲ee⁓ ¹
S-∅-√.aa⁓ ¹ • (positional verb) | sit (for singular subject to be seated) | for (singlular) S to be seated | (KE) • Mary chʼa neilt áa →  Mary is sitting at home (NS)
• imperfective (+): .áa | s/he sits; s/he is sitting
N-t + O-S-s-√.aa ⁓ ¹ • (positional verb) | seated (to have live creature seated there) | for S to have O (live creature) seated at N | (KE) • dóosh k̲óok yíkt as.áa →  he sat the cat in the box (and it was very docile and remained there) (NS)
• imperfective (+): át as.áa | s/he has her/him seated there
N-t l-√.áa ¹ • (positional verb) | situated there (of a building) | for a building to be situated at N | (KE) • hit tlein át la.aayín; kei oowagán k̲u.aa →  there used to be a large house there, but it burned down (NS) • ax̲ hídi ANB Hall tuwánt la.áa →  my house is next to the ANB Hall (NS)
• imperfective (+): át la.áa | itʼs situated there

√.aa ² (verb root) | inspect; examine
N + daa + ya-(na)-S-d+s-√.aa⁓ ² • (act verb – intransitive) | examine, inspect it; judge, assess it | for S to examine, inspect, look into N; for S to judge, assess N | (KE) • haa daa yagax̲dus.áa →  weʼre going to be examined / weʼre going to get a checkup (NS) • haat áyá x̲at kawduwak̲áa yee k̲usteeyí a daa yank̲as.aa →  they sent me here to look into your way of life (to judge whether it is good or not) (NS)
• imperative: a daa yanees.á! | examine it!
• prohibitive: líl a daa yees.éix̲ik̲! | donʼt examine it!
• imperfective (+): a daa yas.éix̲ | s/he is examining it
• imperfective (–): tlél a daa yoos.éix̲ | s/he isnʼt examining it
• perfective (+): a daa yawdzi.aa | s/he examined it
• perfective (–): tlél a daa yawus.aa | s/he didnʼt examine it
• future (+): a daa yakg̲was.áa | s/he will examine it
• future (–): tlél a daa yakg̲was.aa | s/he wonʼt examine it
N + x̲ʼéi-t⁓ + ya-(∅)-S-d+s-√.aa⁓ ² • (motion verb – intransitive) | kiss | for S to kiss N | (KE) • du sée x̲ʼéide yawdzi.áa →  she kissed her daughter (NS)
• imperative: imperative: ax̲ x̲ʼéit yees.á! | kiss me!
• prohibitive: líl ax̲ x̲ʼéix̲ yees.aayéek̲! | donʼt kiss me!
• perfective (+): ax̲ x̲ʼéit yawdzi.áa | s/he kissed me
• perfective (–): tlél ax̲ x̲ʼéit yawus.á | s/he didnʼt kiss me
• future (+): ax̲ x̲ʼéide yakg̲was.áa | s/he will kiss me
• future (–): tlél ax̲ x̲ʼéide yakg̲was.aa | s/he wonʼt kiss me

√.aa ³ (verb root) | grow; pour forth (of water) | classification: plant, water
ka-(na)-∅-√.aa⁓ ³ • (act verb – intransitive) | grow (of plant) | for a plant to grow | classification: plant, water | (KE) • táakw eeteedé yaa k̲unahéin: kayaaní kei kana.éin →  springtime is coming; the leaves are coming out/the plants are growing (NS) • daa sá ee táayi gèixʼ ka.éix̲? →  what is growing in your garden? (NS) ; | flow, pour forth (of water) | for a stream of water to flow, pour forth | gílʼ yaadáx̲ héen diyéet kaawa.áa →  a small waterfall is flowing over the cliffand hitting a certain place down below
• imperfective (+): ka.éix̲ | it grows; itʼs growing; it flows; itʼs flowing
• imperfective (–): tlél koo.éix̲ | it doesnʼt grow; itʼs not growing; it doesnʼt flow; it isnʼt flowing
• progressive imperfective: yaa kana.éin | itʼs growing; itʼs flowing
• perfective (+): kaawa.aa | it grew; it flowed
• perfective (–): tlél kawu.aa | it didnʼt grow; it didnʼt flow
• future (+): kei kakg̲wa.áa | it will grow; it will flow
• future (–): tlél kei kakg̲wa.aa | it wonʼt grow; it wonʼt flow
yóo + aan + ka-(na)-∅-√.aa⁓ ³ * • (event verb – intransitive) | quake – earthquake; earthquake | for the earth to quake | (NS)
• progressive imperfective: yóo aan yoo kaya.éik | the earth is quaking (right now)
• perfective (+): yóo aan kaawa.áa | the earth quaked
ka-(na)-s-√.aa⁓ ³ • (act verb – intransitive) | grow (of plant) | for a plant to grow | classification: plant | In classical Tlingit, this verb meant specifically for a plant with a long stalk to grow (the length of the plant indicated by the s- classifier), however this meaning has been lost for most current speakers, and now just means for a plant in general to grow. | (KE)
• imperfective (+): kasa.éix̲ | it grows; itʼs growing
• imperfective (–): tlél koos.éix̲ | it doesnʼt grow; itʼs not growing
• progressive imperfective: kei kanas.éin | itʼs growing
• perfective (+): kawsi.aa | it grew
• perfective (–): tlél kawus.aa | it didnʼt grow
• future (+): kagux̲sa.áa | it will grow
• future (–): tlél kagux̲sa.aa | it wonʼt grow
O-ka-(na)-S-s-√.aa⁓ ³ • (act verb – transitive) | grow it (plant) | for S to cause O (plant) to grow | classification: plant, water | (KE) • séew k̲a g̲agaan kagaaních áwé kei kanas.éin →  the rain and sunshine are making them (plants) grow (NS) • i shax̲aawú kei kasa.á! →  let your hair grow (implying it has been cut short before)! (NS) ; | turn it on (hose) | for S to turn on O (hose), cause O to flow | héen tʼáa kát akawsi.áa →  he turned the hose on the floor (caused the water to pour out over the floor) (NS)
• imperative: kanas.á! | grow it!
• prohibitive: líl keesa.éix̲ik̲! | donʼt grow it!
• imperfective (+): aksa.éix̲ | s/he grows it; s/heʼs growing it
• imperfective (–): tlél akoos.éix̲ | s/he isnʼt growing it; s/he doesnʼt grow it
• perfective (+): akawsi.aa | s/he grew it
• perfective (–): tlél akawus.aa | s/he didnʼt grow it
• future (+): akagux̲sa.áa | s/he will grow it
• future (–): tlél akagux̲sa.aa | s/he wonʼt grow it

√.aa ⁴ (verb root) | dawn; daybreak
k̲ee-(na)-∅-√.aa⁓ * • (event verb – intransitive) | daybreak; dawn | for it to become daylight; for the day to dawn | k̲utaant k̲ug̲uhéinin, gooshúk̲ gaawxʼ k̲eena.éich →  if it had been summer, it would always have daybreaked by 9am. (NS)
• perfective (+): k̲eewa.aa | it is daybreak; it has dawned
• repetitive imperfective: k̲eena.éich | it dawns (regularly)

a ít aa (compound noun) | the next one; the following one | “the one(s) following it” | a ít aa →  its following one(s)

a káx̲ sh kawdujiléedi át (verbal noun, compound noun) | slide (at a park) | “thing on which people slide themselves” | (JM) • a+ka-x̲+sh+du-ji-√léet-i+át • from verb: sh (∅)-S-sh+d-√leet(?) →  [something-(indN.P),sh,+i).√slide.rel+thing-(indN.i)]

áa k̲uyadujee yé (verbal noun) | jail | “the punishing people place” | (KE) • áa+k̲u-ya-du-∅-√jee+yé • from verb: O-ya-(?)-S-∅-√jee (act): for S to punish, discipline, chastise O (using any means) →  [there+someone-(indH.O).vsf.someone-(indH.S).cl-(–d,∅,–i).√awful/terrible+place]

a tóo at dultʼixʼx̲i át (compound noun) | freezer | “thing that freezes something inside of it” | a + tóo + at + du-l-√tʼixʼ-x̲-i + át →  its + inside + something + someone.[classifier].√freeze/harden.[repetitive].[relative] + thing

a tóonáx̲ kadusʼík̲sʼ át (compound noun) | straw (for drinking) | “thing that somone draws through it by sucking” | a + tóo-náx̲ + ka-du-∅-√sʼík̲-sʼ + át →  its + inside.through + hsf.someone.[classifier].√draw-out-(by suction).[repetitive] + thing

Áa Tlein | Atlin | “Big Lake” | (KE, TT)

Áa Tlein K̲wáan | People of Atlin | “People of the Big Lake”
Wolf/Eagle Clans
• Yanyeidí | People of Hemlock House; People of the Mainland
• Dak̲lʼaweidí | People of the Inland Sandbar
Raven/Crow Clans
• Ishkeetaan | People of Deep Pool in the River House
• Kook̲hittaan | People of Cellar House
• Deisheetaan | People of the End of the Trail House

áa yax̲ (adverb) (preverb) | turning over

aaa, aáa, áaa, aaá (particle) | yes | it is unclear whether the form used is dialect or personal preference; some forms may be influenced by the English “uh-huh”

ách at dusx̲a át (compound noun, verbal noun) | fork | “thing a person eats with” | (KE) • áa-ch+at du-s-√x̲a+át →  something-(ind.N).erg-(inst)+something-(indN.O) someone-(indH.S).cl-(+d,s,–i).√eat+thing-(indN.i)]

ach kooshx̲ʼílʼaa yeit (compound noun, verbal noun) | sled (for recreational sledding) | “thing beneath to slide with” | (KE) • áa-ch+ka-ÿu-sh-√x̲ʼílʼ-aa+yee-át →  [something-(indN.i).erg-(inst),sh,–i).√slip/slide.the-one(s)-(part.i)+beneath.thing-(indN.i)]

áadaa (noun) | spear | “one that attacks” | (KE) • related verb: ji-(∅)-S-∅+d-√.aat⁓ ⁷ (motion)

adátxʼi, atyátxʼi, atyétxʼi (T), adétxʼi (T), edétxʼi (C) (compound noun) | children | “somethingʼs children” | this could be translated as “somethingʼs children” but always refers to human children | (KE) • at+yát-xʼ-i →  [somethingʼs-(indN.P)+child.pos]

adawóotl (verbal noun) | war; trouble; rush, hurry | “s/he hurried her/him/it, s/he is having a hard time with her/him/it” | (KE) • related verb: O-(?)-S-∅+d-√wootl – for S to hurry, rush

aadé kdulxesʼ yé (verbal noun) | garbage dump; dump: garbage dump | “place where people dump” | aa-dé + ka-du-l-√xésʼ + yé →  there.towards + hsf.someone.[classifier].√dump/pour + place • (JL)

aganáa | oh no! | often used to express grief, or at times pretend grief

ágé, gé (particle) | [interrogative: marks yes/no questions] | this particle is used to turn any statement into a yes or no question • the placement of the particle is often determined by grammar, but at times is determined by what part of the phrase is being questioned

aag̲áa (conjunction) | folloing it; and then

áhé (particle, determiner) | this here is | á-hé →  [focus-particle].this

√.aak ¹ (verb root) | weave – weave baskets or mats | classification: tree bark or roots
O-(∅)-S-∅-√.aak⁓ • (act verb – transitive) | weave basket or mat (using tree roots or bark) | tèey woodee a.áak g̲áach sákw →  sheʼs weaving yellow cedar bark for a mat (NS) • k̲ákw wuduwa.ák →  baskets are woven (NS)
• imperfective (+): a.áak | s/he is weaving (a basket or mat, using tree roots or bark)
• perfective (+): aawa.ák | s/he wove (a basket or mat, using tree roots or bark)

√.aak ² (verb root) | fire – build fire
shóo-t⁓ + a-(∅)-S-d+∅-√.aak⁓ ² • (event verb – intransitive) | fire – build a fire | for S to build a fire (using wood) | classification: wood, fire | (KE) • a tóot ax̲waa.ák →  I fixed the fire in it (NS) • dei át ágé awduwa.ák? →  have they already made a fire? (NS)
• imperative: shóot eeda.ák! | build a fire!
• prohibitive: líl shóox̲ eeda.aagík̲! | donʼt build a fire!
• perfective (+): shóot awdi.ák | s/he built a fire
• perfective (–): tlél shóot awda.aak | s/he didnʼt build a fire
• future (+): shóode agux̲da.áak | s/he will build a fire
• future (–): tlél shóode agux̲da.aak | s/he wonʼt build a fire

ák.hé (particle) | is it this here? | á-gé-hé →  [focus-particle].[yes/no question].here

ák.wé (particle) | is it that there? | á-gé-wé →  [focus-particle].[yes/no question].there

ákyá (particle) | is it this right here? | á-gé-yá →  [focus-particle].[yes/no question].right-here

ákyú (particle) | is it that way over there? | á-gé-yú →  [focus-particle].[yes/no question].way-over-there

áakʼw (compound noun) | lake – little lake | áa-kʼw →  lake.[diminutive]

Áakʼw K̲wáan | People of the Little Lake | people of the Little Lake (Auke Bay), southern Lynn Canal, Juneau area, and northern Admiralty Island | áa-kʼw+k̲wáan →  lake.[diminutive]+people-of (AH
Wolf/Eagle Clans
• Wooshkeetaan | People of the Houses Facing Each Other
Raven/Crow Clans
• Lʼeeneidí | People of Dog Salmon Creek
• Lʼuknax̲.ádi | People of Lʼuknáx̲ (a salmon stream North of Klukwan or Deep Bay)
• G̲aanax̲.ádi | People of Sheltered Harbor (Port Stewart in northern Behm Canal)

√.aak̲w ¹ (verb root) | try; attempy
ka-(na)-S-∅-√aak̲w * • (act verb – intransitive) | try; attempt | for S to try, attempt | kax̲waa.aak̲w ee yái ax̲walg̲eeni →  i tried to look at your face (that is, to get a response from you) (NS)
• imperative: kanay.aak̲w! | try!
• perfective (+): kaawa.aak̲w | s/he tried, attempted
O-ka-(na)-S-∅-√.aak̲w * • (act verb – transitive) | test; try out | for S to try out, test O | chʼa akaawa.aak̲w áwé, wáa sá yakwg̲ak̲aayí →  he tested him to see what he would say (NS) • k̲ukaawa.aak̲w →  he tried out the people (NS)
• perfective (+): akaawa.aak̲w | s/he tested her/him/it

√.aak̲w ² (verb root) | order; plan
át + O-ka-(na)-S-∅-√.aak̲w⁓ ² • (event verb – transitive) | orders – give her/him orders; command her/him; instruct her/him | for S to give orders to, command, instruct O | (KE)
• imperative: át kana.aak̲w! | give her/him orders!
• prohibitive: líl át kayi.aag̲úk̲! | donʼt give her/him orders!
• perfective (+): át akaawa.aak̲w | s/he gave her/him orders
• perfective (–): tlél át akawu.aak̲w | s/he didnʼt give her/him orders
• future (+): át akakg̲wa.áak̲w | s/he will give her/him orders
• future (–): tlél át akakg̲wa.aak̲w | s/he wonʼt give her/him orders
yan⁓ + O-ka-(∅)-S-∅-√.aak̲w⁓ ² • (motion verb – transitive) | decide about it; plan it | for S to make a decision about O; for S to finish planning O | (KE)
• imperative: yan ka.ák̲w (dé)! | make a decision (now)!
• prohibitive: líl yan kayi.aag̲úk̲ (tsá)! | donʼt make a decision (yet)!
• progressive imperfective: yánde yaa kana.ák̲w | s/he is making a decision
• perfective (+): yan akaawa.ák̲w | s/he made a decision
• perfective (–): tlél yan akaawa.aak̲w | s/he didnʼt make a decision
• future (+): yánde akakg̲wa.áak̲w | s/he will make a decision
• future (–): tlél yánde akakg̲wa.aak̲w | s/he wonʼt make a decision
O-x̲ʼa-ka-(u)-(na)-S-∅-√.aak̲w ² • (act verb – transitive) | speak – give the opportunity to speak; speak – give directions on what to say; direct – give directions on what to say | for S to give O an opportunity to speak; for S to give O directions as to what to say
• imperative: x̲ʼakuna.aak̲w! / x̲ʼakana.aak̲w | give her/him an opportunity to speak!
• prohibitive: líl yoo x̲ʼakee.aag̲úk̲! | donʼt give her/him an opportunity to speak!
• imperfective (+): ax̲ʼakoo.aak̲w | s/he is giving her/him an opportunity to speak
• perfective (+): ax̲ʼakaawa.aak̲w | s/he gave her/him an opportunity to speak
• perfective (–): tlél ax̲ʼakawu.aak̲w | s/he didnʼt give her/him an opportunity to speak
• future (+): ax̲ʼakakg̲wa.aak̲w | s/he will give her/him an opportunity to speak
• future (–): tlél ax̲ʼakakg̲wa.aak̲w | s/he wonʼt give her/him an opportunity to speak
O-ka-(∅)-S-∅-√.aak̲w⁓ • (act verb – transitive) | plan | for S to plan O | (GD, LA, KE) • has du k̲u.éexʼi has akaawa.ák̲w. →  they have all the plans set for their party (JL) • ldakát yan akaawa.ák̲w →  it has been planned out (NS) • yéi kawtuwa.aak̲w →  we planned thus (NS)
• imperative: ka.ák̲w! | plan it!
• prohibitive: líl kayi.aag̲úk̲! | donʼt plan it!
• imperfective (+): akoo.aak̲w | s/he is planning it
• progressive imperfective: yaa akana.ák̲w | s/he is starting to plan it
• perfective (+): akaawa.ák̲w | s/he planned it
• perfective (–): tlél akawu.aak̲w | s/he didnʼt plan it
• future (+): akakg̲wa.áak̲w | s/he will plan it
• future (–): tlél akakg̲wa.aak̲w | s/he wonʼt plan it

–áali (kinship term) | –ʼs grandparent

aan 1 (noun) | land; town | town; village; settlement; inhabited or owned land | (KE)

aan 2 (postpositional pronoun) | with it | with it | postpositional pronoun: a+een ⁓ aan • (KE)

√.aan ¹ (verb root) | sit quietly; meditate; observe while seated
a-(∅?)-S-∅-√.aan ⁓ ¹ * • (act verb – intransitive) | sit quietly; meditate; observe weather (while sitting quietly) | for S to sit quietly (esp. while watching signs of the weather at sundown); for S to meditate (esp. while watching signs of the weather at sundown); for S to observe the weather while sitting quietly | classification: weather | gáant oodu.ánjeen →  they used to sit outside, quietly watching the clouds (NS) • x̲ʼawool dzeit kán a.án →  heʼs sitting quietly on the steps of his porch meditating (NS)
• imperfective (+): a.án | heʼs sitting quietly and meditating

√.aan ² (verb root) | kind; gentle
O-tu-(ga)-l-√.aan ² • (state verb – transitive) | kind; gentle | for O to be kind; for O to be gentle
• imperative: itukla.aan! | be kind!
• imperfective (+): tuli.aan | s/he is kind
• imperfective (–): tlél tool.aan | s/he isnʼt kind
• future (+): kei tugux̲la.aan | s/he will be kind
• future (–): tlél kei tugux̲la.aan | s/he wonʼt be kind

√.aan ³ (verb root) | village – make village
N-xʼ (?)-S-d+s-√.aan * • (act verb – intransitive) | settle; village – make village | for S to make village at N; for S to settle at N | áa wutoodzi.aan →  we settled there/we made it our village (NS) • Jilk̲áatdáx̲ áwé has wooligáasʼ; tlei Aangóonxʼ has woodzi.aan →  they moved from Chilkat and settled in Angoon/made Angoon their village (NS)
• perfective (+): áa woodzi.àan | s/he settled there; s/he made a village there

aan galak̲ú, aan galk̲ú (verbal noun) | flood | “flooded land” | (KE) • from verb: aan+O-(ga)-l-√k̲oo⁓ (state): for O to flood, be flooded

aan kadusʼixʼw át (compound noun) | glue | “thing something is glued with” | →  a ee-n + ka-du-√sʼixʼw + át its [empty base].with + hsf.someone.√adhere-to + thing

aan kwéiyi (compound noun) | flag | “land marker” | (KE) • aan+√kwéi-yi →  [land+marker.rel]

aan kwéiyi tugáasʼi (compound noun) | flagpole | “housepost in the flag” | (KE) • aan+√kwéi-yi+tu-gáasʼ-i →  [land+marker.rel+inside.housepost.rel]

aan sʼaatí (compound noun) | mayor | “master of the land” | (KE) • aan+sʼaatí →  [(land+master]

aan x̲ʼayee (compound noun) | town – in a town, on the streets of a town | “beneath the mouth of town” | (KE) • aan+x̲ʼa-yee →  [land+mouth/opening.beneath]

aan yaduxasʼ át, aan yatxasʼ át (verbal noun) | razor | “thing a person shaves with” | (KE) • a een+ya-du-∅-√xasʼ+át • from verb: ya-(∅)-S-di-√xáasʼ – for S to shave face →  [somethingʼs-(indN.P) with+vsf.someone-(indH.S).cl-(–d,∅,–i).√scrape]

aan yátxʼi sáani, aan yátxʼu sáani (compound noun) | high class people; aristocrats | “little children of the land” | term of respect, often said to the people of a land where the speaker is visiting as a guest | (KE) • aan+yát-xʼi+sáani →  [land+child.plr.pos+little (used in plural diminutive)]

aandaat kanahík, aandaat kanahígi (T), aandaat kanaheek (At), aandaat keneheek (C) (verbal noun) | monkey | “running around on the land” | (KE) • aan-daat ka-na-∅-∅-√hík →  [land.about hsf.ns-cp.s/he-(3.S).cl-(–d,∅,–i).√run/jump(?)]

aandaayaagú (compound noun) | rowboat | “boat around the land” | (KE) • aan-daa-yaakw-i →  [land.around.canoe/boat.rel]

Aangóon | Angoon | “village isthmus” | aan+góon →  land/village.portage/passage-across-it/isthmus (KE, TT)

áanjís (borrowed noun) | oranges | from English “oranges” | (KE)

áanjís kahéeni (compound noun, borrowed noun) | orange juice | áanjís+ka-héen-i →  [orange(s)+hsf.water.rel] • (KE)

aankadushxit át (verbal noun) | camera | “thing a person writes/photos/x-rays with” | a ee-n+ka-du-sh-√xit+át →  [somethingʼs-(indN.P).(empty base).with+hsf.someone-(indH.S).cl-(+d,sh,–i).√write thing-(indN.i)] • (KE)

aankanáagu (compound noun) | large-leaved avens | “medicine on the land”; aven: large-leaved avens (Geum macrophyllum) or possibly arnica species—Arnica species, especially A. amplexicaulus, A. latifolia, A. gracilis | WARNING: arnica increases body temperature when taken internally, externally it acts as an antiseptic | (KE) • aan+ka-náakw-u →  [land+hsf.medicine.rel]

aankayéx̲aa (verbal noun) | plane for scraping wood | “the one to whittle with” | (KE) • a een+ka-∅-∅-√yéx̲-aa →  [somethingʼs (empty base).with+hsf.s/he-(3.S).cl-(–d,∅,–i).√make/construct.the-one-(part.i)]

Áankich (placename, borrowed noun) | Anchorage | (KE) • borrowed placename, from English “Anchorage”

aank̲áawu (compound noun) | person – rich man; man of wealth; chief; king | “person of the land” | (KE) • aan+k̲áa-wu →  [land+person.rel]

Aank̲áawu; Dikee Aank̲áawu (compound noun) | Diety – God, Lord, Creator | “person of the land above” | a post-contact term from Christianity | (KE) • (dikee)+aan-k̲áa-wu →  [(above)+land.person.rel]

aantk̲eení (verbal noun, compound noun) | townspeople; crowd or large group of people | “seated on the land” | (KE) • aan-t+√k̲ee-n-i →  [√seated/situated.(stem-var).rel]

aanyádi, aanyédi (C) (compound noun) | high class person; aristocrat | “child of the land” (high ranking Tlingit people; of good lineage) | (KE) • aan+yát-i →  [land+child.pos]

aas (noun) | tree (esp. conifer) | tree (esp. conifer) | in Sitka, «shéiyi» is often used for “tree” | (KE)

aas jiseiyí, aas seiyí (At) (compound noun) | tree – the shelter of a tree; shelter – shelter of a tree | “in the shelter of the treeʼs arms” | aas+ji-seiyí →  [tree+hand/arm.shelter/area-below] • (KE)

Aas K̲wáani (compound noun) | Tree People | “People of the Trees” | this term is used ceremonially, often when speaking to the spirits of the trees | (KE) • aas+k̲wáan-i →  [tree+people-of.rel]

aas yádi (compound noun) | tree– sapling | “tree child” | (KE) • aas+yát-i →  [tree+child.pos]

aasdaag̲áadli (compound noun) | fungus – bracket fungus; conks; tree fungus | “cracker around the tree” | (KE) • aas+–daa+g̲áatl-i →  [tree+around+cracker.rel]

aasdaakʼóox̲ʼu (compound noun) | tree pitch | “pitch around the tree” | (KE) • aas+–daa+kʼóox̲ʼ-u →  [tree+around+pitch.rel]

aasdaaxʼéesʼi (compound noun) | tree – tumor in a tree, with branches growing from it | “tangled mound around the tree” | (KE) • aas+–daa+√xʼéesʼ-i • related verb: O-ka-(?)-l+d-√xʼéesʼ – for O to be tangled, matted →  [tree+around+√tangle.rel]

aasgutú (compound noun) | forest | forest, wilderness, timbered area | (KE) • aas+gutú →  tree+wilderness/woods

askuk̲gu náakw | medicine: cough medicine | “coughing medicine” | a-s-√kúk̲-kw-u + náakw →,s,–i).√cough.[repeatedly].[relational] + medicine (JL, NS)

aashát (noun) | trout – steelhead trout | (KE)

–aat (kinship term) | aunt: –ʼs paternal aunt | in Tlingit kinship, the term for a paternal aunt is used for all females of a fatherʼs clan who is in the same generation as the father. This term can also extend to any women of the opposite moiety who are of the fatherʼs generation as an expression of personal closeness.

