Haa Tóoch Lichéesh / KTOO

Community learning opportunities on Friday mornings from 9:30–10:30, brought to you by Haa Tóoch Lichéesh and KTOO.

A káa ḵududziteeyí yoo x̱ʼatánk
The words by which people live

Keep in mind that we are committed to maintaining a safe environment where everyone is welcome to speak and encouraged to speak. We will be adhering to the following guidelines to make sure all participants are respectful, encouraging of others, and not engaging in harmful or exclusive language or behaviors.

These are the guidelines for our conversations and lessons. Please make sure that you are adhering to these values, and that you are doing your part to be an active learner and respectful user of Lingít.

• Correct with kindness.
• Speak with love.
• Give everyone a chance to speak; we need to hear everyone’s voices.
• No homophobia. We include everyone. Our language is not binary in our identification.
• Unless someone asks for help, you are not to correct them immediately.
• This is a safe space. Names should not be attributed to individuals out of this space.
• Don’t be afraid. Your mistakes help you and others learn.

For beginning resources, we recommend that you purchase and/or download the following items:

Beginning Tlingit Workbook (2nd edition) by X̱ʼunei
Tlingit Dictionary (current draft) by X̱ʼunei
Tlingit Verb Dictionary (yellow dictionary) by Gillian L. Story and Constance M. Naish
Lingít X̱ʼéináx̱ Sá (a Lingít phrasebook) by Nora Marks Dauenhauer and Richard Dauenhauer

Also, please bookmark or download the Tlingit Verb Database updated webpage by Keri Eggleston • Project webpage

For intermediate resources, we recommend that you purchase and/or download the following items:

Haa Wsineix̱ Haa Yoo X̱ʼatángi (a grammar of Lingít for intermediate learners) by X̱ʼunei
Tlingit Reference Guide (a handbook for using verbs) by X̱ʼunei

Haa Shuka (Lingít Oral Literature) by Nora Marks Dauenhauer and Richard Dauenhauer 
Haa Tuwunáagu Yís (Lingít Ḵu.éexʼ Speeches) by Nora Marks Dauenhauer and Richard Dauenhauer

For advanced resources, we recommend that you purchase and/or download the following items:

Tlingit Stem List (a list of Lingít verb stems) by Jeff Leer
Tlingit Verbs Notes (handwritten notes on Lingít verbs) by Jeff Leer
Verbal Structure Handbook (a collection of tables to interpret and assemble verbs) by James Crippen

Tlingit Verb Notes (by Jeff Leer, typed by Yéil Tʼoochʼ Tláa) (pages, word, pdf), Intro to Verbs (slideshow), chat (txt)

Fall 2024

Dís Tlein 23, 2024

Resources: slides (Google Slides), chat (txt)

Dís Tlein 16, 2024

Resources: slides (Google Slides), chat (txt)

Dís Tlein 09, 2024
Native Language Summit, Elders & Youth Conference, Dialogue Review, Vocab Review, Translation Review (Yéil ḵa Kudatankahídi)

Resources: slides (Google Slides), chat (txt)

Dís Yádi 25, 2024
Dialogue Review, Yéil ḵa Kudatankahídi, Language Goals

Resources: class slides (Google Slides), chat (txt)

Dís Yádi 18, 2024
Yéil ḵa Kudatankahídi Workbook (pdf)
Lingít G̲unéi Sh Tóo Dultóow Xʼúxʼ: Workbook for Beginning to Study Lingít (pdf version)
Chat (txt)

Dís Yádi 11, 2024
Raven and the Salmon House video. Chat (txt)

Lingít Shkalneegí Workbook (pdf)

Winter 2024

HTL – April 10, 2024
Translation exercise: Daa sáwé Susie
Tech Demo: Download and installation of Tlingit keyboards for Mac and PC
Word comparison: “I know it” vs. “You know it”
Conversation practice: What do you need?

Handout: chat (txt)

HTL– March 27, 2024
Video Study, continued: What is it?

Handout: chat (txt)

HTL – March 20, 2024
Dialogue Practice: Are you hungry?
Video Study: What is it?

Handout: chat (txt)

HTL – March 13, 2024
dialogue practice
homonyms: ax̱ tlʼeiḵ. tléiḵw, tléikʼ
Asking questions: What is it?

Handouts: chat (txt)

HTL – February 28 – New vocabulary: body parts, Page 128
Ax̱ shá
Ax̱ gúk
Ax̱ waaḵ
Ax̱ x̱ʼé

Handouts: chat (txt)

HTL – February 21 – Wáa sá iyatee

Handouts: chat (txt)

HTL – February 14 – Elizabeth Peratrovich Day, Valentineʼs Day
History lesson
Words about love

Handouts: chat (txt)

HTL – February 7 – Wáa sá iyatee?
New material – Asking Questions
Beginning Tlingit Workbook, Page 38-39
Wáa sá iyatee?

