This page is designed to help students and followers of the class Lingít Culture & Worldview at the University of Alaska Southeast. Classes can be viewed here on YouTube and the handouts for the class are listed below the date.
For beginning resources, please purchase and/or download the following items:
Beginning Tlingit Workbook (2nd edition) by X̱ʼunei
Tlingit Dictionary (current draft) by X̱ʼunei
Tlingit Verb Dictionary (yellow dictionary) by Gillian L. Story and Constance M. Naish
Lingít X̱ʼéináx̱ Sá (a Lingít phrasebook) by Nora Marks Dauenhauer and Richard Dauenhauer
Also, please bookmark or download the Tlingit Verb Database updated webpage by Keri Eggleston • Project webpage
For intermediate resources, please purchase and/or download the following items:
Haa Wsineix̱ Haa Yoo X̱ʼatángi (a grammar of Lingít for intermediate learners) by X̱ʼunei
Tlingit Reference Guide (a handbook for using verbs) by X̱ʼunei
Haa Shuka (Lingít Oral Literature) by Nora Marks Dauenhauer and Richard Dauenhauer
Haa Tuwunáagu Yís (Lingít Ḵu.éexʼ Speeches) by Nora Marks Dauenhauer and Richard Dauenhauer
For advanced resources, please purchase and/or download the following items:
Tlingit Stem List (a list of Lingít verb stems) by Jeff Leer
Tlingit Verbs Notes (handwritten notes on Lingít verbs) by Jeff Leer
Verbal Structure Handbook (a collection of tables to interpret and assemble verbs) by James Crippen
Tlingit Verb Notes (by Jeff Leer, typed by Yéil Tʼoochʼ Tláa) (pages, word, pdf)
Lingít Conversation Videos (webpage)
Students should look at other Lingít language resources, which can be found on the Resources tab of this website.
Important Class Methodologies:
Our goal is to spend the first hour in Lingít, starting on September 17, 2024. In order to help prepare, the link below will allow us to have a chat about preparing for the upcoming conversation, and the chat in Zoom can be used to type in English if you have questions, answers, or thoughts as the conversation is happening.
Class prep link:
Shaanáx̱ Dís 03, 2024
Tlingit Short Stories: Fetching Firewood, verb conjugation
Resources: The Conjugator (pdf), Themes (pdf), Tlingit Short Stories (pdf), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Ḵukahaa Dís 26, 2024
Wooch een yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk: Lugóon, aadé ḵaa x̱ʼéitx̱ kadushxeet yé, Lingít x̱ʼéináx̱ yoo x̱ʼadudli.átgi
Ḵukahaa Dís 21, 2024
Wooch een yoo x̱ʼadudli.átk: ḵaa yáx̱ ayawdudlix̱ʼéyxʼ
Resources: notes (pdf), phrases of encouragement (slideshow), HTY speeches (pdf), Raven Book (draft pdf)
Assignment: watch a video of Lugóon Sophie Smarch by Chʼeet Wú on YouTube and be ready to talk about it and respond to another of her recordings.
Ḵukahaa Dís 19, 2024
Wooch een yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk: Táakw Tóonáx̱ Ḵudunóogu
Resources: Táakw Tóonáx̱ Ḵudunóogu (slideshow), chat (txt)
Ḵukahaa Dís 14, 2024
Wooch een yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk: alḵáa. X̱ʼaduwóosʼ. Fetching Firewood x̱ʼakaduneek.
Resources: Lingít Short Stories (pdf), Burke Museum yee.ádi (Google Folder), chat (txt)
Ḵukahaa Dís 12, 2024
Wooch een yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk: atx̱á, Lingít atx̱aayí, aadé dus.ée yé, reflections
Resouces: notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Ḵukahaa Dís 07, 2024
Wooch een yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk: tlagudáx̱ át, té, tlʼátk káa wudutʼeiyi át. Reflection
Resources: de Laguna texts (folder), Emmons texts (folder), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Ḵukahaa Dís 05, 2024
Wooch een yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk: alʼeix̱, at shí, aadé woosh kaanáx̱ kei tuda.atch yé. Reflections.
Resources: Lingít Dictionary (2nd edition update), Themes (updated), The Conjugator (updated), Kichnáalx̱ speeches (pdf, audio link below)
Assignment: be prepared to talk about ancient things, found things, giant creatures of long ago
Dís Tlein 24, 2024
Verb themes and modes practice. Prepping for next week.
Resources: The Conjugator (updated pdf), Prefix Contraction Basics (slideshow), Tlingit Verb Dictionary Retype (draft pdf), notes (pdf), chat (pdf)
Assignment: Singing and dancing! view the videos on this handout, and then review the questions it asks at the bottom. Class will be from 5:30–6:30 on Thursday, October 31 and there is not class Tuesday October 29.
Dís Tlein 22, 2024
Wooch een yoo x̱ʼadudli.átk: daa sá yéi gax̱tusanéi kʼidéin nag̱ateeyít has du ḵusteeyí haa eetí ḵáaxʼu? Aadé x̱ʼaduwóosʼ yé ḵa x̱ʼaduwóosʼ shagóon daa yéi jitooné.
Resources: notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Assignment: watch video 64, “Kaséix̱ Selina Everson and Shakʼsháani Margart Dutson,” and be prepared to talk about what you saw. There is no class meeting on 10/29, so select another video from the Woosh Een áyá Yoo X̱ʼatudli.átk — We’re Talking Conversation project and be ready to summarize the discussion at a later date.
