This page is designed to help students and followers of Intermediate Tlingit at the University of Alaska Southeast. Classes can be viewed here on YouTube and the handouts for the class are listed below the date.
For beginning resources, please purchase and/or download the following items:
Beginning Tlingit Workbook (2nd edition) by X̱ʼunei
Tlingit Dictionary (current draft) by X̱ʼunei
Tlingit Verb Dictionary (yellow dictionary) by Gillian L. Story and Constance M. Naish
Lingít X̱ʼéináx̱ Sá (a Lingít phrasebook) by Nora Marks Dauenhauer and Richard Dauenhauer
Also, please bookmark or download the Tlingit Verb Database updated webpage by Keri Eggleston • Project webpage
For intermediate resources, please purchase and/or download the following items:
Haa Wsineix̱ Haa Yoo X̱ʼatángi (a grammar of Lingít for intermediate learners) by X̱ʼunei
Tlingit Reference Guide (a handbook for using verbs) by X̱ʼunei
Haa Shuka (Lingít Oral Literature) by Nora Marks Dauenhauer and Richard Dauenhauer
Haa Tuwunáagu Yís (Lingít Ḵu.éexʼ Speeches) by Nora Marks Dauenhauer and Richard Dauenhauer
For advanced resources, please purchase and/or download the following items:
Tlingit Stem List (a list of Lingít verb stems) by Jeff Leer
Tlingit Verbs Notes (handwritten notes on Lingít verbs) by Jeff Leer
Verbal Structure Handbook (a collection of tables to interpret and assemble verbs) by James Crippen
Intermediate Tlingit I – Fall Semester 2023
We will be meeting using Zoom meeting software. You can access our class by clicking here.
Lingít Woosh Ée Yoo X̱ʼadudli.átk ḵa Sh Tóo Dultóow Gaawú (Lingít Conversation & Study Time). Access by clicking here.
Course Syllabus & Calendar:
Shaa Xeiyí Dísi 29, 2023
aadé sh tóo tultóow yé, yoo sh tuwasáakw, g̱unéi wooch een yéi jitooné
the way we study, introducing ourselves, starting to work together
Handouts: notes (pdf) chat (txt)
Intermediate Tlingit II – Spring Semester 2023
We will be meeting using Zoom meeting software. You can access our class by clicking here.
Lingít Woosh Ée Yoo X̱ʼadudli.átk ḵa Sh Tóo Dultóow Gaawú (Lingít Conversation & Study Time). Access by clicking here.
Course Syllabus & Calendar:
Final Assignment:
For your final, select a story and tell a 20 sentence version of it. This should be a traditional Lingít story from Haa Shuká, Gagí Wdul.aat, Neechx̱ Yaa Nagút Yéil, or a similar source.
Recorded Classes:
Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi 25, 2023
Yéi at wooneiyi át (perfective), aadé yan shuwatáni yé haa yéi jineiyí
Handouts: chat (txt), notes (pdf), perfective (slideshow)
Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi 20, 2023
haa hóochʼi yéi jineiyí, object-subject combinations, object standards, stem variation, the perfective, studying techniques
Handouts: chat (txt), notes (pdf) Conjugation Party (partial handout, slideshow), Tlingit Verb Components (draft pdf), Tlingit Verb Conjugation (Handout version, draft pdf), Verb Prefixes by Dzéiwsh James Crippen (pdf)
Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi 18, 2023
Notes from previous classes, random thoughts, translation exercises, collaborations, stories, conjugation party
Handouts: chat (txt), notes (pdf), Conjugation Party (partial handout, slideshow), verb analysis spreadsheets (numbers, excel, html: verbs, by-classifier, by-conjugation_prefix, containing folder), Tlingit Stem List (a list of Lingít verb stems) by Jeff Leer
Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi 13, 2023
Sh kalneeek gaawú áyá.
Handouts: chat (txt), notes (pdf), Kiks.ádi Cycle, Shaadaaxʼ X̱ʼéidáx̱ (draft, pdf)
Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi 11, 2023
Wooch ee yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk, Ḵaakligéi Yoo X̱ʼatángi, Tlingit Verb Dictionary sentences, Tlingit Verb Components, Verb modes: the perfective
Handouts: chat (txt), notes (pdf), Tlingit Verb Components (draft pdf), Tlingit Verb Conjugation (Handout version, draft pdf)
Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi 06, 2023
Táaxʼaa (Aas Yádi Ḵu.oo yís), grammar & vocabulary
Handouts: chat (txt), notes (pdf)
Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi 04, 2023
Ḵu.éexʼ, yaaw, g̱áaxʼw, verb searching, Intro to Verbs
Handouts: chat (txt), notes (pdf), Intro to Verbs pt 4 (slideshow)
Héen Taanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 30, 2023
Táaxʼaa Sh Kalneek, layered stories, Intro to Verbs (conjugation, subject, classifier, stem)
Handouts: chat (txt), Táaxʼaa: A Xʼaakeidí Yís (slideshow), Intro to Verbs pt 3 (slideshow)
Héen Taanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 28, 2023
Yax̱ ḵuhá, aadé sh kalneek kawdujixidi yé, glossaries and stories, retypes, resources, translation exercises
Handouts: notes (pdf), chat (txt), Tlingit Verb Notes (by Jeff Leer, typed by Yéil Tʼoochʼ Tláa) (pages, word, pdf), Fredrica DeLaguna Files (Google folder), Táaxʼaa Glossary (Google Sheet)
Táaxʼaa (mp3)
Héen Taanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 23, 2023
Aadé sh tóo dultóow yé, aadé ḵaa ée dultóow yé, Táaxʼaa
Handouts: notes (pdf), Táaxʼaa Grammar (pt2)
Héen Taanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 21, 2023
Goox̱daakashú, Intro to the Verb
Handouts: chat (txt), notes (pdf), Intro to Verbs pt3 (slideshow)

Spring Break NO BREAK Readings (optional): Tlingit Verb Conjugation handout (draft, pdf), Verb Component Handbook (draft, pdf), Tlingit Relational Terms (handout, pdf)
Héen Taanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 09, 2023
Áakʼw Ḵwáan Aaní ká saaxʼú, Little Readings in Lingít, Intro to Verbs
Handouts: chat (txt), notes (pdf), Little Readings in Lingít (partial slideshow), Intro to verbs pt2 (slideshow), Verb Prefixes by Dzéiwsh (pdf)
Héen Taanáx̱ Dísi 07, 2023
Wooch ee yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk: tsaatg̱uyéigaa / de x̱waa, g̱uwakaan. Intro to Verbs (subjects 1, 2, 3 • command, imperfective, perfective, future)
Handouts: chat (txt), notes (pdf), Intro to Verbs Pt1 (slideshow)
Héen Taanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 02, 2023
Dleit, Translation Exercises, Object pronouns and verbs
Handouts: chat (txt), notes (pdf), Translation Exercises (slideshow), Beginning Lingít Verbs Expanded (slideshow)
Sʼeek Dísi 28, 2023
Aadé ḵududziteeyi yé, Lingít ḵusteeyí, a káa ḵududzitee yoo x̱ʼatánk, a-thematic, verb components
Handouts: chat (txt), notes (pdf), Beginning Lingít Verbs Expanded (slideshow), Visualizing Verbal Structure (slideshow)
Sʼeek Dísi 23, 2023
Noun descriptions, sentence adjustments, pronouns & verbs
Handouts: chat (txt), notes (pdf), Beginning Lingít Verbs Expanded (slideshow), Verbal Structure Handbook (pdf)

Sʼeek Dísi 21, 2023
Katíx̱ʼaa, Át Ḵuwulgáasʼi Sh Kalneek, O-ka-S-√géis (na act verb – transitive), stamp/stomp, Haa Shuká, éetkasʼáaw, Verb Components, Lingít Reference Guide, Pronouns
Handouts: chat (txt), Tlingit Reference Guide (pdf), Verb Component Handbook (pdf)
Sʼéek Dísi 16, 2023 pt 1
Woosh ée yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk, kashóokʼ ḵáa yoo x̱ʼatángi, verbal modes and patterns and meaning
Handouts: chat (txt), notes (pdf), Kashóokʼ Ḵáa Yoo X̱ʼatángi (pdf)
Sʼéek Dísi 16, 2023 pt 2
Crazy Questions, descriptions
Handouts: descriptions (slideshow)
Sʼeek Dísi 14, 2023
Ḵusax̱án Yagyeeyí, Q&A, Letʼs Learn Clincket, ELAN (transcription & translation)
Handouts: chat (txt), notes (pdf), Valentine Hearts (jpg) Valentine Cards (pdf), Anti-Valentine Cards (pdf), ELAN template, Letʼs Learn Clincket (folder), Neilga Koogéi YouTube Playlist
Sʼeek Dísi 09, 2023
Aax̱ Yéi Nasné Wé Kasiyéiyi Át Tóowu Ḵáa
Handouts: chat (txt), notes (pdf), games (folder)
Sʼeek Dísi 07, 2023
Wooch ee yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk, Haa Atx̱aayí Daat Yéi Jiné, Verb Monsters, Yéil ḵa Yáay
Handouts: chat (txt), notes (pdf), Haa Atx̱aayí (slideshow), Verb Monsters (slideshow)
Sʼeek Dísi 02, 2023
Writing sentences, Haa Atx̱aayí
Handouts: chat (txt), notes (pdf), Haa Atx̱aayí (slideshow)
Tʼaawáḵ Dísi 31, 2023
Yanwáatxʼ een yoo x̱ʼadul.átki, sándi x̱ʼáak, Neil yeexʼ ḵaa ée agux̱latóow X̱ʼunei, kanas.aat g̱eiwú yáx̱ ḵáa ée dultóow, slam dunk, Sebastian, keitl een yoo x̱ʼatángi, verb prefixes, Verbal Structure Handbook, kinship terms, Haa Atx̱aayí
Handouts: chat (txt), notes (pdf), dogument (pdf), verb prefixes (pdf), Verbal Structure Handbook (pdf), verbs by root (html), verbs by classifier (html), verbs by conjugation type (html), Haa Atx̱aayí (slideshow)
Tʼaawáḵ Dísi 26, 2023
Yalʼúk Tsískʼw sh kalneek, Haa Atx̱aayí Daat Yéi Jiné, segmenting/glossing, Verb Monsters (taking the big step to internalizing grammar), wet & watering
Handouts: chat (txt), notes (pdf), Placenames (pdf), Verb Monsters (slideshow)
Assignment FOR REAL THIS TIME: write four sentences that fit together and make a narrative, show one sentence from Yéil Ḵa Yáay and one from Kichnáalx̱ Yoo X̱ʼatángi, find one placename that uses «yé».