át (independent pronoun) | thing; something | indefinite nonhuman indepdendent (indN.i)

√.aat ¹ (verb root) | walk (plural); go (by walking, plural) | classification: plural subject • singular form: √goot ¹
∅ conjugation motion preverbs •
motion towards a terminus
• N-{t,x̲,de) | arriving at N; coming to N
• neil(t) ⁓ neilx̲ ⁓ neildé | moving inside; coming home
• N-xʼ + neil(t) | moving inside house at N
• haat ⁓ haax̲ ⁓ haa(n)dé | coming to our vicinity
• yóo-{t,x̲,de} | going away; going off somewhere
• kux ⁓ kuxx̲ ⁓ kúxde | moving aground; into shallow water
• ÿan ⁓ ÿax̲ ⁓ ÿánde | moving ashore; to rest; comlpeting
• N-xʼ + ÿan | coming to rest at N
• N-náx̲ + ÿan | moving across N; to the other side of N
• ÿan + kʼi- | setting up; erecting
• ÿan + sha- | setting up; leaning against
motion toward area
• kei | moving up
• ux̲ + kei | moving out of control, blindly, amiss
• N-x̲ʼé-xʼ + kei | catching up with N
• yei | desiembark, exit boat or other vehicle
• yeik̲ ⁓ yeek̲ | moving down to shore
• héeni + yeik̲ | moving down into water
• daak̲ | moving up from shore; back from open
• dáag̲i + daak̲ | moving farther up from shore
• k̲wáak̲x̲ + daak̲ | moving by mistake, wrongly
• daak | seaward; out into open; falling from sky
• k̲ux̲ ⁓ k̲ux̲dé [+d] | reverting; returning
• N-xʼ k̲ux̲ [+d] | reverting to N; returning to N
motion confined to a location
• N-xʼ | coming near N
• N-ÿa | coming up to N
• N + gunaÿa- | separating from N
• N + jishá- | getting ahead of N
• gági | emerging; coming out into open
• dáagi | coming out of water
• héeni | going into water
• g̲unayéi ⁓ g̲unéi | beginning
• N-x̲ | moving in place at N; while stuck at N
• N-xʼ + ÿax̲ | turning over by N
• áa + ÿax̲ | tunring over
• shú + ÿax̲ | turning over end by end
• ÿetx̲ | starting, taking off, picking up
oscillating motion
• yoo | moving back and forth; to and fro
• ÿan + yoo | moving up and down (from surface)
• N-x̲ sha-ÿa-oo | hanging up at N
• ÿax̲ + sha-ÿa-oo | hanging up
revertive motion
• a-ÿa-oo [+d] | reverting, turning back
• kei + a-ÿa-oo [+d] | escape, flee, run away
oblique unbounded motion
• N-x̲ + ÿa-oo ⁓ ÿaa | moving obliquely, circuitously along N
• N + daa-x̲ | circling around N
• N-dé + ÿa-oo ⁓ ÿaa | moving obliquely, circuitously toward N
• hé-dé | moving over that way, aside, out of the way
• N-dáx̲ + ÿa-oo ⁓ ÿaa | moving obliquely, circuitously away from N
• N + jikaa-dáx̲ | getting out of Nʼs way
• N-náx̲ + ÿa-oo ⁓ ÿaa | moving obliquely, circuitously along, through N
• N-xʼ + ÿa-oo ⁓ ÿaa | moving obliquely, circuitously at N
• N + daséi-xʼ | exchanging places with N
• woosh + kaanáx̲ [+d] | gathering together, assembling
{∅ preverb} + (∅)-S-∅-√.aat⁓ ¹ • (motion verb – intransitive) | walk (plural); go (by walking, plural) | for (plural) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term); you all donʼt go {____} | (KE, JC) • áxʼ áwé woosh kaanáx̲ kei s da.átch →  that is where they assemble (NS) • woosh kaanáx̲ has gux̲da.átch →  they are coming together/ assembling for a meeting
• imperative: {∅ preverb} yi.á! | you all go {____}!
• prohibitive: líl {∅ preverb} yeey.aadík̲! | you all donʼt go {____}!
• repetitive imperfective prohibitive: líl {∅ repetitive preverb} yi.átjik̲!! | you all donʼt ever go {____}!
• progressive imperfective: {∅ preverb} yaa (ha)s na.át | they are going {____}
• perfective (+): {∅ preverb} (ha)s uwa.át | they went {____}
• perfective (–): tlél {∅ preverb} (ha)s wu.aat | they didnʼt go {____}
• future (+): {∅ preverb} (ha)s gug̲a.áat | they will go {____}
• future (–): tlél {∅ preverb} (ha)s gug̲a.aat | they wonʼt go {____}
• progressive imperfective (–): | theyʼre not going {____} tlél {∅ preverb} (ha)s una.át
{∅ preverb} + (∅)-S-d+∅-√.aat⁓ ¹ • (motion verb – transitive) | walk (plural); go (by walking, plural) | for (plural) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) | (KE, JC)
• imperative: {∅ preverb} yida.á! | you all go {____}
• prohibitive: líl {∅ preverb} yida.aadík̲! | donʼt you all go {____)
• repetitive imperfective prohibitive: líl {∅ repetitive preverb} yida.átjik̲!! | you all donʼt ever go {____}!
• progressive imperfective: {∅ preverb) yaa (ha)s nada.át | they are going {____}
• perfective (+): {∅ preverb} (ha)s wudi.át | they went {____}
• perfective (–): tlél {∅ preverb} (ha)s wuda.aat | they didnʼt go {____}
• future (+): {∅ preverb} has gux̲da.áat | they will go {____}
• future (–): tlél {∅ preverb} has gux̲da.aat | they wonʼt go {____}
N + jikaadáx̲ + ya-u-(∅)-S-∅-√.aat⁓ ¹ • (motion verb – intransitive) | get out of way | for (plural) S to get out of Nʼs way | (KE, JC)
• imperative: du jikaadáx̲ yay.á! | you all get out of his/her way!
• repetitive imperfective prohibitive: líl du jikaadáx̲ yaa yi.átjik̲! | donʼt you all ever get out of his/her way!
• progressive imperfective: du jikaadáx̲ yaa (ha)s na.át | they are getting out of his/her way
• perfective (+): du jikaadáx̲ has yaawa.át | they got out of his/her way
• perfective (–): tlél du jikaadáx̲ has yawu.aat | they didnʼt get out of his/her way
• future (+): du jikaadáx̲ has yakg̲wa.áat | they will get out of his/her way
• future (–): tlél du jikaadáx̲ has yakg̲wa.aat | they wonʼt get out of his/her way
a-ya-u-(∅)-S-d+∅-√.aat⁓ ¹ • (motion verb – intransitive) | turn back (plural, by walking); go back (plural, by walking) | for (plural) S to turn back, go back (by walking or as general term) | (KE, JC)
• imperative: ayeeda.á! | you all turn back!
• repetitive imperfective prohibitive: líl ayeeda.átx̲ik̲ | donʼt you all ever turn back!
• progressive imperfective: yaa (ha)s ayanda.át | they are turning back
• perfective (+): has ayawdi.át | they turned back
• perfective (–): tlél has ayawda.aat | they didnʼt turn back
• future (+): has ayagux̲da.áat | they will turn back
• future (–): tlél has ayagux̲da.aat | they wonʼt turn back
na conjugation motion preverbs •
unbounded directed motion
• [no preverb] | moving along, lateral, horizontal
• N-dé | moving toward N
• gándé | to the bathroom; go urinate, pee; go defecate, poop
• N-x̲ | moving along N
• N-dáx̲ | moving away from N
• N-náx̲ | moving by way of, through N
• N-nák̲ | leaving N behind
• N-g̲áa | going for (to obtain) N
• yux̲ | moving out of house
• N-xʼ + yux̲ | moving out of house at N
unbounded undirected motion
• N-t | moving around N
• N áa | moving around N
{na preverb} + (na)-S-∅-√.aat⁓ ¹ • (act verb – intransitive) | walk (plural); go (plural, by walking or generally) | for (plural) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) | (KE, JC) • i x̲ánde gax̲too.áat →  we ʼre coming to your place (NS) • gáande s woo.aat →  they went outside (NS) • du een woo.aat →  he accompanied him/went with him (NS)
• imperative: {na preverb} nay.á! | you all go {____}!
• prohibitive: líl {na preverb} yeey.aadík̲! | donʼt you all go {____}!
• repetitive imperfective prohibitive: líl {na repetitive preverb} yoo yi.átgik̲! | donʼt you all ever go {____}!
• progressive imperfective: {na preverb} yaa (ha)s na.át | they are going {____}
• perfective (+): {na preverb} (ha)s woo.aat | they went {____}
• perfective (–): tlél {na preverb} (ha)s wu.aat | they didnʼt go {____}
• future (+): {na preverb} (ha)s gug̲a.áat | they will go {____}
• future (–): tlél {na preverb} (ha)s gug̲a.aat | they wonʼt go {____}
• progressive imperfective (–): | theyʼre not going {____} tlél {na preverb} yaa (ha)s una.át
gánde (na)-S-∅-√.aat⁓ • | go to the bathroom; bathroom – go to the bathroom; pee – go pee; urinate – go urinate; poop – go poop; defecate – go defecate | for (plural) S to go to the bathroom | a euphemism that literally means “go outside” although the indepdendent base «gáan» contracts to «gán». learners should be careful to keep the vowel long if the intended meaning is “going outside”.
ga conjugation motion preverbs •
initiatory motion
• [no preverb but general upward motion] | starting off, picking up, upward
• N-dáx̲ | starting off, picking up from N
• N+ítx̲ | following N
• k̲ut | going astray, getting lost
{ga preverb} + (ga)-S-∅-√.aat⁓ ¹ • (motion verb – intransitive) | walk (plural); go (plural, by walking) | for (plural) S to walk, go | (KE, JC) • aan ká kei átch g̲uwakaan →  the deer climb up to the mountain pastures (in July) (NS)
• repetitive imperfective prohibitive: líl {ga preverb} kei yi.átjik̲! | donʼt you all (ever) go {____}!
• progressive imperfective: {ga preverb} kei (ha)s na.át | they are going {____}
• perfective (+): {ga preverb} has woo.aat | they went {____}
• perfective (–): tlél {ga preverb} has wu.aat | they didnʼt go {____}
• future (+): {ga preverb} kei (ha)s gug̲a.áat | they will go {____}
• future (–): tlél {ga preverb} kei (ha)s gug̲a.aat | they wonʼt go {____}
yaa + O-shu-(ga)-S-∅-√.aat⁓ ¹ • (event verb – transitive) | lead (plural objects, especially by walking) | for S to lead (plural) O (especially by walking ahead) | classification: plural objects | objects in this verb are always plural, while subject may be singular or plural | (KE, JC) • wanadóo yaa ashuna.át →  he ʼs leading the sheep (NS) • du yátxʼi át ashoowa.aat →  she leads her children around (NS)
• imperative: yaa (ha)s shuga.á! | lead them!
• prohibitive: líl has shuyi.aadík̲! | donʼt lead them!
• progressive imperfective: yaa (ha)s ashuna.át | s/he is leading them
• perfective (+): has ashoowa.aat | s/he led them
• perfective (–): tlél has ashuwu.aat | s/he didnʼt lead them
• future (+): yaa (ha)s ashukg̲wa.áat | s/he will lead them
• future (–): tlél yaa (ha)s ahsukg̲wa.aat | s/he wonʼt lead them
g̲a conjugation motion preverbs •
downward motion
• [no preverb but general downward motion] | falling (intransitive uncontrolled themes), downward
• ÿaa | moving down
• yaax̲ | embarking, getting into boat/vehicle
• ÿanax̲ | moving down into ground
• N-x̲ | moving down along N
• héen-x̲ | moving into water
• káx̲ + sha- | falling over, prone
• N-náx̲ | moving down by way of, through N
{g̲a prefix} + (g̲a)-S-∅-√.aat⁓ ¹ • (motion verb – intransitive) | walk (plural); go (plural, by walking) | for (plural) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) | (KE, JC) • shaa kaadáx̲ yei has na.át kal.átk̲ →  theyʼre coming down the mountain without anything (that is, having hunted unsuccessfully) (NS)
• imperative: {g̲a preverb} yaa g̲ay.á! | you all go {___}
• repetitive imperfective prohibitive: líl {g̲a preverb} yei yi.átjik̲! | donʼt you all go {____}
• progressive imperfective: {g̲a preverb} yei (ha)s na.át | they are going {____}
• perfective (+): {g̲a preverb} (ha)s woo.aat | they went {____}
• perfective (–): tlél {g̲a preverb} (ha)s wu.aat | they didnʼt go {____}
• future (+): {g̲a preverb} yei has gug̲a.áat | they will go {____}
• future (–): tlél {g̲a preverb} yei (ha)s gug̲a.aat | they wonʼt go {____}
• progressive imperfective (–): | theyʼre not going {____} tlél {g̲a preverb} yei (ha)s una.át

√.aat ² (verb root) | carry | classification: baggage and personal items
∅ conjugation motion preverbs •
motion towards a terminus
• N-{t,x̲,de) | arriving at N; coming to N
• N + jee-{t,x̲,de) | giving, handing to N
• neil(t) ⁓ neilx̲ ⁓ neildé | moving inside; coming home
• N-xʼ + neil(t) | moving inside house at N
• haat ⁓ haax̲ ⁓ haa(n)dé | coming to our vicinity
• yóo-{t,x̲,de} | going away; going off somewhere
• kux ⁓ kuxx̲ ⁓ kúxde | moving aground; into shallow water
• ÿan ⁓ ÿax̲ ⁓ ÿánde | moving ashore; to rest; comlpeting
• N-xʼ + ÿan | coming to rest at N
• N-náx̲ + ÿan | moving across N; to the other side of N
• ÿan + kʼi- | setting up; erecting
• ÿan + sha- | setting up; leaning against
motion toward area
• kei | moving up
• ux̲ + kei | moving out of control, blindly, amiss
• N-x̲ʼé-xʼ + kei | catching up with N
• yei | desiembark, exit boat or other vehicle
• yeik̲ ⁓ yeek̲ | moving down to shore
• héeni + yeik̲ | moving down into water
• daak̲ | moving up from shore; back from open
• dáag̲i + daak̲ | moving farther up from shore
• k̲wáak̲x̲ + daak̲ | moving by mistake, wrongly
• daak | seaward; out into open; falling from sky
• k̲ux̲ ⁓ k̲ux̲dé [+d] | reverting; returning
• N-xʼ k̲ux̲ [+d] | reverting to N; returning to N
motion confined to a location
• N-xʼ | coming near N
• N-ÿa | coming up to N
• N + gunaÿa- | separating from N
• N + jishá- | getting ahead of N
• gági | emerging; coming out into open
• dáagi | coming out of water
• héeni | going into water
• g̲unayéi ⁓ g̲unéi | beginning
• N-x̲ | moving in place at N; while stuck at N
• N-xʼ + ÿax̲ | turning over by N
• áa + ÿax̲ | tunring over
• shú + ÿax̲ | turning over end by end
• ÿetx̲ | starting, taking off, picking up
oscillating motion
• yoo | moving back and forth; to and fro
• ÿan + yoo | moving up and down (from surface)
• N-x̲ sha-ÿa-oo | hanging up at N
• ÿax̲ + sha-ÿa-oo | hanging up
revertive motion
• a-ÿa-oo [+d] | reverting, turning back
• kei + a-ÿa-oo [+d] | escape, flee, run away
oblique unbounded motion
• N-x̲ + ÿa-oo ⁓ ÿaa | moving obliquely, circuitously along N
• N + daa-x̲ | circling around N
• N-dé + ÿa-oo ⁓ ÿaa | moving obliquely, circuitously toward N
• hé-dé | moving over that way, aside, out of the way
• N-dáx̲ + ÿa-oo ⁓ ÿaa | moving obliquely, circuitously away from N
• N + jikaa-dáx̲ | getting out of Nʼs way
• N-náx̲ + ÿa-oo ⁓ ÿaa | moving obliquely, circuitously along, through N
• N-xʼ + ÿa-oo ⁓ ÿaa | moving obliquely, circuitously at N
• N + daséi-xʼ | exchanging places with N
• woosh + kaanáx̲ [+d] | gathering together, assembling
{∅ preverb} + O-(∅)-S-l-√.aat⁓ ² • (motion verb – transitive) | carry plural objects (esp. baggage); take plural objects (esp. baggage) | for S to carry, take plural O (esp. baggage) | a common use for this verb is N + jee-t⁓ + O-(∅)-S-l-√.aat⁓ ² (motion), such as «du jeet la.át!» (give them to her/him!) | (KE, JC) • yei at gux̲la.áat →  heʼs going to unload/bring stuff up from the boat (NS)
• imperative: {∅ preverb} la.át! | carry them {____}!
• prohibitive: Líl {∅ preverb} ila.aadík̲! | donʼt carry them {____}_!
• perfective (+): {∅ preverb} awli.át | s/he carried them {____}
• perfective (–): tlél {∅ preverb} awul.aat | s/he didnʼt carry them {____}
• future (+): {∅ preverb} agux̲la.áat | s/he will carry them {____}
• future (–): tlél {∅ preverb} agux̲la.aat | s/he wonʼt carry them {____}
na conjugation motion preverbs •
unbounded directed motion
• [no preverb] | moving along, lateral, horizontal
• N-dé | moving toward N
• N-x̲ | moving along N
• N-dáx̲ | moving away from N
• N-náx̲ | moving by way of, through N
• N-nák̲ | leaving N behind
• N-g̲áa | going for (to obtain) N
• yux̲ | moving out of house
• N-xʼ + yux̲ | moving out of house at N
unbounded undirected motion
• N-t | moving around N
• N áa | moving around N
{na preverb} + O-(na)-S-l-√.aat⁓ ² • (motion verb – transitive) | carry plural objects (esp. baggage); take plural objects (esp. baggage) | for S to carry, take plural O (esp. baggage) | (KE, JC) • k̲óok yaakw yíkde gax̲toola.áat →  weʼre going to load the boxes on the boat (NS)
• imperative: {na preverb} nal.aat! | carry them {____}!
• prohibitive: líl {na preverb} yoo ila.átgik̲! | donʼt carry them {____}!
• progressive imperfective: {na preverb} yaa anal.át | s/he is carrying them {____}
• perfective (+): {na preverb} awli.aat | s/he carried them {____}
• perfective (–): tlél {na preverb} awul.aat | s/he didnʼt carry them {____}
• future (+): {na preverb} agux̲la.áat | s/he will carry them {____}
• future (–): tlél {na preverb} agux̲la.aat | s/he wonʼt carry them {____}

√.aat ³ (verb root) | carry | classification: small round or hooplike objects
∅ conjugation motion preverbs •
motion towards a terminus
• N-{t,x̲,de) | arriving at N; coming to N
• N + jee-{t,x̲,de) | giving, handing to N
• neil(t) ⁓ neilx̲ ⁓ neildé | moving inside; coming home
• N-xʼ + neil(t) | moving inside house at N
• haat ⁓ haax̲ ⁓ haa(n)dé | coming to our vicinity
• yóo-{t,x̲,de} | going away; going off somewhere
• kux ⁓ kuxx̲ ⁓ kúxde | moving aground; into shallow water
• ÿan ⁓ ÿax̲ ⁓ ÿánde | moving ashore; to rest; comlpeting
• N-xʼ + ÿan | coming to rest at N
• N-náx̲ + ÿan | moving across N; to the other side of N
• ÿan + kʼi- | setting up; erecting
• ÿan + sha- | setting up; leaning against
motion toward area
• kei | moving up
• ux̲ + kei | moving out of control, blindly, amiss
• N-x̲ʼé-xʼ + kei | catching up with N
• yei | desiembark, exit boat or other vehicle
• yeik̲ ⁓ yeek̲ | moving down to shore
• héeni + yeik̲ | moving down into water
• daak̲ | moving up from shore; back from open
• dáag̲i + daak̲ | moving farther up from shore
• k̲wáak̲x̲ + daak̲ | moving by mistake, wrongly
• daak | seaward; out into open; falling from sky
• k̲ux̲ ⁓ k̲ux̲dé [+d] | reverting; returning
• N-xʼ k̲ux̲ [+d] | reverting to N; returning to N
motion confined to a location
• N-xʼ | coming near N
• N-ÿa | coming up to N
• N + gunaÿa- | separating from N
• N + jishá- | getting ahead of N
• gági | emerging; coming out into open
• dáagi | coming out of water
• héeni | going into water
• g̲unayéi ⁓ g̲unéi | beginning
• N-x̲ | moving in place at N; while stuck at N
• N-xʼ + ÿax̲ | turning over by N
• áa + ÿax̲ | tunring over
• shú + ÿax̲ | turning over end by end
• ÿetx̲ | starting, taking off, picking up
oscillating motion
• yoo | moving back and forth; to and fro
• ÿan + yoo | moving up and down (from surface)
• N-x̲ sha-ÿa-oo | hanging up at N
• ÿax̲ + sha-ÿa-oo | hanging up
revertive motion
• a-ÿa-oo [+d] | reverting, turning back
• kei + a-ÿa-oo [+d] | escape, flee, run away
oblique unbounded motion
• N-x̲ + ÿa-oo ⁓ ÿaa | moving obliquely, circuitously along N
• N + daa-x̲ | circling around N
• N-dé + ÿa-oo ⁓ ÿaa | moving obliquely, circuitously toward N
• hé-dé | moving over that way, aside, out of the way
• N-dáx̲ + ÿa-oo ⁓ ÿaa | moving obliquely, circuitously away from N
• N + jikaa-dáx̲ | getting out of Nʼs way
• N-náx̲ + ÿa-oo ⁓ ÿaa | moving obliquely, circuitously along, through N
• N-xʼ + ÿa-oo ⁓ ÿaa | moving obliquely, circuitously at N
• N + daséi-xʼ | exchanging places with N
• woosh + kaanáx̲ [+d] | gathering together, assembling
O-ka-(∅)-S-l-√.aat⁓ ³ • (event verb – transitive) | carry (small, round or hoop-like objects); give (small, round or hoop-like objects); take (small, round or hoop-like objects) | for S to carry O (small, round or hoop-like objects) | (KE, JC) • kasʼéet nadáakw ká yan akawli.át →  he put the screws on the table (NS) • guk.ádi du jeet akawli.át →  he gave her earrings (NS) • i kʼoodásʼi anax̲ kala.á! →  button up your shirt! (NS) • anax̲ akawli.át →  he buttoned it up (NS)
• imperative: {∅ preverb} kala.á! | carry them {____}!
• prohibitive: líl {∅ preverb} keela.aadík̲! | donʼt carry them {____}
• perfective (+): {∅ preverb} akawli.át | s/he carried them {____}
• perfective (–): tlél {∅ preverb} akawul.aat | s/he didnʼt {____}
• future (+): {∅ preverb} akagux̲la.áat | s/he will carry them {____}
• future (–): tlél du jeedé akagux̲la.aat | s/he wonʼt carry them {___}
N-t + ka-l-.át ³ • (positional verb) | lie there (of small round or hooplike objects) | for small, round or hoop-like objects to lie at N | (KE) • kasʼéet nadáakw kát kala.át →  the screws are (lying) on the table (NS)
• imperfective (+): át kala.át | they are lying there
• imperfective (–): tlél át kool.át | theyʼre not lying there
N-t + O-ka-S-l-√.át ³ • (positional verb) | lying there (to have small round or hooplike objects lying there) | for S to have O  (small, round or hoop-like objects) lying at N
• imperfective (+): át akla.át | s/he has them lying there
• imperfective (–): tlél át akool.át | s/he doesnʼt have them lying there

√.aat ⁴ (verb root) | lie down | classification: human • singular form: √taa
N-t l-.át • (positional verb) | lie there (of several things; of dead or unconscious persons or animals) | for several things to lie at N; for several persons or animals to lie dead, unconscious, or incapacitated at N
• imperfective (+): át la.át | theyʼre lying there
• imperfective (–): tlél át ul.át | theyʼre not lying there
sh + (∅)-S-d+l-√.aat⁓ ⁴ • (act verb – intransitive) | lie down (plural human) | for S (plural human) to lie down | dei s sh il.át →  they are already lying down (NS)
• imperative: sh yil.át! | you all lie down!

