Gunalchéesh haa eenx̱ isateeyí!
Thank you for being with us!
This Tlingit MOOC (massive open online course) is provided by Outer Coast. The idea here is to create a platform for people to use and learn and teach Lingít in a safe environment that promotes language use, correcting with kindness, and holding each other up. This MOOC is made up of two parts: conversations and lessons.
Schedule (5:30p – 7:30p Alaska Time)
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: Conversations & Lessons. We will start our classes with conversations in Lingít, question & answers, and then move into structured lessons designed for learners of all levels. These lessons are not intended to take a learner from the very beginning to fluency, but instead are designed to quickly touch upon particular concepts to try and meet the needs of all learners. Please feel free to engage in whichever ways you feel comfortable while leaving room for others to try things out as well.
Thursday Study group. A study group will be led by Neelaatughaa Anna Clock for learners of all levels. This is a wonderful opportunity to ask questions (which may be answered later or you might even stump us all!), practice conversations, and engage in study practices with learners of all levels.
Please attend as many of the sessions as you would like. If the group size is larger than twenty, then we may have to break into sections or explore different ways to make sure all participants feel comfortable and involved.
To attend sessions, please register here and you will be given information on the classes.
A káa ḵududziteeyí yoo x̱ʼatánk
The words by which people live
Keep in mind that we are committed to maintaining a safe environment where everyone is welcome to speak and encouraged to speak. We will be adhering to the following guidelines to make sure all participants are respectful, encouraging of others, and not engaging in harmful or exclusive language or behaviors.
These are the guidelines for our conversations and lessons. Please make sure that you are adhering to these values, and that you are doing your part to be an active learner and respectful user of Lingít.
• Correct with kindness.
• Speak with love.
• Give everyone a chance to speak; we need to hear everyone’s voices.
• No homophobia. We include everyone. Our language is not binary in our identification.
• Unless someone asks for help, you are not to correct them immediately.
• This is a safe space. Names should not be attributed to individuals out of this space.
• Don’t be afraid. Your mistakes help you and others learn.
Chʼas Lingít x̱ʼéináx̱ gaawú áwé
Time for only Lingít languge
During the Advanced and Intermediate Conversation times, the first half hour will be spent in immersion. Please do not interrupt these moments with English. If you do so, you will be reminded to stay in English and you might be
Accessing the Lingít MOOC
We will be using Zoom software for our language gatherings. We will do our best to make the content and class accessible and comfortable. Please utilize the chatroom and interactions in order to help us see you, and bear with us as we rely on technologies to keep us connected.
If you need to download zoom, please feel free to use the link below:
Materials for our gatherings, recordings of sessions, and additional information will be placed at the following webpage:
For beginning resources, we recommend that you purchase and/or download the following items:
Beginning Tlingit Workbook (2nd edition) by X̱ʼunei
Tlingit Dictionary (current draft) by X̱ʼunei
Tlingit Verb Dictionary (yellow dictionary) by Gillian L. Story and Constance M. Naish
Lingít X̱ʼéináx̱ Sá (a Lingít phrasebook) by Nora Marks Dauenhauer and Richard Dauenhauer
Also, please bookmark or download the Tlingit Verb Database updated webpage by Keri Eggleston • Project webpage
For intermediate resources, we recommend that you purchase and/or download the following items:
Haa Wsineix̱ Haa Yoo X̱ʼatángi (a grammar of Lingít for intermediate learners) by X̱ʼunei
Tlingit Reference Guide (a handbook for using verbs) by X̱ʼunei
Haa Shuka (Lingít Oral Literature) by Nora Marks Dauenhauer and Richard Dauenhauer
Haa Tuwunáagu Yís (Lingít Ḵu.éexʼ Speeches) by Nora Marks Dauenhauer and Richard Dauenhauer
For advanced resources, we recommend that you purchase and/or download the following items:
Tlingit Stem List (a list of Lingít verb stems) by Jeff Leer
Tlingit Verbs Notes (handwritten notes on Lingít verbs) by Jeff Leer
Tlingit Verbs Notes (verb notes typed by Yéil Tʼoochʼ Tláa Collyne Bunn) by Jeff Leer
Verbal Structure Handbook (a collection of tables to interpret and assemble verbs) by James Crippen
August 18, 2021
Daanaawaaḵ Lḵoot daat yoo x̱ʼatángi, Haa Shagóon, Wooch een yoo x̱ʼatuwdli.át, relational suffix, intro to the verb, G̱agaan kei naxíxi Aanyalahash x̱ʼéidáx̱.
Handouts: Tlingit Direction & Location (slideshow) , Noun Suffixes (slideshow), Haa Shagóon (film), Intro to Verbs (slideshow), class notes (slideshow)
August 17, 2021
Ecosystems, Q&A, Direction & Location, Relational Suffix
Handouts: Tlingit Direction & Location (slideshow) , Noun Suffixes (slideshow)

August 16, 2021
Haa Ḵusteeyí, Anax̱ Lingítx̱ haa wsiteeyi át, Haa Atx̱aayí, Opposites, Handling verbs
Handouts: Haa Atx̱aayí (slideshow), Opposites (slideshow)

August 11, 2021
Wooch yoo x̱ʼawtuli.át, Q&A, Tlingit Encouragement Phrases, noun suffixes
Handouts: Tlingit Encouragement Phrases (pdf), Noun Suffixes (slideshow)
August 10, 2021
Lessons with Koolyéik, Q&A, Haa Atx̱aayí
Handouts: Haa Atx̱aayí (slideshow), class notes (pdf)
August 09, 2021
Wooch een yoo x̱ʼadudli.átk, Q&A, Common Phrases, learning strategies, Lingít ḵusteeyí
Handouts: Lingít Common Expressions (slideshow), Tlinget Common Expressions (1972, pdf), Beginning Tlingit (pdf)
August 04, 2021
Q&A, Yéil ḵa Kanatʼá, Woosh een yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk, the Lingít language, learning strategies, nouns, Intro to Verbs.