Enter your four sentences on this Google Sheet
Tʼaawáḵ Dísi 24, 2023
sh kalneek, x̱ʼakaduneek, Verb Monsters
Handouts: chat (txt), notes (pdf), Tlingit Clan Map (pdf)

Tʼaawáḵ Dísi 19, 2023
Wooch een yoo x̱ʼadudli.átk, translaiton work, verb components (thematic prefixes especially), Shtoowuḵáa, verb types, verb modes, Kaasgéiy Susie James, Yéil Ḵutlaakw
Handouts: notes (pdf)
Tʼaawáḵ Dísi 17, 2023
Tsu yéi jitooné, translation & conjugation exercises, Kichnáalx̱ ḵaankageetxʼ yoo x̱ʼatángi, Yakwx̱waan Tláa sh kalneegí.
Assignment: translate 4 sentences on syllabus, select two sentences from Kichnáalx̱ and two from Yakwx̱waan Tláa that you want to talk about or ask about.
Handouts: class notes (pdf), Kichnáalx̱ ḵaankageetxʼ yoo x̱ʼatángi (pdf), Yéil Ḵutlaakw Xʼúxʼ (pdf)
Kichnáalx̱ ḵaankageetxʼ yoo x̱ʼatángi (mp3)
Intermediate Tlingit I – Fall Semester 2022
We will be meeting using Zoom meeting software. You can access our class by clicking here.
Lingít Woosh Ée Yoo X̱ʼadudli.átk ḵa Sh Tóo Dultóow Gaawú (Lingít Conversation & Study Time). Access by clicking here.
Midterm Project 1:
translate this speech • Aas Ḵwáani (Pages, Word, pdf)
Work on this individually until November 1, when we will go over your work and then work on it together.
Recorded Classes:
Shaanáx̱ Dís 08, 2022
Sh yáa awudanéixʼi ḵusteeyí. Q&A, Tááxʼaa Grammar. Aadé yan shuwatáni yé yáatʼaa.
Handouts: Táaxʼaa Grammar (slideshow), Migrations (slideshow), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Shaanáx̱ Dís 06, 2022
át yaa ḵundatéeni, q&a, kinship terms, –sákw/-yéeyi, grammar, classifiers, Táaxʼaa analysis
Handouts: Táaxʼaa Grammar (slideshow), Verb Contraction Basics (slideshow), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Ḵukaháa Dís 29, 2022
Aadé ḵoon sh kadulneek yé, Táaxʼaa daat yéi jiné, color-coded verbs, verb prefixes
Handouts: Táaxʼaa Grammar (slideshow), Verb Contraction Basics (slideshow)

Ḵukaháa Dís 22, 2022
Táaxʼaa sh kalneek
Handouts: Táaxʼaa (tléixʼ), Táaxʼaa (déix̱), notes (pdf)
Ḵukaháa Dís, 17 2022
Táakw daat yoo x̱ʼatánk, yax̱ ḵuhá, keewáa, swimming verbs, throwing verbs, verb modes (yéi yatee), adjectives, adverbs, attributive suffix, direction & location, parts of speech, compounding, color-coded verb
Handouts: Tlingit Time & Verbs (slideshow), Direction & Location (slideshow), Adjectives & Adverbs (pdf), notes (pdf), chat (txt)

Ḵukháa Dís 15, 2022
Wooch een yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk, Little Readings in Lingít, Direction & Location
Handouts: Direction & Location (slideshow), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Ḵukahaa Dís 08, 2022
Ḵu.éexʼ, voting, √néekw / √choon, aa ~ ei- & oo ~ wei-, Little Readings in Tlingit, relational suffixes, direction & location
Handouts: Direction & Location (slideshow), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Ḵukahaa Dís 03, 2022
Translation exercise, Q&A, relational suffixes
Handouts: translation exercise & notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Dís Tlein 27, 2022
Halloween phrases, verbs
Handouts: Halloween phrases (pdf), chat (txt)
Dís Tlein 25, 2022
Wooch ée yoo x̱ʼatudli.átk, tricky nouns, noun suffixes
Handouts: Noun Suffixes (slideshow), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Dís Tlein 20, 2022
Teesh, G̱agaan Ḵáa Sol Neely, Object pronouns, classifiers, conjugation types, reading stories for grammar clues
Handouts: Verb Monsters (slideshow), Visualizing Verbal Structure, Time & Sequence (slideshow), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Assignment: Read a Lingít story and examine the verbs (look for classifier, root, stem, object, subject) … maybe try this one: Ḵákʼw & Éilʼ Kát Haa Kawdiyaa (pdf)
Dís Tlein 11, 2022
Daaxʼoon wooch ítx̱ yoo x̱ʼatánk i daat, verb types & conjugation, learning methodologies, The Scatic Categories of the Tlingit Verb, Words of Encouragement, healing through language, Beginning Lingít chapter 3, Haa Wsineix̱ Haa Yoo X̱ʼatángi
Handouts: Verb Component Handbook *draft* (pdf), Tlingit Verb Conjugation *draft* (pdf), Scatic Categories of the Tlingit Verb (pdf), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Assignment: Read Haa Wsineix̱ Haa Yoo X̱ʼatángi up to Chapter 4 (page 22)

Lingít Super Smash Class – Dís Tlein 10, 2022
Shukát Ḵu.oo Yagyeeyí! For Indigenous Peoples’ Day, Yadultín Marilyn Jensen joins students of Lingít for an abbreviated workshop on Lateral Kindness!