√.aat ⁵ (verb root) | communicate | classification: plural subject • singular form: √taan⁓ ⁵

at la.át | baggage; luggage | from verb O-(na)-S-l-√.aat⁓ ² (motion) →  for S to carry, take (plural) O (esp. baggage) (NS) • at la.át ashayalihéin →  he has many pieces of baggage (NS)

at shax̲ishdi dzáas (compound noun) | spear for clubbing | “clubbing something on the head laces” | at + sha-√x̲ish-t-i + dzáas →  something +[repeatedly].[relative] + babiche/thonging

at tugáni (compound noun) | gunpowder | “burns something inside” | at + tu-√gán-i →  something + inside.√burn/light.[relative]

at tux̲ʼwánsʼi (compound noun) | buckshot; moccasin lining | “something rotted to powder” | at + tu-√x̲ʼwán-sʼ-i →  something + inside.√rot-to-powder.[repetitive].[relative]

at tʼaa.éexʼi (verbal noun) | town crier | “yells it to the landward side” | (JL) • at+tʼáa-∅-√.éexʼ-i →  [something-(indN.O)–d,∅,–i).√shout/call-out.rel] (LVN)

at wooskú daakahídi; áxʼ k̲aa ée at dultóow yé; sgóon; shgóon (compound noun, verbal noun) | school | “house around wisdom” | (KE) • at ÿu-∅-s-√kú+daaká-hít-i →  [something-(indN.O) pfv.s/he-(3.S).cl-(+d,s,–i).√]

at xáshti téel, keish téel (Y) (compound noun, borrowed noun) | moccasins | “cut up thing shoe” | (KE, GD) • at+√xásh-t-i+téel • from verb: O-(na)-S-∅-√xaash – for S to cut O with knife; for S to saw O →  [something-(indN.O)+√cut/saw.rep.rel+shoe]

atyátxʼi latíni (compound noun, verbal noun) | “watches children” | babysitter | (KE) • at+yát-xʼ-i+la-√tín-i →  [somethingʼs-(indH.P)–d,l,–i).√see.rel]

aatlein (adjective) | much; lots of; | prenomial adjective: appears before the noun that it affects

átlʼáni (noun) | slime (inside clamshell) | (KE)

atskanée! (interjection) | scary!

áwé (determiner, particle) | that there is | this particle is used often in Tlingit oratory and conversation to signal a pause or that the speaker intends to speak or continue speaking | á-wé →  [focus-particle].that

awliwás (verbal noun) | dryfish, hard | “roasted dry fish” | (KE) • related verb: O-(?)-S-l+d-√waas? – for S to roast O (dried fish by open fire), for S to cook O by roasting

áxʼ k̲aa ée at dultóow yé; sgóon; shgóon; at wooskú daakahídi (compound noun, verbal noun) | school | “place where people are taught there” | (KE) • áa-x+k̲aa ée+at du-l-√tóow+yé →  [ʼs-(indH.P).to-(empty base)+something-(indN.O) someone-(indH.S).cl-(+d,l,–i).√teach+place)

ax̲ (possessive pronoun) | my | first person singular possessive (1s.p)

ax̲áa (verbal noun) | paddle | “paddler” | (KE) • from verb: a-(∅)-S-∅-√x̲aa ² – for S to paddle, row

áyá (particle, determiner) | this right here is | á-yá →  [focus-particle].this-right-here

ayáx̲ (particle) | correct; thatʼs how | often appears with «áwé» as in «ayáx̲ áwé!» (thatʼs how it is!)

áyú (particle, determiner) | that way over there is | á-yá →  [focus-particle].that-way-over-here

chʼa aanínáx̲, chʼa aanídáx̲ (particle) | kind: do it with kindness!; gentle: do it gently!

Dak̲lʼaweidí (clan name) | Clan: Killer Whale (Eagle/Wolf Moiety) | “People of the Inland Sandbar” | Killerwhale Migration, Dak̲lʼaweidí Group • Primary Crests: Killerwhale, Eagle • Secondary Crests: Wolf, Dog Spirit, Octopus, Seal, Glacier, Iceberg, Flicker, Shark, Moth | (TT, AH, NR, JC, JL, HJ) • daak̲-lʼéiw-át-i →  inland.sand.thing.[possession]
Taantʼá K̲wáan
• Kéet Hít | Killerwhale House
• G̲ooch Hít | Wolf House
• Yasku Hít | Wasgo? House
• Kóon Hít | Flicker (Woodpecker) House
Xutsnoowú K̲wáan
• Kéet Hít | Killerwhale House
• Yaa Ayanasnak̲ Kéet Hít | Killerwhale Chasing after It (Seal) House
• Kéet Oox̲ú Hít | Killerwhale Tooth House
Jilk̲áat K̲wáan Chʼeet Hít – Murrelet House Tleilú Hít – Moth House Kéet Gooshí Hít – Killerwhale Dorsal Fin House Kéet K̲wáani Hít – Killerwhale People House Kéet Lʼóotʼi Hít – Killerwhale Tongue House Kéet Déx̲ʼi Hít – Killerwhale Backbone House Áatlein K̲wáan Deisleen K̲wáan Tagish K̲wáan Kéet Hít – Killerwhale House

dax̲adooshú (number) | seven | “someone extends [their hand] to the second one” | déix̲-aa-du-w-ÿa-√shú →[classifer].√extends

Deisheetaan (clan name) | Clan: Beaver (Raven/Crow Moiety) | “People of the End of the Trail House” | Primary Crests: Beaver, Split Beaver (Teslin) • Secondary Crests: Raven, Dragonfly, Mosquito, Whíte Frog, Sockeye, Hawk, Bullhead, Needlefish | (TT, AH, NR, JC, JL, HJ) • dei-shú-hít-taan →  road/
Xutsnoowú K̲wáan
• Dáanaa Hít | Silver House
• Deishú Hít | End of the Trail House
• Goon Hít | Spring (of water) House
• Shdéen Hít | Steel House
• Tuk̲ká Hít | Needlefish House
• Yéil Hít | Raven House
Xutsnoowú K̲wáan
• Yéil Sʼaag̲í Hít | Raven’s Bones House
• Kaak̲áakʼw Hít | Basket/Arch House
Áatlein K̲wáan
Deisleen K̲wáan
Tagish K̲wáan
• Deishú Hít | End of the Trail House
Shtaxʼhéen K̲wáan
• Deishú Hít | End of the Trail House

√déixʼ (verb root) | ashamed; shame
O-ka-(na)-∅-√déixʼ • (state verb – transitive) | ashamed; shame – feel shame | for O to be ashamed; for O to be feel shame | (GD, KE) • ax̲ dlaakʼ kayadéixʼ →  my sister is ashamed (NS) • tlax̲ tléil koodéixʼ →  heʼs never ashamed (because hardened) (NS)
• imperative: ikanadéixʼ! | be ashamed!
• prohibitive: líl ikoodéixʼik̲! | donʼt be ashamed!
• imperfective (+): kayadéixʼ / kaadéixʼ | s/he is ashamed
• imperfective (–): tlél koodéixʼ | s/he isnʼt ashamed
• perfective (+): kaawadéixʼ | s/he became ashamed
• perfective (–): tlél kawudéixʼ | s/he didnʼt become ashamed
• future (+): kakg̲wadéixʼ | s/he will be ashamed
• future (–): tlél kakg̲wadéixʼ | s/he wonʼt be ashamed
O-ka-(na)-S-l-√déixʼ • (act verb – transitive) | shame – put to shame; embarassed | for O to be shamed by S; for O to be embarrassed by S; for O to be put to shame by S | (GD) • du yéi jineiyích kawlidéixʼ →  his work/what he did made him ashamed (NS) • tlax̲ x̲at kalidéixʼi →  Iʼm real ashamed (NS)
• perfective (+): akawlidéixʼ | he/she/it made her/him ashamed
• perfective (–): tlél akawuldéixʼ | he/she/it didnʼt make her/him ashamed
• future (+): akagux̲ladéixʼ | he/she/it will make her/him ashamed
• future (–): tlél akagux̲ladéixʼ | he/she/it wonʼt make her/him ashamed
• imperfective (+): akalidéixʼ | he/she/it makes her/him ashamed
• imperfective (–): tlel akooldéixʼ | he/she/it doesnʼt make her/him ashamed
• perfective (+): akawlidéixʼ

déix̲ (number) | two | (KE) déex̲ (Y,A,T)

Dikee Aank̲áawu; Aank̲áawu (compound noun) | Diety – God, Lord, Creator | “person of the land above” (a post-contact term from Christianity) | (KE) • (dikee)+aan-k̲áa-wu →  [above+land.person.rel]

déex̲ (Y,A,T) (number) | two déix̲

dúk̲lʼ, túk̲lʼ | spruce: young spruce; hemlock: young hemlock

dléigu (verbal noun) | pat, loving pat (like a grandparent would give to a child) | loving pat (like a grandparent would give to a child) | from verb: O-(?)-S-l-√dléigoo(?) – for S to pat, pet O (pat, pet, gesture to express affection) • (JM)

√dléigu | shake hands; pat affectionately
O-(na)-S-l-√dléigu • (act verb – transitive) | pat; pet | for S to pat O (esp. under chin or on back, to express affection); for S to pet O (esp. under chin or on back, to express affection) | (GD, LA, KE) • tʼukanéiyi aldléigu →  Sheʼs rocking/patting the baby (NS) • du x̲ʼásʼ x̲walidléigu →  i patted her on the chin (esp. grandparent, of child) (NS)
• imperative: naldléigu! | pat him/her!
• prohibitive: líl iladléiguk̲! | donʼt pat him/her!
• imperfective (+): aldléigu | s/he is patting her/him
• perfective (+): awlidléigu | s/he patted her/him
• perfective (–): tlél awuldléigu | s/he didnʼt pat her/him
• future (+): agux̲ladléigu | s/he will pat her/him
• future (–): tlél agux̲ladléigu | s/he wonʼt pat her/him

dléikwaa shéeyi (verbal noun, compound noun) | lullaby | “loving patting song” | (JM) • dléikwaa+shí-yi • from verb: O-(?)-S-l-√dléigoo(?) – for S to pat, pet O (pat, pet, gesture to express affection) →  [loving-pat+song.rel]

é! (interjection) | check it out!; wow! | used as an exclamation of pride, achievement, or wonder

éilʼ (noun) | salt; ocean; salt water

éilʼ héen, éilʼ héeni (compound noun) | ocean; salt water | éilʼ + héen-i →  salt/ocean/salt water + water/river/creek.[relational]

éilʼ kahéeni (compound noun) | saltwater brine | “water from salt” | éilʼ-héen-i →  salt/ocean/salt water.water/river/creek.[relational]

éitsʼkʼ! (interjection) | yum!

eix̲, eex̲ (T,Y,S) (noun) | oil; grease

eix̲ kát sakwnein, eex̲ kát sakwnein (compound noun) | bannock; fry bread | “bread on the oil/grease”

éix̲ʼ (noun) | slough

√gaa ³ | predict
O-shu-(na)-S-s-√gaa⁓ • (act verb – transitive) | predict | for S to predict O
• imperative: shunasgá! | predict it!
• prohibitive: líl yoo sheesagéigik̲! | donʼt predict it!
• imperfective (+): ashoosgeitʼ | s/he is predicting it
• imperfective (–): tlél ashoosgeitʼ | s/heʼs not predicting it
• perfective (+): ashoowsigaa | s/he predicted it
• perfective (–): tlél ashuwusgaa | s/he didnʼt predict it
• future (+): ashagux̲sagáa | s/he will predict it
• future (–): tlél ashagux̲sagaa | s/he wonʼt predict it

√gaak̲ (verb root) | visit (esp. for pleasure or with a particluar person)
O-(g̲a)-S-∅-√gaak̲⁓ • (event verb – transitive) | visit | for S to visit O (esp. a particular person) | (GD, KE) • yei haa gax̲dugáak̲ →  we are going to have visitors (NS) • g̲unayéi k̲wáan haa woogaak̲ →  folk from other localities are visiting us / staying temporarily in our town (NS)
• prohibitive: líl yei eegák̲jik̲! | donʼt visit her/him!
• perfective (+): aawagaak̲ | s/he visited her/him
• perfective (–): tlél awugaak̲ | s/he didnʼt visit her/him
• future (+): yei akg̲wagáak̲ | s/he will visit her/him
• future (–): tlél yei akg̲wagaak̲ | s/he wonʼt visit her/him

gáaxʼu (noun) | riddle

√goot ¹ (verb root) | walk (singular); go (by walking, singular) | classification: singular subject • plural form: √.aat ¹
∅ conjugation motion preverbs •
motion towards a terminus
• N-{t,x̲,de) | arriving at N; coming to N
• neil(t) ⁓ neilx̲ ⁓ neildé | moving inside; coming home
• N-xʼ + neil(t) | moving inside house at N
• haat ⁓ haax̲ ⁓ haa(n)dé | coming to our vicinity
• yóo-{t,x̲,de} | going away; going off somewhere
• kux ⁓ kuxx̲ ⁓ kúxde | moving aground; into shallow water
• ÿan ⁓ ÿax̲ ⁓ ÿánde | moving ashore; to rest; comlpeting
• N-xʼ + ÿan | coming to rest at N
• N-náx̲ + ÿan | moving across N; to the other side of N
• ÿan + kʼi- | setting up; erecting
• ÿan + sha- | setting up; leaning against
motion toward area
• kei | moving up
• ux̲ + kei | moving out of control, blindly, amiss
• N-x̲ʼé-xʼ + kei | catching up with N
• yei | desiembark, exit boat or other vehicle
• yeik̲ ⁓ yeek̲ | moving down to shore
• héeni + yeik̲ | moving down into water
• daak̲ | moving up from shore; back from open
• dáag̲i + daak̲ | moving farther up from shore
• k̲wáak̲x̲ + daak̲ | moving by mistake, wrongly
• daak | seaward; out into open; falling from sky
• k̲ux̲ ⁓ k̲ux̲dé [+d] | reverting; returning
• N-xʼ k̲ux̲ [+d] | reverting to N; returning to N
motion confined to a location
• N-xʼ | coming near N
• N-ÿa | coming up to N
• N + gunaÿa- | separating from N
• N + jishá- | getting ahead of N
• gági | emerging; coming out into open
• dáagi | coming out of water
• héeni | going into water
• g̲unayéi ⁓ g̲unéi | beginning
• N-x̲ | moving in place at N; while stuck at N
• N-xʼ + ÿax̲ | turning over by N
• áa + ÿax̲ | tunring over
• shú + ÿax̲ | turning over end by end
• ÿetx̲ | starting, taking off, picking up
oscillating motion
• yoo | moving back and forth; to and fro
• ÿan + yoo | moving up and down (from surface)
• N-x̲ sha-ÿa-oo | hanging up at N
• ÿax̲ + sha-ÿa-oo | hanging up
revertive motion
• a-ÿa-oo [+d] | reverting, turning back
• kei + a-ÿa-oo [+d] | escape, flee, run away
oblique unbounded motion
• N-x̲ + ÿa-oo ⁓ ÿaa | moving obliquely, circuitously along N
• N + daa-x̲ | circling around N
• N-dé + ÿa-oo ⁓ ÿaa | moving obliquely, circuitously toward N
• hé-dé | moving over that way, aside, out of the way
• N-dáx̲ + ÿa-oo ⁓ ÿaa | moving obliquely, circuitously away from N
• N + jikaa-dáx̲ | getting out of Nʼs way
• N-náx̲ + ÿa-oo ⁓ ÿaa | moving obliquely, circuitously along, through N
• N-xʼ + ÿa-oo ⁓ ÿaa | moving obliquely, circuitously at N
• N + daséi-xʼ | exchanging places with N
• woosh + kaanáx̲ [+d] | gathering together, assembling
{∅ preverb} + (∅)-S-∅-√goot⁓ ¹ • (motion verb – intransitive) | walk (singular); go (by walking, singular) | for (singular) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) | (KE, JC) • wáa sáwé tléil haa x̲ánx̲ eegoot? →  why do you never come (walking) to our place? (NS) • chʼa ldakát yakyee haa hídeex̲ goot →  he came to our house every day (NS) • shaa yadaax̲ kei nagút →  he is ascending (climbing up) the mountain (NS) • haa ítx̲ neil uwagút →  he followed us into the house (NS) • gági uwagút →  he appeared (came where all could see him, having been previously out of sight) (NS)
• imperative: {∅ preverb} gú! | go {____}!
• prohibitive: líl {∅ preverb} yigoodík̲! | donʼt go {____}
• repetitive imperfective prohibitive: líl {∅ líl repetitive preverb} eegoodík̲! | donʼt (ever) go {____}
• progressive imperfective: {∅ preverb} yaa nagút | s/he is going {____}
• perfective (+): {∅ preverb} uwagút | s/he went {____}
• perfective (–): tlél {∅ preverb} wugoot | s/he didnʼt go {____}
• future (+): {∅ preverb} gug̲agóot | they will go {____}
• future (–): tlél {∅ preverb} kg̲wagoot | they wonʼt go {____}
• progressive imperfective (–): | s/he isnʼt going {____} tlél {∅ preverb} yaa unagút
{∅ preverb} + (∅)-S-d+∅-√goot⁓ ¹ • (motion verb – transitive) | walk (singular); go (by walking, singular) | for (singular) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) | (KE, JC)
• imperative: {∅ preverb} yida.gú! | you all go {____}
• prohibitive: líl {∅ preverb} yida.goodík̲! | donʼt go {____)
• progressive imperfective: {∅ preverb) yaa nada.gút | s/he is going {____}
• perfective (+): {∅ preverb} wudi.gút | s/he went {____}
• perfective (–): tlél {∅ preverb} wuda.goot | s/he didnʼt go {____}
• future (+): {∅ preverb} gux̲da.góot | s/he will go {____}
• future (–): tlél {∅ preverb} gux̲da.goot | s/he wonʼt go {____}
N + jikaadáx̲ + ya-u-(∅)-S-∅-√goot⁓ ¹ • (motion verb – intransitive) | get out of way | for (singular) S to get out of Nʼs way | (KE, JC)
• imperative: du jikaadáx̲ woogú! | get out of his/her way!
• repetitive imperfective prohibitive: líl du jikaadáx̲ yaa eegútjik̲! | donʼt (ever) get out of his/her way!
• progressive imperfective: du jikaadáx̲ yaa wunagút | s/he is getting out of his/her way
• perfective (+): du jikaadáx̲ has yaawagút | s/he got out of his/her way
• perfective (–): tlél du jikaadáx̲ yawu.goot | s/he didnʼt get out of his/her way
• future (+): du jikaadáx̲ yakg̲wa.góot | s/he will get out of his/her way
• future (–): tlél du jikaadáx̲ yakg̲wagoot | s/he wonʼt get out of his/her way
a-ya-u-(∅)-S-d+∅-√goot⁓ ¹ • (motion verb – intransitive) | turn back (singular, by walking); go back (singular, by walking) | for (singular) S to turn back, go back (by walking or as general term) | (KE, JC) • neildé ayawdigút →  he turned back and returned home (NS)
• imperative: ayeedagú! | turn back!
• repetitive imperfective prohibitive: líl ayeedagútx̲ik̲! | donʼt (ever) turn back!
• progressive imperfective: yaa awundagút | s/he is turning back
• perfective (+): ayawdigút | s/he turned back
• perfective (–): tlél ayawdagoot | s/he didnʼt turn back
• future (+): ayakg̲wadagóot | s/he will turn back
• future (–): tlél ayakg̲wadagoot | s/he wonʼt turn back
na conjugation motion preverbs •
unbounded directed motion
• [no preverb] | moving along, lateral, horizontal
• N-dé | moving toward N
• gándé | to the bathroom; go urinate, pee; go defecate, poop
• N-x̲ | moving along N
• N-dáx̲ | moving away from N
• N-náx̲ | moving by way of, through N
• N-nák̲ | leaving N behind
• N-g̲áa | going for (to obtain) N
• yux̲ | moving out of house
• N-xʼ + yux̲ | moving out of house at N
unbounded undirected motion
• N-t | moving around N
• N áa | moving around N
{na preverb} + (na)-S-∅-√goot⁓ ¹ • (act verb – intransitive) | walk (singular); go (singular, by walking or generally) | for (singular) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) | (KE, JC) • goodé sá yaa neegút? →  where are you going (walking}? (NS)
• imperative: {na preverb} nagú! | go {____}!
• prohibitive: líl {na preverb} yigoodík̲! | donʼt go {____}!
• repetitive imperfective prohibitive: líl {na preverb} yoo eegútgik̲! | donʼt (ever) go {____}!
• progressive imperfective: {na preverb} yaa nagút | s/he is going {____}
• perfective (+): {na preverb} woogoot | s/he went {____}
• perfective (–): tlél {na preverb} wugoot | s/he didnʼt go {____}
• future (+): {na preverb} kg̲wagóot | s/he will go {____}
• future (–): tlél {na preverb} kg̲wagoot | s/he wonʼt go {____}
• progressive imperfective (–): | s/he is not going {____} tlél {na preverb} yaa unagút
gánde (na)-S-∅-√goot⁓ • | go to the bathroom; bathroom – go to the bathroom; pee – go pee; urinate – go urinate; poop – go poop; defecate – go defecate | for (singular) S to go to the bathroom | a euphemism that literally means “go outside” although the indepdendent base «gáan» contracts to «gán». learners should be careful to keep the vowel long if the intended meaning is “going outside”.
ga conjugation motion preverbs •
initiatory motion
• [no preverb but general upward motion] | starting off, picking up, upward
• N-dáx̲ | starting off, picking up from N
• N+ítx̲ | following N
• k̲ut | going astray, getting lost
{ga preverb} + (ga)-S-∅-√goot⁓ ¹ • (motion verb – intransitive) | walk (singular); go (singular, by walking) | for (singular) S to walk, go | (KE, JC) • aan ká kei átch g̲uwakaan →  the deer climb up to the mountain pastures (in July) (NS) • he appeared (came where all could see him, having been previously out of sight)
• repetitive imperfective prohibitive: líl {repetitive ga preverb} kei eegútjik̲! | donʼt (ever) go {____}!
• progressive imperfective: {ga preverb} kei nagút | s/he is going {____}
• perfective (+): {ga preverb} woogoot | s/he went {____}
• perfective (–): tlél {ga preverb} wugoot | s/he didnʼt go {____}
• future (+): {ga preverb} kei kg̲wagóot | s/he will go {____}
• future (–): tlél {ga preverb} kei kg̲wagoot | s/he wonʼt go {____}
yaa + O-shu-(ga)-S-∅-√goot⁓ ¹ • (event verb – transitive) | lead (singular object, especially by walking) | for S to lead (singular) O (especially by walking ahead) | objects in this verb are always plural, while subject may be singular or plural | (KE, JC) • neildé ishukk̲wagóot →  Iʼll lead you home (NS) • héen x̲ʼayaax̲dé x̲at shuwagoot →  he led me to the riverʼs edge (NS)
• imperative: yaa shugagú! | lead her/him!
• prohibitive: líl shuyigootdík̲! | donʼt lead her/him!
• progressive imperfective: yaa ashunagút | s/he is leading her/him
• perfective (+): ashoowagoot | s/he led her/him
• perfective (–): tlél ashuwugoot | s/he didnʼt lead her/him
• future (+): yaa ashukg̲wagóot | s/he will lead her/him
• future (–): tlél yaa ahsukg̲wagoot | s/he wonʼt lead them
g̲a conjugation motion preverbs •
downward motion
• [no preverb but general downward motion] | falling (intransitive uncontrolled themes), downward
• ÿaa | moving down
• yaax̲ | embarking, getting into boat/vehicle
• ÿanax̲ | moving down into ground
• N-x̲ | moving down along N
• héen-x̲ | moving into water
• káx̲ + sha- | falling over, prone
• N-náx̲ | moving down by way of, through N
{g̲a prefix} + (g̲a)-S-∅-√goot⁓ ¹ • (motion verb – intransitive) | walk (singular); go (singular, by walking) | for (singular) S to walk, go (by walking or as a general term) | (KE, JC)
• imperative: {g̲a preverb} yaa g̲aygú! | go {___}!
• prohibitive: líl {g̲a preverb} yei yigútjik̲! | donʼt go {____}!
• progressive imperfective: {g̲a preverb} yei nagút | s/he is going {____}
• perfective (+): {g̲a preverb} woo.aat | s/he went {____}
• perfective (–): tlél {g̲a preverb} wugoot | s/he didnʼt go {____}
• future (+): {g̲a preverb} yei gug̲agóot | s/he will go {____}
• future (–): tlél {g̲a preverb} yei gug̲agoot | s/he wonʼt go {____}
• progressive imperfective (–): | s/he is not going {____} tlél {g̲a preverb} yei unagút

