Dictionary (pdf, updated November 2, 2024)
Themes (pdf, updated)

Lingít Dictionary |
This is a living dictionary project that is the result of generations of collaboration between speakers, teachers, researchers, and students. A majority of the nouns come from Jeff Leer’s Interior Tlingit Dictionary, and the verb information and modes from Keri Egglestonʼs extensive verb work hosted by the Alaska Native Knowledge Network. The words and knowledge all comes from many different Tlingit speakers, many of whom have “walked into the interior” and are no longer with us. The language and this work belongs to haa dachx̱ánxʼi sáani—our little grandchildren. When known, sources have been listed as follows: (SN) Naats Tláa Gillian Story & Shaachookwá Constance Naish Tlingit Verb Dictionary (1973); (NR) Ḵeixwnéi Nora & Xwaayeenáḵ Richard Dauenhauer; (JL) Weihá Jeff Leer Tlingit Verbs (1974), Tlingit Stem List (1978), Interior Tlingit Noun Dictionary (2001 with Doug Hitch & John Ritter); (AH) Andy Hope; (MJ) Gooshdehéen Mark Jacobs Jr; (KE) X̱ʼaagi Sháawu Keri Eggleston Dictionary of Tlingit, 575+ Tlingit Verbs: The Paradigms, and continued verb research; (GD) Kaxwaan Éesh George Davis; (MD) Sháksháani Marge Dutson; (BF) Kóoshdaakʼu Éesh Bill Fawcett; (JM) Keihéenákʼw John Martin; (CM) Ḵʼaltseen Carolyn Martin (LA) Yax̱duláḵt Lillian Austin; (EM) Dasdiyaa Ethel Makinen; (HJ) G̱ooch Shaayí Harold Jacobs; (SH) Shx̱ásti Sally Hopkins, (SB) Aantsoox̱ Sally Burratin, (JC) Dzéiwsh James Crippen, (EN) Seidayaa Elizabeth Nyman, (TY) Ḵaajeetguxeex Thomas Young, (DK) Kingeistí David Katzeek, (TT) Yaan Jiyeet G̱áax̱ Thomas Thornton, (FS) Ḵaaḵal.aat Florence Sheakley, (CJ) Ḵaal.átkʼ Charlie Joseph, (HW) Ḵaaháni Helen Watkins, (JH) Gax̱daakashú Joe Hotch, (JM) K’óox Johnny Marks, (FW) G̱unáak’w Fred White, (CG) Ḵaalḵáawu Cyril George, (BC) Keiyishí Bessie Cooley, (RL) Koolyeiḵ Roby Littlefield, (SE) Kaséix̱ Selina Everson, (MH) G̱unéiwti Marsha Hotch, (TV) Naatskʼi Éesh Ted Valle, (WM) Kéet Yanaayí Willie Marks, (EmM) Séig̱éig̱éi Emma Marks, (LF) Achkwéi Lena Farkas, (NL) Daasdiyaa Nellie Lord, (RD) Ḵaanáḵ Ruth Demmert, (NL) Naakil.aan Hans Chester, (IC) Jig̱eit Tláa Irene Cadiente, (IdC) La.óos Tláa Ida Calmegane, (PM) Kinkawduneek Paul Marks, (MA) Seidayaa Mary Anderson, (dL) Kux̱aankutaan Fredrica de Laguna, (NJ) Ḵaakligé Norman James, (HC) Shákwkʼ Helen Chester, (SaJ) Analahash Sam Johnston, (SuJ) Kaasgéiy Susie James, (LT) X̱ʼunei Lance Twitchell, (CW) Yaaneekee Charlie White, Sumiq David Russell-Jensen (DRJ), (JJ) G̱ooch Éesh Johnny C. Jackson, (DN) Lgéikʼi Éesh Dick Newton, (BJ) Sag̱ooch William James, (KB) Ḵukáx̱kʼw Katherine Benson, (FD) Naakil.aan Frank Dick, (AHa) Dáanaawaaḵ Austin Hammond., (MS) Mildred Sparks, (JM) Kʼóox John Marks, (CL) Ḵaal.átkʼ Charlie Joseph, (HD) Lʼeiwtu.éesh Herman Davis, (GE) George Emmons, (SH) Shx̱aastí Sally Hopkins, (KG) Káax̱ḵaatuklagé Kenny Grant, (AM) Ḵootéen Amy Marvin, (JBF) Tseexwáa J.B. Fawcett. This project is supported by Goldbelt Heritage Foundation and the University of Alaska Southeast. It has been edited by Éedaa Heather Burge, Kaasteen Jill Meserve, Yat Tootéen Mallory Story, Chalyee Will Geiger, Yéil Tʼooch Tláa Collyne Bunn, X̱ʼunei Lance Twitchell, Aandax̱ltín Stephanie Tripp, Sumiq David Russell-Jensen, and G̱unéiwti Marsha Hotch. Any typos or errors are the responsibility of the editor. This is a living dictionary, so additions and suggestions are welcome. No one document can accurately portray a language, and this is not intended to do so, but is offered as a learning guide and method to document our language and create new words when we need them. |
Lingít |
English |
Themes |
updated: May 7, 2024 |