Handouts: chat (txt)
Dís Tlein 06, 2022
Haa yéi jinéiyi (a katʼóotʼ aayí, hóochʼi aayí), Basecamp, ḵu.aa/aag̱áa/aadáx̱, núkts, Little Readings in Tlingit, aadé x̱ʼaduwóosʼ yé, place names, plural pronouns
Handouts: notes (pdf), aadé x̱ʼaduwóosʼ yé (slideshow), chat (txt)
Assignment: For Tuesday Dís Tlein 11, bring four things to share about yourself Lingít x̱ʼéináx̱
Dís Tlein 04, 2022
tula.aan tín ḵusteeyí, woosh g̱unayáade aa (opposites), q&a, aadé x̱ʼaduwóosʼ yé (the way to ask questions)
Handouts: woosh g̱unayáade aa (slideshow), notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Dís Yádi 29, 2022
Ḵutí ḵa a yáanáx̱ yaa natʼéin Lingítʼaani, Orange Shirt Day, spiritual language, brains / no brains, classifer, Little Readings in Lingít, introductions & identity
Homework: listen to Áakʼwtaatseen again and write two Lingít response sentences.
Handouts: notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Dís Yádi 27, 2022
Woosh een yoo x̱ʼadudli.átk, Q&A, clan names & compound nouns, Little Readings in Tlingit, ḵu-, Beginning Lingít review (contʼd), believing in ourselves
Handouts: Notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Dís Yádi 22, 2022
Q&A, learning strategies, Beginning Lingít review
Handouts: Áakʼwtaatseen, Ḵaalḵáawu x̱ʼéidáx̱ (pdf), class notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Dís Yádi 20, 2022
Yeist ḵuwaháa ḵa táakwde yaa ḵunahéin, dléigu (x̱at kawdikéi ḵwa), place names, asking questions, conversational phrases, dependent phrases, perfective verbs, opening & closing things
Handouts: Aadé Yoo X̱ʼadudli.átgi Yé (handout), chat (txt
Dís Yádi 15, 2022
ḵoon ḵulagaaw, looking up verbs in the Tlingit Verb Dictionary and Tlingit Verb Database, animals and body parts and possession, sound practice, toilet plunger, sense of space, asking questions, vocabulary, place names
Handouts: notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Dís Yádi 13, 2022
Words of our elders, q&a, how to ask questions
Dís Yádi 07, 2022
Wooch een yoo x̱ʼadudli.átk, Q&A, háatlʼ, Ḵaakligéi yoo x̱ʼatángi, verb exercises
Handouts: notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Dís Yádi 06, 2022
Jig̱eit Tláa, aadé ḵutudziteeyi yé, language learning processes, generations, course materials, verbs: postive/negative/negative antonyms, Tlingit Verb Dictionary, Tlingit Dictionary, verb conjugation types, G̱agaan kei naxíxi yáx̱ áyá yatee haa yoo x̱ʼatángi
Handouts: dictionary (pdf), G̱agaan kei naxíxi (slideshow), class notes (pdf) chat (txt)
Dís Yádi 01, 2022
Introductions, aadé sh tóo dultóow yé, the rough plan for the semester, translation practice, syllabus
Handouts: class notes (pdf), syllabus (pdf), chat (txt)
Intermediate Tlingit II – Spring Semester 2022
We will be meeting using Zoom meeting software. You can access our class by clicking here.
Lingít Woosh Ée Yoo X̱ʼadudli.átk ḵa Sh Tóo Dultóow Gaawú (Lingít Conversation & Study Time). Access by clicking here.
Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dís 14, 2022
Aan Ka Saaxʼu – Áakʼw Ḵwáan Aaní Káa, handling verbs, motion verbs, thematic prefix, Yéil ḵa Ḵugáasʼ Shaawát
Handouts: Verb Component Handbook (DRAFT pdf), Raven & Fog Woman (slideshow), chat (txt)
Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dís 12, 2022
Yées kootéeyaa, yáay, has akaawa.aaḵw haa ḵusteeyí ux̱ kei yéi has awusneiyí, tlél tool.aan yoo x̱ʼatánk, gáasʼ, Yáay Hít yee aayí (G̱aanax̱teidí), O-S-s-koo ʰ~ (∅ event; CV́V Imp/Hort/Pot) for S to know, be acquainted with, make known O (esp. people, facts); for S to learn O (esp. facts), O-S-sh-√góok ¹ (ga state) for S to know, learn how to do O, Yéil ḵa Ḵugáasʼ Shaawát.
Handouts: NW Coast Arts (slideshow), Raven & Fog Woman (slideshow), chat (txt)
Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dís 07, 2022
G̱áaxʼw Ḵuteeyí, Goosú X̱ʼunei?, fitting verbs, Verb Monsters, Verb Components Game
Handouts: Verb Monsters (short pdf), chat (txt)
Héen Táanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 31, 2022
G̱áaxʼw, haa aaní, lisheidí át (dzískʼw, g̱uwakaa, watsíx, jánwu, tawéi), Verb Monsters, classifier boo squad, Táaxʼaa
Handouts: Táaxʼaa with notes (tléixʼ, pdf), Verb Monsters (short pdf), chat (txt)
Héen Táanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 29, 2022
ldakát át daakahídi, haa aayí has aawatáw, yax̱ ḵuhá (taakw.eetí, ḵutaan, yeis, táakw), names for buildings, naming instruments, x̱ʼakananeek!, Verb monsters
Handouts: class notes (pdf), x̱ʼakananeek (slideshow), chat (txt)
Héen Táanáx̱ Kayaakní Dísi 24, 2022
Haa yoo x̱ʼatángi tóot jishagóoni (Lingít language components) – preverb, adverbs, The Lingít Verb, Táaxʼaa shkalneek
Handouts: Táaxʼaa with notes (tléixʼ, pdf), Haa Hítxʼi Yís Haa Yoo X̱ʼatángi (Languages for Our Homes, pdf, audio files) chat (txt)
Héen Táanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 17, 2022
Dís xʼúxʼu, Lingít atx̱aayí, asdéek, atxʼáan hídi, working on food, Táaxʼaa
Handouts: Táaxʼaa (tléixʼ, pdf), chat (txt)
Héen Táanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 15, 2022
Taak.eetí dulsaa gaawú, x̱ʼasʼtuyéigi, Anooshí teen has ḵuwligaaw yá Sheetkʼá Ḵwáan, Lingít sh tóo dultóowu aa wáa sá yaa s anaskwéin, Táaxʼaa
Handouts: Táaxʼaa (tléixʼ, pdf), chat (txt)
Héen Táanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 03, 2022
Wooch een yoo x̱ʼadudli.átk, sharing support and strategies, mouse story, q&a, potentials and prefixes
Handouts: deLaguna folder, Dauenhauer Finding Guide (pdf, Word, Pages), Verbal Structure Handbook (pdf), Mouse Story (pdf), chat (pdf)
Héen Táanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 01, 2022
Encouragement, months, hunting, fishing, tides
Handouts: chat (txt)
Sʼeek Dísi 22, 2022
X̱ʼagáaxʼ, supportive environments, Yéil ḵa X̱ʼaan
Handouts: Tlingit Bases & Suffixes (slideshow), Yéil ḵa X̱ʼaan (slideshow), chat (txt)
Sʼeek Dísi 17, 2022
Adverbs & Adjectives, Yéil ḵa X̱ʼaan
Handouts: Adverbs & Adjectives (pdf), Yéil ḵa X̱ʼaan (slideshow), chat (txt)
Sʼeek Dísi 15, 2022
Ḵaax̱gal.aat daat yoo x̱ʼatángi, subordinative verbs, more/less, potentials, Yéil ḵa X̱ʼaan
Handouts: class notes (pdf), chat (txt).