gúxʼaa át kanduk̲ʼíshji (verbal noun, compound noun) | hockey | “batting the can around” | (JL) • √gúxʼaa+áa-t+ka-na-du-∅-√k̲ʼísh-ch-i →  [–d,∅,–i).√bat.rep.rel]

-g̲aa (relational suffix) | after; for; then; around

G̲aanax̲.ádi (clan name) | Clan: Raven/Starfish (Raven Moiety) | “People of Sheltered Harbor” (Port Stewart in northern Behm Canal) | G̲aanax̲.ádi Migration • Primary Crests: Raven, Starfish • Secondary Crests: Whale, Golden Eagle, Frog, Musk Ox | (TT, AH, NR, JC, JL, HJ) • g̲aanáx̲-át-i →  sheltered-place.thing.[possessed]
Taantʼá K̲wáan
• Yan Wuliháshi Hít | Drifted Ashore House
• Yéil Hít | Raven House
• Sʼáx Hít | Starfish House
• Yéil Sʼaag̲í Hít | Raven’s Bones House
• Noow Hít | Fort House
• Gijook Hít | Golden Eagle House
• Xaas Hít | Buffalo House
• Taan Hít | Sea Lion House
• K̲utísʼ Hít | Looking Out House
• Yáay Hít | Whale House
• Xʼaagóon Hít | Isthmus Point House
Heinyaa K̲wáan
• Yan Wuliháshi Hít | Drifted Ashore House
• Yaaw Hít | Herring House
• Yáay Hít | Whale House
• Deishú Hít | End of the Trail House
• Shísʼk̲ Noow Hít | Sapling Fort House
Tak̲jikʼ Aan K̲wáan
• Yan Wuliháshi Hít | Drifted Ashore House
• Yan Wuliháshi Hít 2 | Drifted Ashore House 2
Tʼaak̲ú K̲wáan
• Ishká Hít | Atop the Fish Hole House
• Yan Wuliháshi Hít | Drifted Ashore House
• Yéil Hít | Raven House
Áakʼw K̲wáan
• G̲aanax̲aa Hít | G̲aanax̲aa House
• Yéil Hít | Raven House
Xunaa K̲áawu
• G̲aanax̲aa Hít | G̲aanax̲aa House
Galyáx̲ K̲wáan

√g̲aas (verb root) | forbidden; taboo
(ga)-l-√g̲aas • (state verb – intransitive) | forbidden; taboo; inappropriate – culturally inappropriate | for something to be forbidden, taboo, not allowed by custom | «lig̲aas» in Tlingit is an action that will likely bring a harsh consequence, possibly at a later time to future generations | (GD, KE) • íx̲tʼ ádi át awusheeyí lig̲aas →  itʼs forbidden to touch a spiritual healerʼs (íx̲tʼ) things (NS)
• imperfective (+): lig̲aas | itʼs forbidden
• imperfective (–): tlél ulg̲aas | itʼs not forbidden
O-(ga)-S-l-√g̲aas * • (act verb – transitive) | abstain; refrain from; keep from doing | for S to abstain (usually for ceremonial or religious reasons); for S to refrain from, keep from doing (usually for ceremonial of religious reasons) | classification: ceremonial | at x̲alig̲aas →  I abstain (from things such as eating meat) (NS) • wududlig̲aas →  they are keeping from various foods and activities (in observance of Lent) (NS)

g̲ayéisʼ, ik̲yéisʼ (compound noun) | iron; tin | “discolored copper” | eek̲-√yéisʼ →  copper.discolored

g̲unayak̲wáan (compound noun) | stranger; foreigner; outsider | (JC)

Haa Shagóon (compound noun) | Ancestors: Our Ancestors | “Our Origins and History; Our History; Where We Come From”

√háachʼ (verb root) | shameful
O-ka-(ga)-l-√háachʼ • (state verb – transitive) | shameful | for O to be a shameful thing | (GD, KE) • kaliháachʼi átx̲ sitee →  itʼs a deeply shameful thing (NS)
• imperfective (+): kaliháachʼ | he/she/it is shameful
• imperfective (–): tlél koolháachʼ | he/she/it is not shameful
• perfective (+): kawliháachʼ | he/she/it was shameful
• perfective (–): tlél kawulháachʼ | he/she/it wasnʼt shameful
• kei kagux̲laháachʼ | he/she/it will be shameful
• tlél kei kagux̲laháachʼ | he/she/it wonʼt be shameful

hé (determiner) | here | close, but not in immediate space • closer to the speaker than the listener • behind: right behind or in a nearby but somewhat unknown location • common suffix combinations are listed below. take note of the ways that suffixes affect tone and vowel length
• héidáx̲ / héitx̲ [hé+-dáx̲] | from here
• héide [hé+-dé] | towards here
• héináx̲ [hé+-náx̲] | through here
• héit [hé+-t] | arriving here; at that place here
• héidu [hé+-t+-wu] | here; located at that place right here
• héixʼ [hé+-xʼ] | residing here; at this place here
• héix̲ [hé+-x̲] | moving along here; repeatedly here

√hook (verb root) | stamp (feet); stomp (feet); shout (at k̲u.éexʼ)
kei + O-(∅)-S-∅-√hook⁓ • (act verb – transitive) | shout | for S to lift O (an emptied container of berries or fruit) at k̲u.éexʼ | classification: k̲u.éexʼ | kei duhúkch →  they emptied (the dish) and lifted it up (in triumph} (NS) • kei aawahúk dú xwáaxʼoo teen →  he emptied it (ate all the contents o f it) with his tribal brothers (NS)
chush + tóodáx̲ + kei + (∅)-S-d+∅-√hook⁓ • (act verb – transitive) | shout – remove grief; remove grief; grief- remove grief | for S to remove grief with ritual shouts at k̲u.éexʼ | classification: k̲u.éexʼ | this process often involves four men, two from each moiety, who poud a staff on the floor while making the release of grief chant | choosh tóodáx̲ kei dahúkch →  dispelling the grief with a shout (at k̲u.éexʼ, after the cry songs and done with four men holding a staff) (HJ)

i 1 (possessive pronoun) | your | second person singular possessive (2s.p)

i 2 (object pronoun) | you [object] | second person singular object (2s.O)

i 3 (subject pronoun) | you [subject] | second person singular subject (2s.S)

–ee- (postpositional pronoun) | also known as the “empty base,” this postpositional pronoun appears after a possessive pronouns and before a directional/relational suffix. Tlingit does not allow directional/relational suffixes on pronouns, so the empty base exists for that. The following examples used
directional/relational suffixes
• -de | to, toward; until; in the manner of
• -dáx̲ ⁓ -tx̲ ⁓ -x̲ | from, out of; since
• -t | (resting) at; coming to, arriving at; moving about
• -xʼ ⁓ -∅ | residing at; at (the scene of); at (the time of)
• -náx̲ | through; along, via; including the time of
• -wu ⁓ -u | is/are at
• -x̲ | (in prolonged contact) at; (repeatedly arriving) at; being, in the form of
• -n | (along) with; by means of; as soon as
examples using the suffix «-de»
• ax̲ eedé | towards me
• haa eedé | towards us
• i eedé | towards you
• yee eedé | towards you all
• du eedé | towards her/him
• has du eedé | towards them
• a eedé | towards it
• k̲aa eedé | towards somebody, people
• at eedé | towards something
• ax̲ tláa eedé | towards my mother
• i éesh eedé | towards your father
examples using the suffix «-n»
• ax̲ een ⁓ x̲aan | with me
• haa een ⁓ haan | with us
• i een | with you
• yee een | with you all
• du een | with her/him
• has du een | with them
• a een ⁓ aan | with it
• k̲aa een ⁓ k̲oon | with somebody, people
• at een | with something
• ax̲ tláa een | with my mother
• i éesh een | with your father

ée!, éeee! (interjection) | yuck!; eeeew!

eech (noun) | reef; large rock or boulder lying on the ocean floor

eech kakwéiyi (compound noun, verbal noun) | fixed buoy | “marker on the reef” | eech ka-√kwei-yi →  reef on.√mark.[relative]

éechʼ (noun) | heavy: something compact and very heavy

éedaa (noun) | phosphorescence (sparks of light in ocean water); luminescence (on rotten wood)

–eeg̲áa (preverb) | waiting for –; after: going after –; for: going for – | when used with non-motion verbs, it translates to “waiting for” • when used with motion verbs, it translates to “going after” or “going for” | ee-g̲áa →  [empty base].after/for

–eeg̲ayáak (compound noun, locational base, relational base) | beach below –; shore below – | eek̲-ayáak →  beach/shore.separated-(but still connected)

éeg̲i (locational base, relational suffix) | from the woods onto the beach, shore

–éekʼ (kinship term) | brother: a femaleʼs brother | in Tlingit kinship, the term for a sibling is used for someone of the same clan who is in the same generation. Sibling kinship terms can extend to anyone of the same moiety in the same generation to express personal closeness. Note that this kinship term is only used by females, regardless of the age of the sibling.

–ik̲ (body part) | foot: –s midfoot | from the ankle & talus to the toes, esp. the top of the foot | (JC)

eek̲ (noun) | copper

éek̲ (locational base) | beach; waterside; beach: down on the beach; shore: down on the shore

eek̲ háatlʼi (compound noun) | verdigris; patina formed on weathered copper | “copper excrement” | eek̲ + háatlʼ-i →  copper + mess/excrement.[possessed]

eek̲ lukak̲éesʼi (compound noun, verbal noun) | low tide (point at which the tide will begin coming in) | “flooding the nose of the beach” | (KE) • eek̲+lu-ka-√k̲éesʼ-i →  [beachward+nose/point.hsf.√flood.rel] ; | snipe – kind of snipe | “flood on the point of the beach” | (JL)

–ik̲ká (body part) | foot: top of –ʼs foot | “top of midfoot” | ik̲.ká →  midfoot.on

ik̲kaa (compound noun) | Ahtna Athabaskan; Copper River Athabaskan | eek̲-ká →  copper.on

ik̲náachʼ (compound noun) | brass

ik̲yéisʼ, g̲ayéisʼ (compound noun) | iron; tin | “discolored copper” | eek̲-√yéisʼ →  copper.discolored

ilí!, ihí!, li! (interjection) | donʼt!; stop it!

ilí sʼé!, ilí sʼá! (interjection) | wait!

ín (noun) | flint

–een aa (kinship term) | –ʼs moiety mate; –ʼs kinsman | “the ones with –”

een, tin, tín, teen, téen, -n (relational base) | (along) with; by means of; as soon as | it is unclear whether the form of this word is determined by grammatical rules, dialect preference, or personal preference

ín xʼeesháa (compound noun) | bottle; jug | “flint bucket”

éenaa (noun) | scraper, as for scraping off bark from roots

–éenee, –éenyee, –éeni (C) (body part) | armpit: –ʼs armpit

–éenee x̲aawú, –éenyee x̲aawú, –éeni x̲aawú (C) (body part) | armpit hair: –ʼs armpit hair | éenee + x̲aawú →  armpit + hair

éenwu, éenu (TC) (compound noun) | food taken home from a feast or dinner to which one was invited

ísh (noun) | fishing hole; hole in stream, river, creek

–éesh (kinship term) | –ʼs father | in Tlingit kinship, the term for a father is used for the birth father and also maleʼs of the fatherʼs clan who are in the same generation as the father as an expression of personal closeness.

eesháan! (interjection) | poor thing! | this is often used for teasing, but can also be used to express extreme sadness or pity when showing empathy and compassion

Ishkeetaan (clan name) | Clan: Frog (Raven Moiety) | “People of Deep Pool in the River House” | (TT, AH, NR, JC, JL, HJ) • ish-ka-hít-taan →
Áatlein K̲wáan
Deisleen K̲wáan
Tagish K̲wáan

ishk̲een (noun) | black cod

–ít (relational base) | after –; following –

éet (locational base, noun) | sea floor

eet ká (compound noun) | room | “on the imprint/remains” | eet + ká →  imprint/remains + on

–eetí (relational base) | in place of –; place where – was; imprint: –ʼs imprint; aftermath: –ʼs aftermath

–eetí ká (relational base, noun) | room: (in) his/her room; bedroom: (in) his/her bedroom

–eetéenáx̲ (relational base, relational suffix) | lacking –; without – | “through the remains of” | eetí-náx̲ →  remains/imprint.through/via/along

éetkasʼáaw (noun) | crab – king crab | “crab on the ocean floor” | (BF)

éetkatlóox̲u (compound noun) | bullhead | “bullhead on the sea floor”

–ítx̲ na.aadí, –ítx̲ na.aatxʼí, –ítx̲ ne.aatxʼí (C) (compound noun, verbal noun) | followers: –ʼs followers; disciples: –ʼs disciples | “those walking after –” | ít-x̲ na-∅-√goot-í →  following.[repeatedly]√walk/go-(plural).[relative]

–ítx̲ nagoodí (compound noun, verbal noun) | follower: –ʼs follower; disciple: –ʼs disciple | “walking after –” | ít-x̲ na-∅-√goot-í →  following.[repeatedly]√walk/go-(singular).[relative]

ítʼch (verbal noun) | glass (the substance) | “sparkles” | from verb: ka-(na)-d+l-√ítʼch (state intransitive) →  for something to sparkle, reflect light (KE)

éex (locational base) | downstream; south

íxde (locational base, relational suffix) | south: (toward) the south; downstream: (toward) downstream

ixkée (locational base) | downstream; south; lower 48 states (locally: down south)

eex̲ kát sakwnein, eix̲ kát sakwnein (compound noun) | bannock; fry bread | “bread on the oil/grease”

eex̲ (T,Y,S), eix̲ (noun) | oil; grease

íx̲tʼ (noun) | medicine person; traditional spiritual healer; shaman

eey (noun) | rapids

√jaak̲ (verb root) | kill
O-(∅)-S-∅-√jaak̲⁓ • (event verb – transitive) | kill | for S to kill O | (GD, KE) • tsaag̲álʼ teen xóots aawaják̲ →  he killed a bear with a spear (NS) • káaxʼ haa atx̲aayí sákw gax̲toojáak̲ →  weʼll kill a chicken for our meal (NS)
• imperative: ják̲! | kill her/him/it!
• imperfective (+): yaa anaják̲ | he/she/it is killing her/him/it
• perfective (+): aawaják̲ | he/she/it killed her/him/it
• perfective (–): tlél awujaak̲ | he/she/it didnʼt kill it
• future (+): akg̲wajáak̲ | he/she/it will kill her/him/it
• future (–): tlél akg̲wajaak̲ | he/she/it wonʼt kill her/him/it

–ká (relational base) | on –; horizontal: –ʼs horizontal surface; on top of –; in – (oft. shallow container) | commonly written as “hsf” in Tlingit glossing. • common suffix combinations are listed below. take note of the ways that suffixes affect tone and vowel length
• –kaadáx̲ / –kaax̲ [ká+-dáx̲] | from the top of –
• –kaadé [ká+-dé] | over –; towards the top of –; along the top of –
• –kaanáx̲ / –kanax̲ [ká+-náx̲] | through the top of –; along the top of –
• –kát [ká+-t] | arriving on –; on –
• –káwu [ká+-wu] | located on –
• –káxʼ / –káa [ká+-xʼ] | residing on –; located on –
• –káx̲ [ká+-x̲] | moving along on; repeatedly on –

kadeiyak g̲éiwu (compound noun, verbal noun) | net – gill-net | “snagging net” | (BF)

kadulg̲óok sʼeenáa (compound noun) | flashlight | “light someone clutches in their hand” | ka-du-l-√g̲óok + sʼeenáa d →  hsf.someone.[classifier].√clutch-squeeze-(in hand)

kanóoxʼ, tanóoxʼ, tadanóox’ (compound noun) | turtle | “shell on it” | ka-nóoxʼ →

kashiísʼee (noun) | indian cheese, stink cheese | fermented salmon eggs that harden to a cheese | (NS)

katóok, tatóok (compound noun) | cave | ka-tóo-k →  on.inside.?

káts (noun, color) | shell: calcium from clam shells; calcium from clam shells; excrement: white bird excrement; white (color) | (JL)

kélʼtʼ (noun) | ash; ashes | (KE)

keish téel (Y), at xáshti téel (compound noun, borrowed noun) | moccasins | moccasins, “cut up thing shoe” | (GD, KE)

keewáa k̲aa dzúnaa (compound noun, verbal noun) | meteor | “missiles thrown at people from above” | (HJ) • keewáa k̲aa ∅-√dzú-n-aa →  [up-in-sky+somoene-(indH.O)+cl-(–d,∅,–i).√throw-stones/hit-with-missiles.cond.the-one(s)-(part.i)]

keewáa k̲aa dzúneiyi (compound noun, verbal noun) | meteorite | “belonging to the missiles thrown at people from above” | (HJ) • kée-waa+k̲aa+∅-√dzú-n-aa-yi →  [up-in-sky+somoene-(indH.O)+cl-(–d,∅,–i).√throw-stones/hit-with-missiles.cond.the-one(s)-(part.i).rel]

kookʼénaa (verbal noun) | sandflea; flea: sandflea | “one that jumps around” | (JL) • ka-ÿu-√kʼén-aa →  hsf.pfv.√

Kook̲hittaan (clan name) | Clan: Raven (Raven/Crow Moiety) | “People of Cellar House” | Primary Crests: Raven (with children) • Secondary Crests: Musk Ox
Tʼaak̲ú K̲wáan
Áatlein K̲wáan
• Xaas Hít | Bison/Cattle House
Deisleen K̲wáan Tagish K̲wáan

kóox̲ʼ (noun) | dried yaana.eit (wild celery) stalks

k̲aa jín lidléigoo (verbal noun) | handshake | “to pat a personʼs hand” | k̲aa+jín+li-√dléigoo • from verb: O-(?)-S-l-√dléigoo(?) – for S to pat, pet O (pat, pet, gesture to express affection) • (JM)

k̲aa k̲u.áx̲ji (verbal noun) | interpreter | “understands people” | (SH) • k̲aa+k̲u-∅-√.áx̲-ch-i →  [someone-(indH.O)–d,∅,–i).√hear.rep.rel]

k̲aa x̲ʼéit yawoos.á (verbal noun) | a kiss

k̲’áatl’ (adjective) | flat | postnominal: appears after the noun it modifies

k̲ateeyí (particle) | wonder | itʼs a wonder; no one knows how; despite the odds | (MD, GD)

k̲éet, sik̲éet (verbal noun) | dam: beaver dam | si-√k̲eet →  [classifier].√dam-up (NR) • (JL)

k̲ushtuyáx̲ (particle) | matter – doesnʼt matter | it doesnʼt matter | (JC)

k̲watlʼ wáalʼi at x̲ʼa.áx̲ch (verbal noun, compound noun) | English – broken English | “sounds like a broken cooking pot” | this is how speakers of Tlingit would describe a first language Tlingit speaker who struggles to speak English | (GD)

lé (T) | membrane | (JL)

leineit shál yaakw (compound noun) | boat – gill-netter | “sheep horn spoon boat” | (BF) • leinet+shál+yaakw →  [sheephorn+spoon+canoe/boat]

lingít shákw (compound noun) | strawberry: native strawberry

√lóoxʼ (verb root) | urinate; pee
a-(∅)-S-∅-√lóoxʼ⁓ • (event verb – intransitive) | urinate; pee | for S to urinate | (GD, EM, KE)
• imperative: alʼúxʼ (dé)! | urinate (now)!
• prohibitive: líl eelʼúxʼx̲ik̲! | donʼt urinate!
• progressive imperfective: yaa analʼúxʼ | he/she/it is going along urinating
• perfective (+): aawalʼúxʼ | he/she/it urinated
• perfective (–): tlél awulʼóoxʼ | he/she/it didnʼt urinate
• future (+): akg̲walʼóoxʼ | he/she/it will urinate
• future (–): tlél akg̲walʼóoxʼ | he/she/it wonʼt urinate
sh daa a-(∅)-S-d+∅-√lóoxʼ⁓ • (event verb – intransitive) | pee oneself; urinate oneself | for S to pee oneself | (GD, EM, KE)
• imperative: (góok) sh daa eedalúxʼ! | (go ahead) pee yourself!
• prohibitive: líl sh daa eedalúxʼx̲uk̲! | donʼt pee yourself!
• progressive imperfective: sh daa yaa andalúxʼ | s/he is peeing himself/herself
• perfective (+): sh daa awdilúxʼ | s/he peed himself/herself
• perfective (–): tlél sh daa awdalóoxʼ | s/he didnʼt pee himself/herself
• future (+): sh daa agux̲dalóoxʼ | s/heʼs going to pee himself/herself
• future (–): tlél sh daa agux̲dalóoxʼ | s/heʼs not going to pee himself/herself

lʼátʼaa (verbal noun) | tongs | “the one that carries with tongs” | √lʼátʼ-aa →  √carry-(with tongs).one(s)