Handouts: Haa Hítxʼi Yís, Haa Yóo X̱ ʼatángi, Our Language for Our Homes (pdf), Audio for Haa Hítxʼi Yís, Haa Yóo X̱ ʼatángi, Our Language for Our Homes (Google Folder), Emmons 1991 The Tlingit Indians (pdf), Swanton Texts (pdf), Lingít X̱ʼéináx̱ Sá! (pdf), Raven Stories by Aanyalahash Sam Johnston (pdf), Tlingit audio (webpage), Dauehnauer Finding Guide (pdf), Beginning Tlingit (slideshow), Intro to Verbs (slideshow)
August 03, 2021
Introductions, Geesh Daax̱ Woogoodi Yéil, Using Resources, Learning Strategies
Dauenhauer Tape 72: NS Tape F. Audio recording of many Tlingit individuals. Label on cassette reads; Side 1: The Lord’s Prayer. Walter Soboleff, 11 October 1959. George Betts, 20 December 1959. Jim Paul, 10 December 1960. Grace by George Betts, 10 December 1960. Paul James, 18 February 1961. Gospel Recording Records: How to be saved #125-4B, Hagu Jesus GN-1739, The Ten Virgins #125-4A, John 3:16 NG 1738, God so loved #125-5A, Fishers of Men GN 1740, Right Foundation #125-5B, We shall stand GN 1777. Side 2. Willis George farewell speeches by: Ike James, Andrew Gamble, Jimmy Johnson, Johnny Gamble, Mrs. Jimmy Johnson, Susie Paul, Charlie Joseph (and song), Robert Zuboff, Mrs. Jimmy Johnson, Susie Paul, Charlie Joseph (and song), Robert Zuboff, Mrs. Jimmy Johnson. ANB-ANS reception, 10 December 1960, Mathilda Gamble, 282-417 Mathilda in English. Kake Salvation Army, 18 February 1962: Mrs. J Jackson, Envoy Johnny Jackson, Mr. Kaoosh Jackson, Bob Thomas, Johnny Wilson. NOTE: If player does not work, the audio file is here.
August 02, 2021
Introductions, Words of the Elders (foundations of learning)
06/30/2020 Lessons: Sound Introduction, Direction & Location • Watch Recording
07/02/2020 Lessons: Direction & Location, Weather, Intro to Verbs • Watch Recording
07/07/2020 Lessons: Using Resources & Word Forming Games, Tlingit Stories for Preschool • Watch Recording
07/09/2020 Lessons: Preschool Circle Time and Early Education, Direction & Location, Verbs • Watch Recording
07/14/2020 Lessons: Kinship, Quizlet, Parts of Speech in Placenames • Watch Recoding • View Slideshow
07/16/2020 Lessons: Visualizing Verbal Structure • Watch Recording • View Slideshow
07/21/2020 Lessons: Woosh Een Áyá Yoo X̱ʼatudli.átk (Tlingit Conversation Documentation Project, 2007-2013), Lingít Introduction, Clan Crest Pictionary, Verb Monsters • Watch Recording • View Slideshow (Verb Monsters)
07/23/2020 Lessons: Possession and Relations, Noun Suffixes and the Relational Suffix • Watch Recording • View Slideshow (relational suffix)
07/28/2020 Lessons: Possession and Relations, Noun Suffixes and the Relational Suffix II • Watch Recording
07/30/2020 Lessons: Verb Monsters, The Perfective & Future Modes • Watch Recording • View Slideshow (perfective & future)
07/03/2020 Beginning Conversation • Watch Recording
07/10/2020 Beginning Conversation • Watch Recording
07/17/2020 Beginning Conversation • Watch Recording
07/24/2020 Beginning Conversation • Watch Recording
07/31/2020 Beginning Conversation • Watch Recording • View Slideshows: Little Readings in Tlingit, Motion Verbs
08/07/2020 Beginning Conversation • Watch Recording • Tlingit Noun Spreadsheet (html) • Tlingit Noun Spreadsheet (numbers) • Tlingit Noun Spreadsheet (excel)
08/10/2020 Beginning Conversation & Lessons • Watch Recording •
08/17/2020 Beginning Conversation & Lessons • Watch Recording • View Slideshow: Beginning Tlingit Questions
07/01/2020 Intermediate Conversation • Watch Recording
07/08/2020 Intermediate Conversation • Watch Recording
07/15/2020 Intermediate Conversation • Watch Recording
Ḵaalátkʼ Charlie Joseph • Yéil ḵa Alʼeix̱
Raven and the Origin of Dance (audio below) (PDF of chapter)
Raven and the Origin of Dance
07/22/2020 Intermediate Conversation • Watch Recording
07/29/2020 Intermediate Conversation • Watch Recording
08/12/2020 Intermediate Conversation & Lessons • Watch Recording • View Slideshow: Lingít Direction & Location
06/29/2020 Advanced Conversation • Watch Recording
07/06/2020 Advanced Conversation • Watch Recording
07/13/2020 Advanced Conversation • Watch Recording
07/20/2020 Advanced Conversation • Watch Recording
07/27/2020 Advanced Conversation • Watch Recording
08/14/2020 Advanced Conversation & Lessons • Watch Recording • View Slideshow: Motion & Migrations