Handouts: chat (txt)

HTL – January 31 – Welcome
Pronunciation: vowels
Wáa sá iduwasáakw
{Name} yóo x̱at duwasáakw
Video: “Whatʼs Your Name?”
Transcription practice

Handouts: chat (txt)

Winter 2023

Ḵukahaa Dís 14, 2023: Yá táakw ḵúnáx̱ ḵuwsi.áatʼ
video: Kuhaantí, uvular sounds: ḵ, x̱, glottal stop

Handout: chat (txt)

Ḵukahaa Dís 07, 2023: ____ naax̱ x̱at sitee
uvular sounds: ḵ, x̱, pinched uvular: x̱ʼ, rounded sound: kw, discussion: introductions and identity, introducing others, clan names

Handout: chat (txt)

Dís Tlein 31, 2023: ____ yóo x̱at duwasáakw
rounded sound: kw, uvular sounds: x̱, pinched uvular: x̱ʼ, review: vowels cultural note: Lingít names, adding on: Lingít x̱ʼéináx̱ _______ yóo duwasáakw / Dleit ḵáa x̱ʼéináx̱ ______ yóo x̱at duwasáakw, discussion: drills and being in a multi-level class

Handout: chat (txt)

Dís Tlein 24, 2023: Gunalchéesh haat yeey.aadí
vowel sounds, unvoiced L, alternative phrases: Yakʼéi haat yigoodí / Gunalchéesh haat yigoodí, resource: Lingít X̱ʼéináx̱ Áx̱!, Disc One – Track 27 discussion: conversation context, open exploration – Lingít X̱ʼéináx̱ Áx̱!

Handouts: Lingít X̱ʼéináx̱ Áx̱ (folder), chat (txt)

Dís Tlein 17, 2023: Yakʼéi haat yeey.aadí
vowel sounds, pinched sound: kʼ, glottal stop

Handout: chat (txt)

At Gatax̱it Yinaa Dísi 19, 2023
Summary: Weather, reading exercise “At gutu ádi” by Esther Shea and Vesta Dominicks

Links: Chat

At Gatax̱it Yinaa Dísi 12, 2023
Summary: Conversation practice, how to build a short dialogue

Links: Chat

At Gatax̱it Yinaa Dísi 05, 2023
Summary: Month name “at gadax̱it yinaa dísi”, conversation practice, introduction to domain reclamation, words and phrases for picking berries

Links: Chat

Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi 28, 2023
Summary: Conversation practice, materials on Southern dialects as presented by Dzéiwsh James Crippen

Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi 21, 2023
Summary: Conversation practice, materials on Southern dialects as presented by Jeff Leer and James Crippen

Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi 14, 2023
Summary: Check-in discussion on language goals and interests, revisiting independent pronouns, activity: identify the pronouns in the dialogue of Beginning Lingít Workbook (Page 45)

Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi 7, 2023
Summary: Review corrections in photo journal example, responses to conversational phrases, Yaaw (Herring)

Héen Taanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 31, 2023
Summary: Culture Sharing – Ggaał Doh Heeyo (Kaltag Stickdance). Captioning photos in Lingít.

Phrase Book
Verb Database

Héen Taanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 17, 2023
Summary: Vocabulary review, question and answer drills «daa sá i jeewú» (what do you have?), using «ḵa» (and), independent pronouns continued 

Héen Taanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 10, 2023
Summary: Pronunciation of basic greetings, new vocabulary, dialogue practice


Héen Taanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 03, 2023
Summary: Beginning Lingít Workbook Chapter 2A: Daa sáwé iyatéen? Vocabulary, identifying verb roots, introduction to independent pronouns, introduction to Lingít classifiers


Sʼeek Dísi 24, 2023
Summary: Beginning Lingít Workbook Chapter 2A – Daa sáwé iyatéen, Dialogue practice, Identifying verb roots, introduction to classifiers February 24, 2023

Beginning Lingít Workbook Page 43
Tlingit Reference Guide Page 84

Sʼeek Dísi 17, 2023
Summary: Basic Conversation Phrases review, Lingít Prayers, Translation Activity – Beginning Lingít Workbook Page 42

Beginning Lingít Workbook

Sʼeek Dísi 10, 2023
Summary: Basic conversational phrases, making a short dialogue, introduction to prayer Links: Beginning Lingít Workbook:

Beginning Lingít Workbook
Advanced Lingít class collaboration on prayer:
Draft Prayer for Legislature by Kus.een

Sʼeek Dísi 03, 2023
Class Summary: Details and guidance about starting the personal project for studying Lingít. Conversational Phrases on Beginning Lingít Workbook Page 40.


