Print & Web

These are some of the most important texts for studying the Tlingit language. While you can access them here for use as a student of the language, you are encouraged to purchase these whenever possible to support the work that went into them, and to help fund future projects.

New Materials (draft)

Kichnáalx̱ George Davis speeches (1980) Handount (Kichnáalx̱)

Audio Player

Tlingit Introduction Template

Lingít Shkalneegí Haa Yátx’i Kagéiyi Yís by X̱ʼunei

Studycard Set by X̱ʼunei

Sʼigeidí ḵa X̱alakʼáchʼ by Keiyishí ḵa X̱ʼunei

Introduction to Tlingit Verbs slideshow by Éedaa ḵa X̱ʼunei

Verb Database view (in browser) and download by Keri Eggleston (downloadable xml file to save locally and open with a web browser)

Beginning Materials

Beginning Tlingit Workbook by X̱ʼunei based on Beginning Tlingit (Dauenhauer)

Tlingit Dictionary (draft) by X̱ʼunei

Tlingit Sound Practice: PowerPoint slideshow & PDF handouts
(YouTube video, YouTube video with word examples)

Beginning Tlingit Slideshow by X̱ʼunei

Beginning Tlingit Questions & Nouns Slideshow by X̱ʼunei

Tlingit Verb Database (downloadable) by Keri Eggleston

Beginning Tlingit (4th ed) by Nora Marks Dauenhauer & Richard Dauenhauer

Dictionary of Tlingit by Keri (Edwards) Eggleston

Tlingit Verb Dictionary by Constance Naish & Gillian Story

Interior Tlingit Dictionary by Jeff Leer

Lingít X̱ʼéináx̱ Sá! by Nora Marks Dauenhauer & Richard Dauenhauer

Lingít X̱ʼéináx̱ Áx̱ (Hear It In Tlingit: A Mini Phrase Book & CD) by John Marks, Richard Dauenhauer, Nora Marks Dauenhauer, and Keri Edwards

Weather Cards by X̱ʼunei Lance Twitchell

Placenames edited by Yaan Jiyeet G̲áax̲ Tom Thornton

Woosh Yáx̱ Yaa Datúwch (Tlingit Math Book) by Katherine Mills, et al.

Intermediate Materials

Haa Wsineix̱ Haa Yoo X̱ ʼatángi: Our Language Saved Us
previously called Understanding the Tlingit Verb by X̱ʼunei (December 3, 2016)

Tlingit Noun Suffixes Slideshow by X̱ʼunei

Tlingit Location & Direction Slideshow by X̱ʼunei

Tlingit Adjectives & Adverbs gathered by X̱ʼunei

Tlingit Body, Plant, & Land Parts gathered by X̱ʼunei

Verb Conjugation Slideshow created by X̱ʼunei & Kaxwaan Éesh George Davis

Intermediate Tlingit 2012 (draft) by Nora & Richard Dauenhauer, et al.

575 Tlingit Verbs by X̱ʼaagí Sháawu Keri Eggleston and Goldbelt Heritage Foundation

Continuing Verb Documentation by X̱ʼaagí Sháawu Keri Eggleston

Verbal Structure Handbook by Dzéiwsh James Crippen

Verbal Structure Handbook (booklet) by Dzéiwsh James Crippen

Gágiwdul.àt (Gagi Wdul.aat): Brought Forth to Reconfirm the Legacy of a Taku River Tlingit Clan by Elizabeth Nyman and Jeff Leer

Du G̱oojee Yeenaa-dei A Tlingit Language Workshop Reader by the Tlingit Language Workshop at Sheldon Jackson College (Ḵeixwnéi Nora Marks Florendo, Gulʼguyéil Dick Dauenhauer, Yeidiklatsʼúḵk Rosita Worl, Yeilkunéi Jeff Leer)

Advanced Materials

Tlingit Verb Conjugation book (draft) by X̱ʼunei

Verb Mode Tables by X̱ʼunei (draft)

575 Tlingit Verbs: a Study of the Paradigms (dissertation) by X̱ʼaagí Sháawu Keri Eggleston

575 Tlingit Verbs: the Paradigms (for the dissertation) by X̱ʼaagí Sháawu Keri Eggleston

Tlingitology Seminar by Dzéiwsh James Crippen

Tlingit Glossing Guide by Dzéiwsh James Crippen

Relative Clauses by Dzéiwsh James Crippen

Tlingit Stem List by Jeff Leer

Tlingit Verbs (notes) by Jeff Leer

The Schetic Categories of the Tlingit Verb by Jeff Leer

The Scatic Categories of the Tlingit Verb A Whimsical Treatment of Tlingit Verb Paradigms (Made Painless with Laughing Gas) by Nora & Richard Dauenhauer

The Interrogative Words of Tlingit: An Informal Grammatical Study by Seth Cable

The Grammar of Tlingit Language of Q: Q-Particles, Wh-Movement, and Pied-Piping by Seth Cable

A Compilation of Tlingit Verbs by X̱ʼunei

Tlingit Verbs by Stem – a list compiled by X̱ʼunei from Dictionary of Tlingit & Tlingit Verb Dictionary

Additional Materials

Language Resources in Sealaska Heritage Institute

Tlingit Map by Andrew Hope III

Crippen Tlingit Keyboard place files in Macintosh HD/Library/Keyboard Layouts. Open “System Preferences” and then “Keyboard.” Select the “Input Sources” tab and press the + sign. In the “Others” category you should see the Tlingit keyboard as an option.

Northwest Coast Keyboards by Language Geek

Tlingit-Haida-Tsimshian in Alaska Native Knowledge Network

Projects in Progress

Grammar of Tlingit Language by Dzéiwsh James Crippen

Basics of Tlingit Verbal Structure by Dzéiwsh James Crippen

Encyclopedic Dictionary of Tlingit by Dzéiwsh James Crippen


* all files are made available for educational use only.

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