Dís Tlein 17, 2024
Wooch een yoo x̱’atudli.átk: Lingitʼaaní yaa natʼéin. Reflection
Resources: notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Assignment: be prepared to talk about things we can do now to improve the lives of future generations
Dís Tlein 15, 2024
Wooch een yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk: náakw, kayaaní, likʼátsʼ / yalikʼátsʼ / daalikʼátsʼ, reflections
Handouts: Raven Book (draft pdf), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Assignment: be ready to talk about climate change and related issues for Daaxʼoon Yagyee
Dís Tlein 10, 2024
Daa sá wutuliyéx̱, Burke yeenáx̱ wutuwa.aat, aadé {verb}-(i/u) yé, conjugation prefixes & modes, questions
Resources: Tlingit Verb Components Handbook (pdf), The Conjugator (pdf), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Dís Tlein 08, 2024
lishoog̱u shkalneek wooch sh katoolneek, verbs with -x̱ suffix in preverb (N-x̱ awliyéx̱, N-x̱ sitee, N-x̱ x̱waajée), subordinate mode, potential, conditional on Thursday.
Resources: The Conjugator (pdf), Lingít Dictionary (2nd edition pdf), Verb Components Handbook (pdf), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Assignment: be ready to talk about something you made on Thursday
Dís Tlein 03, 2024
Ḵéex̱ʼ Ḵwáan, Waashdan Ḵwáan Adawóotl Ḵu.oo, wáa sá at gug̱wanéi
Resources: notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Assignment: for next class, tell a funny story and react to the stories others tell. Have fun!
Dís Tlein 01, 2024
Ḵéex̱ʼ Ḵwáan, Kootéeyaa Tlein, G̱ooch Éesh yoo x̱ʼatángi, daaḵw.aa naax̱ sateeyi aa, naakahítxʼi, Ḵaanáḵ yoo x̱ʼatángi, aadé ḵaa x̱ʼéitx̱ kawdujixít Lingít aaní káa, reflections
Resources: chat (txt)
Dís Yádi 27, 2024
Tlákw.aan, Yáay Hít, Tlʼúkʼx̱ Gáasʼ, Yéil Gáasʼ, Emmons, Koowutlaax̱, L.Shadax̱íchx̱, At.óow Wuduwatáw, At.óow Wuduwahoon, Haa Ḵusteeyí, Reflections.
Resources: Yáay Hít slide (pdf), War Helmets and Clan Hats of the Tlingit Indians (Penn Museum), Shotridge Objects (Penn Museum), Louis Shotridge Digital Collection (Penn Musem), Battle Over a Birthright (Alaska Native Knowledge Network), First Stop in Yukon: Marsh Lake (Live Small | Ride Free), Racist Museum Article (Tux̱ʼachʼéitʼaa Xʼúxʼ), Google Earth Lingít Placenames (Google Earth), chat (txt)
Assignment: Research the history of Ḵéex̱ʼ / L X̱éxʼx̱u Aan (Kake, Alaska) and be ready to say things in a historical context about this area and community.

Dís Yádi 24, 2024
Tlákw.aan, Yáay Hít, Tlʼúkʼx̱ Gáasʼ, Yéil Gáasʼ, G̱unakadeit Gáasʼ, Duktʼootlʼ Gáasʼ, Emmons, Koowutlaax̱, L.Shadax̱íchx̱, Reflections
Resources: notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Assignment: research Emmons in Tlák.aan (1860s), map of 1869, eclipse at that time, and the attempted sale of Yáay Hít At.óow. Be ready to share thoughts next class.
Dís Yádi 19, 2024
Tlákw.aan, Yáay Hít, Tlʼúkʼx̱ Gáasʼ, Yéil Gáasʼ, G̱unakadeit Gáasʼ, Duktʼootlʼ Gáasʼ, Reflections
Resources: Emmons article [contains racist ideologies] (html), chat (txt)
Assignment: listen to and read Duktʼootlʼ (below) and then reflect on the two conversations we had about Tlákw.aan ḵa Yáay Hít and bring at least ten consecutive sentences that share some of your thoughts on the conversation. We will start class on Tuesday with each of you sharing all of your sentences, and then students will respond to your sentences.

Dís Yádi 17, 2024
Duktʼootlʼ Taakw Kʼwátʼi x̱ʼéidáx̱ (pdf, mp3 below)
Yéil ḵa Tʼá (pdf, mp3 below)
Dís Yádi 17, 2024
Tlákw.aan, Taalḵú, Lukaax̱, G̱aanáx̱, G̱aanáx̱ Tá, Yáay Hít, Gantutlʼúkʼx̱u, Reflections
Handouts: chat (txt)
Lingít Culture & Worldview – Shaa Xeiyí Dísi 28, 2024
Wáa sá at woonei, wáa sá at gug̱anéi, daa sá haa éex̱ yaa nadéin, daa sá haa woodeiḵ, aadé wooch een yéi jigax̱toonéi yé, haa yéi jineiyí dís xʼúxʼu
Handouts: for the class of Tuesday, September 17, review the image and texts below and be prepared to have a conversation about those three things and others.
Yakwx̱waan Tláa Katherine Mills «Yéil ḵa Tʼá»
Chukateen «Gantutlʼúkʼx̱u»