Sʼeek Dísi 10, 2022
Séet Ká, shapes & colors, Yéil ḵa X̱ʼaan
Handouts: Yéil ḵa X̱ʼaan (slideshow), chat (txt)
Sʼeek Dísi 08, 2022
Yisikóo óosh wáa sá at naneich, Oratory event, units & measurements … (zoom crash!) … units & measurements, strengthening Alaska Native languages, Valentine’s Day phrases, Anti-Valentine’s Day phrases, Compliments-dating-schmoozing-sweettalk, Little Readings in Lingít, Intro to Verbs
Handouts: Valentine Animals (pdf), Anti-Valentine Animals (pdf), Little Readings in Lingít (slideshow), Intro to Verbs (slideshow), class notes (slideshow), chat (txt)
Sʼeek Dísi 02, 2022
SUPERCLASS! Q&A, Words of Encouragement, Speeches from Kichnáalx̱ George Davis
Handouts: Kichnáalx̱ Speeches (pdf), chat (txt)
Lingít Verb Components (Board Game)
Sʼeek Dísi 01, 2022
Lingít at sheexʼí, Yéil ḵa Naaw, Little Readings in Lingít, Stem Variation, Verb Conjugation
Handouts: Little Readings in Lingít (slideshow), Stem Variation Chart (Google Doc), Conjugation Party Intro (slideshow) chat (txt)
Tʼaawáḵ Dísi 27, 2022
Trying new technologies, Intro to Verbs (object, subject, classifier, stem variation, conjugation type, verb type, verb modes), Kichnáalx̱ yoo x̱ʼatángi
Tʼaawáḵ Dísi 25 2022
Snacks, translation exercise, verb prefixes, sharing sentences
Handouts: Translation Exercises (pdf), Tlingit Verbal Structure Handbook (pdf), chat (txt)
Tʼaawáḵ Dísi 20, 2022
Translation pracrtice, Wáa sá ḵuwanóok (3rd, 2nd, 1st person subjects), ELAN, Ḵaalḵáawu sh kalneegí.
Handouts: class notes (pdf), chat (txt)
Tʼaawáḵ Dísi 18, 2022
Welcome back, Q&A, verb practice, Lingít Verbal Components (game), ∅-√tee & s-√tee, Verb Conjugation Switchboard, Wáa sá ḵuwanóok?, page updates, Ḵaalḵáawu yoo x̱ʼatangi, ELAN
Handouts: chat (txt)

Tʼaawáḵ Dísi 13, 2022
Welcoming, translated phrases, ḵaa g̱uwakaan saaxʼú, stem variation, Naa Tláa yoo x̱ʼatángi, ELAN
Handouts: class notes (pdf), Naa Tláa text (pdf) and audio (wav, mp3), Ḵaalḵáawu ELAN files (eaf, mp4, wav), ELAN software, chat (txt)
Intermediate Tlingit I – Fall Semester 2021
Semester Sentences (Google Sheets): please create a new tab on this sheet and enter the sentences you have written as exercises for this semester. So far, we have shared sentences on: Birds, Food, Residential Schools, Friendship, and Mountaintop.
Translation Exercise for Ḵukaháa Dís 2 (11/02/2021) • (pdf, pages, word)
Final Translation Exercise: select a story from the text Lingít Short Stories and retype it into the following template (pages, word) and then work on a translation. Enter one sentence per row and skip a row between paragraphs. We will go over this process in class, and will spend the final class meeting going over our translations. Sign up for Short stories on this spreadsheet.
Shaanáx̱ Dís 01, 2021
Superclass that combines Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced sections. Public speaking, cultural protocols in ceremony, addressing clans, acknowledging Aan Yátxʼi Sáani, Q&A, Táaxʼaa grammatical analysis.
Resources: Lingít X̱ʼéináx̱ Sá (pdf), Frank & Emma Williams, Taantʼá Lingít (pages, word), Táaxʼaa Grammar (slideshow)
Ḵukaháa Dís 30, 2021
Semester wrap-up, Q&A, translation techniques, using resources to stay in Lingít.
Resources: Dauenhauer Finding Guide (pdf, pages, word), Intermediate Lingít Notes (slideshow), chat (txt)
Ḵukahaa Dís 23, 2021
Q&A, modifying verbs, direction & location, translation work & final projects, Lingít verbal structure (Dzéiwsh)
Resources: Lingít Direction & Location (slideshow), Verbal Structure Handbook (pdf), chat (txt)
Ḵukaháa Dís 18, 2021
Relational and directional terms, placenames, clan names, Aas Ḵwáani, translation work (Lingít → English)
Resources: Lingít Direction & Location (slideshow), Aas Ḵwáani Translation (pdf), chat (txt)
Ḵukaháa Dís 16, 2021
Visit with Inland learners! Direction & Location, Sʼigeidí ḵa X̱alakʼáchʼ, Táaxʼaa, using stories for learning
Resources: Lingít Direction & Location (slideshow), Sʼigeidí ḵa X̱alakʼáchʼ (pdf), chat (txt)
Ḵukaháa Dís 11, 2021
Q&A, direction & location, translation work, Aas Ḵwáani
Resources: Lingít Direction & Location (slideshow), Aas Ḵwáani Translation (pdf), chat (txt)
Ḵukaháa Dís 09, 2021
Colors & nouns, location & direction, Yéil ḵa X̱ʼaan
Resources: Complex Color Poster (pdf), Lingít Direction & Location (slideshow), Yéil ḵa X̱ʼaan translation (slideshow), chat (txt)
Ḵukaháa Dís 03, 2021
Super class!! Wooch een yoo x̱ʼadudli.átk, introductions & what known & want to know, lishoog̱u sh kalneek, wine & moonshine, inspiration
Resources: chat (txt)
Ḵukaháa Dís 02, 2021
Metaphor … (someone forgot to unpause the recording, so a future recording will be coming showing the translation work we will do)
Resources: metaphor (slideshow), chat (txt), Yéil ḵa X̱ʼaan translation (slideshow)
Dís Tlein 28, 2021
Skeleton, Verb Notes, Halloween Terms, Yéil ḵa X̱ʼaan, Lingít Reference Guide
Resources: Skeleton (pdf), Lingít Reference Guide (pdf), Yéil ḵa X̱ʼaan (slideshow), chat (txt)
Dis Tlein 19, 2021
Using resources, Little Readings in Lingít, contracting/compounding and vowel changes, Xíxchʼ Uwasháayí Yées Sháatkʼ
Resources: class notes (pdf), chat (pdf), Little Readings in Lingít (pdf), Woman Who Married a Frog (pdf), Lingít nouns (html, numbers, excel)
Dís Tlein 17, 2021
Lingít 101 for the UAS Alumni Association, introduction to Lingít, words of the masters, conversational phrases, using resources, verb modes (canʼt do it), verb prefixes
Resources: Aadé Yoo X̱ʼadudli.átgi Yé • The Way People Talk (slideshow), Verbal Structure Handbook (pdf), chat (txt)
Dís Tlein 14, 2021
Useful verbs for starting fights, Little Readings in Lingít, Ecosystems, Intro to Verbs, Woman Who Married a Frog
Resources: class notes (pdf), chat (pdf), Little Readings in Lingít (pdf), Woman Who Married a Frog (pdf)

October 12, 2021
Shukát Ḵu.oo Yagyeeyí (Indigenous Peoples’ Day), Little Readings in Lingít, Noun Suffixes.
Resources: Little Readings in Lingít (pdf), Noun Suffixes (pdf), Resources: 100 Lingít Phrases of Encouragement (pdf, Pages, Word), Woman Who Married a Frog (pdf), Tlingit Short Stories (pdf), chat (txt)
October 05, 2021
Trigger warning: this class addresses the genocidal effects of U.S. and Canadian Boarding/Residential Schools. L ushikʼéiyi sgóon, g̱asaneix̱, toowú latseen, breaking down verbs, adding suffixes to nouns
Resources: Noun Suffixes (pdf), chat (txt)
September 30, 2021
NOTE: There will be no regular class meeting on this date. Instead, students are encouraged to attend an Orange Shirt Day Rally on Thursday, Sep 30 at 5:30p. In person attendance will take place near Anax̱ Yaa Andagán Yé (Douglas Boat Harbor / Sandy Beach) at the Pioneer Pavilion, and virtual attendance will be available with via Livestreaming on the Alaska Native Sisterhood Camp 2 Facebook page (no account is needed) using the link below. The resources and this event is sponsored by Goldbelt Heritage, Goldbelt, Haa Tóoch Lichéesh, Juneau Montessori School, Tlingit & Haida, Sealaska, and UAS.