√lʼéelʼ (verb root) | defecate; poop
a-(∅)-S-∅-√lʼéelʼ⁓ • (event verb – intransitive) | defecate; poop | for S to defecate | (GD, EM, KE)
• imperative: alʼílʼ (dé)! | defecate (now)!
• prohibitive: líl eelʼílʼx̲ik̲! | donʼt defecate!
• progressive imperfective: yaa analʼílʼ | he/she/it is going along defecating
• perfective (+): aawalʼílʼ | he/she/it defecated
• perfective (–): tlél awulʼéelʼ | he/she/it didnʼt defecate
• future (+): akg̲walʼéelʼ | he/she/it will defecate
• future (–): tlél akg̲walʼéelʼ | he/she/it wonʼt defecate
sh daa a-(∅)-S-d+∅-√léelʼ⁓ • (event verb – intransitive) | poop oneself; deficate oneself | for S to poop oneself | (GD, EM, KE)
• imperative: (góok) sh daa eedalílʼ! | (go ahead) poop yourself!
• prohibitive: líl sh daa eedalílʼx̲uk̲! | donʼt poop yourself!
• progressive imperfective: sh daa yaa andalílʼ | s/he is pooping himself/herself
• perfective (+): sh daa awdilílʼ | s/he pooped himself/herself
• perfective (–): tlél sh daa awdaléelʼ | s/he didnʼt poop himself/herself
• future (+): sh daa agux̲daléelʼ | s/heʼs going to poop himself/herself
• future (–): tlél sh daa agux̲daléelʼ | poop himself/herself

Lʼeeneidí | Clan: Dog Salmon (Raven Moiety) | People of Dog Salmon Creek | Lʼeeneidí Mirgration • Primary Crest: Dog Salmon • Secondary Crests: Raven, Gull, Big Dipper, Mountain Goat, Lady of the Lake | (TT, AH, NR, JC, JL, HJ) • téelʼ-héen-át-i →  dog-salmon.water/river/creek.thing.[possessed]
Áakʼw K̲wáan
• G̲aatáa Hít | Trap House
• Téelʼ Hít | Dog Salmon House
Tak̲jikʼ Aan K̲wáan
• Téelʼ Hít | Dog Salmon House
• Téelʼ Yádi Hít | Dog Salmon Child House

Lʼuknax̲.ádi | Clan: Coho (Raven Moiety) | “People of Deep Bay” | Lʼuknax̲.ádi Migration • Primary Crest: Coho • Seconary Crests: Raven, Frog (Dry Bay), Octopus, Sea Lion, Whale | (TT, AH, NR, JC, JL, HJ) • lʼugunáx̲-át-i →  coho-clan-community-(Deep Bay).thing.[possessed]
Sheetʼká K̲wáan
• Daginaa Hít | Out in the Ocean Salmon Box House
• K̲utá Hít | Sleep House
• Lʼook Hít Tlein | Big Coho House
• Lʼook Hít Yádi | Little Coho House
• Shgataayí Hít | Yakutat Creek House
• Taan Hít | Sea Lion House
• Xinaa Hít | House at Lower End of Town
• Xinaa Hít 2 | House at Lower End of Town 2
• Xíxchʼi Hít | Frog House
• Yáay Hít | Whale House
Áakʼw K̲wáan
• Lʼook Hít | Coho House
G̲unaax̲oo K̲wáan
• Xíxchʼi Hít | Frog House
Yaakwdáat K̲wáan
• Shaa Hít | Mountain House (Mount Fairweather)
• Daginaa Hít | Out in the Ocean Salmon Box House
• Eech Hít | Reef House
• Eech Hít 2 | Reef House 2

√lʼoox; lʼéexw [K] (verb root) | close eyes
(N waak̲) ka-(∅)-d+∅-√lʼoox⁓ • (event verb – transitive) | close eyes | for Nʼs eyes to be closed | «–waak̲» is not required by the verb. For example, it is possible to say simply: kawdilʼúx to give the meaning “her/his eyes are closed”. To specify whose eyes are closed, use the appropriate possessive pronoun plus –waak̲, as in: ax̲ waak̲ kawdilʼúx “my eyes are closed.” | (GD, KE, NS)
• progressive imperfective: (du waak̲) yaa kandalʼíxw | her/his eyes are starting to close
• perfective (+): (du waak̲) kawdilʼíxw | her/his eyes are closed
• perfective (–): (du waak̲) tlél kawdalʼeexw | her/his eyes arenʼt closed
• future (+): (du waak̲) kagux̲dalʼéexw | her/his eyes will be closed
• future (–): (du waak̲) tlél kagux̲dalʼeexw | her/his eyes wonʼt be closed
ka-(∅)-S-d+∅-√lʼoox⁓ • (event verb – intransitive) | close eyes | for S to close eyes | (GD, KE)
• imperative: keedalʼúx ! | close your eyes!
• prohibitive: líl keedalʼúxx̲ik̲! | donʼt close your eyes!
• perfective (+): kawdilʼúx | s/he closed her/his eyes
• perfective (–): tlél kawdalʼoox | s/he didnʼt close her/his eyes
• future (+): kagux̲dalʼóox | s/he will close her/his eyes
• future (–): tlél kagux̲dalʼoox | s/he wonʼt close her/his eyes

mesdzi (C), wesdzi (C), tsískʼw, óondách (T) (noun) | owl: great horned owl; owl with ear tufts

√náakw (verb root) | medicine – use medicine
O-(na)-S-d+∅-√náakw • (act verb – transitive) | medicine – use medicine; dose; medicate | for S to treat O with medicine; for S to medicate O; for S to dose O | yáa náakw teen tlákw nanáakw →  medicate him all the time with this medicine! (NS) • Lingít yáx̲ áwé sh x̲wadináakw →  I dosed myself the Tlingit way (NS)
• imperative: nanáakw! | medicate her/him!
• perfective (+): wudináakw | s/he medicated her/him

√naak̲ ² (verb root) | let go; release; hand over; give up
O-ji-(∅)-S-∅-√naak̲⁓ • (event verb – transitive) | let go of, release her/him/it; leave, desert her/him/it; hand her/him/it over | for S to let go, release, relinquish O; for S to leave, desert O; for S to hand over, deliver up O | (GD, KE) • tsu ajikwg̲anáak̲ →  heʼs going to let it go again (NS) • tsaa dleeyí k̲aa x̲ʼéide ajeewanák̲ →  he is giving away seal meat (NS)
• imperative: jinák̲! | let it go!
• prohibitive: Líl jeenák̲x̲ik̲! | donʼt let it go!
• perfective (+): ajeewanák̲ | s/he let it go
• perfective (–): tlél ajuwanaak̲ | s/he didnʼt let it go
• future (+): ajikg̲wanáak̲ | s/he will let it go
• future (–): tlél ajikg̲wanaak̲ | s/he wonʼt let it go
ji-(∅)-S-d+∅-√naak̲⁓ • (event verb – intransitive) | quit work; stop working | for S to quit, stop work | (GD, KE) • jix̲toodanaak̲ gu.aa déi ágé? →  I wonder whether weʼd better quit? (NS)
• imperative: jeedanák̲ (dé)! | quit (work) (already)!
• prohibitive: líl jeedanák̲x̲ik̲! | donʼt quit (work)!
• perfective (+): jiwdinák̲ | s/he quit (work)
• perfective (–): tlél jeewdanaak̲ | s/he didnʼt quit (work)
• future (+): jigux̲danáak̲ | s/he will quit (work)
• future (–): tlél jigux̲danaak̲ | s/he wonʼt quit (work)
O-x̲ʼa-(∅)-S-∅-√naak̲⁓ • (event verb – transitive) | quit (esp. drinking); give up (esp. drinking) | for S to quit, give up O (esp. drinking) | (GD, KE) • x̲ʼanák̲ déi wé at daná! →  quit drinking now! (NS)
• imperative: x̲ʼanák̲! | quit (drinking)!
• prohibitive: líl x̲ʼeenák̲x̲ik̲! | donʼt quit (drinking)!
• perfective (+): ax̲ʼeiwanák̲ | s/he quit (drinking)
• perfective (–): tlél ax̲ʼawunaak̲ | s/he didnʼt quit (drinking)
• future (+): ax̲ʼakg̲wanáak̲ | s/he will quit (drinking)
• future (–): tlél ax̲ʼakg̲wanaak̲ | s/he wonʼt quit (drinking)

nasʼgadooshú (number) | eight | “someone extends [their hand] to the third one” | nasʼk-aa-du-w-ÿa-√shú →[classifer].√extends

sgóon; shgóon; at wooskú daakahídi; áxʼ k̲aa ée at dultóow yé (borrowed noun) | school | school, from English “school” | (KE)

–sieyí (relational base) | shelter of –; lee of –; area below: (beach) area below – (a mountain, hill, etc.)

sik̲éet, k̲éet (verbal noun) | dam: beaver dam | si-√k̲eet →  [classifier].√dam-up (NR) • (JL)

sítʼ tuxóodzi, sʼiknóon (compound noun) | glacier bear | sʼeek-nóon →  black-bear.? • sítʼ + tu-xóots-i →  glacier + inside.brown-bear.[relative]

–sʼakhtu.ix̲i, –sʼakhtu.èx̲i (C), –sʼaak̲shi (compound noun) | marrow – bone marrow | “grease inside the bone” | (JL, KE) • sʼaak̲-tóo-eex̲-i →  [bone.inside.oil/grease.rel]

–sʼaak̲shi, –sʼakhtu.ix̲i, –sʼakhtu.èx̲i (C) (compound noun) | marrow – bone marrow | “touching the bone (?)” | (JL, KE) • sʼaak̲-shi →  [bone.touching]

sʼiknóon, sítʼ tuxóodzi (compound noun) | glacier bear | sʼeek-nóon →  black-bear.? • sítʼ + tu-xóots-i →  glacier + inside.brown-bear.[relative]

sh daxash washéen (compound noun) | chainsaw | “machine that cuts itself” | sh + da-√xash washéen →  [reflexive] + [classifier]-√cut/saw + machine

–shá (body part) | head: –ʼs head

shaa (noun) | mountain

shaa seiyí (compound noun) | mountain: shelter of a mountain; mountain: area on the beach below a mountain | shaa + seiyí →  mountain + shelter/lee/area-below

shaa shakée (compound noun) | mountaintop; mountain: on top of the mountain

shaa yadaa (compound noun) | mountainside; moutain: around the mountain | “around the face of the mountain” | shaa + ÿa-daa →  mountain + face/vertical-surface.around

sháa (noun) | women (plural)

sháachʼ (noun) | sardine; herring: young herring

sháak (noun) | plant: timothy grass (used for basket decoration)

shach’éen (compound noun) | hair ribbon; ribbon: hair ribbon | head-ribbon | sha-chʼéen →  head.ribbon

sháchgi tléig̲u (compound noun) | swamp berries; berries: swamp berries | sháchk-i + tléik̲w-u →  swamp.[peg vowel] + berry.[relational]

sháchk (noun) | swamp

sháchk ka.aasí (compound noun) | jackpine; swamp spruce; stunted tree in swamp | “tree on the swamp” | sháchk + ka-aas-í →  swamp + on.tree.[relational]

sháchk kax̲’wáal’i (compound noun) | Alaska cotton; cottongrass; swamp cotton | “down-feathers on the swamp” | sháchk + ka-x̲ʼwáalʼ-i →  swamp + on.down-feathers.[relational]

sháachʼ (noun) | plant – green plant that grows on trees | (JL)

shadaa.át (compound noun) | headscarf; scarf: headscarf; kerchief covering the head | sha-daa-át →  head.around.thing

–shadaadoogú (body part) | scalp: –ʼs scalp | “skin around the head” | sha-daa-dook-ú →[relational]

shadakóox̲ʼ (compound noun) | hat: ceremonial woven root hat with a stack of basket-like cylinders on top | “dry yaana.eit (wild celery) stalks around the head” | (JL, KE)

–shaadí (plant part) | sprouts (of plant); fleshy leaves (of plant) | –ʼs sprouts, fleshy leaves growing toward the top of the stem (e.g. of bear root)

–shagóon (relational base) | lineage: –ʼs lineage; origin: –ʼs origin; history: –ʼs history; parts: –ʼs parts; components: –ʼs components; materials: –ʼs materials; made of: what – is (to be) made of

–shakakóoch’i (compound noun) | hair: –ʼs curly hair; curly: –ʼs curly hair | “curly hair on the head” | sha-ka-√kóochʼ-i →  head.on.curly-(hair).[relational]

shakalk̲ísht (compound noun) | deer – male deer with antlers that have grown and split into two forks | “roasting sticks on the head” | (GD) • sha-ka-l-√k̲ísh-t →  [–d,l,+i).√roast-(over fire, on sticks)

shak’áts’ (compound noun) | dagger: double-ended dagger | “sharp head” | sha-√kʼátsʼ →  head.√sharp

shakéil’ (compound noun) | dandruff | “head ashes” | sha-kéilʼ →  head.ashes

shakee.át (compound noun) | headdress with carved frontlet, ermine skins, and sea lion whiskers; dance headdress with carved frontlet, ermine skins, and sea lion whiskers | “thing on the head” | shakée-át →  (on)-top-of-head.thing

shak’únts’ (noun) | deer sprouting horns | “potato head” | also used as a nickname to tease | sha-kʼúntsʼ →  head.potato

shákw (noun) | strawberry: domestic strawberry

shaak̲ (noun) | snag (driftwood in water); driftlog, driftwood

shál (noun) | spoon

shalas’áaw, shals’áaw (compound noun) | deer with full-grown antlers | “crabbed head” | sha-la-√sʼaaw →  head.[classifier].√crab-(dungeness)

–shaláx̲’ (body part) | head: back of his her head at the base; back of his her head at the base | “head heron” | sha-láx̲ʼ →  head.heron

shaltláax̲ (compound noun) | reef above high tide level; island: nucleus of emerging river island | “head made moldy” | sha-l-√tláax̲ →  head.[classifier].√moldy

shaan (adjective) | old; elderly | postnominal adjective: appears immediately after the noun it modifies

–shanáa (compound noun) | covering his her head; head: over his her head | “draped over the head” | shá-náa →  head.draped-over/covering

shaanák’w (compound noun) | (little) old person | shaan-aa-kʼw →  old/[diminutive]

shaanáx̲ (compound noun) | mountain valley; valley | shaa-náx̲ →  mountain.through/via

shanax̲wáayi, shúnx̲aa (compound noun) | axe | “through the head one”; “through the end one” | sha-náx̲-aa-yí →[relational] • shú-náx̲-aa →

shanax̲wáayi yádi, shúnx̲aa yádi (C) (compound noun) | hatchet | “through the head one child”; “through the end one child” | sha-náx̲-aa-yí + yát-i →[relational] + child.[possessed] • shú-náx̲-aa + yát-i → + child.[possessed]

–shashaaní (compound noun) | hair: gray hair | “old head” | sha-shaan-í →  head.old/elderly.[relational]

shatág̲aa (compound noun) | deer: deer with single spikes for antlers; ruminant: ruminant with single spikes for antlers | “head spearer” | (GD) • sha+√ták̲+aa →  {head+√spear/poke/prod+the-one]

shaatk’ásk’u, shaatkʼiyátskʼu, shaatkʼiyétskʼu (C) (compound noun) | girl; female: girl; adolescent: girl | shaat-kʼiyátskʼu⁓kʼátskʼu →  woman-(contracted).adolescent

shaatkʼ (compound noun) | woman: young woman (not married); female: young woman (not married) | shaat-kʼ →  woman-(contracted).[diminutive]

shaaw (noun) | gumboots; chiton

shaawát (noun) | woman; female: woman

shaax’wsáani (compound noun) | girls; young women; female: girls, young women | sháa-xʼw-sáani →  women.[plural].[diminutive plural]

shaax̲ (noun) | gray currant; stink currant

–shax̲aawú (body part) | hair: –ʼs hair (on head) | sha-x̲aawú →

shax̲dák̲w, shux̲dák̲w 1 (noun, compound noun) (compound noun) | shark: man-eating shark (legendary)

shax̲dák̲w, shux̲dák̲w 2 (noun, compound noun) (compound noun) | beetle: type of beetle

shax̲’ée x’wál’ (compound noun) | hair pin | sha-x̲’ée + x’wál’ →  head.? + ?

shax̲út’aa (compound noun, verbal noun) | fishing rod | “the one that drags it by the head” | sha-√x̲út’-aa →  head.√

shax̲’wáas’ (T) (compound noun) | bald spot; bald head | sha-√x̲’wáas’ →  head.√bald

shaayáal (noun) | hawk: kind of hawk

shayéen, tuháayi (compound noun) | nail | “beneath the head” | sha-yée(n) →  head.below

shayéinaa (compound noun, verbal noun) | anchor | “the one that anchors” | sha-√yáa-n-aa →  head.anchor.[repetitive].the-one(s)

shayeit (compound noun) | pillow | “thing below the head” | shá-yee-át →  head.below.thing

shé (noun) | blood

√shoo ² (verb root) | suffer
sh ka-(na)-S-d+l-√shoo⁓ • (event verb – intransitive) | crazy – go crazy | for S to go crazy | (GD, KE)
• prohibitive: líl yoo sh keelshéigik̲! | donʼt go crazy!
• progressive imperfective: yaa sh kanalshéin | s/he is going crazy
• perfective (+): sh kawdlishoo | s/he went crazy
• perfective (–): tlél sh kawulshoo | s/he didnʼt go crazy
• future (+): sh kakg̲walshóo | s/he will go crazy
• future (–): tlél sh kakg̲walshoo | s/he wonʼt go crazy
O-ka-(na)-∅-√shooʰ⁓ • (event verb – transitive) | for O to be intoxicated | (GD, KE)
• imperative: (góok) ikanashú! | (go ahead) get drunk!
• prohibitive: líl yoo ikoosheigík̲! | donʼt get drunk!
• progressive imperfective: yaa kanashéin | s/he is getting drunk
• perfective (+): kaawashoo | s/he is drunk
• perfective (–): tlél kawushoo | s/he isnʼt drunk
• future (+): kakg̲washóo | s/he will get drunk
• future (–): tlél kakg̲washoo | s/he wonʼt get drunk

–shuyee, shuwee (relational base) | foot of: at the foot of a slope; down from the crest of; back from the crest of | shu-ÿee →  end.below

tá (noun) | sleep

–tá (relational base) | bottom: bottom of –; bay: head of bay

táakw | winter; year

táakw niyís (compound noun) | preparation: (in preparation) for winter; winter: (in preparation) for winter | táakw + niyís →  winter + preparation-for-(time)

táal (noun) | basket: flat open basket woven from wide strips of bark (for carrying fish, etc.); platter: large platter

táanaa (verbal noun) | spear for catching octopus | √táan-aa →  √

táaw s’aatí (compound noun) | thief | “master of thievery” | √táaw + s’aatí →  √steal + master-(of)

táax’aa (verbal noun) | mosquito | “the one that bites” | √táax’-aa →  √

táax’aa x̲’uskudayáat’ (compound noun) | daddy long legs; mosquito eater | “the one that bites and has long legs” | √táax’-aa + x̲’us-ku-da-√yáat’ →  √ + foot/leg.[comparitive].[classifier].√long

táax’ál’ (noun) | needle

táax̲’ (noun) | snail; slug

táay (noun) | garden; field

táay kahéix̲i (compound noun) | gardener | “digs in the garden” | táay + ka-√háa-x̲-i →  garden + hsf.√move-small-parts.[repetitive].[relational]

tág̲aa | lancet; lance; spear | “one that spears”; “one that pokes” | √ták̲-aa →  √spear/

tag̲anís 1 (compound noun) | sapling; pole made from sapling | “for the bottom of a pole” | ta-g̲an-yís →  bottom.manmade-pole/stick.for

tag̲anís 2 | pole; sapling | “for poking with” | √taak̲-a-een-yís →  √spear/poke/prod.its.with.for

taakw aanási, taakw aaninaasí, taakw aanísi, taak aaneisí (compound noun) | jellyfish | “winter intestines” | taakw aaninaasí →  winter land.[relational].intestines

taakw.eetí (compound noun) | spring; early summer | “remains of winter” | taakw-eetí →  winter.remains/imprint

tak̲aadí (compound noun) | rockslide | té-√k̲aadí →  rock-√{rock/snow}-slide

ták̲l (noun) | hammer

taan (noun) | sea lion

taan x̲’adaadzaayí (compound noun) | horsetail | “sea lion whiskers” | taan + x̲’a-daa-dzaayí →  sea-lion + mouth.around.whiskers

tanaa.ádi (compound noun) | pajamas; bedclothes | “sleep draped over thing” | tá-naa-át-i →  sleep.draped-over.thing.[relative]

–taaní (TC), –taanwú, –táani (body part) | umbilical cord: –ʼs umbilical cord

tanóoxʼ, tadanóox’, kanóoxʼ | turtle | “shell on it” | ka-nóoxʼ →

tás (noun) | sinew; thread

–tási (body part) | sinew: –ʼs sinew | this is likely the form for sinew removed from the body, thus the possessive suffix

taashuká, taashuyee (A,C) (compound noun) | river flats; tidelands; mudflats | “in front of the bottom (of cavity)”; “at the foot of the bottom (of cavity)” | taa(k)-shuká →  bottom-(of cavity). (in)-front/ahead • taa(k)-shuyee →  bottom-(of cavity).at-the-foot-of-a-slope

taat (noun) | night

taat aayí adéli | night watchman; watchman: night watchman | “watches over the nightʼs things” | taat + aa-yí + a-√dél-i →  night + thing(s).[possessed] + [a-thematic).√watch/guard.[relative]

taat sitgawsáani (compound noun) | midnight | taat + sit-gaw-sáan-i →  night + ?

taat yeen (compound noun) | night: during the night; night: in the middle of the night | “middle of the night” | taat + yeen →  night + middle-of-(a period of time)

tatgé (noun) | yesterday

tatóok, katóok (compound noun) | cave | ka-tóo-k →  on.inside.?