Tʼaawáḵ Dísi 27, 2023

Class Summary: Continuation of video study, respectful engagement with recorded audio and video, clan property, introduction to transcription and translation

Class Links:
Class Recording for transcription project
X̱ʼunei YouTube channel
Online Verb Database

Tʼaawáḵ Dísi 13, 2023
Welcome to class, class expectations, introduction to online language resources, intention-setting, introducing the personal project


Ḵukaháa Dís 23, 2022
Introduction to “glossing” and note-taking tips, introduction to translation (Lingít to English), using the online dictionary, Lingít G̱unei Sh Tóo Dultóow Xʼúxʼ Ch. 1A (pp 18-19, 28-30)

Class Links: 

Ḵukaháa Dís 18, 2022

Dís Tlein 28, 2022

Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dís 01, 2022
G̱áaxʼw, tsaa eix̱í, saak eix̱í, aan ká saaxʼú

Handouts: Tlingit Location & Direction (pdf)

Héen Táanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 25, 2022
Yax̱ ḵuhá, taakw.eetí, haa atx̱aayí, át ḵuwuligáasʼ, Lingít Aaní ka saaxʼú, time

Handouts: Time & Sequence (pdf)

Héen Táanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 18, 2022
ḵaankageetxʼ yoo x̱ʼatángi, Haa Tuwunáagu Yís, Keet Yaanaayí x̱ʼéidáx̱ yoo x̱ʼatángi, medicines & metaphors, náakw/náaḵw/naaḵw, body parts, introduction, healing

Héen Táanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 11, 2022
Special guest teacher Yéil Tʼoochʼ Tláa Collyne Bunn! We Lingít yoo x̱ʼatángi Daḵká Aan.eetí, language camps, elders, Wáa sá iyatee & responses

Héen Táanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 04, 2022
Goosú X̱ʼunei?, Q&A, verb themes (pronouns, stem variation), wáa sá iduwasáakw (identity & self)

Sʼeek Dísi 25, 2022
Daasdiyáa, Q&A, compliments, adverbs, vowels and inland speakers, clan names, orthographies, changing the Lingít verb, emotions

Handouts: class notes (pdf), Raven Book (pdf), emotions (slideshow), chat (txt)

Sʼeek Dísi 18, 2022
Yéil Sh Kalneek (Raven Stories), Yéil du Lú Kei Dusyeig̱í (Raven Loses His Nose), emotions & feelings

Handouts: Class notes (pdf), Yéil du Lú Kei Dusyeig̱í (Raven Loses His Nose pdf), emotions (slideshow), chat (txt)

Sʼeek Dísi 11, 2022
Staying calm and safe, metaphors, colors, neixeenté, gunalchéesh, emotions,

Handouts: SHI complex colors poster, emotions (slideshow), chat (txt)

Ḵukaháa Dís 12, 2021
Weather (snow & rain, rain, rain), tying phrases together, placenames, Táaxʼaa, learning from stories, parts of speech.


Ḵukaháa Dís 05, 2021
Q&A, weather, how verbs change, using resources, Has Du Ée Latéew X̱áat Aadé Kei Dustʼeix̱ji Yé

Resources: weather (slideshow), Has du ee latéew x̱áat aadé kei dustʼeix̱ji yé (pdf)

Dís Tlein 29, 2021
Time & Sequence (month, day, week), relational suffix, stages of growth, breaking down phrases, Sagóot ḵa Shaadá

Resources: Time & Sequence (slideshow), Has du ee latéew x̱áat aadé kei dustʼeix̱ji yé (pdf), chat (txt)

Dís Tlein 22, 2021
Seasons, language learning & use, Aangóon, Aadé Yoo X̱ʼadudli.átgi Yé • The Way People Talk, keyboards

Resources: Aadé Yoo X̱ʼadudli.átgi Yé • The Way People Talk (slideshow), chat (txt)

Dis Tlein 15, 2021
Q&A, Sagóot ḵa Shaadá Sh kalneek, changing verbs, weather, Lingít X̱ʼéináx̱ Sá (Say It In Lingít)

Resources: Has du ee latéew x̱áat aadé kei dustʼeix̱ji yé (pdf), weather (slideshow), chat (txt)

Dís Tlein 08, 2021
Seasons, days, weather, phrases, intro to verbs

Resources: weather (slideshow), chat (txt)