Following the healing rally and march, talking circles will be hosted for survivors of violence and their families at the Juneau Montessori School. Due to Covid, we can host up to 40 participants at the in-person talking circles. All participants must be vaccinated and we will be asking covid screening questions. For those longing for this type of healing, but wanting greater safety due to Covid, a zoom session will be hosted on Friday at 6 pm. Click here to join the zoom session. |
Resources to Learn More: The first 215 children recovered from an unmarked grave in Kamloops happened earlier this year, starting ground-penetrating radar investigations of all residential school institutions in Canada. The National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition has recorded 367 of these institutions in the United States. Alaska alone had 33. What is Orange Shirt Day – Into the west, the greeting at Carlisle Industrial- How the US Stole thousands of Native children- Non-indigenous Residential School Survivor Speaks- Kamloops youth speak her truths – Intergenerational Trauma Animation – Cultural healing piece (dance performance) by Ḵéek’ Ḵwáan – =================== Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition – Map of institutions – =================== Transforming Schools Alaska A Trauma-Engaged Approach to Education Framework Page ( Transforming Schools: A Framework for Trauma-Engaged Practice in Alaska |
Resources for Survivors and Descendants: Tlingit & Haida Community & Behavioral Services (CBS) Healing Center. While we are not “fully” open and taking clients yet, we can offer Healing Center appointments. Please call 907-463-7305 between 8-4:30 pm, Monday through Friday if you need additional support after this evening. Suicide prevention resources from Tlingit & Haida SEARHC Help Line: 877.294.0074 – Toll Free in Alaska Juneau Suicide Prevention Coalition Suicide CareLine 1-877-266-4357 Stronghearts Native Helpline StrongHearts Native Helpline 1-844-7NATIVE (762-8483) is a 24/7 safe, confidential and anonymous domestic, dating, and sexual violence helpline for American Indians and Alaska Natives, offering culturally-appropriate support and advocacy. AWARE (907)586-1090 Stronger, Safer Relationships |
September 28, 2021
Sharing language: preparing and making food, intro to verbs, modifying nouns.
Handouts: Intro to Verbs (pdf), Noun Suffixes (pdf), class notes (pdf), chat (txt)
September 23, 2021
Dialogue Exercise, Geesh Daax̱ Woogoodi Yéil, Intro to Verbs
Handouts: Geesh Daax̱ Woogoodi Yéil, Kaasgéiy x̱ʼéidáx̱ (pdf), Intro to Verbs (pdf), chat (txt)

September 21, 2021
Sh kalneek haa een áaxʼw daat, dialogue practice, kinship
Handouts: chat (txt), kinship posters (pdf)
September 16, 2021
Ḵaalḵáawu Yoo X̱ʼatángi, transcription & translation, questions in Lingít, breaking down verbs,
September 14, 2021
Sh tuwdisáakw, Yéil ḵa Yáay Sh kalneek, Little Readings in Lingít, Future Verb Modes
Handouts: Little Readings in Lingít (pdf), Verbal Structure Handbook (pdf), chat (txt)
September 09, 2021
Sʼigeiditaanuḵáa yéi yaawaḵaa: « hél i kawdiké »; compound nouns; verbs and transitivity; sentences about birds; technology, keyboards, & fonts; Crippen keyboard, Beginning Lingít Workbook review, increased contact with language community.
Handouts: Crippen keyboard, Brill font, Andika New Basic font, Language Geek keyboard (scroll down to “Tlingit”)

September 07, 2021
Bird sentences, Gunalchéesh Yagiyee Sh Kalneegí, Forming Questions in Lingít, Q&A. Assignments for Thursday: write out your sentences, read Beginning Lingít Workbook through chapter 3.
Write out your bird sentences on this Google Sheet by clicking here!
Spetember 02, 2021
Using resources to understand verbal structure, how to ask questions, words of encouragement
Resources: Verb Monsters (slideshow), Visualizing Verbal Structure (slideshow), Aadé X̱ʼaduwóosʼi Yé (How to Ask Questions, slideshow), Encouragement (slideshow)
August 31, 2021
Naming birds, using resources, Little Readings in Tlingit, looking up verbs
Handouts: Little Readings in Lingít, Beginning Tlingit Workbook (2nd edition), Leer Verbs typed (pdf). Dauenhauer Collection Finding Guide (pdf), chat (txt)
August 26, 2021
Course overview, Little Readings in Lingít, Grammar & Structure, Beginning Tlingit Workbook (2nd edition), study habits.
Assignment: study bird names for an activity on Tuesday!
Handouts: Little Readings in Lingít, Beginning Tlingit Workbook (2nd edition), Tlingit Audio
Intermediate Tlingit II – Spring Semester 2021
April 20, 2021
Using resources and conjugating verbs (objects, subjects, mode), storyboard (Feeding Fluffy)
Handouts: chat (txt), Abandoning (slideshow), Verb Monsters (slideshow), Feeding Fluffy (pdf)
April 15, 2021
Metaphor, grammar, storybuilding
Handouts: chat (txt), Metaphor (slideshow)
April 13, 2021
Yaaw, g̱áaxw, Lingít opera, at at.oowú, haa sheexʼí, Sʼigeidí ḵa X̱alakʼáchʼ, Introduction to Verbs: the classifier
Handouts: chat (txt), Sʼigeidí ḵa X̱alakʼáchʼ (pdf), Intro to Tlingit Verbs (slideshow)
April 06, 2021
Geesh Daax̱ Woogoodí Yéil, Taakw.eetí Sentences, Bases & Suffixes, Yéil ḵa Du Káak translations
Handouts: chat (txt), Location & Direction: bases, suffixes (slideshow), Yéil Ḵa Du Káak (Pages, Word, pdf)
April 01, 2021
Verb roots (hearing, listening, speaking, saying), Yéil ḵa Du Káak, Gantutlʼúkʼx̱u
Handouts: chat (txt), Speaking, Listening, Understanding (slideshow)
March 30, 2021
Yéil ḵa Du Káak (Raven and His Uncle) Translation Exercise
Handouts: chat (txt), Yéil Ḵa Du Káak (Pages, Word, pdf)
March 25, 2021
Tlingit Bases & Suffixes (postpositions), Tlʼanaxéedáḵw, Verbal Structure
Handouts: chat (txt), Location & Direction: bases, suffixes (slideshow), Verb Monsters (slideshow)
March 23, 2021
Bases & Suffixes, Verb Modes, Tlʼanaxéedáḵw
Handouts: chat (txt), Location & Direction: bases, suffixes (slideshow)
March 18, 2021
Handouts: chat (txt), Tlʼanaxéedáḵw (pdf)
March 16, 2021
Words of the masters, visualizing verbal structure, translation
Handouts: chat (txt), Visualizing Verbal Structure (slideshow)
March 04, 2021
Handouts: chat (txt), Tlʼanaxéedáḵw (pdf)
Spring Break Translation Exercise: Yéil Ḵa Du Káak (Pages, Word, pdf)
March 02, 2021
dleit, time & sequence, location & direction, placenames
Handouts: chat (txt), time & sequence (slideshow), location & direction (slideshow)
February 25, 2021
Haa Atx̱aayí, Zoom Doom!