tawéi (noun) | mountain sheep; bighorn sheep; Dallʼs sheep; sheep: mountain sheep

tax’aayí (compound noun) | rock point; point: rock point | té-x’aa-yí →  rock.point.[relational]

táxʼx̲i, tʼáxʼx̲i (noun) | dentalium; dentalia shells | (JL)

tax̲héeni (compound noun) | broth: soup broth; soup | “boiled food water” | √táa-x̲-héen-i →  √boil-food.[repetitive].water.[relational]

taay (noun) | fat; blubber

tayashagoo (compound noun) | sea anemone: small red sea anemone | “pokes out on the face of the rocks” | té-yá-sha-√goo →  rock.face.[classifier].poke

tayataayí (compound noun) | sea anemone | “beneath the face of the rocks” | té-ÿá-taayee →  rock.face.beneath

tayeidí | bladder rack; rock weed; seaweed: yellow seaweed | “thing beneath” | tayee-át-i →  beneath.thing.[relational]

tayees, yees (compound noun) (compound noun) | axe: stone axe; stone axe | té-yees →  stone.stone-axe

té (noun) | rock; stone

té kas’úgwaa yeit (T) (compound noun) | cast-iron skillet; skillet: cast-iron skillet | “stone thing beneath the ones that fry” | té + ka-√s’úk-aa + yee-át →  stone + hsf.√fry/ + beneath.thing

té k̲áas’ (compound noun) | rock crevice; fissure in rock | “rock crack” | té + √k̲áas’ →  rock + √be-cracked

té k̲’áatl’ (compound noun) | stone: wide flat stone (used for cooking); rock: wide flat stone (used for cooking) | té + k̲’áatl’ →  rock + flat

té shanax̲wáayi (compound noun) | sledgehammer | “stone axe”; “stone through the head one” | té + sha-náx̲-aa-yí →  stone/rock +[relational]

té tayee tlóox̲u (compound noun) | bullhead: little bullhead (found under beach rocks) | “bullhead under the rocks” | té + tayee + tlóox̲-u →  stone + underneath + bullhead.[relative]

té xóow (compound noun) | cairn; memorial pile of rocks; rock pile | té + xóow →  rock + rock-pile

téel (noun) | shoe(s)

téel’ (noun) | dog salmon; chum salmon

téel daakeyéis’i (C) (compound noun) | shoe polish | “discolors around the shoe” | téel + daa-ka-√yéis’-i →  shoe + around.hsf.√discolor.[relative]

téel ik̲keidí (compound noun) | moccasin top | “on top of the front of the foot shoe” | téel + ik̲-ka-át-í →  shoe + midfoot.on.thing.[possessed]

téel layeix̲í (compound noun) | shoemaker; cobbler | téel + la-√yeix̲-í →  shoe + [classifier].√construct/make.[relative]

téel tukanágaa (compound noun) | shoe: wooden form for shaping or stretching moccasins; moccasin: wooden form for shaping or stretching moccasins; form: wooden form for shaping or stretching moccasins | “the one that shapes the inside of the shoe” | téel + tú-ka-√nák-aa →  shoe + inside.hsf.√shape/

téel x̲’adzaasí (compound noun) | shoelace(s) | “shoe mouth laces” | téel + x̲’a-dzaas-í →  shoe + mouth.lace/thong.[relative]

téet (noun) | wave; swell

téetʼ (body part) | vein; tendon (inside body)

–téey (body part) | chin: –ʼs chin

téey (noun) | patch

téeyí | fish: soaked dried fish | √téey-i →  √soak-dried-fish.[relative]

téil (plant part) | pitch scab (where bark has been removed); pitchwood

–téix̲’ (body part) | heart: –ʼs heart

téix̲ (verbal noun) | boiled food; broth | √taa-x̲ →  √boild-food.[repetitive]

teik̲ (noun) | shawl; cape; poncho

–teiyí (body part) | gall bladder: –ʼs gall bladder | (JL)

–teiyí kahéeni (A), –teiyí tukehéeni (C), –teiyí (body part) | bile: –ʼs bile | “gall bladder juice” | –teiyí + ka-héen-i →  gall-bladder + on.water.[relative]

√tee ¹ (verb root) | be – to be
(yéi) + O-(na)-∅-√teeʰ⁓ ¹ • (state verb – transitive) | be – to be (that way) | for O to be (that way) | (KE) • wáa sá has yatee? →  how are they? (NS) • ldakát yéide yatee wé kakéin →  the yarn is all colors (NS)
• imperative: yéi inatí! | be that way!
• prohibitive: líl yéi eetéek̲! | donʼt be that way!
• imperfective (+): yéi yatee | he/she/it is that way
• imperfective (–): tlél yéi utí | he/she/it isnʼt that way
• progressive imperfective: yéi yaa nanein | he/she/it is becoming that way
• perfective (+): yéi wootee | he/she/it was/became that way
• perfective (–): tlél yéi wutee | he/she/it wasnʼt that way
• future (+): yéi kg̲watée | he/she/it will be that way
• future (–): tlél yéi kg̲watee | he/she/it wonʼt be that way
N-xʼ + yéi + O-(na)-∅-√teeʰ⁓ ¹ • (state verb – transitive) | be at; stay at; remain at; dwell at; live at | for O to be or stay at N; for O to dwell, live at N; for O to remain at N | (KE) • yáaxʼ ágé yéi yee kg̲watée? →  are you going to stay here? (NS)
N + x̲án-xʼ + yéi + O-(na)-∅-√teeʰ⁓ ¹ • (state verb – transitive) | be near; stay by; remain by; live by | for O to be near N; for O to stay by N; for O to remain by N; for O to live by N | (KE) • i x̲ánxʼ yéi x̲at nag̲atee! →  let me stay with you, at your place! (NS)
N + wak̲sheeyee-xʼ + yéi + O-(na)-∅-√teeʰ⁓ ¹ • (state verb – transitive) | appear before | for O to appear before N; for O to be apparent to N | (KE) • has du wak̲sheeyeexʼ yéi wootèe →  he appeared to them (NS)
N tóo-xʼ + yéi + O-(na)-∅-√teeʰ⁓ ¹ • (state verb – transitive) | remember; bear in mind | for N to remember O; for N to bear O in mind | (KE) • du k̲usax̲áni tlákw du tóoxʼ yéi yatèe →  he remembered his love all the time (and this affected how he behaved) (NS)
N + ee⁓ + O-(na)-∅-√teeʰ⁓ ¹ • (state verb – transitive) | affect | for O to affect N | (KE) • haa een at goog̲atée →   itʼs going to affect us/we will be involved (for example, in some cultural activity) (NS) • yóo aan ka.á haa een wootee →  the earthquake affected us (NS)
N tóon + O-(na)-∅-√teeʰ⁓ ¹ • (state verb – transitive) | care about; concerned about; affected by | for N to care about O; for N to be concerned about O; for N to be affected by O | (KE) • tléil has du tóon utí →  they don ʼt care (about public opinion) (NS)
N yáx̲ + O-(na)-∅-√teeʰ⁓ ¹ • (state verb – transitive) | like, similar to | for O to be like N | this is a powerful verb in Tlingit oratory, used to create simile | (KE) • kooléix̲waa has yáx̲ yatee →  they were like walruses (NS) • ldakát has du tundatáanee woosh yáx̲ wooditee →  all their thoughts were like each otherʼs (that is, there was unanimous agreement) (NS)
N eetée-náx̲ + O-(na)-∅-√teeʰ⁓ ¹ • (state verb – transitive) | need; lack; require | for O to need N; for O to lack N; for O to require N | (KE) • yées téel eetéenax̲ x̲at yatee →  I need new shoes (NS)
N tóo + g̲áa + O-(na)-∅-√teeʰ⁓ ¹ • (state verb – transitive) | acceptable; satisfactory; like – to be well-liked | for N to be acceptable to O; for N to be satisfactory to O; for N to be well-liked by O | (KE) • du yoo x̲ʼatángi k̲aa tóog̲aa yatee →  his speech is acceptable/satisfactory (NS) • ax̲ sáni k̲aa tóog̲aa yatee →  my uncle is popular/my uncle is acceptable to people (NS)
N x̲ʼéi + g̲áa + O-(na)-∅-√teeʰ⁓ ¹ • (state verb – transitive) | obey; obedient | for O to obey N; for O to be obedient to N | (KE) • ax̲ dachx̲ánkʼ ax̲ x̲ʼéig̲aa yatee →  my grandchild obeys me (NS) • du x̲ʼéig̲aa inatí! →  obey him! (NS)
tleiyéi + yéi + O-(na)-∅-√teeʰ⁓ ¹ • (state verb – transitive) | wait; still – be still; quiet; stop | for O to be still, quiet; for O to stop (car, clock, e.g.); for O to wait | (KE) • chʼa tleiyéixʼ yéi ng̲atee →  heʼd better wait/let him stay there and keep still (NS) • tléil du eeg̲áa tleiyéi yéi haa utí →  weʼre not waiting for him (NS)
N toowú + tleiyéi + yéi + O-(na)-∅-√teeʰ⁓ ¹ • (state verb – transitive) | calm – be calm; meditate – calm thoughts
N + kayáanáx̲ +  O-(na)-∅-√teeʰ⁓ ¹ • (state verb – transitive) | overpowered | for N to be overpowered by O | yá k̲utí ax̲ kayáanáx̲ yatee →  the weather is stronger than me; the weather is overpowering me TY
(yéi) + O-tu-(na)-∅-√teeʰ⁓ ¹ • (state verb – transitive) | feel like doing; want to do; feel that way | for O to want to do, feel like doing (that); for O to feel a certain way | (KE) • yax̲ has ayax̲lajaak̲t has toowatee →  they wanted to kill them (NS) • gáandei tuwatee →  he feels like going outside (NS)
• imperative: a daa itunatí! | care about it!
• imperfective (+): a daa tuwatee | s/he cares about it
• imperfective (–): tlél a daa tootí | s/he doesnʼt care about it
• future (+): a daa tukg̲watée | s/he will care about it
• future (–): tlél a daa tukg̲watee | s/he wonʼt care about it
(yéi) + k̲u-(na)-∅-√teeʰ⁓ ¹ • (state verb – intransitive) | be (for the weather to be a certain way) ; weather – for the weather to be (a certain way) | for the weather to be (that way) | (KE) • waa sá k̲oowatee gáanxʼ? →  whatʼs the weather like outside? (NS) • tsu chʼu yéi shákdéi k̲ukg̲watée séigán →  maybe it will be the same weather tomorrow (NS)
• imperfective (+): yéi k̲uwatee | the weather is that way
• imperfective (–): tlél yéi k̲ootí | the weather isnʼt that way
• perfective (+): yéi k̲oowatee | the weather was that way
• perfective (–): lél yéi k̲uwutee | the weather wasnʼt that way
• future (+): yéi k̲ukg̲watée | the weather will be that way
a-ya-(g̲a)-d+∅-√teeʰ⁓ ¹ • (state verb – intransitive) | stormy weather; rough (of weather); windy – very windy weather | for the weather to be stormy, rough; for the weather to be very windy | (KE) • yéi x̲waajée sig̲án yei ayagux̲datée →  i think itʼs going to be stormy tomorrow (NS)
• progressive imperfective: yei ayandatéen | itʼs getting stormy
• perfective (+): ayawditee | it was stormy; itʼs stormy
• perfective (–): tlél ayawdatee | it wasnʼt stormy; itʼs not stormy
• future (+): yei ayagux̲datée | it will be stormy
• future (–): tlél yei ayagux̲datee | it wonʼt be stormy
sh + tóog̲aa + O-(na)-d+∅-√teeʰ⁓ ¹ • (state verb – transitive) | grateful; thankful; satisfied | for O to be grateful, thankful; for O to be satisfied | i eedáx̲ sh tóog̲aa x̲at ditee →  I am grateful to you (NS)
• imperative: sh tóog̲aa indatí! | be grateful!
• imperfective (+): sh tóog̲aa ditee | s/he is grateful
• perfective (+): sh tóog̲aa wditee | s/he was grateful
• perfective (–): tlél sh tóog̲aa wdatee | s/he wasnʼt grateful
• future (+): sh tóog̲aa gux̲datée | s/he will be grateful
• future (–): tlél sh tóog̲aa gux̲datee | s/he wonʼt be grateful
O-shu-(na?)-∅-√teeʰ⁓ ¹ • (state verb – transitive) | expected – be expected | for O to be expected | x̲áa shoowatee →  an attacking force was expected (NS)
O-shu-ka-(na)-S-∅-√teeʰ⁓ ¹ • (event verb – transitive) | postpone | for S to postpone O | (GD, KE)
• imperative: shukanatí! | postpone it!
• prohibitive: líl yoo shukeeteegík̲! | donʼt postpone it!
• perfective (+): ashukaawatee | s/he postponed it
• perfective (–): tlél ashukawutee | s/he didnʼt postpone it
• future (+): ashukakg̲watée | s/he will postpone it
• future (–): tlél ashukakg̲watee | s/he wonʼt postpone it
N-x̲ O-(na)-s-√teeʰ⁓ ¹ • (state verb – transitive) | be (member of a group); become (member of a group) | for O to be N (a member of a group); for O to become N | (KE) • k̲únáx̲̲ yaadachóonx̲ isitee →  you are really upright/honest (NS) • ax̲ éesh asg̲eiwúx̲ sitee →  my father is a seine fisherman (NS)
• imperative: (noun)-x̲ inastí! | be a (noun)!
• prohibitive: líl (noun)-x̲ yoo eesteegík̲! | donʼt become a (noun)!
• imperfective (+): (noun)-x̲ sitee | s/he is a (noun)
• imperfective (–): tlél (noun)-x̲ ustí | s/he isnʼt a (noun)
• perfective (+): (noun)-x̲ wusitee | s/he became a (noun)
• perfective (–): tlél (noun)-x̲ wustee | s/he didnʼt become a (noun)
• future (+): (noun)-x̲ gux̲satée | s/he will be a (noun)
• future (–): tlél (noun)-x̲ gux̲satee | s/he wonʼt be a (noun)
N eenx̲ O-(na)-s-√teeʰ⁓ ¹ • (state verb – transitive) | be with | for O to be with N | gunalchéesh haa eenx̲ isateeyí →  thank you for being with us (BF)
g̲ax̲-(ga)-S-s-√tee⁓ ¹ • (act verb – intransitive) | cry, weep; mourn – cry in mourning; howl (plural subject) | for (plural) S to cry, weep, mourn; for (plural) S to howl (esp. of wolves) | classification: plural | (KE)
• imperative: g̲ax̲geesatí! | you all cry!
• prohibitive: líl g̲ax̲yisatéek̲! | donʼt you all cry!
• imperfective (+): has g̲ax̲satí | they cry; they are crying
• imperfective (–): tlél has ug̲ax̲satí | they donʼt cry; theyʼre not crying
• progressive imperfective: kei (ha)s g̲ax̲nastéen | they are beginning to cry
• perfective (+): has g̲ax̲wusitee | they cried
• perfective (–): tlél has g̲ax̲wustí | they didnʼt cry
• future (+): kei (ha)s g̲ax̲gax̲satée | they will cry
• future (–): tlél kei (ha)s g̲ax̲gax̲satee | they wonʼt cry
O-shu-(na)-S-s-√teeʰ⁓ ¹ • (state verb – transitive) | expect her/him/it; anticipate it | for S to anticipate, foresee O; for S to expect, consider O likely to happen or arrive | (KE) • Aangóon aantk̲eení has ashusitee →  Angoon is expecting visitors (NS) • has du éet awdlig̲ín, has du jeedáx̲ at shusati een →  he looked at them, expecting to get something from them (NS)
• imperative: shunastí! | expect her/him/it!
• prohibitive: líl sheesatéeyik̲! | donʼt expect her/him/it!
• imperfective (+): ashusitee | s/heʼs expecting her/him/it
• imperfective (–): tlél ashoostí | s/he isnʼt expecting her/him/it
• perfective (+): ashuwsitee | s/he expected her/him/it
• perfective (–): tlél ashuwustee | s/he didnʼt expect her/him/it
• future (+): ashugux̲satée | s/he will expect her/him/it
• future (–): tlél ashugux̲satee | s/he wonʼt expect her/him/it
O-k̲u-(g̲a)-d+S-√teeʰ⁓ ¹ • (state verb – transitive) | born; exist; live | for O to be in existence; for O to be born; for O to live | (KE) • i tláa ágé chʼa yeisú k̲udzitee? →  is your mother still living? (NS) • tléil daa sá k̲oostí →  there isnʼt anything (NS)
• imperfective (+): k̲udzitee | it exists; he/she/it is alive
• imperfective (–): tlél k̲oostí | it doesnʼt exist; he/she/it isnʼt alive
• perfective (+): k̲oowdzitee | it existed; he/she/it was born
• perfective (–): tlél k̲uwustee | it didnʼt exist; he/she/it wasnʼt born
• future (+): yéi k̲ukg̲wastée | it will exist; he/she/it will be born
• future (–): tlél yéi k̲ukg̲wastee | he/she/it wonʼt be born

teel (noun) | scar

téel daanéegwálʼi (T) (compound noun) | shoe polish | “painting around the shoe” | (JL) • téel + daa-√néegwálʼ-i →  shoe + around.√paint.[relative]

teen, téen, een, tin, tín, -n (relational base) | (along) with; by means of; as soon as | it is unclear whether the form of this word is determined by grammatical rules, dialect preference, or personal preference

tin, tín, teen, téen, een, -n (relational base) | (along) with; by means of; as soon as | it is unclear whether the form of this word is determined by grammatical rules, dialect preference, or personal preference

tináa (noun) | copper shield | an item of wealth, often used for trade • at times made into small ornamentation (pendants, earrings, etc.) • at times made very large as clan at.óow

tínx (noun) | bearberry: alpine bearberry ; kinnikinnick

teesh, tuteesh (noun) | loneliness; boredom | tu-√teesh →  inside.√lonely

teet x̲’achálx̲i (compound noun) | foam (on waves); waves: foam (on waves); sponge | “foams at the mouth of the wave” | téet + x̲’a-√chál-x̲-i • →  wave + mouth.foam?.[repetitive].[relative]

tíx (noun) | flea

tíxwjaa (A) (verbal noun) | stamping: sound of stamping; stomping: sound of stomping; pounding: sound of pounding fists; clapping: sound of clapping; sound of running quickly | “feet stamping” | (JL) • √tíxw-ch-aa →  √feet-stamp.[repetitive].one(s)

tíxʼ (noun) | rope

tíxʼ yádi (compound noun) | string | “rope child” | tíxʼ + yát-i →  rope + child.[possessed]

teey woodí, teey hoodí (T) (compound noun) | yellow cedar bark (for weaving)

téeyaa, tíyaa (compound noun) | chisel | “the one that chisels” | √téey-aa →  √carve-(with chisel or adze).one(s)

–tóok̲ (body part) | buttocks: –ʼs buttocks; butt: –ʼs butt; bottom: –ʼs bottom

tóonáx̲ k̲aadutéen (compound noun) | mirror | “through (it) someone sees people” | tóo-náx̲ + k̲aa-∅-√teen →  inside.through + person.√see

tóosʼ (noun) | shark

–tú (relational base) | inside – (oft. closed container) | common suffix combinations are listed below. take note of the ways that suffixes affect tone and vowel length
• –tóog̲aa [tú+-g̲áa] | pleasing; liked; wanted
• –toodáx̲ / –tootx̲ [tú+-dáx̲] | from the inside of –
• –tóode [tú+-dé] | towards the inside of –
• –tóonáx̲ [tú+-náx̲] | through the inside of –
• –tóot [tú+-t] | arriving at the inside of –; at the inside of –
• –tóowu [tú+-wu] | located inside of –
• –tóoxʼ [tú+-xʼ] | residing on inside of –; located inside of –
• –tóox̲ [tú+-x̲] | moving along on the inside of –; repeatedly inside of –

tudaxákw, tuk̲daadaxákw (compound noun) | basket with a rattle in the lid | “grind up inside”; “grind up around the bottom” | tu-da-√xákw →  inside.[classifier].√grind-up/beat-up • tóok̲-daa-da-√xákw →  butt/bottom.around.[classifier].√grind-up/beat-up

tuháayi, shayéen (compound noun) | nail | “moves into (in small parts)” | tu-háa-yi →  inside.move-(many small parts).[relational]

–tukayátxʼi (compound noun) | seeds: –ʼs seeds inside – (as inside a berry) | “–ʼs children inside” | tu-ka-yát-xʼ-i →  inside.on.child.[plural].[possessed]

took̲ (noun) | needlefish

tuk̲daa.át (compound noun) | diaper | “thing around the butt” | tóok̲-daa-át →  butt/bottom.around.thing

túk̲lʼ, dúk̲lʼ | spruce: young spruce; hemlock: young hemlock

–túk̲lʼi | cartilage: –ʼs cartilage; gristle: –ʼs gristle

–tuk̲.woolí, –tuk̲x̲ʼé (body part) | anus: –ʼs anus; butthole: –ʼs butthole | tuk̲-wool-í →  butt.hole.[relative]

–tuk̲x̲ʼé, –tuk̲.woolí (body part) | anus: –ʼs anus; butthole: –ʼs butthole | tuk̲-wool-í →  butt.mouth.[relative]

tuk̲ʼatáal; tug̲atáal (compound noun) | pants; trousers | tuk̲-a-táal →  butt.[a-theme?].√?

túlaa (verbal noun) | drill | “the one that drills” | √túl-aa →  √drill/

tula.aan (verbal noun) | kindness; generosity of heart | “kind inside” | tu-la√.aan →  inside.[classifier].√kind/gentle

toolchʼán (compound noun) | top (spinning toy) | too-l-√chʼán →  inside.[classifier}.√?

túlxʼu (compound noun) | drill bit | “drill in peg” | √túl-√xʼu →  √dill/spin.√drive-in-(peg)/nail

tunax̲hinnadaa (compound noun) | pipe (for carrying water) | “water flowing through the inside” | tú-náx̲-héen-na-√daa →  inside.through.water.[progressive imperfective].√flow

tundatáan (verbal noun) | thought | “inner communication” | tu-na-da-√táan →  inside.[conjugation prefix].[classifier].√communicate

tután (compound noun) | hope; intention; focus of hopes or thoughts | “inner communication” | tu-√tán →  inside.√communication

tuteesh, teesh (noun) | loneliness; boredom | tu-√teesh →  inside.√lonely

toow (body part) | tallow; fat: hard fat

toow sʼeenáa (compound noun) | candle | “tallow light”; “reading light” | toow + sʼeenáa →  tallow + light • √toow + sʼeenáa →  reading/learning + light (FS)

tuwaakú (borrowed noun) | tobacco (domestic) | from English “tobacco”

tuwalagéil (verbal noun) | braided

–tuwáxʼ (compound noun) | opinion: in –ʼs opinion; thinking: to –ʼs way of thinking feeling | “on the inside face of –” | tú-ÿá-xʼ →

–toowú (body part) | inner being: –ʼs inner being; spirit: –ʼs spirit; mind: –ʼs mind; soul: –ʼs soul ; feelings: –ʼs feelings; intention: –ʼs intention; thoughts: –ʼs thoughts | “located inside –” | tú-wú →

toowú klag̲é (compound noun) | pride; self-esteem, feeling good about oneself | “beautiful thoughts”; “beautiful feelings” | tú-wú + ka-la-√g̲é → + hsf.[classifier].√fancy/pretty/proud

toowú kʼé (compound noun) | good thoughts; happiness; felicity | “good thoughts”; “good feelings” | tú-wú + √kʼé → + √good/fine

toowú latseen | strength of mind or heart; courage; resolve | “strong thoughts”; “strong feelings” | tú-wú + la-√tseen → + [classifier].√strong

toowú néekw (compound noun) | sorrow; sadness | “ill thoughts”; “ill feelings | tú-wú + √néekw → + √sick/ill

tuxʼandaxeech (compound noun) | anxiety; preoccupation; nerves: wracked nerves; weighing: something weighing on oneʼs mind | “concentrating on anger inside” | tu-xʼan-da-√xeech →  inside.anger.[classifier}.√strive/concentrate