Handouts: chat (txt), Haa Atx̱aayí (slideshow)
February 23, 2021
Direction & Location, Haa Atx̱aayí
Handouts: chat (txt), Haa Atx̱aayí (slideshow)
February 18, 2021
Sharing sentences, Direction & Location
Handouts: chat (txt), Intermediate Tlingit (pdf)
February 11, 2021
Ḵutí, aan ka saaxʼú, Direction & Location, Yéil ḵa Saak, verbs
Handouts: chat (txt), Tlingit Direction & Location (slideshow), Yéil ḵa Saak (pdf)
Yéil ḵa Saak (mp3)
09-02 CJ Raven & Hooligan
February 9, 2021
Aan ka saaxʼú (placenames), chill verbs, motion verbs
Handouts: chat (txt), class notes (pdf)
February 4, 2021
Ḵutí (weather), Shlakneek (family, Naatsilanéi), sharing language, direction & location
Handouts: chat (txt), Weather (slideshow), placenames (pdf), Tlingit Direction & Location (slideshow)
February 02, 2021
Snow, haa een aaxʼw, Intro to Tlingit Verbs, kinship terms
Handouts: chat (txt), class notes (pdf) Intro to Tlingit Verbs (slideshow)
Jan 28, 2021
ḵusax̱án yoo x̱ʼatángi, verbal structure, Battle of Sitka
Handouts: chat (txt), Battle of Sitka (pdf)
Jan 26, 2021
Subjects, objects, and indirect objects; language changes; types of nouns; The Battle at Indian River; civil rights sentences, Intro to Verbs
Handouts: chat (txt)
Jan 21, 2021
Conversations in Lingít, Ḵaajeetguxeex yoo x̱ʼatángi
Handouts: chat (txt)
Jan 19, 2021 (watch class)
Civil Rights, Q&A, verbal structure
Handouts: chat (txt), class notes (pdf), adjectives & adverbs (pdf), adjectives & adverbs (updated pdf)
January 14, 2021 (watch class)
Verb conjugation (progressive imperfective, perfective, future), introduction to Tlingit verbs (objects, subjects, modes)
Handouts: Intro to Tlingit Verbs (slideshow), class notes (pdf)
January 12, 2021 (watch class)
Introductions, Haa Tuwunáagu Yís (public speeches)
Handouts: chat (txt), pages from Haa Tuwunáagu Yís (pdf)
Intermediate Tlingit I – Fall Semester 2020
December 03, 2020 (watch class)
Wooch een x̱ʼawtuli.át, sample dialogue, migration, kinship
Handouts: chat (txt), class notes (pdf), traveling & migrating (slideshow)
December 01, 2020 (watch class)
gáasʼ ḵa át ḵuwligáasʼ, emotions (internet issues caused lots of freezing)
Handouts: chat (txt), emotions (pdf)
November 24, 2020 (watch class)
Wooch een shkalneek wutuliyéx̱
Handouts: chat (txt)
November 19, 2020 (watch class)
Ḵutí ḵa naa.át, learning strategies, Táaxʼaa
Handouts: chat (txt), Time & Sequence (pdf) (keynote) (powerpoint)
November 17, 2020 (watch class)
Sharing projects, Q&A, Location & Direction (bases & suffixes)
Handouts: chat (txt), Location & Direction: bases & suffixes (pdf)
November 13, 2020 (watch class)
Q&A, looking up verbs, Táaxʼaa
Handout: chat (txt)
November 03, 2020 (watch class)
Wooch een yoo x̱ʼatutli.átk, Direction & Location, Táaxʼaa
Handout: chat (txt), ḵu.éexʼ terms (pdf), Tlingit Direction & Location (slideshow, updated)
October 27, 2020 (watch class)
Wooch een yoo x̱ʼadudli.átk, Direction & Location, Táaxʼaa
Handout: chat (txt), Táaxʼaa — Shaadaaxʼ X̱ʼéidáx̱ Sh Kalneek (Mosquito, told by Robert Zuboff) (video)
October 22, 2020 (watch class)
Direction & Location, Placenames, Body Parts
Handouts: chat (txt), Tlingit Direction & Location (slideshow), Tlingit Stem List by Jeff Leer, Tlingit Verbs (notes) by Jeff Leer, Haa Wsineix̱ Haa Yoo X̱ʼatángi (a grammar of Lingít for intermediate learners) by X̱ʼunei, Tááxʼaa by Shaadaaxʼ (pdf from Haa Shuká), Táaxʼaa (retype). Táaxʼaa (mp3)
October 20, 2020 (watch class)
Yaaw Du Tuwáa Sigóo Kéidladi, Direction & Location
Handouts: Placenames edited by Yaan Jiyeet G̲áax̲ Tom Thornton, Tlingit Direction & Location (slideshow)
October 15, 2020 (watch class)
Overcoming obstacles, dialogue practice, object pronouns
Handouts: chat (txt)
October 13, 2020 (watch class)
Sharing yoo x̱ʼatánk, Q&A, Xíxchʼ Aawasháayi Yées Sháatkʼ, Object pronouns & verb changes
Handouts: chat (txt),
October 08, 2020 (watch class)
Sharing yoo x̱ʼatánk, Xíxchʼ Aawasháayi Yées Sháatkʼ
Handouts: chat (txt), Aadé X̱áat Duxáashi Yé (pdf, iBooks)
October 06, 2020 (watch class)
Time & Sequence, Xíxchʼ Aawasháayi Yées Sháatkʼ
Handouts: chat (txt), Time & Sequence (slideshow)
October 01, 2020 (watch class)
Xíxchʼ Aawasháayi Yées Sháatkʼ
Handouts: chat (txt), Encouragement (slideshow)
September 29. 2020 (watch class)
Q&A, Xíxchʼ Aawasháayi Yées Sháatkʼ
Handouts: chat (txt), Xíxch’ Yées Sháatk’ Aawasháa (slideshow)
September 24, 2020 (watch class)
Q&A, Noun Suffixes, Talking about self & others, plural pronouns
Handout: chat (txt), for others see Sep 22 class.
September 22, 2020 (watch class)
Time (days, weeks, months, seasons), Q&A, Kayaaní name game, Little Readings in Tlingit, noun suffixes
Handouts & Links: chat (txt), class notes (pdf), Intermediate Tlingit Possession Handout (slideshow), Kaséix̱ ḵa Jina.áakw — Haa atx̱aayí ḵa Haa Ḵusteeyí daat (YouTube Video)
September 17, 2020 (watch class)
Q&A, Wáa sá iduwasáakw, Daaḵw.aa naax̱ sá isitee? Nouns, adjectives, and suffixes.
Link: Let’s Learn Clinket videos
September 15, 2020 (watch class)
Q&A, Little Readings in Tlingit, Beginning Tlingit Workbook Chapter 2.
Handout: Chat (txt)
September 10, 2020 (watch class)
Q&A, Hintak.ádi, Chapter One & Two Beginning Tlingit Workbook
September 8, 2020 (watch class)
Q&A, Sound practice, Aadé x̱ʼaduwóosʼi yé
Handout: Aadé X̱ʼaduwóosʼi Yé (How to Ask Questions, slideshow)
September 3, 2020 (watch class)
Q&A, Sounds & Intro to Tlingit, Time
Handout: Beginning Tlingit 01 (slideshow)
September 1, 2020 (watch class)
Introductions, Yéil ḵa X̱ʼaan, Land Animal Challenge, Yatseeneit
Handout: Yéil ḵa X̱ʼaan (untranslated slideshow)
August 27, 2020 (watch class)
Introductions, Q&A, Learning Techniques, Overcoming Trauma, Intro to Tlingit, Sound Practice
Handout: Beginning Tlingit 01 (slideshow)
August 25, 2020 (watch class)
Introductions, how to learn, words from the masters
Handout: Words of the Masters
Intermediate Tlingit II – Spring Semester 2019
Aak’wtaatseen Tlingit Only (midterm translation assignment)
FINAL PROJECT (Due Tuesday April 30): Tlingit_Domain_Reclaimation
At Gadax̱ít Yinaa Dísi 01 (watch class)
Final presentations
Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi 26 (watch class)
Sharing sentences, final project prepping, Aakʼwtaatseen, Future verb mode
Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi 24 (watch class)
Sharing language, bases & suffixes, summer language activities
Handouts:verb_perfective_&_future, tlingit_bases_suffixes, tipitap, GHF_Children_Book
Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi 18 (watch class)
Sharing language, Xunaa Sentences, Perfective Verbs, Final assignments
Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi 16 (watch class)
Final classes & projects, q&a, perfective verbs, bases & suffixes
Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi 11 (watch class)
Q&A, the perfective, verb prefixes & stems
Handouts: 03-The-Perfective-(handout), verb_perfective_2, 04-the-future-handout, 08 charlie white
Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi 09 (watch class)
Seasons, Q&A, sharing sentences, bases & suffixes, positional pronouns
Handouts: notes-10
Xʼéig̱aa Kayaaní Dísi 02 (watch class)
Little Readings, Q&A, Perfective Verbs
Handouts: notes-09
Héen Taanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 28 (watch class)
Dialogue Presentations, Aakʼwtaatseen
Handouts: notes-08
Héen Taanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 26 (watch class)
Dialogue Presentations
Handouts: notes-04, notes-05, notes-06, notes-07
Héen Taanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 21 (watch class)
Sharing sentences & resources
Héen Taanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 19 (watch class)
Conversations, Q&A, negative modes, classifiers, conjugating verbs.