–tux̲ʼaxʼaayí (body part) | buttocks: crack of –ʼs buttocks; butt: –ʼs butt crack | “the point of the mouth of the butt” | tóok̲-x̲ʼá-xʼaa-yí →  butt.mouth.point

tux̲ʼwánsʼi náakw (compound noun) | pepper | “rotted-to-powder medicine” | tu-√x̲ʼwán-sʼ-i + náakw →  inside.√rot-to-powder.[repetitive].[relative] + medicine

tʼá (noun) | salmon: king salmon; salmon: chinook salmon; salmon: spring salmon

√tʼaaʰ⁓ (verb root) | warm ; hot
(∅)-∅-√tʼaaʰ⁓ • (event verb – intransitive) | warm ; hot | for something to be warm; for something to be hot | (KE) • k̲únáx̲ x̲at uwatʼáa →  iʼm really warm (NS) • héen tléil ootʼáaych →  the water isnʼt warm yet (NS)
• progressive imperfective: yaa natʼéin | itʼs getting hot
• perfective (+): uwatʼáa | itʼs hot
• perfective (–): tlél wutʼá | itʼs not hot
• future (+): gug̲atʼáa | it will get hot
• future (–): tlél gug̲atʼaa | it wonʼt get hot
ya-(∅)-∅-√tʼaaʰ⁓ • (event verb – intransitive) | hot; heated | for something to be hot; for something to be heated | (KE) • yaawatʼáayi héen →  hot water (often designating coffee or tea) (NS) • x̲ʼàan yáx̲ yaawatʼáa →  itʼs red hot (NS)
• progressive imperfective: yaa yanatʼéin | itʼs getting hot
• perfective (+): yaawatʼáa | itʼs hot; it got hot
• perfective (–): tlél yawutʼá | it isnʼt hot; it didnʼt get hot
• future (+): yakg̲watʼáa | it will get hot
• future (–): tlél yakg̲watʼaa | it wonʼt get hot
k̲u-(∅)-∅-√tʼaaʰ⁓ • (state verb – intransitive) | warm (of weather); warm (of weather) | for the weather to be warm; for the weather to be hot | (KE)
• imperfective (+): k̲uwatʼáa, k̲uyatʼáa | the weather is hot
• imperfective (–): tlél k̲uwatʼaa | the weather isnʼt hot
• perfective (+): k̲oowatʼáa | the weather got hot
• perfective (–): tlél k̲oowutʼá | the weather didnʼt get hot
• future (+): k̲ukg̲watʼáa | the weather will be hot
• future (–): tlél k̲ukg̲watʼaa | the weather wonʼt be hot
O-(∅)-S-s-√tʼaaʰ⁓ • (act verb – transitive) | warm it up | for S to warm O (water, etc.) | (KE) • héen kuk̲asatʼáa →  iʼm going to warm (heat) the water (NS)
• imperative: satʼá! | warm it up!
• repetitive imperfective prohibitive: líl isatʼeix̲ík̲! | donʼt (ever) warm it up!
• imperfective (+): astʼeix̲ | s/he is warming it up
• imperfective (–): tlél x̲wasatʼeix̲ | s/he isnʼt warming it up
• perfective (+): awsitʼáa | s/he warmed it up
• perfective (–): tlél awustʼá | s/he didnʼt warm it up
• future (+): agux̲satʼáa | s/he will warm it up
• future (–): tlél agux̲satʼaa | s/he wonʼt warm it up

tʼaa yátxʼi (compound noun) | shingles | “board children” | tʼaa + yát-xʼ-i →  board + child.[plural].[possessive]

tʼáa (noun) | board

tʼáa jáaji (compound noun) | ski(s) | “board snowshoe(s)” | tʼáa + jáaji →  board + snowshoe(s)

tʼáa jáaji wootsaag̲ayí (compound noun) | ski pole(s) | “board snowshoeʼs one that pokes/spears” | tʼáa + jáaji + wu-∅-∅-√tsaak̲-aa-yí →  board + snowshoe(s) + [pfv].[s/he].[classifier].√poke/spear

tʼáa ká (compound noun) | floor | “on the board” | tʼáa + ká →  board + on/hzsf

tʼáa kayéx̲aa (compound noun) | plane for scraping wood | “the one that whittles/shaves the board” | tʼáa + ka-√yéx̲-aa →  board + hsf.√make/

tʼáa shukaayí (compound noun) | square (for marking boards) | “measures the end of the board” | tʼáa + shu-√kaay-í →  board + end.√measure.[relative]

tʼáa shuxásha (compound noun) | saw: narrow saw used to cut corners off lumber; saw: bevel saw | “the one that saws the end of the board” | tʼáa + shu-√xásh-aa →  board + end.√cut/

tʼáa yá (compound noun) | wall | “face of the board” | tʼáa + yá →  board + face/vertical-surface

–tʼáak (relational base) | back inland from –; behind – (when looking from the sea)

tʼáax̲ʼw (noun) | wart

√tʼaach (verb root) | slap with open hand
O-(∅)-S-∅-√tʼaach⁓ • (act verb – transitive) | slap her/him/it; tag her/him | for S to slap O; for S to tag O (as in game of tag) | (KE)
• imperative: tʼách! | slap her/him/it!
• prohibitive: líl eetʼáchx̲ik̲! | donʼt slap her/him/it!
• imperfective (+): atʼácht | s/he is slapping her/him/it
• imperfective (–): tlél ootʼácht | s/he isnʼt slapping her/him/it
• perfective (+): aawatʼách | s/he slapped her/him/it
• perfective (–): tlél awutʼaach | s/he didnʼt slap her/him/it
• future (+): akg̲watʼáach | s/he will slap her/him/it
• future (–): tlél akg̲watʼaach | s/he wonʼt slap her/him/it
N + jintáak + (∅)-S-d+∅-√tʼaach⁓ • (act verb – intransitive) | clap hands | for S to clap oneʼs hands | (NS)
• imperative: jintáak datʼách! | clap your hands!
• perfective (+): jintáak wuditʼách | s/he clapped her/his hands
ka-(∅)-S-l-√tʼaach⁓ • (act verb – intransitive) | applaud; clap | for S to applaud; for S to clap | daak has kawdudlitʼách →  they applauded (by clapping) so they had to come back (for an encore) (NS)
• perfective (+): kawlitʼách | s/he applauded
N-de⁓ (na)-S-d+∅-√tʼaach⁓ • (motion verb – intransitive) | swim (human) | for S to swim towards N (of human, using strokes which slap the water); | héen kaanáx̲ yaa ndatʼách →  heʼs swimming across the river (NS)
N-dé O-ka-(na)-du-∅-√tʼaach⁓ • (motion verb – transitive) | swim (human) | for (plural) O (humans) to swim to N using strokes which slap the water | (GD, KE) • kʼisáani deikéet kandutʼáchch →  young men swim way out (regularly)
• imperative: aadé yee kandutʼaach! | you all swim there!
• prohibitive: líl aadé yoo yee kadutʼáchgik̲! | donʼt you all swim there!
• progressive imperfective: aadé (ha)s kandutʼách | they are swimming there
• perfective (+): aadé (ha)s kawduwatʼaach | they swam there
• perfective (–): tlél aadé (ha)s kawdutʼaach | they didnʼt swim there
• future (+): aadé (ha)s kagux̲dutʼáach | they will swim there
• future (–): tlél aadé (ha)s kagux̲dutʼaach | they wonʼt swim there
∅ Conjugation Motion Verb Prefixes •
motion towards a terminus
• N-{t,x̲,de) | arriving at N; coming to N
• neil(t) ⁓ neilx̲ ⁓ neildé | moving inside; coming home
• N-xʼ + neil(t) | moving inside house at N
• haat ⁓ haax̲ ⁓ haa(n)dé | coming to our vicinity
• yóo-{t,x̲,de} | going away; going off somewhere
• kux ⁓ kuxx̲ ⁓ kúxde | moving aground; into shallow water
• ÿan ⁓ ÿax̲ ⁓ ÿánde | moving ashore; to rest; comlpeting
• N-xʼ + ÿan | coming to rest at N
• N-náx̲ + ÿan | moving across N; to the other side of N
• ÿan + kʼi- | setting up; erecting
• ÿan + sha- | setting up; leaning against
motion toward area
• kei | moving up
• ux̲ + kei | moving out of control, blindly, amiss
• N-x̲ʼé-xʼ + kei | catching up with N
• yei | desiembark, exit boat or other vehicle
• yeik̲ ⁓ yeek̲ | moving down to shore
• héeni + yeik̲ | moving down into water
• daak̲ | moving up from shore; back from open
• dáag̲i + daak̲ | moving farther up from shore
• k̲wáak̲x̲ + daak̲ | moving by mistake, wrongly
• daak | seaward; out into open; falling from sky
• k̲ux̲ ⁓ k̲ux̲dé [+d] | reverting; returning
• N-xʼ k̲ux̲ [+d] | reverting to N; returning to N
motion confined to a location
• N-xʼ | coming near N
• N-ÿa | coming up to N
• N + gunaÿa- | separating from N
• N + jishá- | getting ahead of N
• gági | emerging; coming out into open
• dáagi | coming out of water
• héeni | going into water
• g̲unayéi ⁓ g̲unéi | beginning
• N-x̲ | moving in place at N; while stuck at N
• N-xʼ + ÿax̲ | turning over by N
• áa + ÿax̲ | tunring over
• shú + ÿax̲ | turning over end by end
• ÿetx̲ | starting, taking off, picking up
oscillating motion
• yoo | moving back and forth; to and fro
• | ÿan + yoo; moving up and down (from surface)
• N-x̲ sha-ÿa-oo | hanging up at N
• ÿax̲ + sha-ÿa-oo | hanging up
revertive motion
• a-ÿa-oo [+d] | reverting, turning back
• kei + a-ÿa-oo [+d] | escape, flee, run away
oblique unbounded motion
• N-x̲ + ÿa-oo ⁓ ÿaa | moving obliquely, circuitously along N
• N + daa-x̲ | circling around N
• N-dé + ÿa-oo ⁓ ÿaa | moving obliquely, circuitously toward N
• hé-dé | moving over that way, aside, out of the way
• N-dáx̲ + ÿa-oo ⁓ ÿaa | moving obliquely, circuitously away from N
• N + jikaa-dáx̲ | getting out of Nʼs way
• N-náx̲ + ÿa-oo ⁓ ÿaa | moving obliquely, circuitously along, through N
• N-xʼ + ÿa-oo ⁓ ÿaa | moving obliquely, circuitously at N
• N + daséi-xʼ | exchanging places with N
N-t⁓ (∅)-S-d+∅-√tʼaach⁓ • (motion verb – intransitive) | swim (human) | for S to arrive at N by swimming (of human, using strokes which slap the water) | deikéet wutuditʼách →  we swam way out (NS)

–tʼáni (plant part) | branch: –ʼs secondary branch

tʼási (noun) | grayling

tʼaaw (noun) | feather

tʼaawák̲ (noun) | Canada goose

tʼaawák̲ xʼeesháa (compound noun) | tea kettle (originally with long curved spout) | “Canadian goose bucket” | tʼaawák̲ + xʼeesháa →  Canadian goose + bucket

tʼaay (noun) | hot springs | √tʼaaʰ⁓ →  warm; hot

tʼaay néekw (A,T) (compound noun) | fever | √tʼaay + néekw →  √warm/hot + sickness

tʼéesh (noun) | tanning frame; frame for stretching skin

tʼéesh kaayí (compound noun) | square | tʼéesh + kaayí →  frame-for-stretching-skin + measuring-stick

tʼéexʼ (noun) | ice

–tʼéey (body part) | elbow: –ʼs elbow

–tʼeinyaa (relational base) | inside of – (clothing, bedding); lining of –

–tʼeinyaakawoowú (A) (compound noun) | lining: –ʼs lining | tʼeinyaa-ka-woow-ú →  inside/lining.on.chest.[relative]

tʼeix̲áa, tʼeix̲ (verbal noun) | fish hook | “the one that fishes (with a hook)” | √tʼeix̲-aa →  √fish-(with hook).one(s)

–tʼiyshú (body part) | elbow: tip of –ʼs elbow | “end of the elbow” | tʼéey-shú →  elbow.end

tʼóokʼ (noun) | nettle

tʼoochʼ (noun, color) | charcoal; black (color)

tʼoochʼ eex̲í, tʼoochʼ eix̲í (compound noun) | petroleum; oil | “charcoal oil” | tʼoochʼ + eex̲-í →  charcoal/black-(color) + oil.[relative]

tʼoochʼ k̲áa (compound noun) | black man or person; African-American

tʼoochʼ té (compound noun) | coal | tʼoochʼ + té →  charcoal + rock

tʼoochʼineit (compound noun) | bottle; jug | tʼoochʼ-een-át →  charcoal.with.thing

tʼook (noun) | cradleboard; papoose carrier

tʼukanéiyi (compound noun) | baby | “restrained on the craddleboard” | tʼook-a-√néi-yi →  craddleboard.[a-theme].√weave-yarns/knit/crochet/make-cloth.[relational]

tláak̲ (noun) | arrow: sharp arrow for killing

tlaagú (noun) | myth; legend; childrenʼs tale

tlagu k̲wáanxʼi, tlagu k̲wáanxʼi yán (compound noun) | people of long ago | tlagu + k̲wáan-xʼ-i (+ yán) →  old + people-of – .[plural].[relative] (+ [plural kinship])

tlagu tsʼatsʼéeyee (compound noun) | bird: grey singing bird (sparrow or finch); sparrow: grey singing bird (sparrow or finch); finch: grey singing bird (sparrow or finch) | “old bird” | tlagu + tsʼatsʼéey-ee →  old + bird.[relative]

–tlag̲eiyí (body part) | brain: –ʼs brain | “enclosed in «tla» [head?]”

tlahéeni (compound noun) | water – mother water (from birth, water breaking) | “mother water” | tláa+héen-i →  [mother+water.rel] • (SB)

tlaax̲ (noun) | mold

tlax̲aneisʼ (compound noun) | kingfisher | tlaax̲-aa-neisʼ →

tleidahéen (number) | once; one time | tleixʼ-dahéen →  one.times

tleidooshóonáx̲ (number) | six (people) | tleidooshú-náx̲ →  six.through

tleidooshú (number) | six | “someone extends [their hand] to the first one” | tléix’-aa-du-w-ÿa-√shú →[classifer].√extends

tléik̲w (noun) | berry; berries

tléik̲w kahéeni (compound noun) | berry juice; joice: berry juice | tléik̲w + ka-héen-i →  berry + hsf.√water-(mix with).[relative]

tléik̲w kahínti (compound noun) | watermelon berry; berry: watermelon berry; twisted stalk; wild cucumber | tléik̲w + ka-√hín-t-i →  berry + hsf.√water-(mix with).[repetitive].[relative]

tléik̲w wásʼi (compound noun) | berry bush | tléik̲w + wásʼ-i →  berry + bush[relative]

tléináx̲ (number) | one (person) | tléixʼ-náx̲ →  one.through

tléixʼ (number) | one

tléixʼ hándit (number, borrowed noun) | one hundred | tléixʼ + hándit →  one + hundred-(from English “hundred”)

tleikatánk (compound noun) | huckleberry: red huckleberry

tlékʼg̲aa (number) | one at a time; one by one | tléixʼ-g̲aa →  one.after

tlékʼg̲aanáx̲ | one (person) at a time | tléixʼ-g̲aa-náx̲ →  one.after.through

tleik̲áa (number) | twenty | “one person” | tléixʼ-k̲áa →  one.person

tleik̲áa k̲a tléináx̲ (number) | twenty one (people) | tleixʼ-k̲áa + k̲a + tléixʼ-náx̲ →  one.person + and + one.through

tleik̲áa k̲a tléixʼ (number) | twenty one | tleixʼ-k̲áa + k̲a + tléixʼ →  one.person + and + one

tleik̲áanáx̲ (number) | twenty (people) | tleixʼ-k̲áa-náx̲ →  one.person.through

tlék̲w yádi (compound noun) | raspberry | “berry child” | tléik̲w + yádi →  berry + child

tlél daa sá (particle) | nothing | tlél + daa + sá →  not + what + say

tleitaat (compound noun) | time – one night; one night | one night | tléixʼ+taat →  [one+night] • (KE)

tleiyán (compound noun) | shoreline | tlei? + yán →  ? + shore

tliyaatáakw (compound noun) | year: the other year | “the farther year” | tliyaa-táakw →  farther.yesterday

tliyaatgé (compound noun) | day: the other day; day: a few days ago | “farther than yesterday” | tliyaa-tatgé →  farther.yesterday

tlóox̲ (noun) | bullhead: mud bullhead

tlʼáakʼ (noun) | pale; pastel

tlʼáatlʼ (noun, color) | fungus: yellow tree fungus; yellow (color)

tlʼaadéin.aa (compound noun) | turnip | “the one on the flat ground” | tlʼaa-déin-aa →

tlʼaak̲ʼwáchʼ (noun) | sourdock; wild rhubarb

tlʼátk (noun) | soil; earth; land ; country

tlʼáxchʼ (plant part) | branch: old, dead branch

tlʼéekʼat (compound noun) | sticks woven through the fish lengthwise after it has been filleted for barbecuing; barbecue: sticks woven through the fish lengthwise after it has been filleted for barbecuing | √tlʼéekʼ-át →  √?-thing

–tlʼéili (body part) | semen: –ʼs semen; milt: –ʼs milt (of fish)

tlʼéitlʼ (noun) | moonfish; suckerfish; blowfish

–tlʼek̲shá (body part) | finger: –ʼs fingertip | tlʼeik̲-shá →  finger.head

–tlʼek̲tlein (body part) | –ʼs middle finger | “big finger” | tlʼeik̲-tlein →  finger.big

–tlʼek̲x̲ʼáak (body part) | finger: between –ʼs fingers | tlʼeik̲-x̲ʼáak →  finger.between

–tlʼóog̲u (body part) | liver: –ʼs liver | “slow drip” | √tlʼóok̲-u →  √drip-(slow).[relative]

tlʼíg̲aa (verbal noun) | pinchers: –itʼs pinchers | “the one that carries it in its pinchers” | √tlʼeek̲-aa • (JL)

–tlʼeeg̲í (body part) | tentacle: –ʼs tentacle (of octopus)

–tlʼeek̲ (body part) | finger: –ʼs finger

tlʼik̲kakées (compound noun) | ring | “bracelet on the finger” | tlʼeek̲-ka-kées →  finger.on.bracelet

tlʼik̲naa.át (compound noun) | thimble | “thing draped over the finger” | tlʼeek̲-naa-át →  finger.draping.thing

tlʼil-daa-sá-ká-át (compound noun) | clam: littleneck clams | ?.what.say.on.thing

√tlʼeet (verb root) | abandon; leave; throw away; dispose of
O-(na)-S-l-tlʼeet⁓ • (event verb – transitive) | abandon; desert; leave; throw away; dispose of; get rid of | for S to abandon, desert, leave O; for S to throw away, dispose of, get rid of O | (GD, KE) • ax̲ shát x̲at wulitlʼeet →  my wife deserted me (NS) • dei x̲walitlʼeet →  iʼve already thrown it away (NS)
• imperative: naltlʼeet! | get rid of it!
• prohibitive: líl yoo ilatlʼítgik̲! | donʼt get rid of it!
• perfective (+): awlitlʼeet | s/he got rid of it
• perfective (–): tlél awultlʼeet | s/he didnʼt get rid of it
• future (+): agux̲latlʼéet | s/he will get rid of it
• future (–): tlél agux̲latlʼeet | s/he wonʼt get rid of it

tlʼeex (noun) | filth; mess; trash; rubbish; garbage

tlʼúkʼx̲, tlʼúkʼ (noun) | worm; larva; grub; caterpillar; snake

tlʼook̲ (noun) | rotting sore; gangrene; cancer

√tlʼook̲ ¹ (verb root) | rot; decay

√tlʼook̲ ² (verb root) | drip slowly

tsaa (noun) | seal: harbor seal; seal: hair seal; seal: common seal

tsáats (noun) | bear root; Indian potato

tság̲aa (verbal noun) | pole (for boating, for pushing skin toboggan) | “the one that pushes with a stick” | √tsák̲-aa →  √poke/prod/push-(with stick).one(s)

tsaag̲álʼ (compound noun) | spear | √tsaak̲-álʼ →  √poke/prod/push-(with stick).?

√tsaak̲ (verb root) | poke; stick out; extend; prick; launch (boat) | classification: singular object • plural form: √tsoow
náakw Nᵖ tóode S-d+l-√tsaak̲ • | shot; medicine | for Nᵖ to get a shot (of medicine through a needle) | náakw du toodé kawdudlitsaak̲ →  s/he got a shot (GD)
kei + ji-(∅)-S-l-√tsaak̲⁓ • (event verb – intransitive) | classification: singular object • plural form: √tsoow | raise oneʼs hand (in voting, etc.) | for (singular) S to raise the hand (in voting, etc.) | (KE)
• imperative: kei jilatsaak̲! | raise your hand!
• repetitive imperfective prohibitive: líl kei jeelatsák̲jik̲! | donʼt raise your hand!
• progressive imperfective: kei jinaltsák̲ | s/he is raising a hand (slowly)
• perfective (+): kei jiwlitsák̲ | s/he raised a hand
• perfective (–): tlél kei jiwultsaak̲ | s/he didnʼt raise a hand
• future (+): kei jigux̲latsáak̲ | s/he will raise a hand
• future (–): tlél kei jigux̲latsaak̲ | s/he wonʼt raise a hand

tsálk (noun) | squirrel: arctic ground squirrel; gopher: arctic ground squirrel

tsaatguyéig̲aa, tsaatguwéig̲aa (particle) | finally; at (long) last; only then

tséek (noun) | spit: roasting spit; skewer; roasting stick; barbecue stick

√tseits (verb root) | injury; hurt – get hurt
at ka-(∅)-S-∅-√tseits⁓ • (event verb – intransitive) | injured; hurt – get hurt; hurt – get hurt feelings | for S to get injured; for S to have hurt feelings | (GD, KE)
• prohibitive: líl at keetsétsx̲ík̲! | donʼt get injured!
• perfective (+): at kaawatséts | he/she/it got injured
• perfective (–): tlél at kawutseits | he/she/it didnʼt get injured
• future (+): at kakg̲watséits | he/she/it will get injured
• future (–): tlél at kakg̲watseits | he/she/it wonʼt get injured

√tseix̲ (verb root) | kick; trample; pedal
O-(∅)-S-∅-√tseix̲⁓ • (act verb – transitive) | kick it; stamp it (with foot) | for S to kick O; for S to stamp O, put foot down on O violently
• imperative: tséx̲! | kick it!
• prohibitive: líl eetséx̲ik̲! | donʼt kick it!
• imperfective (+): atséx̲t | s/heʼs kicking it
• imperfective (–): tlél ootséx̲t | s/heʼs not kicking it
• perfective (+): aawatséx̲ | s/he kicked it
• perfective (–): tlél awutseix̲ | s/he didnʼt kick it
• future (+): akg̲watséix̲ | s/he will kick it
• future (–): tlél akg̲watseix̲ | s/he wonʼt kick it