Handouts: negation in tlingit verbs, GHF_Children_Book
Héen Taanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 7 (watch class)
Words of our elders, sharing sentences, Perfective verbs
Handouts: tlingit-quotations, verb_perfective_1
Héen Taanáx̱ Kayaaní Dísi 5 (watch class)
Sharing sentences, Áakʼwtaatseen translation
Handout: Aak’wtaatseen Tlingit Only (d0c), Aak’wtaatseen Tlingit Only (pages)
Sʼeek Dísi 28 (watch class)
Little Readings in Tlingit, Bases & Suffixes, Perfective & Verbal Structure
Handout: Perfective Verb Mode (slideshow)
Sʼeek Dísi 26 (watch class)
sharing sentences, resources, suffixes, translation
Handout: tlingit_bases_suffixes (slideshow)
Sʼeek Dísi 22 (watch class)
Sharing language, perfective verbs, puppet shows, beaver & porcupine, Little Readings in Tlingit
Handouts: 03-The-Perfective-(handout), Sʼigeidí ḵa X̱ʼalakʼáchʼ Shkalneek
Sʼeek Dísi 20 (watch class)
Sharing language, stories, Little Readings in Tlingit, grammar & verbs
Sʼeek Dísi 14, 2019 (watch class)
Hintak.ádi, games, describing things, repetitive nouns, direction & location, motion, suffixes, Sʼigeidí ḵa X̱alakʼáchʼ.
Handouts: Tlingit Through Placenames (slideshow), Sʼigeidí ḵa X̱alakʼáchʼ
Sʼeek Dísi 12, 2019 (watch class)
yoo x̱ʼadudli.átgi, x̱ʼakaduneek, throwing verbs
Handout: noun-database-combined-alphabetical
Sʼeek Dísi 7, 2019 (watch class)
nouns & sentences, translation work, verbs (read chapter 9 in Haa Wsineix̱ Haa Yoo X̱ʼatángi), Ḵaalḵáawu yoo x̱ʼatángi.
Sʼeek Dísi 5, 2019 (watch class)
haa yoo x̱ʼatángi yéi jineiyí, yá haa yoo x̱ʼatángi daat woosh kaanáx̱ gax̱tuda.áat, yax̱ ḵuhá, yakyee, dís, táakw, gaaw, yéi daadunéiyi át.
Handouts: tlingit-time, tlingit-studycard-verbs (updated)
January 31, 2019 (watch class)
át kawdliyeejí át wutuwasáakw, verbs, structure.
Handouts: tlingit-time, visualizing_verbal_structure
January 29, 2019 (watch class)
wooch een yoo x̱ʼadudli.átgi (conversation), haa yoo x̱ʼatangi yéi jineiyí (our language work), yéi daadunéiyi át (verbs)
Handouts: Aak’wtaatseen Tlingit Only (midterm translation assignment), tlingit-studycard-verbs
January 24, 2019 (watch class)
Introductions, compound words, nouns, verbs
Handouts: notes-03, haa_saaxʼú
January 22, 2019 (watch class)
Birds, Forming questions, Verbal Structure
intermediate-tlingit-questions, notes-02
January 17, 2019 (watch class)
Introductions, dleit, forming questions
Handout: Tlingit Questions & Grammar, dleit, notes-01
January 15, 2019 (watch class)
Introductions, language goals & needs, semester overview, learning and use ideas.
Handout: GHF Children’s Book (draft)
Intermediate Tlingit I – Fall Semester – 2018
December 11, 2018 (watch class)
Final presentations
December 06, 2018 (watch class)
grammar discussions, the perfective, finals presentations, kinship
Handouts: Eggleston_Verbs, Jeff Leer Verbs (typed), Tlingit Verb Conjugation, conjugation party blanks, tlingit_bases_suffixes, conjugation-party
December 04, 2018 (watch class)
pronouns, Yéil ḵa X̱ʼaan, suffixes, kinship, verbs
Handouts: notes-14, yeil_kha_xh’aan_translate, tlingit-studycard-1-new
November 29. 2018 (watch class)
Common phrases, negative verbs, antonym verbs, nouns & compound nouns, kinship
Handout: useful-phrases, negation, adjectives & adverbs
November 27, 2018 (watch class)
Reflections, verbal structure, Peanuts, wanting, verbs.
Handouts: notes-13
November 08, 2018 (watch class)
Language Summit planning, learner created dialogues, Q&A, Yéil ḵa Anóoshan Aaní
November 01, 2018 (watch class)
Tlingit Alphabet cards & making sentences, feelings, learning tips, learner-selected vocabulary
October 30, 2018 (watch class)
Language summit, intro to adverbs & adjectives, learner created dialogues, body parts, feelings
Handout: notes-11
October 25, 2018 (watch class)
Learner created dialogues, Q&A, weather, verb modes, feelings, body parts
Handouts: notes-10
October 23, 2018 (watch class)
Learner created dialogues, time.
Handout: tlingit-time
October 16, 2018 (watch class)
Location & direction, verbal structure, weather
October 11, 2018 (watch class)
History of Tlingit documentation, weather.
Handout: migrations
October 9, 2018 (watch class)
Q&A, who we are, direction & location.
Handouts: , notes-07
October 4, 2018 (watch class)
Weather, changing verbs, pronouns.
Handout: notes-06
October 2, 2018 (watch class)
Q&A, talking about self, clan, and family, checking in on the learning process
Handout: notes-05

September 27, 2018 (watch class)
át kawdliyeeji át, cooking verbs, introductions, common phrases
Handouts: useful-phrases, notes-04
September 25, 2018 (watch class)
Q&A, class assignments, pronouns, verbs
Handout: Weekly_Goal_Sheet, pronouns, negation
September 20, 2018 (watch class)
Possessive pronouns & suffixes, tech day, having.
September 18, 2018 (watch class)
Q&A, noun suffixes, possessive pronouns, possessing nouns
Handout: placenames
September 13, 2018 (watch class)
Q&A, opposites, question particles, Beginning Tlingit nouns, pronouns, introduction to noun suffixes
Handout: opposites, Tlingit_Suffix_Introduction
September 11, 2018 (watch class)
Sʼigeidí ḵa X̱alakʼáchʼ shkalneek, Q&A, sound practice, space, forming questions.
September 06, 2018 (watch class)
Learning methods, studying methods, sound practice, greetings & departures.
September 04, 2018 (watch class)
Introductions, making & recalling lists, elder visit (yay!), basic verbal structure, the classifier, sound practice
August 30, 2018 (watch class)
Introductions, Learning Tlingit, Intro to the Tlingit Language
handout: Beginning Tlingit Slideshow, Alaska Native Language Map (from ANLC)
August 28, 2018 (watch class)
Introductions, learning Tlingit, wisdom from the elders
Intermediate Tlingit II – Spring Semester – 2018
Final Translation Project (Due May 4 by 11:59 pm)
May 1, 2018 (watch class)
Final projects. Final translations. Hóochʼ
April 26, 2018 (watch class)
Translation exercises.
April 24, 2018 (watch class)
Translation exercises
April 17, 2018 (watch class)
Prospective Aspect in Tlingit by Éedaa, translation.
April 12, 2018 (watch class)
Immersion (family & loved ones), story translation (handout on April 5 class)
April 10, 2018 (watch class)
Particles, Q&A, story translation, perfective mode (with thematic prefix)
April 5, 2018 (watch class)
Immersion: summer plans, Yéil ḵa Du Káak Shkalneek, xʼúxʼ wutuwatóow
Handout: summer_plans, A1_WomanMarriedFrog_Tlingit_book
April 3, 2018 (watch class)
Eating, verb modes, perfective verbs
Handout: perfective-1
March 27, 2018 (watch class)
Q&A, using resources, translation techniques, perfective verbs, classifiers, modes.
Handouts: 03-The-Perfective-(handout), Perfective,
March 20, 2018 (watch class)
March 20, 2018 (watch class)
Hiccough, Verbal Structure, Reading Themes, Perfective Mode
Handout: verb-sluething-1
March 8, 2018 (watch class)
Little Readings, Conjugations, Language for the Home
Handout: Little_readings, Object_Subject_2
March 6, 2018 (watch class)
Little Readings, Time & Verb Themes
Handout: tlingit-time
March 1, 2018 (watch class)
Verb Conjugations, Little Readings, Immersion (moving & migrating).
Handout: migrations
February 27, 2018 (watch class)
Little Readings in Tlingit, Verbal Structure, Object-Subject Combinations.
Handouts: Litte Readings (partial), Verb Work
February 22, 2018 (watch class)
Reflecting on learning, verb monsters, object-subject combinations
Handout: Object_Subject
February 20, 2018 (watch class)
Learning Tlingit, languages & families, snow, placenames, verb monsters.
Handouts: dleit, Verb_Monsters
February 15, 2018 (watch class)
Immersion, introductions, talking about self & family, describing things. Class visits by Shaag̱aa.éesh & Kingeistí.
Handout: immersion phrases
February 13, 2018 (watch class)
Opposites, Translation Exercises, Verbal Structure.
Handouts: Opposites, Kahoot Game
February 8, 2018 (watch class)
Immersion. Describing things, naming things.
Handout: Tlingit Descriptions
February 6, 2018 (watch class)
Translation exercises, time.
Handout: sentence_excercises-03
February 1, 2018 (watch class)
Tlingit immersion
Handout: immersion-1
January 30, 2018 (watch class)
Translation Exercises, Adverbs, Verb Drills
Handouts: sentence_excercises-02, adjectives & adverbs, pronouns-grammar
January 25, 2018 (watch class)
Translation exercises
Handouts: sentence_excercises-01, Haa Hítxʼi Yís
January 23, 2018 (watch class)
Particles, immersion phrases, translation, Táaxʼaa translation
Handout: YTT Mentor-Apprentice Immersion Phrases
January 18, 2018 (watch class)
Immersion techniques, conversational phrases, noun review, Táaxʼaa translation
January 16, 2018 (watch class)
conversation, immersion strategies, nouns, Táaxʼaa shkalneek
Intermediate Tlingit I – Fall Semester – 2017
Starting September 28, 2017, we will be using different web meeting software.
Things Iʼd Like to Say (Google Spreadsheet)
December 7, 2017 (watch class)
Action verbs, objects & subjects, semester wrap-up
December 5, 2017 (watch class)
Placenames, direction & location, motion verbs, action verbs
Handout: class-notes-11
November 30, 2017 (watch class)
Kinship terms, motion verbs, object & subject pronouns.
Handout: class-notes-10
November 28, 2017 (watch class)
listening & translation exercise, direction & location
Handout: Learning Tlingit Through Placenames (slideshow), Raven Loses His Nose by Austin Hammond
November 21, 2017 (watch class)
Base & suffix combinations
Handout: tlingit_bases_suffixes, class-notes-09, Daanaawaaḵ – Raven Loses Nose
Noveber 16, 2017 (watch class)
Sample sentences, Q&A, reading & translation practice
Handout: Saagóot ḵa Shaadá Shkalneegí: Tléixʼ (corrected version)
November 14, 2017 (watch class)
Directions & Locations, Possessing Nouns, Sample Sentences
Handout: Tlingit Through Placenames (slideshow)
October 26, 2017 (watch class)
Reading & Translation Exercises, Noun Suffixes, Adjectives
Handouts: Tlingit Possessives Worksheet, intermediate-tlingit-possession, pronouns-grammar
October 24, 2017 (watch class)
Reading & Translation Exercises, Noun Suffixes, Adjectives
Handout: Noun-Suffixes
October 19, 2017 (watch class)
Reading & Translation Exercise, Feelings
October 17, 2017 (watch class)
Sharing language, reading & translation exercise, feelings & verbs
Handout: class-notes-07
October 12, 2017 (watch class)
Readings & translation practice, looking up verbs, feelings & body parts
October 10, 2017 (watch class)
Readings & translation practice, Weather, verb modes.
Handout: weather&verbs, Weather (slides)
October 5, 2017 (watch class)
Name game: plants, noun & spelling practice, Beginning Tlingit review (weather), verb modes

October 3, 2017 (watch class)
Verb Modes, Noun Review & Spelling Practice, Beginning Tlingit Review
Handout: Tlingit Verb Modes (slides)
September 28, 2017 (watch class)
Beginning Tlingit Review, Opposites, Areal & Other Prefixes
Handout: Opposites (slideshow)
September 26, 2017 (watch class)
Tribute to Ḵeixwnéi, Beginning Tlingit Review
Handouts: Ḵeixwnéi Haa Tóot Aawatee Latseen (video)
September 21, 2017 (watch class)
Listening Exercise, Beginning Tlingit Review, Pronouns, Verb Conjugation
Handouts: class-notes-06, TlingitVerbConjugation
September 19, 2017 (watch class)
Beginning Tlingit Review, Verb Conjugation
handout: class-notes-05
September 14, 2017 (watch class)
Tlingit time, Learning to Use Verbs
handout: tlingit-time, class-notes-04
September 12, 2017 (watch class)
Beginning Tlingit Review, Pronouns, Grammar
Handout: pronouns-grammar, class-notes-03, Beginning Tlingit Benchmarks
September 7, 2017 (watch class)
Tlingit Questions & Phrases, Beginning Tlingit Review
Handout: Tlingit_Questions_Phrases
September 5, 2017 (watch class)
Beginning Tlingit Review
August 29, 2017 (watch class)
Class introductions. Overview. Review!
Handout: Beginning Tlingit Slideshow
August 31, 2017 (watch class)
Sharing Tlingit language, Shaadaaxʼ X̱ʼéidáx̱ Shkalneek, Learning philosophies
Handouts: 04 robert zuboff,
Intermediate Tlingit II – Spring Semester — 201604 robert zuboff
March 31, 2016 (watch class)
Content: Learning the Perfective Mode, Subjects, Objects
Handouts: Tlingit Verb Conjugation: an interactive look at verb components
February 9, 2016 (watch class)
Content: Listening to Tlingit, Sentence Structure, Place names, Noun Review, Spelling
12-03 KM R Brown Bears
12-03 KM Raven & Brown Bear – final
alphabet poster
Intermediate Tlingit I – Fall Semester — 2015
November 19, 2015 (watch class)
Content: Verb conjugation, review, directions, locations, motion …
Handout: Beginning Tlingit Nouns & Verb Overview Slideshow
November 17, 2015 (watch class)
Content: Direction & Location, Motion Verbs, Shkalneek
November 12, 2015 (watch class)
Content: Presentations, Verb Work, Chʼa daa sá
Handout: verbal-structure-handbook (Crippen)
November 10, 2015 (watch class)
Content: Presentations
November 5, 2015 (watch class)
Content: Verb Conjugations, Interjections & Phrases, Raven Story, and more!

November 3, 2015 (watch video)
Content: Conjugating Verbs, Pronouns, Preparing for Presentations, Direction & Location, Noun Suffixes
October 27, 2015 (watch video)
Content: Directional & Location Terms, Placenames, Basic Verbal Structure, Review
October 22, 2015 (watch class)
Content: Directional & Location Terms, Placenames …
Handout: Tlingit Through Placenames (slideshow)
October 15, 2015 (watch class)
Content: Tricky Nouns, Modifying Nouns, Directional & Relational Terms
October 13, 2015 (watch class)
Content: suffix rules, modifying nouns, beginning Tlingit review, Raven & Killer Whales story
Handout: 06-08 SJ Raven & Killerwhales – final
October 8, 2015 (watch class)
Content: Interjections, Common Phrases, Modifying Nouns …
October 6, 2015 (watch class)
Content: body parts, kinship, pronouns, modifying nouns, Beginning Tlingit review
Handouts: body-parts-broken-apart, adjectives & adverbs
October 1, 2015 (watch class)
Content: Beginning Tlingit Review, Nouns, Modifying Nouns, Verbs
September 29, 2015 (watch class)
Content: Beginning Tlingit Review, Nouns, Modifiers
September 24, 2015 (watch class)
Content: Fire Alarms and Shenanigans, Beginning Tlingit Review VI, Parts of Speech, Nouns, Shkalneek.
Handout: Tlingit Parts of Speech 1
September 22, 2015 (watch class)
Content: Hintak.ádi Quiz, Beginning Tlingit Review V, Nouns, Shkalneek
September 17, 2015 (watch class)
Content: Beginning Tlingit Review IV, Shkalneek
September 15, 2015 (watch class)
Handout: Listen: The Education of Nora Dauenhauer
Content: Beginning Tlingit Review III, Shkalneek
September 10, 2015 (watch class)
Handout: shkalneek
Content: Beginning Tlingit Review II, Shkalneek
September 8, 2015 (watch class)
Content: Beginning Tlingit Review I, learning philosophies & teaching methodologies
September 3, 2015 (watch class)
Content: syllabus, introductions, learning philosophies
September 1, 2015 (watch class)
Handout: AKL205 Syllabus, AKL 205 Pretest
Content: syllabus, introductions, learning philosophies