–tseiyí | sweetheart: –ʼs sweetheart

√tseek | broil
O-(∅)-S-l-√tseek⁓ (act; CV́C Hort/Pot) • | barbecue; broil | for S to broil O slowly; for S to cook O directly over live coals; for S to barbecue O | (KE) • yaaw awlitsík →  he broiled the herring (catching the broth in a clam shell and pouring it over) (NS)
• imperative: latsík! | barbecue it!
• prohibitive: líl ilatsíkx̲ik̲! | donʼt barbecue it!
• imperfective (+): altséek | s/heʼs barbecueing it; s/he barbecues it
• imperfective (–): tlél ooltseek | s/he doesnʼt barbecue it
• perfective (+): awlitsík | s/he barbecued it
• perfective (–): tlél awultseek | s/he didnʼt barbecue it
• future (+): agux̲latséek | s/he will barbecue it
• future (–): tlél agux̲latseek | s/he wonʼt barbecue it

tsín (noun) | muskrat

√tseen (verb root) | strong; valuable | weak, anemic, mild (of weather) tlél + O-(ga)-l-√tseen (state) for O to be weak; for O to be mild (of weather); for O to be anemic
O-(ga)-l-tseen ˟ • (state verb – transitive) | strong; powerful | for O to be strong, powerful | (KE) • yá óoxjaa shákdéi kei gux̲latseen →  maybe this wind will get stronger (NS) • latseendéin dulyéix̲ →  they are building it solidly/making it strong (NS)
• imperative: iklatseen! | be strong!
• prohibitive: líl eeltseeník̲! | donʼt be strong!
• imperfective (+): litseen | s/heʼs strong
• imperfective (–): tlél ultseen | s/heʼs not strong
• progressive imperfective: kei naltseen | s/he is becoming strong
• perfective (+): wulitseen | s/he became strong
• perfective (–): tlél wultseen | s/he didnʼt get strong
• future (+): kei gux̲latseen | s/he will be strong
• future (–): tlél kei gux̲latseen | s/he wonʼt be strong
• progressive imperfective (–): | s/he is not gaining strength tlél kei unaltseen
tlél + O-(ga)-l-√tseen ˟ • (state verb – transitive) | weak; anemic; mild (of weather) | for O to be weak; for O to be mild (of weather); for O to be anemic | (KE) • ax̲ tláa tléil oolcheen →  my mother is weak (not strong) (NS)
• imperfective (+): tlél ultseen / tlél ulcheen | he/she/it is weak
• imperfective (+): tlél kei unalcheen | he/she/it is getting weak
• perfective (+): tlél wultseen | he/she/it was weak
• future (+): tlél kei gux̲latseen | he/she/it will be weak
x̲ʼa-(ga)-l-√tseen ˟ • (state verb – intransitive) | precious; expensive; high-priced | for something to be precious, of great value; for something to be expensive, high-priced | (KE) • wáa sá yee ée x̲ʼawlitseen? →  how expensive was it for you all? (NS)
• imperfective (+): x̲ʼalitseen | itʼs expensive
• imperfective (–): tlél x̲ʼeiltseen | itʼs not expensive
• perfective (–): x̲ʼawlitseen | it got expensive
• perfective (–): tlél x̲ʼawultseen | it didnʼt get expensive
• future (+): kei x̲ʼagux̲latseen | it will be expensive
• future (–): tlél kei x̲ʼagux̲latseen | it wonʼt be expensive
O-x̲ʼa-(ga)-S-l-√tseen ˟ • | cherish; value | for S to cherish, value O | (CJ) • x̲ʼatulitseen →  we cherish it (CJ, NR)

tseeneidi shál (compound noun) | ladle: handmade ladle; spoon: handmade spoon | “strong thing spoon”; “valubale thing spoon” | √tseen-át-i + shál →  √strong/valuable.thing.[relational] + spoon/ladle

tseenx̲ʼé (compound noun) | lizard; newt | “strong mouth” | √tseen-x̲ʼé →  √strong/valuable.mouth

tsískʼw, óondách (T), wesdzi (C), mesdzi (C) (noun) | owl: great horned owl; owl with ear tufts

√tsoow (verb root) | poke; stick out; extend; prick; launch (boat) | classification: plural object • plural form: √tsaak̲
kei + ji-(∅)-S-l-√tsoow⁓ • (event verb – intransitive) | raise oneʼs hand (in voting, etc.) | for (plural) S to raise the hand (in voting, etc.) | classification: plural object • plural form: √tsaak̲ | (KE)
• imperative: kei jiylatsóow! | you all raise your hand!
• repetitive imperfective prohibitive: líl kei jiylatsóowjik̲! | donʼt you all raise your hand!
• perfective (+): kei (ha)s jiwlitsóow | they raised their hands
• perfective (–): tlél kei (ha)s jiwultsóow | they didnʼt raise their hands
• future (+): kei (ha)s jigux̲latsóow | they will raise their hands
• future (–): tlél kei (ha)s jigux̲latsóow | they wonʼt raise their hands
raise hands (in voting, etc.) kei + ji-(∅)-S-l-√tsóow (motion) for (plural) S to raise their hands (in voting, etc.) •

tsʼakʼáawásh (compound noun) | fish: dried fish strips; fish: dried necktie style | possibly borrowed noun

tsʼák̲l (noun) | black with dirt, filth, stain; black paint

tsʼanéi (compound noun) | basket: round basket made of split red cedar branches

tsʼas (particle) | merely | (JC)

tsʼatsʼée | songbird; bird | often refers to a bird larger than a closed hand • some communities only use tsʼítskw

tsʼaxweil (compound noun) | crow

√tsʼein, √tsʼaan (verb root) | stop; stop – cause to stop
yan⁓ x̲ʼa-(∅)-S-d+∅-√tsʼéin⁓ • (motion verb – intransitive) | stop talking; quieten down | for S to quieten down, stop talking | (GD; KE) • dei g̲áa yaa nateen: yax̲ x̲ʼakawditsʼén →  heʼs getting better, so heʼs quietened down (stopped groaning) (NS)
• imperative: yan x̲ʼeedatsʼán! | quieten down!
• prohibitive: líl yax̲ x̲ʼeedatsʼáanik̲! | donʼt quieten down!
• progressive imperfective: yánde x̲ʼandatsʼán | s/he is starting to quieten down
• perfective (+): yan x̲ʼawditsʼán | s/he quietened down
• perfective (–): tlél yan x̲ʼawdatsʼáan | s/he didnʼt quieten down
• future (+): yánde x̲ʼagux̲datsʼáan | s/he will quieten down
• future (–): tlél yánde x̲ʼagux̲datsʼáan | s/he wonʼt quieten down
yan⁓ O-x̲ʼa-ka-(∅)-S-l-√tsʼéin⁓ • (motion verb – transitive) | quieten; stop talking – cause to stop talking | for S to quieten O; for S to cause O to stop talking | (GD, KE)
• imperative: yan x̲ʼalatsʼán! | quieten her/him!
• prohibitive: líl yax̲ x̲ʼeelatsʼáanik̲! | donʼt quieten her/him!
• progressive imperfective: yánde ax̲ʼanaltsʼán | s/he is starting to quieten her/him
• perfective (+): yan ax̲ʼawlitsʼán | s/he quietened her/him
• perfective (–): tlél yan ax̲ʼawultsʼáan | s/he didnʼt quieten her/him
• future (+): yánde ax̲ʼagux̲latsʼáan | s/he will quieten her/him
• future (–): tlél yánde ax̲ʼagux̲latsʼáan | s/he wonʼt quieten her/him
yan⁓ O-(∅)-S-l-√tsʼéin⁓ • (motion verb – transitive) | for S to leave O alone, stop bothering O; for S to stop bothering O | (GD, KE) • yan has x̲walitsʼén →  i leave them alone / i donʼt bother them (NS) • chʼa yan x̲at latsʼén! →  just leave me alone! (NS)
• imperative: yan latsʼén! | leave her/him/it alone!
• prohibitive: líl yax̲ ilatsʼéinik̲! | donʼt leave her/him/it alone!
• progressive imperfective: yánde yaa analtsʼén | s/he is leaving her/him/it alone
• perfective (+): yan awlitsʼén | s/he left her/him/it alone
• perfective (–): tlél yan awultsʼéin | s/he didnʼt leave her/him/it alone
• future (+): yánde agux̲latsʼéin | s/he will leave her/him/it alone
• future (–): tlél yánde agux̲latsʼéin | s/he wonʼt leave her/him/it alone

tsʼeeg̲éeni (compound noun) | magpie

√.oo ¹ (verb root) | live at; remain
k̲u-(na)-S-∅-√.ooʰ⁓ • (state verb – intransitive) | live (at a place) | for S to live, live at, dwell permanently | (KE) • du hfdi yeexʼ chʼa tléináx̲ k̲oowa.óo →  he lives alone in his house (NS) • woosh teen has k̲udi.óo →  they lived at the same time (NS)
• imperative: áa k̲una.oo! | live there!
• prohibitive: líl áa k̲uyi.oowúk̲! | donʼt live there!
• imperfective (+): áa k̲uya.óo, áa k̲uwa.óo | s/he lives there
• imperfective (–): tlél áa k̲oo.oo | s/he doesnʼt live there
• perfective (+): áa k̲oowa.oo | s/he lived there
• perfective (–): tlél áa k̲uwu.oo | s/he didnʼt live there
• future (+): áa k̲ukg̲wa.óo | s/he will live there
• future (–): tlél áa k̲ukg̲wa.oo | s/he wonʼt live there

√.oo ² | wear; dress; put in place
yéi + O-(na)-S-∅-√.ooʰ⁓ • (state verb – transitive) | wear it; use it | for S to wear, put on, dress in O; for S to use O | (KE)
• imperative: yéi na.oo! | wear it!
• prohibitive: líl yéi ee.oowúk̲! | donʼt wear it!
• imperfective (+): yéi aya.óo | s/heʼs wearing it
• imperfective (–): tlél yéi oo.oo | s/he isnʼt wearing it
• perfective (+): yéi aawa.oo | s/he wore it
• perfective (–): tlél yéi awu.oo | s/he didnʼt wear it
• future (+): yéi akg̲wa.óo | s/he will wear it
• future (–): tlél yéi akg̲wa.oo | s/he wonʼt wear it
N-xʼ + yéi + O-(na)-S-∅-√.oo • (event verb – transitive) | put them there; leave them there | for S to put (plural) O at N; for S to leave (plural) O at N | classification: plural objects • classification: several objects and often a variety of things | (KE) • k̲ʼwátl ká yéi na.oo! →  put them in the pot! (NS) • gáaxw x̲ʼwáalʼi shayeit tóoxʼ yéi gax̲too.oo →  we are going to put down feathers in the pillow (NS)
• imperative: áa yéi na.oo! | put them there!
• prohibitive: líl áa yéi yi.eix̲ík̲! | donʼt you all put them there!
• perfective (+): áa yéi aawa.oo | s/he put them there
• perfective (–): tlél áa yéi awu.oo | s/he didnʼt put them there
• future (+): áa yéi akg̲wa.oo | s/he will put them there
• future (–): tlél áa yéi akg̲wa.oo | s/he wonʼt put them there
atkʼátskʼu⁓yát(kʼ) O-(na)-S-∅-√.oo • (event verb – transitive) | baby: have baby; pregnant: be pregnant | for S to have O (baby); be pregnant with O (baby) | «atkʼátskʼu,» «yát,» or «yátkʼ» are interchangeable and do not affect meaning • using «atyátxʼi» (children) changes the meaning to having children in general | (GD, LA, KE)
• imperative: (tsu) atkʼátskʼu na.oo! | have (another) baby!
• prohibitive: líl atkʼátskʼu yoo ee.eigík̲! | donʼt have a baby!
• perfective (+): atkʼátskʼu aawa.oo | she had a baby
• perfective (–): tlél atkʼátskʼu awu.oo | s/he didnʼt have a baby
• future (+): atkʼátskʼu akg̲wa.oo | sheʼs going to have a baby
• future (–): tlél atkʼátskʼu akg̲wa.oo | sheʼs not going to have a baby

√.ooʰ ³ | buy
O-(na)-S-∅-√.ooʰ • (event verb – transitive) | buy it | for S to buy O | (KE) • yanshukaadé gax̲took̲óox̲; haa wóowu sákw gax̲too.oo →  weʼre going out to camp, so we will buy food to take with us (NS) • tléil daa sá yoo ee.eigeek̲! dei aa wtuwa.oo. →  donʼt buy a thing! weʼve already bought some (NS)
• imperative: na.oo! | buy it!
• prohibitive: líl yoo ee.eigík̲! | donʼt buy it!
• perfective (+): aawa.oo | s/he bought it
• perfective (–): tlél awu.oo | s/he didnʼt buy it
• future (+): akg̲wa.oo | s/he will buy it
• future (–): tlél akg̲wa.oo | s/he wonʼt buy it

√.ookʼ | play quietly; amuse self
k̲u-(na)-S-d+s-√.ookʼ • (act verb – intransitive) | play quietly; amuse self | for S to entertain, amuse oneself; for S to play quietly | (GD, KE) • sée teen k̲unax̲toos.ookʼ! →  letʼs play with dolls! (NS)
• imperative: k̲unees.ookʼ! | play quietly, amuse yourself!
• prohibitive: líl k̲ees.ookʼúk̲ (i sée teen)! | donʼt play (with your dolls)!
• imperfective (+): k̲us.ookʼ | s/he is playing quietly, amusing himself/herself
• imperfective (–): tlél k̲oos.ookʼ | s/he isnʼt playing quietly, amusing himself/herself
• progressive imperfective: yaa k̲unas.úkʼ | s/he is beginning to play quietly, amuse himself/herself
• perfective (+): k̲oowdzi.ookʼ | s/he played quietly, amused himself/herself
• perfective (–): tlél k̲uwus.ookʼ | s/he didnʼt play quietly, amuse himself/herself
• future (+): k̲ukg̲was.ookʼ | s/he will play quietly, amuse himself/herself
• future (–): tlél k̲ukg̲was.ookʼ | s/he wonʼt play quietly, amuse himself/herself

óondách (T), tsískʼw, wesdzi (C), mesdzi (C) (noun) | owl: great horned owl; owl with ear tufts

wák̲tʼásʼ (compound noun) | snapping eyes in anger; anger: snapping eyes in anger | (HW)

wé (determiner) | there; time: can be used to refer generally to past, present, or future | distant from the speaker, but in the same general space • common suffix combinations are listed below. take note of the ways that suffixes affect tone and vowel length
• wéidáx̲ / wéitx̲ [wé+-dáx̲] | from there
• wéide [wé+-dé] | towards there
• wéináx̲ [wé+-náx̲] | through there
• wéit [wé+-t] | arriving there; at that place there
• wéidu [wé+-t+-wu] | there; located at that place right there
• wéixʼ [wé+-xʼ] | residing there; at this place there
• wéix̲ [wé+-x̲] | moving along there; repeatedly there

wesdzi (C), mesdzi (C), tsískʼw, óondách (T) (noun) | owl: great horned owl; owl with ear tufts

woosh kínde kaduneegí (verbal noun) | tattle-tale | “together upwards telling person” (tattle-tale) | (JM) • woosh+kín-de+ka-du-∅-√neek-i • from verb: kín ka-(na)-S-∅-√neek⁓ (act): for S to tattle-tale →  [together+up.towards+hsf.someone-(indH.S).cl-(–d,∅,–i).√tell.rel]

Wooshkeetaan | Clan: Shark (Eagle/Wolf Moiety) | “People of the Houses On Top of Each Other” | Primary Crests: Shark • Secondary Crests: Wolf, Thunderbird, Bear, Killerwhale, Murrelet, G̲unakadeit (Sea Monster), Eagle | woosh-shakée-hít-taan →
Xunaa K̲áawu
• Wooshdaa Hít | Around Each Other House
• Tóosʼ Déx̲ʼi Hít | Shark Backbone House
• Noow Hít | Fort House
Xutsnoowú K̲wáan
• Noow Hít | Fort House
• Noowshaká Hít | On the Head of the Fort House
• Xóots Kúdi Hít | Brown Bear Nest House
Sheetʼká K̲wáan
• Noow Hít | Fort House
Áakʼw K̲wáan
• G̲unakadeit Hít | Sea Monster
• Hít Tlein | Big House
• Noow Hít | Fort House
• Tóosʼ Hít | Shark House
• Xeitl Hít | Thunderbird House
• Xóots Hít | Brown Bear House
• K̲óok Hít | Box House

√wootl | hurry
sh yáa (∅)-S-d+∅-√wootl⁓ (CV́C Hort/Pot) • (event verb – intransitive) | hurry: to be in a hurry | for S to be in a hurry | (GD, KE) • sh yáa has udawútlch →  they are always in a hurry (NS) • sh yáa ágé idawútl? →  are you hurrying? (NS)
• imperative: sháa idawútl! | hurry!
• repetitive imperfective prohibitive: líl sháa idawútlx̲ik̲! | donʼt (ever) hurry!
• perfective (+): sháa wdiwútl | s/he is in a hurry
• perfective (–): tlél sháa wdawootl | s/heʼs not in a hurry
• future (+): sháa gux̲dawóotl | s/he will be in a hurry
• future (–): tlél sháa gux̲dawootl | s/he wonʼt be in a hurry

wutsaak̲aa (verbal noun) | cane; walking stick; staff | “the one that poked it with a pole” | wu-√tsaak̲-aa →  pfv.√poke/prod/push-(with stick).one(s)

xáanaa tʼukanéiyi shéeyi (compound noun) | lullaby | “evening baby song” | (JM) • xáanaa+tʼukanéiyi+shí-yi →  [evening+baby+song.rel]

√xeex ³ (verb root) | rise (celestial body); set (celestial body); move (celestial body); blow (wind) | classification: celestial body, wind
(na)-∅-√xeex⁓ • (motion verb – intransitive) | blow (wind) | for the wind to blow | itʼs possible to simply say «wooxeex» (“it blew”), the sentence sounds more natural when «kʼeeljáa» (“wind”) is included | (GD, KE)
• progressive imperfective: (kʼeeljáa) yaa naxíx | itʼs starting to blow
• perfective (+): (kʼeeljáa) wooxeex | it blew
• perfective (–): (kʼeeljáa) tlél wuxeex | it didnʼt blow
• future (+): (kʼeeljáa) gug̲axéex | it will blow
• future (–): (kʼeeljáa) tlél gug̲axeex | it wonʼt blow
N-t⁓ (∅)-∅-√xeex⁓ • (motion verb – intransitive) | blow (wind) – blow at N | for a strong wind to blow at N | (GD, KE) • k̲únáx̲ át uwaxíx yá xáanaa →  itʼs blowing hard this evening (NS) • kʼeeljáa has du kát uwaxíx →  the storm is blowing on them (NS)
• progressive imperfective: aadé yaa naxíx | itʼs starting to blow there
• perfective (+): át uwaxíx | it blew there
• perfective (–): tlél át wuxeex | it didnʼt blow there
• future (+): aadé kg̲waxéex | it will blow there
• future (–): tlél aadé kg̲waxeex | it wonʼt blow there
kei + (∅)-∅-√xeex⁓ • (motion verb – intransitive) | rise (celestial body) | for the sun, moon to rise | g̲agaan kei naxíx →  the sun is rising (NS)
• progressive imperfective: kei naxíx | itʼs rising
• perfective (+): kei uwaxíx | it rose
• perfective (–): tlél kei wuxeex | it didnʼt rise
• future (+): kei kg̲waxéex | it will rise
• future (–): [does not occur]
yínde + (na)-∅-√xeex⁓ • (motion verb – intransitive) | set (celestial body) | for the sun, moon to set | (KE) • g̲agaan anax̲ yei naxíx →  the sun is setting (NS)
• progressive imperfective: yínde yaa naxíx | it is setting
• perfective (+): yínde wooxeex | it set
• perfective (–): tlél yínde wuxeex | it didnʼt set
• future (+): yínde kg̲waxéex | it will set
• future (–): tlél yínde kg̲waxeex | it wonʼt set

√xwaan (verb root) | frost
k̲u-ka-(?)-d+l-√xwáan * • (state verb – intransitive) | frosty | for the ground or weather to be frosty | (NS)
• perfective (+): k̲ukawdlixwáan | it was frosty; it is frosty
• future (+): k̲ukakwg̲alxwáan | it is going to be frosty

xʼáan koonáayi (compound noun) | war leader; leader: war leader | “always going around with war” | xʼáan + ka-ÿu-√náa-yi →  anger/war + hsf.pfv.√accompany.[relative] • (JL)

xʼéix̲ (noun) | crab: king crab; crab: spider crab | (KE)

–x̲’adaadzaayí (body part) | whiskers: –ʼs whiskers | mustache: –ʼs mustache; “whiskers around the mouth” | x̲’a-daa-dzaayí →  mouth.around.whiskers

√x̲eet (verb root) | rain – drizzle rain
a-ka-(∅)-s-√x̲eet⁓ (CV́C Hort/Pot) • (event verb – intransitive) | for it to drizzle rain | (GD, KE)
• progressive imperfective: yaa akanasx̲ít | itʼs beginning to drizzle rain
• perfective (+): akawsix̲ít | itʼs drizzling rain
• perfective (–): tlél akawusx̲eet | itʼs not drizzling rain
• future (+): akagux̲sax̲éet | itʼs going to drizzle rain
• future (–): tlél akagux̲sax̲eet | itʼs not going to drizzle rain

x̲ʼatux̲.ayéeg̲i (compound noun, verbal noun) | boots – knee boots | “pull it up through the opening” | (EN) • x̲ʼa-tóo-x̲+a-∅-∅-√yéek̲-i • related verb: a-(∅)-S-∅+d-√yeek̲ – for S to put on, pull on O (shoes, trousers) →  [mouth/opening.inside.along+her/him/it.-(3.O).s/he-(3.S).cl-(–d,∅,–i).√pull-up.rel]

x̲ʼwaash (noun) | lady slipper; chiton: lady slipper | (JL)

yá (determiner) | right here; time: right now or recently | in the immediate space of the speaker • common suffix combinations are listed below. take note of the ways that suffixes affect tone and vowel length
• yáadáx̲ / yáatx̲ [yá+-dáx̲] | from right here
• yáade [yá+-dé] | towards right here
• yáanáx̲ [yá+-náx̲] | through right here
• yáat [yá+-t] | arriving right here; at this place right here
• yáadu [yá+-t+-wu] | right here; located at this place right here
• yáaxʼ [yá+-xʼ] | residing right here; at this place right here
• yáax̲ [yá+-x̲] | moving along right here; repeatedly right here

–yá (relational base) | –ʼs face; vertical: –ʼs vertical surface | commonly written as “vsf” in Tlingit glossing. • common suffix combinations are listed below. take note of the ways that suffixes affect tone and vowel length
• –yaadáx̲ / –yaax̲ [yá+-dáx̲] | from the face of –
• –yaadé [yá+-dé] | towards the face of –
• –yaanáx̲ / –yanax̲ [yá+-náx̲] | through the face of –
• –yát [yá+-t] | arriving at the face of –; on the face of –
• –yáwu [yá+-wu] | located on the face of –
• –yáxʼ / –yáa [yá+-xʼ] | residing on the face of –; located on the face of –
• –yáx̲ [yá+-x̲] | moving along on the face of –; repeatedly on the face of –

yakwkasheeyée (compound noun) | song – paddling song, canoe song | “song on the canoe” | (SH) • yaakw+–ka+shí-yí →  [canoe/]

Yanyeidí (clan name) | Clan: Wolf (Eagle/Wolf Moiety) | “People of Hemlock House”; “People of the Mainland” | Yanyeidí Migration • Primary Crest: Wolf • Secondary Crests: Killerwhale, Brown Bear, Mudshark, Octopus, Hawk, Wasʼasʼei (Dorothy Peak) | (TT, AH, NR, JC, JL, HJ)
Sʼawdáan K̲wáan
Tʼaak̲ú K̲wáan
• Chʼaalʼ Hít | Willow House
Yaakwdáat K̲wáan
Áatlein K̲wáan
Deisleen K̲wáan

Yéil k̲utlaagú (compound noun) | Raven story | yéil + k̲u-tlaagú →  raven + areal.myth/legend

yees, tayees (noun) (compound noun) | axe: stone axe; stone axe | té-yees →  stone.stone-axe

yú (determiner) 1 | way over there; over yonder; time: long time from now (past or present) | far from the speaker a | right now or recently • common suffix combinations are listed below. take note of the ways that suffixes affect tone and vowel length
• yóodáx̲ / yóotx̲ [yú+-dáx̲] | from there (over yonder)
• yóode [yú+-dé] | from there (over yonder)
• yóonáx̲ [yú+-náx̲] | through there (over yonder)
• yóot [yú+-t] | arriving there (over yonder); at that place there (over yonder)
• yóodu [yú+-t+-wu] | there (over yonder); located at that place there (over yonder)
• yóoxʼ [yú+-xʼ] | residing there (over yonder); at that place there (over yonder)
• yóox̲ [yú+-x̲] | moving along there (over yonder); repeatedly there (over yonder)

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